Celebrating women in physiology: Marie Krogh and the single-breath technique for measuring pulmonary diffusing capacity

IF 2.6 4区 医学 Q2 PHYSIOLOGY Experimental Physiology Pub Date : 2024-11-19 DOI:10.1113/EP092377
Ronan M. G. Berg
{"title":"Celebrating women in physiology: Marie Krogh and the single-breath technique for measuring pulmonary diffusing capacity","authors":"Ronan M. G. Berg","doi":"10.1113/EP092377","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>On 25 December 1874, in the parish of Husby, Denmark, Marie Krogh (1874–1943; born Birte Marie Jørgensen) was born. This editorial in the December issue of <i>Experimental Physiology</i>, published on the 150th anniversary of her birth, is dedicated to celebrating her contributions to science, and in particular to physiology.</p><p>In March 1905, Marie Jørgensen (Figure 1) married August Krogh (1874–1949). He was born one month earlier than her, in Grenaa, Denmark, and received the 1920 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on capillary physiology (Krogh, <span>1919a, 1919b</span>, <span>1919c</span>). August Krogh was undoubtedly a genius and probably the most influential Danish scientist within biomedical sciences to date, but I often find that Marie Krogh's contributions are somewhat overlooked. Not only did she manage their household, she also continuously mediated conflicts and tensions arising from August Krogh's stubbornness and brusqueness, which often caused friction with friends, relatives and collaborators, enabling him to pursue his various ideas without worry (Sindbæk, <span>2022</span>). Marie Krogh also served as his sparring partner, discussing their data and ideas for hours in the evenings. As a physician, she worked as a full-time clinician, but nonetheless concurrently pursued her own line of research. In fact, she was one of the most prominent Danish scientists of her time, having a tremendous impact through her research in diverse areas such as respiratory physiology, endocrinology, pharmacology and nutrition. A full account of her research portfolio is beyond the scope of this editorial. Here, I would like to pay homage to her development of the single-breath technique for measuring pulmonary diffusing capacity, published in <i>The Journal of Physiology</i> (Krogh, <span>1915</span>). The historical importance of this technique has also been recognised by others before me (Hughes &amp; Borland, <span>2015</span>; Morrell, <span>2015</span>), as it remains in use for both research and clinical purposes to this day.</p><p>To me, Marie Krogh had a very practice-oriented approach to science, viewing it as a means to resolve whatever real-world problems she encountered. This began while she was still a medical student, at the time when she had just met August Krogh, her instructor at medical school. Deeply in love, they exchanged long and devoted letters, but their joy was overshadowed by tragedy. In July 1904, her sister-in-law and close friend, Emma, died in childbirth. Marie was present when Emma gave birth to a healthy boy, and though the birth had initially seemed normal, it became apparent that Emma suffered from an incomplete placental separation –c placenta accreta – one of the most common causes of death in childbirth at the time, for which no treatment options were available. The midwife summoned a village doctor, and Marie sat there for hours with the family knowing that her friend was unlikely to survive. When the doctor arrived and removed the placenta accreta with forceps – clinging to the hope that the consequent blood loss would be minimal – Emma bled to death, at the age of 32. A few days later in a letter to August Krogh, Marie wrote: ‘Dear Friend, you cannot imagine how terrible it is to face this, to see one of your closest die without being able to do anything to save her. It is so cruelly unforgiving to see a young, healthy person, whom we all wanted so much to keep, and who herself was so happy with life and her home, die without anything being done to help her’ (Sindbæk, <span>2022</span>). It is not surprising, therefore, that the first experiments Marie Krogh set up with August the following spring, while their mentor and head of the laboratory, Professor Christian Bohr (1855–1911), was travelling to England, focused on the treatment of severe haemorrhage. Unfortunately, the laboratory assistant, who handled all practical matters such as generating electricity and producing distilled water, fell ill, so the experiments had to be suspended and were never resumed.</p><p>Instead, over the next several years, Marie Krogh, together with August Krogh, began studying pulmonary gas exchange, becoming part of the now legendary controversy over its mechanism. On one side stood their mentor, Christian Bohr, and J. S. Haldane (1860–1936), while the Kroghs were on the other. This controversy could be traced all the way back to the dispute between Carl Ludwig (1816–1895) and Eduard Pflüger (1829–1910), two of the most prominent 19th-century physiologists who were largely responsible for establishing physiology as an experimental science, both of them viewing life's processes as governed by the laws of physics and chemistry alone, thus requiring analysis through these scientific disciplines – an approach embraced by Bohr, Haldane and the Kroghs alike.</p><p>I will refrain from going deeper into this controversy here – excellent detailed accounts can be found elsewhere (Astrup &amp; Severinghaus, <span>1986</span>; Gjedde, <span>2010</span>; Schmidt-Nielsen, <span>1995</span>) – but I will briefly mention that Bohr, in the prestigious <i>Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen</i> edited by the German physiologist Willibald Nagel (1870–1911), and probably the most authoritative physiology publication at the time, had provided a compelling secretion theory of pulmonary gas exchange (Bohr, <span>1905</span>). He proposed that, like the swim bladder of some deep-sea fish, the lungs could secrete gases against normal tension gradients, a theory based on over a decade of experimental research, by which Bohr provided one of the first comprehensive models of respiration, and which earned him two Nobel Prize nominations. However, through diverse experiments on rabbits, tortoises, cattle and humans conducted as part of a series of studies that would later become known as ‘The Seven Little Devils’ (Krogh, <span>1910a, 1910b</span>, <span>1910c, 1910d</span>, <span>1910e</span>; Krogh &amp; Krogh, <span>1910a, 1910b</span>), the Kroghs systematically disproved the fundamental premises of Bohr's secretion theory. As part of this work, they performed experiments on themselves using an early version of the single-breath technique in July 1909 (Krogh &amp; Krogh, <span>1910b</span>). They inhaled a specific quantity of air containing carbon monoxide (CO) and determined the amount absorbed, calculating what they called the ‘diffusion constant’ – now unequivocally known as the pulmonary diffusing capacity for CO (<i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub>). The same summer, Bohr conducted experiments on himself, measuring <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> in a similar manner at rest and immediately after stair-walking to exhaustion, and he reached the opposite conclusion (Bohr, <span>1909</span>).