The life and death of constitutions

IF 2.3 2区 社会学 Q1 LAW Law & Society Review Pub Date : 2023-11-21 DOI:10.1111/lasr.12692
Kim Lane Scheppele
{"title":"The life and death of constitutions","authors":"Kim Lane Scheppele","doi":"10.1111/lasr.12692","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>The Law and Society meetings in 2019 are taking place in Washington DC at a time when many of our international friends are wondering whether they should travel to a place where the national president has made border crossings arbitrary and painful, denied visas to those coming from disfavored countries and in general trampled on the ideals that the United States has long preached. To take a stand against the damage being visibly done to both constitutionalism and the rule of law by the incumbent American administration, we picked “dignity” as the theme for these meetings (Figure 1).</p><p>But “dignity” was also <i>encoded</i> criticism, designed to ensure that the theme of our conference would not raise red flags on visa applications. We hoped that the Trump Administration would not find dignity as dangerous as we found it inspiring. And so here we are. Not all of our colleagues were able to join us; in particular, we are dismayed that nearly all of our Nigerian colleagues' visa applications were rejected. All the more reason for us to insist on dignity as <i>our</i> fundamental organizing principle, even if it is not at the moment honored by the country in which we meet.</p><p>Dignity is the heart and soul of many modern constitutions. The German Basic Law holds in Article 1 that “Human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority” (Germany, Basic Law. <span>1949</span>). The Colombian Constitution similarly leads with dignity in Article 1: “Colombia is a social state under the rule of law… based on respect for human dignity” (Colombia, Constitution, <span>1991</span>). And the inspirational South African Constitution proclaims in Article 10 that “everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected (South Africa, Constitution, <span>1994</span>).” But dignity has never been the organizing principle of the US Constitution, which has taken ideas of liberty—often honored in the breach—as its touchstone instead (Whitman, <span>2004</span>).</p><p>Indeed, it is hard to say that a spirit of dignity characterizes our present moment. Just down the street from the hotel where we are meeting, President Trump occupies the White House, spewing forth daily insults and threats against the people and principles he refuses to honor. But constitutional endangerment is not just happening in the US. The threat to dignity from aspirational autocrats extends far and wide, as Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Narendra Modi in India, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and others fan the flames of hatred against their political enemies and legally remove (or ignore) the constitutional constraints on their power. Brexit in the UK was a campaign run and won by English nationalists who rejected the European project and its value constraints—and sent the rickety British constitution into crisis. Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland are undermining the rule of law and turning once reasonably functioning democracies into autocratic experiments. The threat to democracy, human rights and the rule of law is global. And human dignity is taking a hit.</p><p>In its <i>Freedom in the World</i> annual report for 2019, the democracy-rating organization Freedom House declared that it had just “recorded the 13th consecutive year of decline in global freedom … Democracy is in retreat” (Freedom House, <span>2019</span>, p. 1). Other democracy raters agreed. The Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project called its annual report in 2019 “Democracy Facing Global Challenges,” and noted that in the prior year, “the most dramatic changes occurred in Hungary, with a decline of almost 30% on the LDI [Liberal Democracy Index] scale” (Varieties of Democracy, <span>2019</span>, p. 22). In 10 short years, Hungary—a country where the Law and Society Association met in 2001—fell from the heights of “liberal democracy” to teetering on the edge of “electoral autocracy” in which it is virtually impossible to change a government through elections. [Hungary in fact was judged to be “no longer a democracy” the year after this presidential address was delivered (Varieties of Democracy Project, <span>2020</span>, p. 4).] I'll have more to say about Hungary later, as it is the place I study most closely, but for now I'll just note that what happens in Hungary today can happen in a democracy near you tomorrow.</p><p>If constitutional democracy is failing and autocracy is on the rise, putting human dignity at risk, what can and should we as scholars do to stall the slide, and perhaps even reverse it?</p><p>In the Law and Society world, we have long pondered our relationship to what Austin Sarat and Susan Silbey famously called “pull of the policy audience” (Sarat &amp; Silbey, <span>1988</span>). Studies of the role of law in the world are persistently interesting to people in power, and Sarat and Silbey cautioned our field against becoming too comfortable with that fact. Not that sociolegal scholars should remain silent on matters of policy. Rather, Sarat and Silbey urged that we be more thoughtful, more explicit about our commitments and more protective of our independence as scholars. They argued that we needed to maintain a distance that would allow us to remain critical both of the repressive uses of power and of instrumental uses of scholarship. They argued against cooptation, against the agendas of our field being set by external standards of relevance and against taking the script of legal liberalism as the only way to think about law.</p><p>Since Sarat and Silbey wrote, however, many of us have had the vertiginous sense that our ideas have escaped from academic circles, and are being deliberately used <i>against</i> what we value, regardless of whether we have cooperated with power or not. Who has deployed social constructivism better than the defenders of autocracy, who now insist that all truth is relative and perhaps does not exist at all? Who has taken on board the critiques of liberalism better than the aspirational autocrats, who now insist that the liberalism is an old-fashioned and inadequate response to the challenges of today? If ideals of objectivity have been thoroughly unmasked by academic critics, it is the autocrats who have most eager to abandon objectivity altogether as a self-aggrandizing ruse created by those who really pull the strings in this world. The accusation of “political correctness,” once a reminder inside critical theory circles to maintain a critical edge, is now regularly deployed to mock those engaged in critique.</p><p>Since Sarat and Silbey wrote, an international anti-intellectual autocratic movement has used the ideas generated by reflexive scholars to power their illiberal alternative realities, to mobilize scorn for intellectual life and to troll progressives. What many of us used to see as a strength—which was the sociolegal studies' “insistence that the ability to know what is there is limited” (Sarat &amp; Silbey, <span>1988</span>, p. 131)—is being deployed by aspirational autocrats who routinely say that up is down and down is up, recalling the then-ironic contribution to a volume on critical legal studies about the decline of the up-down distinction (Shapiro, <span>1984</span>). If the law and society movement stood for the proposition that legal rules were shot through with “indeterminacy, contingency and contradiction” (Sarat &amp; Silbey, <span>1988</span>, p. 105), we are now faced with leaders who twist the meanings of rules while we seem to reverse ourselves by insisting that rules are real and should be binding.</p><p>In short, while Sarat and Silbey seemed reasonably confident that we scholars could have conversations among ourselves that would not escape into the policy world without our participation, that world no longer exists. Now, whatever we write and whatever we teach have become fair game for immediate political scrutiny and unauthorized political use. Instead of being pulled into the orbit of the policy audience by its irresistible allure, we are being pushed and shoved around by it, often against our will. So how do we relate to that policy audience now, given that it will not just leave us alone to do our academic work?</p><p>In my view, we do not have the option of doing nothing. Even if we try to hide from this politicization, it is coming after us. Universities are being attacked and their once-secure academic walls have been breached in all democracies in trouble. Central European University, which hosted the Law and Society meeting in 2001, has been pushed out of Budapest and has had to take up residence in Vienna. The Turkish government has engaged in mass firings of academics after the attempted coup in 2016. The Indian government has attacked universities, first in Kashmir and then across the country, demonizing its academic critics and urging a restriction of controversial content on reading lists. In the United States, academic freedom is being undermined by a misguided merger with “free speech” in which outrageous views with no evidence to sustain them are treated as identical to careful research with professionally approved methodologies. Across democracies in trouble, it has become difficult to defend academic knowledge against the pretenders and to defend the independence of universities against those who seek political control.</p><p>Whether we like it or not, our ideas are weaponized against us by those who turn facts into opinions and insist on having their own fact-free opinions stand on equal ground. And that's true regardless of whether we openly advocate a political perspective or whether we think of ourselves as neutral scientists devoted to pushing back the frontiers of ignorance, as my dissertation advisor Art Stinchcombe used to say. When all ideas are politicized and the independence of universities is under threat in all places where democracy is endangered, the very idea that we can stand outside the political fray becomes naïve at best, dangerous at worst.</p><p>As autocracy is on the march, we must think through our responsibilities as scholars in general and sociolegal scholars in particular—or else our fate will be decided for us. If we once had the luxury of researching topics for the sheer intellectual joy of it without worrying about our findings' political implications, we should now realize that the academy has been ripped open to public view and that we will almost surely lose control of the ideas that we generate. Like dissidents in surveillance states, we should be aware that our internal discussions are being monitored by those in power to provide potential fuel for the bonfire of what we care about most deeply. But like dissidents in surveillance states, this realization should make us more and not less committed to “living in truth,” as the Czech dissident writer Vaclav Havel once said without the slightest trace of irony. Living in truth “meant, first of all, telling the truth in answer to official propaganda, but also behaving as if fundamental rights … could be taken for granted” (Washington Post, <span>2011</span>).</p><p>Cue the cringes! Who among us has not cringed at the assertion of a monolithic and certain truth or at the invocation of liberal rights as an “unqualified human good” (as E.P. Thompson once said about the rule of law to surprised gasps [Thompson, <span>1975</span>, pp. 258–269])? One of sociolegal studies' proud legacies is its long and honorable tradition of criticizing liberal legalism! But it's one thing to critique liberal legalism when it is ascendant and potentially open to improvement—and another thing to attack it when it is being replaced by something far worse so that we lend support to the autocrats' deconstruction of it by tearing liberal legalism down (Scheppele, <span>2019</span>). Cringes always occur in context.</p><p>While aspirational autocrats are eager to steal some of our ideas—about political correctness, constructivism and the false promises of rights—they are also eager to obliterate the contributions of sociolegal studies to the advancement of equality, taking particular umbrage at “genderology” (Verseck, <span>2018</span>) and critical race theory (Harris, <span>2020</span>). Some might think that the high-level attention paid to these vital ideas is flattering. Who knew that our theories could become so important in setting the agenda of political debate? But others know that the movement of an academic culture of critique into non-academic political settings risks self-destruction when ideas travel without context, academic vocabularies are mocked, and the assumption of equal dignity is stood on its head. These days, political leaders use ideas familiar to us to argue that equality-seeking measures constitute unjust discrimination against those with privilege. In academia, being inconsistent in the positions that one takes counts against us, but such devotion to consistency does not extend beyond our seminar rooms. Sometimes, the aspirational autocrats are eager to use academic ideas that support their positions, but they just as readily seek to mock the academic ideas that threaten them. The point is, however, we do not get to choose the terms on which our ideas enter the public debate.</p><p>What's a sociolegal scholar to do? What I will suggest in the rest of this presidential address is that we should stop cringing in corners hoping that aspirational autocrats will ignore us as we talk among ourselves and as they steal many of our ideas for purposes we find abhorrent. Instead, we should take our insights into fight for dignity and unsettle the autocrats on their own home turf. In short, we need more than clever defense, especially when it is becoming increasingly difficult to wall ourselves off from politics. We need to own what we value and what we know—and bring crucial public audiences onside.</p><p>Before providing one example of how I have tried to go on the offense against aspirational autocrats as they destroy liberal legal constitutions, I will first provide some background for how we might think about law in this process. Given that the new autocrats are attacking constitutional law in particular as they entrench themselves in power, we should understand as sociolegal scholars how constitutions work. And then we can weaponize these ideas against the autocrats.</p><p>Most people do not go around thinking about constitutions very much. Generally, this is a very good thing. If constitutions work as they should, then much of what constitutions “constitute” will be taken for granted. The Westminster Parliament or the Colombian Constitutional Court or the French <i>Conseil d'État</i> or the South African Human Rights Commission or the Indian <i>Lok Sabha</i> have a certain institutional solidity. There may be pitched political campaigns over who gets to occupy the key posts within those institutions. The decisions these institutions make may generate praise or criticism. But the <i>existence</i> of the institutions, their basic rules of operation and the methods for filling their vacancies should simply seem obvious in any constitutional system that works.</p><p>Of course, even functioning constitutional systems will have controversies that force attention onto specific topics at specific moments. Does the US Second Amendment really include a personal right to own guns? Does the threat of terrorism justify surveillance of all electronic communications? Does the law right to asylum guaranteed by international law override more restrictive domestic immigration law? How long can the president—or prime minister—rule by executive decree during a state of emergency before the legislature must be consulted? How far does any European constitution permit delegation of key decisions to the European Union? Many of these controversies will culminate in judicial decisions that resolve the issue, at least legally and at least for now. Every constitutional system will have close questions, contested areas, blank spots to be filled in with constitutional interpretation as well as points of genuine disagreement that may not be easily resolved. Such is the stuff of what is typically taught as “constitutional law” in most countries.</p><p>Law professors focus primarily on these legal controversies and their legal resolution rather than on the background assumptions of the constitutional order. This is not surprising: resolving legal disputes is what lawyers and judges do, and therefore what legal academics tend to study. But, as sociolegal scholars, we should not equate the functioning of constitutions merely with the legal resolution of specific constitutional questions. No matter how fierce debates over those questions are, they do not capture the most crucial question about constitutionalism: Is a constitution considered real enough by those governed by it so that they can take large elements of it for granted?</p><p>Before constitutional controversies over specific constitutional provisions are settled as a matter of active constitutional law, “passive constitutional law” consists of those uncontested parts of a constitutional order that go without saying. Like passive knowledge more generally, passive constitutional law operates in the background, only becoming visible when overly challenged. Getting a constitution to the point where it operates passively in the world is by no means a simple or singular process. There is variation in whether broad features of constitutions have passed into passive knowledge and can therefore simply be assumed to exist, across countries and across history within a country.</p><p>On one end of the spectrum, some constitutions never become real. “Sham constitutions” (Law &amp; Versteeg, <span>2013</span>) exist on paper but have no corresponding existence in practice. Think of the Chinese constitution today or the Soviet one from years ago. They might reveal the state's ideology the way that mannequins in store windows may reflect ideals of beauty. Window-dressing may not reveal much about real life outside the window, though it may be revealing of certain aspirations. In the comparative constitutional law field, we explain sham constitutions away by saying that the governments with window-dressing constitutions are simply not constitutional governments.</p><p>But there is a large range across which constitutions can succeed in constituting institutions and being taken for granted. These effects can be wide-ranging and deep, as when a constitution creates a constitutional culture, separation of powers, and firm guarantees for rights that become widely believed in the population. Constitutional effects can also be more modest, for example, only establishing the order of succession of power among the elite but little more (Brown, <span>2002</span>). Constitutional effects can also be intermittent, or visible only in some communities and not others, or real only on some topics and not others. Constitutions vary a great deal in the nature and scope of the effects they create. But their reality hinges on passing into passive knowledge and being taken for granted at least in some places, some of the time. Empirical investigation is necessary to determine when, where and how passive constitutional law rules.</p><p>A functioning constitution specifies how constitutional crises are resolved, establishes principles that govern the operation of the state, and creates political ground rules that permeate the society. It makes the <i>field</i> of political play relatively predictable and comprehensible (elections every four years, only one prime minister at a time) even while the specific moves within that field may be surprising, contested and controversial. A “real” constitution allows the inevitable conflicts of politics to generate robust electoral competition, to include citizens actively in political argument and to find ways to keep the inevitable losers engaged in democratic participation without bringing down the state. When a constitution is working, it manages to separate the rules of the game from the game in ways that simply go without saying.</p><p>Unfortunately, the reality of any specific constitution does not necessarily speak to its relationship to broader questions of justice and equality; all actually existing constitutions are imperfect, have outrageous blind spots and show evidence of political wear and tear. The sociolegal studies movement has long recognized this and has been a fertile source of critique because many of us have hoped to make constitutional reality better, knowing full well that the reality of a constitution does not settle the question of its goodness. But the existence of a passive constitution matters even when it is flawed because it can serve as a curb on political arbitrariness (Krygier, <span>2019</span>). Even if a constitution brings imperfect justice, living without a constitution can be far worse, as anyone who has lived in a failed or failing state can attest.</p><p>Tracking the reality of constitutions is complicated because constitutions are not necessarily real in the same way to all of their addressees. As Meir Dan-Cohen once observed about the criminal law, there can be a kind of “acoustic separation” in the messages that law conveys (Dan-Cohen, <span>1983</span>). In criminal law, the prohibition of robbery is simultaneously both a warning to those who might be contemplating an illegal act and also an instruction to certain state officials to respond in a particular way once they have evidence that a particular person is likely to have committed the offense. Similarly, constitutions also deploy different messages to different addressees. State officials are told how their institutions are set up and how they as officers in these structures must behave; those seeking office run within the rules set by the constitutional system with regard to elections, parties, financing and so on; citizens learn about their rights and how to assert them through constitutional provisions. All audiences—including domestic objectors—are told what principles the constitutional government is committed to defending and how far dissent is permitted. But given these different messages that are sent to and heard by different audiences, the sort of reality created in each audience of addressees may vary.</p><p>For those who occupy the constitutionally constituted offices, a constitution that has passed into passive knowledge will instruct officials to act <i>as if</i> the institutions exist outside them and constrain them, even once they themselves have become the public face of those institutions by virtue of occupying official offices. The Brazilian Constitution functions, for example, when the President of Brazil sees himself and is seen by others as just one occupant of an office called “the presidency,” an office that exceeds that particular president's own person, tenure, actions and interpretation of the job. The office, if real, will continue to exist after he leaves it—and the rules of the game will tell him when he must leave. If the constitution works, he will in fact leave when the time comes. If the South African Constitutional Court is real, a judge on that Court will speak for the institution and not just for herself, knowing that these are meaningfully different things. Even when virtually all politicians support a particular law, the Court must nonetheless strike it down when it violates the constitution. And the politicians must accept the Court decision even if they disagree with it, though of course, some debate over constitutional meaning is not only acceptable but may make a constitutional order more robust (Meuwese &amp; Snel, <span>2013</span>). If the French Constitution is real, the French Minister of Justice will see herself as one in a long line of occupants of an office that has traditions, responsibilities and a constitution to uphold. In fact, her highest and best testament to the fact that the office exceeds her may require that she resign it to defend constitutional principles (Chrisafis, <span>2016</span>). When the occupants of offices confuse their own personal biography with the biography of the office or—worse yet—when the general public does, then constitutionalism is in trouble. Constitutionally constituted offices must seem real both to their occupants and to those who are governed by them, and the individuals who pass through and occupy official posts must not be confused with the structure as such.</p><p>Once a constitution is up and running, new actors and new generations must be educated into a constitutional order which—if things go well—they can then take for granted. National constitutions, once established, can be taught as honorable, stable and obvious or as necessarily contingent, evolving and contested. In short, constitutional education creates the reality it teaches. The collective memory of constitutional life becomes a crucial resource for holding constitutional regimes together even when history is taught as a constant struggle. How constitutional memory is generated and passed on therefore becomes a crucial part of understanding what holds constitutional regimes in place.</p><p>When constitutions are functioning to create reality in the world, the inhabitants of this constitutional world act <i>as if</i> the constitution creates a functioning political space with enforceable legal rules (Vaihinger, <span>1924</span>). Sociologists know this sort of effect as the Thomas Theorem: “If men [sic] define situations as real, they are real in their consequences” (Merton, <span>1995</span>). The same holds true for the passive constitution: If people believe a constitution is real, then constitutional ideas have real effects.