Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences), founded in 1958, is a comprehensive academic journal of medicine and health sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Central South University. The journal has been included in many important databases and authoritative abstract journals at home and abroad, such as the American Medline, Pubmed and its Index Medicus (IM), the Netherlands Medical Abstracts (EM), the American Chemical Abstracts (CA), the WHO Western Pacific Region Medical Index (WPRIM), and the Chinese Science Citation Database (Core Database) (CSCD); it is a statistical source journal of Chinese scientific and technological papers, a Chinese core journal, and a "double-effect" journal of the Chinese Journal Matrix; it is the "2nd, 3rd, and 4th China University Excellent Science and Technology Journal", "2008 China Excellent Science and Technology Journal", "RCCSE China Authoritative Academic Journal (A+)" and Hunan Province's "Top Ten Science and Technology Journals". The purpose of the journal is to reflect the new achievements, new technologies, and new experiences in medical research, medical treatment, and teaching, report new medical trends at home and abroad, promote academic exchanges, improve academic standards, and promote scientific and technological progress.
《中南大学学报( 医学版)》原名《湖南医科大学学报》,创刊于1958 年,为教育部主管、中南大学主办的医药卫生类综合性学术期刊。该刊已被美国医学文献分析和联机检索系统(Medline, Pubmed) 及其《医学索引》(IM)、荷兰《医学文摘》(EM)、美国《化学文摘》(CA)、WHO 西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)、中国科学引文数据库( 核心库) (CSCD) 等国内外多家重要数据库和权威文摘期刊收录;是中国科技论文统计源期刊、中文核心期刊及中国期刊方阵“双效”期刊;为“第2 届、第3 届、第4 届中国高校精品科技期刊”,“2008中国精品科技期刊”,“RCCSE 中国权威学术期刊(A+)”和湖南省“十佳科技期刊”。该期刊的办刊宗旨为反映医学科研、医疗、教学的新成果、新技术、新经验,报道国内外医学新动态,促进学术交流,提高学术水平,推动科技进步。