Arendt und kein Ende? Representing the political in recent work on Hannah Arendt

IF 0.2 3区 文学 0 LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS GERMAN QUARTERLY Pub Date : 2023-10-19 DOI:10.1111/gequ.12385
Joseph D. O'Neil
{"title":"Arendt und kein Ende? Representing the political in recent work on Hannah Arendt","authors":"Joseph D. O'Neil","doi":"10.1111/gequ.12385","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p> <span>Arendt on the Political</span> by <span>David Arndt</span>, Cambridge University Press. <span>2019</span>. pp. x + 282.  $108 (hardcover). $32.99 (paperback or ebook)</p><p> <span>Hannah Arendt</span> by <span>Samantha Rose Hill</span>, Reaktion Books. <span>2021</span>. pp. 232. $19 (paperback or ebook)</p><p> <span>An Education in Judgment: Hannah Arendt and the Humanities</span> by <span>D.N. Rodowick</span>, University of Chicago Press. <span>2021</span>. pp. 224. $35 (hardcover). $28 (paperback). $34.99 (ebook)</p><p> <span>Hannah Arendt: Die Kunst, politisch zu denken</span> by <span>Maike Weißpflug</span>, Matthes &amp; Seitz. <span>2019</span>. pp. 318. €25 (hardcover)</p><p>To parody Goethe on Shakespeare: So much has already been said about Hannah Arendt that it might appear as though nothing more were left to say. But just as the authors of the <i>Sturm und Drang</i> recreated Shakespeare in their own image, Arendt's status as a talisman for different varieties of left-liberal politics, attempts to reframe her work as feminist, and varying assessments of her views on race might lead one to ask: If Arendt is the answer, what was the question again? Nonetheless, since the global resurgence of authoritarian populism as a challenge to self-assured post-Cold War liberal democracy and its own accompanying -isms, Arendt's focus on institutional structures and controls and her critique of an implicitly populist social revolution have found new relevance. Donald Trump's sudden appearance on the political scene and his unexpected election to the presidency have only enhanced her appeal; her classic political-historical study, <i>The Origins of Totalitarianism</i>, entered the <i>New York Times</i> bestseller list on January 18, 2017, just a few days before Trump's inauguration.</p><p>In the wake of that watershed moment in American politics came numerous new studies of Arendt with unambiguous connections to recent events. Perhaps the sharpest take on how those phenomena relate to more emancipatory democratic ideals is Adriana Cavarero's <i>Surging Democracy</i> (Stanford UP, 2021; Italian original, 2019), while the most cogent brief account of Arendt's relevance for US-American concerns today is Richard J. Bernstein's <i>Why Read Hannah Arendt Now?</i> (Polity, 2018). Dana Villa's comprehensive <i>Arendt</i> (published in 2021 in a series of Routledge volumes on philosophers and other thinkers) provides a thorough analytical review and comparison with recent strains of political thinking. More popularizing works include Ken Krimstein's graphic novel <i>The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth</i> (Bloomsbury, 2018) and Anne Heberlein's <i>On Love and Tyranny: The Life and Politics of Hannah Arendt</i> (Anansi, 2021; Swedish original, Mondial, 2020). As if to underscore the political resonance, the word “tyranny” in the English translation of Heberlein's title is substituted for “evil” (<i>ondska</i>) in the Swedish original, an older register of Arendt appreciation or appropriation. While an immediate political danger might have passed, the recent interest in Arendt evokes an ambiguous resonance with virtues that are, for Arendt at least, not always political virtues. In what follows, by comparing four books on Arendt from the time of or inspired by recent national and global political crises, I want to take stock of how the fascination with perceived Arendtian virtues creates a legacy that potentially distorts her thinking on the political. Arendt's acuity of vision and capacity for trenchant distinctions is still very much needed, even if it does not always obtain in attempts to honor that vision.</p><p>Politics in Arendt's sense is an activity based on opinion and persuasion, not upon what she understands as philosophical reason. Since there are no higher criteria for evaluating that speech (factual truth is another matter), there are effectively no criteria for political participation except adulthood in the conventional sense. As Arendt writes in her 1959 essay “Reflections on Little Rock,” equality “under modern conditions” is embodied in “the right to vote, according to which the judgment and opinion of the most exalted citizen are on a par with the judgment and opinion of the hardly literate” (204). While it might seem contrary to her way of writing about thinking and judgment in other texts, this statement is for Arendt an affirmation of the political realm as contrasted most controversially in that essay to her assigning primary and secondary education to the sphere of the social, based on selective association, affinity, and preference. Curiously enough, this distinction haunts recent work on Arendt not in competing theories of the political but in differing accounts of the humanities.</p><p>In <i>Hannah Arendt on the Political</i>, David Arndt's concern is to establish a clear understanding of what Arendt means by politics by situating her thought both in the context of her contemporaries and in the history of political thought. At the limits of Arendt's search for a “pure concept of the political,” as she puts it (quoted in Arndt 47), Arendt's political thought touches upon the genres and disciplines we think of as comprising the humanities: “non-philosophical literature, […] poetic, dramatic, historical, and political writings, whose articulation lifts experiences into a realm of splendor which is not the realm of conceptual thought” (Arendt, “What is Freedom?” 165; Arndt 47). In this spirit, Arndt's study serves as a valuable, systematic, and thorough reminder that Arendt's understanding of political action is not founded upon, grounded in, or derived from philosophical, ethical, or communicative norms. Her political thinking takes place in the medium of historical experience and factuality, and it expresses itself—as Maike Weißpflug's study also recalls—not in the normative discourse that joins Plato, Immanuel Kant, and Jürgen Habermas but rather in the representation of action. By raiding the storehouse of ideas and images found in the arts, particularly in narrative, Arendt's search for a pure concept of the political takes account of plurality. The impurity of Arendt's concept of the political comes not from a lack of desire to formalize a concept of the political but from the hybridity inherent to her insistence on its aesthetic and literary, that is, non-conceptual, representation. Arndt seems to argue that one can nonetheless refine a concept of the political on the basis of this always hybrid representation. While it remains a point of Arendtian doctrine in Arndt, who has different concerns, Weißpflug's study will elaborate on the hybrid representation of the political in Arendt's literary readings.</p><p>Having taken on what is for Arendt a near-impossible task, Arndt executes his plan with considerable aplomb and an equally considerable number of numbered lists. The contrasts he produces in his attempt to build an Arendtian concept of the political make for a reliable guide through the Western tradition and recent political thought. That project alone makes <i>Arendt on the Political</i> an invaluable tool for cross-referencing Arendt's writings with those of her better-known readers (such as Seyla Benhabib, George Kateb, Maurizio Passerin d'Entreves, Peg Birmingham, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Hannah Pitkin, and Dana Villa) and theorists or philosophers who have specific affinities to or differences from her thinking, both contemporaries (not just Martin Heidegger and the inevitable Carl Schmitt, but also Emmanuel Lévinas, Michel Foucault, and Michael Oakeshott) and epigones of these modern currents of political and moral thought.</p><p>Arndt sees hope for the current political crisis in a rediscovery of “what Arendt called the lost treasure of the American Revolution—the public happiness of political action” (1). This is an Arendtian insight into the contingency and rarity of politics as she understands it: “Politics as such has existed so rarely and in so few places that, historically speaking, only a few great epochs have known it and turned it into a reality” (Arendt, <i>Human Condition</i> 199; quoted in Arndt 74−75). Hope refers to the recovery of this political treasure and implicitly to Arendt's technique of cultural memory, which, as she puts it in her essay on her friend Walter Benjamin, is a kind of diving for pearls, the retrieval of sunken treasure that has transformed with the loss of traditional authority and historical continuity into, as she quotes Shakespeare, “something rich and strange” (“Walter Benjamin” 135−36). The only one of the four works under review that does justice to this task is the study by Weißpflug, whose sensitive reading of Arendt on literature and politics I will come to last.</p><p>Arndt's final chapter, on the Declaration of Independence and “the lost heritage of the revolution” (256), foregrounds Arendt's claim that the American founders failed to adapt political concepts such as law and freedom to the character of their political experience, that is, to take that step beyond the conceptual to represent the experience of action and freedom. Arndt underscores Arendt's point that the classical political ideals of <i>isonomia</i> and <i>isegoria</i>, equality under the law and in public speech, are aimed at political participation in a space where such participation is meaningful: no freedom without political space, no political space without freedom. That reflection invites the conclusion that the American founders failed to create such a space at all, programming the conflict of the political and the social that would afflict Arendt's take on the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. That overlap or clash between experience and conceptuality is perhaps how we get essays such as “Reflections on Little Rock,” a critique of federally mandated school integration in the wake of <i>Brown v. Board of Education</i> in which Arendt's rigid division of space into the political, the social, and the private stumbles over the historical experience of others who have developed other forms of response and priorities for action.</p><p>These distinctions among social, political, and private spaces seem to trouble Samantha Rose Hill, whose biography of Arendt appeared in 2019 in the Reaktion Books series. Overall, Hill's book is an informative and coherent narrative of Arendt's life and key ideas. Hill's account relies heavily on Elisabeth Young-Bruehl's biography <i>For Love of the World</i>, first published in 1982 (2nd ed. 2004), while incorporating a select few other sources. As a brief biography, Hill's book does its job admirably. Nonetheless, the text is marred by some howlers, including a reference to Heidegger's joining the “National Socialist Democratic Party” (40−41) or a reference to David Ben Gurion as Prime Minister of Israel—at the Biltmore Conference in 1942, before the state of Israel existed. More importantly, there is some orthographically and conceptually mangled German, most prominently as concerns Arendt's distinction of public, private, and social spaces: “In German, she translated these spaces into <i>raumen</i> [<i>sic</i>], or ‘rooms’” (139). The question of space and spaces is crucial for Arendt's way of thinking. However, mainly because of a lack of attention to Arendt's practice of drawing sometimes controversial distinctions, Hill does not do justice to this question. (Neither does D.N. Rodowick as I shall explain later.)</p><p>As mentioned above, the distinction among the public, the social, and the private is the central organizing principle of “Reflections on Little Rock.” There, it does the work ordinarily reserved at that time not just for Southern segregationists but for the liberal moderates Martin Luther King Jr. addresses in “Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” Arendt locates the education of children in the space of the social, the realm in which one chooses one's company freely, and warns that federally mandated school integration forces developments beyond the pace of social evolution. Hill seems to go out of her way to make a point out of what could have been just another phase in the biographical narrative. While she refers to “many scholars” who “have addressed Hannah Arendt's work on race” (151) or her “racialized language” (221), these scholars are unnamed. One very citable example would have been Kathryn Sophia Belle's study <i>Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question</i> (as Kathryn T. Gines, 2014), which appears only in the 17 “Selected Books about Hannah Arendt” at the end of the volume. However, problems arise here not because Hill neglects the question of race but because she deals with it in a way that does justice neither to Arendt's point of view nor to the clash of her concepts with American political and social experience, the crux of understanding the political for Arendt.</p><p>Hill's treatment of the complex issues raised by “Reflections on Little Rock” is singularly maladroit. After referring to attempts to rescue Arendt's essay or reconcile it with progressive social concerns, Hill writes the following: “For Arendt, the rhetoric of equality is dangerous to democratic political life, and she consistently argued that men would only ever be equal in the sense that they were unequal. She wagered that even if social, economic and educational equality were achieved in the United States, it would increase discrimination against black people” (152). Readers of Arendt will recognize some important themes here, such as the distinction between equality and sameness; or that between social and political equality, a distinction Hill makes two pages before; or the idea of unintended consequences of good intentions. However, the failure to contextualize Arendt's argument about compulsory federal integration results in a passage that is so confused and contradictory in itself that it is hard to evaluate for accuracy: “In dismissing equality from politics, Arendt saw no distinction in the plight of oppressed peoples who were excluded from the realm of public appearances. And in doing so, one might argue, she overlooked the particular conditions of oppression to argue in favour of a universal good, one that is founded on discrimination” (152). This passage seems to conflate Arendt's version of American federalism and her pessimism about the exertion of federal power with the cynical evocation of states’ rights by segregationists, but its opening claim that Arendt “dismiss[es] equality from politics” is simply wrong.</p><p>On the question of equality, even in “Reflections on Little Rock,” Arendt is categorical; she states that “equality as such is of greater importance in the political life of a republic than in any other form of government” and (with Alexis de Tocqueville) that “equality of opportunity and condition, as well as equality of rights, constituted the basic ‘law’ of American democracy” (“Little Rock” 200). The very distinction between the political and the social that is central to that essay and the source of its controversy collapses here as Hill confuses social equality with political equality. What that “universal good, founded on discrimination” might be remains undefined and would perhaps resist any definition, as the political is for Arendt by definition plural, not aimed at the realization of a universal good.</p><p>Whether or not one agrees fully with Kathryn Belle's plausible conclusion that Arendt “affirm[s] a negative image of Blackness that persists in the white imagination” (Gines 129), Arendt's position needs to be more carefully considered, contextualized, and contested. Arendt's treatment of Blackness in political, social, educational, or any kind of space needs to be foregrounded, especially as Arendt's encounters with the civil rights and Black Power movements elicit more reactive statements on her part, particularly in <i>On Violence</i> (1970), rather than an opening on Arendt's part to the Black experience in the United States. Understanding “why Arendt now” should take her recalcitrance on these issues into account, especially as “now” is not just a time of radical and violent right-wing resurgence but also the era of Black Lives Matter. Rather than seeing Arendt simply as an astute diagnostician of fascism or a champion of the liberal constitutional order, to “think with Arendt against Arendt,” as Richard Bernstein proposes in this context, might provide a more interesting version of current political and social phenomena (Bernstein 52). At the same time, there is hardly consensus on what it means to think with Arendt, as her name is taken to endorse very different versions of her project.</p><p>D.N. Rodowick's <i>An Education in Judgment: Hannah Arendt and the Humanities</i> deploys the Arendtian account of education as belonging implicitly to social space while seeming to claim political value for that space on Arendt's terms. If David Arndt offers a painstakingly precise, comparative account of Arendt's concept of the political, the kind of solution Rodowick imputes to Arendt for the political crisis of our own time is not, on her terms, political. He ascribes to Arendt the “implicit yet persistent suggestion that an education in the humanities is the only appropriate response to the crisis in culture that concerns her” (xv) and develops that thought in a consideration of the humanities that seeks to make conversation and teaching about judgments of taste, an “education in judgment,” the necessary response to the crisis with which he is concerned. However, attentive readers of Arendt will note that this crisis is <i>not</i> the crisis with which Arendt was concerned. It is neither the crisis of tradition, nor the crisis of education, nor the crisis of culture.</p><p>By the time one arrives at the fifth of Rodowick's six chapters, “Politics and Philosophy, or Restoring a Common World,” on Arendt's essays “Philosophy and Politics” (written 1954) and “Truth and Politics” (first published 1967), this concern with the crisis of our times is apparent, in particular with the fake news and alternative facts that, for Rodowick, characterize the political class rather than simply marking the nature or the risks of politics: The “principally prevaricating politicians” contribute to the creation of a “factual world” marked by “lies, damn lies, and deep fakes” (117). This concern with the crisis of our own times unfortunately has a distorting effect on Rodowick's reading of Arendt from the beginning. Rather than make a distinction between Arendt's thinking and what he sees as a suitable response to our crisis, Rodowick elides or collapses Arendt's main distinctions, in particular, between private, social, and political spaces. This collapse is marked symptomatically and semantically by the use of two terms Arendt conspicuously criticizes in her political thought: <i>education</i> and <i>philosophy</i>. I will address his use of “philosophy” first.</p><p>Toward the end of <i>An Education in Judgment</i>, references to Arendt's desire for a new kind of political philosophy become more frequent and more essential to the text's argument. In her 1964 interview with Günter Gaus, Arendt identifies a hostility to politics that marks philosophy since Plato, a point she made in the much earlier “Philosophy and Politics.” Since Rodowick notes this as a tension between philosophical truth and politics in that essay, his statements that, in “Philosophy and Politics,” Arendt is “searching for a new political philosophy, that is, a politics that arises from and in a practice of philosophy that directs its attention to the myriad interconnected actions of humans engaged in their daily affairs” (113) and that she “asks for a new political philosophy that arises out of thoughtful attention to the fact of human plurality” (115) are surprising. He also imputes to Arendt—affirmatively from his point of view—a body of work that “shrinks the distance separating philosophy and politics” (Rodowick 114). Anyone familiar with Arendt's work—including that 1954 lecture—knows that Arendt's distinction between political philosophy and political theory is not merely a frivolous use of semantics. As she writes in “Truth and Politics,” a tyranny of “truth” (her scare quotes) would be “as tyrannical as other forms of despotism” (246). In “Philosophy and Politics,” philosophy is opposed to politics not accidentally but inherently. The “tyranny of truth” is Arendt's name for the claim of philosophers, beginning with Plato but including the entire tradition until Kant, that “eternal truth […] is to rule the city” (Arendt, “Philosophy and Politics” 78). Her refusal of claims that philosophical concepts or ideas supersede communication and persuasion, the work of politics, is what makes her not a philosopher but a political theorist. In the 1964 interview with Gaus, she refuses even his attempts to label her a philosopher: “The philosopher stands in relation to nature in the same way as all other human beings. When he thinks about [nature], he speaks in the name of all of humanity. But he is not neutral in relation to politics. Not since Plato!” For this reason, Arendt tells Gaus, she has “said [her] final farewell to philosophy” (“der Philosophie endgültig Valet gesagt”). Rodowick's insistent use of “philosophy” to designate Arendt's project is also not just a semantic difference; it indicates other category mistakes and terminological slippages that, in spite of his sensitivity to the Arendtian problematic, undermine his treatment of Arendt and the humanities.