</p><p>Passive constitutional knowledge becomes a part of people's mental maps as they navigate the social world and find that others respond as if their mental maps match those of the subject in question. Intersubjective validation occurs when I act <i>as if</i> something is real and others reinforce my actions by also acting <i>as if</i> that very same something is real in the same way. So, for example, if I show my US passport when I return to the US from a trip abroad and the immigration official at the desk recognizes the document, checks it in her system and stamps me into the country, my status as a citizen in good standing is reaffirmed. If this breaks down—my passport is not taken as real the border even if I believed it was real in showing it to the immigration official in the first place—then the reality of the underlying system of certification through which I am recognized by my country starts to crumble. The reality of my citizenship will not necessarily be obliterated in a single failure of recognition—systems make mistakes—but a persistent pattern of such de-recognition will undermine my citizenship. If this happens to many people at once, particularly if those targeted for non-recognition form a recognizable pattern, the solidity of the citizenship regime itself will come under question. Acting as if constitutions are real, in the presence of others acting similarly, is one way to make them so. But if disconfirming events persistently occur, or the reality claims are persistently challenged, then the appearance of constitutional reality is exposed as constitutional sham.</p><p>Whether constitutions are real can be also assessed with respect to the individuals who are governed by a constitution. Citizens—important addressees of constitutions—have at least some part of their public and civic lives constituted by the constitution. For example, citizenship itself is a legally constituted status (Munshi, <span>2015</span>). Constitutional rights of citizens protect conscience, private life and public participation in politics. A constitution will specify what the state must do <i>for</i> its citizens, and what it cannot do <i>to</i> them. And if state behavior roughly corresponds to its legal obligations, the reality of those obligations is affirmed.</p><p>One can therefore see how very easy it would be to find oneself in the middle of a constitutional order whose center did not hold. As Karl Marx famously wrote in a year in which constitutional revolutions erupted all over Europe: “All that is solid melts into air” (Marx, <span>2014</span> [1848]). He was speaking about the rapacious effects of the relentless expansion of capitalism on the stable order of the old world, but the same can be said about the disintegration of constitutionalism in the face of new political forces, something that was also happening at the time he wrote. Nothing destroys an old order like new people acting as if that old order no longer exists.</p><p>Understanding constitutionalism therefore requires understanding how constitutions come to be treated as real and taken for granted, under what circumstances and by whom. To get at this, we need to ask: <i>How</i> do constitutions come to have an existence in everyday life? How do they come to be <i>obvious</i>?</p><p>Questioning the obvious always looks a bit suspicious, as if academics have nothing better to do with their time than poke at things that were perfectly fine before the poke. But the fact that a constitution is obvious in one time and place does not guarantee either that that particular constitution will remain obvious or that other constitutions will easily be able to achieve that “obvious” status either. Obviousness is a crucial element of successful constitutions and we need to understand how obviousness is generated to know how to create and fix constitutional polities. But studying what is taken for granted is not easy. So, how can we examine the reality of a passive constitution?</p><p>One good way to study whether constitutional reality holds is to study counter-constitutional challengers. A counter-constitution is an alternative constitutional reality, forwarded by its advocates as a substitute for an existing constitutional arrangement. It is “counter” in the sense that it opposes an existing constitutional order and “constitutional” in the sense that it offers itself as an alternative constituting framework for the governance of a particular community. Counter-constitutions challenge the previously taken-for-granted status of the official constitution which, precisely because of the challenge, can no longer claim obviousness. What made the prior constitution obvious (until that point)? And why did that obviousness begin to fail when it did? What influences the shape that a counter-constitution takes? These are questions we can examine when counter-constitutionalist challenges arise.</p><p>Counter-constitutions, then, are “strategic research sites” (Merton, <span>1987</span>), sites chosen because they are particularly likely to illuminate the social processes we are trying to understand. Because counter-constitutions occur at moments when what “goes without saying” is actually now being said, they often expose what once made a particular constitutional arrangement obvious and why it is no longer so. Counter-constitutions can also reveal how the prior constitutionalist consensus was built, and where the prior constitution proved weak. If counter-constitutions win and become the new “real” constitutions, studying them allows us to see constitutional creation in action. If counter-constitutions fail, we can see how the prior constitution found its strength to fend off the challenge. In short, moments of fundamental constitutional contestation are moments when the reality claims of constitutions are exposed as the contingent claims that they are. And then, as claims, they are either toppled or reaffirmed. Counter-constitutional moments are, in short, critical moments for constitutions that expose and test what is usually taken for granted.</p><p>To understand counter-constitutions, we must be able to assess the conceptual fields within which the established and countering constitutions are contending for dominance. Assessing this context counsels going deep rather than broad, as we must track the meanings that various players bring to the debate and the way that implicit ideas hold sway until the moment when they do not. So let me turn to Hungary for a specific example of how this works—and how to mobilize scholarship for the values we share.</p><p>At the end of World War II in Europe, the territories that had been conquered by or that had aligned themselves with Nazi Germany came to be governed by the Allied powers that won the war. The armies and then the civilians of the UK, France and the US occupied the Western parts of that territory; the Soviet Union occupied the lands to the East. Germany was divided among the four Allied powers. While the Western powers supervised the creation of new constitutional governments and then withdrew, the Soviet Union presided over the drafting of new constitutions that mirrored Stalin's 1937 constitution in crucial respects and then remained in control of the territories that it had taken during the war. Like the Soviet constitution itself, the constitutions in Eastern Europe disguised rather than illuminated the real source of power. The communist party was not mentioned in those constitutions—or was mentioned only in passing—and yet all major decisions were made through the party hierarchy, ultimately all the way back to Moscow regardless of what the national constitutions said. Rights, elaborated in the texts, were realized primarily in the breach.</p><p>Forty years later, succession crises in the Soviet Union brought new leadership to the fore that loosened the Soviet Union's grip on its “satellite states” in Eastern Europe. “Perestroika” brought a tentative opening to pluralism. The dissidents of Eastern Europe agitated for change as soon as change seemed to be on offer. And surprisingly, the Soviet Union permitted a process of political transition to multiparty elections.</p><p>Two weeks before the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 9, 1989—which itself was the most visible marker of how far and how fast the political ground had shifted—Hungary enacted its new post-Soviet constitution on October 23. During the Cold War, dissidents had campaigned for rights, called for restraints on the power of governments and insisted that their countries could become, as they put it, “normal” (Shleifer &amp; Treisman, <span>2014</span>). The National Roundtables of 1989 across the region provided a forum for negotiating the political transfers of power from the outgoing communist party to the incoming democratic opposition. Along the way, almost by accident, the Roundtable process in Hungary generated such a major constitutional reform that it amounted to a wholly new constitution (Scheppele, <span>2020</span>).</p><p>Formally, the 1989 Hungarian constitution started as a giant amendment to the Stalin-era constitution of 1949 (Germany, Basic Law. <span>1949</span>), but left very little of that original constitution intact. Despite its odd provenance as a super-amendment to a sham constitution enacted by the outgoing illegitimate government, the 1989 constitution nonetheless became accepted very quickly because ideas about human rights, democracy and constitutionalism had grown deep roots during the communist era (Scheppele, <span>1996</span>). The new Constitutional Court created by Hungary's 1989 constitution started work in January 1990, deciding a flood of constitutional cases even before the first multiparty elections as if the new rights contained in the new constitution were real. The fact that thousands of people petitioned the Court to right wrongs in those early years relying on those rights meant that the public recognized how much things had changed.</p><p>By the time I showed up to work as a researcher at the Hungarian Constitutional Court from 1994 to 1998, the commitment to constitutionalism on the part of public institutions, political parties and the public as a whole was so strong that the description of a state of affairs as “<i>alkotmányellenes</i>” (unconstitutional) had already become a general expression of condemnation even outside legal settings. For example, I once heard a taxi driver yell this expression out his cab window to object to the unconventional driving behavior of the car ahead of him. In those heady years when the new constitutional republic was being established, I witnessed first-hand how this new constitution generated a democratic republic and a jurisprudence in which dignity was the central organizing principle. The Constitutional Court issued pathbreaking decisions abolishing the death penalty, dismantling the surveillance state, fashioning a “rule of law transition” and protecting freedom of speech, association, religion and more (Scheppele, <span>2005</span>). The Court's inspirational first president, László Sólyom was the keynote speaker at the Law and Society meetings in Budapest in 2001!</p><p>Of course, there are limits to what any new constitution can do. It did not change all of the old habits from the Soviet time of evading state regulation wherever possible. The new constitution presided over the explosion of economic inequality under wild capitalism. That said, Hungary showed that the rule of law could develop in stages, first through establishing a constitutional government and then gradually spreading through other areas of law (Scheppele &amp; Örkény, <span>1999</span>). Emerging from dictatorship with its sham constitution, Hungary became a relatively well-functioning constitutional republic reaching the status of a “consolidated democracy” quite quickly (Linz &amp; Stephan, <span>1996</span>).</p><p>During the same years that the new constitution was becoming entrenched, however, I also witnessed the rise of Hungary's first post-Soviet counter-constitution, which grew out of a backlash against the rapid-fire changes. The transformations of 1989 and after were pervasive and not always positive. A one-party state became a multiparty political free-for-all with political parties shifting their stances between elections so that nothing in the public sphere seemed stable. A rigidly controlled economy was suddenly opened to international competition, to prices established by markets rather than political fiat, and to private ownership of both large businesses and the growing revenue streams that they produced. The absence of flaunted wealth and extreme poverty was replaced by the sudden visibility of both. The average Hungarian experienced a sudden expansion of political freedom and a rapid contraction of economic fortune at the same time.</p><p>The post-1989 changes were so fast and so extreme that nostalgia for the pre-Soviet past became especially strong among those who had lost the most in the transition. People who could not make the sudden shift to a capitalist economy either because their education did not prepare them for the new world or because their social vulnerabilities made it impossible to enter a world of cut-throat competition found that they were left behind by a state that, under international tutelage, cut back the social safety net that had protected them. The nostalgia of those who lost out in the transition conjured an image of a world that Hungary could have entered if it had not sold out its economy to neoliberal reform and if it had not abandoned its historic national identity for a cosmopolitan vision of itself as “<i>valahol Európában</i>” (“somewhere in Europe,” the title of a popular film at the time). By the mid-1990s, pre-Soviet nostalgia had a toehold in politics, voiced primarily through the small and conservative Smallholders' Party which, despite its 20th century interwar bourgeois origins, had become the party of the post-Soviet dispossessed.</p><p>In 1995, the Hungarian Parliament, with a socialist-liberal coalition in the majority engaged in a full-throated defense of the “transition,” decided that it should put the 1989 constitution on a more legitimate footing by revisiting it again after a full democracy had been established. The effort failed to generate a new constitution because there was not enough political will to change what was working rather well for the victors of transition, who consisted of the newly empowered political classes and the new elites who had embraced the opportunities that capitalism made available. One significant dissenting voice, however, urged a major revision of the 1989 constitution. The Smallholders Party argued for a return of the monarchy and, if that were not possible, they urged at the very least that the Holy Crown of St. Stephen should be recognized as Hungary's historic constitution. The Holy Crown of St. Stephen had been the leading symbol of state in the 20th century interwar period when Hungary had been last independent of foreign domination.</p><p>The Holy Crown? An object as constitution? In Hungary, this was a familiar claim. As school textbook history would have it and as every Hungarian knows, Hungary's first Christian king, Stephen, received a Crown from Pope Sylvester II in the year 1000 C.E., thus creating the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. From that establishment of the Hungarian state through the middle of the 20th century, the physical, literal Holy Crown of St. Stephen (<i>Szent Korona</i>) had played an important role in the formation and legitimation of governments and the doctrine of the Holy Crown—the <i>Szent Korona-tan</i> —contained the principles of Hungary's historic constitution. Not surprisingly, the Crown's leading role in Hungarian public law had ended once the Soviet Union occupied Hungary after World War II. And in the new democratic transformation after 1989, the Crown—like many Hungarians—had been left behind. The Smallholders wanted to pick up where the interwar history left off by restoring the Crown as Hungary's constitution. As they argued, such recognition would begin by acknowledging that no law was valid unless passed in the physical presence of the Crown. This recognition would be accompanied by recovering the constitutional principles grounding Crown's award of legitimacy to nearly a millennium of kings. The socialist-liberal government of the time thought that restoring the Crown and its associated ideas was crazy. The Crown, they said, belonged in a museum.</p><p>The 1998 election brought a coalition of conservative parties to power, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, then a 35-year-old firebrand whose political party Fidesz had already crossed the political spectrum from libertarianism to nationalism looking for a place to park. The Smallholders joined Orbán's coalition government. Seizing on the popularity of the Crown in far-right circles, Orbán celebrated the Millennium by moving the physical Crown with great pomp and fanfare from the National Museum to the Parliament. Enclosed in a glass case and watched over by a revitalized Crown Guard in the giant rotunda of the Parliament building where it has remained ever since, the Crown now symbolizes state sovereignty in the symbolic heart of democracy. The Smallholders and other nationalist Hungarians were delighted.</p><p>After only one term in office, Orbán was defeated in 2002 and again in 2006. But when the global financial crisis tipped Hungary over into bankruptcy on the watch of the socialist-liberal government, Orbán's fortunes changed and he was reelected overwhelmingly in 2010 with 53% of the vote. Hungary's disproportionate election law converted this Fidesz victory into a supermajority bloc in the Parliament with 67% of the mandates. Because the 1989 constitution could be amended with a single two-thirds vote of the unicameral Parliament (one of those rules that had not been changed from the Soviet time), Orbán could elevate himself above the law and even rewrite the constitution without the approval of any party save his own.</p><p>Soon after taking office, Orbán commissioned a new constitution. As in 1989, the new constitution that raced through the Parliament was adopted by the same rule that governed amendments. As in 1989, the new 2011 constitution was an ideological counter to the prior constitution, now replacing both political and economic liberalism with intolerant nationalism much as liberalism had replaced state socialism in 1989. To signal the new nationalist bent of the new constitution, Orbán drew heavily on Crown symbolism. While the liberals of 1989 had mobilized widespread disaffection with Soviet rule to bolster their vision of government (and to launch themselves into power), Orbán's counter-constitution told Hungarian nationalists that they had won the battle for Hungary's future based on Hungary's past.</p><p>On April 25, 2011, the President of Hungary signed Hungary's new constitution, the product of a secret, hurried, one-party process and an even shorter public debate (Hungary, Fundamental Law. <span>2012</span>). Within one year of its election to office with a constitution-making supermajority in the Parliament, Orbán's government changed the very constitutional ground on which it stood. Orbán's new constitution took effect on January 1, 2012, and his Parliament obediently passed thousands of pages of new laws to go along with it. The overall effect of this sweeping legal reform was to lodge all political power in a single pair of hands for the long haul. The 2010 democratic election had launched what became a quickly consolidated autocracy. Every step in this process was legal, a pure example of <i>autocratic legalism</i> (Scheppele, <span>2018</span>).</p><p>To disguise the power grab implicit in the 2012 constitution, Orbán topped his new powers with the Holy Crown, signaling to his conservative base that he was restoring Hungary's pre-communist constitutional tradition. As the new constitutional preamble states, “We honor the achievements of our historic constitution and we honor the Holy Crown, which embodies the constitutional continuity of Hungary's statehood and the unity of the nation.” And then, as Article R of the new constitution commands, “The provisions of the Fundamental Law shall be interpreted in accordance with …the achievements of our historic constitution.” Lest anyone miss the symbolism, a coffee-table-book version of the new constitution was printed by the thousands, with the Holy Crown emblazoned on its cover.</p><p>If the Crown symbolizes Hungary's historic constitutional order, why would it appeal now only to those on the right wing—and particularly the far-right—of the political spectrum?</p><p>Post-communist nostalgia created a fond image of 20th century interwar Hungary, when Hungary had last been an independent nation. Politically, it urged Hungary to pick up where the interwar period left off and continue the same form of government. But this proposal sharply divides the current left and right in Hungary for reasons having to do with what that interwar regime stood for.</p><p>At the end of World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire—whose leader had the dual title of Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary and which after 1867 was formally co-ruled by both states—was cut into pieces with the aim of giving each major ethnic group within the empire its own national state. The Treaty of Trianon created the new independent state of Hungary, but the new borders established under that treaty meant that the country lost 60% of the territory and 70% of the peoples that had historically been under its jurisdiction. Hungary was perhaps the biggest loser in the post-World-War-I division of empire.</p><p>Though monarchy disappeared in 1918, the Crown that had for 900 years been associated with the Hungarian monarchy ironically became more important. Miklós Horthy, who governed the new Hungarian state within its diminished borders from 1920 to 1944, vowed to address the “Trianon trauma” by fighting to recover the lost lands and peoples of “Greater Hungary.” To symbolize his irredentist commitments, Horthy took the title of Regent and claimed to govern the country in the name of the Crown which then symbolically stood for Hungary's proper place in Europe as a major kingdom and a major power.</p><p>During Horthy's reign, the Crown symbolically united Hungary with its glorious past by being displayed everywhere. The Crown appeared on currency, on stamps, on shrines across Greater Hungary and even on tour around the country as a specially created train brought the Crown to giant cheering crowds in 1938, the 900th anniversary of King Stephen's death. The centrality of the Crown to Horthy's nationalist government put the Crown in bad company because the government had more than a passing flirtation with fascism and a troubled relationship to democracy.</p><p>At the start of Horthy's reign, Hungary passed the first <i>numerus clausus</i> laws in Europe, limiting the number of Jews in the professions (Kovács, <span>1994</span>). Throughout his tenure in office, Horthy encouraged intolerant nationalism. When the time came, Hungary entered World War II on the side of Nazi Germany in part out of ideological affinity and in part because Hitler had promised Horthy that a victorious Hungary would get its former territories back. By the war's end, about 565,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered, some by forced labor but most at Auschwitz, deported by the Hungarian Arrow Cross (Nazi) government that took power near the end of the war. Another half million non-Jewish Hungarians—both soldiers and civilians—died during the war as well. And, at the end of the war, Hungary was occupied by the Soviet Army, not to see independence again for nearly another half century.</p><p>Horthy's reign may have ended in disgrace and defeat, but even now, Hungary's far-right parties support Horthy's dream of restoring Greater Hungary. At far-right rallies, and even at government functions under Orbán, flags, bumper stickers and banners feature maps of “Greater Hungary” instead of the current state borders. Orbán has signed onto the cause, perhaps most visibly doing so when he first held the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2011. In decorating the Council building in Brussels with symbols of the Hungarian presidency, he proudly displayed a carpet featuring a map of Greater Hungary obliterating the established international borders of the neighboring countries, to great alarm (Pop, <span>2011</span>).</p><p>But the dream of Greater Hungary, symbolized by the Holy Crown, is not just about borders. It's about a version of history that the far-right has constructed against all scholarly evidence. Hungary's role in the Holocaust is persistently denied, as far-right “historians” attribute the Holocaust to a German “invasion” of Hungary. Orbán's government even constructed a monument on Freedom Square in the heart of Budapest dedicated to the “victims of German occupation” in World War II, a category which includes both the Jewish and Roma victims of the Holocaust alongside their non-Jewish and non-Roma fellow citizens. To hammer home the point about continuity of government between the Horthy regime and his own, Orbán has brought back the uniforms of the Crown Guard from Horthy's day and presided over the dedication of Horthy statues, the reversion of street names and public squares to their interwar identities and the symbolic makeover of the country to trigger at all possible moments the historical memory of Horthy's rule (Walker, <span>2019</span>). The school history books have been rewritten to glorify those days.</p><p>To Hungarians, the Holy Crown symbolizes all that. For Viktor Orbán to restore the Crown to public life again signals that he sympathizes with the politics of that period. Orbán's new constitution, with the Crown emblazoned on the cover and honored in the text, adopts the spirit of the Horthy government, which stayed in power constantly undermining democratic government for a quarter century. In short, Orbán took the Holy Crown, the counter-constitution that had been the object of nostalgia since Hungarian independence in 1989, and made it the symbol of his signature legal reform.</p><p>Orbán justified his new constitutional order by claiming to restore Hungarian historical honor against the siren songs of the cosmopolitans, by preaching that Hungary was just for Hungarians, demonizing migrants, celebrating Hungary's Christian founding and eventually cracking down on “gender ideology” and the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. In attaching this program to his new constitution, Orbán inverted the dignitarian values of the 1989 post-Soviet constitution and created a fiercely nationalist and anti-liberal constitution.</p><p>By 2013, the Constitutional Court where I had worked for four years as a researcher in the 1990s was packed with Orbán's judges who have since done everything he wanted. A 2013 constitutional amendment, enacted to symbolize the end of the Constitutional Court as we knew it, nullified the entire dignity-based jurisprudence of the Court from 1990 to 2012. By the 2014 election, the rules were too rigged for the opposition to win (something I blogged about at the time and later documented in detail in Scheppele, <span>2022</span>). Already by his first reelection, Orbán had destroyed democracy by making it impossible for Hungarians to change leaders through elections. Hungary had fallen from democracy into dictatorship under Orbán's nationalist counter-constitution.