儿童和青年特别容易受到气候变化的影响。然而,年轻一代也可以在气候研究中发挥关键作用,为缓解和适应气候危机提供科学知识。与经常建立和固定知识体系的资深学者不同,年轻人可以为气候研究带来新鲜和创新的想法。此外,青年的参与确保了解决气候问题的可持续方法,因为他们将是长期受影响最大的群体。虽然诸如此类的机会和规划旨在加强他们的发言权,但ecr仍然受到缺乏资金支持、获得资助机会有限、实验室设施和设备不合格以及缺乏使用权保障的制约。此外,与资深研究人员相比,他们往往被认为缺乏经验,参与气候研究领域的机会有限。例如,根据2015年同行评议报告(Peer Review in 2015: A Global View) (https://go.nature.com/4ifeyZ7),只有6%的期刊文章被ecr评议。同样值得注意的是,ecr经常把他们的无薪“空闲时间”用于提高他们未来的就业前景。由于项目只提供临时就业,因此投入的时间对他们的职业发展至关重要。一些ecr可能会因为没有足够的财政资源来养活自己而感到经济困难。他们的贡献和产出应该得到公平的承认和重视。
Nature Climate Change is dedicated to addressing the scientific challenge of understanding Earth's changing climate and its societal implications. As a monthly journal, it publishes significant and cutting-edge research on the nature, causes, and impacts of global climate change, as well as its implications for the economy, policy, and the world at large.
The journal publishes original research spanning the natural and social sciences, synthesizing interdisciplinary research to provide a comprehensive understanding of climate change. It upholds the high standards set by all Nature-branded journals, ensuring top-tier original research through a fair and rigorous review process, broad readership access, high standards of copy editing and production, rapid publication, and independence from academic societies and other vested interests.
Nature Climate Change serves as a platform for discussion among experts, publishing opinion, analysis, and review articles. It also features Research Highlights to highlight important developments in the field and original reporting from renowned science journalists in the form of feature articles.
Topics covered in the journal include adaptation, atmospheric science, ecology, economics, energy, impacts and vulnerability, mitigation, oceanography, policy, sociology, and sustainability, among others.