The politics of flight refugee movements between radical democracy and autonomous exodus

Johannes Siegmund
{"title":"The politics of flight refugee movements between radical democracy and autonomous exodus","authors":"Johannes Siegmund","doi":"10.1111/1467-8675.12714","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"ConstellationsEarly View ORIGINAL ARTICLE The politics of flight refugee movements between radical democracy and autonomous exodus Johannes Siegmund, Corresponding Author Johannes Siegmund [email protected] Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria Correspondence Johannes Siegmund, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Khevenhüllerstraße 12/3/6, 1190 Vienna, Austria. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author Johannes Siegmund, Corresponding Author Johannes Siegmund [email protected] Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria Correspondence Johannes Siegmund, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Khevenhüllerstraße 12/3/6, 1190 Vienna, Austria. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author First published: 29 September 2023 the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat REFERENCES Abizadeh, A. (2008). Democratic theory and border coercion: No right to unilaterally control your own borders. Political Theory, 36(1), 37–65. Agamben, G. (1995). We refugees. Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, 49(2), 114–119. Arendt, H. (1973). The origins of totalitarianism (New ed.). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Arendt, H. (1994). We refugees. In M. Robinson (Ed.), Altogether elsewhere: Writers on exile (pp. 110–119). Faber and Faber. Arendt, H. (2006). On revolution ( J. Schell, Ed.). Penguin Books. Ataç, I., Kron, S., Schilliger, S., Schwiertz, H., & Stierl, M. (2015). Kämpfe der Migration als Un-/Sichtbare Politiken. Einleitung zur zweiten Ausgabe. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1(2). Balibar, É. (1993). Die Grenzen der Demokratie (Vol. 1). Argument-Verlag. Balibar, É. (2004). We, the people of Europe? Reflections on transnational citizenship. Princeton University Press. Balibar, É. (2015). Citizenship. Polity Press. Benhabib, S. (2004). The rights of others: Aliens, residents and citizens. Cambridge University Press. S. Benhabib (Ed.). (2010). Politics in dark times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt. Cambridge University Press. Bernau, O. (2022). Brennpunkt Westafrika: Die Fluchtursachen Und Was Europa Tun Sollte. C.H. Beck. Blatt, T. (1996). Sobibor: The forgotten revolt—A survivor's report. H.E.P. Boatcă, M. (2012). Global inequalities: Transnational processes and transregional entanglements. RUDN Journal of Philosophy, 0(1), 116–131. Bojadžijev, M., & Karakayalı, S. (2007). Autonomie Der Migration. 10 Thesen Zu Einer Methode. In T. M. Forschungsguppe (Ed.), Turbulente Ränder, Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas (pp. 203–210). Transcript-Verl. Bojadžijev, M., & Karakayalı, S. (2010). Recuperating the sideshows of capitalism: The autonomy of migration today. E-Flux, (#17). Bojadžijev, M., Karakayali, S., & Tsianos, V. (2004). Das Gespenst Der Migration, Krise Des Nationalstaats Und Autonomie Der Migration. Fantômas—Magazin Für Linke Debatte Und Praxis (Nr. 5). Bradley, G. M., & de Noronha, L. (2022). Against borders: The case for abolition. Verso. Brand, U., Wissen, M., & Jungwirth, B. (2021). The imperial mode of living: Everyday life and the ecological crisis of capitalism. Verso. Brown, W. (2010). Walled states, waning sovereignty. Zone Books. Buckel, S., & Kopp, J. (2022). Fluchtursachen Das Recht, nicht gehen zu müssen, und die Politik Europas. Bertz und Fischer. Castles, S., Haas, H., & Miller, M. J. (2014). The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world (5th ed.). Guilford Press. Celikates, R. (2010). Ziviler Ungehorsam Und Radikale Demokratie. Konstitutive vs. Konstituierte Macht? In T. Bedorf & K. Röttgers (Eds.), Das Politische und die Politik (pp. 274–300). Suhrkamp Verlag. Danewid, I. (2017). White innocence in the Black Mediterranean: Hospitality and the erasure of history. Third World Quarterly, 38(7), 1674–1689. Därmann, I. (2021). Widerstände: Gewaltenteilung ‘in Statu Nascendi’. Matthes & Seitz Berlin. N. De Genova (Ed.). (2017). The borders of ‘Europe’: Autonomy of migration, tactics of bordering. Duke University Press. Dörre, K. (2012). Primary and secondary exploitation and the “vaxes of inequality”. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 22(1), 101–128. Du Bois, W. E. B. (2015). The souls of Black folk. Revised ed. edition. edited by J. S. Holloway,Yale University Press. Emejulu, A. (2022). Fugitive feminism. Silver Press. Federici, S. (2004). Caliban and the witch: Women, the body and primitive accumulation. Autonomedia. Gago, V., & Mason-Deese, L. (2020). Feminist international: How to change everything. Verso. Gatrell, P. (2015). The making of the modern refugee (Paperback edition). Oxford University Press. Gündogdu, A. (2015). Rightlessness in an age of rights: Hannah Arendt and the contemporary struggles of migrants. Oxford University Press. Hardt, M., & Negri, A. (2003). Empire: Die neue Weltordnung ( 1st ed.). Campus Verlag. Harney, S., & Moten, F. (2013). The undercommons: Fugitive planning & Black study. Minor Compositions. Hartman, S. V. (2020). Wayward lives, beautiful experiments: Intimate histories of riotous Black girls, troublesome women, and Queer radicals (First published as a Norton paperback). W.W. Norton & Company. Harvey, D. (2004). The “new imperialism”: Accumulation by dispossession. Actuel Marx, 35(1), 71–90. Harvey, D. (2005). The new imperialism. Oxford University Press. L. M. Heimeshoff, & S. Hess (Eds.). (2014). Migration, Kontrolle, Wissen: Transnationale Perspektiven. Assoziation A. S. Hess, B. Kasparek, S. Kron, M. Rodatz, Schwertl, M. , & S. Sontowski (Eds.). (2017). Der lange Sommer der Migration. (2. korrigierte Auflage). Assoziation A. Hickel, J. (2022). Less is more: How degrowth will save the world. Penguin Books. Honig, B. (2009). Democracy and the foreigner. Princeton University Press. Ince, O. U. (2016). Bringing the economy back in: Hannah Arendt, Karl Marx, and the politics of capitalism. The Journal of Politics, 78(2), 411–426. Ince, O. U. (2018). Between equal rights: Primitive accumulation and capital's violence. Political Theory, 46(6), 885–914. E. F. Isin, & G. M. Nielsen (Eds.). (2008). Acts of citizenship. Zed Books Ltd. Jakob, C. (2016). Die Bleibenden: Wie Flüchtlinge Deutschland seit 20 Jahren verändern (1. Auflage). Ch. Links Verlag. Kelley, R. D. G. (2008). Freedom dreams: The Black radical imagination. Beacon Press. Koerner, M. (2011). Line of escape: Gilles Deleuze's encounter with George Jackson. Genre, 44(2), 157–180. Korzeniewicz, R. P., & Moran, T. P. (2009). Unveiling inequality: A world-historical perspective. Russell Sage Foundation. Linebaugh, P., & Rediker, M. (2012). The many-headed hydra: The hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic. Verso. Marchart, O. (2010). Die Politische Differenz: Zum Denken Des Politischen Bei Nancy, Lefort, Badiou, Laclau Und Agamben (Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl). Suhrkamp. Marrus, M. R. (2002). The unwanted: European refugees in the twentieth century ( 2nd ed.). Temple University Press. Mbolela, E. (2021). Refugee: A memoir. First American edition. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Mezzadra, S. (2004). The right to escape. Ephemera, 4(3), 267–275. Mezzadra, S. (2020). Abolitionist vistas of the human. border struggles, migration and freedom of movement. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 424–440. Mezzadra, S., & Neilson, B. (2013). Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. Duke University Press. Mies, M. (2001). Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale: Women in the international division of labour. Zed Books. Mies, M., & Shiva, V. (2016). Ökofeminismus: Die Befreiung der Frauen, der Natur und unterdrückter Völker: Eine neue Welt wird geboren. 2. überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe. AG SPAK Bücher. Mohanty, C. T. (2003). Feminism without borders: Decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity. Duke University Press. Mokre, M. (2015). Solidarität als Übersetzung: Überlegungen zum Refugee Protest Camp Vienna. edited by A. Hummer, Transversal Texts. Mouffe, C., & Marchart, O. (2009). Exodus und Stellungskrieg: Die Zukunft radikaler Politik. Turia + Kant. Moulier Boutang, Y. (1998). De l'esclavage Au Salariat: Économie Historique Du Salariat Bridé. Presses universitaires de France. Osa, R. (2016). Video Interview with Rex Osa. Papadopoulos, D., Stephenson, N., & Tsianos, V. (2008). Escape routes: Control and subversion in the twenty-first century. Pluto. Papadopoulos, D., & Tsianos, V. S. (2013). After citizenship: Autonomy of migration, organisational ontology and mobile commons. Citizenship Studies, 17(2), 178–196. G. Proglio, I. Danewid, C. Hawthorne, P. K. Saucier, G. Grimaldi, A. Pesarini, T. Raemakers, G. Grechi, & V. Gerrand (Eds.). (2021). The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, borders and citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan. Quijano, A., & Ennis, M. (2000). Coloniality of power, eurocentrism, and Latin America. Nepantla: Views from South, 1(3), 533–580. Raimondi, F. (2016). Prekäre Politik. Hannah Arendt Zur Flüchtlingsfrage. Zeitschrift Für Politisches Denken, 8(1), Recht und Gerechtigkeit). Rancière, J. (1999). Disagreement: Politics and philosophy. University of Minnesota Press. Rancière, J. (2004). Who is the subject of the rights of man? The South Atlantic Quarterly, 103(2), 297–310. Redecker, E. (2020). Revolution für das Leben: Philosophie der neuen Protestformen. Fischer. Robinson, C. J. (2000). Black Marxism: The making of the Black radical tradition. University of North Carolina Press. Rosenberger, S. (2018). Protest movements in asylum and deportation. Springer. Sandoval, C. (2000). Methodology of the oppressed. University of Minnesota Press. Sassen, S. (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Harvard University Press. Sassen, S. (2016). A massive loss of habitat: New drivers for migration. Sociology of Development, 2(2), 204–233. Saucier, P. K., & Woods, T. P. (2014). Ex aqua: The Mediterranean Basin, Africans on the move, and the politics of policing. Theoria, 61(141). Scheel, S. (2013). Studying embodied encounters: Autonomy of migration beyond its romanticization. Postcolonial Studies, 16(3), 279–288. Scheel, S. (2015). Das Konzept Der Autonomie Der Migration Überdenken? Yes, Please! Movements, Journal Für Kritische MIgrations- Und Grenzregimeforschung, 1(2). Schwiertz, H., & Schwenken, H. (2020a). Introduction: Inclusive solidarity and citizenship along migratory routes in Europe and the Americas. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 405–423. Schwiertz, H., & Schwenken, H. (2020b). Mobilizing for safe passages and escape aid: Challenging the “asylum paradox” between active and activist citizenship, humanitarianism and solidarity. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 493–511. Sharma, N. (2009). Escape artists: Migrants and the politics of naming. Subjectivity, 29(1), 467–476. Shulman, G. (2021). Fred Moten's refusals and consents: The politics of fugitivity. Political Theory, 49(2), 272–313. V. Squire (Ed.). (2011). The contested politics of mobility: Borderzones and irregularity. Routledge. Stierl, M. (2015). The WatchTheMed Alarm Phone. A disobedient border-intervention. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1(2). Stierl, M. (2020). Migrant resistance in contemporary Europe. Routledge. Still, W. (2019). The underground railroad records: Narrating the hardships, hairbreadth escapes, and death struggles of the slaves in their efforts for freedom. Modern Library. L. Susemichel, & J. Kastner (Eds.). (2021). Unbedingte Solidarität (1 Auflage). Unrast. Torpey, J. (2000). The invention of the passport: Surveillance, citizenship, and the state. Cambridge University Press. Virno, P. (2003). A grammar of the multitude: For an analysis of contemporary forms of life. Semiotext (e). von Gleich, P. (2022). The Black border and fugitive narration in Black American literature ( 1st ed.). DE GRUYTER. Walia, H., Kelley, R. D. G., & Estes, N. (2021). Border and rule: Global migration, capitalism, and the rise of racist nationalism. Haymarket Books. Walzer, M. (1998). Exodus and revolution. Nachdr. Basic Books. 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ConstellationsEarly View ORIGINAL ARTICLE The politics of flight refugee movements between radical democracy and autonomous exodus Johannes Siegmund, Corresponding Author Johannes Siegmund [email protected] Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria Correspondence Johannes Siegmund, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Khevenhüllerstraße 12/3/6, 1190 Vienna, Austria. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author Johannes Siegmund, Corresponding Author Johannes Siegmund [email protected] Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria Correspondence Johannes Siegmund, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Khevenhüllerstraße 12/3/6, 1190 Vienna, Austria. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author First published: 29 September 2023 the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat REFERENCES Abizadeh, A. (2008). Democratic theory and border coercion: No right to unilaterally control your own borders. Political Theory, 36(1), 37–65. Agamben, G. (1995). We refugees. Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, 49(2), 114–119. Arendt, H. (1973). The origins of totalitarianism (New ed.). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Arendt, H. (1994). We refugees. In M. Robinson (Ed.), Altogether elsewhere: Writers on exile (pp. 110–119). Faber and Faber. Arendt, H. (2006). On revolution ( J. Schell, Ed.). Penguin Books. Ataç, I., Kron, S., Schilliger, S., Schwiertz, H., & Stierl, M. (2015). Kämpfe der Migration als Un-/Sichtbare Politiken. Einleitung zur zweiten Ausgabe. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1(2). Balibar, É. (1993). Die Grenzen der Demokratie (Vol. 1). Argument-Verlag. Balibar, É. (2004). We, the people of Europe? Reflections on transnational citizenship. Princeton University Press. Balibar, É. (2015). Citizenship. Polity Press. Benhabib, S. (2004). The rights of others: Aliens, residents and citizens. Cambridge University Press. S. Benhabib (Ed.). (2010). Politics in dark times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt. Cambridge University Press. Bernau, O. (2022). Brennpunkt Westafrika: Die Fluchtursachen Und Was Europa Tun Sollte. C.H. Beck. Blatt, T. (1996). Sobibor: The forgotten revolt—A survivor's report. H.E.P. Boatcă, M. (2012). Global inequalities: Transnational processes and transregional entanglements. RUDN Journal of Philosophy, 0(1), 116–131. Bojadžijev, M., & Karakayalı, S. (2007). Autonomie Der Migration. 