</p><p>As we meet here in Washington, democracies across the world are weakening and some are collapsing. The United States is not immune from these trends. As we know from our own experience, scholars are being pushed and shoved into the policy debate whether they want to be part of this debate or not. Because democracies fail these days not by coup but by law (Bermeo, <span>2016</span>; Scheppele, <span>2018</span>), we as law and society scholars are uniquely positioned to call the process out—and even to do something about it. Hungary was the first consolidated democracy in the world to fall into autocracy, so perhaps my experience in countering Orbán's counter-constitution will provide some useful material to think with.</p><p>As the radicalness of Orbán's constitutional revolution became clear, I could no longer separate the scholar in me from the outraged defender of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. I had been a journalist before becoming an academic, so I started in 2011 to cover in real time the autocratic legal structures that Orbán was erecting so that the English-speaking world would understand what was happening. My Princeton colleague Paul Krugman gave me space on his highly visible <i>New York Times</i> blog to explain the legal revolution in the first several years of Orbán's assault on liberal constitutionalism. At the beginning, I simply called out what Orbán was doing so that the world could not pretend it did not know.</p><p>Once entrenched, however, Orbán's illiberal counter-constitution required more concerted resistance. Hungary needed a new counter-counter-constitution. The fact that Orbán was attacking all independent institutions in the country—including the universities—meant that scholars in Hungary faced a choice between cringing in corners hoping not to be noticed and taking a stand on principle while risking reprisals. Even before the site of the Law and Society Association annual meeting in 2001, Central European University, was pushed out of Hungary and even before nearly all public universities were “privatized” to make them dependent on the party faithful, defenders of the 1989 constitution of dignity were under threat.</p><p>If my arguments about how constitutions and counter-constitutions work were right, however, it should have been possible to generate yet another counter-constitution, especially given that Orbán's new constitution was divisive and not universally accepted. To create a counter-constitution, as the liberals did during the Soviet time and as the nationalists did during the liberal period, one needs to unsettle the obviousness of the constitution that exists and replace it with another narrative that is compelling to those who would be governed by this new constitution. And so I started the work of counter-constitutional creation.</p><p>Since the 1990s, I had been tracking the nationalist counter-constitution of the Holy Crown by hanging out at right-wing bookstores that featured an astonishing number of new Holy Crown books and pamphlets each year, elaborating various fantastical histories of the object to serve as a base for a counter-constitutional revolution to the existing liberal constitution. I had chatted up the patrons and asked them to explain the Crown to me. I had shown up at Crown events and interviewed Crown defenders to figure out what made them tick. I had collected Crown artifacts and photographs of Crown tributes to document the pervasiveness of the Crown, particularly in the Hungarian countryside. I visited Crown shrines in multiple countries. By the time that Orbán's constitutional revolution occurred, I was not surprised that he had chosen the Crown to disguise his autocratic ambitions because it was the perfect way to dog-whistle his political sympathies to domestic audiences while leaving foreign audiences clueless.</p><p>But what could counter Orbán's new nationalist constitution? Hungary is a conservative country by political inclination; returning to cosmopolitan liberalism was unlikely to win hearts and minds of enough Hungarians to win elections. And yet, Hungary could do better than dictatorship. Being American, I had seen how conservatives could mount a successful counter-constitutional movement, convincing the Supreme Court and most of the constitutional law profession that originalism was the only proper way to understand the US Constitution (Levin, <span>2004</span>). (Not that I had welcomed the originalist project in the United States since the constitutional vision it was trying to obliterate was one that I had critically defended.) The success of American originalism, however, worked to convince people who already believed that their glory days were in the past to support a different vision of what a constitution meant for the future. Many Hungarians were already inclined to look to history to understand what a constitution could be and they had already fixed on the Holy Crown as the marker of constitutionalism, so maybe a different and more variegated history of the Crown would be a good place to start in creating a new counter-constitution to overcome Orbán's nationalist constitutional reconstruction.</p><p>Originalism starts by searching the past. If it's done badly, it mangles the history. But it can be done well, to write honest history in a way that creates a usable “history of the present,” to echo Foucault (Foucault, <span>1977</span>, p. 31). Before I trigger the historians to object to a project like this, let me explain—in the words of David Garland—that this sort of history “aim[s] to reveal something important—but hidden—in our contemporary experience; something about our relation to technologies of power-knowledge that was more clearly visible [in the past] than elsewhere but which was nonetheless a general, constitutive aspect of modern individuals and their experiences” (Garland, <span>2014</span>, p. 368). In short, it is possible to write a history to scholarly standards that also illuminates something important hiding in the present that we can see anew if we look at the present through the past. And so I set out to tell the history of the Crown <i>before</i> Horthy to create a new originalism that would appeal to Hungarian conservatives who wanted to know their roots. I was fortunate to be able to rely on the extraordinary recent work of Hungarian medievalists who had been excavating novel insights about the origins and history of the Crown and its associated ideas.</p><p>Every good originalism starts “at the beginning.” And in this case, it means starting with the object itself, the Crown given by the Pope to Hungary's first Christian King Stephen in 1000 C.E. While Hungarian nationalists will say that this object in the Parliament is the original Holy Crown of St. Stephen, academic medievalists know that the Holy Crown <i>could not possibly</i> have been given to Stephen by the Pope (Bak &amp; Pálffy, <span>2020</span>; Hilsdale, <span>2008</span>).</p><p>One look at the Crown shows why. Hungary's Crown is a “hoop Crown” (in the shape of circle like a wedding band) topped with what was apparently once a cross, bent down on all four ends to meet up with the hoop at quarterly turns. The Crown is made from two distinct pieces, visible from the underside of the Crown where they are awkwardly joined. Because both pieces are made of gold, decorated with precious stones and graced with enameled portraits of saints, the Crown has a certain aesthetic integrity (Figure 2).</p><p>A closer look at the enameled portraits in Figure 2, however, reveals what a complex object this is. The inscriptions on the lower crown are not written in Latin, as one would expect if this Crown were given by the Pope to Stephen. Instead, they are written in Greek. Art historians have tracked down the object with the aid of these inscriptions and concluded that the three portraits on the back of the Crown reveal both the place of origin of the object and its timing. The top middle portrait on the back of the Crown in Figure 2 depicts the Byzantine Emperor Michael VII Doukas who ruled Constantinople and its empire from 1060 to 1078. Below him and to his right (our left) is a portrait of Constantine, Michael's brother and co-emperor. Below Michael and to his left (our right) is the Hungarian King Géza I, grandson of Stephen, who ruled Hungary from 1074 to 1077.</p><p>As Cecily Hilsdale demonstrates (Hilsdale, <span>2008</span>), the lower Crown (the <i>corona Graeca</i>) was almost surely a Byzantine Crown destined for Géza's bride, who came from a noble Byzantine family. The bottom part of the Crown was therefore a <i>female</i> crown, almost surely dating from the 1070s only a few decades after Stephen's death in 1038 C.E. While Holy Crown is therefore not Stephen's Crown, it is still an 11th century object. That said, on a Crown where all of the enameled portraits represent saints or emperors and where all wear halos (the green and gold circles behind their heads), the only figure without a halo is the one Hungarian, Géza. So much for the essential superiority of Hungarians as reflected in the Crown! (In fairness, Géza came from a family with at least six saints even if he wasn't among them.)</p><p>Dating the oldest part of the object to the reign of Géza I puts its creation near the time of the Great Schism. Starting in 1054, the Christian churches of Rome and Constantinople battled each other as each church excommunicated the other church's leaders, separating the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches down to this day. Rather than signifying Hungary's place at the heart of (Roman) Christian Europe, as Viktor Orbán constantly claims now, the Crown itself instead reveals Hungary's precarious location on the border between two warring versions of Christian Europe. At the time, there was immense tension at the border between empires—hence Géza's attempt to patch the split that would have run right through Hungary's neighborhood at the time by remaining loyal to Rome while marrying into Byzantine nobility.</p><p>The fact that the upper Crown (the <i>corona Latina</i>) (Figure 3) has Latin inscriptions of a very different origin shows that those who fused the two pieces, most probably in the 12th century, may well have been still trying to appeal to both sides. The object itself provides evidence that it straddles two religious and political traditions, a multi-confessional biography that was continued in the mid-17th century, when, as the Habsburg Counter-Reformation attempted to purge Protestantism from its empire in general and Hungary in particular, an agreement was reached to ensure that the Crown Guard would always include both Protestants and Catholics (Bak &amp; Pálffy, <span>2020</span>, p. 170). At least twice in its history, then, the Crown has bridged religious divides rather than assert one side against another in religious wars.</p><p>Even if the Crown is not Stephen's, those who want their constitutional history to highlight the greatness and uniqueness of their country going back to the High Middle Ages will not be disappointed. No other European country has maintained the centrality of an 11th century Crown without replacing it with something more modern along the way, which makes the Hungarian Crown still the oldest crown in continual use in Europe. Perhaps the Crown's longevity is due to the fact that it came to be associated with some quite modern constitutional ideas, ahead of their time.</p><p>Ernst Kantorowicz's famous study of <i>The King's Two Bodies</i> argues that medieval European kingdoms typically marked the evolving separation of the person of the king from the office of the king (and therefore the beginning of constitutionalism as a constraint on kings) through the elaboration of the king's “two bodies” (Kantorowicz, <span>1995</span> [1957]). The corporeal and mortal body of the king could die and yet the “super-body” of the king, representing the body politic, could live on. (Hence the cry, “The king is dead! Long live the king!”) But by the late Middle Ages and perhaps even earlier, Hungary achieved the conceptual distinction between particular rulers and the authority of the office by distinguishing the person of the king (who could die) from the physical Crown (which was eternal). Kantorowicz pointed out in a footnote that the Hungarian case clearly did not follow the pattern of the rest of Europe: “Hungary carried the distinction between mystical Crown and a physical king to a great refinement, but the material relic of the Crown of St. Stephen seems to have prevented the king from growing his own super-body” (Kantorowicz, <span>1995</span> [1957]: note 446). In short, Hungary seems to have been the first to invent the modern constitutional idea that political authority resides in the legally established office and not in the body of any specific person.</p><p>In medieval and early modern Hungarian constitutional practice, each new king would swear an oath on the Crown to uphold the laws of his predecessor. As a result, the Crown became the functional guarantor of the rule of law as a constraint on the arbitrariness of the ruler. In 1222, the <i>Aranybulla</i> (Golden Bull) declared the privileges of the nobility, limiting the powers of the king and establishing the right of resistance if the king violated his oath. The <i>Aranybulla</i> has a status in Hungarian constitutional history rather like the Magna Carta in England, trailing it in time by only 7 years. While many of the rights and privileges it identifies are not ones anyone would claim now, the fact that something like a bill of rights constrained the king from the early 13th century on is a constitutional accomplishment. By the early 16th century with the addition of later pacts between king and nobility, the Crown started to grow an associated set of legal doctrines as catalogued in the <i>Tripartitum</i>, Hungary's first legal codification by István Werbőczy (<span>1517</span>) who, among other things, asserted that the Crown could not be put on a monarch's head until he had first sworn to honor the laws of his predecessors (Rady, <span>2014</span>, p. 106).</p><p>Even after Hungary's partition at the hands of the Ottomans in the early 16th century and later absorption into the Habsburg empire as the Ottomans were pushed back, Austrian monarchs were separately crowned with the Hungarian Crown, giving rise to their cumbersome double title of Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, further signaling that Hungary—and the Hungarian Crown—had special status within the empire even before the late 19th century formalization of a Dual Monarchy.</p><p>In the early 17th century, a full-fledged “doctrine of the Holy Crown” (<i>Szent Korona-tan</i>) was codified by Péter Revay, the Protestant head of the Crown Guard (Revay, <span>1659</span>). Written at a moment when the Habsburg Empire was engaged in a vicious campaign of Counter-Reformation against Hungary's remaining Protestants, Revay's treatise on the Holy Crown was a plea for religious toleration.</p><p>As the Crown developed an increasingly legal identity, it came to represent the “peoples of the Crown.” Nora Berend has demonstrated that Hungary was unusually diverse in the Late Middle Ages, when Jews, Muslims and Pagans (Cumans) shared equal legal status with Hungarians (Berend, <span>2014</span>, pp. 101–108). Positioned on the frontiers of Christendom, the country welcomed foreigners in large numbers who often stayed, were promoted through the social ranks and sometimes attained noble status. Berend has estimated that of the roughly 50 aristocratic clans in Hungary from the 13th to 15th centuries, nearly one quarter had descended from a foreign knight who had only recently moved into the territory (Berend, <span>2014</span>, p. 104), thus incorporating immigrants into the highest levels of Hungarian society. When the founding Árpád dynasty had died out at the end of the 13th century, the assemblies of nobles (itself a shifting and diverse group) elected Hungarian kings who were themselves rarely Hungarian. In European countries farther west with more rigidly stratified feudal institutions, the nobility was a fixed, small and relatively clear group and the monarchy was more firmly hereditary. But in Hungary, with a rather more fluid social structure, the nobility elected each new king without the presumption that heredity settled the matter. The nobility was itself a constantly changing group that included not just (or even primarily) what we would now recognize as ethnic Hungarians.</p><p>I could go on, but you can see how far the pre-Horthy—and especially medieval and early modern—history of the Crown undermines everything that Horthy—and now Orbán—projected onto the Crown. In the hands of modern intolerant nationalists, the Crown stands for a univocal Christian Hungary, which in turn promotes intolerance of diversity and the exclusion of non-Hungarians. In the medieval sources, however, the Crown was associated with patching over religious differences, welcoming foreigners and integrating them into the political community (Berend, <span>2014</span>). The physical Crown's mixed origins screams pluralism, while Orbán has used the defense of “constitutional identity” to reject pluralism of all kinds (Halmai, <span>2018</span>). To modern nationalists, the Crown stands for the unlimited power of the Regent (Horthy) or Prime Minister (Orbán) while in the medieval and early modern sources, the king's powers were limited by a religiously and ethnically diverse nobility which possessed proto-rights which the king had to swear to uphold in the name of the Crown, thus stabilizing the rule of law. In nationalists' hands, however, the Crown blesses indefinite rule without legal constraints. In the medieval sources, elective kingships meant that power rotated across a wide swath of both foreign and domestic kings who would only be given the power to govern if they agreed to respect the rights of those over whom they would be given the temporary power to rule. Sovereignty, after all, stayed with the Crown and never passed to the king. The Crown was even gender-fluid as it started its life as female and converted to male only later while Orbán's nationalist constitution emphasizes the rigidity of gender. Orbán's constitution, using the Holy Crown as a symbol, thus relies on fake history to justify itself.</p><p>I started taking this new constitutional history on the road, lecturing to Hungarian nationalist groups in the US and in Hungary. By this time, I was well known in Hungary as an opponent of the Orbán government so that nationalists viewed me with suspicion. But as one man—wearing the stereotypical giant mustache and traditional clothing that allows one to spot the nationalists from a long way off—told me after one of my lectures, this deeper history of the Holy Crown provided something for Hungarians to adopt with pride. That gave me some hope that popularizing this new Crown history could undermine Orbán's distorted narrative. I've since talked with some of the new opposition parties about weaving this history into their platforms at election time.</p><p>[Update since this lecture was given, one of the youthful new parties expressed an interest in basing its political platform a counter-constitutional Crown proposal and some of their members had participated in a working group elaborating this new history at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. But the fact that all opposition parties had to unite to defeat Orbán in the 2022 election—an endeavor that ultimately failed—meant that the parties did not develop differentiated political platforms. Since liberals in Hungary are still firmly opposed to any mention of the Holy Crown in contemporary politics, no common opposition platform can include it. So for now, this alternative history has not yet surfaced as a serious counter-constitutional proposal that could ground a new government.]</p><p>Constitutional histories of present-day states are complicated and no single narrative captures their richness. But serious constitutional history can often undermine the historical caricatures that autocrats are presently relying on for their own legitimation. Using better histories to underwrite counter-constitutions can thus be one way to unsettle autocrats' claims without sacrificing scholarly integrity. A counter-constitution does not have to lower our academic standards but can instead be an opportunity to make the public appreciate better history.</p><p>When I recently gave an academic lecture proposing this new counter-constitution for Hungary, one student asked me how I had made the decision to become an activist. I said that I had not really made such a decision. I just went on saying the same things that I had been saying for decades. Changes in the world have turned what had once been uncontroversial and neutral core ideas in our field into statements of political activism. Most of us studying comparative constitutional law had long been saying that separation of powers, protection of rights and rotation of power were in general good things and that serious history was too. It says something about our times that we look like activists to insist on these once-uncontroversial principles, now that anti-liberal politicians attack the academic values of integrity, evidence and open argument. But the fact that anti-liberal politics has taken an anti-intellectual and intolerant turn is no excuse for giving up on our values and methodologically sound ways of assessing evidence. It is a moment to recognize, however, that our audiences may have changed and new tactics of explanation are needed.</p><p>Dignity at these Law and Society Association meetings is not only our theme but also a sign of commitment to what we share as sociolegal scholars. We value the equal dignity of all, and work to make the realization of dignity central to the operation of our political, economic, social and academic institutions. At this moment when constitutional governments are being undermined by autocrats who use formal legality to attack the basic principles of constitutionalism, we are particularly well-situated to call out what is happening because it is happening on our watch in our field. The comparative legal analysts among us can show how autocratic tricks travel across borders. The historians among us can write better history than the autocrats. Those who track abuses of power and resistance by counter-power actors can explain what is happening in real time while assessing what is working to undermine autocracy. Those of us who have devoted our academic careers to working toward equal dignity for all can demonstrate empirically how and why autocracy fails to achieve this goal.</p><p>In short, those of us in the law and society movement are on the front lines of the battle for dignity in our autocratizing world, whether we like it or not, because autocrats are coming after everything we value and doing so by distorting our fields of expertise. It is not an option not to fight—just as it is also not a time to cease to operate by our academic standards.</p><p>Continuing to say what we have always said is not going to be easy when our statements are put under a public spotlight and are mocked by the autocrats. What we do can even attract unwanted legal attention. Shortly after I started my quest to create a new Hungarian originalism of the Holy Crown, the Orbán government quietly amended their new criminal code, which now reads:</p><p>As scholars, we must defend our independence, our standards and our integrity, even if our work is criminalized. In fact, threatening our work with criminal penalties may be a sign that the autocrats recognize the threat that we pose to their continued and fraudulent rule.</p><p>Of course, we know as sociolegal scholars that the <i>status quo ante</i> was not adequate before the present autocratic revolution. Inequality and injustice were just two reasons why the autocrats' siren songs were so beguiling to voters who had given up on liberalism. It will not be enough to argue that we should return to some barely adequate past constitutional arrangement. At this moment when it would be easy to be depressed about the state of the world, we are called upon now more than ever to imagine that another world is possible. Creating counter-constitutions will be one way to contribute to that project.</p><p>In thinking through how we carry out our work in this difficult moment, we should take note of the fact that anything we say can be used against us in the court of public opinion. We are no longer speaking just among friends who share our academic training. Like it or not, we have become public intellectuals, and as such we should think about how our words and actions and research and conclusions will be understood by others outside our immediate academic circles. Rather than trying to hide behind our specialized vocabularies, ironic failure to commit and self-referential flights of abstraction, we should become more rather than less straightforward in the way we make the case for our evidence-based arguments. We need to approach our scholarship the way we approach our teaching—patiently explaining to those who are new to our fields the bases of our professional knowledge and the reasons why we believe what we do. We need to engage with those who disagree, insist on high standards of evidence and ultimately remain open to counter-evidence and counter-argument. We need to defend our evidence and our arguments in public debate and take the message of dignity beyond these meetings into the fight to preserve constitutional democracy around the world.</p>","PeriodicalId":48100,"journal":{"name":"Law & Society Review","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":2.3000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Law & Society Review","FirstCategoryId":"90","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":2,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"LAW","Score":null,"Total":0}
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The Law and Society meetings in 2019 are taking place in Washington DC at a time when many of our international friends are wondering whether they should travel to a place where the national president has made border crossings arbitrary and painful, denied visas to those coming from disfavored countries and in general trampled on the ideals that the United States has long preached. To take a stand against the damage being visibly done to both constitutionalism and the rule of law by the incumbent American administration, we picked “dignity” as the theme for these meetings (Figure 1).

