In link with the interministerial plan for obesity (2019-2022), the French National Authority for Health (HAS) has published in 2022 a guide to optimize the care pathway for overweight and obese children and adolescents to support healthcare professionals in its implementation. The guide particularly emphases on the importance of calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) throughout childhood, at every opportunity, to optimize screening for overweight and obesity. In case where excess weight has been established, it details the importance of multidisciplinary assessment of each situation, with considering several important aspects (socio-cultural, psycho-affective, etc.) and detailing the levers that professionals can use throughout this care pathway that must be coordinated and graduated on the long-term manner if it is to be effective.
Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme is the journal of the French-speaking Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Associating clinicians, biologists, pharmacists, and fundamentalists, the articles presented in the journal concern man and animals, and deal with organs and cells. The goal is a better understanding of the effects of artificial nutrition and human metabolism. Original articles, general reviews, update articles, technical notes and communications are published, as well as editorials and case reports.