Rethinking moral claim rights

IF 2.9 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Journal of Political Philosophy Pub Date : 2023-06-22 DOI:10.1111/jopp.12306
Laura Valentini
{"title":"Rethinking moral claim rights","authors":"Laura Valentini","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12306","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>The notion of rights is ubiquitous in philosophical discourse. As Allen Buchanan put it over thirty years ago, ‘Future historians of moral and political philosophy may well label our period the <i>Age of Rights</i>’.1 This notion is not only popular, but also complex. As the legal scholar W. N. Hohfeld famously suggested, rights are susceptible to multiple interpretations: they can be claims, liberties, powers, or immunities.2 Despite this variation, the consensus view is that the core instance of a right is a claim right.3</p><p>In the moral domain, claim rights designate a binary relation between a right-holder and a duty-bearer, where the former stands in a <i>distinctive moral position</i> vis-à-vis the latter.4 While there is controversy as to what, precisely, this distinctive moral position amounts to, the idea that claim rights capture it is seldom put into question.</p><p>In this article, I challenge this way of thinking. I argue that the language of claim rights is ill suited for the purpose of picking out a distinctive moral position.5 I show that the notion of a claim right is susceptible to several disambiguations, just as the notion of a right itself is. From this, I conclude that we should <i>either</i> no longer appeal to the concept of a claim right in moral theorizing <i>or</i> rethink its purpose.</p><p>The article proceeds as follows. In Section II, I set out two desiderata that a plausible definition of moral claim rights should satisfy. The definition should: (a) capture a distinctive moral position and (b) account for paradigmatic instances of claim rights in our ordinary language. In Section III, I show that the two most prominent accounts of claim rights fail to meet desideratum (b). Of course, the fact that prominent accounts are unsatisfactory does not mean that no satisfactory account could be developed. To support this stronger claim, in Section IV, I offer a systematization of our language of claim rights. I suggest that the greatest common denominator of such language is the idea of empowerment, and show that paradigmatic statements about claim rights track either the justification for certain forms of empowerment (<i>justification rights statements</i>) or empowerment itself and the particular status it confers on individuals (<i>status rights statements</i>).</p><p>As I explain in Section V, this twofold connection between claim rights and empowerment reveals that, for structural reasons, our desiderata cannot be jointly satisfied. No notion of claim rights can <i>both</i> capture justification as well as status rights statements <i>and</i> pick out a distinctive moral position. In Section VI, I consider three possible implications of this conclusion. One is that we should abandon the notion of claim rights in moral theorizing. Another, less drastic possibility is that, in light of its disjunctive structure, the notion of claim rights should be given a different purpose. A third possibility, for those not persuaded by my arguments, is to treat my discussion as setting out a challenge that any satisfactory account of moral claim rights should meet. Section VII concludes.</p><p>Before I start, let me make some clarifications. My discussion focuses on claim rights in moral theorizing specifically, where the notion is assumed to capture a distinctive moral position. As I shall explain towards the end of the article, the ambiguities that make the notion of claim rights ill suited for this purpose in moral theorizing also render it a powerful tool of political advocacy. I remain silent about the suitability of claim rights for the technical purposes of <i>legal reasoning</i>. Since those are, plausibly, different from the purposes of moral philosophy, the concerns raised in this article need not extend to the legal domain.</p><p>Finally, a note on my terminology. In what follows, I shall treat ‘claim rights’, ‘directed duties’ (the violation of which wrongs particular others), and ‘duties owed to others’, as equivalent. This terminological choice is in line with standard use in the literature.6</p><p>An evaluation of claim rights presupposes an account of the work we want this notion to do in moral theorizing. If no plausible definition that does that job can be found, we will have reason to doubt the usefulness of the concept, <i>at least with respect to the originally intended purpose</i>.</p><p>For an analogy, consider a society with a conceptual scheme different from ours, in which there are only two types of cutlery: forks and spives. Forks are defined in the familiar way, as tools for picking up solid food. The concept of a spife is disjunctive: it points either to tools for scooping liquid food or to tools for cutting solid food. We want these concepts to help us effectively select different ‘tools for eating’. As it happens, <i>two</i> kinds of objects fit into the category ‘spives’: what we (in our world) call spoons and knives. In this parallel society, when asking for a spife, one may have in mind either what we call a spoon or what we call a knife. Without further specification, one may therefore end up getting something one did not want. The category ‘spife’, it seems, is a recipe for confusion: it does not help us select our tools efficiently. Instead of having one concept—‘tools to either scoop liquid food or cut solid food’—it would be much better to have two: ‘spoons’ for liquid food and ‘knives’ for solid food. This would be a reason to abandon the concept of a spife, at least for the purpose of selecting specific pieces of cutlery. If, mutatis mutandis, the concept of claim rights were similarly unable to do the work we want it to do in moral theorizing, we would have reason to abandon it, at least for that purpose.