</p><p>While these uses of “philosophy” indicate a certain pattern of misprision of Arendt's conception of the political—a misprision that marks this study from the beginning—the main conceptual interloper in Rodowick's account is of course the term “education.” He attempts to counter “the erosion of the possibility of politics,” as he sees it, through an (imaginary) philosophy-recuperating version of Arendt, whose task is “to ask philosophy to rededicate itself to one of its most ancient responsibilities, which is care of the polis through education in judgment” (Rodowick 113). An education in judgment has to do with conversations in public space modeled on “the public performance of thinking (call this teaching)” (27), which Rodowick associates with Socrates. The current crisis in politics reflects a lack of or falling away from such education, and “the crisis in culture and the crisis in education are synonymous with the loss of a common world” (116).<sup>1</sup> Such passages are typical of Rodowick's style, which equates rather than distinguishes. Arendt sees such exemplary acts of thinking as pre- or para-political since “teaching by example” is the only way philosophy can influence action “without violating the rules of the political realm” (“Truth and Politics” 243). However, Arendt writes, because philosophical truth is not taken seriously enough today, “even this rare chance of having a philosophical truth politically validated has disappeared” (“Truth and Politics” 244). Arendt also has in mind not the Socratic <i>elenchus</i> itself (a case of thinking as distinct from acting) but only Socrates’s acceptance of the death sentence. “Care of the polis through education in judgment” is therefore problematic enough as a response to today's crises, much less as a responsibility of philosophy, but this task defines the book's agenda. “Care of the polis”—by whom? one might ask. If judgment is modeled by public teaching in the form of the Socratic dialogue, the answer is still Plato. The polis must first be educated if it is to be saved.</p><p>This agenda becomes clearer when education in judgment is linked to citizenship. If citizenship means the right to full political participation, then Rodowick sees judgments of taste not as influencing action but as deciding who enters the political realm in the first place. The goal of the education in judgment that takes place in “intersubjective conversations about taste, or, better, in disagreements about meaning and value in literature, art, or philosophy” (Rodowick 27) is to establish shared standards for participation in those very disagreements through “criteria for defining what it means to be a thoughtful and responsible citizen in local and global communities of human existence” (27). The mix of citizenship and humanity, the local and the global, and, implicitly, the political and the notion of community should alert the reader that this is at best an unorthodox reading of Arendt, but the real question perhaps concerns the limits of community.</p><p>In Rodowick's model of “local and global” communities and lifelong education, the community seems to have neither spatial nor temporal limits beyond which social space would become political space. Even if Rodowick means education as a non-authoritarian practice, a conversation among equals, some of whom are nonetheless exemplary teachers, it is not just the space of education (for Arendt, whether as thinking or <i>Wissenschaft</i>, outside of politics) that is at issue here but the time of education. In view of the proposition that education is a response to crisis, the omission of any careful consideration of Arendt's “The Crisis in Education” (1954) is remarkable. Like “Little Rock,” “The Crisis in Education” is built around distinctions between childhood and adulthood, which now include authority and natality, conservation and destruction, and the old and the new. Education, says Arendt, is for children; it ends with the age of effective adulthood. In “Little Rock” as in “The Crisis in Education,” Arendt holds that human children mature at a certain age into human adults and that the idea of education, which is based on authority and ends at that conventional age of adulthood, is alien to the sphere of politics, which is based on freedom, natality, and the accident of sharing the same space. Read against “The Crisis in Education,” Rodowick's claim that Arendt's response to crisis takes the form of more education suggests that a response to crisis could be, for Arendt at least, apolitical, but it is the very distinction between education and political action that is most elusive in his study.</p><p>The second form of crisis Rodowick mentions refers to Arendt's 1960 essay “The Crisis in Culture.” In that essay, Arendt treats some very contemporary cultural issues while integrating them into her perennial story about judgment and action, which I will sketch below indirectly in addressing Rodowick's version of it. She advances neither a theory of beauty (beauty is self-evident, she says) nor a theory of culture <i>per se</i>. Instead, she deals with the process of judgment in which people orient themselves toward art objects as a means of constituting community. Arendt's clearest opening to culture on political terms comes as she writes, “Culture and politics […] belong together because it is not knowledge or truth which is at stake, but rather judgment and decision, the judicious exchange of opinion about the sphere of public life and the common world, and the decision what manner of action is to be taken in it, as well as to how it is to look henceforth, what kind of things are to appear in it” (“The Crisis in Culture” 219−20). This first moment of the parallel between aesthetic and political judgment concerns things and appearances. The second moment concerns a community of people who “can feel that they belong to each other, when they discover a kinship in terms of what pleases and displeases.” Arendt continues: “From the viewpoint of this common experience, it is <i>as though</i> taste decides not only how the world is to look, but also who belongs together in it” (220; my emphasis). The principle of association and affinity comes to the fore here, as this “kinship” is a form not of negotiating plurality but of self-disclosure and group identification through the objects present in public spaces.</p><p>The conjunction of the “what” and the “who” in parallel acts of judgment leads Rodowick to the kind of move that typifies his study: the obliteration of the “as though” and the consequent assertion, in this case, that taste is simply and directly political, constituting “a solidarity of sensibility, a company of critics” as “a kind of <i>polis</i>” (55), thereby making politics analogous to criticism not in how it depends on acts of judgment but in how it constitutes itself—education is after all, for Rodowick, the “care of the polis.” The notion of the care of the <i>polis</i> comes out in Rodowick's discussion of “The Crisis in Culture” in the idea of <i>curation</i>, here meaning decisions about what belongs to the public cultural sphere, as an activity relevant for the political. Decisions about belonging in public and political space appear in Arendt as a propaedeutic exercise for politics, but not its essence, which is marked by the givenness of who is present and the capacity to think on behalf of those who are absent. In this context, the problematic resonances of the historically recent term “curation” and its more recent expansion into all areas of life (“curated” playlists, restaurant menus, holiday experiences…) are lost on Rodowick, who seems determined to see aesthetic education as compatible with political pluralism, action, and freedom as Arendt understands them.<sup>2</sup> In this case, curation is the decision not only about what belongs but also about who belongs in that space, a decision that he views as ultimately rooted in concepts of a humanity and community or communities yet to come that will strike some readers as non- or even anti-Arendtian.</p><p>Being <i>humani generis</i> is for Rodowick, again in contrast to Arendt, not a given characteristic of <i>people</i> but the achievement of or at least progress toward an only potential <i>humanity</i>, and so it is a matter of humanity not as human beings (Arendt's distinction between “der Mensch” or “die Menschheit” as the subject of philosophy and “die Menschen” as the subject of politics) but as a quality.<sup>3</sup> Rodowick's elaboration of this question begins with Kant's question “Was ist der Mensch?” and proposes that Arendt sets out to answer it. Reading Arendt, one might want to agree, as she refers to the “public-political realm” as the space in which “men attain their full humanity, their full reality as men because they not only <i>are</i> […] but <i>appear</i>” (“Philosophy and Politics” 87). However, Rodowick reads becoming human in a deliberate deviation from Kant not in terms of the finite rational animal but as an entelechy—education is once more primary—toward which one develops. As the first of eight theses laid out in chapter 2 has it, “One is not born human; one must strive to become human” (26). The primacy of development or becoming in Rodowick's “perfectionist reading of Kant” (71) also suggests why, at the other end of his ruminations, education has something to do with natality in the conventional sense as birth and growth. For Rodowick, the developmental process is open and open-ended—the human being is according to the title of the final chapter “An As Yet Undetermined Animal”—and so the educational process is also potentially endless, yet it always aims purposefully at the actualization of a humanity not in the common world of politics but as the condition for the possibility of the political or at least as its <i>conditio sine qua non</i>.</p><p>Rodowick's citation, in his conclusion, of the conservative columnist David Brooks on the need for more, better <i>paideia</i> (education in the classical sense as linked to the development of maturity) is perhaps more telling than he thinks. There is a kind of negative principle of authority here: not education as to how the common world <i>is</i>, as Arendt saw the task of education, in preparation for the freedom and equality of inevitable—not aspirational—adulthood, but the refusal of political enfranchisement through its reduction to <i>paideia</i> or <i>Erziehung</i>, the term for childrearing and primary and secondary education Arendt uses in the German original version of “The Crisis in Education” and, applied to Rodowick, something perhaps closer to Friedrich Schiller's “ästhetische Erziehung der Menschheit.” Since, according to Arendt, education is rooted only in an authority that precludes political adulthood, it cannot be part of a <i>political</i> response to a crisis, even if that means breaking with our own cherished notions concerning the centrality of education to political life and action.<sup>4</sup></p><p>In “What is Authority?” Arendt writes that, after the historical crisis that has put an end to authority, “[i]t could be that only now will the past open up to us with unexpected freshness and tell us things no one has yet had ears to hear” (“What is Authority” 94). Maike Weißpflug attempts to understand this communication in terms of the media and genres referred to by David Arndt, the core of the humanities that Rodowick's philosophical account of the humanities largely avoids, the “non-philosophical literature, […] poetic, dramatic, historical, and political writings” that reach beyond the conceptual realm (Arendt, “What is Freedom?” 165). Where Rodowick defined his own task as being to “rebalance philosophically the relation between aesthetics and politics in Arendt's account of judgment, especially as a practice of curation, world-building, and ethical revision” (Rodowick xvii), Weißpflug returns to the Arendtian concept of world as that which is given between and among people as a frame of reference and a space of the experience of freedom. On this account, philosophy is not the solution for politics. Rather, Weißpflug argues, political thought presents a therapeutic proposition for philosophy, to cure it of its abstraction and link it, especially through narrative literature, to the experience of freedom. This move recalls that philosophy is for Arendt part of the complex of the humanities, not a magisterial science that needs to be recuperated in order to save politics.</p><p>Early in her study, Weißpflug emphasizes Arendt's figure of the <i>Perlentaucher</i>, the pearl diver who seeks an “alternative Ideengeschichte” (Weißpflug 29), and its relationship to Walter Benjamin's concept of montage. Weißpflug presents her own readings, including “Little Rock,” as a sympathetic working-through (perhaps still on the model of therapy) of Arendt's praxis of thinking politically.</p><p>As the second of the three major sections of Weißpflug's study demonstrates, Arendt's thinking of the particular through appearances redefines what the humanities are good for. The representation of “world” in Arendt's sense (not Kant's <i>Weltbürger</i> or, as Arendt calls it, <i>Weltbetrachter</i>) through “storytelling” (Weißpflug uses the English term) assumes that the political is constituted narratively (Weißpflug 196). If we follow Arendt's curious idea that even language-based works of art have and preserve the splendor, the “beauty, that is to say, radiant glory” associated with action (“The Crisis in Culture” 215), then the kernel of experience preserved as memory can—like the work of Benjamin's historical materialist—be recovered in remembrance as if this were a kind of aesthetic act. But the judgment here is not of taste. Rather, it is the identification and recovery of “world,” a relation in which people are present together but with space that both divides and unites them, which Arendt calls “interest” from <i>inter-esse</i>, to be between. In discussing Arendt's readings of Homer, Franz Kafka, Herman Melville, Joseph Conrad, and Bertolt Brecht, Weißpflug addresses and revises critiques of Arendt's style of reading as she shifts their focus, for example, from Melville's Captain Vere, the mouthpiece of Arendt's praise of the “lasting institutions” of the American Revolution (<i>On Revolution</i> 81), to the eponymous hero of the novel, Billy Budd. The final subsection, entitled “Erzählen als Urteilen,” incorporates Walter Benjamin's thinking and argues for Arendt's proximity to her friend's sensibilities and way of reading, attributing to Arendt not the reduction of politics to aesthetic judgment but, with Benjamin, the desire to politicize aesthetics. Whether that project quite jibes with Arendt's remarks on politics as a limit to aesthetic judgment in “The Crisis in Culture” is another question. Weißpflug performs the great service of reminding us that Arendt's version of narrative and criticism comes out of a radical tradition and that Arendt is not simply “a midcult Mitteleuropean media performer, an intellectually more respectable version of Ayn Rand,” as Jenny Turner describes the low opinion of Arendt taken by unnamed serious philosophers in Arendt's lifetime (Turner). That such a perceptive and incisive consideration of Arendt and the humanities comes in a dissertation in political theory (moreover one written at a technical university, the RWTH in Aachen) should give professional humanists something to reflect upon.</p><p>The third and shortest major section of Weißpflug's study takes up the question of thinking within limits, as Arendt puts it in her correspondence, “limitiert denken lernen” (quoted in Weißpflug 234), a position from which Weißpflug joins a specifically Arendtian version of Heidegger's “Welterschliessung” to the question of the Anthropocene. Arendt's narrative in <i>The Human Condition</i> of the dream of technical mastery and individual, human insignificance in the modern world appears here in a defense of the humanities as a remedy for such fantasies of control. Weißpflug also articulates a theory of Arendtian worldliness that includes nature—not as a real or deeper interpretation of Arendt but, on the textual level, in the ambivalence of her own understanding of the human–nature relationship. In a fascinating mix of Arendt's readings of Alexandre Koyré, Karl Marx, and others, Weißpflug shows how Arendt's <i>Vita activa</i> (which is more than just a German version of <i>The Human Condition</i>) can connect with and critique current models of ecological concern. She finds precisely in the tension between spatially limited and unlimited models and kinds of action the possibility that nature itself can enter the political stage and become a political actor (<i>Akteur</i> 267). She locates any possible political normativity neither in an ethical position of the observer nor in an imagined future discursive community of human beings on whatever scale but rather in a “normativity of opening” (268) and a plurality of narratives of the Anthropocene.</p><p>This normative openness and plurality connect natural sciences, humanities, and public participation (“öffentliches Engagement”) with each other under the aegis of Arendt's mediatization (not mediation) of the political through the products of the arts, not master narratives or centralized norms. The kind of work being done in science and technology studies using Arendt as inspiration or foil (for instance, by Sheila Jasanoff) is not cited here except through an allusion to the “participatory turn” that breaks down the barrier between experts and the general public (271), but it is clear that science here is already political and therefore, for Arendt, open to the means and media of the humanities. Weißpflug's study is itself so rich in detail, so thorough in its treatment of Arendt and her world, and so thoughtful in its consideration of the possibility of the humanities that one could easily take it to a desert island—or a fallout shelter—and have some sense that Arendt speaks to us today precisely through the question of the humanities as a form in which we understand ourselves in our plurality and our world in all its complexity.</p><p>The kind of teaching by example to which Rodowick refers pertains for Arendt not so much to the philosopher (as I note above, Arendt says that nobody takes philosophers seriously enough anymore) but to examples that “derive from history and poetry” and invoke the mimetic and representational properties of art in order to “teach or persuade by inspiration”: Courage means to be like Achilles, kindness means to imitate Jesus of Nazareth or St. Francis, and so on (“Truth and Politics” 243−44). One sees in Arendt how teaching becomes political insofar as its nature changes in the political realm from authority to persuasion, but also how politics and the humanities intersect around rhetorical and literary forms and practices.</p><p>That competing accounts of the humanities should be a significant part of the response to the political question “Why Arendt now?” says more about the value of the humanities today than do attempts to tease out the relevance of the cultural values that have always been the Achilles heel of humanist apologetics. Arendt's refusal of the label of philosopher implies a criticism of the values-based approach that would elevate truth or other measures—goodness, beauty, sweetness and light, for example—to the position of arbiters of the political (see “The Crisis in Culture” 200−201). The tension between thinking and acting that marks the relationship between philosophy and politics is productive, but freedom, that is, the possibility of action, is always primary.</p>","PeriodicalId":54057,"journal":{"name":"GERMAN QUARTERLY","volume":"96 4","pages":"571-585"},"PeriodicalIF":0.2000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-19","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"GERMAN QUARTERLY","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"文学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"0","JCRName":"LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS","Score":null,"Total":0}
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Arendt on the Political by David Arndt, Cambridge University Press. 2019. pp. x + 282.  $108 (hardcover). $32.99 (paperback or ebook)

