Psoriasis vulgaris is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, associated with multiple cardiovascular comorbidities, which can ultimately lead to increased mortality. Dermatological rehabilitation programs represent an additional therapeutic option in patients with psoriasis besides the classical outpatient or inpatient management. This study aimed to investigate the impact of dermatological rehabilitation on cardiovascular risk factors, cardiorespiratory fitness and quality of life at the Clinic of Dermatology, Bad Bentheim, Germany.
This prospective study included 105 patients (age > 18 years) with known psoriasis and/or psoriasis (pustulosa) palmoplantaris committing to a 3-week long rehabilitation program. Various patient reported outcomes including dermatological life and quality index, patient global assessment, physical activity, pruritus and smoking and alcohol consumption history were captured. Body mass index (BMI) and physical fitness were also assessed. Study parameters were collected by telephone at baseline, at discharge, and at 3 and 6 months.
Significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), quality of life (p < 0.001), patients subjective estimation of disease severity (p < 0.001) and psoriasis area and severity index (p < 0.001) were shown.
The findings emphasize the importance of a rehabilitation program for patients with psoriasis due to its positive and sustained effects on cardiovascular risk factors.