Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic skin disorder in children. We aimed to investigate trends and regional disparities of burden in paediatric AD at global, regional and national levels, and to explore potential associated factors.
Based on data from Global Burden of Disease study 2019, we assessed trends in burden of AD aged <19 years from 1990 to 2019, including prevalent and incident cases, age-standardised prevalence and age-standardised incidence. For potential associated factors, correlations of above trends and indexes of socio-economic status (sociodemographic index, SDI) and health service coverage (universal health coverage index, UHCI) were evaluated. We conducted decomposition analysis to understand the net contribution of population-level factors and their contribution proportions on changes of prevalent and incident cases, including age structure, population change and epidemiological change.
Global prevalent and incident cases of paediatric AD increased by about 5.7 and 0.7 million between 1990 and 2019, respectively. Global age-standardised prevalence and incidence decreased by −0.17% (−0.19% to −0.16%) and −0.12% (−0.13% to −0.11%) per year from 1990 to 2019, respectively. Regionally, the highest increase of prevalent and incident cases was in low SDI region (by 96.77% and 84.85%); the highest decrease of age-standardised prevalence and incidence was in high SDI regions (by −0.20% and −0.27% per year). The correlation analyses identified significant negative correlations between trends and SDI and UHCI. Population change was a major driver of case rise; epidemiological change and age structure showed negative impact of case rise. Regional disparities in contribution of three population-level factors were seen, including net contribution direction (positive or negative) and contribution proportion levels.
Global paediatric AD case numbers increased, primarily due to population growth. Prevalence and incidence decreased slightly. Geographic inequalities were seen. Developing region-specific strategies targeting potential factors is essential to reduce paediatric AD burden.