Prevalence rates of intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) continue to increase in the United States, and a high proportion of these students are estimated to ride buses daily to and from school. There is a need for transportation staff to (1) have a greater understanding of the challenges students with I/DD face during their daily bus journey and (2) learn how to provide behavioural support that is rooted in evidenced-based practices.
This work aimed to develop and evaluate a behavioural educational programme to address gaps in transportation staff knowledge and skills related to I/DD and examine feasibility of the programme through participant feedback.
Development of the programme was guided by caregiver focus groups, interviews with key stakeholders and field observations. Three training modules, a social narrative and a caregiver input form were developed. Training modules included topics related to the characteristics of I/DD, positive behavioural support, increasing communication with district staff and caregivers, the functions of behaviour and how to safely de-escalate behaviour. Implementation of the programme included training delivery to transportation staff (N = 886) at three school bus locations across the United States. Participants completed posttraining evaluations.
The overwhelming majority of participants reported agreement with statements related to satisfaction with the three trainings, as well as perceived increases in their knowledge and confidence in supporting students with I/DD on the school bus. Acceptability and preliminary effectiveness are established for the programme. Participants' previous experience transporting students with disabilities was positively associated with acceptability and preliminary effectiveness. Caregiver and educator training programmes have demonstrated effectiveness in behavioural interventions for children with I/DD, but this study provides evidence of the feasibility of a behavioural education programme developed specifically for school bus transportation staff. This programme serves as a model for student transportation companies and school districts that are seeking strategies to better serve their students with I/DD in their bus-riding journeys.