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Planter Box Conceit, and: Be With
Cate Lycurgus (bio)
Planter Box Conceit
How vain, to anticipate what’s beensown, foretell how the buriedwill swell. Zucchini overwhelmthe raised beds—stems straight-armout with stop-sign palms—so wide, sodeeply lobed—no companioncan grow alongside, but—whereare we merely asked to whelm? Underthe foliage, blossoms tint tangerine,thick veins net petals’ backsidesmatching my own hands; I attest—:there is no squash to speak of.Just a mess of splinters from the vine &I am also green, at wresting usefrom beauty—: instead flowers twistlike cheap napkins, droop un-plucked, un-stuffed, un-batteredup, & the chance fizzles—it did—from my shame at not turning outthe same as the rest—I wanted to beoutside it, exceptional, yield in allthe important ways—so mostly the mundane ones [End Page 34]
Be With
This is just to seewith the hoyer’s creakswhat can I dowhile daddy sinksto the mattressfor youI’ve asked mammathousands of daystimes each daynight routine sets inI find herrolling the slingfrom under hisbehind I awaitreply & am alwaysslow to take noanswer as onethe kettle cries outI am ready!for nothing reallyworth needingI can providehot water, a plainmug, which I havealready donetonight boils downto residueof tea leaves [End Page 35]I cannot readher lips or tellthe shape my aidmight takeaway the cuphas me afraidof what I amcapable of, still:to not beor stay [End Page 36]
Cate Lycurgus
Cate Lycurgus’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. She has also received scholarships from Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences. Cate lives in San Jose, California, where she interviews for 32 Poems and teaches professional writing. You can find her at
Having never missed an issue in 115 years, the Sewanee Review is the oldest continuously published literary quarterly in the country. Begun in 1892 at the University of the South, it has stood as guardian and steward for the enduring voices of American, British, and Irish literature. Published quarterly, the Review is unique in the field of letters for its rich tradition of literary excellence in general nonfiction, poetry, and fiction, and for its dedication to unvarnished no-nonsense literary criticism. Each volume is a mix of short reviews, omnibus reviews, memoirs, essays in reminiscence and criticism, poetry, and fiction.