</p><p>So, what work do we want claim rights to do in moral theorizing? Claim rights, as I have noted in the Introduction, are meant to designate a <i>distinctive moral position</i> that some (that is, right-holders) hold vis-à-vis others (that is, duty-bearers). Claim-rights relations are ‘bipolar’, in the sense of always involving two relata: a duty-bearer on the one hand, and a claim-right-holder on the other.7 Each pole within the relation is marked by distinctive attributes. One pole bears duties: she is bound by certain oughts. The other pole possesses correlative rights. This, in turn, puts her in a special moral position vis-à-vis the corresponding duties, which are owed to her and the violation of which wrongs her. To be a claim-right-holder, then, is ‘more’ than being the mere beneficiary of someone's duty. A good definition of claim rights must elucidate what this ‘more’ precisely amounts to: what it means to have a claim (or, equivalently, to be owed a duty and be wronged by its violation).</p><p>In addition, a good definition of claim rights should account for paradigmatic rights statements. This is a familiar desideratum. As Leif Wenar puts it, rights theorists ‘take extensional fit with ordinary language as a primary standard of success’.8 And as Matthew Kramer confirms, ‘nobody has ever denied that ordinary understandings are an important anchor for one's theorizing about rights and rights-holding’.9 This is not to say that a successful definition of claim rights must fit every conceivable instance of ordinary-language rights statements. Ordinary language is messy, and a good account of claim rights for the purposes of moral theory may well require a more disciplined use of this term than we find in day-to-day discourse.10 But if our definition failed to encompass paradigmatic rights talk, we would have to ask ourselves whether what we are capturing really is the special moral position intuitively associated with the language of claim rights, and not something altogether different.</p><p>Emphasis on ordinary language invites the objection that the idea of a claim right is a term of art, introduced by Hohfeld to disambiguate different meanings of ‘right’ in the law. In ordinary language, we talk about rights simpliciter, not about any Hohfeldian incident in particular. So, how are we to isolate ordinary-language instances of the notion of ‘a right’ that pick out claim rights specifically?11</p><p>This doesn't pose an insurmountable obstacle to our inquiry, for two reasons. First, while many of our ordinary-language rights statements implicate bundles of Hohfeldian incidents, claim rights often lie at their heart.12 For example, whenever we insist that individuals have rights to a variety of objects—shelter, life, free speech, property, and so on—we typically imply, among other things, that they are <i>owed</i> secure access to them.13 When such access is denied, we can infer that some agents are failing to discharge the corresponding duties, hence that some claim rights are being violated.</p><p>Second, to test whether any rights assertion is meant to involve claim rights, we can ask whether violations of the asserted right would <i>wrong the right-holder in particular</i>, as opposed to being wrong simpliciter. If our intuitive answers are affirmative, then we'll know that ‘right’, in the statement under consideration, is intended to mean ‘claim right’.</p><p>As will become apparent, meeting both desiderata proves challenging. In fact, if I am right, it is impossible.</p><p>Philosophical discussion about claim rights is dominated by the dispute between will and interest theories.15 In what follows, I briefly examine how these theories fare in relation to our two desiderata. Doing so will require going over some familiar ground. Although this exercise may seem a little tedious, it provides necessary background for my argument in later sections.</p><p>Let us start with the will theory, prominently defended by H. L. A. Hart and Hillel Steiner among others.16 For the will theorist, to have a moral claim right is to possess <i>the moral power to control another's duty</i> (that is, to demand/enforce its performance, waive it, and seek compensation for its violation). This definition captures an important aspect of the phenomenology of claim-rights possession. After all, if your duty is owed to me, its performance is in some sense ‘mine’, and when something is mine, I have normative control over it. The will theory not only has independent appeal, but also meets desideratum (a). It assigns claim-right-holders a distinctive moral position, namely the power to control others' duties. But what about desideratum (b)? Here, as critics have famously pointed out, the theory encounters some difficulties, in that it under-generates rights.17</p><p>On the will theory, a capacity for choice—hence for normative control over others' duties—is a necessary condition for rights possession. Consequently, the theory cannot account for the rights of entities—such as children, people with severe mental disabilities, and non-human animals—who lack such a capacity.18 What is more, the theory has no room for so-called inalienable rights. Since, for the will theorist, to have a right <i>just is</i> to have the power to control a duty, including the power to waive it, inalienable rights—that is, rights that cannot be waived—are a conceptual impossibility.19 In sum, the will theory satisfies desideratum (a), but struggles with desideratum (b). Let me now turn to its main competitor.