Flow Cytometric Intracellular 5-Methyl Cytosine Expression and Its Correlation With Cytogenetics and Measurable Residual Disease in Adult B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
The International Journal of Laboratory Hematology provides a forum for the communication of new developments, research topics and the practice of laboratory haematology.
The journal publishes invited reviews, full length original articles, and correspondence.
The International Journal of Laboratory Hematology is the official journal of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology, which addresses the following sub-disciplines: cellular analysis, flow cytometry, haemostasis and thrombosis, molecular diagnostics, haematology informatics, haemoglobinopathies, point of care testing, standards and guidelines.
The journal was launched in 2006 as the successor to Clinical and Laboratory Hematology, which was first published in 1979. An active and positive editorial policy ensures that work of a high scientific standard is reported, in order to bridge the gap between practical and academic aspects of laboratory haematology.