</p><p>After the publication of The Seven Little Devils, August Krogh shifted his focus to collaboration with Johannes Lindhard (1870–1947), conducting measurements on cardiac output and ventilation during exercise, which would mark the birth of Scandinavian exercise physiology (Berg, <span>2024a, 2024b</span>). Meanwhile, Marie Krogh chose to continue pursuing the mechanisms of pulmonary gas exchange at rest and during exercise. She modified and optimised the protocol for the single-breath <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> technique, refining the breathing procedure, lung volume measurements, and CO quantification, as well as calculations for CO uptake (<i>K</i><sub>CO</sub>) during the manoeuvre, and the measurement of alveolar volume (Krogh, <span>1915</span>). In the protocol, after exhaling to residual volume, the subject inhaled a mixture of CO (1%) in air up to total lung capacity, and after a brief breath-hold, forcefully expired approximately half of their vital capacity, with the last portion of the exhaled gas being sampled to determine its CO concentration. Over the next few years, she recruited 22 healthy individuals (five females) aged 10–65 years, as well as eight patients from her clinical practice with lung disease. The observant reader will note that Marie Krogh (subject 16), August Krogh (subject 17) and probably also Johannes Lindhard (subject 20) are among the research subjects. In fact, August Krogh had the lowest <i>K</i><sub>CO</sub> of all participants, which clearly puzzled Marie, to such an extent that she dedicated several paragraphs in the paper to discussing this. She ruled out that this anomaly was genetic by recruiting his two younger brothers, Johan (subject 14) and Emil (subject 15), as well as his father Viggo (subject 20), all of whom showed seemingly normal values. August Krogh had experienced severe pneumonia in childhood, but three other individuals who had suffered from pneumonia within the past 2 months to 2 years also displayed normal values. Thus, August Krogh's low <i>K</i><sub>CO</sub> remained an unexplained finding that neither she nor anyone else ever managed to resolve.</p><p>Marie Krogh's findings demonstrated that <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> varies with age and body proportions, as assessed by surface area estimations, being greater in men than in women and greater in adults than in children (Krogh, <span>1915</span>). She also obtained measurements in four individuals with obstructive lung disease and one with tuberculosis, all of whom exhibited relatively low <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> values. Additionally, she performed measurements during exercise on herself and two other participants using a bicycle ergometer constructed by August Krogh (Krogh, <span>1913</span>). August Krogh and another participant provided measurements immediately after stair-walking, closely resembling the experimental set-up Bohr had originally devised. In all cases, <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> increased tremendously, by up to 40%. These findings lent further support to the refutation of the secretion theory. Although the controversy over the mechanism of gas exchange persisted until Haldane's death decades later, Marie Krogh eventually shifted her focus to other areas of research. Nevertheless, her work stands out as a seminal contribution, and her measurements in patients had important clinical implications. However, the single-breath technique was never implemented clinically during her lifetime, mainly due to its laborious nature. The difficulty and time-consuming process of measuring CO, which was performed using a so-called modified Petterson apparatus (Petterson, <span>1886</span>), hindered its broader application.</p><p>This all changed when it was realised that techniques developed for gas detection during World War II, including the infrared CO meter, provided much quicker and more practical CO measurements for <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> assessments. At this time, impaired pulmonary gas exchange was becoming an increasingly recognised problem in patients with lung fibrosis (Baldwin et al., <span>1949</span>), who exhibited marked arterial desaturation during exercise and also reduced diffusing capacity measured by alternative and much more cumbersome methodology (Austrian et al., <span>1951</span>). This led to the introduction of the concept of the ‘alveolar–capillary block’, now known as ‘diffusion limitation’ (Austrian et al., <span>1951</span>). In the 1960s, a series of studies thus revisited Marie Krogh's single-breath technique, incorporating infrared CO measurements for both inspired and expired air, along with slight modifications to the breathing technique – most notably, exhalation to residual volume rather than half of vital capacity (Forster et al., <span>1954, 1955</span>; Fowler, <span>1952</span>). This method was attractive because it allowed the assessment of pulmonary gas exchange without the need for arterial blood gas sampling. Soon, the first standardised guidelines for clinical use were developed (Ogilvie et al., <span>1957</span>), and as part of this advancement, a mathematical reassessment of the method was published in this journal – then entitled <i>Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences</i> – demonstrating that the validity and reliability of <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> measurements depended critically on the breath-hold time, which was also standardised (Jones &amp; Meade, <span>1961</span>). Following these developments, <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> measurement by the single-breath technique became one of the most widely used methods for lung function assessment, along with dynamic spirometry and body plethysmography, and remains so to this day (Graham et al., <span>2017</span>), where it is used for diagnostic classification, prognostication and evaluating treatment effects. Even Marie Krogh herself had probably not imagined that!</p><p>I recently had the privilege of serving as a scientific consultant to author and journalist Hanne Sindbæk as she wrote an extensive biography in Danish on August and Marie Krogh (Sindbæk, <span>2022</span>). Upon the book's publication, I was invited to a reception to celebrate its release, where I had the pleasure of meeting the present-day members of the Krogh family. Among them was August and Marie Krogh's grandson, Lars Wernstedt (1939–2022). Despite being very young when Marie Krogh passed away, he told me that he had the fondest memories of her (Figure 2). Like Marie Krogh, Wernstedt was a physician, and he told me that he had worked within the field of pulmonary medicine in his youth, and had prescribed <i>D</i><sub>L,CO</sub> measurements for years, as the method became increasingly popular in the 1970s. It was deeply moving to hear him recount how he became emotionally overwhelmed upon one day at work suddenly realising that the measurement he was prescribing and assessing on a daily basis was, in fact, the very method his beloved grandmother had developed.</p><p>August Krogh was extremely inventive, and he is probably among the physiologists with the most eponyms attached to his name, including the Krogh microtonometer, the Krogh spirometer, the Krogh ergometer, the Krogh cylinder (or Krogh model), the Krogh–Erlang equation, the Krogh principle, and the Krogh respirator. Then there is <i>K</i><sub>CO</sub>, which is still provided in lung function reports today, albeit in a slightly mathematically modified form (Hughes &amp; Pride, <span>2012</span>), and which is referred to as the Krogh factor. However, in contrast to what many believe, this does not refer to August, but to Marie Krogh, as it was her concept, first alluded to in their joint paper from 1910 and fully developed in the work that was published in <i>The Journal of Physiology</i> in 1915, and which earned her the <i>doctor medicinae</i> degree (doctor of medical science; a higher doctoral degree), which had only previously been achieved by three other women before her in Denmark (Sindbæk, <span>2022</span>). In any event, eponyms and degrees aside, Marie Krogh is a stellar example of The Physiological Society's ‘Women in Physiology’ initiatives (Bailey, <span>2023</span>; Wray &amp; Stokes, <span>2013</span>; Wray &amp; Tansey, <span>2015</span>), an outstanding scientist who still serves as a role model for us all to this day, 150 years after her birth.</p><p>Sole author.</p><p>None declared.</p><p>The Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS) is supported by TrygFonden (grants ID 101390 and ID 20045). The funders had no role in the decision to prepare, write or publish the manuscript.</p>","PeriodicalId":12092,"journal":{"name":"Experimental Physiology","volume":"109 12","pages":"1987-1991"},"PeriodicalIF":2.6000,"publicationDate":"2024-11-19","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1113/EP092377","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Experimental Physiology","FirstCategoryId":"3","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/EP092377","RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"PHYSIOLOGY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