But “dignity” was also encoded criticism, designed to ensure that the theme of our conference would not raise red flags on visa applications. We hoped that the Trump Administration would not find dignity as dangerous as we found it inspiring. And so here we are. Not all of our colleagues were able to join us; in particular, we are dismayed that nearly all of our Nigerian colleagues' visa applications were rejected. All the more reason for us to insist on dignity as our fundamental organizing principle, even if it is not at the moment honored by the country in which we meet.

Dignity is the heart and soul of many modern constitutions. The German Basic Law holds in Article 1 that “Human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority” (Germany, Basic Law. 1949). The Colombian Constitution similarly leads with dignity in Article 1: “Colombia is a social state under the rule of law… based on respect for human dignity” (Colombia, Constitution, 1991). And the inspirational South African Constitution proclaims in Article 10 that “everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected (South Africa, Constitution, 1994).” But dignity has never been the organizing principle of the US Constitution, which has taken ideas of liberty—often honored in the breach—as its touchstone instead (Whitman, 2004).

Indeed, it is hard to say that a spirit of dignity characterizes our present moment. Just down the street from the hotel where we are meeting, President Trump occupies the White House, spewing forth daily insults and threats against the people and principles he refuses to honor. But constitutional endangerment is not just happening in the US. The threat to dignity from aspirational autocrats extends far and wide, as Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Narendra Modi in India, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and others fan the flames of hatred against their political enemies and legally remove (or ignore) the constitutional constraints on their power. Brexit in the UK was a campaign run and won by English nationalists who rejected the European project and its value constraints—and sent the rickety British constitution into crisis. Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland are undermining the rule of law and turning once reasonably functioning democracies into autocratic experiments. The threat to democracy, human rights and the rule of law is global. And human dignity is taking a hit.

In its Freedom in the World annual report for 2019, the democracy-rating organization Freedom House declared that it had just “recorded the 13th consecutive year of decline in global freedom … Democracy is in retreat” (Freedom House, 2019, p. 1). Other democracy raters agreed. The Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project called its annual report in 2019 “Democracy Facing Global Challenges,” and noted that in the prior year, “the most dramatic changes occurred in Hungary, with a decline of almost 30% on the LDI [Liberal Democracy Index] scale” (Varieties of Democracy, 2019, p. 22). In 10 short years, Hungary—a country where the Law and Society Association met in 2001—fell from the heights of “liberal democracy” to teetering on the edge of “electoral autocracy” in which it is virtually impossible to change a government through elections. [Hungary in fact was judged to be “no longer a democracy” the year after this presidential address was delivered (Varieties of Democracy Project, 2020, p. 4).] I'll have more to say about Hungary later, as it is the place I study most closely, but for now I'll just note that what happens in Hungary today can happen in a democracy near you tomorrow.

If constitutional democracy is failing and autocracy is on the rise, putting human dignity at risk, what can and should we as scholars do to stall the slide, and perhaps even reverse it?

In the Law and Society world, we have long pondered our relationship to what Austin Sarat and Susan Silbey famously called “pull of the policy audience” (Sarat & Silbey, 1988). Studies of the role of law in the world are persistently interesting to people in power, and Sarat and Silbey cautioned our field against becoming too comfortable with that fact. Not that sociolegal scholars should remain silent on matters of policy. Rather, Sarat and Silbey urged that we be more thoughtful, more explicit about our commitments and more protective of our independence as scholars. They argued that we needed to maintain a distance that would allow us to remain critical both of the repressive uses of power and of instrumental uses of scholarship. They argued against cooptation, against the agendas of our field being set by external standards of relevance and against taking the script of legal liberalism as the only way to think about law.

Since Sarat and Silbey wrote, however, many of us have had the vertiginous sense that our ideas have escaped from academic circles, and are being deliberately used against what we value, regardless of whether we have cooperated with power or not. Who has deployed social constructivism better than the defenders of autocracy, who now insist that all truth is relative and perhaps does not exist at all? Who has taken on board the critiques of liberalism better than the aspirational autocrats, who now insist that the liberalism is an old-fashioned and inadequate response to the challenges of today? If ideals of objectivity have been thoroughly unmasked by academic critics, it is the autocrats who have most eager to abandon objectivity altogether as a self-aggrandizing ruse created by those who really pull the strings in this world. The accusation of “political correctness,” once a reminder inside critical theory circles to maintain a critical edge, is now regularly deployed to mock those engaged in critique.

Since Sarat and Silbey wrote, an international anti-intellectual autocratic movement has used the ideas generated by reflexive scholars to power their illiberal alternative realities, to mobilize scorn for intellectual life and to troll progressives. What many of us used to see as a strength—which was the sociolegal studies' “insistence that the ability to know what is there is limited” (Sarat & Silbey, 1988, p. 131)—is being deployed by aspirational autocrats who routinely say that up is down and down is up, recalling the then-ironic contribution to a volume on critical legal studies about the decline of the up-down distinction (Shapiro, 1984). If the law and society movement stood for the proposition that legal rules were shot through with “indeterminacy, contingency and contradiction” (Sarat & Silbey, 1988, p. 105), we are now faced with leaders who twist the meanings of rules while we seem to reverse ourselves by insisting that rules are real and should be binding.

In short, while Sarat and Silbey seemed reasonably confident that we scholars could have conversations among ourselves that would not escape into the policy world without our participation, that world no longer exists. Now, whatever we write and whatever we teach have become fair game for immediate political scrutiny and unauthorized political use. Instead of being pulled into the orbit of the policy audience by its irresistible allure, we are being pushed and shoved around by it, often against our will. So how do we relate to that policy audience now, given that it will not just leave us alone to do our academic work?

In my view, we do not have the option of doing nothing. Even if we try to hide from this politicization, it is coming after us. Universities are being attacked and their once-secure academic walls have been breached in all democracies in trouble. Central European University, which hosted the Law and Society meeting in 2001, has been pushed out of Budapest and has had to take up residence in Vienna. The Turkish government has engaged in mass firings of academics after the attempted coup in 2016. The Indian government has attacked universities, first in Kashmir and then across the country, demonizing its academic critics and urging a restriction of controversial content on reading lists. In the United States, academic freedom is being undermined by a misguided merger with “free speech” in which outrageous views with no evidence to sustain them are treated as identical to careful research with professionally approved methodologies. Across democracies in trouble, it has become difficult to defend academic knowledge against the pretenders and to defend the independence of universities against those who seek political control.

Whether we like it or not, our ideas are weaponized against us by those who turn facts into opinions and insist on having their own fact-free opinions stand on equal ground. And that's true regardless of whether we openly advocate a political perspective or whether we think of ourselves as neutral scientists devoted to pushing back the frontiers of ignorance, as my dissertation advisor Art Stinchcombe used to say. When all ideas are politicized and the independence of universities is under threat in all places where democracy is endangered, the very idea that we can stand outside the political fray becomes naïve at best, dangerous at worst.

As autocracy is on the march, we must think through our responsibilities as scholars in general and sociolegal scholars in particular—or else our fate will be decided for us. If we once had the luxury of researching topics for the sheer intellectual joy of it without worrying about our findings' political implications, we should now realize that the academy has been ripped open to public view and that we will almost surely lose control of the ideas that we generate. Like dissidents in surveillance states, we should be aware that our internal discussions are being monitored by those in power to provide potential fuel for the bonfire of what we care about most deeply. But like dissidents in surveillance states, this realization should make us more and not less committed to “living in truth,” as the Czech dissident writer Vaclav Havel once said without the slightest trace of irony. Living in truth “meant, first of all, telling the truth in answer to official propaganda, but also behaving as if fundamental rights … could be taken for granted” (Washington Post, 2011).

Cue the cringes! Who among us has not cringed at the assertion of a monolithic and certain truth or at the invocation of liberal rights as an “unqualified human good” (as E.P. Thompson once said about the rule of law to surprised gasps [Thompson, 1975, pp. 258–269])? One of sociolegal studies' proud legacies is its long and honorable tradition of criticizing liberal legalism! But it's one thing to critique liberal legalism when it is ascendant and potentially open to improvement—and another thing to attack it when it is being replaced by something far worse so that we lend support to the autocrats' deconstruction of it by tearing liberal legalism down (Scheppele, 2019). Cringes always occur in context.

While aspirational autocrats are eager to steal some of our ideas—about political correctness, constructivism and the false promises of rights—they are also eager to obliterate the contributions of sociolegal studies to the advancement of equality, taking particular umbrage at “genderology” (Verseck, 2018) and critical race theory (Harris, 2020). Some might think that the high-level attention paid to these vital ideas is flattering. Who knew that our theories could become so important in setting the agenda of political debate? But others know that the movement of an academic culture of critique into non-academic political settings risks self-destruction when ideas travel without context, academic vocabularies are mocked, and the assumption of equal dignity is stood on its head. These days, political leaders use ideas familiar to us to argue that equality-seeking measures constitute unjust discrimination against those with privilege. In academia, being inconsistent in the positions that one takes counts against us, but such devotion to consistency does not extend beyond our seminar rooms. Sometimes, the aspirational autocrats are eager to use academic ideas that support their positions, but they just as readily seek to mock the academic ideas that threaten them. The point is, however, we do not get to choose the terms on which our ideas enter the public debate.

What's a sociolegal scholar to do? What I will suggest in the rest of this presidential address is that we should stop cringing in corners hoping that aspirational autocrats will ignore us as we talk among ourselves and as they steal many of our ideas for purposes we find abhorrent. Instead, we should take our insights into fight for dignity and unsettle the autocrats on their own home turf. In short, we need more than clever defense, especially when it is becoming increasingly difficult to wall ourselves off from politics. We need to own what we value and what we know—and bring crucial public audiences onside.

Before providing one example of how I have tried to go on the offense against aspirational autocrats as they destroy liberal legal constitutions, I will first provide some background for how we might think about law in this process. Given that the new autocrats are attacking constitutional law in particular as they entrench themselves in power, we should understand as sociolegal scholars how constitutions work. And then we can weaponize these ideas against the autocrats.

Most people do not go around thinking about constitutions very much. Generally, this is a very good thing. If constitutions work as they should, then much of what constitutions “constitute” will be taken for granted. The Westminster Parliament or the Colombian Constitutional Court or the French Conseil d'État or the South African Human Rights Commission or the Indian Lok Sabha have a certain institutional solidity. There may be pitched political campaigns over who gets to occupy the key posts within those institutions. The decisions these institutions make may generate praise or criticism. But the existence of the institutions, their basic rules of operation and the methods for filling their vacancies should simply seem obvious in any constitutional system that works.

Of course, even functioning constitutional systems will have controversies that force attention onto specific topics at specific moments. Does the US Second Amendment really include a personal right to own guns? Does the threat of terrorism justify surveillance of all electronic communications? Does the law right to asylum guaranteed by international law override more restrictive domestic immigration law? How long can the president—or prime minister—rule by executive decree during a state of emergency before the legislature must be consulted? How far does any European constitution permit delegation of key decisions to the European Union? Many of these controversies will culminate in judicial decisions that resolve the issue, at least legally and at least for now. Every constitutional system will have close questions, contested areas, blank spots to be filled in with constitutional interpretation as well as points of genuine disagreement that may not be easily resolved. Such is the stuff of what is typically taught as “constitutional law” in most countries.

Law professors focus primarily on these legal controversies and their legal resolution rather than on the background assumptions of the constitutional order. This is not surprising: resolving legal disputes is what lawyers and judges do, and therefore what legal academics tend to study. But, as sociolegal scholars, we should not equate the functioning of constitutions merely with the legal resolution of specific constitutional questions. No matter how fierce debates over those questions are, they do not capture the most crucial question about constitutionalism: Is a constitution considered real enough by those governed by it so that they can take large elements of it for granted?

Before constitutional controversies over specific constitutional provisions are settled as a matter of active constitutional law, “passive constitutional law” consists of those uncontested parts of a constitutional order that go without saying. Like passive knowledge more generally, passive constitutional law operates in the background, only becoming visible when overly challenged. Getting a constitution to the point where it operates passively in the world is by no means a simple or singular process. There is variation in whether broad features of constitutions have passed into passive knowledge and can therefore simply be assumed to exist, across countries and across history within a country.

On one end of the spectrum, some constitutions never become real. “Sham constitutions” (Law & Versteeg, 2013) exist on paper but have no corresponding existence in practice. Think of the Chinese constitution today or the Soviet one from years ago. They might reveal the state's ideology the way that mannequins in store windows may reflect ideals of beauty. Window-dressing may not reveal much about real life outside the window, though it may be revealing of certain aspirations. In the comparative constitutional law field, we explain sham constitutions away by saying that the governments with window-dressing constitutions are simply not constitutional governments.

But there is a large range across which constitutions can succeed in constituting institutions and being taken for granted. These effects can be wide-ranging and deep, as when a constitution creates a constitutional culture, separation of powers, and firm guarantees for rights that become widely believed in the population. Constitutional effects can also be more modest, for example, only establishing the order of succession of power among the elite but little more (Brown, 2002). Constitutional effects can also be intermittent, or visible only in some communities and not others, or real only on some topics and not others. Constitutions vary a great deal in the nature and scope of the effects they create. But their reality hinges on passing into passive knowledge and being taken for granted at least in some places, some of the time. Empirical investigation is necessary to determine when, where and how passive constitutional law rules.

A functioning constitution specifies how constitutional crises are resolved, establishes principles that govern the operation of the state, and creates political ground rules that permeate the society. It makes the field of political play relatively predictable and comprehensible (elections every four years, only one prime minister at a time) even while the specific moves within that field may be surprising, contested and controversial. A “real” constitution allows the inevitable conflicts of politics to generate robust electoral competition, to include citizens actively in political argument and to find ways to keep the inevitable losers engaged in democratic participation without bringing down the state. When a constitution is working, it manages to separate the rules of the game from the game in ways that simply go without saying.

Unfortunately, the reality of any specific constitution does not necessarily speak to its relationship to broader questions of justice and equality; all actually existing constitutions are imperfect, have outrageous blind spots and show evidence of political wear and tear. The sociolegal studies movement has long recognized this and has been a fertile source of critique because many of us have hoped to make constitutional reality better, knowing full well that the reality of a constitution does not settle the question of its goodness. But the existence of a passive constitution matters even when it is flawed because it can serve as a curb on political arbitrariness (Krygier, 2019). Even if a constitution brings imperfect justice, living without a constitution can be far worse, as anyone who has lived in a failed or failing state can attest.

Tracking the reality of constitutions is complicated because constitutions are not necessarily real in the same way to all of their addressees. As Meir Dan-Cohen once observed about the criminal law, there can be a kind of “acoustic separation” in the messages that law conveys (Dan-Cohen, 1983). In criminal law, the prohibition of robbery is simultaneously both a warning to those who might be contemplating an illegal act and also an instruction to certain state officials to respond in a particular way once they have evidence that a particular person is likely to have committed the offense. Similarly, constitutions also deploy different messages to different addressees. State officials are told how their institutions are set up and how they as officers in these structures must behave; those seeking office run within the rules set by the constitutional system with regard to elections, parties, financing and so on; citizens learn about their rights and how to assert them through constitutional provisions. All audiences—including domestic objectors—are told what principles the constitutional government is committed to defending and how far dissent is permitted. But given these different messages that are sent to and heard by different audiences, the sort of reality created in each audience of addressees may vary.

For those who occupy the constitutionally constituted offices, a constitution that has passed into passive knowledge will instruct officials to act as if the institutions exist outside them and constrain them, even once they themselves have become the public face of those institutions by virtue of occupying official offices. The Brazilian Constitution functions, for example, when the President of Brazil sees himself and is seen by others as just one occupant of an office called “the presidency,” an office that exceeds that particular president's own person, tenure, actions and interpretation of the job. The office, if real, will continue to exist after he leaves it—and the rules of the game will tell him when he must leave. If the constitution works, he will in fact leave when the time comes. If the South African Constitutional Court is real, a judge on that Court will speak for the institution and not just for herself, knowing that these are meaningfully different things. Even when virtually all politicians support a particular law, the Court must nonetheless strike it down when it violates the constitution. And the politicians must accept the Court decision even if they disagree with it, though of course, some debate over constitutional meaning is not only acceptable but may make a constitutional order more robust (Meuwese & Snel, 2013). If the French Constitution is real, the French Minister of Justice will see herself as one in a long line of occupants of an office that has traditions, responsibilities and a constitution to uphold. In fact, her highest and best testament to the fact that the office exceeds her may require that she resign it to defend constitutional principles (Chrisafis, 2016). When the occupants of offices confuse their own personal biography with the biography of the office or—worse yet—when the general public does, then constitutionalism is in trouble. Constitutionally constituted offices must seem real both to their occupants and to those who are governed by them, and the individuals who pass through and occupy official posts must not be confused with the structure as such.

Once a constitution is up and running, new actors and new generations must be educated into a constitutional order which—if things go well—they can then take for granted. National constitutions, once established, can be taught as honorable, stable and obvious or as necessarily contingent, evolving and contested. In short, constitutional education creates the reality it teaches. The collective memory of constitutional life becomes a crucial resource for holding constitutional regimes together even when history is taught as a constant struggle. How constitutional memory is generated and passed on therefore becomes a crucial part of understanding what holds constitutional regimes in place.

When constitutions are functioning to create reality in the world, the inhabitants of this constitutional world act as if the constitution creates a functioning political space with enforceable legal rules (Vaihinger, 1924). Sociologists know this sort of effect as the Thomas Theorem: “If men [sic] define situations as real, they are real in their consequences” (Merton, 1995). The same holds true for the passive constitution: If people believe a constitution is real, then constitutional ideas have real effects.

Passive constitutional knowledge becomes a part of people's mental maps as they navigate the social world and find that others respond as if their mental maps match those of the subject in question. Intersubjective validation occurs when I act as if something is real and others reinforce my actions by also acting as if that very same something is real in the same way. So, for example, if I show my US passport when I return to the US from a trip abroad and the immigration official at the desk recognizes the document, checks it in her system and stamps me into the country, my status as a citizen in good standing is reaffirmed. If this breaks down—my passport is not taken as real the border even if I believed it was real in showing it to the immigration official in the first place—then the reality of the underlying system of certification through which I am recognized by my country starts to crumble. The reality of my citizenship will not necessarily be obliterated in a single failure of recognition—systems make mistakes—but a persistent pattern of such de-recognition will undermine my citizenship. If this happens to many people at once, particularly if those targeted for non-recognition form a recognizable pattern, the solidity of the citizenship regime itself will come under question. Acting as if constitutions are real, in the presence of others acting similarly, is one way to make them so. But if disconfirming events persistently occur, or the reality claims are persistently challenged, then the appearance of constitutional reality is exposed as constitutional sham.

Whether constitutions are real can be also assessed with respect to the individuals who are governed by a constitution. Citizens—important addressees of constitutions—have at least some part of their public and civic lives constituted by the constitution. For example, citizenship itself is a legally constituted status (Munshi, 2015). Constitutional rights of citizens protect conscience, private life and public participation in politics. A constitution will specify what the state must do for its citizens, and what it cannot do to them. And if state behavior roughly corresponds to its legal obligations, the reality of those obligations is affirmed.

One can therefore see how very easy it would be to find oneself in the middle of a constitutional order whose center did not hold. As Karl Marx famously wrote in a year in which constitutional revolutions erupted all over Europe: “All that is solid melts into air” (Marx, 2014 [1848]). He was speaking about the rapacious effects of the relentless expansion of capitalism on the stable order of the old world, but the same can be said about the disintegration of constitutionalism in the face of new political forces, something that was also happening at the time he wrote. Nothing destroys an old order like new people acting as if that old order no longer exists.

