Recent preventative approaches with young people at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P) have focused on the remediation of the cognitive deficits that are readily apparent and predictive of future illness. However, the small number of trials using cognitive remediation with CHR-P individuals have reported mixed results. The proposed 2-phased study will test an innovative internet-based and remotely-delivered Specific COgnitive REmediation plus Surround (or SCORES) intervention that targets early processing speed deficits in CHR-P adolescents aged 14–20 years old.
In the first R61 phase, a single-arm 2-year proof of concept study, 30 CHR-P individuals will receive SCORES for 10 weeks (4 h per week/40 h total) with a midpoint assessment at 20 h (5 weeks) to demonstrate target engagement and identify the optimal dose needed to engage the target. The Go/No-Go criteria to move to the R33 phase will be processing speed scores improving by a medium effect size (Cohen's d ≥ .6). The proposed package includes a set of complimentary support surround procedures to increase enjoyment and ensure that participants will complete the home-based training. In the second R33 phase, a 3-year pilot study, we will replicate target engagement in a new and larger sample of 54 CHR-P individuals randomized to SCORES (optimized dose) or to a video game playing control condition. In addition, the R33 phase will determine if changes in processing speed are associated with improved social functioning and decreasing attenuated positive symptoms. The support surround components of the intervention will remain constant across phases and conditions in the R33 phase to firmly establish the centrality of processing speed training for successful remediation.
The SCORES study is a completely virtual intervention that targets a core cognitive mechanism, processing speed, which is a rate-limiting factor to higher order behaviours and clinical outcomes in CHR-P adolescents. The virtual nature of this study should increase feasibility as well improve the future scalability of the intervention with considerable potential for future dissemination as a complete treatment package.