The dynamical solutions of two quantised harmonic modes coupled through the angular momentum are used to study the photon antibunching (PA) and the amplitude squared squeezing (ASS) of the input coherent radiation field interacting with the said coupled two oscillators. The analytical closed-form expressions for the PA and the ASS are exhibited. The complicated nature of the exact analytical solutions are on the way of extracting good physics. Therefore, the parametric estimates for the ASS and the PA are exhibited. A small algebra shows that the coupling parameter is of two parts. One of the two parts is responsible for the quantum optical properties of the input radiation field. Interestingly, the PA is obtained even when both the harmonic modes are in vacuum. It substantiates the fact that the coupling parameter induces nonlinearity and hence the photons are generated out of the vacuum. The data chosen for the symbolic calculations are theoretical in nature. Of course, these data are quite consistent with those of the theoretical developments. Apart from the academic interests of the present investigation, it is possible to plan a real experiment to verify the analytical results.