The International Journal of Energy Sector Management aims to facilitate dissemination of research on issues relating to supply management (covering the entire supply chain of resource finding, extraction, production, treatment, conversion, transportation, distribution and retail supply), demand and usage management, waste management, customer and other stakeholder management, and solutions thereto. The journal covers all forms of energy (non-renewable and renewable), forms of supply (centralised or decentralised), ownership patterns (public or private, cooperative, joint, or any other), market structures (formal, informal, integrated, disintegrated, national, international, local, etc.) and degress of commoditisation (e.g. internationally traded, regionally traded, non-traded, etc.). The journal aims to cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the management of the energy sector, including but not limited to: Management of scarce resources (economic, financial, human and natural), projects, activities and concerns (e.g. regulatory, social and environmental aspects), technologies and knowledge Business strategy, policy and planning as well as decision support systems for energy sector management Business organisation, structure and environment, and changes thereto Globalisation and multi-cultural management Management of innovation, change and transition.