On 25 December 1874, in the parish of Husby, Denmark, Marie Krogh (1874–1943; born Birte Marie Jørgensen) was born. This editorial in the December issue of Experimental Physiology, published on the 150th anniversary of her birth, is dedicated to celebrating her contributions to science, and in particular to physiology.

In March 1905, Marie Jørgensen (Figure 1) married August Krogh (1874–1949). He was born one month earlier than her, in Grenaa, Denmark, and received the 1920 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on capillary physiology (Krogh, 1919a, 1919b, 1919c). August Krogh was undoubtedly a genius and probably the most influential Danish scientist within biomedical sciences to date, but I often find that Marie Krogh's contributions are somewhat overlooked. Not only did she manage their household, she also continuously mediated conflicts and tensions arising from August Krogh's stubbornness and brusqueness, which often caused friction with friends, relatives and collaborators, enabling him to pursue his various ideas without worry (Sindbæk, 2022). Marie Krogh also served as his sparring partner, discussing their data and ideas for hours in the evenings. As a physician, she worked as a full-time clinician, but nonetheless concurrently pursued her own line of research. In fact, she was one of the most prominent Danish scientists of her time, having a tremendous impact through her research in diverse areas such as respiratory physiology, endocrinology, pharmacology and nutrition. A full account of her research portfolio is beyond the scope of this editorial. Here, I would like to pay homage to her development of the single-breath technique for measuring pulmonary diffusing capacity, published in The Journal of Physiology (Krogh, 1915). The historical importance of this technique has also been recognised by others before me (Hughes & Borland, 2015; Morrell, 2015), as it remains in use for both research and clinical purposes to this day.

