Advances in Oceanography and Limnology was born in 2010 from the 35 years old Proceedings of the national congress of the Italian Association of Oceanology and Limnology. The AIOL Journal was funded as an interdisciplinary journal embracing both fundamental and applied Oceanographic and Limnological research, with focus on both single and multiple disciplines. Currently, two regular issues of the journal are published each year. In addition, Special Issues that focus on topics that are timely and of interest to a significant number of Limnologists and Oceanographers are also published. The journal, which is intended as an official publication of the AIOL, is also published in association with the EFFS (European Federation for Freshwater Sciences), which aims and objectives are directed towards the promotion of freshwater sciences throughout Europe. Starting from the 2015 issue, the AIOL Journal is published as an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal. Space is given to regular articles, review, short notes and opinion paper