An approximate solution to the position-dependent effective mass one-dimensional Schrödinger equation was obtained using the BenDaniel and Duke technique under a Morse potential. The modelling was conducted in a GaAsSb-based valence-band quantum well to investigate the combined effects of non-resonant intense laser fields and externally applied electric fields. For the first time, the spatial dependence of the effective mass of a heavy hole was estimated relative to the Morse geometry of the confinement potential. The Schrödinger equation was solved to examine the electronic bound states and the corresponding wave functions using the Finite Element Method, incorporating the Kramers–Henneberger transformation and the Floquet method. Utilizing the density matrix formalism, the linear and third-order nonlinear optical responses were evaluated by calculating light absorption coefficients and refractive index changes under externally applied laser and electric fields. The electronic studies revealed that the laser-dressed confinement effects were diminished in the presence of a positive electric field, while enhanced confinement effects were observed when the laser-dressed quantum well was exposed to a negative electric field. Additionally, the laser-dressed optical responses were found to be red-shifted with a positive electric field and blue-shifted with a negative electric field.