To me, Marie Krogh had a very practice-oriented approach to science, viewing it as a means to resolve whatever real-world problems she encountered. This began while she was still a medical student, at the time when she had just met August Krogh, her instructor at medical school. Deeply in love, they exchanged long and devoted letters, but their joy was overshadowed by tragedy. In July 1904, her sister-in-law and close friend, Emma, died in childbirth. Marie was present when Emma gave birth to a healthy boy, and though the birth had initially seemed normal, it became apparent that Emma suffered from an incomplete placental separation –c placenta accreta – one of the most common causes of death in childbirth at the time, for which no treatment options were available. The midwife summoned a village doctor, and Marie sat there for hours with the family knowing that her friend was unlikely to survive. When the doctor arrived and removed the placenta accreta with forceps – clinging to the hope that the consequent blood loss would be minimal – Emma bled to death, at the age of 32. A few days later in a letter to August Krogh, Marie wrote: ‘Dear Friend, you cannot imagine how terrible it is to face this, to see one of your closest die without being able to do anything to save her. It is so cruelly unforgiving to see a young, healthy person, whom we all wanted so much to keep, and who herself was so happy with life and her home, die without anything being done to help her’ (Sindbæk, 2022). It is not surprising, therefore, that the first experiments Marie Krogh set up with August the following spring, while their mentor and head of the laboratory, Professor Christian Bohr (1855–1911), was travelling to England, focused on the treatment of severe haemorrhage. Unfortunately, the laboratory assistant, who handled all practical matters such as generating electricity and producing distilled water, fell ill, so the experiments had to be suspended and were never resumed.

Instead, over the next several years, Marie Krogh, together with August Krogh, began studying pulmonary gas exchange, becoming part of the now legendary controversy over its mechanism. On one side stood their mentor, Christian Bohr, and J. S. Haldane (1860–1936), while the Kroghs were on the other. This controversy could be traced all the way back to the dispute between Carl Ludwig (1816–1895) and Eduard Pflüger (1829–1910), two of the most prominent 19th-century physiologists who were largely responsible for establishing physiology as an experimental science, both of them viewing life's processes as governed by the laws of physics and chemistry alone, thus requiring analysis through these scientific disciplines – an approach embraced by Bohr, Haldane and the Kroghs alike.

I will refrain from going deeper into this controversy here – excellent detailed accounts can be found elsewhere (Astrup & Severinghaus, 1986; Gjedde, 2010; Schmidt-Nielsen, 1995) – but I will briefly mention that Bohr, in the prestigious Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen edited by the German physiologist Willibald Nagel (1870–1911), and probably the most authoritative physiology publication at the time, had provided a compelling secretion theory of pulmonary gas exchange (Bohr, 1905). He proposed that, like the swim bladder of some deep-sea fish, the lungs could secrete gases against normal tension gradients, a theory based on over a decade of experimental research, by which Bohr provided one of the first comprehensive models of respiration, and which earned him two Nobel Prize nominations. However, through diverse experiments on rabbits, tortoises, cattle and humans conducted as part of a series of studies that would later become known as ‘The Seven Little Devils’ (Krogh, 1910a, 1910b, 1910c, 1910d, 1910e; Krogh & Krogh, 1910a, 1910b), the Kroghs systematically disproved the fundamental premises of Bohr's secretion theory. As part of this work, they performed experiments on themselves using an early version of the single-breath technique in July 1909 (Krogh & Krogh, 1910b). They inhaled a specific quantity of air containing carbon monoxide (CO) and determined the amount absorbed, calculating what they called the ‘diffusion constant’ – now unequivocally known as the pulmonary diffusing capacity for CO (DL,CO). The same summer, Bohr conducted experiments on himself, measuring DL,CO in a similar manner at rest and immediately after stair-walking to exhaustion, and he reached the opposite conclusion (Bohr, 1909).