Understanding constitutionalism therefore requires understanding how constitutions come to be treated as real and taken for granted, under what circumstances and by whom. To get at this, we need to ask: How do constitutions come to have an existence in everyday life? How do they come to be obvious?

Questioning the obvious always looks a bit suspicious, as if academics have nothing better to do with their time than poke at things that were perfectly fine before the poke. But the fact that a constitution is obvious in one time and place does not guarantee either that that particular constitution will remain obvious or that other constitutions will easily be able to achieve that “obvious” status either. Obviousness is a crucial element of successful constitutions and we need to understand how obviousness is generated to know how to create and fix constitutional polities. But studying what is taken for granted is not easy. So, how can we examine the reality of a passive constitution?

One good way to study whether constitutional reality holds is to study counter-constitutional challengers. A counter-constitution is an alternative constitutional reality, forwarded by its advocates as a substitute for an existing constitutional arrangement. It is “counter” in the sense that it opposes an existing constitutional order and “constitutional” in the sense that it offers itself as an alternative constituting framework for the governance of a particular community. Counter-constitutions challenge the previously taken-for-granted status of the official constitution which, precisely because of the challenge, can no longer claim obviousness. What made the prior constitution obvious (until that point)? And why did that obviousness begin to fail when it did? What influences the shape that a counter-constitution takes? These are questions we can examine when counter-constitutionalist challenges arise.

Counter-constitutions, then, are “strategic research sites” (Merton, 1987), sites chosen because they are particularly likely to illuminate the social processes we are trying to understand. Because counter-constitutions occur at moments when what “goes without saying” is actually now being said, they often expose what once made a particular constitutional arrangement obvious and why it is no longer so. Counter-constitutions can also reveal how the prior constitutionalist consensus was built, and where the prior constitution proved weak. If counter-constitutions win and become the new “real” constitutions, studying them allows us to see constitutional creation in action. If counter-constitutions fail, we can see how the prior constitution found its strength to fend off the challenge. In short, moments of fundamental constitutional contestation are moments when the reality claims of constitutions are exposed as the contingent claims that they are. And then, as claims, they are either toppled or reaffirmed. Counter-constitutional moments are, in short, critical moments for constitutions that expose and test what is usually taken for granted.

To understand counter-constitutions, we must be able to assess the conceptual fields within which the established and countering constitutions are contending for dominance. Assessing this context counsels going deep rather than broad, as we must track the meanings that various players bring to the debate and the way that implicit ideas hold sway until the moment when they do not. So let me turn to Hungary for a specific example of how this works—and how to mobilize scholarship for the values we share.

At the end of World War II in Europe, the territories that had been conquered by or that had aligned themselves with Nazi Germany came to be governed by the Allied powers that won the war. The armies and then the civilians of the UK, France and the US occupied the Western parts of that territory; the Soviet Union occupied the lands to the East. Germany was divided among the four Allied powers. While the Western powers supervised the creation of new constitutional governments and then withdrew, the Soviet Union presided over the drafting of new constitutions that mirrored Stalin's 1937 constitution in crucial respects and then remained in control of the territories that it had taken during the war. Like the Soviet constitution itself, the constitutions in Eastern Europe disguised rather than illuminated the real source of power. The communist party was not mentioned in those constitutions—or was mentioned only in passing—and yet all major decisions were made through the party hierarchy, ultimately all the way back to Moscow regardless of what the national constitutions said. Rights, elaborated in the texts, were realized primarily in the breach.

Forty years later, succession crises in the Soviet Union brought new leadership to the fore that loosened the Soviet Union's grip on its “satellite states” in Eastern Europe. “Perestroika” brought a tentative opening to pluralism. The dissidents of Eastern Europe agitated for change as soon as change seemed to be on offer. And surprisingly, the Soviet Union permitted a process of political transition to multiparty elections.

Two weeks before the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 9, 1989—which itself was the most visible marker of how far and how fast the political ground had shifted—Hungary enacted its new post-Soviet constitution on October 23. During the Cold War, dissidents had campaigned for rights, called for restraints on the power of governments and insisted that their countries could become, as they put it, “normal” (Shleifer & Treisman, 2014). The National Roundtables of 1989 across the region provided a forum for negotiating the political transfers of power from the outgoing communist party to the incoming democratic opposition. Along the way, almost by accident, the Roundtable process in Hungary generated such a major constitutional reform that it amounted to a wholly new constitution (Scheppele, 2020).

Formally, the 1989 Hungarian constitution started as a giant amendment to the Stalin-era constitution of 1949 (Germany, Basic Law. 1949), but left very little of that original constitution intact. Despite its odd provenance as a super-amendment to a sham constitution enacted by the outgoing illegitimate government, the 1989 constitution nonetheless became accepted very quickly because ideas about human rights, democracy and constitutionalism had grown deep roots during the communist era (Scheppele, 1996). The new Constitutional Court created by Hungary's 1989 constitution started work in January 1990, deciding a flood of constitutional cases even before the first multiparty elections as if the new rights contained in the new constitution were real. The fact that thousands of people petitioned the Court to right wrongs in those early years relying on those rights meant that the public recognized how much things had changed.

By the time I showed up to work as a researcher at the Hungarian Constitutional Court from 1994 to 1998, the commitment to constitutionalism on the part of public institutions, political parties and the public as a whole was so strong that the description of a state of affairs as “alkotmányellenes” (unconstitutional) had already become a general expression of condemnation even outside legal settings. For example, I once heard a taxi driver yell this expression out his cab window to object to the unconventional driving behavior of the car ahead of him. In those heady years when the new constitutional republic was being established, I witnessed first-hand how this new constitution generated a democratic republic and a jurisprudence in which dignity was the central organizing principle. The Constitutional Court issued pathbreaking decisions abolishing the death penalty, dismantling the surveillance state, fashioning a “rule of law transition” and protecting freedom of speech, association, religion and more (Scheppele, 2005). The Court's inspirational first president, László Sólyom was the keynote speaker at the Law and Society meetings in Budapest in 2001!

Of course, there are limits to what any new constitution can do. It did not change all of the old habits from the Soviet time of evading state regulation wherever possible. The new constitution presided over the explosion of economic inequality under wild capitalism. That said, Hungary showed that the rule of law could develop in stages, first through establishing a constitutional government and then gradually spreading through other areas of law (Scheppele & Örkény, 1999). Emerging from dictatorship with its sham constitution, Hungary became a relatively well-functioning constitutional republic reaching the status of a “consolidated democracy” quite quickly (Linz & Stephan, 1996).

During the same years that the new constitution was becoming entrenched, however, I also witnessed the rise of Hungary's first post-Soviet counter-constitution, which grew out of a backlash against the rapid-fire changes. The transformations of 1989 and after were pervasive and not always positive. A one-party state became a multiparty political free-for-all with political parties shifting their stances between elections so that nothing in the public sphere seemed stable. A rigidly controlled economy was suddenly opened to international competition, to prices established by markets rather than political fiat, and to private ownership of both large businesses and the growing revenue streams that they produced. The absence of flaunted wealth and extreme poverty was replaced by the sudden visibility of both. The average Hungarian experienced a sudden expansion of political freedom and a rapid contraction of economic fortune at the same time.

The post-1989 changes were so fast and so extreme that nostalgia for the pre-Soviet past became especially strong among those who had lost the most in the transition. People who could not make the sudden shift to a capitalist economy either because their education did not prepare them for the new world or because their social vulnerabilities made it impossible to enter a world of cut-throat competition found that they were left behind by a state that, under international tutelage, cut back the social safety net that had protected them. The nostalgia of those who lost out in the transition conjured an image of a world that Hungary could have entered if it had not sold out its economy to neoliberal reform and if it had not abandoned its historic national identity for a cosmopolitan vision of itself as “valahol Európában” (“somewhere in Europe,” the title of a popular film at the time). By the mid-1990s, pre-Soviet nostalgia had a toehold in politics, voiced primarily through the small and conservative Smallholders' Party which, despite its 20th century interwar bourgeois origins, had become the party of the post-Soviet dispossessed.

In 1995, the Hungarian Parliament, with a socialist-liberal coalition in the majority engaged in a full-throated defense of the “transition,” decided that it should put the 1989 constitution on a more legitimate footing by revisiting it again after a full democracy had been established. The effort failed to generate a new constitution because there was not enough political will to change what was working rather well for the victors of transition, who consisted of the newly empowered political classes and the new elites who had embraced the opportunities that capitalism made available. One significant dissenting voice, however, urged a major revision of the 1989 constitution. The Smallholders Party argued for a return of the monarchy and, if that were not possible, they urged at the very least that the Holy Crown of St. Stephen should be recognized as Hungary's historic constitution. The Holy Crown of St. Stephen had been the leading symbol of state in the 20th century interwar period when Hungary had been last independent of foreign domination.

The Holy Crown? An object as constitution? In Hungary, this was a familiar claim. As school textbook history would have it and as every Hungarian knows, Hungary's first Christian king, Stephen, received a Crown from Pope Sylvester II in the year 1000 C.E., thus creating the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. From that establishment of the Hungarian state through the middle of the 20th century, the physical, literal Holy Crown of St. Stephen (Szent Korona) had played an important role in the formation and legitimation of governments and the doctrine of the Holy Crown—the Szent Korona-tan —contained the principles of Hungary's historic constitution. Not surprisingly, the Crown's leading role in Hungarian public law had ended once the Soviet Union occupied Hungary after World War II. And in the new democratic transformation after 1989, the Crown—like many Hungarians—had been left behind. The Smallholders wanted to pick up where the interwar history left off by restoring the Crown as Hungary's constitution. As they argued, such recognition would begin by acknowledging that no law was valid unless passed in the physical presence of the Crown. This recognition would be accompanied by recovering the constitutional principles grounding Crown's award of legitimacy to nearly a millennium of kings. The socialist-liberal government of the time thought that restoring the Crown and its associated ideas was crazy. The Crown, they said, belonged in a museum.

The 1998 election brought a coalition of conservative parties to power, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, then a 35-year-old firebrand whose political party Fidesz had already crossed the political spectrum from libertarianism to nationalism looking for a place to park. The Smallholders joined Orbán's coalition government. Seizing on the popularity of the Crown in far-right circles, Orbán celebrated the Millennium by moving the physical Crown with great pomp and fanfare from the National Museum to the Parliament. Enclosed in a glass case and watched over by a revitalized Crown Guard in the giant rotunda of the Parliament building where it has remained ever since, the Crown now symbolizes state sovereignty in the symbolic heart of democracy. The Smallholders and other nationalist Hungarians were delighted.

After only one term in office, Orbán was defeated in 2002 and again in 2006. But when the global financial crisis tipped Hungary over into bankruptcy on the watch of the socialist-liberal government, Orbán's fortunes changed and he was reelected overwhelmingly in 2010 with 53% of the vote. Hungary's disproportionate election law converted this Fidesz victory into a supermajority bloc in the Parliament with 67% of the mandates. Because the 1989 constitution could be amended with a single two-thirds vote of the unicameral Parliament (one of those rules that had not been changed from the Soviet time), Orbán could elevate himself above the law and even rewrite the constitution without the approval of any party save his own.

Soon after taking office, Orbán commissioned a new constitution. As in 1989, the new constitution that raced through the Parliament was adopted by the same rule that governed amendments. As in 1989, the new 2011 constitution was an ideological counter to the prior constitution, now replacing both political and economic liberalism with intolerant nationalism much as liberalism had replaced state socialism in 1989. To signal the new nationalist bent of the new constitution, Orbán drew heavily on Crown symbolism. While the liberals of 1989 had mobilized widespread disaffection with Soviet rule to bolster their vision of government (and to launch themselves into power), Orbán's counter-constitution told Hungarian nationalists that they had won the battle for Hungary's future based on Hungary's past.

On April 25, 2011, the President of Hungary signed Hungary's new constitution, the product of a secret, hurried, one-party process and an even shorter public debate (Hungary, Fundamental Law. 2012). Within one year of its election to office with a constitution-making supermajority in the Parliament, Orbán's government changed the very constitutional ground on which it stood. Orbán's new constitution took effect on January 1, 2012, and his Parliament obediently passed thousands of pages of new laws to go along with it. The overall effect of this sweeping legal reform was to lodge all political power in a single pair of hands for the long haul. The 2010 democratic election had launched what became a quickly consolidated autocracy. Every step in this process was legal, a pure example of autocratic legalism (Scheppele, 2018).

To disguise the power grab implicit in the 2012 constitution, Orbán topped his new powers with the Holy Crown, signaling to his conservative base that he was restoring Hungary's pre-communist constitutional tradition. As the new constitutional preamble states, “We honor the achievements of our historic constitution and we honor the Holy Crown, which embodies the constitutional continuity of Hungary's statehood and the unity of the nation.” And then, as Article R of the new constitution commands, “The provisions of the Fundamental Law shall be interpreted in accordance with …the achievements of our historic constitution.” Lest anyone miss the symbolism, a coffee-table-book version of the new constitution was printed by the thousands, with the Holy Crown emblazoned on its cover.

If the Crown symbolizes Hungary's historic constitutional order, why would it appeal now only to those on the right wing—and particularly the far-right—of the political spectrum?

Post-communist nostalgia created a fond image of 20th century interwar Hungary, when Hungary had last been an independent nation. Politically, it urged Hungary to pick up where the interwar period left off and continue the same form of government. But this proposal sharply divides the current left and right in Hungary for reasons having to do with what that interwar regime stood for.

At the end of World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire—whose leader had the dual title of Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary and which after 1867 was formally co-ruled by both states—was cut into pieces with the aim of giving each major ethnic group within the empire its own national state. The Treaty of Trianon created the new independent state of Hungary, but the new borders established under that treaty meant that the country lost 60% of the territory and 70% of the peoples that had historically been under its jurisdiction. Hungary was perhaps the biggest loser in the post-World-War-I division of empire.

Though monarchy disappeared in 1918, the Crown that had for 900 years been associated with the Hungarian monarchy ironically became more important. Miklós Horthy, who governed the new Hungarian state within its diminished borders from 1920 to 1944, vowed to address the “Trianon trauma” by fighting to recover the lost lands and peoples of “Greater Hungary.” To symbolize his irredentist commitments, Horthy took the title of Regent and claimed to govern the country in the name of the Crown which then symbolically stood for Hungary's proper place in Europe as a major kingdom and a major power.

During Horthy's reign, the Crown symbolically united Hungary with its glorious past by being displayed everywhere. The Crown appeared on currency, on stamps, on shrines across Greater Hungary and even on tour around the country as a specially created train brought the Crown to giant cheering crowds in 1938, the 900th anniversary of King Stephen's death. The centrality of the Crown to Horthy's nationalist government put the Crown in bad company because the government had more than a passing flirtation with fascism and a troubled relationship to democracy.

At the start of Horthy's reign, Hungary passed the first numerus clausus laws in Europe, limiting the number of Jews in the professions (Kovács, 1994). Throughout his tenure in office, Horthy encouraged intolerant nationalism. When the time came, Hungary entered World War II on the side of Nazi Germany in part out of ideological affinity and in part because Hitler had promised Horthy that a victorious Hungary would get its former territories back. By the war's end, about 565,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered, some by forced labor but most at Auschwitz, deported by the Hungarian Arrow Cross (Nazi) government that took power near the end of the war. Another half million non-Jewish Hungarians—both soldiers and civilians—died during the war as well. And, at the end of the war, Hungary was occupied by the Soviet Army, not to see independence again for nearly another half century.

Horthy's reign may have ended in disgrace and defeat, but even now, Hungary's far-right parties support Horthy's dream of restoring Greater Hungary. At far-right rallies, and even at government functions under Orbán, flags, bumper stickers and banners feature maps of “Greater Hungary” instead of the current state borders. Orbán has signed onto the cause, perhaps most visibly doing so when he first held the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2011. In decorating the Council building in Brussels with symbols of the Hungarian presidency, he proudly displayed a carpet featuring a map of Greater Hungary obliterating the established international borders of the neighboring countries, to great alarm (Pop, 2011).

But the dream of Greater Hungary, symbolized by the Holy Crown, is not just about borders. It's about a version of history that the far-right has constructed against all scholarly evidence. Hungary's role in the Holocaust is persistently denied, as far-right “historians” attribute the Holocaust to a German “invasion” of Hungary. Orbán's government even constructed a monument on Freedom Square in the heart of Budapest dedicated to the “victims of German occupation” in World War II, a category which includes both the Jewish and Roma victims of the Holocaust alongside their non-Jewish and non-Roma fellow citizens. To hammer home the point about continuity of government between the Horthy regime and his own, Orbán has brought back the uniforms of the Crown Guard from Horthy's day and presided over the dedication of Horthy statues, the reversion of street names and public squares to their interwar identities and the symbolic makeover of the country to trigger at all possible moments the historical memory of Horthy's rule (Walker, 2019). The school history books have been rewritten to glorify those days.

To Hungarians, the Holy Crown symbolizes all that. For Viktor Orbán to restore the Crown to public life again signals that he sympathizes with the politics of that period. Orbán's new constitution, with the Crown emblazoned on the cover and honored in the text, adopts the spirit of the Horthy government, which stayed in power constantly undermining democratic government for a quarter century. In short, Orbán took the Holy Crown, the counter-constitution that had been the object of nostalgia since Hungarian independence in 1989, and made it the symbol of his signature legal reform.

Orbán justified his new constitutional order by claiming to restore Hungarian historical honor against the siren songs of the cosmopolitans, by preaching that Hungary was just for Hungarians, demonizing migrants, celebrating Hungary's Christian founding and eventually cracking down on “gender ideology” and the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. In attaching this program to his new constitution, Orbán inverted the dignitarian values of the 1989 post-Soviet constitution and created a fiercely nationalist and anti-liberal constitution.

By 2013, the Constitutional Court where I had worked for four years as a researcher in the 1990s was packed with Orbán's judges who have since done everything he wanted. A 2013 constitutional amendment, enacted to symbolize the end of the Constitutional Court as we knew it, nullified the entire dignity-based jurisprudence of the Court from 1990 to 2012. By the 2014 election, the rules were too rigged for the opposition to win (something I blogged about at the time and later documented in detail in Scheppele, 2022). Already by his first reelection, Orbán had destroyed democracy by making it impossible for Hungarians to change leaders through elections. Hungary had fallen from democracy into dictatorship under Orbán's nationalist counter-constitution.

As we meet here in Washington, democracies across the world are weakening and some are collapsing. The United States is not immune from these trends. As we know from our own experience, scholars are being pushed and shoved into the policy debate whether they want to be part of this debate or not. Because democracies fail these days not by coup but by law (Bermeo, 2016; Scheppele, 2018), we as law and society scholars are uniquely positioned to call the process out—and even to do something about it. Hungary was the first consolidated democracy in the world to fall into autocracy, so perhaps my experience in countering Orbán's counter-constitution will provide some useful material to think with.

As the radicalness of Orbán's constitutional revolution became clear, I could no longer separate the scholar in me from the outraged defender of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. I had been a journalist before becoming an academic, so I started in 2011 to cover in real time the autocratic legal structures that Orbán was erecting so that the English-speaking world would understand what was happening. My Princeton colleague Paul Krugman gave me space on his highly visible New York Times blog to explain the legal revolution in the first several years of Orbán's assault on liberal constitutionalism. At the beginning, I simply called out what Orbán was doing so that the world could not pretend it did not know.

Once entrenched, however, Orbán's illiberal counter-constitution required more concerted resistance. Hungary needed a new counter-counter-constitution. The fact that Orbán was attacking all independent institutions in the country—including the universities—meant that scholars in Hungary faced a choice between cringing in corners hoping not to be noticed and taking a stand on principle while risking reprisals. Even before the site of the Law and Society Association annual meeting in 2001, Central European University, was pushed out of Hungary and even before nearly all public universities were “privatized” to make them dependent on the party faithful, defenders of the 1989 constitution of dignity were under threat.

If my arguments about how constitutions and counter-constitutions work were right, however, it should have been possible to generate yet another counter-constitution, especially given that Orbán's new constitution was divisive and not universally accepted. To create a counter-constitution, as the liberals did during the Soviet time and as the nationalists did during the liberal period, one needs to unsettle the obviousness of the constitution that exists and replace it with another narrative that is compelling to those who would be governed by this new constitution. And so I started the work of counter-constitutional creation.