Hannah Arendt by Samantha Rose Hill, Reaktion Books. 2021. pp. 232. $19 (paperback or ebook)

An Education in Judgment: Hannah Arendt and the Humanities by D.N. Rodowick, University of Chicago Press. 2021. pp. 224. $35 (hardcover). $28 (paperback). $34.99 (ebook)

Hannah Arendt: Die Kunst, politisch zu denken by Maike Weißpflug, Matthes & Seitz. 2019. pp. 318. €25 (hardcover)

To parody Goethe on Shakespeare: So much has already been said about Hannah Arendt that it might appear as though nothing more were left to say. But just as the authors of the Sturm und Drang recreated Shakespeare in their own image, Arendt's status as a talisman for different varieties of left-liberal politics, attempts to reframe her work as feminist, and varying assessments of her views on race might lead one to ask: If Arendt is the answer, what was the question again? Nonetheless, since the global resurgence of authoritarian populism as a challenge to self-assured post-Cold War liberal democracy and its own accompanying -isms, Arendt's focus on institutional structures and controls and her critique of an implicitly populist social revolution have found new relevance. Donald Trump's sudden appearance on the political scene and his unexpected election to the presidency have only enhanced her appeal; her classic political-historical study, The Origins of Totalitarianism, entered the New York Times bestseller list on January 18, 2017, just a few days before Trump's inauguration.

In the wake of that watershed moment in American politics came numerous new studies of Arendt with unambiguous connections to recent events. Perhaps the sharpest take on how those phenomena relate to more emancipatory democratic ideals is Adriana Cavarero's Surging Democracy (Stanford UP, 2021; Italian original, 2019), while the most cogent brief account of Arendt's relevance for US-American concerns today is Richard J. Bernstein's Why Read Hannah Arendt Now? (Polity, 2018). Dana Villa's comprehensive Arendt (published in 2021 in a series of Routledge volumes on philosophers and other thinkers) provides a thorough analytical review and comparison with recent strains of political thinking. More popularizing works include Ken Krimstein's graphic novel The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth (Bloomsbury, 2018) and Anne Heberlein's On Love and Tyranny: The Life and Politics of Hannah Arendt (Anansi, 2021; Swedish original, Mondial, 2020). As if to underscore the political resonance, the word “tyranny” in the English translation of Heberlein's title is substituted for “evil” (ondska) in the Swedish original, an older register of Arendt appreciation or appropriation. While an immediate political danger might have passed, the recent interest in Arendt evokes an ambiguous resonance with virtues that are, for Arendt at least, not always political virtues. In what follows, by comparing four books on Arendt from the time of or inspired by recent national and global political crises, I want to take stock of how the fascination with perceived Arendtian virtues creates a legacy that potentially distorts her thinking on the political. Arendt's acuity of vision and capacity for trenchant distinctions is still very much needed, even if it does not always obtain in attempts to honor that vision.

Politics in Arendt's sense is an activity based on opinion and persuasion, not upon what she understands as philosophical reason. Since there are no higher criteria for evaluating that speech (factual truth is another matter), there are effectively no criteria for political participation except adulthood in the conventional sense. As Arendt writes in her 1959 essay “Reflections on Little Rock,” equality “under modern conditions” is embodied in “the right to vote, according to which the judgment and opinion of the most exalted citizen are on a par with the judgment and opinion of the hardly literate” (204). While it might seem contrary to her way of writing about thinking and judgment in other texts, this statement is for Arendt an affirmation of the political realm as contrasted most controversially in that essay to her assigning primary and secondary education to the sphere of the social, based on selective association, affinity, and preference. Curiously enough, this distinction haunts recent work on Arendt not in competing theories of the political but in differing accounts of the humanities.

In Hannah Arendt on the Political, David Arndt's concern is to establish a clear understanding of what Arendt means by politics by situating her thought both in the context of her contemporaries and in the history of political thought. At the limits of Arendt's search for a “pure concept of the political,” as she puts it (quoted in Arndt 47), Arendt's political thought touches upon the genres and disciplines we think of as comprising the humanities: “non-philosophical literature, […] poetic, dramatic, historical, and political writings, whose articulation lifts experiences into a realm of splendor which is not the realm of conceptual thought” (Arendt, “What is Freedom?” 165; Arndt 47). In this spirit, Arndt's study serves as a valuable, systematic, and thorough reminder that Arendt's understanding of political action is not founded upon, grounded in, or derived from philosophical, ethical, or communicative norms. Her political thinking takes place in the medium of historical experience and factuality, and it expresses itself—as Maike Weißpflug's study also recalls—not in the normative discourse that joins Plato, Immanuel Kant, and Jürgen Habermas but rather in the representation of action. By raiding the storehouse of ideas and images found in the arts, particularly in narrative, Arendt's search for a pure concept of the political takes account of plurality. The impurity of Arendt's concept of the political comes not from a lack of desire to formalize a concept of the political but from the hybridity inherent to her insistence on its aesthetic and literary, that is, non-conceptual, representation. Arndt seems to argue that one can nonetheless refine a concept of the political on the basis of this always hybrid representation. While it remains a point of Arendtian doctrine in Arndt, who has different concerns, Weißpflug's study will elaborate on the hybrid representation of the political in Arendt's literary readings.

Having taken on what is for Arendt a near-impossible task, Arndt executes his plan with considerable aplomb and an equally considerable number of numbered lists. The contrasts he produces in his attempt to build an Arendtian concept of the political make for a reliable guide through the Western tradition and recent political thought. That project alone makes Arendt on the Political an invaluable tool for cross-referencing Arendt's writings with those of her better-known readers (such as Seyla Benhabib, George Kateb, Maurizio Passerin d'Entreves, Peg Birmingham, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Hannah Pitkin, and Dana Villa) and theorists or philosophers who have specific affinities to or differences from her thinking, both contemporaries (not just Martin Heidegger and the inevitable Carl Schmitt, but also Emmanuel Lévinas, Michel Foucault, and Michael Oakeshott) and epigones of these modern currents of political and moral thought.

