Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University is a comprehensive academic journal on science and engineering published by Beijing Jiaotong University. It covers the fields in pure and applied science as well as engineering technology. It reflects major academic achievements of communication engineering, traffic signal and control, optical fiber technology, information engineering, computer technology, software and its application, optical electronic material and engineering, civil engineering, bridge engineering, architecture, mechanical and electronic control, railway rolling stock, electrical engineering, electric traction and electronic technology, traffic and transport engineering, transport management engineering, applied mathematics, physics and chemistry, etc.
The columns of our journal include monographic study, specialty summary, strategic decision, suggestion, brief report on research, etc. Readership of the Journal comprises chiefly scientific researchers engaged in theoretical research, engineering development, productive sections, and faculty members in institutions of higher learning, as well as teachers, graduate students and senior college students.
《北京交通大学学报》是由教育部主管、北京交通大学主办的自然科学理论与技术类学术期刊,自1975年创刊,2004年更名为现名。该期刊经新闻出版广电总局批准,国内统一刊号为CN 11-5258/U,国际标准刊号为ISSN 1673-0291。作为双月刊,它面向国内外公开发行,主要服务对象包括科研人员、管理人员、高校教师、研究生和本科生等。