</p><p>According to the interest theory, prominently defended by Joseph Raz among others, to have a right is to <i>possess an interest weighty enough to justify another's duty</i>.20 The interest theory, too, has much intuitive appeal. It is natural to suggest that a duty is owed to me when my interest is key to explaining its existence. Many rights—to life, to bodily integrity, to food, and so on—appear to fit the interest-theory rationale. Furthermore, ‘being the holder of an interest that justifies a duty’ can be aptly described as a distinctive moral position. Whoever possesses it stands in a special normative relation with respect to the duty-bearer. The interest theory thus satisfies desideratum (a). But, like the will theory, it struggles to meet desideratum (b).</p><p>First, since there are several duties justified by others' interests that do not appear to give rise to rights, the theory over-generates rights.21 Consider my duty to assist an elderly lady who is struggling to cross the street. If I am uniquely positioned to help her, and can do so at very little personal cost, I ought to do it. Yet, most people would deny that the lady has a <i>claim right</i> to be helped by me in the same way as, say, my baker has a claim right that I pay for the bread rolls I bought from him this morning. My duty looks like a matter of beneficence, and although the beneficiary in this case is clear, this doesn't seem sufficient to generate a right.22</p><p>Second, as others before me have also noted, since there are cases where someone's right to X cannot plausibly be justified by appeal to their interest in X, the theory under-generates rights. For illustration, consider my property right over a cheap ornament gifted to me by a cousin. I have very little interest in possessing the ornament. Finding it rather ugly, I put it at the bottom of a closet some years ago and have since forgotten about it. Under any plausible construal of the situation, my interest in possessing the ornament is not weighty enough to place others under strong obligations not to steal it.23</p><p>One may respond that the relevant interest is not in possessing the ornament, but in being the one who decides what to do with it: it is a broader interest in freedom. But, as Raz himself admits, there are conceivable cases in which ‘I do not mind and have no reason to mind your taking it without permission’.24 That is, no freedom-interest is involved. In such cases, it seems, an interest theorist must conclude that I have no right.</p><p>Raz's way out of this difficulty involves suggesting that, while I may have little interest in owning this particular object, I, together with everyone else in society, have an interest in there being a well-functioning system of property. That system is justified not by appeal to the interests of particular individuals, but by everyone's interests: by the common good. Such common-good cases are ones where the right-holder's interest and the public's interests are ‘harmoniously interwoven’: that is, ‘benefiting him is a way of benefiting them, and … by benefiting them the right-holder's interest is served’.25 In such cases, the weight of my individual interest is ‘augmented’ by that of others, thereby justifying my (property) rights.</p><p>While this response may allow the interest theory to avoid the under-generation charge, it does so at the cost of making it unable to satisfy desideratum (a).26 For, if what explains others' duties not to steal my property are not <i>my</i> interests, but my interests <i>as well as</i> everyone else's (namely, the common good), from the perspective of the interest theory, I can no longer be said to stand in a <i>distinctive</i> moral position in relation to those duties. When it comes to generating those duties, my interests are no more important than everyone else's. This strikes me as a significant price to pay, greater than just accepting the costs of under-generation.27</p><p>In sum, the will and interest theories—in their original formulations—both satisfy desideratum (a), each pointing to a distinctive moral position. They also each have difficulties satisfying desideratum (b). My aim in highlighting these difficulties has not been to induce a change of heart in these theories' advocates. Objections to the will and interest theories have been around for a while, and yet the literature continues to be broadly divided between these two camps, with theorists on each side either ‘biting bullets’ or providing ever more subtle responses to the objections raised.28 But I do hope that a fair-minded reader can grant me this: neither the will nor the interest theory provides a fully convincing account of claim rights, judged by our two desiderata. In fact, as others before me have pointed out, the debate appears to have reached a stand-off.29 Explaining why this is so, and why the difficulties plaguing the will and interest theories are bound to extend to alternative theories as well, will be my task in the next section.