Meeting Summary: 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology

{"title":"Meeting Summary: 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology","authors":"","doi":"10.2164/jandrol.109.007872","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>The 33rd American Society of Andrology Annual Meeting was held in Albuquerque, NM on April 12–15, 2008. Under the theme “Emerging Concepts and Technologies in Andrology,” the program was specifically designed and developed to appeal to the wide range of interests of ASA members, spanning both basic science and clinical medicine, and bridging bench work and patient care.</p><p>ASA Keynote Lecture. Stem Cells, Small RNAs and Self-Renewal in the Germline</p><p>Haifan Lin, Ph.D., Yale University School of Medicine</p><p>Dr Haifan Lin presented the ASA Keynote Lecture on Stem Cells, Small RNAs and Self-Renewal in the Germline. A recent focus of his research has been on small RNA-mediated epigenetic programming and translational regulation that are required for stem cell self-renewal in the germline. Piwi/argonaute genes represent the only known family of genes required for stem cell renewal in both animal and plant kingdoms. The Piwi (P-element induced wimpy testis) family binds a class of short RNAs called piRNAs (for Piwi associated RNAs) that is expressed primarily in the germline. The Drosophila protein Piwi is involved in stem cell maintenance; in piwi mutants stem cells differentiate without self-renewal. Dr Lin also reviewed the germ cell phenotypes of mutations in Piwi family members in a number of species including mouse and human. Piwi has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and epigenetic silencing of genes. piRNAs exist in large numbers, with over 60,000 species to date, and are transcribed from a limited number of regions in the genome. The precise role of piRNAs in the testis is unknown. Dr Lin's group has recently shown in Drosophila that Piwi proteins can have a role in transcriptional activation in addition to their role in transcriptional repression. His group showed that Piwi can bind to a subtelomeric heterochromatic region on chromosome 3 (known as 3R-TAS) and a piRNA uniquely mapped to 3R-TAS, leading to epigenetic activation of the 3R-TAS locus. His findings reveal an increased level of complexity of small RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation, i.e. that Piwi can exert opposite effects (activation versus repression) on different genomic regions. The physiological role(s) of the Piwi-piRNA system in stem cells is currently an active area of study.</p><p>AUA Lecture. Amniotic Cells as Stem Cell Source for Tissue Engineering</p><p>Anthony Atala, MD, Wake Forest University</p><p>Dr Atala gave an enlightened and informative plenary AUA lecture on regenerative medicine in urology and other fields. The talk began with a brief history of organ engineering beginning with kidney transplants almost 50 years ago. Dr Atala reviewed the 3 issues that have limited the field of organ and tissue regenerative medicine in the past, and explained how he and other are tackling these barriers. The first limitation is that it has historically been difficult to grow many cell types outside the body. The discovery and systematic isolation of committed targeted progenitor cells (the adult stem cells) in many organ systems as the key regenerative cell type has helped progress immensely. Second, there has been a great need for delivery vehicles on which to grow cells for organ regeneration. Dr Atala has studied and popularized the concept of a collagen scaffold on which endothelial and mesenchymal tissues can be grafted and grown before the organ is transplanted into the body for “terminal incubation” and final organ development. The third major barrier in regenerative medicine has been how to develop vascularity in the graft to allow the delivery of necessary nutrients and growth factors. With the assistance of the angiogenesis pioneer, Judah Folkman MD at Harvard, Dr Atala has developed several novel approaches to developing blood vessels and has found that endothelial cells and VEGF are required for success in whole organ regeneration. In grafts less than 1 cm in size, survival and proliferation is possible without creating a formal vascular substitute in most model and human organ systems.</p><p>Dr Atala then reviewed the experimental procedure that has evolved in the field of tissue engineering for regenerating animal and human organ systems. He and his colleagues have currently regenerated 18 organs, including urethra, bladder, vagina, uterus, penis, liver and cartilage. The general procedure involves <i>in vivo</i> biopsy of the affected organ, culture of the cells on a collagen scaffold <i>in vitro</i> for 4–6 weeks, followed by transplantation of the newly created, unfinished, organ into the body for “terminal incubation,” as the implant is not fully formed after <i>in vitro</i> culture but requires the <i>in vivo</i> setting to complete development.</p><p>Dr Atala discussed his work with embryonic stem (ES) cells, adult bone marrow (BM) stem cells and induced pluripotency stem (iPS) cells for tissue regeneration. He conveyed his belief about the relative clinical value of each of these for human regenerative medicine, and touched upon the FDA concerns regarding teratoma formation in ES cells that may are likely less of an issue in BM-derived or iPS cells. He has studied animal therapeutic cloning to better understand the risk or organ rejection due to maternal mitochondrial inheritance in the regenerated tissue and has found no immunological issues. Finally, Dr Atala reviewed his scientific work performed over the last 8 years using stem cells derived from amniotic fluid or placental tissue for tissue regeneration. Amniotic stem cells are neither ES nor adult stem cells, but lie somewhere in between. He has been able to differentiate these cells to fat, bone, and cartilage and has achieved phenotypes for cardiac tissue, bone marrow, endothelium, liver and pancreatic islet. He believes that if an amniotic stem cell bank can be created with 100,000 cell lines, that this will provide the potential for engineered tissue with perfect genetic matches for 99% of the US population. Overall, given our current understanding of this technology, he believes that heart, liver, pancreas and nerve are best suited for derivation from ES cells, whereas other organs are likely to be generated from patient-specific adult stem cells.</p><p>What regulates the spermatogonial stem cell niche</p><p>Dr Marie-Claude Hofmann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</p><p>The first presentation covered the regulation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) by the niche or surrounding microenvironment in mammalian testis. The testis has a complex architecture and function with numerous regulatory steps for renewal and differentiation of SCC. There is substantial evidence to implicate that Sertoli cells along with the basement membrane and extracellular matrix constitute the niche that directs SCC activity. The rest of this presentation covered various factors that regulate SSC niche activity. Sertoli cells produce a number of growth factors. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a Sertoli cell protein product that acts through a receptor (GF Ralpha-RET) complex on the SSCs. Evidence shows that GDNF is essential for SSC self-renewal both in vitro and in vivo. GDNF promotes SSC proliferation through activation of members of the Src kinase family, and these kinases exert their action through a P I3K/Akt-dependent pathway to up-regulate N-myc expression. N-Myc serves as a marker for stem cell activity for research measures. A transcription factor variant gene-5 (Etv5) is expressed predominantly by Sertoli cells and is essential for SSC maintenance and self-renewal similar to GDNF. Of interest, FSH regulates the expression of GDNF mRNA, but not Etv5 mRNA. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) stimulates a time- and dose-dependent increase in Etv5 mRNA expression, with a maximal 8.3-fold increase at 6 h following 25 ng/ml FGF2 treatment. Similarly epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates Etv5 mRNA but not GDNF mRNA. TNFalpha and IL-1beta stimulate GDNF mRNA, but had no effect on Etv5 mRNA. Surprisingly, other hormonal regulators of Sertoli cells such as testosterone, triiodothyronine and activin-A did not influence Etv5 or GDNF mRNA expression. Dr Hoffman hypothesized on the potential of various chemokines to regulate the retention of SSCs in the niche, as documented using cell migration assays, and suggested that Etv5 may be the crucial factor for this regulation both directly and indirectly.</p><p>From stem cells to male germ cells</p><p>Dr Wolfgang Engel, University of Gottingen, Germany</p><p>This stimulating presentation was devoted to the potential for initiating male germ cells using embryonic stem (ES) cells, pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and SSCs in vitro. Earlier studies showed that SSCs can convert to ES-like cells and then differentiate into cells of ecto-, endo-, and meso-derm origin. These researchers used stable transfected cell lines using Stra8 selection of SSCs, Stra8 being expressed in early stage spermatogonia. They also evaluated the methylation status of sperm that were produced in vitro and determined if there was any differences in their methylation pattern. One example given was Snrpn, which is paternally expressed and maternally imprinted and is unmethylated in sperm. They were able to demonstrate similar results in sperm differentiated from ES cells; currently these scientists are attempting to produce spermatozoa from iPS cells. In collaboration with other researchers, they have been able to create functional male germ stem cells, which spontaneously transdifferentiate into the three germ layer cells. These cells have been successfully transplanted into normal hearts of mice demonstrating that male SSCs are able to proliferate and differentiate. A grave concern of stem cell studies is that of malignancy; fortunately, no tumor formation has been identified for up to 1 month after cell transplantation in these studies so far.</p><p>Regulation of proliferation and differentiation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells</p><p>Dr Makoto Nagano, McGill University, Canada</p><p>This presentation focused on transplantation as a means to study spermatogenesis in a rat model. The authors attempted to study homing/migration and survival and proliferation mechanisms of SSCs after transplantation. Using this approach they quantified the number of SSCs that could home or migrate in pup and adult testis. Since transplantation techniques are laborious and time-consuming, these researchers developed an in vitro system in which single donor SSCs can generate three-dimensional structures of aggregated germ cells (clusters) within 6 days. This in vitro system can now be used reliably to study SSCs. The researchers observed delayed proliferation of SSCs in pups and adult mice with cryptorchidism. Studies showed that SSCs robustly expand in media containing GDNF and FGF2 and that GDNF and FGF2 are growth factors that promote differentiation of SSCs rather than self-renewal.