Chinese Journal of Neurology was established in 1955, the predecessor of which is Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry has been indexed by MEDLINE until 1996, when it was divided into two journals, Chinese Journal of Neurology, and Chinese Journal of Psychiatry. Chinese Journal of Neurology is now indexed by EM, SCOPUS, AJ, WPRIM, CNKI, Wanfang Data, CSCD, etc. The impact factor of the journal is 2.755 in 2017, ranking the first among all neurological and psychological journals in China and among all the 142 medical journals published by the Chinese Medical Association. The journal is available both in print and online.
《中国小儿急救医学》杂志办刊宗旨为坚持面向临床,注重实用,遵循引进与独创、普及与提高、理论与实际相结合的原则,介绍国内外小儿急诊危重症医学领域的新技术、新进展,交流急救经验、科研成果,介绍急救药物、仪器和使用经验,以促进我国小儿急诊危重症医学事业的发展。本刊设有专家笔谈、指南·共识·解读、论著、临床应用研究、综述与讲座、病案报告、《PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE》主论文直通车等栏目,主要的读者对象为全国各级医院的儿科医生,尤其是儿科急诊、PICU、NICU的临床医生。