Corrigendum to "Enriched environment mitigates cognitive impairment in pre-adolescent mice following repeated neonatal sevoflurane exposure by reducing TTBK1 expression and Tau phosphorylation" [Neuropharmacology 268 (2025) 110327].
Neuropharmacology publishes high quality, original research and review articles within the discipline of neuroscience, especially articles with a neuropharmacological component. However, papers within any area of neuroscience will be considered. The journal does not usually accept clinical research, although preclinical neuropharmacological studies in humans may be considered. The journal only considers submissions in which the chemical structures and compositions of experimental agents are readily available in the literature or disclosed by the authors in the submitted manuscript. Only in exceptional circumstances will natural products be considered, and then only if the preparation is well defined by scientific means. Neuropharmacology publishes articles of any length (original research and reviews).