</p><p>Lecture 1. Understanding the Basics of Male Fertility Using Proteomics in <i>C. elegans</i></p><p>Diana Chu, PhD, University of San Francisco</p><p>Dr Chu spoke about using proteomics and <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> as a model organism to study molecular mechanisms of fertility. After comparing mammalian sperm with sperm from <i>C. elegans</i>, she discussed the need for sperm to package their DNA efficiently using DNA packaging proteins. One of the reasons that <i>C. elegans</i> is a good model to study fertility is that 70% of their body consists of gonads and the different stages of spermatogenesis can be easily visualized. Her research goal was to identify gamete-specific proteins by shotgun proteomics and characterize their functions using <i>C. elegans</i> with a focus on conserved proteins. Chromatin was purified from sperm and eggs using subcellular fractionation and subjected to MudPIT LC-MS to identify chromatin-associated proteins (CAPs). 1100 CAPs were identified from sperm and 814 CAPs were identified from eggs. The two lists were compared to eliminate shared factors and focus on 132 abundant sperm-specific CAPs. This technique also identified previously known chromatin proteins. Dr Chu used RNAi to knockdown candidate CAPs in <i>C. elegans</i> and characterized the worms' phenotypes. One example that she discussed was the sperm-specific variant of the histone H2A (HTAS-1). HTAS-1 was found associated with sperm chromatin from pachytene spermatocytes through to mature spermatozoa. Hermaphrodite and male worms with HTAS-1 knocked down exhibited decreased fertility. HTAS-1 did not seem to play a role in global DNA compaction, but rather, may function in gene regulation instead due to an increased number of post-translational modification sites in the HTAS-1 sequence.</p><p>Lecture 2. The Developmental Origin of Health and Disease</p><p>Kevin Sinclair, University of Nottingham</p><p>Dr Kevin Sinclair from the University of Nottingham provided a comprehensive review of the “Developmental Origins of Health and Disease” or DOHaD hypothesis and revealed new findings about unexpected critical windows of development that might be involved. Increased incidence of obesity, especially in English speaking countries has prompted research as to its basis, starting with the “Barker Hypothesis.” David Barker found an association between undernutrition during fetal development (low birth weight) and increased coronary artery disease 50–60 years later. Based on these observations he proposed that the fetus might be programmed to survive in lean times to have a “thrifty phenotype.” Subsequent research by Barker and others has been expanding this novel concept and exploring mechanisms associated with developmental plasticity. Dr Sinclair and colleagues have focused recently on the influence of prenatal diet on long term fertility and fecundity, including age at menopause, and have expanded the basic hypothesis to include the neonatal window of development. He explained the importance of folate, B vitamins and methionine balance for fetal development and reported recent studies in the ewe in which the pre-implantation phase of development may be impacted by dietary factors. Interestingly, the impact appears to be gender-specific. When ewes were put on a methionine-deficient diet prior to being superovulated and maintained on this diet for only 6 days after being inseminated, the male, but not the female, offspring exhibited, at two years of age, increased body size and body fat, poor performance on glucose tolerance test, and increased blood pressure. They are now studying DNA methylation and hence imprinting as an underlying molecular explanation for these novel observations.</p><p>Women in Andrology Lecture. Risks of ADHD and Autism in ART Offspring</p><p>Mary Croughan, PhD, University of California at San Francisco</p><p>Mary Croughan, PhD lectured on infertility and the likelihood that health problems related to infertility may be transmitted to offspring conceived by assisted reproductive technologies. Her work suggested that several conditions: autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, seizures and cancer were more likely to occur in children born to infertile couples treated with ART. She focused the talk on autism (4 times higher risk) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which were markedly more common in children conceived by infertile couples. Nevertheless, the overall risk was still relatively low.</p><p>Epigenetic Regulation of Testis-Specific Gene Expression</p><p>John McCarrey, PhD, University of Texas, San Antonio</p><p>Epigenetics refers to mitotically and/or meiotically heritable changes in gene function and allows the programming of differential, tissue-specific gene expression. Dr McCarrey has been studying factors that regulate the testis-specific expression of phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (Pgk2) to better understand how stage- and cell type-specific expression occur in developing male germ cells. The transcription of Pgk2 is activated in primary spermatocytes to provide a source of phosphoglycerate kinase that is critical for the motility and fertility of spermatozoa. He has recently shown that the testis-specific homeodomain factor PBX4 and its cofactor PREP1 bind the Pgk2 enhancer in cells in which the gene is expressed. Thus it is suggested that PBX4, PREP1 along with CREM and SP3 direct stage- and cell type-specific transcription of the Pgk2 gene during spermatogenesis. Within the same time window a number of histone modifications take place including acetylation of H3 and H4. Using transgene constructs he has shown that enhancer sequences in addition to the core promoter of Pgk2 are needed for the histone modifications to take place. One of the earliest epigenetic events however, beginning in the late fetal stages, is demethylation over 2 kb in the promoter region of the gene. Specific sequences in the promoter are required for this demethylation event to occur; modification of this sequence prevents demethylation, suggesting that demethylation is required for Pgk2 expression. Ongoing studies are designed to determine the endogenous factors involved in demethylation of the Pgk2 promoter in fetal germ cells.</p><p>Epigenetic Regulation of Self Renewal and Differentiation</p><p>Robert Blelloch, MD, University of California, San Francisco</p><p>Global regulation of gene expression involves a number of factors including DNA methylation, histone modifications, and small RNAs. The focus of Dr Blelloch's talk was the role of miRNAs in stem cell differentiation. In embryonic stem (ES) cells in which there is a global loss of miRNAs, the cells proliferate more slowly and accumulate in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. By adding back miRNAs one by one to the ES cells with a global loss in miRNAs, a subset of miRNAs, all expressing the same seed sequence, were found that could rescue the proliferation phenotype. P21 was found to be one of the targets of the miRNAs, acting via the 3′UTR. miRNAs appear to be needed for ES cell differentiation since in their absence ES cells are arrested between renewal and differentiation, i.e. they do not turn off genes required for self renewal at the same time as they are turning on some genes for differentiation. In essence certain miRNAs are needed to silence pluripotency.</p><p>Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on Reproduction and Disease: The Ghosts in your Genes</p><p>Michael Skinner, PhD, Washington State University</p><p>Dr Skinner introduced the possibility that epigenetic mechanisms can underlie environmental impact on disease. His laboratory has employed a rat model wherein exposure of male embryos to the fungicide vinclozolin between embryonic (E) days 8–14 leads to a number of postnatal pathologies, and transmission of these pathologies across a number of generations. In particular, amongst the exposed males, in the postnatal period there was an increased incidence of apoptosis in the testis, a decrease in spermatid numbers and altered spermatozoal motility. The spermatogenic defect was transmitted to the fourth generation despite no further exposure to vinclozolin. His lab found a number of alterations in DNA methylation at many sites across the genome that may provide the basis for a potential underlying epigenetic mechanism for the effects of vinclozolin in this model. Ongoing studies are pursuing the DNA methylation defects and examining alterations in gene expression in the testes of the exposed and unexposed rats.</p><p>Clinical Debate: Is the detection of sperm DNA damage clinically useful?</p><p>Pro: Armand Zini, MD, McGill University</p><p>Con: Mark Sigman, MD, Brown University</p><p>The advent of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), particularly ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), has revolutionized the treatment of male-factor infertility. However, there are many unanswered questions regarding the safety of these techniques. These safety concerns are relevant because (1) these technologies often bypass the barriers to natural selection, (2) experimentally, sperm DNA damage has been shown to adversely affect the developing embryo and (3) infertile men possess substantially more sperm DNA damage than do fertile men.</p><p>The presentation briefly reviewed our current understanding of the etiology of sperm DNA damage, described a number of different tests used to detect sperm DNA damage and summarized what is known about the potential impact of sperm DNA damage on pregnancy outcomes. A systematic review of the literature indicates that sperm DNA damage is associated with lower natural, IUI and IVF pregnancy rates, but not with ICSI pregnancy rates. The literature also suggests that sperm DNA damage is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy loss in those couples undergoing IVF or ICSI. To date, the true clinical utility of sperm DNA damage tests remains to be established as the available studies are small, few in number and the study characteristics are heterogeneous. Nonetheless, the data suggest that those couples with high levels of sperm DNA damage should proceed to IVF or ICSI, although these same couples may experience higher rates of pregnancy loss.</p>","PeriodicalId":15029,"journal":{"name":"Journal of andrology","volume":"30 3","pages":"e2-e8"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2013-01-02","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"1","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Journal of andrology","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"","JCRName":"","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1