Arndt sees hope for the current political crisis in a rediscovery of “what Arendt called the lost treasure of the American Revolution—the public happiness of political action” (1). This is an Arendtian insight into the contingency and rarity of politics as she understands it: “Politics as such has existed so rarely and in so few places that, historically speaking, only a few great epochs have known it and turned it into a reality” (Arendt, Human Condition 199; quoted in Arndt 74−75). Hope refers to the recovery of this political treasure and implicitly to Arendt's technique of cultural memory, which, as she puts it in her essay on her friend Walter Benjamin, is a kind of diving for pearls, the retrieval of sunken treasure that has transformed with the loss of traditional authority and historical continuity into, as she quotes Shakespeare, “something rich and strange” (“Walter Benjamin” 135−36). The only one of the four works under review that does justice to this task is the study by Weißpflug, whose sensitive reading of Arendt on literature and politics I will come to last.

Arndt's final chapter, on the Declaration of Independence and “the lost heritage of the revolution” (256), foregrounds Arendt's claim that the American founders failed to adapt political concepts such as law and freedom to the character of their political experience, that is, to take that step beyond the conceptual to represent the experience of action and freedom. Arndt underscores Arendt's point that the classical political ideals of isonomia and isegoria, equality under the law and in public speech, are aimed at political participation in a space where such participation is meaningful: no freedom without political space, no political space without freedom. That reflection invites the conclusion that the American founders failed to create such a space at all, programming the conflict of the political and the social that would afflict Arendt's take on the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. That overlap or clash between experience and conceptuality is perhaps how we get essays such as “Reflections on Little Rock,” a critique of federally mandated school integration in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education in which Arendt's rigid division of space into the political, the social, and the private stumbles over the historical experience of others who have developed other forms of response and priorities for action.

These distinctions among social, political, and private spaces seem to trouble Samantha Rose Hill, whose biography of Arendt appeared in 2019 in the Reaktion Books series. Overall, Hill's book is an informative and coherent narrative of Arendt's life and key ideas. Hill's account relies heavily on Elisabeth Young-Bruehl's biography For Love of the World, first published in 1982 (2nd ed. 2004), while incorporating a select few other sources. As a brief biography, Hill's book does its job admirably. Nonetheless, the text is marred by some howlers, including a reference to Heidegger's joining the “National Socialist Democratic Party” (40−41) or a reference to David Ben Gurion as Prime Minister of Israel—at the Biltmore Conference in 1942, before the state of Israel existed. More importantly, there is some orthographically and conceptually mangled German, most prominently as concerns Arendt's distinction of public, private, and social spaces: “In German, she translated these spaces into raumen [sic], or ‘rooms’” (139). The question of space and spaces is crucial for Arendt's way of thinking. However, mainly because of a lack of attention to Arendt's practice of drawing sometimes controversial distinctions, Hill does not do justice to this question. (Neither does D.N. Rodowick as I shall explain later.)

As mentioned above, the distinction among the public, the social, and the private is the central organizing principle of “Reflections on Little Rock.” There, it does the work ordinarily reserved at that time not just for Southern segregationists but for the liberal moderates Martin Luther King Jr. addresses in “Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” Arendt locates the education of children in the space of the social, the realm in which one chooses one's company freely, and warns that federally mandated school integration forces developments beyond the pace of social evolution. Hill seems to go out of her way to make a point out of what could have been just another phase in the biographical narrative. While she refers to “many scholars” who “have addressed Hannah Arendt's work on race” (151) or her “racialized language” (221), these scholars are unnamed. One very citable example would have been Kathryn Sophia Belle's study Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question (as Kathryn T. Gines, 2014), which appears only in the 17 “Selected Books about Hannah Arendt” at the end of the volume. However, problems arise here not because Hill neglects the question of race but because she deals with it in a way that does justice neither to Arendt's point of view nor to the clash of her concepts with American political and social experience, the crux of understanding the political for Arendt.

Hill's treatment of the complex issues raised by “Reflections on Little Rock” is singularly maladroit. After referring to attempts to rescue Arendt's essay or reconcile it with progressive social concerns, Hill writes the following: “For Arendt, the rhetoric of equality is dangerous to democratic political life, and she consistently argued that men would only ever be equal in the sense that they were unequal. She wagered that even if social, economic and educational equality were achieved in the United States, it would increase discrimination against black people” (152). Readers of Arendt will recognize some important themes here, such as the distinction between equality and sameness; or that between social and political equality, a distinction Hill makes two pages before; or the idea of unintended consequences of good intentions. However, the failure to contextualize Arendt's argument about compulsory federal integration results in a passage that is so confused and contradictory in itself that it is hard to evaluate for accuracy: “In dismissing equality from politics, Arendt saw no distinction in the plight of oppressed peoples who were excluded from the realm of public appearances. And in doing so, one might argue, she overlooked the particular conditions of oppression to argue in favour of a universal good, one that is founded on discrimination” (152). This passage seems to conflate Arendt's version of American federalism and her pessimism about the exertion of federal power with the cynical evocation of states’ rights by segregationists, but its opening claim that Arendt “dismiss[es] equality from politics” is simply wrong.

On the question of equality, even in “Reflections on Little Rock,” Arendt is categorical; she states that “equality as such is of greater importance in the political life of a republic than in any other form of government” and (with Alexis de Tocqueville) that “equality of opportunity and condition, as well as equality of rights, constituted the basic ‘law’ of American democracy” (“Little Rock” 200). The very distinction between the political and the social that is central to that essay and the source of its controversy collapses here as Hill confuses social equality with political equality. What that “universal good, founded on discrimination” might be remains undefined and would perhaps resist any definition, as the political is for Arendt by definition plural, not aimed at the realization of a universal good.

Whether or not one agrees fully with Kathryn Belle's plausible conclusion that Arendt “affirm[s] a negative image of Blackness that persists in the white imagination” (Gines 129), Arendt's position needs to be more carefully considered, contextualized, and contested. Arendt's treatment of Blackness in political, social, educational, or any kind of space needs to be foregrounded, especially as Arendt's encounters with the civil rights and Black Power movements elicit more reactive statements on her part, particularly in On Violence (1970), rather than an opening on Arendt's part to the Black experience in the United States. Understanding “why Arendt now” should take her recalcitrance on these issues into account, especially as “now” is not just a time of radical and violent right-wing resurgence but also the era of Black Lives Matter. Rather than seeing Arendt simply as an astute diagnostician of fascism or a champion of the liberal constitutional order, to “think with Arendt against Arendt,” as Richard Bernstein proposes in this context, might provide a more interesting version of current political and social phenomena (Bernstein 52). At the same time, there is hardly consensus on what it means to think with Arendt, as her name is taken to endorse very different versions of her project.

D.N. Rodowick's An Education in Judgment: Hannah Arendt and the Humanities deploys the Arendtian account of education as belonging implicitly to social space while seeming to claim political value for that space on Arendt's terms. If David Arndt offers a painstakingly precise, comparative account of Arendt's concept of the political, the kind of solution Rodowick imputes to Arendt for the political crisis of our own time is not, on her terms, political. He ascribes to Arendt the “implicit yet persistent suggestion that an education in the humanities is the only appropriate response to the crisis in culture that concerns her” (xv) and develops that thought in a consideration of the humanities that seeks to make conversation and teaching about judgments of taste, an “education in judgment,” the necessary response to the crisis with which he is concerned. However, attentive readers of Arendt will note that this crisis is not the crisis with which Arendt was concerned. It is neither the crisis of tradition, nor the crisis of education, nor the crisis of culture.

By the time one arrives at the fifth of Rodowick's six chapters, “Politics and Philosophy, or Restoring a Common World,” on Arendt's essays “Philosophy and Politics” (written 1954) and “Truth and Politics” (first published 1967), this concern with the crisis of our times is apparent, in particular with the fake news and alternative facts that, for Rodowick, characterize the political class rather than simply marking the nature or the risks of politics: The “principally prevaricating politicians” contribute to the creation of a “factual world” marked by “lies, damn lies, and deep fakes” (117). This concern with the crisis of our own times unfortunately has a distorting effect on Rodowick's reading of Arendt from the beginning. Rather than make a distinction between Arendt's thinking and what he sees as a suitable response to our crisis, Rodowick elides or collapses Arendt's main distinctions, in particular, between private, social, and political spaces. This collapse is marked symptomatically and semantically by the use of two terms Arendt conspicuously criticizes in her political thought: education and philosophy. I will address his use of “philosophy” first.

Toward the end of An Education in Judgment, references to Arendt's desire for a new kind of political philosophy become more frequent and more essential to the text's argument. In her 1964 interview with Günter Gaus, Arendt identifies a hostility to politics that marks philosophy since Plato, a point she made in the much earlier “Philosophy and Politics.” Since Rodowick notes this as a tension between philosophical truth and politics in that essay, his statements that, in “Philosophy and Politics,” Arendt is “searching for a new political philosophy, that is, a politics that arises from and in a practice of philosophy that directs its attention to the myriad interconnected actions of humans engaged in their daily affairs” (113) and that she “asks for a new political philosophy that arises out of thoughtful attention to the fact of human plurality” (115) are surprising. He also imputes to Arendt—affirmatively from his point of view—a body of work that “shrinks the distance separating philosophy and politics” (Rodowick 114). Anyone familiar with Arendt's work—including that 1954 lecture—knows that Arendt's distinction between political philosophy and political theory is not merely a frivolous use of semantics. As she writes in “Truth and Politics,” a tyranny of “truth” (her scare quotes) would be “as tyrannical as other forms of despotism” (246). In “Philosophy and Politics,” philosophy is opposed to politics not accidentally but inherently. The “tyranny of truth” is Arendt's name for the claim of philosophers, beginning with Plato but including the entire tradition until Kant, that “eternal truth […] is to rule the city” (Arendt, “Philosophy and Politics” 78). Her refusal of claims that philosophical concepts or ideas supersede communication and persuasion, the work of politics, is what makes her not a philosopher but a political theorist. In the 1964 interview with Gaus, she refuses even his attempts to label her a philosopher: “The philosopher stands in relation to nature in the same way as all other human beings. When he thinks about [nature], he speaks in the name of all of humanity. But he is not neutral in relation to politics. Not since Plato!” For this reason, Arendt tells Gaus, she has “said [her] final farewell to philosophy” (“der Philosophie endgültig Valet gesagt”). Rodowick's insistent use of “philosophy” to designate Arendt's project is also not just a semantic difference; it indicates other category mistakes and terminological slippages that, in spite of his sensitivity to the Arendtian problematic, undermine his treatment of Arendt and the humanities.

While these uses of “philosophy” indicate a certain pattern of misprision of Arendt's conception of the political—a misprision that marks this study from the beginning—the main conceptual interloper in Rodowick's account is of course the term “education.” He attempts to counter “the erosion of the possibility of politics,” as he sees it, through an (imaginary) philosophy-recuperating version of Arendt, whose task is “to ask philosophy to rededicate itself to one of its most ancient responsibilities, which is care of the polis through education in judgment” (Rodowick 113). An education in judgment has to do with conversations in public space modeled on “the public performance of thinking (call this teaching)” (27), which Rodowick associates with Socrates. The current crisis in politics reflects a lack of or falling away from such education, and “the crisis in culture and the crisis in education are synonymous with the loss of a common world” (116).1 Such passages are typical of Rodowick's style, which equates rather than distinguishes. Arendt sees such exemplary acts of thinking as pre- or para-political since “teaching by example” is the only way philosophy can influence action “without violating the rules of the political realm” (“Truth and Politics” 243). However, Arendt writes, because philosophical truth is not taken seriously enough today, “even this rare chance of having a philosophical truth politically validated has disappeared” (“Truth and Politics” 244). Arendt also has in mind not the Socratic elenchus itself (a case of thinking as distinct from acting) but only Socrates’s acceptance of the death sentence. “Care of the polis through education in judgment” is therefore problematic enough as a response to today's crises, much less as a responsibility of philosophy, but this task defines the book's agenda. “Care of the polis”—by whom? one might ask. If judgment is modeled by public teaching in the form of the Socratic dialogue, the answer is still Plato. The polis must first be educated if it is to be saved.

This agenda becomes clearer when education in judgment is linked to citizenship. If citizenship means the right to full political participation, then Rodowick sees judgments of taste not as influencing action but as deciding who enters the political realm in the first place. The goal of the education in judgment that takes place in “intersubjective conversations about taste, or, better, in disagreements about meaning and value in literature, art, or philosophy” (Rodowick 27) is to establish shared standards for participation in those very disagreements through “criteria for defining what it means to be a thoughtful and responsible citizen in local and global communities of human existence” (27). The mix of citizenship and humanity, the local and the global, and, implicitly, the political and the notion of community should alert the reader that this is at best an unorthodox reading of Arendt, but the real question perhaps concerns the limits of community.

In Rodowick's model of “local and global” communities and lifelong education, the community seems to have neither spatial nor temporal limits beyond which social space would become political space. Even if Rodowick means education as a non-authoritarian practice, a conversation among equals, some of whom are nonetheless exemplary teachers, it is not just the space of education (for Arendt, whether as thinking or Wissenschaft, outside of politics) that is at issue here but the time of education. In view of the proposition that education is a response to crisis, the omission of any careful consideration of Arendt's “The Crisis in Education” (1954) is remarkable. Like “Little Rock,” “The Crisis in Education” is built around distinctions between childhood and adulthood, which now include authority and natality, conservation and destruction, and the old and the new. Education, says Arendt, is for children; it ends with the age of effective adulthood. In “Little Rock” as in “The Crisis in Education,” Arendt holds that human children mature at a certain age into human adults and that the idea of education, which is based on authority and ends at that conventional age of adulthood, is alien to the sphere of politics, which is based on freedom, natality, and the accident of sharing the same space. Read against “The Crisis in Education,” Rodowick's claim that Arendt's response to crisis takes the form of more education suggests that a response to crisis could be, for Arendt at least, apolitical, but it is the very distinction between education and political action that is most elusive in his study.