After the publication of The Seven Little Devils, August Krogh shifted his focus to collaboration with Johannes Lindhard (1870–1947), conducting measurements on cardiac output and ventilation during exercise, which would mark the birth of Scandinavian exercise physiology (Berg, 2024a, 2024b). Meanwhile, Marie Krogh chose to continue pursuing the mechanisms of pulmonary gas exchange at rest and during exercise. She modified and optimised the protocol for the single-breath DL,CO technique, refining the breathing procedure, lung volume measurements, and CO quantification, as well as calculations for CO uptake (KCO) during the manoeuvre, and the measurement of alveolar volume (Krogh, 1915). In the protocol, after exhaling to residual volume, the subject inhaled a mixture of CO (1%) in air up to total lung capacity, and after a brief breath-hold, forcefully expired approximately half of their vital capacity, with the last portion of the exhaled gas being sampled to determine its CO concentration. Over the next few years, she recruited 22 healthy individuals (five females) aged 10–65 years, as well as eight patients from her clinical practice with lung disease. The observant reader will note that Marie Krogh (subject 16), August Krogh (subject 17) and probably also Johannes Lindhard (subject 20) are among the research subjects. In fact, August Krogh had the lowest KCO of all participants, which clearly puzzled Marie, to such an extent that she dedicated several paragraphs in the paper to discussing this. She ruled out that this anomaly was genetic by recruiting his two younger brothers, Johan (subject 14) and Emil (subject 15), as well as his father Viggo (subject 20), all of whom showed seemingly normal values. August Krogh had experienced severe pneumonia in childhood, but three other individuals who had suffered from pneumonia within the past 2 months to 2 years also displayed normal values. Thus, August Krogh's low KCO remained an unexplained finding that neither she nor anyone else ever managed to resolve.

Marie Krogh's findings demonstrated that DL,CO varies with age and body proportions, as assessed by surface area estimations, being greater in men than in women and greater in adults than in children (Krogh, 1915). She also obtained measurements in four individuals with obstructive lung disease and one with tuberculosis, all of whom exhibited relatively low DL,CO values. Additionally, she performed measurements during exercise on herself and two other participants using a bicycle ergometer constructed by August Krogh (Krogh, 1913). August Krogh and another participant provided measurements immediately after stair-walking, closely resembling the experimental set-up Bohr had originally devised. In all cases, DL,CO increased tremendously, by up to 40%. These findings lent further support to the refutation of the secretion theory. Although the controversy over the mechanism of gas exchange persisted until Haldane's death decades later, Marie Krogh eventually shifted her focus to other areas of research. Nevertheless, her work stands out as a seminal contribution, and her measurements in patients had important clinical implications. However, the single-breath technique was never implemented clinically during her lifetime, mainly due to its laborious nature. The difficulty and time-consuming process of measuring CO, which was performed using a so-called modified Petterson apparatus (Petterson, 1886), hindered its broader application.

This all changed when it was realised that techniques developed for gas detection during World War II, including the infrared CO meter, provided much quicker and more practical CO measurements for DL,CO assessments. At this time, impaired pulmonary gas exchange was becoming an increasingly recognised problem in patients with lung fibrosis (Baldwin et al., 1949), who exhibited marked arterial desaturation during exercise and also reduced diffusing capacity measured by alternative and much more cumbersome methodology (Austrian et al., 1951). This led to the introduction of the concept of the ‘alveolar–capillary block’, now known as ‘diffusion limitation’ (Austrian et al., 1951). In the 1960s, a series of studies thus revisited Marie Krogh's single-breath technique, incorporating infrared CO measurements for both inspired and expired air, along with slight modifications to the breathing technique – most notably, exhalation to residual volume rather than half of vital capacity (Forster et al., 1954, 1955; Fowler, 1952). This method was attractive because it allowed the assessment of pulmonary gas exchange without the need for arterial blood gas sampling. Soon, the first standardised guidelines for clinical use were developed (Ogilvie et al., 1957), and as part of this advancement, a mathematical reassessment of the method was published in this journal – then entitled Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences – demonstrating that the validity and reliability of DL,CO measurements depended critically on the breath-hold time, which was also standardised (Jones & Meade, 1961). Following these developments, DL,CO measurement by the single-breath technique became one of the most widely used methods for lung function assessment, along with dynamic spirometry and body plethysmography, and remains so to this day (Graham et al., 2017), where it is used for diagnostic classification, prognostication and evaluating treatment effects. Even Marie Krogh herself had probably not imagined that!

I recently had the privilege of serving as a scientific consultant to author and journalist Hanne Sindbæk as she wrote an extensive biography in Danish on August and Marie Krogh (Sindbæk, 2022). Upon the book's publication, I was invited to a reception to celebrate its release, where I had the pleasure of meeting the present-day members of the Krogh family. Among them was August and Marie Krogh's grandson, Lars Wernstedt (1939–2022). Despite being very young when Marie Krogh passed away, he told me that he had the fondest memories of her (Figure 2). Like Marie Krogh, Wernstedt was a physician, and he told me that he had worked within the field of pulmonary medicine in his youth, and had prescribed DL,CO measurements for years, as the method became increasingly popular in the 1970s. It was deeply moving to hear him recount how he became emotionally overwhelmed upon one day at work suddenly realising that the measurement he was prescribing and assessing on a daily basis was, in fact, the very method his beloved grandmother had developed.