</p><p>Diagnosing the difficulties with will and interest theories requires us to systematize the conceptual domain of claim-rights talk. A good systematization of this domain must be responsive to the following three considerations. First, there has to be something that unites claim-rights talk, otherwise we would simply be unable to discuss claim rights without always talking past each other. Second, will and interest theories must be ‘on the right track’, otherwise their enduring influence would be inexplicable. Third, the conceptual domain of claim-rights talk must be sufficiently heterogeneous to explain these theories' inability to capture some core rights statements.</p><p>My suggestion—which, as I will show, accounts for all three considerations—is that moral claim-rights language, in all its core uses, is linked to the idea of <i>empowerment relative to others' duties</i>. This is the ‘greatest common denominator’ of claim-rights talk. The relevant empowerment may vary depending on the case at hand, and consists in different forms of control over others' duties—such as the power to demand and enforce them, to waive them, and to seek compensation for their violation.</p><p>Crucially, our language of claim rights implicates empowerment in two distinct ways. On the one hand, we can talk about claim rights while focusing on the <i>justification for empowerment</i>: the moral reasons (typically, interests) there are to empower individuals. From this justificatory perspective, a statement such as ‘A has a moral claim right to X' is shorthand for ‘A's interests justify certain forms of empowerment—either for A herself or for other agents—relative to others’ duties to X'.30 On the other hand, we can talk about claim rights while focusing on the morally justified <i>forms of empowerment</i> that are present in any given circumstance: an empowered <i>status</i> individuals enjoy. From this status perspective, a statement such as ‘A has a moral claim right to X' is shorthand for ‘A is empowered relative to others' duties to X'.</p><p>Many statements about claim rights are equally susceptible to both interpretations. Which one is most appropriate will depend on the speaker and context at hand. For instance, rights advocates may often be understood as making justification statements, pointing to the reasons why certain forms of empowerment ought to be granted to a certain class of individuals: for example, LGBT groups, the differently able, ethnic minorities, and so forth. Others may instead point to existing forms of empowerment, reminding their interlocutors that certain agents already enjoy them.</p><p>The fact that, for most statements about claim rights, status and justification interpretations are jointly satisfied allows us to talk meaningfully about claim rights, and gives us the sense that claim-rights language points to a unique phenomenon. This, however, is not so. First, and somewhat trivially, the forms of empowerment associated with claim-rights language need not always co-occur. For instance, there may be cases in which waiver powers are inappropriate (for example, the right not to be tortured) or where powers to request compensation would not be justified (for example, when rights violations are too trivial). While all claim rights involve empowerment, then, they do not all involve the <i>same</i> forms of empowerment.</p><p>Second, and more importantly, there are some paradigmatic instances of claim rights which can only be made sense of from either a status or a justification perspective. These are statements where the ‘locus of justification’ and the ‘locus of status (empowerment)’ diverge. In such instances of divergence, ordinary language sometimes locates rights in the individuals whose interests justify empowerment, and other times in the agents who possess an empowered status. The former cases are captured by justification-rights statements, but not by status-rights statements. For the latter, the reverse is the case. Such statements reveal that, in fact, beneath our language of claim rights, lie two distinct—though related—phenomena: the justification of empowerment and empowerment itself.</p><p>To see this, consider the assertion ‘children have moral claim rights to education’. This can be easily interpreted as a justification-right statement, meaning that children's interests in education justify <i>adults'</i> powers to see to it that those who bear duties to provide children with education fulfill them. But this statement lacks an equally natural interpretation from a status perspective. The view that children <i>themselves</i> should be empowered in relation to others' duties is hard to sustain. Children, as we have seen, cannot plausibly have the power to control others' duties. Their interests may justify that power, but the power lies elsewhere—with parents, guardians, or the state. From a status perspective, therefore, we cannot say that children have a right to education.