The second form of crisis Rodowick mentions refers to Arendt's 1960 essay “The Crisis in Culture.” In that essay, Arendt treats some very contemporary cultural issues while integrating them into her perennial story about judgment and action, which I will sketch below indirectly in addressing Rodowick's version of it. She advances neither a theory of beauty (beauty is self-evident, she says) nor a theory of culture per se. Instead, she deals with the process of judgment in which people orient themselves toward art objects as a means of constituting community. Arendt's clearest opening to culture on political terms comes as she writes, “Culture and politics […] belong together because it is not knowledge or truth which is at stake, but rather judgment and decision, the judicious exchange of opinion about the sphere of public life and the common world, and the decision what manner of action is to be taken in it, as well as to how it is to look henceforth, what kind of things are to appear in it” (“The Crisis in Culture” 219−20). This first moment of the parallel between aesthetic and political judgment concerns things and appearances. The second moment concerns a community of people who “can feel that they belong to each other, when they discover a kinship in terms of what pleases and displeases.” Arendt continues: “From the viewpoint of this common experience, it is as though taste decides not only how the world is to look, but also who belongs together in it” (220; my emphasis). The principle of association and affinity comes to the fore here, as this “kinship” is a form not of negotiating plurality but of self-disclosure and group identification through the objects present in public spaces.

The conjunction of the “what” and the “who” in parallel acts of judgment leads Rodowick to the kind of move that typifies his study: the obliteration of the “as though” and the consequent assertion, in this case, that taste is simply and directly political, constituting “a solidarity of sensibility, a company of critics” as “a kind of polis” (55), thereby making politics analogous to criticism not in how it depends on acts of judgment but in how it constitutes itself—education is after all, for Rodowick, the “care of the polis.” The notion of the care of the polis comes out in Rodowick's discussion of “The Crisis in Culture” in the idea of curation, here meaning decisions about what belongs to the public cultural sphere, as an activity relevant for the political. Decisions about belonging in public and political space appear in Arendt as a propaedeutic exercise for politics, but not its essence, which is marked by the givenness of who is present and the capacity to think on behalf of those who are absent. In this context, the problematic resonances of the historically recent term “curation” and its more recent expansion into all areas of life (“curated” playlists, restaurant menus, holiday experiences…) are lost on Rodowick, who seems determined to see aesthetic education as compatible with political pluralism, action, and freedom as Arendt understands them.2 In this case, curation is the decision not only about what belongs but also about who belongs in that space, a decision that he views as ultimately rooted in concepts of a humanity and community or communities yet to come that will strike some readers as non- or even anti-Arendtian.

Being humani generis is for Rodowick, again in contrast to Arendt, not a given characteristic of people but the achievement of or at least progress toward an only potential humanity, and so it is a matter of humanity not as human beings (Arendt's distinction between “der Mensch” or “die Menschheit” as the subject of philosophy and “die Menschen” as the subject of politics) but as a quality.3 Rodowick's elaboration of this question begins with Kant's question “Was ist der Mensch?” and proposes that Arendt sets out to answer it. Reading Arendt, one might want to agree, as she refers to the “public-political realm” as the space in which “men attain their full humanity, their full reality as men because they not only are […] but appear” (“Philosophy and Politics” 87). However, Rodowick reads becoming human in a deliberate deviation from Kant not in terms of the finite rational animal but as an entelechy—education is once more primary—toward which one develops. As the first of eight theses laid out in chapter 2 has it, “One is not born human; one must strive to become human” (26). The primacy of development or becoming in Rodowick's “perfectionist reading of Kant” (71) also suggests why, at the other end of his ruminations, education has something to do with natality in the conventional sense as birth and growth. For Rodowick, the developmental process is open and open-ended—the human being is according to the title of the final chapter “An As Yet Undetermined Animal”—and so the educational process is also potentially endless, yet it always aims purposefully at the actualization of a humanity not in the common world of politics but as the condition for the possibility of the political or at least as its conditio sine qua non.

Rodowick's citation, in his conclusion, of the conservative columnist David Brooks on the need for more, better paideia (education in the classical sense as linked to the development of maturity) is perhaps more telling than he thinks. There is a kind of negative principle of authority here: not education as to how the common world is, as Arendt saw the task of education, in preparation for the freedom and equality of inevitable—not aspirational—adulthood, but the refusal of political enfranchisement through its reduction to paideia or Erziehung, the term for childrearing and primary and secondary education Arendt uses in the German original version of “The Crisis in Education” and, applied to Rodowick, something perhaps closer to Friedrich Schiller's “ästhetische Erziehung der Menschheit.” Since, according to Arendt, education is rooted only in an authority that precludes political adulthood, it cannot be part of a political response to a crisis, even if that means breaking with our own cherished notions concerning the centrality of education to political life and action.4

In “What is Authority?” Arendt writes that, after the historical crisis that has put an end to authority, “[i]t could be that only now will the past open up to us with unexpected freshness and tell us things no one has yet had ears to hear” (“What is Authority” 94). Maike Weißpflug attempts to understand this communication in terms of the media and genres referred to by David Arndt, the core of the humanities that Rodowick's philosophical account of the humanities largely avoids, the “non-philosophical literature, […] poetic, dramatic, historical, and political writings” that reach beyond the conceptual realm (Arendt, “What is Freedom?” 165). Where Rodowick defined his own task as being to “rebalance philosophically the relation between aesthetics and politics in Arendt's account of judgment, especially as a practice of curation, world-building, and ethical revision” (Rodowick xvii), Weißpflug returns to the Arendtian concept of world as that which is given between and among people as a frame of reference and a space of the experience of freedom. On this account, philosophy is not the solution for politics. Rather, Weißpflug argues, political thought presents a therapeutic proposition for philosophy, to cure it of its abstraction and link it, especially through narrative literature, to the experience of freedom. This move recalls that philosophy is for Arendt part of the complex of the humanities, not a magisterial science that needs to be recuperated in order to save politics.

Early in her study, Weißpflug emphasizes Arendt's figure of the Perlentaucher, the pearl diver who seeks an “alternative Ideengeschichte” (Weißpflug 29), and its relationship to Walter Benjamin's concept of montage. Weißpflug presents her own readings, including “Little Rock,” as a sympathetic working-through (perhaps still on the model of therapy) of Arendt's praxis of thinking politically.

As the second of the three major sections of Weißpflug's study demonstrates, Arendt's thinking of the particular through appearances redefines what the humanities are good for. The representation of “world” in Arendt's sense (not Kant's Weltbürger or, as Arendt calls it, Weltbetrachter) through “storytelling” (Weißpflug uses the English term) assumes that the political is constituted narratively (Weißpflug 196). If we follow Arendt's curious idea that even language-based works of art have and preserve the splendor, the “beauty, that is to say, radiant glory” associated with action (“The Crisis in Culture” 215), then the kernel of experience preserved as memory can—like the work of Benjamin's historical materialist—be recovered in remembrance as if this were a kind of aesthetic act. But the judgment here is not of taste. Rather, it is the identification and recovery of “world,” a relation in which people are present together but with space that both divides and unites them, which Arendt calls “interest” from inter-esse, to be between. In discussing Arendt's readings of Homer, Franz Kafka, Herman Melville, Joseph Conrad, and Bertolt Brecht, Weißpflug addresses and revises critiques of Arendt's style of reading as she shifts their focus, for example, from Melville's Captain Vere, the mouthpiece of Arendt's praise of the “lasting institutions” of the American Revolution (On Revolution 81), to the eponymous hero of the novel, Billy Budd. The final subsection, entitled “Erzählen als Urteilen,” incorporates Walter Benjamin's thinking and argues for Arendt's proximity to her friend's sensibilities and way of reading, attributing to Arendt not the reduction of politics to aesthetic judgment but, with Benjamin, the desire to politicize aesthetics. Whether that project quite jibes with Arendt's remarks on politics as a limit to aesthetic judgment in “The Crisis in Culture” is another question. Weißpflug performs the great service of reminding us that Arendt's version of narrative and criticism comes out of a radical tradition and that Arendt is not simply “a midcult Mitteleuropean media performer, an intellectually more respectable version of Ayn Rand,” as Jenny Turner describes the low opinion of Arendt taken by unnamed serious philosophers in Arendt's lifetime (Turner). That such a perceptive and incisive consideration of Arendt and the humanities comes in a dissertation in political theory (moreover one written at a technical university, the RWTH in Aachen) should give professional humanists something to reflect upon.

The third and shortest major section of Weißpflug's study takes up the question of thinking within limits, as Arendt puts it in her correspondence, “limitiert denken lernen” (quoted in Weißpflug 234), a position from which Weißpflug joins a specifically Arendtian version of Heidegger's “Welterschliessung” to the question of the Anthropocene. Arendt's narrative in The Human Condition of the dream of technical mastery and individual, human insignificance in the modern world appears here in a defense of the humanities as a remedy for such fantasies of control. Weißpflug also articulates a theory of Arendtian worldliness that includes nature—not as a real or deeper interpretation of Arendt but, on the textual level, in the ambivalence of her own understanding of the human–nature relationship. In a fascinating mix of Arendt's readings of Alexandre Koyré, Karl Marx, and others, Weißpflug shows how Arendt's Vita activa (which is more than just a German version of The Human Condition) can connect with and critique current models of ecological concern. She finds precisely in the tension between spatially limited and unlimited models and kinds of action the possibility that nature itself can enter the political stage and become a political actor (Akteur 267). She locates any possible political normativity neither in an ethical position of the observer nor in an imagined future discursive community of human beings on whatever scale but rather in a “normativity of opening” (268) and a plurality of narratives of the Anthropocene.

This normative openness and plurality connect natural sciences, humanities, and public participation (“öffentliches Engagement”) with each other under the aegis of Arendt's mediatization (not mediation) of the political through the products of the arts, not master narratives or centralized norms. The kind of work being done in science and technology studies using Arendt as inspiration or foil (for instance, by Sheila Jasanoff) is not cited here except through an allusion to the “participatory turn” that breaks down the barrier between experts and the general public (271), but it is clear that science here is already political and therefore, for Arendt, open to the means and media of the humanities. Weißpflug's study is itself so rich in detail, so thorough in its treatment of Arendt and her world, and so thoughtful in its consideration of the possibility of the humanities that one could easily take it to a desert island—or a fallout shelter—and have some sense that Arendt speaks to us today precisely through the question of the humanities as a form in which we understand ourselves in our plurality and our world in all its complexity.

The kind of teaching by example to which Rodowick refers pertains for Arendt not so much to the philosopher (as I note above, Arendt says that nobody takes philosophers seriously enough anymore) but to examples that “derive from history and poetry” and invoke the mimetic and representational properties of art in order to “teach or persuade by inspiration”: Courage means to be like Achilles, kindness means to imitate Jesus of Nazareth or St. Francis, and so on (“Truth and Politics” 243−44). One sees in Arendt how teaching becomes political insofar as its nature changes in the political realm from authority to persuasion, but also how politics and the humanities intersect around rhetorical and literary forms and practices.

That competing accounts of the humanities should be a significant part of the response to the political question “Why Arendt now?” says more about the value of the humanities today than do attempts to tease out the relevance of the cultural values that have always been the Achilles heel of humanist apologetics. Arendt's refusal of the label of philosopher implies a criticism of the values-based approach that would elevate truth or other measures—goodness, beauty, sweetness and light, for example—to the position of arbiters of the political (see “The Crisis in Culture” 200−201). The tension between thinking and acting that marks the relationship between philosophy and politics is productive, but freedom, that is, the possibility of action, is always primary.