The 33rd American Society of Andrology Annual Meeting was held in Albuquerque, NM on April 12–15, 2008. Under the theme “Emerging Concepts and Technologies in Andrology,” the program was specifically designed and developed to appeal to the wide range of interests of ASA members, spanning both basic science and clinical medicine, and bridging bench work and patient care.

ASA Keynote Lecture. Stem Cells, Small RNAs and Self-Renewal in the Germline

Haifan Lin, Ph.D., Yale University School of Medicine

Dr Haifan Lin presented the ASA Keynote Lecture on Stem Cells, Small RNAs and Self-Renewal in the Germline. A recent focus of his research has been on small RNA-mediated epigenetic programming and translational regulation that are required for stem cell self-renewal in the germline. Piwi/argonaute genes represent the only known family of genes required for stem cell renewal in both animal and plant kingdoms. The Piwi (P-element induced wimpy testis) family binds a class of short RNAs called piRNAs (for Piwi associated RNAs) that is expressed primarily in the germline. The Drosophila protein Piwi is involved in stem cell maintenance; in piwi mutants stem cells differentiate without self-renewal. Dr Lin also reviewed the germ cell phenotypes of mutations in Piwi family members in a number of species including mouse and human. Piwi has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and epigenetic silencing of genes. piRNAs exist in large numbers, with over 60,000 species to date, and are transcribed from a limited number of regions in the genome. The precise role of piRNAs in the testis is unknown. Dr Lin's group has recently shown in Drosophila that Piwi proteins can have a role in transcriptional activation in addition to their role in transcriptional repression. His group showed that Piwi can bind to a subtelomeric heterochromatic region on chromosome 3 (known as 3R-TAS) and a piRNA uniquely mapped to 3R-TAS, leading to epigenetic activation of the 3R-TAS locus. His findings reveal an increased level of complexity of small RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation, i.e. that Piwi can exert opposite effects (activation versus repression) on different genomic regions. The physiological role(s) of the Piwi-piRNA system in stem cells is currently an active area of study.

AUA Lecture. Amniotic Cells as Stem Cell Source for Tissue Engineering

Anthony Atala, MD, Wake Forest University

Dr Atala gave an enlightened and informative plenary AUA lecture on regenerative medicine in urology and other fields. The talk began with a brief history of organ engineering beginning with kidney transplants almost 50 years ago. Dr Atala reviewed the 3 issues that have limited the field of organ and tissue regenerative medicine in the past, and explained how he and other are tackling these barriers. The first limitation is that it has historically been difficult to grow many cell types outside the body. The discovery and systematic isolation of committed targeted progenitor cells (the adult stem cells) in many organ systems as the key regenerative cell type has helped progress immensely. Second, there has been a great need for delivery vehicles on which to grow cells for organ regeneration. Dr Atala has studied and popularized the concept of a collagen scaffold on which endothelial and mesenchymal tissues can be grafted and grown before the organ is transplanted into the body for “terminal incubation” and final organ development. The third major barrier in regenerative medicine has been how to develop vascularity in the graft to allow the delivery of necessary nutrients and growth factors. With the assistance of the angiogenesis pioneer, Judah Folkman MD at Harvard, Dr Atala has developed several novel approaches to developing blood vessels and has found that endothelial cells and VEGF are required for success in whole organ regeneration. In grafts less than 1 cm in size, survival and proliferation is possible without creating a formal vascular substitute in most model and human organ systems.

Dr Atala then reviewed the experimental procedure that has evolved in the field of tissue engineering for regenerating animal and human organ systems. He and his colleagues have currently regenerated 18 organs, including urethra, bladder, vagina, uterus, penis, liver and cartilage. The general procedure involves in vivo biopsy of the affected organ, culture of the cells on a collagen scaffold in vitro for 4–6 weeks, followed by transplantation of the newly created, unfinished, organ into the body for “terminal incubation,” as the implant is not fully formed after in vitro culture but requires the in vivo setting to complete development.

Dr Atala discussed his work with embryonic stem (ES) cells, adult bone marrow (BM) stem cells and induced pluripotency stem (iPS) cells for tissue regeneration. He conveyed his belief about the relative clinical value of each of these for human regenerative medicine, and touched upon the FDA concerns regarding teratoma formation in ES cells that may are likely less of an issue in BM-derived or iPS cells. He has studied animal therapeutic cloning to better understand the risk or organ rejection due to maternal mitochondrial inheritance in the regenerated tissue and has found no immunological issues. Finally, Dr Atala reviewed his scientific work performed over the last 8 years using stem cells derived from amniotic fluid or placental tissue for tissue regeneration. Amniotic stem cells are neither ES nor adult stem cells, but lie somewhere in between. He has been able to differentiate these cells to fat, bone, and cartilage and has achieved phenotypes for cardiac tissue, bone marrow, endothelium, liver and pancreatic islet. He believes that if an amniotic stem cell bank can be created with 100,000 cell lines, that this will provide the potential for engineered tissue with perfect genetic matches for 99% of the US population. Overall, given our current understanding of this technology, he believes that heart, liver, pancreas and nerve are best suited for derivation from ES cells, whereas other organs are likely to be generated from patient-specific adult stem cells.

