Journal of Clinical Hepatobiliary Diseases (Journal of Clinical Hepatobiliary Diseases), founded in 1985, is a medical professional journal under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, hosted by Jilin University, and academically supported by the Hepatology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and it is the first professional journal of Hepatobiliary Diseases in China. issn 1001-5256, CN 22-1108/r.
The journal is one of the “100 Chinese Outstanding Academic Journals (2018, 2020, 2021, 2022)”, “China Science and Technology Journal of Excellence” and “China Science and Technology Journal of Excellence in Academic Papers (F5000) “ program (2023-2026) source journals, World Impact Index (WJCI) Report of Science and Technology Journals (Third Quarter)”, ‘Chinese Core Journals of Peking University’, ‘Source Journals of Chinese Science and Technology Papers Statistics’ (Chinese Science and Technology Core Journals), and ‘RCCSE Authoritative Academic Journals in China (A+)’.