10 Thesen Zu Einer Methode. In T. M. Forschungsguppe (Ed.), Turbulente Ränder, Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas (pp. 203–210). Transcript-Verl. Bojadžijev, M., & Karakayalı, S. (2010). Recuperating the sideshows of capitalism: The autonomy of migration today. E-Flux, (#17). Bojadžijev, M., Karakayali, S., & Tsianos, V. (2004). Das Gespenst Der Migration, Krise Des Nationalstaats Und Autonomie Der Migration. Fantômas—Magazin Für Linke Debatte Und Praxis (Nr. 5). Bradley, G. M., & de Noronha, L. (2022). Against borders: The case for abolition. Verso. Brand, U., Wissen, M., & Jungwirth, B. (2021). The imperial mode of living: Everyday life and the ecological crisis of capitalism. Verso. Brown, W. (2010). Walled states, waning sovereignty. Zone Books. Buckel, S., & Kopp, J. (2022). Fluchtursachen Das Recht, nicht gehen zu müssen, und die Politik Europas. Bertz und Fischer. Castles, S., Haas, H., & Miller, M. J. (2014). The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world (5th ed.). Guilford Press. Celikates, R. (2010). Ziviler Ungehorsam Und Radikale Demokratie. Konstitutive vs. Konstituierte Macht? In T. Bedorf & K. Röttgers (Eds.), Das Politische und die Politik (pp. 274–300). Suhrkamp Verlag. Danewid, I. (2017). White innocence in the Black Mediterranean: Hospitality and the erasure of history. Third World Quarterly, 38(7), 1674–1689. Därmann, I. (2021). Widerstände: Gewaltenteilung ‘in Statu Nascendi’. Matthes & Seitz Berlin. N. De Genova (Ed.). (2017). The borders of ‘Europe’: Autonomy of migration, tactics of bordering. Duke University Press. Dörre, K. (2012). Primary and secondary exploitation and the “vaxes of inequality”. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 22(1), 101–128. Du Bois, W. E. B. (2015). The souls of Black folk. Revised ed. edition. edited by J. S. Holloway,Yale University Press. Emejulu, A. (2022). Fugitive feminism. Silver Press. Federici, S. (2004). Caliban and the witch: Women, the body and primitive accumulation. Autonomedia. Gago, V., & Mason-Deese, L. (2020). Feminist international: How to change everything. Verso. Gatrell, P. (2015). The making of the modern refugee (Paperback edition). Oxford University Press. Gündogdu, A. (2015). Rightlessness in an age of rights: Hannah Arendt and the contemporary struggles of migrants. Oxford University Press. Hardt, M., & Negri, A. (2003). Empire: Die neue Weltordnung ( 1st ed.). Campus Verlag. Harney, S., & Moten, F. (2013). The undercommons: Fugitive planning & Black study. Minor Compositions. Hartman, S. V. (2020). Wayward lives, beautiful experiments: Intimate histories of riotous Black girls, troublesome women, and Queer radicals (First published as a Norton paperback). W.W. Norton & Company. Harvey, D. (2004). The “new imperialism”: Accumulation by dispossession. Actuel Marx, 35(1), 71–90. Harvey, D. (2005). The new imperialism. Oxford University Press. L. M. Heimeshoff, & S. Hess (Eds.). (2014). Migration, Kontrolle, Wissen: Transnationale Perspektiven. Assoziation A. S. Hess, B. Kasparek, S. Kron, M. Rodatz, Schwertl, M. , & S. Sontowski (Eds.). (2017). Der lange Sommer der Migration. (2. korrigierte Auflage). Assoziation A. Hickel, J. (2022). Less is more: How degrowth will save the world. Penguin Books. Honig, B. (2009). Democracy and the foreigner. Princeton University Press. Ince, O. U. (2016). Bringing the economy back in: Hannah Arendt, Karl Marx, and the politics of capitalism. The Journal of Politics, 78(2), 411–426. Ince, O. U. (2018). Between equal rights: Primitive accumulation and capital's violence. Political Theory, 46(6), 885–914. E. F. Isin, & G. M. Nielsen (Eds.). (2008). Acts of citizenship. Zed Books Ltd. Jakob, C. (2016). Die Bleibenden: Wie Flüchtlinge Deutschland seit 20 Jahren verändern (1. Auflage). Ch. Links Verlag. Kelley, R. D. G. (2008). Freedom dreams: The Black radical imagination. Beacon Press. Koerner, M. (2011). Line of escape: Gilles Deleuze's encounter with George Jackson. Genre, 44(2), 157–180. Korzeniewicz, R. P., & Moran, T. P. (2009). Unveiling inequality: A world-historical perspective. Russell Sage Foundation. Linebaugh, P., & Rediker, M. (2012). The many-headed hydra: The hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic. Verso. Marchart, O. (2010). Die Politische Differenz: Zum Denken Des Politischen Bei Nancy, Lefort, Badiou, Laclau Und Agamben (Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl). Suhrkamp. Marrus, M. R. (2002). The unwanted: European refugees in the twentieth century ( 2nd ed.). Temple University Press. Mbolela, E. (2021). Refugee: A memoir. First American edition. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Mezzadra, S. (2004). The right to escape. Ephemera, 4(3), 267–275. Mezzadra, S. (2020). Abolitionist vistas of the human. border struggles, migration and freedom of movement. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 424–440. Mezzadra, S., & Neilson, B. (2013). Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. Duke University Press. Mies, M. (2001). Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale: Women in the international division of labour. Zed Books. Mies, M., & Shiva, V. (2016). Ökofeminismus: Die Befreiung der Frauen, der Natur und unterdrückter Völker: Eine neue Welt wird geboren. 2. überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe. AG SPAK Bücher. Mohanty, C. T. (2003). Feminism without borders: Decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity. Duke University Press. Mokre, M. (2015). Solidarität als Übersetzung: Überlegungen zum Refugee Protest Camp Vienna. edited by A. Hummer, Transversal Texts. Mouffe, C., & Marchart, O. (2009). Exodus und Stellungskrieg: Die Zukunft radikaler Politik. Turia + Kant. Moulier Boutang, Y. (1998). De l'esclavage Au Salariat: Économie Historique Du Salariat Bridé. Presses universitaires de France. Osa, R. (2016). Video Interview with Rex Osa. Papadopoulos, D., Stephenson, N., & Tsianos, V. (2008). Escape routes: Control and subversion in the twenty-first century. Pluto. Papadopoulos, D., & Tsianos, V. S. (2013). After citizenship: Autonomy of migration, organisational ontology and mobile commons. Citizenship Studies, 17(2), 178–196. G. Proglio, I. Danewid, C. Hawthorne, P. K. Saucier, G. Grimaldi, A. Pesarini, T. Raemakers, G. Grechi, & V. Gerrand (Eds.). (2021). The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, borders and citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan. Quijano, A., & Ennis, M. (2000). Coloniality of power, eurocentrism, and Latin America. Nepantla: Views from South, 1(3), 533–580. Raimondi, F. (2016). Prekäre Politik. Hannah Arendt Zur Flüchtlingsfrage. Zeitschrift Für Politisches Denken, 8(1), Recht und Gerechtigkeit). Rancière, J. (1999). Disagreement: Politics and philosophy. University of Minnesota Press. Rancière, J. (2004). Who is the subject of the rights of man? The South Atlantic Quarterly, 103(2), 297–310. Redecker, E. (2020). Revolution für das Leben: Philosophie der neuen Protestformen. Fischer. Robinson, C. J. (2000). Black Marxism: The making of the Black radical tradition. University of North Carolina Press. Rosenberger, S. (2018). Protest movements in asylum and deportation. Springer. Sandoval, C. (2000). Methodology of the oppressed. University of Minnesota Press. Sassen, S. (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Harvard University Press. Sassen, S. (2016). A massive loss of habitat: New drivers for migration. Sociology of Development, 2(2), 204–233. Saucier, P. K., & Woods, T. P. (2014). Ex aqua: The Mediterranean Basin, Africans on the move, and the politics of policing. Theoria, 61(141). Scheel, S. (2013). Studying embodied encounters: Autonomy of migration beyond its romanticization. Postcolonial Studies, 16(3), 279–288. Scheel, S. (2015). Das Konzept Der Autonomie Der Migration Überdenken? Yes, Please! Movements, Journal Für Kritische MIgrations- Und Grenzregimeforschung, 1(2). Schwiertz, H., & Schwenken, H. (2020a). Introduction: Inclusive solidarity and citizenship along migratory routes in Europe and the Americas. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 405–423. Schwiertz, H., & Schwenken, H. (2020b). Mobilizing for safe passages and escape aid: Challenging the “asylum paradox” between active and activist citizenship, humanitarianism and solidarity. Citizenship Studies, 24(4), 493–511. Sharma, N. (2009). Escape artists: Migrants and the politics of naming. Subjectivity, 29(1), 467–476. Shulman, G. (2021). Fred Moten's refusals and consents: The politics of fugitivity. Political Theory, 49(2), 272–313. V. Squire (Ed.). (2011). The contested politics of mobility: Borderzones and irregularity. Routledge. Stierl, M. (2015). The WatchTheMed Alarm Phone. A disobedient border-intervention. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1(2). Stierl, M. (2020). Migrant resistance in contemporary Europe. Routledge. Still, W. (2019). The underground railroad records: Narrating the hardships, hairbreadth escapes, and death struggles of the slaves in their efforts for freedom. Modern Library. L. Susemichel, & J. Kastner (Eds.). (2021). Unbedingte Solidarität (1 Auflage). Unrast. Torpey, J. (2000). The invention of the passport: Surveillance, citizenship, and the state. Cambridge University Press. Virno, P. (2003). A grammar of the multitude: For an analysis of contemporary forms of life. Semiotext (e). von Gleich, P. (2022). The Black border and fugitive narration in Black American literature ( 1st ed.). DE GRUYTER. Walia, H., Kelley, R. D. G., & Estes, N. (2021). Border and rule: Global migration, capitalism, and the rise of racist nationalism. Haymarket Books. Walzer, M. (1998). Exodus and revolution. Nachdr. Basic Books. Early ViewOnline Version of Record before inclusion in an issue ReferencesRelatedInformation
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约翰内斯·西格蒙德,通讯作者约翰内斯·西格蒙德[email protected]维也纳美术学院艺术理论与文化研究所,维也纳美术学院艺术理论与文化研究所,khevenhllerstraß e 12/3/6, 1190维也纳,奥地利Email: [Email protected]搜索本文作者Johannes Siegmund的更多论文,通讯作者Johannes Siegmund [Email protected]奥地利维也纳美术学院艺术理论与文化研究所通信维也纳美术学院艺术理论与文化研究所,khevenhllerstraß e 12/3/6,奥地利维也纳1190。邮箱:[Email protected]搜索该作者的更多论文首次发表:2023年9月29日全文taboutpdf ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare给予accessShare全文accessShare全文accessShare全文accessShare请查看我们的使用条款和条件,并勾选下面的复选框共享文章的全文版本。我已经阅读并接受了Wiley在线图书馆使用共享链接的条款和条件,请使用下面的链接与您的朋友和同事分享本文的全文版本。学习更多的知识。复制URL共享链接共享一个emailfacebooktwitterlinkedinreddit微信参考文献Abizadeh, a .(2008)。民主理论与边境强制:没有权利单方面控制自己的边界。政治理论,36(1),37-65。Agamben, G.(1995)。我们的难民。现代文学论文集,49(2),114-119。阿伦特(1973)。极权主义的起源(新版)。哈考特·布雷斯·约万诺维奇。阿伦特,H.(1994)。我们的难民。在罗宾逊先生(编),在其他地方:作家流亡(第110-119页)。费伯和费伯。阿伦特,H.(2006)。论革命(J.谢尔主编)。企鹅出版社。Ataç, I., Kron, S., Schilliger, S., Schwiertz, H., & Stierl, M.(2015)。Kämpfe der Migration als Un-/Sichtbare Politiken。我们的目标是什么?运动。中国移民与边境政策研究,1(2)。Balibar E。(1993)。《民主的国民》(第一卷)。Balibar E。(2004)。我们,欧洲人民?关于跨国公民的思考。普林斯顿大学出版社。Balibar E。(2015)。公民身份。译林出版社。Benhabib, S.(2004)。其他人的权利:外国人、居民和公民。剑桥大学出版社。S. Benhabib(编辑)。(2010)。黑暗时代的政治:与汉娜·阿伦特的邂逅。剑桥大学出版社。Bernau, O.(2022)。Westafrika: Die Fluchtursachen and Was Europa Tun solte。h贝克。布拉特,T.(1996)。被遗忘的反抗——一份幸存者的报告。h . p . boatcei, M.(2012)。全球不平等:跨国进程和跨地区纠缠。哲学学报,30(1),116-131。Bojadžijev, M., & karakayalyi, S.(2007)。《移民的自主性》。10 .《三祖纳方法》。在t.m. Forschungsguppe(编),Turbulente Ränder,新视角下的auf Migration and den Grenzen Europas (pp. 203-210)。Transcript-Verl。Bojadžijev, M., & karakayalyi, S.(2010)。恢复资本主义的杂耍:今天移民的自主性。E-Flux(# 17)。Bojadžijev, M., Karakayali, S., & Tsianos, V.(2004)。《关于移民的研究》,《关于移民的国家和自治》。Fantômas-Magazin fr Linke辩论与实践(第5期). Bradley, G. M. & de Noronha, L.(2022)。反对边界:废除边界的理由。封底。Brand, U, Wissen, M., & Jungwirth, B.(2021)。帝国式的生活方式:日常生活与资本主义的生态危机。封底。布朗W.(2010)。被围墙包围的国家,逐渐衰落的主权。带书。巴克尔,S, & Kopp, J.(2022)。欧洲政治之日,欧洲政治之日。Bertz和Fischer。卡斯尔斯,S.,哈斯,H.,和米勒,M. J.(2014)。移民时代:现代世界的国际人口流动(第5版)。吉尔福德出版社。Celikates, R.(2010)。齐维勒,团结和民主。构成性与构成性?见T.贝多夫和K. Röttgers(编),《政治和政治》(第274-300页)。Suhrkamp出版社-。戴伟德等(2017)。白色的纯真在黑色的地中海:好客和历史的抹去。第三世界季刊,38(7),1674-1689。 Därmann, I.(2021)。Widerstände: Gewaltenteilung ' in Statu Nascendi '。Matthes & Seitz Berlin。N. De Genova(编)。(2017)。“欧洲”的边界:移民自治,边界策略。杜克大学出版社。Dörre, K.(2012)。初级和次级剥削以及“不平等的税”。中华医学杂志,22(1),101-128。杜波依斯,W。
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