</p><p>For another example, return to the assertion ‘I have a moral claim right to the ornament gifted to me by my cousin’. From a status perspective, this can be easily interpreted as meaning that I am empowered to, for example, demand that others not take the ornament, seek compensation in case of theft, and so on. But when we try to read this assertion as a justification-right statement, we encounter difficulties. It is just not true that my interest in possessing and controlling that ornament explains why I am (or should be) empowered in relation to it. Justification-rights statements are ill suited to capturing rights whose existence is justified not by the interests of what ordinary language identifies as the right-holder, but by broader considerations, typically the interests of society as a whole in the existence of certain power-conferring practices: for example, a well-functioning property system.33</p><p>To sum up, claim-rights talk is underpinned by a common reference to empowerment relative to others' duties, and our language of rights invokes such empowerment in two ways, captured by the distinction between status- and justification-rights statements. Many statements about claim rights are susceptible to both status and justification interpretations, giving us the impression that a unique phenomenon lies beneath them. But this impression is, in fact, illusory.</p><p>My systematization of the language of claim rights is, I believe, clarifying in several respects. Apart from highlighting what assertions of claim rights have in common, it (1) helps us diagnose the failures of the will and interest theories, (2) makes sense of these theories' enduring influence, and (3) explains why it is impossible for any definition of claim rights to satisfy both of our desiderata. In what follows, I elaborate on these points.</p><p>While the interest theory accounts for the core concerns behind justification-rights statements, the will theory largely articulates those captured by status-rights statements. This, I believe, explains their lasting popularity: each theory responds to an important dimension of our rights language. At the same time, each theory is deficient in several respects, and my empowerment-based taxonomy helps us see why.</p><p>Consider the interest theory first. Its focus on the justification of duties—as opposed to the justification of <i>empowerment</i> relative to those duties—is responsible for its over-generation of rights: for declaring that rights exist even in cases of mere beneficence. Moreover, insofar as it identifies rights with justifications for duties, rather than with empowerment relative to duties, the theory is systematically unable to account for rights statements we can <i>only</i> make sense of from a status perspective (for example, my property right over the ugly ornament).</p><p>Turning to the will theory, while this is better placed to make sense of status statements, it runs into difficulties for two reasons. First, as we have seen, the forms of empowerment associated with claim rights are heterogeneous and need not always be co-instantiated (as, for example, in the case of inalienable rights). By assuming that such forms of empowerment always co-occur, the will theory under-generates rights. Second, by not referring to the interest-based justifications for empowerment, the theory is systematically unable to capture those claim-rights statements we can only make sense of from a justification perspective (for example, children's rights).</p><p>As anticipated, my analysis not only helps us diagnose the difficulties with prominent theories of rights, but also reveals that such difficulties are bound to extend to any attempt to define claim rights in line with the two desiderata introduced at the start of this article. The point can be made most effectively by recalling that justification- and status-rights statements locate rights, as a moral category, in different places.</p><p>Justification statements locate them in the individuals whose interests justify empowerment, and it is an open question as to which form of empowerment is most appropriate in any given case. Status statements, by contrast, locate claim rights in the individuals who possess certain justified forms of empowerment. The fact that the individuals whose interests justify empowerment and the individuals who are empowered need not always coincide (think of children's rights and property rights), coupled with the fact that empowerment can take several different forms that need not always be co-instantiated, makes it impossible to develop a definition of claim rights that <i>both</i> captures all core instances of ordinary-language use <i>and</i> singles out a distinctive moral position.34 If we want to capture all core ordinary-language statements, we need a disjunctive definition of claim rights. Such a disjunctive definition, in turn, does not point to a distinctive moral position, but rather to a family thereof, just as the broader notion of ‘a right’ is disjunctive, and points to four possible normative relations.35</p><p>I have argued that, for structural reasons, no extensionally adequate definition of a claim right can enable this notion to do the job we want it to do in moral theorizing. There is no distinct moral position that the notion of a claim right captures, but a family thereof. The idea of a claim right is not much more specific, then, than the broader notion of a right, of which it is meant to be a disambiguation.</p><p>What follows from this? I consider three possibilities and offer some arguments in relation to each. My aim is not to defend one in particular, but to show that, regardless of one's instincts, the present discussion should prompt us to rethink the direction taken by much of the contemporary conceptual debate about claim rights.