August Krogh was extremely inventive, and he is probably among the physiologists with the most eponyms attached to his name, including the Krogh microtonometer, the Krogh spirometer, the Krogh ergometer, the Krogh cylinder (or Krogh model), the Krogh–Erlang equation, the Krogh principle, and the Krogh respirator. Then there is KCO, which is still provided in lung function reports today, albeit in a slightly mathematically modified form (Hughes & Pride, 2012), and which is referred to as the Krogh factor. However, in contrast to what many believe, this does not refer to August, but to Marie Krogh, as it was her concept, first alluded to in their joint paper from 1910 and fully developed in the work that was published in The Journal of Physiology in 1915, and which earned her the doctor medicinae degree (doctor of medical science; a higher doctoral degree), which had only previously been achieved by three other women before her in Denmark (Sindbæk, 2022). In any event, eponyms and degrees aside, Marie Krogh is a stellar example of The Physiological Society's ‘Women in Physiology’ initiatives (Bailey, 2023; Wray & Stokes, 2013; Wray & Tansey, 2015), an outstanding scientist who still serves as a role model for us all to this day, 150 years after her birth.

Sole author.

None declared.

The Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS) is supported by TrygFonden (grants ID 101390 and ID 20045). The funders had no role in the decision to prepare, write or publish the manuscript.

