Jennifer K Behnke, Robert L Peach, Jeroen G V Habets, Johannes L Busch, Jonathan Kaplan, Jan Roediger, Varvara Mathiopoulou, Lucia K Feldmann, Moritz Gerster, Juliette Vivien, Gerd-Helge Schneider, Katharina Faust, Patricia Krause, Andrea A Kühn
Background: Subthalamic beta oscillations are a biomarker for bradykinesia and rigidity in Parkinson's disease (PD), incorporated as a feedback signal in adaptive deep brain stimulation with potential for guiding electrode contact selection. Understanding their longitudinal stability is essential for successful clinical implementation.
Objectives: We aimed to analyze the long-term dynamics of beta peak parameters and beta power distribution along electrodes.
Methods: We recorded local field potentials from 12 channels per hemisphere of 33 PD patients at rest, in a therapy-off state at two to four sessions (0, 3, 12, 18-44 months) post-surgery. We analyzed bipolar beta power (13-35 Hz) and estimated monopolar beta power in subgroups with consistent recordings.
Results: During the initial 3 months, beta peak power increased (P < 0.0001). While detection of high-beta peaks was more consistent, low- and high-beta peak frequencies shifted substantially in some hemispheres during all periods. Spatial distribution of beta power correlated over time. Maximal beta power across segmented contact levels and directions was significantly stable compared with chance and increased in stability over time. Active contacts for therapeutic stimulation showed consistently higher normalized beta power than inactive contacts (P < 0.0001).
Movement Disorders publishes a variety of content types including Reviews, Viewpoints, Full Length Articles, Historical Reports, Brief Reports, and Letters. The journal considers original manuscripts on topics related to the diagnosis, therapeutics, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, etiology, genetics, and epidemiology of movement disorders. Appropriate topics include Parkinsonism, Chorea, Tremors, Dystonia, Myoclonus, Tics, Tardive Dyskinesia, Spasticity, and Ataxia.