It is unknown if tumors or concomitant renal disease influence neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin (NGAL) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) concentrations in tumor-bearing dogs.
Determine the effect of tumor presence, tumor type, and metastasis on concentrations of serum NGAL (sNGAL), SDMA, urinary NGAL (uNGAL), and uNGAL-to-creatinine ratio (uNGAL/Cr) in dogs with carcinoma or sarcoma without clinically relevant renal disease.
Twenty-one dogs with carcinoma, 18 with sarcoma, and 20 healthy age-controlled dogs.
Concentrations of sNGAL, SDMA, and uNGAL, and uNGAL/Cr ratio were measured from banked samples collected during a previous prospective study. Patient clinicopathological and histopathology records were reviewed, and those with renal azotemia or moderate to severe histopathological renal abnormalities were classified as having clinically relevant renal disease. Biomarker concentrations were compared between tumor-bearing dogs without clinically relevant renal disease and healthy age-controlled dogs. Additionally, comparisons were made between dogs with carcinoma and sarcoma, as well as between dogs with and without metastasis. Correlations between uNGAL and sNGAL concentrations, along with acute phase protein (APP) concentrations, were also analyzed.
Tumor-bearing dogs without clinically relevant renal disease had increased uNGAL/Cr (p < 0.001), but not sNGAL, compared with healthy controls. Although median SDMA concentrations did not significantly differ between groups, increased concentrations were found in 32% of dogs with carcinoma and 20% of dogs with sarcoma. No differences were found between dogs with carcinoma and those with sarcoma, or between dogs with metastasis and those without. Urinary and serum NGAL concentrations were moderately correlated, while weak to no correlations were observed with APPs.
Carcinomas and sarcomas, but not metastasis, influence uNGAL/Cr and SDMA concentrations in dogs.