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1874年12月25日,在丹麦赫斯比教区,玛丽·克拉夫(Marie Krogh, 1874 - 1943;Birte Marie Jørgensen)出生。在她诞辰150周年之际,《实验生理学》杂志12月刊发表了这篇社论,旨在表彰她对科学,尤其是生理学的贡献。1905年3月,Marie Jørgensen(图1)与August Krogh(1874-1949)结婚。他比她早一个月出生在丹麦的格林纳纳,并因其在毛细血管生理学方面的工作获得1920年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(Krogh, 1919a, 1919b, 1919c)。奥古斯特·克拉夫无疑是一位天才,可能是迄今为止在生物医学科学领域最有影响力的丹麦科学家,但我经常发现玛丽·克拉夫的贡献在某种程度上被忽视了。她不仅管理他们的家庭,还不断地调解因奥古斯特·克罗夫的固执和粗鲁而引起的冲突和紧张局势,这经常引起他与朋友、亲戚和合作者的摩擦,使他能够无忧无虑地追求自己的各种想法(Sindbæk, 2022)。玛丽·克拉夫(Marie Krogh)也是他的陪练,晚上会花几个小时讨论他们的数据和想法。作为一名内科医生,她是一名全职临床医生,但同时也从事自己的研究。事实上,她是当时最杰出的丹麦科学家之一,她在呼吸生理学、内分泌学、药理学和营养学等各个领域的研究产生了巨大的影响。对她的研究成果的全面描述超出了这篇社论的范围。在此,我要向她在《生理学杂志》(the Journal of Physiology, Krogh, 1915)上发表的测量肺弥散能力的单呼吸技术的发展表示敬意。这种技术的历史重要性也已经被我之前的人认识到了(Hughes &amp;宝蓝,2015;莫雷尔,2015),因为它至今仍用于研究和临床目的。对我来说,玛丽·克拉夫对科学有着非常注重实践的态度,她把科学看作是解决她遇到的任何现实问题的一种手段。这始于她还是医学院学生的时候,当时她刚刚认识了她在医学院的导师奥古斯特·克拉夫(August Krogh)。他们深爱着彼此,彼此互致长信,但他们的欢乐被悲剧所掩盖。1904年7月,她的嫂子兼密友艾玛死于难产。当艾玛生下一个健康的男孩时,玛丽就在她身边,虽然最初的分娩看起来很正常,但很明显,艾玛患有胎盘不完全分离——胎盘增生——这是当时分娩中最常见的死亡原因之一,没有治疗方案。助产士叫来了一位乡村医生,玛丽和家人在那里坐了几个小时,她知道她的朋友不太可能活下来。当医生赶到现场,用镊子取出附着胎盘时,还抱着失血最少的希望,艾玛因失血过多而死,年仅32岁。几天后,玛丽在给奥古斯特·克罗夫的信中写道:“亲爱的朋友,你无法想象面对这一切是多么可怕,看着你最亲近的人死去,却无能为力。看到一个年轻、健康的人,我们都非常想留住她,她自己对生活和家庭非常满意,却在没有任何帮助的情况下死去,这是如此残酷无情。”(Sindbæk, 2022)。因此,毫不奇怪,第二年春天,当他们的导师兼实验室负责人克里斯蒂安·玻尔教授(1855-1911)前往英国时,玛丽·克罗夫和奥古斯特一起进行了第一次实验,重点是治疗严重出血。不幸的是,负责发电和生产蒸馏水等所有实际事务的实验室助理生病了,所以实验不得不暂停,再也没有恢复。相反,在接下来的几年里,玛丽·克拉夫和奥古斯特·克拉夫一起开始研究肺部气体交换,成为现在关于其机制的传奇争议的一部分。一边站着他们的导师克里斯蒂安·玻尔和j·s·霍尔丹(1860-1936),另一边站着克罗格一家。这场争论可以一直追溯到卡尔·路德维希(1816-1895)和爱德华·普夫列格尔(1829-1910)之间的争论,这两位19世纪最杰出的生理学家在很大程度上负责将生理学建立为一门实验科学,他们都认为生命过程仅受物理和化学定律的支配,因此需要通过这些科学学科进行分析——玻尔、霍尔丹和克罗格都采用了这种方法。 我将避免在这里深入讨论这一争议-可以在其他地方找到出色的详细描述(Astrup &amp;Severinghaus, 1986;Gjedde, 2010;但我要简单提一下玻尔,在德国生理学家Willibald Nagel(1870-1911)编辑的著名的《人的生理手册》(Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen)中,可能是当时最权威的生理学出版物,提供了令人信服的肺气体交换分泌理论(玻尔,1905)。他提出,就像一些深海鱼类的鱼鳔一样,肺可以分泌对抗正常张力梯度的气体,这一理论基于十多年的实验研究,玻尔通过该理论提出了第一个全面的呼吸模型,并为他赢得了两项诺贝尔奖提名。然而,通过对兔子、乌龟、牛和人类进行的各种实验,作为一系列研究的一部分,这些研究后来被称为“七个小恶魔”(Krogh, 1910a, 1910b, 1910c, 1910d, 1910e;克罗,Krogh, 1910a, 1910b), Krogh夫妇系统地推翻了玻尔分泌理论的基本前提。作为这项工作的一部分,他们在1909年7月用一种早期版本的单呼吸技术在自己身上进行了实验(Krogh &amp;克罗,1910 b)。他们吸入一定量的含有一氧化碳(CO)的空气,并确定吸收量,计算他们所谓的“扩散常数”——现在明确地称为CO的肺扩散能力。同年夏天,玻尔在自己身上做了实验,在休息时和走楼梯累坏后立即用类似的方法测量DL和CO,他得出了相反的结论(玻尔,1909)。在《七个小恶魔》出版后,August Krogh将重点转移到与Johannes Lindhard(1870-1947)合作,测量运动时的心输出量和通气,这将标志着斯堪的纳维亚运动生理学的诞生(Berg, 2024a, 2024b)。同时,Marie Krogh选择继续研究休息和运动时肺气体交换的机制。她修改并优化了单次呼吸DL、CO技术的方案,改进了呼吸程序、肺体积测量和CO量化,以及操作过程中CO吸收率(KCO)的计算和肺泡体积的测量(Krogh, 1915)。在该方案中,在呼气至残气量后,受试者吸入空气中含有一氧化碳(1%)的混合物,直至肺活量达到总肺活量,在短暂屏气后,用力排出约一半的肺活量,并对呼出气体的最后一部分进行取样以确定其CO浓度。在接下来的几年里,她招募了22名年龄在10-65岁之间的健康个体(5名女性),以及8名来自她临床实践的肺病患者。细心的读者会注意到,玛丽·克拉夫(主题16),奥古斯特·克拉夫(主题17),可能还有约翰内斯·林德哈德(主题20)也在研究对象之列。事实上,奥古斯特·克罗夫在所有参与者中拥有最低的KCO,这显然让玛丽感到困惑,以至于她在论文中专门用了几段来讨论这个问题。她通过招募他的两个弟弟,约翰(实验对象14)和埃米尔(实验对象15),以及他的父亲维戈(实验对象20),排除了这种异常是遗传的,他们都表现出看似正常的价值观。奥古斯特·克拉夫在童年时期经历过严重的肺炎,但在过去2个月至2年内患有肺炎的其他三个人也显示出正常的价值观。因此,奥古斯特·克拉夫的低KCO仍然是一个无法解释的发现,无论是她还是其他人都无法解决。Marie Krogh的研究结果表明,DL、CO随年龄和身体比例的变化而变化,根据表面积估算,男性的DL、CO大于女性,成人的DL、CO大于儿童(Krogh, 1915)。她还获得了4名阻塞性肺病患者和1名结核病患者的测量结果,所有患者都表现出相对较低的DL、CO值。此外,她在运动期间对自己和另外两名参与者进行了测量,使用的是由August Krogh (Krogh, 1913)制造的自行车测力计。奥古斯特·克拉夫和另一位参与者在走楼梯后立即提供了测量结果,与玻尔最初设计的实验装置非常相似。在所有情况下,DL、CO都大幅增加,增幅高达40%。这些发现为反驳分泌说提供了进一步的支持。尽管关于气体交换机制的争论一直持续到几十年后霍尔丹去世,玛丽·克拉夫最终将她的注意力转移到其他研究领域。尽管如此,她的工作作为一项开创性的贡献脱颖而出,她对患者的测量具有重要的临床意义。 然而,在她的一生中,单呼吸技术从未在临床上实施,主要是由于其费力的性质。测量CO的难度和耗时的过程,使用所谓的改良Petterson仪器(Petterson, 1886),阻碍了其更广泛的应用。