What regulates the spermatogonial stem cell niche

Dr Marie-Claude Hofmann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The first presentation covered the regulation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) by the niche or surrounding microenvironment in mammalian testis. The testis has a complex architecture and function with numerous regulatory steps for renewal and differentiation of SCC. There is substantial evidence to implicate that Sertoli cells along with the basement membrane and extracellular matrix constitute the niche that directs SCC activity. The rest of this presentation covered various factors that regulate SSC niche activity. Sertoli cells produce a number of growth factors. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a Sertoli cell protein product that acts through a receptor (GF Ralpha-RET) complex on the SSCs. Evidence shows that GDNF is essential for SSC self-renewal both in vitro and in vivo. GDNF promotes SSC proliferation through activation of members of the Src kinase family, and these kinases exert their action through a P I3K/Akt-dependent pathway to up-regulate N-myc expression. N-Myc serves as a marker for stem cell activity for research measures. A transcription factor variant gene-5 (Etv5) is expressed predominantly by Sertoli cells and is essential for SSC maintenance and self-renewal similar to GDNF. Of interest, FSH regulates the expression of GDNF mRNA, but not Etv5 mRNA. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) stimulates a time- and dose-dependent increase in Etv5 mRNA expression, with a maximal 8.3-fold increase at 6 h following 25 ng/ml FGF2 treatment. Similarly epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates Etv5 mRNA but not GDNF mRNA. TNFalpha and IL-1beta stimulate GDNF mRNA, but had no effect on Etv5 mRNA. Surprisingly, other hormonal regulators of Sertoli cells such as testosterone, triiodothyronine and activin-A did not influence Etv5 or GDNF mRNA expression. Dr Hoffman hypothesized on the potential of various chemokines to regulate the retention of SSCs in the niche, as documented using cell migration assays, and suggested that Etv5 may be the crucial factor for this regulation both directly and indirectly.

From stem cells to male germ cells

Dr Wolfgang Engel, University of Gottingen, Germany

This stimulating presentation was devoted to the potential for initiating male germ cells using embryonic stem (ES) cells, pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and SSCs in vitro. Earlier studies showed that SSCs can convert to ES-like cells and then differentiate into cells of ecto-, endo-, and meso-derm origin. These researchers used stable transfected cell lines using Stra8 selection of SSCs, Stra8 being expressed in early stage spermatogonia. They also evaluated the methylation status of sperm that were produced in vitro and determined if there was any differences in their methylation pattern. One example given was Snrpn, which is paternally expressed and maternally imprinted and is unmethylated in sperm. They were able to demonstrate similar results in sperm differentiated from ES cells; currently these scientists are attempting to produce spermatozoa from iPS cells. In collaboration with other researchers, they have been able to create functional male germ stem cells, which spontaneously transdifferentiate into the three germ layer cells. These cells have been successfully transplanted into normal hearts of mice demonstrating that male SSCs are able to proliferate and differentiate. A grave concern of stem cell studies is that of malignancy; fortunately, no tumor formation has been identified for up to 1 month after cell transplantation in these studies so far.

Regulation of proliferation and differentiation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells

Dr Makoto Nagano, McGill University, Canada

This presentation focused on transplantation as a means to study spermatogenesis in a rat model. The authors attempted to study homing/migration and survival and proliferation mechanisms of SSCs after transplantation. Using this approach they quantified the number of SSCs that could home or migrate in pup and adult testis. Since transplantation techniques are laborious and time-consuming, these researchers developed an in vitro system in which single donor SSCs can generate three-dimensional structures of aggregated germ cells (clusters) within 6 days. This in vitro system can now be used reliably to study SSCs. The researchers observed delayed proliferation of SSCs in pups and adult mice with cryptorchidism. Studies showed that SSCs robustly expand in media containing GDNF and FGF2 and that GDNF and FGF2 are growth factors that promote differentiation of SSCs rather than self-renewal.

Lecture 1. Understanding the Basics of Male Fertility Using Proteomics in C. elegans

Diana Chu, PhD, University of San Francisco

Dr Chu spoke about using proteomics and Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism to study molecular mechanisms of fertility. After comparing mammalian sperm with sperm from C. elegans, she discussed the need for sperm to package their DNA efficiently using DNA packaging proteins. One of the reasons that C. elegans is a good model to study fertility is that 70% of their body consists of gonads and the different stages of spermatogenesis can be easily visualized. Her research goal was to identify gamete-specific proteins by shotgun proteomics and characterize their functions using C. elegans with a focus on conserved proteins. Chromatin was purified from sperm and eggs using subcellular fractionation and subjected to MudPIT LC-MS to identify chromatin-associated proteins (CAPs). 1100 CAPs were identified from sperm and 814 CAPs were identified from eggs. The two lists were compared to eliminate shared factors and focus on 132 abundant sperm-specific CAPs. This technique also identified previously known chromatin proteins. Dr Chu used RNAi to knockdown candidate CAPs in C. elegans and characterized the worms' phenotypes. One example that she discussed was the sperm-specific variant of the histone H2A (HTAS-1). HTAS-1 was found associated with sperm chromatin from pachytene spermatocytes through to mature spermatozoa. Hermaphrodite and male worms with HTAS-1 knocked down exhibited decreased fertility. HTAS-1 did not seem to play a role in global DNA compaction, but rather, may function in gene regulation instead due to an increased number of post-translational modification sites in the HTAS-1 sequence.

Lecture 2. The Developmental Origin of Health and Disease

Kevin Sinclair, University of Nottingham

Dr Kevin Sinclair from the University of Nottingham provided a comprehensive review of the “Developmental Origins of Health and Disease” or DOHaD hypothesis and revealed new findings about unexpected critical windows of development that might be involved. Increased incidence of obesity, especially in English speaking countries has prompted research as to its basis, starting with the “Barker Hypothesis.” David Barker found an association between undernutrition during fetal development (low birth weight) and increased coronary artery disease 50–60 years later. Based on these observations he proposed that the fetus might be programmed to survive in lean times to have a “thrifty phenotype.” Subsequent research by Barker and others has been expanding this novel concept and exploring mechanisms associated with developmental plasticity. Dr Sinclair and colleagues have focused recently on the influence of prenatal diet on long term fertility and fecundity, including age at menopause, and have expanded the basic hypothesis to include the neonatal window of development. He explained the importance of folate, B vitamins and methionine balance for fetal development and reported recent studies in the ewe in which the pre-implantation phase of development may be impacted by dietary factors. Interestingly, the impact appears to be gender-specific. When ewes were put on a methionine-deficient diet prior to being superovulated and maintained on this diet for only 6 days after being inseminated, the male, but not the female, offspring exhibited, at two years of age, increased body size and body fat, poor performance on glucose tolerance test, and increased blood pressure. They are now studying DNA methylation and hence imprinting as an underlying molecular explanation for these novel observations.

Women in Andrology Lecture. Risks of ADHD and Autism in ART Offspring

Mary Croughan, PhD, University of California at San Francisco

Mary Croughan, PhD lectured on infertility and the likelihood that health problems related to infertility may be transmitted to offspring conceived by assisted reproductive technologies. Her work suggested that several conditions: autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, seizures and cancer were more likely to occur in children born to infertile couples treated with ART. She focused the talk on autism (4 times higher risk) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which were markedly more common in children conceived by infertile couples. Nevertheless, the overall risk was still relatively low.