Since the 1990s, I had been tracking the nationalist counter-constitution of the Holy Crown by hanging out at right-wing bookstores that featured an astonishing number of new Holy Crown books and pamphlets each year, elaborating various fantastical histories of the object to serve as a base for a counter-constitutional revolution to the existing liberal constitution. I had chatted up the patrons and asked them to explain the Crown to me. I had shown up at Crown events and interviewed Crown defenders to figure out what made them tick. I had collected Crown artifacts and photographs of Crown tributes to document the pervasiveness of the Crown, particularly in the Hungarian countryside. I visited Crown shrines in multiple countries. By the time that Orbán's constitutional revolution occurred, I was not surprised that he had chosen the Crown to disguise his autocratic ambitions because it was the perfect way to dog-whistle his political sympathies to domestic audiences while leaving foreign audiences clueless.

But what could counter Orbán's new nationalist constitution? Hungary is a conservative country by political inclination; returning to cosmopolitan liberalism was unlikely to win hearts and minds of enough Hungarians to win elections. And yet, Hungary could do better than dictatorship. Being American, I had seen how conservatives could mount a successful counter-constitutional movement, convincing the Supreme Court and most of the constitutional law profession that originalism was the only proper way to understand the US Constitution (Levin, 2004). (Not that I had welcomed the originalist project in the United States since the constitutional vision it was trying to obliterate was one that I had critically defended.) The success of American originalism, however, worked to convince people who already believed that their glory days were in the past to support a different vision of what a constitution meant for the future. Many Hungarians were already inclined to look to history to understand what a constitution could be and they had already fixed on the Holy Crown as the marker of constitutionalism, so maybe a different and more variegated history of the Crown would be a good place to start in creating a new counter-constitution to overcome Orbán's nationalist constitutional reconstruction.

Originalism starts by searching the past. If it's done badly, it mangles the history. But it can be done well, to write honest history in a way that creates a usable “history of the present,” to echo Foucault (Foucault, 1977, p. 31). Before I trigger the historians to object to a project like this, let me explain—in the words of David Garland—that this sort of history “aim[s] to reveal something important—but hidden—in our contemporary experience; something about our relation to technologies of power-knowledge that was more clearly visible [in the past] than elsewhere but which was nonetheless a general, constitutive aspect of modern individuals and their experiences” (Garland, 2014, p. 368). In short, it is possible to write a history to scholarly standards that also illuminates something important hiding in the present that we can see anew if we look at the present through the past. And so I set out to tell the history of the Crown before Horthy to create a new originalism that would appeal to Hungarian conservatives who wanted to know their roots. I was fortunate to be able to rely on the extraordinary recent work of Hungarian medievalists who had been excavating novel insights about the origins and history of the Crown and its associated ideas.

Every good originalism starts “at the beginning.” And in this case, it means starting with the object itself, the Crown given by the Pope to Hungary's first Christian King Stephen in 1000 C.E. While Hungarian nationalists will say that this object in the Parliament is the original Holy Crown of St. Stephen, academic medievalists know that the Holy Crown could not possibly have been given to Stephen by the Pope (Bak & Pálffy, 2020; Hilsdale, 2008).

One look at the Crown shows why. Hungary's Crown is a “hoop Crown” (in the shape of circle like a wedding band) topped with what was apparently once a cross, bent down on all four ends to meet up with the hoop at quarterly turns. The Crown is made from two distinct pieces, visible from the underside of the Crown where they are awkwardly joined. Because both pieces are made of gold, decorated with precious stones and graced with enameled portraits of saints, the Crown has a certain aesthetic integrity (Figure 2).

A closer look at the enameled portraits in Figure 2, however, reveals what a complex object this is. The inscriptions on the lower crown are not written in Latin, as one would expect if this Crown were given by the Pope to Stephen. Instead, they are written in Greek. Art historians have tracked down the object with the aid of these inscriptions and concluded that the three portraits on the back of the Crown reveal both the place of origin of the object and its timing. The top middle portrait on the back of the Crown in Figure 2 depicts the Byzantine Emperor Michael VII Doukas who ruled Constantinople and its empire from 1060 to 1078. Below him and to his right (our left) is a portrait of Constantine, Michael's brother and co-emperor. Below Michael and to his left (our right) is the Hungarian King Géza I, grandson of Stephen, who ruled Hungary from 1074 to 1077.

As Cecily Hilsdale demonstrates (Hilsdale, 2008), the lower Crown (the corona Graeca) was almost surely a Byzantine Crown destined for Géza's bride, who came from a noble Byzantine family. The bottom part of the Crown was therefore a female crown, almost surely dating from the 1070s only a few decades after Stephen's death in 1038 C.E. While Holy Crown is therefore not Stephen's Crown, it is still an 11th century object. That said, on a Crown where all of the enameled portraits represent saints or emperors and where all wear halos (the green and gold circles behind their heads), the only figure without a halo is the one Hungarian, Géza. So much for the essential superiority of Hungarians as reflected in the Crown! (In fairness, Géza came from a family with at least six saints even if he wasn't among them.)

Dating the oldest part of the object to the reign of Géza I puts its creation near the time of the Great Schism. Starting in 1054, the Christian churches of Rome and Constantinople battled each other as each church excommunicated the other church's leaders, separating the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches down to this day. Rather than signifying Hungary's place at the heart of (Roman) Christian Europe, as Viktor Orbán constantly claims now, the Crown itself instead reveals Hungary's precarious location on the border between two warring versions of Christian Europe. At the time, there was immense tension at the border between empires—hence Géza's attempt to patch the split that would have run right through Hungary's neighborhood at the time by remaining loyal to Rome while marrying into Byzantine nobility.

The fact that the upper Crown (the corona Latina) (Figure 3) has Latin inscriptions of a very different origin shows that those who fused the two pieces, most probably in the 12th century, may well have been still trying to appeal to both sides. The object itself provides evidence that it straddles two religious and political traditions, a multi-confessional biography that was continued in the mid-17th century, when, as the Habsburg Counter-Reformation attempted to purge Protestantism from its empire in general and Hungary in particular, an agreement was reached to ensure that the Crown Guard would always include both Protestants and Catholics (Bak & Pálffy, 2020, p. 170). At least twice in its history, then, the Crown has bridged religious divides rather than assert one side against another in religious wars.

Even if the Crown is not Stephen's, those who want their constitutional history to highlight the greatness and uniqueness of their country going back to the High Middle Ages will not be disappointed. No other European country has maintained the centrality of an 11th century Crown without replacing it with something more modern along the way, which makes the Hungarian Crown still the oldest crown in continual use in Europe. Perhaps the Crown's longevity is due to the fact that it came to be associated with some quite modern constitutional ideas, ahead of their time.

Ernst Kantorowicz's famous study of The King's Two Bodies argues that medieval European kingdoms typically marked the evolving separation of the person of the king from the office of the king (and therefore the beginning of constitutionalism as a constraint on kings) through the elaboration of the king's “two bodies” (Kantorowicz, 1995 [1957]). The corporeal and mortal body of the king could die and yet the “super-body” of the king, representing the body politic, could live on. (Hence the cry, “The king is dead! Long live the king!”) But by the late Middle Ages and perhaps even earlier, Hungary achieved the conceptual distinction between particular rulers and the authority of the office by distinguishing the person of the king (who could die) from the physical Crown (which was eternal). Kantorowicz pointed out in a footnote that the Hungarian case clearly did not follow the pattern of the rest of Europe: “Hungary carried the distinction between mystical Crown and a physical king to a great refinement, but the material relic of the Crown of St. Stephen seems to have prevented the king from growing his own super-body” (Kantorowicz, 1995 [1957]: note 446). In short, Hungary seems to have been the first to invent the modern constitutional idea that political authority resides in the legally established office and not in the body of any specific person.

In medieval and early modern Hungarian constitutional practice, each new king would swear an oath on the Crown to uphold the laws of his predecessor. As a result, the Crown became the functional guarantor of the rule of law as a constraint on the arbitrariness of the ruler. In 1222, the Aranybulla (Golden Bull) declared the privileges of the nobility, limiting the powers of the king and establishing the right of resistance if the king violated his oath. The Aranybulla has a status in Hungarian constitutional history rather like the Magna Carta in England, trailing it in time by only 7 years. While many of the rights and privileges it identifies are not ones anyone would claim now, the fact that something like a bill of rights constrained the king from the early 13th century on is a constitutional accomplishment. By the early 16th century with the addition of later pacts between king and nobility, the Crown started to grow an associated set of legal doctrines as catalogued in the Tripartitum, Hungary's first legal codification by István Werbőczy (1517) who, among other things, asserted that the Crown could not be put on a monarch's head until he had first sworn to honor the laws of his predecessors (Rady, 2014, p. 106).

Even after Hungary's partition at the hands of the Ottomans in the early 16th century and later absorption into the Habsburg empire as the Ottomans were pushed back, Austrian monarchs were separately crowned with the Hungarian Crown, giving rise to their cumbersome double title of Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, further signaling that Hungary—and the Hungarian Crown—had special status within the empire even before the late 19th century formalization of a Dual Monarchy.

In the early 17th century, a full-fledged “doctrine of the Holy Crown” (Szent Korona-tan) was codified by Péter Revay, the Protestant head of the Crown Guard (Revay, 1659). Written at a moment when the Habsburg Empire was engaged in a vicious campaign of Counter-Reformation against Hungary's remaining Protestants, Revay's treatise on the Holy Crown was a plea for religious toleration.

As the Crown developed an increasingly legal identity, it came to represent the “peoples of the Crown.” Nora Berend has demonstrated that Hungary was unusually diverse in the Late Middle Ages, when Jews, Muslims and Pagans (Cumans) shared equal legal status with Hungarians (Berend, 2014, pp. 101–108). Positioned on the frontiers of Christendom, the country welcomed foreigners in large numbers who often stayed, were promoted through the social ranks and sometimes attained noble status. Berend has estimated that of the roughly 50 aristocratic clans in Hungary from the 13th to 15th centuries, nearly one quarter had descended from a foreign knight who had only recently moved into the territory (Berend, 2014, p. 104), thus incorporating immigrants into the highest levels of Hungarian society. When the founding Árpád dynasty had died out at the end of the 13th century, the assemblies of nobles (itself a shifting and diverse group) elected Hungarian kings who were themselves rarely Hungarian. In European countries farther west with more rigidly stratified feudal institutions, the nobility was a fixed, small and relatively clear group and the monarchy was more firmly hereditary. But in Hungary, with a rather more fluid social structure, the nobility elected each new king without the presumption that heredity settled the matter. The nobility was itself a constantly changing group that included not just (or even primarily) what we would now recognize as ethnic Hungarians.

I could go on, but you can see how far the pre-Horthy—and especially medieval and early modern—history of the Crown undermines everything that Horthy—and now Orbán—projected onto the Crown. In the hands of modern intolerant nationalists, the Crown stands for a univocal Christian Hungary, which in turn promotes intolerance of diversity and the exclusion of non-Hungarians. In the medieval sources, however, the Crown was associated with patching over religious differences, welcoming foreigners and integrating them into the political community (Berend, 2014). The physical Crown's mixed origins screams pluralism, while Orbán has used the defense of “constitutional identity” to reject pluralism of all kinds (Halmai, 2018). To modern nationalists, the Crown stands for the unlimited power of the Regent (Horthy) or Prime Minister (Orbán) while in the medieval and early modern sources, the king's powers were limited by a religiously and ethnically diverse nobility which possessed proto-rights which the king had to swear to uphold in the name of the Crown, thus stabilizing the rule of law. In nationalists' hands, however, the Crown blesses indefinite rule without legal constraints. In the medieval sources, elective kingships meant that power rotated across a wide swath of both foreign and domestic kings who would only be given the power to govern if they agreed to respect the rights of those over whom they would be given the temporary power to rule. Sovereignty, after all, stayed with the Crown and never passed to the king. The Crown was even gender-fluid as it started its life as female and converted to male only later while Orbán's nationalist constitution emphasizes the rigidity of gender. Orbán's constitution, using the Holy Crown as a symbol, thus relies on fake history to justify itself.

I started taking this new constitutional history on the road, lecturing to Hungarian nationalist groups in the US and in Hungary. By this time, I was well known in Hungary as an opponent of the Orbán government so that nationalists viewed me with suspicion. But as one man—wearing the stereotypical giant mustache and traditional clothing that allows one to spot the nationalists from a long way off—told me after one of my lectures, this deeper history of the Holy Crown provided something for Hungarians to adopt with pride. That gave me some hope that popularizing this new Crown history could undermine Orbán's distorted narrative. I've since talked with some of the new opposition parties about weaving this history into their platforms at election time.

[Update since this lecture was given, one of the youthful new parties expressed an interest in basing its political platform a counter-constitutional Crown proposal and some of their members had participated in a working group elaborating this new history at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. But the fact that all opposition parties had to unite to defeat Orbán in the 2022 election—an endeavor that ultimately failed—meant that the parties did not develop differentiated political platforms. Since liberals in Hungary are still firmly opposed to any mention of the Holy Crown in contemporary politics, no common opposition platform can include it. So for now, this alternative history has not yet surfaced as a serious counter-constitutional proposal that could ground a new government.]

Constitutional histories of present-day states are complicated and no single narrative captures their richness. But serious constitutional history can often undermine the historical caricatures that autocrats are presently relying on for their own legitimation. Using better histories to underwrite counter-constitutions can thus be one way to unsettle autocrats' claims without sacrificing scholarly integrity. A counter-constitution does not have to lower our academic standards but can instead be an opportunity to make the public appreciate better history.

When I recently gave an academic lecture proposing this new counter-constitution for Hungary, one student asked me how I had made the decision to become an activist. I said that I had not really made such a decision. I just went on saying the same things that I had been saying for decades. Changes in the world have turned what had once been uncontroversial and neutral core ideas in our field into statements of political activism. Most of us studying comparative constitutional law had long been saying that separation of powers, protection of rights and rotation of power were in general good things and that serious history was too. It says something about our times that we look like activists to insist on these once-uncontroversial principles, now that anti-liberal politicians attack the academic values of integrity, evidence and open argument. But the fact that anti-liberal politics has taken an anti-intellectual and intolerant turn is no excuse for giving up on our values and methodologically sound ways of assessing evidence. It is a moment to recognize, however, that our audiences may have changed and new tactics of explanation are needed.

Dignity at these Law and Society Association meetings is not only our theme but also a sign of commitment to what we share as sociolegal scholars. We value the equal dignity of all, and work to make the realization of dignity central to the operation of our political, economic, social and academic institutions. At this moment when constitutional governments are being undermined by autocrats who use formal legality to attack the basic principles of constitutionalism, we are particularly well-situated to call out what is happening because it is happening on our watch in our field. The comparative legal analysts among us can show how autocratic tricks travel across borders. The historians among us can write better history than the autocrats. Those who track abuses of power and resistance by counter-power actors can explain what is happening in real time while assessing what is working to undermine autocracy. Those of us who have devoted our academic careers to working toward equal dignity for all can demonstrate empirically how and why autocracy fails to achieve this goal.

In short, those of us in the law and society movement are on the front lines of the battle for dignity in our autocratizing world, whether we like it or not, because autocrats are coming after everything we value and doing so by distorting our fields of expertise. It is not an option not to fight—just as it is also not a time to cease to operate by our academic standards.

Continuing to say what we have always said is not going to be easy when our statements are put under a public spotlight and are mocked by the autocrats. What we do can even attract unwanted legal attention. Shortly after I started my quest to create a new Hungarian originalism of the Holy Crown, the Orbán government quietly amended their new criminal code, which now reads:

As scholars, we must defend our independence, our standards and our integrity, even if our work is criminalized. In fact, threatening our work with criminal penalties may be a sign that the autocrats recognize the threat that we pose to their continued and fraudulent rule.

Of course, we know as sociolegal scholars that the status quo ante was not adequate before the present autocratic revolution. Inequality and injustice were just two reasons why the autocrats' siren songs were so beguiling to voters who had given up on liberalism. It will not be enough to argue that we should return to some barely adequate past constitutional arrangement. At this moment when it would be easy to be depressed about the state of the world, we are called upon now more than ever to imagine that another world is possible. Creating counter-constitutions will be one way to contribute to that project.

In thinking through how we carry out our work in this difficult moment, we should take note of the fact that anything we say can be used against us in the court of public opinion. We are no longer speaking just among friends who share our academic training. Like it or not, we have become public intellectuals, and as such we should think about how our words and actions and research and conclusions will be understood by others outside our immediate academic circles. Rather than trying to hide behind our specialized vocabularies, ironic failure to commit and self-referential flights of abstraction, we should become more rather than less straightforward in the way we make the case for our evidence-based arguments. We need to approach our scholarship the way we approach our teaching—patiently explaining to those who are new to our fields the bases of our professional knowledge and the reasons why we believe what we do. We need to engage with those who disagree, insist on high standards of evidence and ultimately remain open to counter-evidence and counter-argument. We need to defend our evidence and our arguments in public debate and take the message of dignity beyond these meetings into the fight to preserve constitutional democracy around the world.