当人们意识到在第二次世界大战期间开发的气体探测技术,包括红外CO计,为DL,CO评估提供了更快,更实用的CO测量时,这一切都改变了。此时,肺气体交换受损正日益成为肺纤维化患者的一个公认问题(Baldwin et al., 1949),他们在运动时表现出明显的动脉去饱和,并且用另一种更繁琐的方法测量的弥散能力也降低(Austrian et al., 1951)。这导致了“肺泡-毛细血管阻滞”概念的引入,现在被称为“扩散限制”(austria et al., 1951)。在20世纪60年代,一系列研究因此重新审视了玛丽·克罗夫的单次呼吸技术,结合了对吸气和呼气的红外CO测量,以及对呼吸技术的轻微修改-最值得注意的是,呼气到剩余体积而不是生命容量的一半(Forster等人,1954年,1955年;福勒,1952)。这种方法是有吸引力的,因为它允许评估肺气体交换,而不需要动脉血气采样。很快,临床使用的第一个标准化指南被开发出来(Ogilvie et al., 1957),作为这一进步的一部分,该方法的数学重新评估发表在该杂志上——当时名为《实验生理学和相关医学科学季刊》——表明DL,CO测量的有效性和可靠性严重依赖于屏气时间,这也是标准化的(Jones &amp;米德,1961)。随着这些发展,单次呼吸技术的DL,CO测量成为最广泛使用的肺功能评估方法之一,与动态肺活量测定法和体容积描记术一起,直到今天(Graham et al., 2017),用于诊断分类,预测和评估治疗效果。甚至玛丽·克拉夫自己可能也没有想到这一点!最近,我有幸担任作家兼记者Hanne Sindbæk的科学顾问,因为她在August和Marie Krogh (Sindbæk, 2022)上用丹麦语写了一本广泛的传记。在这本书出版后,我应邀参加了一个庆祝它发行的招待会,在那里我有幸见到了克拉夫家族现在的成员。其中包括奥古斯特和玛丽·克拉夫的孙子,拉尔斯·沃恩施泰特(1939-2022)。尽管Marie Krogh去世时他还很年轻,但他告诉我,他对她有最美好的回忆(图2)。和Marie Krogh一样,Wernstedt也是一名医生,他告诉我,他年轻时在肺部医学领域工作,多年来一直在开具DL,CO测量处方,因为这种方法在20世纪70年代越来越流行。听他讲述有一天他在工作中突然意识到他每天开的处方和评估的方法实际上正是他亲爱的祖母发明的方法,这让他非常感动。奥古斯特·克拉夫极具创造力,他可能是拥有最多与他名字相关的名字的生理学家之一,包括克拉夫微眼压计、克拉夫肺活量计、克拉夫测功计、克拉夫圆柱体(或克拉夫模型)、克拉夫-厄朗方程、克拉夫原理和克拉夫呼吸器。然后是KCO,今天仍在肺功能报告中提供,尽管在数学形式上略有修改(Hughes &amp;骄傲,2012),这被称为克拉夫因素。然而,与许多人认为的相反,这并不是指August,而是指Marie Krogh,因为这是她的概念,在他们1910年的联合论文中首次提到,并在1915年发表在《生理学杂志》上的工作中得到充分发展,并为她赢得了医学博士学位(医学博士;更高的博士学位),在她之前,丹麦只有另外三位女性获得了这个学位(Sindbæk, 2022)。无论如何,撇开名字和学位不谈,玛丽·克拉夫是生理学会“生理女性”倡议的杰出典范(贝利,2023;雷,斯托克斯,2013;雷,Tansey, 2015),一位杰出的科学家,在她出生150年后的今天,她仍然是我们所有人的榜样。唯一作者。没有宣布。体育活动研究中心(CFAS)由TrygFonden资助(资助ID 101390和ID 20045)。资助者在准备、撰写或发表手稿的决定中没有任何作用。
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Experimental Physiology
Experimental Physiology 医学-生理学
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期刊介绍: Experimental Physiology publishes research papers that report novel insights into homeostatic and adaptive responses in health, as well as those that further our understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms in disease. We encourage papers that embrace the journal’s orientation of translation and integration, including studies of the adaptive responses to exercise, acute and chronic environmental stressors, growth and aging, and diseases where integrative homeostatic mechanisms play a key role in the response to and evolution of the disease process. Examples of such diseases include hypertension, heart failure, hypoxic lung disease, endocrine and neurological disorders. We are also keen to publish research that has a translational aspect or clinical application. Comparative physiology work that can be applied to aid the understanding human physiology is also encouraged. Manuscripts that report the use of bioinformatic, genomic, molecular, proteomic and cellular techniques to provide novel insights into integrative physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms are welcomed.
Development of a standardized single-session cardiopulmonary exercise test for combined assessment of peak oxygen uptake and on/off-kinetics. Limited matching of the cardiac output response to the peripheral demand of heat stress and exercise. RETRACTION: Comparison of Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Continuous Exercise on Acute Lung Injury Induced with Methotrexate. Increase in plasma succinate is associated with aerobic lactate production in a model of endotoxic shock. Microgravity-induced changes in skeletal muscle and possible countermeasures: What we can learn from bed rest and human space studies.
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