International Marketing Review (IMR) is a journal that has, as its core remit, the goal of publishing research that pushes back the boundaries of international marketing knowledge. IMR does this by publishing novel research ideas, and by publishing papers that add substance to, question the basic assumptions of, reframe, or otherwise shape what we think we know within in the international marketing field. IMR is pluralistic, publishing papers that are conceptual, quantitative-empirical, or qualitative-empirical. At IMR, we aim to be a journal that recognizes great papers and great research ideas, and works hard with authors to nurture those ideas through to publication. We aim to be a journal that is proactive in developing the research agenda in international marketing, by identifying critical research issues, and promoting research within those areas. Finally, IMR is a journal that is comfortable exploring, and that fosters the exploration of, the interfaces and overlaps between international marketing and other business disciplines. Where no interfaces or overlaps exist, IMR will be a journal that is ready to create them. IMR’s definition of international marketing is purposefully broad and includes, although is not restricted to: -International market entry decisions and relationships; -Export marketing and supply chain issues; -International retailing; -International channel management; -Consumer ethnocentrism, country and product image and origin effects; -Cultural considerations in international marketing; -International marketing strategy; -Aspects of international marketing management such as international branding, advertising and new product development.
《国际市场营销评论》(International Marketing Review, IMR)是一本领先的学术期刊,专注于促进国际市场营销领域的理论和实践知识的进展。IMR 特别欢迎那些能够应对跨国经营组织所面临挑战的研究作品。期刊感兴趣的主题广泛,包括但不限于跨文化消费者行为、全球品牌建设、国际市场进入策略、全球背景下的数字营销,以及全球化对营销实践的影响。IMR 鼓励多样性,接受包括概念性研究和经验性研究(无论是定量还是定性方法)在内的各种研究工作。