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《阿伦特论政治》,大卫·阿恩特著,剑桥大学出版社,2019年。第x + 282页。108美元(精装)。32.99美元(平装本或电子书)萨曼莎·罗斯·希尔的《汉娜·阿伦特》,Reaktion Books, 2021年出版。232页。《判断中的教育:汉娜·阿伦特与人文》,D.N.罗德维克著,芝加哥大学出版社,2021年。224页。35美元(精装)。28美元(平装)。34.99美元(电子书)《汉娜·阿伦特:艺术,政治学家的未来》,作者:迈克·魏·普弗鲁格(Maike Weißpflug, Matthes &;塞茨》2019。318页。25欧元(精装版)模仿歌德论莎士比亚:关于汉娜·阿伦特已经说得太多了,似乎没有什么可说的了。但正如《狂怒与激浪》的作者们以自己的形象再现了莎士比亚一样,阿伦特作为各种左翼自由主义政治的护身符的地位,试图将她的作品重新定义为女权主义者,以及对她种族观点的不同评估,可能会让人问:如果阿伦特是答案,那么问题又是什么?尽管如此,自从威权民粹主义作为对自信的后冷战自由民主及其伴随主义的挑战在全球复苏以来,阿伦特对制度结构和控制的关注以及她对隐含民粹主义社会革命的批评找到了新的意义。唐纳德·特朗普突然出现在政治舞台上,出人意料地当选总统,这只会增强她的吸引力;她的经典政治历史研究《极权主义的起源》于2017年1月18日进入《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,就在特朗普就职典礼的前几天。在美国政治的分水岭时刻之后,出现了许多关于阿伦特的新研究,这些研究与最近发生的事件有着明确的联系。关于这些现象如何与更解放的民主理想联系在一起,也许最尖锐的观点是阿德里亚娜·卡瓦雷罗的《涌动的民主》(斯坦福大学,2021年;意大利语原版,2019年),而对阿伦特与当今美国关切的相关性最具说服力的简要描述是理查德·j·伯恩斯坦的《为什么现在要读汉娜·阿伦特?》(政治,2018)。达纳·维拉(Dana Villa)的《阿伦特》(2021年出版于劳特利奇(Routledge)关于哲学家和其他思想家的系列丛书中)提供了一个全面的分析回顾,并与最近的政治思想流派进行了比较。更普及的作品包括肯·克里姆斯坦的图画小说《汉娜·阿伦特的三次逃亡:真相的暴政》(布鲁姆斯伯里出版社,2018年)和安妮·希伯莱因的《爱与暴政:汉娜·阿伦特的生活与政治》(阿南西出版社,2021年);瑞典原版,Mondial, 2020)。似乎是为了强调政治共鸣,Heberlein的标题的英文翻译中的“暴政”一词取代了瑞典原文中的“邪恶”(ondska),这是阿伦特欣赏或挪用的旧记录。虽然迫在眉睫的政治危险可能已经过去,但最近对阿伦特的兴趣唤起了对美德的模糊共鸣,至少对阿伦特来说,这些美德并不总是政治美德。在接下来的内容中,通过比较四本关于阿伦特的书,这些书来自于最近的国家和全球政治危机,或者受其启发,我想评估一下对阿伦特美德的迷恋是如何创造出一种遗产,这种遗产可能会扭曲她对政治的思考。阿伦特敏锐的洞察力和敏锐的区分能力仍然是非常需要的,即使它并不总是在试图尊重这种洞察力时获得。在阿伦特看来,政治是一种基于意见和说服的活动,而不是基于她所理解的哲学理性。由于没有更高的标准来评估这种言论(事实真相是另一回事),除了传统意义上的成年,实际上没有政治参与的标准。正如阿伦特在1959年的文章《对小石城的反思》(Reflections on Little Rock)中所写的那样,“现代条件下”的平等体现在“选举权,根据这一权利,最高尚的公民的判断和意见与几乎不识字的人的判断和意见是平等的”(204)。虽然这似乎与她在其他文本中关于思考和判断的写作方式相反,但对阿伦特来说,这一陈述是对政治领域的肯定,这与她在那篇文章中基于选择性联系、亲和力和偏好将中小学教育分配给社会领域形成了最具争议的对比。奇怪的是,这种区别并没有在政治理论的竞争中出现,而是在对人文学科的不同描述中出现。在《汉娜·阿伦特论政治》一书中,大卫·阿恩特关注的是通过将阿伦特的思想置于她同时代的背景和政治思想史中,来建立对阿伦特所说的政治的清晰理解。 阿伦特在寻找“纯粹的政治概念”时,正如她所说(引用于《阿恩特47》),阿伦特的政治思想触及了我们认为构成人文学科的流派和学科:“非哲学文学,[…]诗歌的,戏剧的,历史的和政治的著作,它们的表达将经验提升到一个辉煌的领域,而不是概念思想的领域”(阿伦特,“什么是自由?“165;阿恩特47)。本着这种精神,阿伦特的研究是一个有价值的、系统的、彻底的提醒,阿伦特对政治行动的理解不是建立在哲学、伦理或交际规范之上,也不是植根于或衍生于这些规范。她的政治思想发生在历史经验和事实的媒介中,正如Maike weig的研究所回忆的那样,它表达自己,而不是在柏拉图,伊曼努尔·康德和约尔根·哈贝马斯的规范性话语中,而是在行动的表现中。通过在艺术,特别是在叙事中搜刮思想和图像的宝库,阿伦特对纯粹政治概念的探索考虑到了多元性。阿伦特政治概念的不纯性不是来自于缺乏将政治概念形式化的愿望,而是来自于她对其美学和文学的坚持所固有的混杂性,即非概念性的表现。阿恩特似乎认为,人们仍然可以在这种混合代表的基础上提炼政治的概念。虽然这在阿伦特身上仍然是阿伦特主义的一个观点,但他有不同的关注点,魏普flug的研究将详细阐述阿伦特文学阅读中政治的混合表现。在完成了对阿伦特来说几乎不可能完成的任务之后,阿恩特相当沉着地执行了他的计划,并列出了同样多的编号清单。他在试图建立阿伦特政治概念的过程中所产生的对比,为理解西方传统和近代政治思想提供了可靠的指导。这个项目本身就使阿伦特的《论政治》成为一种宝贵的工具,可以将阿伦特的作品与她更知名的读者(如Seyla Benhabib, George Kateb, Maurizio Passerin d’entreves, Peg Birmingham, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Hannah Pitkin和Dana Villa)以及与她的思想有特定联系或不同的理论家或哲学家进行交叉参考,他们都是同时代的人(不仅是Martin Heidegger和不可避免的Carl Schmitt,还有Emmanuel l<s:1> vinas),米歇尔·福柯和迈克尔·奥克肖特)以及这些现代政治和道德思潮的追随者。阿伦特在重新发现“阿伦特所说的美国革命失去的宝藏——政治行动的公众幸福”中看到了当前政治危机的希望(1)。这是阿伦特对政治的偶然性和稀缺性的洞察,正如她所理解的那样:“政治这样的存在是如此罕见,在如此少的地方,从历史上讲,只有几个伟大的时代知道它,并把它变成现实”(阿伦特,Human Condition 199;引用于Arndt 74 - 75)。希望指的是这种政治财富的恢复,含蓄地指的是阿伦特的文化记忆技巧,正如她在关于她的朋友沃尔特·本雅明的文章中所说的那样,这是一种潜水寻找珍珠,打捞沉没的宝藏,随着传统权威和历史连续性的丧失,这些宝藏变成了,正如她引用莎士比亚的话,“丰富而奇怪的东西”(“沃尔特·本雅明”135−36)。在这四部作品中,唯一公正地完成了这一任务的是魏普弗吕格的研究,我将在最后介绍他对阿伦特文学和政治的敏感解读。阿伦特的最后一章,关于《独立宣言》和“失去的革命遗产”(256),强调了阿伦特的主张,即美国的开国元勋们未能使法律和自由等政治概念适应他们政治经验的特点,也就是说,没有超越概念来代表行动和自由的经验。阿恩特强调了阿伦特的观点,即经典的政治理想isonomia和isegoria,即法律和公共言论下的平等,是针对政治参与的,而这种参与是有意义的:没有政治空间就没有自由,没有自由就没有政治空间。这种反思会让人得出这样的结论:美国的开国元勋们根本没能创造出这样一个空间,他们策划了政治和社会的冲突,而这种冲突会让阿伦特在20世纪50年代和60年代对美国的看法受到影响。经验和观念之间的重叠或冲突可能是我们获得《小石城反思》(Reflections on Little Rock)等文章的原因,《小石城反思》是对布朗诉布朗案(Brown v.)之后联邦政府强制学校融合的批评。 阿伦特将空间严格划分为政治、社会和私人领域的观点,与其他发展了其他形式的回应和优先行动的人的历史经验背道而驰。社会、政治和私人空间之间的这些区别似乎困扰着萨曼莎·罗斯·希尔,她的阿伦特传记于2019年出版在《反应丛书》系列中。总的来说,希尔的书对阿伦特的生活和关键思想进行了翔实而连贯的叙述。希尔的描述很大程度上依赖于伊丽莎白·杨·布鲁尔的传记《为了爱世界》,这本传记于1982年首次出版(2004年第二版),同时也结合了一些精选的其他资料。作为一本简短的传记,希尔的书做得令人钦佩。尽管如此,文本还是被一些令人震惊的内容所破坏,包括海德格尔加入“国家社会主义民主党”(40 - 41)或大卫·本·古里安作为以色列总理——在1942年的比尔特莫尔会议上,在以色列国存在之前。更重要的是,有一些拼写和概念上的混乱,最突出的是阿伦特对公共、私人和社会空间的区分:“在德语中,她把这些空间翻译成raumen,或‘房间’”(139)。空间和空间的问题对阿伦特的思维方式至关重要。然而,主要是因为缺乏对阿伦特有时会引起争议的区分的注意,希尔没有公正地对待这个问题。(D.N. Rodowick也不知道,我稍后会解释。)如上所述,公共、社会和私人的区别是“反思小石城”的中心组织原则。在那里,它做了当时通常留给南方种族隔离主义者的工作,也做了马丁·路德·金在《伯明翰监狱来信》中提到的自由派温和派的工作。阿伦特将儿童的教育置于社会空间中,即人们自由选择同伴的领域,并警告说,联邦政府授权的学校整合力量的发展超出了社会进化的步伐。希尔似乎特意指出,这可能只是传记叙事的另一个阶段。虽然她提到“许多学者”“研究过汉娜·阿伦特关于种族的著作”(151)或她的“种族化语言”(221),但这些学者的名字都没有透露。一个非常值得引用的例子是凯瑟琳·索菲亚·贝尔的研究《汉娜·阿伦特和黑人问题》(凯瑟琳·t·希内斯,2014年),它只出现在本书末尾的17本“汉娜·阿伦特书籍选集”中。然而,这里出现的问题不是因为希尔忽视了种族问题,而是因为她处理这个问题的方式既不符合阿伦特的观点,也不符合她的概念与美国政治和社会经验的冲突,这是理解阿伦特政治的关键。希尔对《小石城的反思》中所提出的复杂问题的处理非常笨拙。在谈到试图拯救阿伦特的文章或将其与进步的社会关切调和之后,希尔写道:“对阿伦特来说,平等的修辞对民主政治生活是危险的,她一直认为,只有在他们不平等的意义上,男人才会平等。她打赌,即使在美国实现了社会、经济和教育平等,也会增加对黑人的歧视”(152)。阿伦特的读者会在这里认识到一些重要的主题,比如平等与相同的区别;或者是社会平等和政治平等之间的区别,这是希尔在两页前做的区分;或者是善意带来的意想不到的后果。然而,未能将阿伦特关于强制性联邦一体化的论点置于语境中,导致其段落本身如此混乱和矛盾,以至于难以评估其准确性:“在将平等从政治中排除出去的过程中,阿伦特认为被压迫人民的困境没有区别,他们被排除在公共场合之外。在这样做的过程中,有人可能会说,她忽略了压迫的特殊条件,以支持建立在歧视基础上的普遍利益”(152)。这段话似乎把阿伦特的美国联邦主义版本和她对联邦权力运用的悲观主义与种族隔离主义者对各州权利的愤世嫉俗的唤起混为一谈,但它的开头声称阿伦特“将平等从政治中剔除”是完全错误的。在平等问题上,即使在《小石城的反思》中,阿伦特也是直言不讳的;她指出,“平等本身在一个共和国的政治生活中比在任何其他形式的政府中都更为重要”,并且(与亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔一起)“机会和条件的平等,以及权利的平等,构成了美国民主的基本‘法律’”(“Little Rock”2000)。 阿伦特将空间严格划分为政治、社会和私人领域的观点,与其他发展了其他形式的回应和优先行动的人的历史经验背道而驰。社会、政治和私人空间之间的这些区别似乎困扰着萨曼莎·罗斯·希尔,她的阿伦特传记于2019年出版在《反应丛书》系列中。总的来说,希尔的书对阿伦特的生活和关键思想进行了翔实而连贯的叙述。希尔的描述很大程度上依赖于伊丽莎白·杨·布鲁尔的传记《为了爱世界》,这本传记于1982年首次出版(2004年第二版),同时也结合了一些精选的其他资料。作为一本简短的传记,希尔的书做得令人钦佩。尽管如此,文本还是被一些令人震惊的内容所破坏,包括海德格尔加入“国家社会主义民主党”(40 - 41)或大卫·本·古里安作为以色列总理——在1942年的比尔特莫尔会议上,在以色列国存在之前。更重要的是,有一些拼写和概念上的混乱,最突出的是阿伦特对公共、私人和社会空间的区分:“在德语中,她把这些空间翻译成raumen,或‘房间’”(139)。空间和空间的问题对阿伦特的思维方式至关重要。