Epigenetic Regulation of Testis-Specific Gene Expression

John McCarrey, PhD, University of Texas, San Antonio

Epigenetics refers to mitotically and/or meiotically heritable changes in gene function and allows the programming of differential, tissue-specific gene expression. Dr McCarrey has been studying factors that regulate the testis-specific expression of phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (Pgk2) to better understand how stage- and cell type-specific expression occur in developing male germ cells. The transcription of Pgk2 is activated in primary spermatocytes to provide a source of phosphoglycerate kinase that is critical for the motility and fertility of spermatozoa. He has recently shown that the testis-specific homeodomain factor PBX4 and its cofactor PREP1 bind the Pgk2 enhancer in cells in which the gene is expressed. Thus it is suggested that PBX4, PREP1 along with CREM and SP3 direct stage- and cell type-specific transcription of the Pgk2 gene during spermatogenesis. Within the same time window a number of histone modifications take place including acetylation of H3 and H4. Using transgene constructs he has shown that enhancer sequences in addition to the core promoter of Pgk2 are needed for the histone modifications to take place. One of the earliest epigenetic events however, beginning in the late fetal stages, is demethylation over 2 kb in the promoter region of the gene. Specific sequences in the promoter are required for this demethylation event to occur; modification of this sequence prevents demethylation, suggesting that demethylation is required for Pgk2 expression. Ongoing studies are designed to determine the endogenous factors involved in demethylation of the Pgk2 promoter in fetal germ cells.

Epigenetic Regulation of Self Renewal and Differentiation

Robert Blelloch, MD, University of California, San Francisco

Global regulation of gene expression involves a number of factors including DNA methylation, histone modifications, and small RNAs. The focus of Dr Blelloch's talk was the role of miRNAs in stem cell differentiation. In embryonic stem (ES) cells in which there is a global loss of miRNAs, the cells proliferate more slowly and accumulate in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. By adding back miRNAs one by one to the ES cells with a global loss in miRNAs, a subset of miRNAs, all expressing the same seed sequence, were found that could rescue the proliferation phenotype. P21 was found to be one of the targets of the miRNAs, acting via the 3′UTR. miRNAs appear to be needed for ES cell differentiation since in their absence ES cells are arrested between renewal and differentiation, i.e. they do not turn off genes required for self renewal at the same time as they are turning on some genes for differentiation. In essence certain miRNAs are needed to silence pluripotency.

Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on Reproduction and Disease: The Ghosts in your Genes

Michael Skinner, PhD, Washington State University

Dr Skinner introduced the possibility that epigenetic mechanisms can underlie environmental impact on disease. His laboratory has employed a rat model wherein exposure of male embryos to the fungicide vinclozolin between embryonic (E) days 8–14 leads to a number of postnatal pathologies, and transmission of these pathologies across a number of generations. In particular, amongst the exposed males, in the postnatal period there was an increased incidence of apoptosis in the testis, a decrease in spermatid numbers and altered spermatozoal motility. The spermatogenic defect was transmitted to the fourth generation despite no further exposure to vinclozolin. His lab found a number of alterations in DNA methylation at many sites across the genome that may provide the basis for a potential underlying epigenetic mechanism for the effects of vinclozolin in this model. Ongoing studies are pursuing the DNA methylation defects and examining alterations in gene expression in the testes of the exposed and unexposed rats.

Clinical Debate: Is the detection of sperm DNA damage clinically useful?

Pro: Armand Zini, MD, McGill University

Con: Mark Sigman, MD, Brown University

The advent of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), particularly ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), has revolutionized the treatment of male-factor infertility. However, there are many unanswered questions regarding the safety of these techniques. These safety concerns are relevant because (1) these technologies often bypass the barriers to natural selection, (2) experimentally, sperm DNA damage has been shown to adversely affect the developing embryo and (3) infertile men possess substantially more sperm DNA damage than do fertile men.

The presentation briefly reviewed our current understanding of the etiology of sperm DNA damage, described a number of different tests used to detect sperm DNA damage and summarized what is known about the potential impact of sperm DNA damage on pregnancy outcomes. A systematic review of the literature indicates that sperm DNA damage is associated with lower natural, IUI and IVF pregnancy rates, but not with ICSI pregnancy rates. The literature also suggests that sperm DNA damage is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy loss in those couples undergoing IVF or ICSI. To date, the true clinical utility of sperm DNA damage tests remains to be established as the available studies are small, few in number and the study characteristics are heterogeneous. Nonetheless, the data suggest that those couples with high levels of sperm DNA damage should proceed to IVF or ICSI, although these same couples may experience higher rates of pregnancy loss.