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2019年的法律与社会会议将在华盛顿特区举行,此时我们的许多国际朋友都在想,他们是否应该去一个国家总统肆意越境和痛苦的地方,拒绝向来自不受欢迎国家的人发放签证,并普遍践踏美国长期宣扬的理想。为了反对现任美国政府对宪政和法治的明显破坏,我们选择了“尊严”作为这些会议的主题(图1),但“尊严”也是编码的批评,旨在确保我们会议的主题不会引起签证申请的危险信号。我们希望特朗普政府不会认为尊严是危险的,因为我们认为尊严是鼓舞人心的。所以我们在这里。并不是所有的同事都能加入我们;尤其令我们感到沮丧的是,我们几乎所有尼日利亚同事的签证申请都被拒绝了。这就更有理由让我们坚持把尊严作为我们的基本组织原则,即使我们所在的国家目前并不尊重尊严。尊严是许多现代宪法的核心和灵魂。《德国基本法》第一条规定:“人的尊严不可侵犯。尊重和保护人权是所有国家当局的义务”(德国,1949年《基本法》)。《哥伦比亚宪法》第1条同样以尊严为主导:“哥伦比亚是一个基于尊重人的尊严的法治社会国家”(《哥伦比亚宪法》,1991年)。鼓舞人心的《南非宪法》在第10条中宣布:“每个人都有固有的尊严,并有权尊重和保护他们的尊严(南非,1994年宪法)。”但尊严从来都不是美国宪法的组织原则,而是把自由的观念——经常在违反中得到尊重——作为它的试金石(惠特曼,2004)。的确,很难说尊严精神是我们当前时刻的特征。就在我们会面的酒店对面,特朗普总统占据了白宫,每天对他拒绝尊重的人民和原则发出侮辱和威胁。但危及宪法的现象并不仅仅发生在美国。有抱负的独裁者对尊严的威胁广泛存在,巴西的雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗、委内瑞拉的Nicolás马杜罗、印度的纳伦德拉·莫迪、土耳其的雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安等人煽动对政敌的仇恨,并在法律上消除(或无视)宪法对他们权力的限制。在英国,脱欧是一场由英国民族主义者发起并赢得的运动,他们拒绝欧洲一体化及其价值约束,并将摇摇欲坠的英国宪法推向危机。匈牙利的维克多Orbán和波兰的雅罗斯瓦夫卡钦斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)正在破坏法治,把曾经合理运转的民主政体变成专制实验。对民主、人权和法治的威胁是全球性的。人类的尊严正在受到打击。民主评级机构“自由之家”在其《2019年世界自由》年度报告中宣布,“全球自由度连续第13年下降……民主正在退却”(Freedom House, 2019,第1页)。其他民主评级机构对此表示赞同。民主品种(V-Dem)项目将其2019年的年度报告命名为“面临全球挑战的民主”,并指出,在前一年,“最戏剧性的变化发生在匈牙利,LDI(自由民主指数)下降了近30%”(《民主品种》,2019年,第22页)。在短短10年里,匈牙利——法律与社会协会2001年成立的国家——从“自由民主”的巅峰跌落到“选举专制”的边缘,在这种状态下,通过选举来改变政府几乎是不可能的。[事实上,在总统演讲发表后的一年,匈牙利被判定为“不再是一个民主国家”(《民主项目的多样性》,2020年,第4页)。]我稍后会更多地谈论匈牙利,因为它是我最密切研究的地方,但现在我只想指出,今天在匈牙利发生的事情,明天可能会发生在你附近的民主国家。如果宪政民主正在失败,专制正在崛起,危及人类尊严,作为学者,我们能做什么,也应该做什么来阻止这种下滑,甚至可能逆转它?在《法律与社会》(Law and Society)的世界里,我们长期以来一直在思考我们与奥斯汀·萨拉(Austin Sarat)和苏珊·西尔贝(Susan Silbey)所称的“政策受众的吸引力”之间的关系。Silbey, 1988)。对法律在世界上的作用的研究一直是当权者感兴趣的,萨拉特和西尔贝告诫我们的领域不要对这一事实过于满意。这并不是说社会法学学者应该在政策问题上保持沉默。 Orbán的新宪法于2012年1月1日生效,他的议会顺从地通过了数千页的新法律。这项全面的法律改革的总体效果是将所有的政治权力长期掌握在一个人手中。2010年的民主选举开启了一个迅速巩固的独裁政权。这个过程中的每一步都是合法的,是专制法家主义的一个纯粹例子(Scheppele, 2018)。为了掩饰2012年宪法中暗含的夺权行为,Orbán在他的新权力之上加上了圣冠,向他的保守派选民表明,他正在恢复匈牙利共产主义前的宪法传统。正如新宪法序言所言:“我们尊重我国历史性宪法的成就,我们尊重神圣的王冠,它体现了匈牙利国家的宪法连续性和民族的统一。”然后,正如新宪法第R条所规定的那样,“基本法的规定应根据我国历史性宪法的成就进行解释。”唯恐有人错过了象征意义,新宪法的咖啡桌版印刷了数千本,封面上印有圣冠图案。如果王室象征着匈牙利历史上的宪法秩序,为什么它现在只对那些右翼——尤其是政治光谱中的极右翼——有吸引力呢?后共产主义时代的怀旧之情创造了20世纪两次世界大战之间匈牙利的美好形象,那时匈牙利最后还是一个独立的国家。在政治上,它敦促匈牙利从两次世界大战之间的中断中走出来,继续实行同样的政府形式。但这项提议尖锐地分裂了匈牙利当前的左翼和右翼,原因与两次世界大战之间的政权所代表的东西有关。第一次世界大战结束时,奥匈帝国——其领导人拥有奥地利皇帝和匈牙利国王的双重头衔,1867年后正式由两国共同统治——被分割成几个部分,目的是让帝国内的每个主要民族都有自己的民族国家。《特里亚农条约》建立了新的独立国家匈牙利,但根据该条约建立的新边界意味着该国失去了历史上属于其管辖范围的60%的领土和70%的人民。匈牙利可能是第一次世界大战后帝国分裂中最大的输家。虽然君主制在1918年消失了,但具有讽刺意味的是,与匈牙利君主制联系了900年的皇冠变得更加重要。Miklós霍尔蒂从1920年到1944年在缩小的疆界内统治新匈牙利,他发誓要通过收复“大匈牙利”失去的土地和人民来解决“特里亚农创伤”。为了象征他的统一主义承诺,霍尔蒂获得了摄政王的头衔,并声称以国王的名义统治国家,这象征着匈牙利作为一个主要王国和大国在欧洲的应有地位。在霍尔蒂统治期间,到处展示的王冠象征着匈牙利与其辉煌的过去团结在一起。1938年,在斯蒂芬国王逝世900周年之际,一辆特制的火车将王冠带到欢呼的人群中,王冠出现在货币、邮票、大匈牙利各地的神社上,甚至在全国各地巡回演出。英王在霍尔蒂的民族主义政府中的中心地位使英王处于不利地位,因为英王政府不仅与法西斯主义有过短暂的暧昧关系,而且与民主的关系也很糟糕。在Horthy统治初期,匈牙利通过了欧洲第一个“无数条款法”,限制了从事职业的犹太人的数量(Kovács, 1994)。在他的任期内,霍尔蒂鼓励不宽容的民族主义。当时机成熟时,匈牙利加入了纳粹德国的阵营,部分原因是意识形态上的亲和,部分原因是希特勒曾向霍尔蒂承诺,胜利后的匈牙利将夺回昔日的领土。到战争结束时,大约有56.5万匈牙利犹太人被谋杀,其中一些是被强迫劳动,但大多数是在奥斯维辛集中营被杀害的,他们被在战争即将结束时上台的匈牙利箭十字(纳粹)政府驱逐出境。另外50万非犹太裔匈牙利人——包括士兵和平民——也在战争中丧生。在战争结束时,匈牙利被苏联军队占领,此后近半个世纪都没有看到独立。霍尔蒂的统治可能以耻辱和失败告终,但即使是现在,匈牙利的极右翼政党也支持霍尔蒂恢复大匈牙利的梦想。在极右翼集会上,甚至在Orbán下的政府活动中,旗帜、保险杠贴纸和横幅上都有“大匈牙利”的地图,而不是现在的国家边界。Orbán已经签署了这项事业,也许最明显的是他在2011年首次担任欧盟理事会轮值主席时。 事实上,Orbán正在攻击该国所有独立机构——包括大学——这意味着匈牙利的学者面临着一个选择,要么躲在角落里希望不被注意,要么冒着被报复的风险坚持原则。甚至在2001年法律与社会协会年会的举办地中欧大学被赶出匈牙利之前,甚至在几乎所有公立大学被“私有化”以使它们依赖于党的忠诚之前,1989年尊严宪法的捍卫者就受到了威胁。然而,如果我关于宪法和反宪法如何运作的论点是正确的,那么就应该有可能产生另一部反宪法,特别是考虑到Orbán的新宪法是分裂的,并没有被普遍接受。要创造一部反宪法,就像自由主义者在苏联时期所做的那样,就像民族主义者在自由主义时期所做的那样,人们需要扰乱现有宪法的显而易见性,并用另一种叙事来取代它,这种叙事对那些将受新宪法管辖的人来说是有吸引力的。于是我开始了反宪法创作的工作。自20世纪90年代以来,我一直在追踪神圣王冠的民族主义反宪法,在右翼书店闲逛,那里每年都有数量惊人的新神圣王冠书籍和小册子,详细阐述了这个对象的各种幻想历史,作为对现有自由宪法进行反宪法革命的基础。我和主顾们聊了聊,请他们给我解释一下皇冠。我出席了皇冠的活动,采访了皇冠的辩护人,想弄清楚是什么让他们这么做的。我收集了王室文物和王室贡品的照片,以记录王室的无处不在,特别是在匈牙利的农村。我参观了多个国家的皇冠神社。当Orbán的宪法革命发生时,我并不惊讶于他选择了王位来掩饰他的专制野心,因为这是向国内观众宣传他的政治同情,同时让外国观众一无所知的完美方式。但有什么能对抗Orbán的新民族主义宪法呢?匈牙利是一个政治倾向保守的国家;回归世界主义的自由主义不太可能赢得足够多的匈牙利人的心,从而赢得选举。然而,匈牙利可以做得比独裁更好。作为美国人,我看到了保守派如何成功地发起一场反宪法运动,说服最高法院和大多数宪法法律专业人士,原旨主义是理解美国宪法的唯一正确方式(Levin, 2004)。(这并不是说我欢迎美国的原意主义计划,因为它试图抹杀的宪法愿景正是我曾经批判性地捍卫过的。)然而,美国原旨主义的成功说服了那些已经相信自己的光辉岁月已经过去的人,让他们支持宪法对未来意味着什么的不同愿景。许多匈牙利人已经倾向于通过历史来理解宪法的含义,他们已经把神圣的王冠作为宪政的标志,所以也许一个不同的,更多样化的国王历史将是一个很好的起点,来创建一个新的反宪法,以克服Orbán民族主义的宪法重建。原旨主义始于对过去的探索。如果做得不好,就会破坏历史。但它可以做得很好,以一种创造可用的“当前历史”的方式来写诚实的历史,以呼应福柯(福柯,1977,第31页)。在我引发历史学家反对这样一个项目之前,让我解释一下——用大卫·加兰的话来说——这类历史“旨在揭示一些重要的东西——但隐藏在我们的当代经验中;关于我们与权力知识技术的关系的一些东西,[在过去]比其他地方更清晰可见,但它仍然是现代个人及其经验的普遍、构成方面”(Garland, 2014, p. 368)。简而言之,写一部符合学术标准的历史是有可能的,它也阐明了一些隐藏在现在的重要东西,如果我们通过过去看现在,我们可以重新看到这些东西。因此,我开始在霍尔蒂之前讲述王室的历史,以创造一种新的原意主义,吸引那些想知道自己根源的匈牙利保守派。我很幸运,能够依靠匈牙利中世纪学家最近的非凡工作,他们一直在挖掘关于国王及其相关思想的起源和历史的新颖见解。每一个好的原旨主义都是从“开始”开始的。在这种情况下,它意味着从对象本身开始,即教皇在公元1000年授予匈牙利第一位基督教国王斯蒂芬的王冠 恩斯特·坎托罗维茨(Ernst Kantorowicz)对《国王的两个身体》(The King’s Two Bodies)的著名研究认为,通过对国王“两个身体”的阐述,中世纪的欧洲王国典型地标志着国王的人身和国王的职位逐渐分离(因此是宪政作为对国王约束的开始)(坎托罗维茨,1995[1957])。国王的肉体和必死的身体可以死亡,而国王的“超身体”,代表政治体,可以存活。(因此有人喊:“国王死了!国王万岁!”)但在中世纪晚期甚至更早的时候,匈牙利通过将国王本人(可能会死)与有形的王冠(永恒的)区分开来,实现了特定统治者与办公室权威之间概念上的区别。Kantorowicz在脚注中指出,匈牙利的案例显然没有遵循欧洲其他国家的模式:“匈牙利将神秘王冠和实体国王之间的区别进行了极大的改进,但圣斯蒂芬王冠的物质遗迹似乎阻止了国王生长自己的超级身体”(Kantorowicz, 1995[1957]:注释446)。简而言之,匈牙利似乎是第一个发明现代宪法观念的国家,即政治权力属于合法设立的职位,而不属于任何特定的人。在中世纪和早期现代匈牙利的宪法实践中,每一位新国王都要对着王位宣誓,以维护其前任的法律。因此,国王成为法治的功能性保证,约束统治者的专断。1222年,《金牛法》(Aranybulla)宣布了贵族的特权,限制了国王的权力,并确立了国王违反誓言时的反抗权。Aranybulla在匈牙利宪法历史上的地位很像英国的《大宪章》,只比《大宪章》晚了7年。虽然它确定的许多权利和特权现在没有人会主张,但从13世纪初开始,像权利法案这样的东西约束了国王,这是一项宪法成就。到16世纪早期,随着后来国王与贵族之间的协议的增加,王室开始发展出一套相关的法律教义,如István Werbőczy(1517)编纂的匈牙利第一部法律法典《Tripartitum》(Tripartitum)中所列的那样,其中包括君主在宣誓遵守其前任的法律之前不能戴上皇冠(Rady, 2014, p. 106)。即使在匈牙利在16世纪早期被奥斯曼帝国瓜分,后来被哈布斯堡帝国吞并后,奥斯曼帝国被击退,奥地利君主被单独加冕为匈牙利皇冠,这就产生了他们繁琐的奥地利皇帝和匈牙利国王的双重头衔,进一步表明匈牙利和匈牙利皇冠在帝国内部具有特殊地位,甚至在19世纪后期正式确立双重君主制之前。在17世纪早期,一套完整的“神圣王冠教义”(Szent Korona-tan)被皇家卫队(Crown Guard)的新教领袖psamter Revay (Revay, 1659)编纂成法典。写于哈布斯堡帝国对匈牙利剩余的新教徒进行反宗教改革的邪恶运动之时,雷瓦伊关于神圣王冠的论文是对宗教宽容的恳求。随着王室逐渐发展出合法的身份,它开始代表“王室的人民”。诺拉·贝伦德(Nora Berend)已经证明,匈牙利在中世纪晚期非常多样化,当时犹太人、穆斯林和异教徒(人类)与匈牙利人享有平等的法律地位(贝伦德,2014,第101-108页)。这个国家位于基督教世界的前沿,欢迎大量的外国人,他们经常留下来,在社会阶层中得到提升,有时甚至获得贵族地位。据Berend估计,从13世纪到15世纪,匈牙利大约有50个贵族氏族,其中近四分之一是新近迁入匈牙利的外国骑士的后裔(Berend, 2014, p. 104),从而将移民纳入匈牙利社会的最高阶层。当建立的Árpád王朝在13世纪末灭亡时,贵族大会(本身就是一个不断变化和多样化的群体)选出了匈牙利国王,这些国王本身很少是匈牙利人。在更靠西的欧洲国家,封建制度的分层更加严格,贵族是一个固定的、较小的、相对明确的群体,而君主制则更坚定地世袭。但在匈牙利,由于社会结构的不稳定,贵族们选举每一位新国王,并不认为世袭就能解决问题。贵族本身就是一个不断变化的群体,其中不仅包括(甚至主要包括)我们现在所认识的匈牙利人。 然而,现在是时候认识到,我们的听众可能已经改变,需要新的解释策略。在这些法律与社会协会会议上,尊严不仅是我们的主题,也是我们作为社会法学学者所分享的承诺的标志。我们重视所有人的平等尊严,并努力使尊严的实现成为我们政治、经济、社会和学术机构运作的核心。在这个时刻,当宪政政府受到独裁者的破坏,独裁者利用正式的合法性来攻击宪政的基本原则时,我们特别有资格呼吁正在发生的事情,因为它正在我们的领域发生。我们中间的比较法律分析师可以展示专制手段是如何跨越国界的。我们当中的历史学家可以比独裁者写得更好。那些追踪权力滥用和反权力行为者抵抗的人,可以在评估什么在破坏独裁统治的同时,实时解释正在发生的事情。我们这些在学术生涯中致力于为所有人争取平等尊严的人,可以凭经验证明专制如何以及为什么无法实现这一目标。简而言之,我们这些参与法律与社会运动的人,无论我们喜不喜欢,都站在这个专制世界为尊严而战的前线,因为独裁者们正觊觎我们所珍视的一切,并通过扭曲我们的专业领域来实现这一点。这不是一个不去战斗的选择——正如现在也不是停止按照我们的学术标准运作的时候。当我们的言论被置于公众的聚光灯下并受到独裁者的嘲笑时,继续说我们一直说的话并不容易。我们所做的甚至会引来不必要的法律关注。在我开始寻求建立一个新的匈牙利神圣王冠原旨主义之后不久,Orbán政府悄悄修改了他们的新刑法,现在的内容是:作为学者,我们必须捍卫我们的独立性、我们的标准和我们的正直,即使我们的工作被定为犯罪。事实上,用刑事处罚来威胁我们的工作可能是一个迹象,表明独裁者认识到我们对他们持续的、欺诈性的统治构成了威胁。当然,作为社会法学学者,我们知道,在当前的专制革命之前,现状是不够的。不平等和不公正只是独裁者蛊惑那些已经放弃自由主义的选民的两个原因。仅仅主张我们应该回到过去某种勉强够用的宪法安排是不够的。在这个很容易对世界现状感到沮丧的时刻,我们比以往任何时候都更需要想象另一个世界的可能性。创建反宪法将是为这一项目做出贡献的一种方式。在考虑我们如何在这一困难时刻开展工作时,我们应该注意到这样一个事实,即我们所说的任何话都可能在舆论法庭上被用来反对我们。我们不再只是在共同接受学术培训的朋友之间交谈。不管喜欢与否,我们已经成为公共知识分子,因此我们应该思考我们的言行、研究和结论将如何被我们直接学术圈子之外的其他人理解。我们不应该试图躲在我们的专业词汇、讽刺性的失败和自我参照的抽象背后,而应该在为基于证据的论点辩护的方式上变得更直接,而不是更不直接。我们需要像对待教学一样对待我们的学术研究——耐心地向那些对我们的领域不熟悉的人解释我们专业知识的基础,以及我们相信我们所做的事情的原因。我们需要与持不同意见的人接触,坚持高标准的证据,并最终对反证据和反论点持开放态度。我们需要在公开辩论中捍卫我们的证据和我们的论点,并将尊严的信息从这些会议带到维护世界各地宪政民主的斗争中。 相反,萨拉特和西尔贝敦促我们更深思熟虑,更明确我们的承诺,更多地保护我们作为学者的独立性。他们认为,我们需要保持一种距离,使我们能够对权力的压制性使用和学术的工具性使用保持批判。他们反对兼并,反对我们领域的议程被外部的相关标准所设定,反对把法律自由主义的剧本作为思考法律的唯一方式。然而,自从萨拉特和西尔贝写了这篇文章以来,我们中的许多人都有一种眩晕的感觉,即我们的想法已经逃离了学术界,被故意用来反对我们所重视的东西,而不管我们是否与权力合作。专制主义的捍卫者现在坚持认为,所有真理都是相对的,也许根本不存在,谁比他们更善于运用社会建构主义呢?对于自由主义的批评,谁能比那些踌躇满志的独裁者更能接受呢?这些独裁者现在坚称,自由主义是一种过时的、不足以应对当今挑战的反应。如果说客观的理想已经被学术批评家彻底揭开了面纱,那么最渴望彻底抛弃客观的是那些独裁者,他们把客观看作是真正操纵这个世界的人创造的自我夸大的诡计。对“政治正确”的指责,曾经是批评理论圈内保持批判优势的提醒,现在经常被用来嘲笑那些从事批评的人。自萨拉特和西尔贝写作以来,一场国际反智专制运动利用反思型学者产生的思想,为他们狭隘的另类现实提供动力,动员对知识分子生活的蔑视,并攻击进步人士。我们许多人过去认为这是一种力量,即社会法学研究“坚持认为了解存在什么的能力是有限的”(萨拉特& &;西尔贝(Silbey, 1988,第131页)——正在被雄心勃勃的独裁者所利用,他们经常说,上即下,下即上,这让人想起了当时对一卷关于上下区分衰落的批判性法律研究的讽刺贡献(夏皮罗,1984)。如果法律和社会运动代表着这样一个命题,即法律规则充满了“不确定性、偶然性和矛盾性”(萨拉特&;Silbey, 1988, p. 105),我们现在面对的是扭曲规则含义的领导者,而我们似乎通过坚持规则是真实的并且应该具有约束力来逆转自己。简而言之,虽然萨拉特和西尔贝似乎有理由相信,我们这些学者之间的对话,如果没有我们的参与,就不会进入政策领域,但这个世界已经不复存在了。现在,无论我们写什么,教什么,都成了政治审查和未经授权的政治用途的靶子。我们不是被它不可抗拒的诱惑拉进政策听众的轨道,而是被它推来推去,常常是违背我们的意愿。那么我们现在如何与这些政策听众建立联系呢?既然他们不会让我们独自做学术工作?在我看来,我们没有什么都不做的选择。即使我们试图躲避这种政治化,它也在追着我们。在所有陷入困境的民主国家,大学正受到攻击,它们曾经安全的学术墙也遭到破坏。2001年主办法律与社会会议的中欧大学(Central European University)已被赶出布达佩斯,不得不在维也纳定居。2016年未遂政变后,土耳其政府大规模解雇了学者。印度政府攻击了大学,首先是在克什米尔,然后是全国各地,妖魔化其学术批评者,并敦促限制阅读清单上有争议的内容。