然而,主要是因为缺乏对阿伦特有时会引起争议的区分的注意,希尔没有公正地对待这个问题。(D.N. Rodowick也不知道,我稍后会解释。)如上所述,公共、社会和私人的区别是“反思小石城”的中心组织原则。在那里,它做了当时通常留给南方种族隔离主义者的工作,也做了马丁·路德·金在《伯明翰监狱来信》中提到的自由派温和派的工作。阿伦特将儿童的教育置于社会空间中,即人们自由选择同伴的领域,并警告说,联邦政府授权的学校整合力量的发展超出了社会进化的步伐。希尔似乎特意指出,这可能只是传记叙事的另一个阶段。虽然她提到“许多学者”“研究过汉娜·阿伦特关于种族的著作”(151)或她的“种族化语言”(221),但这些学者的名字都没有透露。一个非常值得引用的例子是凯瑟琳·索菲亚·贝尔的研究《汉娜·阿伦特和黑人问题》(凯瑟琳·t·希内斯,2014年),它只出现在本书末尾的17本“汉娜·阿伦特书籍选集”中。然而,这里出现的问题不是因为希尔忽视了种族问题,而是因为她处理这个问题的方式既不符合阿伦特的观点,也不符合她的概念与美国政治和社会经验的冲突,这是理解阿伦特政治的关键。希尔对《小石城的反思》中所提出的复杂问题的处理非常笨拙。在谈到试图拯救阿伦特的文章或将其与进步的社会关切调和之后,希尔写道:“对阿伦特来说,平等的修辞对民主政治生活是危险的,她一直认为,只有在他们不平等的意义上,男人才会平等。她打赌,即使在美国实现了社会、经济和教育平等,也会增加对黑人的歧视”(152)。阿伦特的读者会在这里认识到一些重要的主题,比如平等与相同的区别;或者是社会平等和政治平等之间的区别,这是希尔在两页前做的区分;或者是善意带来的意想不到的后果。然而,未能将阿伦特关于强制性联邦一体化的论点置于语境中,导致其段落本身如此混乱和矛盾,以至于难以评估其准确性:“在将平等从政治中排除出去的过程中,阿伦特认为被压迫人民的困境没有区别,他们被排除在公共场合之外。在这样做的过程中,有人可能会说,她忽略了压迫的特殊条件,以支持建立在歧视基础上的普遍利益”(152)。这段话似乎把阿伦特的美国联邦主义版本和她对联邦权力运用的悲观主义与种族隔离主义者对各州权利的愤世嫉俗的唤起混为一谈,但它的开头声称阿伦特“将平等从政治中剔除”是完全错误的。在平等问题上,即使在《小石城的反思》中,阿伦特也是直言不讳的;她指出,“平等本身在一个共和国的政治生活中比在任何其他形式的政府中都更为重要”,并且(与亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔一起)“机会和条件的平等,以及权利的平等,构成了美国民主的基本‘法律’”(“Little Rock”2000)。 政治和社会之间的区别是这篇文章的核心,也是其争议的根源,在这里希尔混淆了社会平等和政治平等。“建立在歧视基础上的普遍善”可能是什么,仍然没有定义,也许会抵制任何定义,因为政治对阿伦特来说是复数的定义,而不是旨在实现普遍善。无论人们是否完全同意凯瑟琳·贝尔(Kathryn Belle)的可信结论,即阿伦特“肯定了白人想象中持续存在的黑人的负面形象”(希内斯129),阿伦特的立场需要更仔细地考虑、语境化和争论。阿伦特在政治、社会、教育或任何类型的空间中对黑人的处理需要得到重视,特别是当阿伦特与民权和黑人权力运动的接触引发了她更多的反应性陈述时,尤其是在《论暴力》(1970)中,而不是阿伦特对美国黑人经历的开放。理解“为什么阿伦特现在”应该考虑到她在这些问题上的反抗,尤其是“现在”不仅是一个激进和暴力的右翼复兴的时代,也是一个“黑人的命也是命”的时代。与其将阿伦特简单地看作是一个敏锐的法西斯主义诊断专家或自由宪政秩序的捍卫者,不如像理查德·伯恩斯坦在此背景下提出的那样,“与阿伦特一起思考,反对阿伦特”,可能会为当前的政治和社会现象提供一个更有趣的版本(伯恩斯坦52)。与此同时,对于阿伦特的思想意味着什么,几乎没有达成共识,因为她的名字被用来支持她的项目的非常不同的版本。d·n·罗德维克的《判断中的教育:汉娜·阿伦特与人文》将阿伦特的教育描述为隐含地属于社会空间,同时似乎在阿伦特的条件下为该空间主张政治价值。如果大卫·阿恩特煞费苦心地对阿伦特的政治概念提供了精确的、比较的解释,那么罗德威克认为阿伦特为我们这个时代的政治危机提供的那种解决方案,在她看来,就不是政治性的。他将阿伦特“含蓄而持久的暗示,即人文教育是对与她有关的文化危机的唯一适当回应”(xv),并在对人文学科的考虑中发展了这一思想,人文学科寻求进行关于品味判断的对话和教学,一种“判断教育”,这是对他所关注的危机的必要回应。然而,细心的阿伦特读者会注意到,这场危机并不是阿伦特所关注的危机。它既不是传统的危机,也不是教育的危机,更不是文化的危机。当我们读到罗道威克六章中的第五章,“政治与哲学,或恢复一个共同的世界”,关于阿伦特的论文“哲学与政治”(1954年写)和“真理与政治”(1967年首次出版)时,这种对我们时代危机的关注是显而易见的,尤其是假新闻和另类事实,在罗道威克看来,这些新闻和事实是政治阶级的特征,而不仅仅是政治的性质或风险的标志:“主要是推诿的政客”促成了一个以“谎言、该死的谎言和深度造假”为标志的“事实世界”的创造(117)。不幸的是,这种对我们时代危机的关注从一开始就扭曲了罗德维克对阿伦特的解读。罗德维克并没有区分阿伦特的思想和他所认为的对我们的危机的合适回应,而是省略或瓦解了阿伦特的主要区别,特别是在私人、社会和政治空间之间的区别。阿伦特在她的政治思想中对教育和哲学这两个术语进行了明显的批评,这在症状上和语义上标志着这种崩溃。我将首先说明他对“哲学”的使用。在《判断的教育》的结尾,阿伦特对一种新的政治哲学的渴望在文本的论证中变得更加频繁和重要。阿伦特在1964年对<s:1>内特·高斯的采访中指出,自柏拉图以来,哲学一直存在对政治的敌意,她在更早的《哲学与政治》(philosophy and politics)一书中也提到了这一点。由于Rodowick在那篇文章中指出了哲学真理和政治之间的紧张关系,他在《哲学与政治》中的陈述,阿伦特正在“寻找一种新的政治哲学,即一种从哲学实践中产生并在哲学实践中产生的政治,这种实践将其注意力集中在从事日常事务的人类无数相互关联的行为上”(113),她“要求一种新的政治哲学产生于对人类多元性事实的深思熟虑的关注”(115),这令人惊讶。 政治和社会之间的区别是这篇文章的核心,也是其争议的根源,在这里希尔混淆了社会平等和政治平等。“建立在歧视基础上的普遍善”可能是什么,仍然没有定义,也许会抵制任何定义,因为政治对阿伦特来说是复数的定义,而不是旨在实现普遍善。无论人们是否完全同意凯瑟琳·贝尔(Kathryn Belle)的可信结论,即阿伦特“肯定了白人想象中持续存在的黑人的负面形象”(希内斯129),阿伦特的立场需要更仔细地考虑、语境化和争论。阿伦特在政治、社会、教育或任何类型的空间中对黑人的处理需要得到重视,特别是当阿伦特与民权和黑人权力运动的接触引发了她更多的反应性陈述时,尤其是在《论暴力》(1970)中,而不是阿伦特对美国黑人经历的开放。理解“为什么阿伦特现在”应该考虑到她在这些问题上的反抗,尤其是“现在”不仅是一个激进和暴力的右翼复兴的时代,也是一个“黑人的命也是命”的时代。与其将阿伦特简单地看作是一个敏锐的法西斯主义诊断专家或自由宪政秩序的捍卫者,不如像理查德·伯恩斯坦在此背景下提出的那样,“与阿伦特一起思考,反对阿伦特”,可能会为当前的政治和社会现象提供一个更有趣的版本(伯恩斯坦52)。与此同时,对于阿伦特的思想意味着什么,几乎没有达成共识,因为她的名字被用来支持她的项目的不同版本。罗德维克的《判断中的教育:汉娜·阿伦特与人文》将阿伦特的教育描述为隐含地属于社会空间,同时似乎在阿伦特的条件下为该空间主张政治价值。如果大卫·阿恩特煞费苦心地对阿伦特的政治概念提供了精确的、比较的解释,那么罗德威克认为阿伦特为我们这个时代的政治危机提供的那种解决方案,在她看来,就不是政治性的。他将阿伦特“含蓄而持久的暗示,即人文教育是对与她有关的文化危机的唯一适当回应”(xv),并在对人文学科的考虑中发展了这一思想,人文学科寻求进行关于品味判断的对话和教学,一种“判断教育”,这是对他所关注的危机的必要回应。然而,细心的阿伦特读者会注意到,这场危机并不是阿伦特所关注的危机。它既不是传统的危机,也不是教育的危机,更不是文化的危机。当我们读到罗道威克六章中的第五章,“政治与哲学,或恢复一个共同的世界”,关于阿伦特的论文“哲学与政治”(1954年写)和“真理与政治”(1967年首次出版)时,这种对我们时代危机的关注是显而易见的,尤其是假新闻和另类事实,在罗道威克看来,这些新闻和事实是政治阶级的特征,而不仅仅是政治的性质或风险的标志:“主要是推诿的政客”促成了一个以“谎言、该死的谎言和深度造假”为标志的“事实世界”的创造(117)。不幸的是,这种对我们时代危机的关注从一开始就扭曲了罗德维克对阿伦特的解读。罗德维克并没有区分阿伦特的思想和他所认为的对我们的危机的合适回应,而是省略或瓦解了阿伦特的主要区别,特别是在私人、社会和政治空间之间的区别。阿伦特在她的政治思想中对教育和哲学这两个术语进行了明显的批评,这在症状上和语义上标志着这种崩溃。我将首先说明他对“哲学”的使用。在《判断的教育》的结尾,阿伦特对一种新的政治哲学的渴望在文本的论证中变得更加频繁和重要。阿伦特在1964年对<s:1>内特·高斯的采访中指出,自柏拉图以来,哲学一直存在对政治的敌意,她在更早的《哲学与政治》(philosophy and politics)一书中也提到了这一点。由于Rodowick在那篇文章中指出了哲学真理和政治之间的紧张关系,他在《哲学与政治》中的陈述,阿伦特正在“寻找一种新的政治哲学,即一种从哲学实践中产生并在哲学实践中产生的政治,这种实践将其注意力集中在从事日常事务的人类无数相互关联的行为上”(113),她“要求一种新的政治哲学产生于对人类多元性事实的深思熟虑的关注”(115),这令人惊讶。 他还肯定地认为阿伦特的作品“缩小了哲学与政治之间的距离”(Rodowick 114)。任何熟悉阿伦特著作(包括1954年的演讲)的人都知道,阿伦特对政治哲学和政治理论的区分不仅仅是语义学的轻率使用。正如她在《真理与政治》(Truth and Politics)一书中所写的那样,“真理”的暴政(她的恐吓引号)将“与其他形式的专制一样专制”(246页)。在《哲学与政治》中,哲学与政治的对立不是偶然的,而是内在的。“真理的暴政”是阿伦特对哲学家主张的称呼,从柏拉图开始,但包括直到康德的整个传统,即“永恒的真理[…]是统治城市”(阿伦特,“哲学与政治”78)。她拒绝声称哲学概念或思想取代了沟通和说服,这是政治的工作,这使她不是哲学家,而是政治理论家。在1964年对高斯的采访中,她甚至拒绝了高斯给她贴上哲学家标签的企图:“哲学家与自然的关系与所有其他人的关系是一样的。当他想到[自然]时,他以全人类的名义说话。但他在政治上并不中立。自柏拉图以来就没有了!”出于这个原因,阿伦特告诉高斯,她已经“向哲学说了最后的告别”(“der Philosophie endggltig Valet gesagt”)。罗多维克坚持使用“哲学”来指定阿伦特的计划也不仅仅是语义上的差异;它指出了其他范畴上的错误和术语上的失误,尽管他对阿伦特问题很敏感,但这些失误破坏了他对阿伦特和人文学科的处理。虽然这些“哲学”的使用表明了阿伦特对政治概念的某种误解模式——这种误解从一开始就标志着这项研究——在罗德维克的叙述中,主要的概念闯入者当然是术语“教育”。他试图对抗“政治可能性的侵蚀”,正如他所看到的那样,通过一个(想象的)阿伦特的哲学复原版本,阿伦特的任务是“要求哲学重新致力于其最古老的责任之一,即通过判断教育来照顾城邦”(Rodowick 113)。判断教育必须与公共空间中的对话有关,这种对话以“思考的公共表现(称之为教学)”为模型(27),Rodowick将其与苏格拉底联系在一起。当前的政治危机反映了这种教育的缺乏或偏离,“文化危机和教育危机是失去共同世界的同义词”(116)这样的段落是典型的罗德威克风格,它等同而不是区分。阿伦特认为这种模范的思考行为是前政治或准政治的,因为“以身作则”是哲学影响行动的唯一途径,“而不违反政治领域的规则”(“真理与政治”243)。然而,阿伦特写道,因为哲学真理在今天没有得到足够的重视,“即使是这种难得的哲学真理在政治上得到证实的机会也消失了”(“真理与政治”244)。阿伦特也没有想到苏格拉底的教众本身(一种思维与行动截然不同的情况),而只想到苏格拉底接受死刑。因此,作为对当今危机的回应,“通过判断教育来关心城邦”已经足够有问题了,更不用说作为哲学的责任了,但这个任务定义了本书的议程。《保卫城邦》——谁写的?有人可能会问。如果判断是由苏格拉底式的对话形式的公共教学所塑造的,那么答案仍然是柏拉图。城邦要得到拯救,首先必须接受教育。当判断力教育与公民身份挂钩时,这一议程变得更加清晰。