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第33届美国男科学会年会于2008年4月12日至15日在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基举行。在“男科新兴概念和技术”的主题下,该项目是专门设计和开发的,以吸引ASA成员的广泛兴趣,涵盖基础科学和临床医学,以及连接实验室工作和患者护理。ASA主题演讲。干细胞、小rna和生殖细胞的自我更新耶鲁大学医学院林海凡博士在美国生物医学学会(ASA)发表主题演讲“干细胞、小rna和生殖细胞的自我更新”。他最近的研究重点是小rna介导的表观遗传编程和翻译调控,这是种系干细胞自我更新所必需的。Piwi/argonaute基因是动植物界干细胞更新所需的唯一已知基因家族。Piwi (P-element induced wimpy testis)家族结合了一类主要在种系中表达的称为pirna (Piwi相关rna)的短rna。果蝇蛋白Piwi参与干细胞的维持;在piwi突变体中,干细胞分化没有自我更新。林博士还回顾了包括小鼠和人类在内的许多物种中Piwi家族成员突变的生殖细胞表型。Piwi与异染色质形成和基因的表观遗传沉默有关。pirna大量存在,迄今为止有超过60,000种,并且从基因组中有限的区域转录。pirna在睾丸中的确切作用尚不清楚。林博士的研究小组最近在果蝇身上发现,Piwi蛋白除了在转录抑制中发挥作用外,还可以在转录激活中发挥作用。他的研究小组发现,Piwi可以与3号染色体上的亚端粒异色区(称为3R-TAS)结合,并且piRNA唯一地映射到3R-TAS上,导致3R-TAS位点的表观遗传激活。他的发现揭示了小rna介导的表观遗传调控的复杂性水平增加,即Piwi可以在不同的基因组区域发挥相反的作用(激活或抑制)。Piwi-piRNA系统在干细胞中的生理作用目前是一个活跃的研究领域。AUA讲座。羊膜细胞作为组织工程的干细胞来源安东尼·阿塔拉医学博士,维克森林大学阿塔拉博士在美国泌尿外科和其他领域的再生医学全体会议上做了一个启蒙性和信息性的演讲。演讲以器官工程的简史开始,从近50年前的肾脏移植开始。Atala博士回顾了过去限制器官和组织再生医学领域的三个问题,并解释了他和其他人如何解决这些障碍。第一个限制是,历史上很难在体外培养多种类型的细胞。许多器官系统中定向祖细胞(成体干细胞)作为关键的再生细胞类型的发现和系统分离极大地促进了进步。其次,人们非常需要运载工具来培养用于器官再生的细胞。Atala博士研究并推广了胶原蛋白支架的概念,在器官被移植到体内进行“最终孵化”和最终器官发育之前,内皮组织和间充质组织可以在胶原蛋白支架上移植和生长。再生医学的第三个主要障碍是如何在移植物中发展血管,以允许输送必要的营养和生长因子。在血管生成先驱,哈佛大学的Judah Folkman医学博士的帮助下,Atala博士开发了几种新方法来培养血管,并发现内皮细胞和VEGF是整个器官再生成功所必需的。在大多数模型和人体器官系统中,小于1厘米的移植物在没有形成正式血管替代品的情况下存活和增殖是可能的。Atala博士随后回顾了组织工程领域中用于再生动物和人类器官系统的实验程序。他和他的同事们目前已经再生了18个器官,包括尿道、膀胱、阴道、子宫、阴茎、肝脏和软骨。一般程序包括受影响器官的活体活检,在体外胶原支架上培养细胞4-6周,然后将新创建的未完成的器官移植到体内进行“最终孵化”,因为植入物在体外培养后尚未完全形成,但需要在体内环境才能完成发育。Atala博士讨论了他在胚胎干细胞(ES)、成体骨髓干细胞(BM)和诱导多能干细胞(iPS)用于组织再生方面的工作。 他表达了他对这些技术在人类再生医学中的相对临床价值的看法,并谈到了FDA对胚胎干细胞中畸胎瘤形成的担忧,而这在bm来源的细胞或iPS细胞中可能不是一个问题。他研究了动物治疗性克隆,以更好地了解由于再生组织中母体线粒体遗传而导致的器官排斥风险,并没有发现免疫学问题。最后,Atala博士回顾了他在过去8年中利用从羊水或胎盘组织中提取的干细胞进行组织再生的科学工作。羊膜干细胞既不是胚胎干细胞,也不是成体干细胞,而是介于两者之间。他已经能够将这些细胞分化为脂肪、骨骼和软骨,并获得了心脏组织、骨髓、内皮、肝脏和胰岛的表型。他相信,如果能建立一个拥有10万个细胞系的羊膜干细胞库,这将为99%的美国人提供基因完美匹配的工程组织。总的来说,考虑到我们目前对这项技术的理解,他认为心脏、肝脏、胰腺和神经最适合从胚胎干细胞中衍生出来,而其他器官可能是由特定患者的成体干细胞产生的。是什么调控了精原干细胞的小生境?来自伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的玛丽-克劳德·霍夫曼博士第一次报告涉及了哺乳动物睾丸中的小生境或周围微环境对精原干细胞(SSC)的调控。睾丸具有复杂的结构和功能,对SCC的更新和分化有许多调节步骤。有大量证据表明,支持细胞与基底膜和细胞外基质一起构成了指导SCC活性的生态位。本报告的其余部分涵盖了调节SSC生态位活性的各种因素。支持细胞产生许多生长因子。胶质细胞系来源的神经营养因子(GDNF)是一种支持细胞蛋白产物,通过受体(GF rα - ret)复合物作用于ssc。有证据表明,GDNF是体外和体内SSC自我更新所必需的。GDNF通过激活Src激酶家族成员促进SSC增殖,这些激酶通过I3K/ akt依赖性途径上调N-myc表达。N-Myc作为干细胞活性的标记物用于研究措施。一种转录因子变异基因-5 (Etv5)主要由支持细胞表达,与GDNF类似,对SSC的维持和自我更新至关重要。有趣的是,FSH调节GDNF mRNA的表达,但不调节Etv5 mRNA的表达。成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF2)刺激Etv5 mRNA表达的时间和剂量依赖性增加,在25 ng/ml FGF2处理后6小时最大增加8.3倍。同样,表皮生长因子(EGF)刺激Etv5 mRNA,但不刺激GDNF mRNA。TNFalpha和il -1 β刺激GDNF mRNA,但对Etv5 mRNA无影响。令人惊讶的是,支持细胞的其他激素调节因子,如睾酮、三碘甲状腺原氨酸和激活素a,并不影响Etv5或GDNF mRNA的表达。霍夫曼博士假设了多种趋化因子的潜力,以调节SSCs在生态位中的保留,正如使用细胞迁移试验所记录的那样,并提出Etv5可能是这种直接或间接调节的关键因素。从干细胞到男性生殖细胞Wolfgang Engel博士,德国哥廷根大学这个令人兴奋的报告致力于在体外使用胚胎干细胞(ES)细胞、多能干细胞(iPS)细胞和ssc启动男性生殖细胞的潜力。早期的研究表明,ssc可以转化为es样细胞,然后分化为外胚层、内胚层和中胚层来源的细胞。这些研究人员使用稳定的转染细胞系,使用Stra8选择ssc, Stra8在早期精原细胞中表达。他们还评估了体外产生的精子的甲基化状态,并确定它们的甲基化模式是否有任何差异。一个例子是Snrpn,它是父亲表达和母亲印迹,在精子中未甲基化。他们能够在胚胎干细胞分化的精子中证明类似的结果;目前,这些科学家正试图用诱导性多能干细胞制造精子。在与其他研究人员的合作下,他们已经能够创造出功能性的男性生殖干细胞,这种干细胞可以自发地转化为三种生殖层细胞。这些细胞已成功移植到小鼠的正常心脏中,表明雄性ssc能够增殖和分化。干细胞研究的一个严重问题是恶性肿瘤;幸运的是,到目前为止,在这些研究中,细胞移植后1个月内未发现肿瘤形成。 他表达了他对这些技术在人类再生医学中的相对临床价值的看法,并谈到了FDA对胚胎干细胞中畸胎瘤形成的担忧,而这在bm来源的细胞或iPS细胞中可能不是一个问题。他研究了动物治疗性克隆,以更好地了解由于再生组织中母体线粒体遗传而导致的器官排斥风险,并没有发现免疫学问题。最后,Atala博士回顾了他在过去8年中利用从羊水或胎盘组织中提取的干细胞进行组织再生的科学工作。