在这项研究中,通过结合 ab initio 方法和紧密结合方法,对 β-W 及其与 V 的合金的本征自旋霍尔电导率进行了理论研究。研究充分考虑了 V 在 β-W 结构中的两种可能构型,并利用它们的总能量差,通过麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布估算合金的热力学平均 SHC。结果发现,由于两种构型之间的总能量差很小,两种构型都对合金的热力学平均 SHC 有很大贡献,因此与原始的 β-W 相比,合金的平均 SHC 增强了 12.3%。
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (hereinafter called TEEE ) publishes 6 times per year as an official journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (hereinafter "IEEJ"). This peer-reviewed journal contains original research papers and review articles on the most important and latest technological advances in core areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and in related disciplines. The journal also publishes short communications reporting on the results of the latest research activities TEEE ) aims to provide a new forum for IEEJ members in Japan as well as fellow researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from around the world to exchange ideas and research findings.