如果公民身份意味着充分参与政治的权利,那么Rodowick认为品味的判断不是影响行动,而是决定谁首先进入政治领域。在“关于品味的主体间对话,或者更好地说,在关于文学、艺术或哲学的意义和价值的分歧”(Rodowick 27)中进行的判断教育的目标,是通过“在人类生存的地方和全球社区中定义什么是有思想和负责任的公民的标准”(27),为参与这些分歧建立共同的标准。公民身份和人性,地方和全球,以及隐含的政治和社区概念的混合应该提醒读者,这充其量是对阿伦特的非正统解读,但真正的问题可能与社区的局限性有关。在Rodowick的“地方与全球”社区和终身教育模式中,社区似乎既没有空间限制,也没有时间限制,超过这个限制,社会空间就会变成政治空间。 他还肯定地认为阿伦特的作品“缩小了哲学与政治之间的距离”(Rodowick 114)。任何熟悉阿伦特著作(包括1954年的演讲)的人都知道,阿伦特对政治哲学和政治理论的区分不仅仅是语义学的轻率使用。正如她在《真理与政治》(Truth and Politics)一书中所写的那样,“真理”的暴政(她的恐吓引号)将“与其他形式的专制一样专制”(246页)。在《哲学与政治》中,哲学与政治的对立不是偶然的,而是内在的。“真理的暴政”是阿伦特对哲学家主张的称呼,从柏拉图开始,但包括直到康德的整个传统,即“永恒的真理[…]是统治城市”(阿伦特,“哲学与政治”78)。她拒绝声称哲学概念或思想取代了沟通和说服,这是政治的工作,这使她不是哲学家,而是政治理论家。在1964年对高斯的采访中,她甚至拒绝了高斯给她贴上哲学家标签的企图:“哲学家与自然的关系与所有其他人的关系是一样的。当他想到[自然]时,他以全人类的名义说话。但他在政治上并不中立。自柏拉图以来就没有了!”出于这个原因,阿伦特告诉高斯,她已经“向哲学说了最后的告别”(“der Philosophie endggltig Valet gesagt”)。罗多维克坚持使用“哲学”来指定阿伦特的计划也不仅仅是语义上的差异;它指出了其他范畴上的错误和术语上的失误,尽管他对阿伦特问题很敏感,但这些失误破坏了他对阿伦特和人文学科的处理。虽然这些“哲学”的使用表明了阿伦特对政治概念的某种误解模式——这种误解从一开始就标志着这项研究——在罗德维克的叙述中,主要的概念闯入者当然是术语“教育”。他试图对抗“政治可能性的侵蚀”,正如他所看到的那样,通过一个(想象的)阿伦特的哲学复原版本,阿伦特的任务是“要求哲学重新致力于其最古老的责任之一,即通过判断教育来照顾城邦”(Rodowick 113)。判断教育必须与公共空间中的对话有关,这种对话以“思考的公共表现(称之为教学)”为模型(27),Rodowick将其与苏格拉底联系在一起。当前的政治危机反映了这种教育的缺乏或偏离,“文化危机和教育危机是失去共同世界的同义词”(116)这样的段落是典型的罗德威克风格,它等同而不是区分。阿伦特认为这种模范的思考行为是前政治或准政治的,因为“以身作则”是哲学影响行动的唯一途径,“而不违反政治领域的规则”(“真理与政治”243)。然而,阿伦特写道,因为哲学真理在今天没有得到足够的重视,“即使是这种难得的哲学真理在政治上得到证实的机会也消失了”(“真理与政治”244)。阿伦特也没有想到苏格拉底的教众本身(一种思维与行动截然不同的情况),而只想到苏格拉底接受死刑。因此,作为对当今危机的回应,“通过判断教育来关心城邦”已经足够有问题了,更不用说作为哲学的责任了,但这个任务定义了本书的议程。《保卫城邦》——谁写的?有人可能会问。如果判断是由苏格拉底式的对话形式的公共教学所塑造的,那么答案仍然是柏拉图。城邦要得到拯救,首先必须接受教育。当判断力教育与公民身份挂钩时,这一议程变得更加清晰。如果公民身份意味着充分参与政治的权利,那么Rodowick认为品味的判断不是影响行动,而是决定谁首先进入政治领域。在“关于品味的主体间对话,或者更好地说,在关于文学、艺术或哲学的意义和价值的分歧”(Rodowick 27)中进行的判断教育的目标,是通过“在人类生存的地方和全球社区中定义什么是有思想和负责任的公民的标准”(27),为参与这些分歧建立共同的标准。公民身份和人性,地方和全球,以及隐含的政治和社区概念的混合应该提醒读者,这充其量是对阿伦特的非正统解读,但真正的问题可能与社区的局限性有关。在Rodowick的“地方与全球”社区和终身教育模式中,社区似乎既没有空间限制,也没有时间限制,超过这个限制,社会空间就会变成政治空间。 再次与阿伦特形成对比的是,对罗德维克来说,人性的普遍性不是人的特定特征,而是实现或至少向唯一潜在的人性迈进,因此它不是作为人类的人性问题(阿伦特区分了作为哲学主体的“人”或“人”与作为政治主体的“人”),而是作为一种品质的问题Rodowick对这个问题的阐述始于康德的问题“我是人吗?”,并建议阿伦特着手回答这个问题。阅读阿伦特,人们可能会同意她所说的“公共政治领域”是一个空间,在这个空间中,“人们获得了他们完整的人性,他们作为人的完整现实,因为他们不仅是[…],而且是出现的”(《哲学与政治》第87页)。然而,Rodowick故意偏离康德,不是从有限的理性动物的角度,而是作为一个整体——教育再次是首要的——一个人向其发展。正如第二章中列出的八条论点中的第一条所说,“人不是生而为人;人必须努力成为人”(26)。在罗德维克“对康德的完美主义解读”(71)中,发展或成长的首要地位也表明,在他反思的另一端,为什么教育与传统意义上的出生和成长有关。对罗德维克来说,发展的过程是开放的,没有终点的——根据最后一章的标题,人类是“一个尚未确定的动物”——因此教育的过程也可能是无止境的,但它总是有目的地以人性的实现为目标,而不是在政治的共同世界中,而是作为政治可能性的条件,或者至少是作为其必要条件。罗德维克在结论中引用了保守派专栏作家大卫·布鲁克斯(David Brooks)关于需要更多、更好的paideia(古典意义上与成熟发展相关的教育)的话,这或许比他想象的更能说明问题。这里有一种权威的否定原则:阿伦特认为教育的任务是为不可避免的——不是渴望的——成年的自由和平等做准备,而不是教育如何看待共同的世界,而是通过将其还原为paideia或Erziehung来拒绝政治权利,这是阿伦特在德语原版《教育危机》中使用的儿童教育和中小学教育的术语,并适用于罗德维克。或许更接近于弗里德里希·席勒的“ästhetische Erziehung der Menschheit”根据阿伦特的观点,由于教育只植根于排除政治成年的权威,它不能成为对危机的政治反应的一部分,即使这意味着打破我们自己所珍视的关于教育对政治生活和行动的中心地位的观念。在“什么是权威?”阿伦特写道,在终结权威的历史危机之后,“可能只有到现在,过去才会以意想不到的新鲜感向我们敞开,告诉我们还没有人有耳朵听到的事情”(《什么是权威》,第94页)。Maike Weißpflug试图从大卫·阿恩特(David Arndt)提到的媒介和流派的角度来理解这种交流,这是罗德维克对人文学科的哲学描述在很大程度上避免的人文学科的核心,“非哲学的文学,[…]诗歌的,戏剧的,历史的和政治的作品”,超越了概念领域(阿伦特,“什么是自由?“165)。Rodowick将自己的任务定义为“从哲学上重新平衡阿伦特关于判断的叙述中美学与政治之间的关系,特别是作为一种策画、世界建设和伦理修正的实践”(Rodowick xvii), wei - pflug回到了阿伦特的世界概念,即人们之间和人与人之间作为参考框架和自由经验空间的世界。因此,哲学不是政治的解决方案。相反,Weißpflug认为,政治思想为哲学提供了一种治疗性命题,以治愈它的抽象性,并将其联系起来,特别是通过叙事文学,与自由的经验联系起来。这一举动让人想起,对阿伦特来说,哲学是人文学科复合体的一部分,而不是为了拯救政治而需要恢复元气的权威科学。在她的早期研究中,Weißpflug强调了阿伦特的Perlentaucher的形象,即寻找“另类Ideengeschichte”(Weißpflug 29)的采珠人,以及它与瓦尔特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin)蒙太奇概念的关系。Weißpflug展示了她自己的阅读作品,包括《小石城》,作为阿伦特政治思维实践的一种同情的实践(也许仍然是治疗模式)。正如Weißpflug研究的三个主要部分中的第二个部分所表明的那样,阿伦特通过表象对特殊的思考重新定义了人文学科的好处。 阿伦特意义上的“世界”的再现(不是康德的welt<s:1> rger,或者阿伦特称之为Weltbetrachter)通过“讲故事”(Weißpflug使用英文术语)假定政治是叙事构成的(Weißpflug 196)。如果我们遵循阿伦特的奇怪想法,即即使是基于语言的艺术作品也有并保存着与行动相关的辉煌,“美,也就是说,光辉的荣耀”(“文化危机”215),那么作为记忆保存的经验的核心可以像本雅明的历史唯物主义者的工作一样,在记忆中恢复,就好像这是一种审美行为。但这里的判断不是品味。更确切地说,它是对“世界”的认同和恢复,在这种关系中,人们在一起,但有既分裂又团结的空间,阿伦特将其称为“利益”(interesse),即在两者之间。在讨论阿伦特对荷马、弗朗茨·卡夫卡、赫尔曼·梅尔维尔、约瑟夫·康拉德和贝托尔特·布莱希特的阅读时,薇格·普弗拉格将焦点从梅尔维尔的《维尔船长》——阿伦特对美国革命“持久制度”(《81年革命论》)的喉舌——转移到小说中的同名英雄比利·巴德身上,并修正了对阿伦特阅读风格的批评。最后一个小节,题为“Erzählen als Urteilen”,结合了瓦尔特·本雅明的思想,并论证了阿伦特与她朋友的情感和阅读方式的接近,并不是将政治归结为审美判断,而是将美学政治化的愿望与本雅明一起归因于阿伦特。这个计划是否与阿伦特在《文化危机》(The Crisis in Culture)中关于政治是审美判断的限制的言论相吻合,则是另一个问题。魏普弗鲁格的伟大贡献在于提醒我们,阿伦特的叙事和批评方式来自一种激进的传统,阿伦特不仅仅是“一个中流媒体的演员,一个智力上更受尊敬的安·兰德”,正如珍妮·特纳(Jenny Turner)所描述的那样,阿伦特在世时,一些不知名的严肃哲学家对阿伦特的评价很低(特纳)。在一篇关于政治理论的论文中(而且是在亚琛工业大学写的)对阿伦特和人文学科进行了如此敏锐而深刻的思考,这应该给专业人文学者一些反思。魏ßpflug研究的第三个也是最短的主要部分是关于在限制内思考的问题,正如阿伦特在她的通信中所说的那样,“limitiert denken lernen”(引自魏ßpflug 234),魏ßpflug从这个立场出发,将海德格尔的“世界观”(Welterschliessung)的阿伦特版本与人类世的问题联系起来。阿伦特在《人类状况》中关于技术掌握和个人,人类在现代世界中无足轻重的梦想的叙述,在这里出现在对人文学科的辩护中,作为这种控制幻想的补救措施。Weißpflug还阐述了一种包括自然的阿伦特世界理论——不是作为对阿伦特的真实或更深层次的解释,而是在文本层面上,在她自己对人与自然关系的矛盾理解中。通过将阿伦特对亚历山大·科伊罗、卡尔·马克思等人的解读精彩地融合在一起,魏普弗鲁格展示了阿伦特的《活在当下》(不仅仅是德国版的《人类状况》)是如何与当前的生态关注模式联系在一起并对其进行批判的。她恰恰在空间有限和无限的模式和行动之间的张力中发现了自然本身进入政治舞台并成为政治行动者的可能性(Akteur 267)。她既没有将任何可能的政治规范性定位在观察者的伦理立场上,也没有将其定位在任何规模的想象中的未来人类话语共同体中,而是将其定位在“开放的规范性”(268)和人类世的多元叙事中。这种规范性的开放性和多元性将自然科学、人文科学和公众参与(“öffentliches Engagement”)相互联系起来,在阿伦特通过艺术产品(而不是主叙事或集中规范)对政治进行调解(不是调解)的支持下。在科学和技术研究中使用阿伦特作为灵感或辅助(例如,希拉·贾萨诺夫)所做的工作在这里没有被引用,除非通过暗示“参与性转向”打破了专家和公众之间的障碍(271),但很明显,这里的科学已经是政治的,因此,对阿伦特来说,向人文科学的手段和媒介开放。
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Issue Information Preface: German Quarterly Special Issue on Form Intertextuelle Verhandlungen. Zur Kafka-Rezeption in der afrikanischen Literatur The Sociality of Form: Camillo Sitte's Urban Morphologies Meter Against Essentialism
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