羊膜干细胞既不是胚胎干细胞,也不是成体干细胞,而是介于两者之间。他已经能够将这些细胞分化为脂肪、骨骼和软骨,并获得了心脏组织、骨髓、内皮、肝脏和胰岛的表型。他相信,如果能建立一个拥有10万个细胞系的羊膜干细胞库,这将为99%的美国人提供基因完美匹配的工程组织。总的来说,考虑到我们目前对这项技术的理解,他认为心脏、肝脏、胰腺和神经最适合从胚胎干细胞中衍生出来,而其他器官可能是由特定患者的成体干细胞产生的。是什么调控了精原干细胞的小生境?来自伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的玛丽-克劳德·霍夫曼博士第一次报告涉及了哺乳动物睾丸中的小生境或周围微环境对精原干细胞(SSC)的调控。睾丸具有复杂的结构和功能,对SCC的更新和分化有许多调节步骤。有大量证据表明,支持细胞与基底膜和细胞外基质一起构成了指导SCC活性的生态位。本报告的其余部分涵盖了调节SSC生态位活性的各种因素。支持细胞产生许多生长因子。胶质细胞系来源的神经营养因子(GDNF)是一种支持细胞蛋白产物,通过受体(GF rα - ret)复合物作用于ssc。有证据表明,GDNF是体外和体内SSC自我更新所必需的。GDNF通过激活Src激酶家族成员促进SSC增殖,这些激酶通过I3K/ akt依赖性途径上调N-myc表达。N-Myc作为干细胞活性的标记物用于研究措施。一种转录因子变异基因-5 (Etv5)主要由支持细胞表达,与GDNF类似,对SSC的维持和自我更新至关重要。有趣的是,FSH调节GDNF mRNA的表达,但不调节Etv5 mRNA的表达。成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF2)刺激Etv5 mRNA表达的时间和剂量依赖性增加,在25 ng/ml FGF2处理后6小时最大增加8.3倍。同样,表皮生长因子(EGF)刺激Etv5 mRNA,但不刺激GDNF mRNA。TNFalpha和il -1 β刺激GDNF mRNA,但对Etv5 mRNA无影响。令人惊讶的是,支持细胞的其他激素调节因子,如睾酮、三碘甲状腺原氨酸和激活素a,并不影响Etv5或GDNF mRNA的表达。霍夫曼博士假设了多种趋化因子的潜力,以调节SSCs在生态位中的保留,正如使用细胞迁移试验所记录的那样,并提出Etv5可能是这种直接或间接调节的关键因素。从干细胞到男性生殖细胞Wolfgang Engel博士,德国哥廷根大学这个令人兴奋的报告致力于在体外使用胚胎干细胞(ES)细胞、多能干细胞(iPS)细胞和ssc启动男性生殖细胞的潜力。早期的研究表明,ssc可以转化为es样细胞,然后分化为外胚层、内胚层和中胚层来源的细胞。这些研究人员使用稳定的转染细胞系,使用Stra8选择ssc, Stra8在早期精原细胞中表达。他们还评估了体外产生的精子的甲基化状态,并确定它们的甲基化模式是否有任何差异。一个例子是Snrpn,它是父亲表达和母亲印迹,在精子中未甲基化。他们能够在胚胎干细胞分化的精子中证明类似的结果;目前,这些科学家正试图用诱导性多能干细胞制造精子。在与其他研究人员的合作下,他们已经能够创造出功能性的男性生殖干细胞,这种干细胞可以自发地转化为三种生殖层细胞。这些细胞已成功移植到小鼠的正常心脏中,表明雄性ssc能够增殖和分化。干细胞研究的一个严重问题是恶性肿瘤;幸运的是,到目前为止,在这些研究中,细胞移植后1个月内未发现肿瘤形成。 Makoto Nagano,麦吉尔大学,加拿大。本报告的重点是在大鼠模型中移植作为研究精子发生的手段。作者试图研究造血干细胞移植后的归巢/迁移及存活和增殖机制。使用这种方法,他们量化了可以在幼犬和成年睾丸中回家或迁移的ssc的数量。由于移植技术费力且耗时,这些研究人员开发了一种体外系统,在该系统中,单个供体ssc可以在6天内生成聚集的生殖细胞(簇)的三维结构。这种体外系统现在可以可靠地用于研究ssc。研究人员在隐睾幼鼠和成年小鼠中观察到ssc的增殖延迟。研究表明,SSCs在含有GDNF和FGF2的培养基中增殖强劲,GDNF和FGF2是促进SSCs分化而非自我更新的生长因子。讲座1。diana Chu, PhD, University of San francisco博士谈到了利用蛋白质组学和秀丽隐杆线虫作为模式生物来研究生殖能力的分子机制。在比较了哺乳动物的精子和秀丽隐杆线虫的精子后,她讨论了精子使用DNA包装蛋白有效包装DNA的必要性。秀丽隐杆线虫是一个很好的研究生殖能力的模型,其中一个原因是它们的身体70%由性腺组成,精子发生的不同阶段可以很容易地可视化。她的研究目标是通过散弹枪蛋白质组学鉴定配子特异性蛋白,并利用秀丽隐杆线虫研究其功能,重点研究保守蛋白。使用亚细胞分离技术从精子和卵子中纯化染色质,并使用MudPIT LC-MS鉴定染色质相关蛋白(CAPs)。从精子中鉴定出1100个cap,从卵子中鉴定出814个cap。将这两个列表进行比较,以消除共同因素,并将重点放在132个丰富的精子特异性cap上。这项技术还鉴定了以前已知的染色质蛋白。Chu博士使用RNAi敲除秀丽隐杆线虫的候选CAPs,并描述了线虫的表型。她讨论的一个例子是组蛋白H2A (HTAS-1)的精子特异性变异。HTAS-1被发现与从粗线精细胞到成熟精子的精子染色质有关。HTAS-1基因被敲除的雌雄同体和雄性蠕虫的生育能力下降。HTAS-1似乎没有在整体DNA压缩中发挥作用,相反,由于HTAS-1序列中翻译后修饰位点的数量增加,可能在基因调控中起作用。讲座2。来自诺丁汉大学的凯文·辛克莱博士对“健康和疾病的发展起源”(DOHaD假说)进行了全面的回顾,并揭示了有关可能涉及的意想不到的发展关键窗口的新发现。肥胖发病率的增加,尤其是在讲英语的国家,促使了对其基础的研究,从“巴克假说”开始。David Barker发现胎儿发育期间营养不良(低出生体重)与50-60年后冠状动脉疾病增加之间存在关联。基于这些观察,他提出胎儿可能被编程为在贫困时期生存,从而具有“节俭表型”。Barker和其他人随后的研究扩展了这一新概念,并探索了与发育可塑性相关的机制。辛克莱博士和他的同事们最近关注的是产前饮食对长期生育能力和生殖力的影响,包括绝经年龄,并将基本假设扩展到包括新生儿发育窗口期。他解释了叶酸、B族维生素和蛋氨酸平衡对胎儿发育的重要性,并报告了最近在母羊身上进行的研究,其中植入前的发育阶段可能受到饮食因素的影响。有趣的是,这种影响似乎是针对性别的。当母羊在超排卵前被喂食缺乏蛋氨酸的食物,并在受精后仅维持这种饮食6天时,雄性而不是雌性的后代在两岁时表现出体型和体脂增加,葡萄糖耐量试验表现不佳,血压升高。他们现在正在研究DNA甲基化,因此印迹作为这些新观察的潜在分子解释。男性学讲座中的女性。美国加州大学旧金山分校的mary Croughan博士在讲座中介绍了不孕不育以及与不孕相关的健康问题可能会传染给通过辅助生殖技术孕育的后代的可能性。 Makoto Nagano,麦吉尔大学,加拿大。本报告的重点是在大鼠模型中移植作为研究精子发生的手段。作者试图研究造血干细胞移植后的归巢/迁移及存活和增殖机制。使用这种方法,他们量化了可以在幼犬和成年睾丸中回家或迁移的ssc的数量。由于移植技术费力且耗时,这些研究人员开发了一种体外系统,在该系统中,单个供体ssc可以在6天内生成聚集的生殖细胞(簇)的三维结构。这种体外系统现在可以可靠地用于研究ssc。研究人员在隐睾幼鼠和成年小鼠中观察到ssc的增殖延迟。研究表明,SSCs在含有GDNF和FGF2的培养基中增殖强劲,GDNF和FGF2是促进SSCs分化而非自我更新的生长因子。讲座1。diana Chu, PhD, University of San francisco博士谈到了利用蛋白质组学和秀丽隐杆线虫作为模式生物来研究生殖能力的分子机制。在比较了哺乳动物的精子和秀丽隐杆线虫的精子后,她讨论了精子使用DNA包装蛋白有效包装DNA的必要性。