在美国,学术自由正被与“言论自由”的错误合并所破坏,在这种合并中,没有证据支持的离谱观点被视为与经过专业认可的方法进行的仔细研究是一样的。在陷入困境的民主国家,捍卫学术知识不受伪装者的侵犯,捍卫大学的独立性不受那些寻求政治控制的人的侵犯,变得越来越困难。不管我们喜欢与否,我们的想法都被那些把事实变成观点,坚持让自己的无事实的观点站在平等的立场上的人当作武器来对付我们。不管我们是否公开支持政治观点,或者我们是否认为自己是中立的科学家,致力于突破无知的边界,正如我的论文导师Art Stinchcombe曾经说过的那样。当所有的思想都被政治化,在所有民主受到威胁的地方,大学的独立性受到威胁时,我们可以站在政治纷争之外的想法往好里说是naïve,往坏里说是危险的。 随着专制的发展,我们必须思考我们作为学者的责任,特别是作为社会法律学者,否则我们的命运将由我们自己决定。如果我们曾经拥有纯粹为了智力上的快乐而研究课题的奢侈,而不用担心我们的发现的政治含义,我们现在应该意识到,学术界已经向公众开放,我们几乎肯定会失去对自己产生的想法的控制。就像监控国家中的异见人士一样,我们应该意识到,我们的内部讨论正受到当权者的监视,为我们最关心的事情的篝火提供潜在的燃料。但是,就像被监视国家中的异见人士一样,这种认识应该让我们更多而不是更少地致力于“生活在真相中”,正如捷克异见作家瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔(Vaclav Havel)曾经说过的那样,没有丝毫的讽刺意味。生活在真实中“意味着,首先,在回应官方宣传时说出真相,但也表现得好像基本权利……可以被视为理所当然”(华盛顿邮报,2011)。这是尴尬的暗示!我们当中有谁没有对断言一个单一的和确定的真理或将自由权利称为“无条件的人类善”(正如E.P.汤普森曾经在谈到法治时惊讶地倒吸一口冷气[汤普森,1975,第258-269页])感到畏缩呢?社会法学研究的一个值得骄傲的遗产是它批判自由法家主义的悠久而光荣的传统!但是,当自由法家主义正在崛起并有可能改进时,批评它是一回事,当它被更糟糕的东西取代时,攻击它是另一回事,这样我们就可以通过推翻自由法家主义来支持独裁者对它的解构(Scheppele, 2019)。畏缩总是出现在语境中。虽然有抱负的独裁者渴望窃取我们的一些想法——关于政治正确、建构主义和权利的虚假承诺——但他们也渴望抹煞社会法研究对促进平等的贡献,尤其对“性别学”(Verseck, 2018)和批判种族理论(Harris, 2020)感到不满。有些人可能会认为,对这些重要思想的高度关注是一种恭维。谁能想到,我们的理论在制定政治辩论议程方面会变得如此重要?但其他人知道,当思想在没有背景的情况下传播,学术词汇被嘲笑,平等尊严的假设被推翻时,学术批评文化进入非学术政治环境的运动有自我毁灭的风险。如今,政治领导人用我们熟悉的观点来辩称,寻求平等的措施是对特权阶层的不公正歧视。在学术界,立场不一致会对我们不利,但这种对一致性的执着并没有超出我们的研讨室。有时,有抱负的独裁者渴望利用学术思想来支持他们的立场,但他们也同样乐于嘲笑那些威胁他们的学术思想。然而,关键是,我们不能选择我们的想法进入公众辩论的条件。社会法学学者该怎么做呢?在这次总统演讲的其余部分,我要建议的是,我们应该停止躲在角落里,希望有抱负的独裁者会在我们内部讨论时忽视我们,在他们出于我们厌恶的目的窃取我们的许多想法时忽视我们。相反,我们应该用我们的洞察力为尊严而战,并在他们自己的地盘上扰乱独裁者。简而言之,我们需要的不仅仅是聪明的防御,尤其是当我们越来越难以将自己与政治隔离开来的时候。我们需要拥有我们所重视的和我们所知道的东西,并吸引关键的公众观众。在提供一个例子之前,我是如何试图对那些破坏自由法律宪法的野心勃勃的独裁者发起进攻的,我将首先提供一些背景,让我们在这个过程中如何思考法律。新独裁者们在巩固权力的过程中尤其攻击宪法,作为社会法学学者,我们应该理解宪法是如何运作的。然后我们就可以把这些思想武器化来对抗独裁者。大多数人都不怎么考虑宪法问题。一般来说,这是一件非常好的事情。如果宪法按其应有的方式运作,那么宪法“构成”的大部分内容将被视为理所当然。威斯敏斯特议会、哥伦比亚宪法法院、法国议会État、南非人权委员会或印度人民院都有一定的机构稳定性。可能会有激烈的政治运动来争夺谁将占据这些机构的关键职位。这些机构做出的决定可能会受到赞扬,也可能会受到批评。 但是,这些机构的存在、它们的基本运作规则和填补空缺的方法,在任何有效的宪法体系中都应该是显而易见的。当然,即使是正常运作的宪法制度也会有争议,迫使人们在特定时刻关注特定话题。美国宪法第二修正案真的包括个人拥有枪支的权利吗?恐怖主义的威胁是否证明监控所有电子通讯是正当的?国际法所保障的庇护权是否凌驾于更为严格的国内移民法之上?在紧急状态期间,总统或总理在必须咨询立法机关之前,可以通过行政命令统治多久?欧洲宪法在多大程度上允许将关键决策委托给欧盟?这些争议中的许多将在解决问题的司法裁决中达到高潮,至少在法律上,至少在目前。每一种宪法制度都有密切的问题、有争议的领域、需要用宪法解释来填补的空白,以及可能不容易解决的真正分歧。这就是大多数国家典型的“宪法”内容。法学教授主要关注这些法律争议及其法律解决方案,而不是宪法秩序的背景假设。这并不奇怪:解决法律纠纷是律师和法官的工作,因此也是法律学者倾向于研究的领域。但是,作为社会法学学者,我们不应该把宪法的功能仅仅等同于对具体宪法问题的法律解决。无论围绕这些问题的辩论有多么激烈,它们都没有抓住宪政最关键的问题:宪法是否被宪法的统治者认为足够真实,以至于他们可以将宪法的大部分内容视为理所当然?在具体宪法条款的宪法争议作为主动宪法问题得到解决之前,“被动宪法”包括宪法秩序中那些不用说的、没有争议的部分。就像一般的被动知识一样,被动的宪法在背景中运作,只有在受到过度挑战时才变得可见。让一部宪法在世界上被动运作绝不是一个简单或单一的过程。宪法的广泛特征是否已经转化为被动知识,因此可以简单地假设存在,跨越国家和一个国家的历史,存在差异。一方面,一些宪法从未成为现实。“虚假宪法”(法律&;Versteeg, 2013)在纸面上存在,但在实践中没有相应的存在。想想今天的中国宪法或者几年前的苏联宪法。他们可能会揭示国家的意识形态,就像商店橱窗里的人体模型可能反映出美的理想一样。装饰橱窗可能并不能揭示窗外的真实生活,尽管它可能揭示出某些愿望。在比较宪法学领域,我们用“粉饰宪法的政府根本不是宪政政府”来搪塞虚假宪法。但在很大的范围内,宪法可以成功地构成制度,并被视为理所当然。这些影响可能是广泛而深刻的,比如当一部宪法创造了一种宪法文化、三权分立和对人民普遍相信的权利的坚定保障时。宪法的影响也可以是比较温和的,例如,只在精英阶层中建立权力继承的秩序,而不是更多(Brown, 2002)。宪法的影响也可能是断断续续的,或者只在某些社区可见而在其他社区不可见,或者只在某些话题上真实而在其他话题上不真实。宪法在其产生的影响的性质和范围上有很大的不同。但他们的现实取决于进入被动知识,至少在某些地方,某些时间被认为是理所当然的。实证调查是确定被动宪法何时、何地以及如何起作用的必要条件。一部有效的宪法规定了如何解决宪法危机,确立了管理国家运作的原则,并创造了渗透社会的政治基本规则。它使得政治游戏领域相对可预测和可理解(每四年选举一次,每次只有一位总理),即使该领域的具体举措可能令人惊讶、有争议和有争议。一部“真正的”宪法允许不可避免的政治冲突产生强有力的选举竞争,允许公民积极参与政治辩论,并找到办法让不可避免的失败者参与民主参与,而不会导致国家垮台。 当一部宪法发挥作用时,它会设法以不言而喻的方式将游戏规则与游戏区分开来。不幸的是,任何具体宪法的现实并不一定说明它与更广泛的正义和平等问题的关系;所有实际存在的宪法都是不完善的,有令人震惊的盲点,并显示出政治磨损的证据。社会法学研究运动早就认识到这一点,并一直是批评的丰富来源,因为我们中的许多人都希望使宪法的现实变得更好,因为我们非常清楚,宪法的现实并不能解决它的好坏问题。但是,即使存在缺陷,被动宪法的存在也很重要,因为它可以遏制政治随意性(Krygier, 2019)。即使宪法带来不完美的正义,没有宪法的生活也会糟糕得多,任何生活在失败或即将失败的国家的人都可以证明这一点。追踪宪法的真实性是很复杂的,因为宪法对所有人来说不一定都是真实的。正如梅尔·丹-科恩(Meir Dan-Cohen)对刑法的观察,法律所传达的信息可能存在一种“声分离”(Dan-Cohen, 1983)。在刑法中,禁止抢劫既是对那些可能正在考虑非法行为的人的警告,也是对某些国家官员的指示,一旦他们有证据表明某个人可能犯了罪,就以特定的方式作出反应。类似地,宪法也将不同的信息部署到不同的收件人。国家官员被告知他们的机构是如何建立的,以及他们作为这些机构中的官员必须如何行事;竞选人在选举、政党、财政等方面遵守宪法制度的规定;公民了解自己的权利,以及如何通过宪法条款维护这些权利。所有的听众——包括国内的反对者——都被告知宪政政府致力于捍卫的原则,以及不同意见被允许的程度。但是,考虑到这些不同的信息被发送给不同的受众,并被不同的受众听到,在每个受众中创造的那种现实可能会有所不同。对于那些占据宪法规定的职位的人来说,已经变成被动知识的宪法将指导官员像机构存在于他们之外一样行事并约束他们,即使他们自己凭借占据官方职位而成为这些机构的公众面孔。例如,当巴西总统将自己和他人视为“总统”职位的一员时,巴西宪法就会发挥作用,这个职位超出了总统本人、任期、行为和对工作的解释。这个办公室,如果是真的,在他离开后还会继续存在——游戏规则会告诉他什么时候该离开。如果宪法有效,他将在时机成熟时离开。如果南非宪法法院是真实存在的,那么该法院的法官将代表该机构而不仅仅是为自己说话,因为他们知道这是两件有意义的事情。即使几乎所有的政治家都支持某项法律,当它违反宪法时,法院仍然必须将其推翻。政治家们必须接受法院的决定,即使他们不同意它,当然,一些关于宪法意义的辩论不仅是可以接受的,而且可能使宪法秩序更加健全(Meuwese &Snel, 2013)。如果法国宪法是真实的,那么法国司法部长将会把自己视为一长串占据这个办公室的人中的一员,这个办公室有传统、责任和宪法需要维护。事实上,她的最高和最好的证据表明,这个职位超过了她,可能要求她辞职,以捍卫宪法原则(Chrisafis, 2016)。当办公室里的人把自己的个人履历和办公室的履历混淆了,或者更糟的是,当公众这样做的时候,那么宪政就有麻烦了。宪法规定的办公室必须对其居住者和受其支配的人来说都是真实的,通过和占据官方职位的个人绝不能与这种结构相混淆。一旦宪法建立并运行,新的参与者和新一代必须接受宪法秩序的教育,如果一切顺利,他们就会认为宪法秩序是理所当然的。国家宪法一旦确立,可以被教导为光荣、稳定和显而易见,也可以被教导为必然是偶然的、不断发展的和有争议的。简而言之,宪法教育创造了它所教授的现实。宪法生活的集体记忆成为维系宪政体制的关键资源,即使历史被视为一场持续不断的斗争。 因此,宪法记忆是如何产生和传递的,成为理解宪政制度得以维持的关键部分。当宪法在世界上发挥作用创造现实时,这个宪法世界的居民就会表现得好像宪法创造了一个具有可执行法律规则的功能性政治空间(Vaihinger, 1924)。社会学家将这种效应称为托马斯定理:“如果人们(原文如此)将情境定义为真实,那么它们的后果就是真实的”(默顿,1995)。被动宪法也是如此:如果人们相信宪法是真实的,那么宪法思想就会产生真实的效果。被动的宪法知识成为人们心理地图的一部分,因为他们在社交世界中导航,并发现其他人的反应就好像他们的心理地图与所讨论的主题相匹配。当我表现得好像某件事是真实的,其他人也表现得好像同样的事情是真实的,以同样的方式来强化我的行为时,主体间验证就发生了。因此,例如,如果我在国外旅行回到美国时出示我的美国护照,服务台的移民官员认可该文件,在她的系统中检查并在我入境时盖章,我作为一个信誉良好的公民的地位就得到了确认。如果这个系统崩溃了——我的护照在边境被当作假护照,即使我一开始向移民局官员出示时相信它是真的——那么我的国家认可我的基本认证系统的现实就开始崩溃了。我的公民身份这一现实并不一定会因为一次识别系统的失败而消失——系统会犯错——但这种持续的不识别模式会破坏我的公民身份。如果这种情况同时发生在许多人身上,特别是如果那些不被承认的人形成了一种可识别的模式,那么公民制度本身的稳固性就会受到质疑。在其他行为类似的人面前,表现得好像宪法是真实的,这是使它们如此的一种方式。但是,如果不实事件不断发生,或者现实主张不断受到挑战,那么宪法现实的表象就暴露为宪法的虚伪。宪法是否真实,也可以从受宪法管辖的个人的角度来评估。公民——宪法的重要对象——至少有一部分的公共和公民生活是由宪法构成的。例如,公民身份本身是一种法律构成的地位(Munshi, 2015)。公民的宪法权利保护良心、私人生活和公众参与政治。宪法将明确规定国家必须为公民做什么,不能对公民做什么。如果国家行为大致符合其法律义务,则这些义务的真实性得到肯定。因此,人们可以看到,发现自己处于一个中心不稳固的宪法秩序中间是多么容易。正如卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)在欧洲各地爆发宪政革命的那一年所写的名言:“一切坚固的东西都融化成空气”(马克思,2014[1848])。他说的是资本主义的无情扩张对旧世界稳定秩序的贪婪影响,但同样也可以说是面对新的政治力量,宪政的瓦解,这在他写作的时候也正在发生。没有什么比新人们表现得好像旧秩序不再存在更能摧毁旧秩序的了。因此,理解宪政需要理解宪法是如何被视为真实和理所当然的,在什么情况下,由谁来实现。为了理解这一点,我们需要问:宪法是如何在日常生活中存在的?它们是如何变得显而易见的呢?质疑显而易见的事情总是看起来有点可疑,就好像学者们在他们的时间里没有什么更好的事情可做,而不是去探究那些在被探究之前非常好的事情。但是,一部宪法在一个时间和地点是显而易见的,这一事实并不能保证该特定的宪法将保持显而易见的地位,也不能保证其他宪法也能轻易地达到这种“显而易见”的地位。明确性是成功的宪法的关键因素,我们需要了解明确性是如何产生的,才能知道如何创建和修复宪政政治。但是研究那些被认为是理所当然的事情并不容易。那么,我们如何审视被动宪法的现实呢?研究宪法现实是否成立的一个好方法是研究反宪法挑战者。反宪法是另一种宪法现实,由其拥护者提出,作为现有宪法安排的替代品。 它是“反”的,因为它反对现有的宪法秩序,而“符合宪法”的意义是,它将自己作为一个特定社区治理的替代构成框架。反宪法对官方宪法先前被视为理所当然的地位提出了挑战,正是由于受到挑战,官方宪法不再能够宣称自己是显而易见的。是什么让先前的宪法变得明显(直到那时)?为什么这种明显性开始失效呢?是什么影响了反宪法的形态?当反宪法主义的挑战出现时,我们可以审视这些问题。因此,反宪法是“战略研究地点”(Merton, 1987),选择这些地点是因为它们特别有可能阐明我们试图理解的社会过程。因为反宪法发生在“不言而喻”的事情实际上现在正在说的时候,它们经常暴露出曾经使特定宪法安排变得显而易见的东西,以及为什么它不再如此。反宪法也可以揭示先前的宪政共识是如何建立的,以及先前的宪法在哪里被证明是软弱的。如果反宪法获胜并成为新的“真正的”宪法,研究它们可以让我们看到宪法创造的行动。如果反宪法失败了,我们可以看到之前的宪法是如何找到抵御挑战的力量的。简而言之,基本宪法争论的时刻是宪法的现实主张被暴露为偶然主张的时刻。然后,作为声明,它们要么被推翻,要么被重申。简而言之,违反宪法的时刻是宪法暴露和考验通常被视为理所当然的事情的关键时刻。为了理解反宪法,我们必须能够评估已建立的宪法和反宪法争夺主导地位的概念领域。评估这一背景建议深入而不是宽泛,因为我们必须追踪各种参与者为辩论带来的意义,以及隐含的观点在它们失去影响力之前的支配方式。因此,让我以匈牙利为例,说明这是如何运作的,以及如何为我们共同的价值观调动奖学金。第二次世界大战在欧洲结束时,被纳粹德国征服或与纳粹德国结盟的领土开始由赢得战争的盟军统治。英国、法国和美国的军队和平民占领了这片领土的西部;苏联占领了东部的土地。德国被四个同盟国瓜分了。西方列强监督了新宪法政府的建立,然后退出,而苏联则主持起草了新宪法,在关键方面与斯大林1937年的宪法相一致,然后仍然控制着它在战争期间占领的领土。就像苏联宪法本身一样,东欧的宪法掩盖而不是阐明了权力的真正来源。共产党在这些宪法中没有被提及,或者只是被顺便提及,然而所有的重大决定都是通过党的领导层做出的,最终一直回到莫斯科,而不管国家宪法是怎么说的。案文中所阐述的权利主要是在违约中实现的。40年后,苏联的权力交接危机使新的领导人上台,从而放松了苏联对东欧“卫星国”的控制。“改革”为多元主义带来了一个试探性的开端。东欧的持不同政见者一看到改革的机会就鼓动变革。令人惊讶的是,苏联允许政治过渡到多党选举。1989年11月9日柏林墙倒塌前两周,匈牙利于10月23日颁布了后苏联时代的新宪法。柏林墙倒塌本身就是政治基础发生巨大变化的最明显标志。冷战期间,持不同政见者为争取权利而斗争,呼吁限制政府权力,并坚持认为他们的国家可以变得,正如他们所说的,“正常”(施莱弗&;-特雷斯曼,2014)。1989年在整个地区举行的全国圆桌会议(National Roundtables),为即将下台的共产党向即将上台的民主反对派移交政治权力提供了谈判平台。在此过程中,几乎是偶然的,匈牙利的圆桌会议进程产生了如此重大的宪法改革,相当于一部全新的宪法(Scheppele, 2020)。形式上,1989年的匈牙利宪法是对斯大林时代的1949年宪法(德国1949年基本法)的巨大修正,但几乎没有保留原始宪法的内容。
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期刊介绍: Founded in 1966, Law & Society Review (LSR) is regarded by sociolegal scholars worldwide as a leading journal in the field. LSR is a peer-reviewed publication for work bearing on the relationship between society and the legal process, including: - articles or notes of interest to the research community in general - new theoretical developments - results of empirical studies - and reviews and comments on the field or its methods of inquiry Broadly interdisciplinary, Law & Society Review welcomes work from any tradition of scholarship concerned with the cultural, economic, political, psychological, or social aspects of law and legal systems.
Issue Information The end of family court: How abolishing the court brings justice to children and families. By Jane M. Spinak. New York: New York University Press, 2023. 384 pp. $35.00 hardcover Data and democracy at work: Advanced information technologies, labor law and the new working class. By Brishen Rogers. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2023. 288 pp. $50.00 paperback Reflections on South Africa's first Black Chief Justice, Ismail Mahomed The life and death of constitutions
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