秀丽隐杆线虫是一个很好的研究生殖能力的模型,其中一个原因是它们的身体70%由性腺组成,精子发生的不同阶段可以很容易地可视化。她的研究目标是通过散弹枪蛋白质组学鉴定配子特异性蛋白,并利用秀丽隐杆线虫研究其功能,重点研究保守蛋白。使用亚细胞分离技术从精子和卵子中纯化染色质,并使用MudPIT LC-MS鉴定染色质相关蛋白(CAPs)。从精子中鉴定出1100个cap,从卵子中鉴定出814个cap。将这两个列表进行比较,以消除共同因素,并将重点放在132个丰富的精子特异性cap上。这项技术还鉴定了以前已知的染色质蛋白。Chu博士使用RNAi敲除秀丽隐杆线虫的候选CAPs,并描述了线虫的表型。她讨论的一个例子是组蛋白H2A (HTAS-1)的精子特异性变异。HTAS-1被发现与从粗线精细胞到成熟精子的精子染色质有关。HTAS-1基因被敲除的雌雄同体和雄性蠕虫的生育能力下降。HTAS-1似乎没有在整体DNA压缩中发挥作用,相反,由于HTAS-1序列中翻译后修饰位点的数量增加,可能在基因调控中起作用。讲座2。来自诺丁汉大学的凯文·辛克莱博士对“健康和疾病的发展起源”(DOHaD假说)进行了全面的回顾,并揭示了有关可能涉及的意想不到的发展关键窗口的新发现。肥胖发病率的增加,尤其是在讲英语的国家,促使了对其基础的研究,从“巴克假说”开始。David Barker发现胎儿发育期间营养不良(低出生体重)与50-60年后冠状动脉疾病增加之间存在关联。基于这些观察,他提出胎儿可能被编程为在贫困时期生存,从而具有“节俭表型”。Barker和其他人随后的研究扩展了这一新概念,并探索了与发育可塑性相关的机制。辛克莱博士和他的同事们最近关注的是产前饮食对长期生育能力和生殖力的影响,包括绝经年龄,并将基本假设扩展到包括新生儿发育窗口期。他解释了叶酸、B族维生素和蛋氨酸平衡对胎儿发育的重要性,并报告了最近在母羊身上进行的研究,其中植入前的发育阶段可能受到饮食因素的影响。有趣的是,这种影响似乎是针对性别的。当母羊在超排卵前被喂食缺乏蛋氨酸的食物,并在受精后仅维持这种饮食6天时,雄性而不是雌性的后代在两岁时表现出体型和体脂增加,葡萄糖耐量试验表现不佳,血压升高。他们现在正在研究DNA甲基化,因此印迹作为这些新观察的潜在分子解释。男性学讲座中的女性。美国加州大学旧金山分校的mary Croughan博士在讲座中介绍了不孕不育以及与不孕相关的健康问题可能会传染给通过辅助生殖技术孕育的后代的可能性。 她的研究表明,接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的不孕夫妇所生的孩子更有可能出现自闭症、智力迟钝、脑瘫、癫痫和癌症等几种情况。她的演讲重点是自闭症(风险高出4倍)和注意力缺陷多动障碍,这在不育夫妇怀上的孩子中明显更常见。尽管如此,总体风险仍然相对较低。睾丸特异性基因表达的表观遗传学调控john McCarrey,博士,德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校表观遗传学是指基因功能有丝分裂和/或减数分裂可遗传的变化,并允许编程差异,组织特异性基因表达。McCarrey博士一直在研究调节磷酸甘油酸激酶2 (Pgk2)睾丸特异性表达的因素,以更好地了解在发育中的男性生殖细胞中,阶段和细胞类型特异性表达是如何发生的。Pgk2的转录在原代精母细胞中被激活,提供磷酸甘油激酶的来源,这对精子的活力和生育能力至关重要。他最近表明,睾丸特异性同源结构域因子PBX4及其辅因子PREP1在基因表达的细胞中结合Pgk2增强子。由此可见,在精子发生过程中,PBX4、PREP1、CREM和SP3直接影响了Pgk2基因的分期和细胞类型特异性转录。在同一时间窗口内,许多组蛋白修饰发生,包括H3和H4的乙酰化。利用转基因结构,他已经证明除了Pgk2的核心启动子外,组蛋白修饰还需要增强子序列。然而,最早的表观遗传事件之一,开始于胎儿后期,是基因启动子区域超过2kb的去甲基化。这种去甲基化事件的发生需要启动子中的特定序列;该序列的修饰可防止去甲基化,这表明去甲基化是Pgk2表达所必需的。正在进行的研究旨在确定胎儿生殖细胞中参与Pgk2启动子去甲基化的内源性因素。自我更新和分化的表观遗传调控robert Blelloch,医学博士,加州大学旧金山分校基因表达的全局调控涉及许多因素,包括DNA甲基化,组蛋白修饰和小rna。Blelloch博士演讲的重点是mirna在干细胞分化中的作用。在胚胎干(ES)细胞中,mirna的全局丢失,细胞增殖更慢,并在细胞周期的G1期积累。通过将mirna一个接一个地添加到全局mirna缺失的ES细胞中,发现一组表达相同种子序列的mirna可以挽救增殖表型。发现P21是mirna的靶标之一,通过3'UTR起作用。mirna似乎是胚胎干细胞分化所必需的,因为如果没有mirna,胚胎干细胞就会在更新和分化之间受阻,也就是说,它们不会在开启一些分化基因的同时关闭自我更新所需的基因。本质上,需要某些mirna来抑制多能性。内分泌干扰物对生殖和疾病的表观遗传跨代作用:基因中的幽灵华盛顿州立大学博士迈克尔·斯金纳博士介绍了表观遗传机制可能是环境对疾病影响的基础。他的实验室采用了一个大鼠模型,其中雄性胚胎在胚胎(E)天8-14天期间暴露于杀菌剂vinclozolin会导致许多出生后病理,并且这些病理会在几代之间传播。特别是,在暴露的男性中,在产后,睾丸细胞凋亡的发生率增加,精子数量减少,精子活力改变。尽管不再接触vinclozolin,但这种生精缺陷仍遗传给了第四代。他的实验室在基因组的许多位点发现了DNA甲基化的一些改变,这可能为vinclozolin在该模型中的作用提供潜在的潜在表观遗传机制的基础。正在进行的研究正在追踪DNA甲基化缺陷,并检查暴露和未暴露大鼠睾丸中基因表达的变化。临床争论:精子DNA损伤检测在临床上有用吗?支持:Armand Zini,医学博士,麦吉尔大学反对:Mark Sigman,医学博士,布朗大学辅助生殖技术(ARTs)的出现,特别是胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI),已经彻底改变了男性因素不育的治疗。然而,关于这些技术的安全性仍有许多未解之谜。 这些安全问题是相关的,因为(1)这些技术经常绕过自然选择的障碍,(2)实验表明,精子DNA损伤对发育中的胚胎有不利影响,(3)不育男性比有生育能力的男性有更多的精子DNA损伤。该报告简要回顾了我们目前对精子DNA损伤病因的理解,描述了用于检测精子DNA损伤的许多不同测试,并总结了精子DNA损伤对妊娠结局的潜在影响。对文献的系统回顾表明,精子DNA损伤与较低的自然、人工授精和体外受精妊娠率有关,但与ICSI妊娠率无关。文献还表明,精子DNA损伤与接受体外受精或ICSI的夫妇流产风险增加有关。迄今为止,精子DNA损伤检测的真正临床用途仍有待确定,因为现有的研究规模小,数量少,研究特征不均匀。尽管如此,数据表明,那些精子DNA损伤程度高的夫妇应该进行体外受精或ICSI,尽管这些夫妇可能会经历更高的流产率。 这些安全问题是相关的,因为(1)这些技术经常绕过自然选择的障碍,(2)实验表明,精子DNA损伤对发育中的胚胎有不利影响,(3)不育男性比有生育能力的男性有更多的精子DNA损伤。该报告简要回顾了我们目前对精子DNA损伤病因的理解,描述了用于检测精子DNA损伤的许多不同测试,并总结了精子DNA损伤对妊娠结局的潜在影响。对文献的系统回顾表明,精子DNA损伤与较低的自然、人工授精和体外受精妊娠率有关,但与ICSI妊娠率无关。文献还表明,精子DNA损伤与接受体外受精或ICSI的夫妇流产风险增加有关。迄今为止,精子DNA损伤检测的真正临床用途仍有待确定,因为现有的研究规模小,数量少,研究特征不均匀。尽管如此,数据表明,那些精子DNA损伤程度高的夫妇应该进行体外受精或ICSI,尽管这些夫妇可能会经历更高的流产率。
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