</p><p>The language of rights, and especially of claim rights, is pervasive in moral theorizing. If there is one thing non-utilitarian moral philosophers seem to agree on, at least in the western world, it is that human beings have a certain set of rights. Reference to their status as claim-right holders is meant to signal something special about their humanity and position vis-à-vis one another. I have argued, however, that when we inquire more deeply into what exactly this position might amount to, the idea that the notion of a claim right aptly captures it evaporates. The greatest common denominator of claim-rights talk is empowerment. Moral claim rights are ill suited to capture a distinctive moral position. So long as this is what we want them to do in moral theorizing, we should conclude that they are not fit for purpose. Whether this means that the language of claim rights should be abandoned or repurposed is a matter I have left open. I hope, however, to have offered reasons for rethinking the nature of claim rights as a moral concept.</p><p>I acknowledge the support of the Leverhulme Trust (Philip Leverhulme Prize), the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften (Bad Homburg), and the Justitia Amplificata Programme.</p><p>There are no potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article.</p><p>The author declares human ethics approval was not needed for this study.</p>","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":2.9000,"publicationDate":"2023-06-22","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Journal of Political Philosophy","FirstCategoryId":"98","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"ETHICS","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


The notion of rights is ubiquitous in philosophical discourse. As Allen Buchanan put it over thirty years ago, ‘Future historians of moral and political philosophy may well label our period the Age of Rights’.1 This notion is not only popular, but also complex. As the legal scholar W. N. Hohfeld famously suggested, rights are susceptible to multiple interpretations: they can be claims, liberties, powers, or immunities.2 Despite this variation, the consensus view is that the core instance of a right is a claim right.3

In the moral domain, claim rights designate a binary relation between a right-holder and a duty-bearer, where the former stands in a distinctive moral position vis-à-vis the latter.4 While there is controversy as to what, precisely, this distinctive moral position amounts to, the idea that claim rights capture it is seldom put into question.

In this article, I challenge this way of thinking. I argue that the language of claim rights is ill suited for the purpose of picking out a distinctive moral position.5 I show that the notion of a claim right is susceptible to several disambiguations, just as the notion of a right itself is. From this, I conclude that we should either no longer appeal to the concept of a claim right in moral theorizing or rethink its purpose.

The article proceeds as follows. In Section II, I set out two desiderata that a plausible definition of moral claim rights should satisfy. The definition should: (a) capture a distinctive moral position and (b) account for paradigmatic instances of claim rights in our ordinary language. In Section III, I show that the two most prominent accounts of claim rights fail to meet desideratum (b). Of course, the fact that prominent accounts are unsatisfactory does not mean that no satisfactory account could be developed. To support this stronger claim, in Section IV, I offer a systematization of our language of claim rights. I suggest that the greatest common denominator of such language is the idea of empowerment, and show that paradigmatic statements about claim rights track either the justification for certain forms of empowerment (justification rights statements) or empowerment itself and the particular status it confers on individuals (status rights statements).

As I explain in Section V, this twofold connection between claim rights and empowerment reveals that, for structural reasons, our desiderata cannot be jointly satisfied. No notion of claim rights can both capture justification as well as status rights statements and pick out a distinctive moral position. In Section VI, I consider three possible implications of this conclusion. One is that we should abandon the notion of claim rights in moral theorizing. Another, less drastic possibility is that, in light of its disjunctive structure, the notion of claim rights should be given a different purpose. A third possibility, for those not persuaded by my arguments, is to treat my discussion as setting out a challenge that any satisfactory account of moral claim rights should meet. Section VII concludes.

Before I start, let me make some clarifications. My discussion focuses on claim rights in moral theorizing specifically, where the notion is assumed to capture a distinctive moral position. As I shall explain towards the end of the article, the ambiguities that make the notion of claim rights ill suited for this purpose in moral theorizing also render it a powerful tool of political advocacy. I remain silent about the suitability of claim rights for the technical purposes of legal reasoning. Since those are, plausibly, different from the purposes of moral philosophy, the concerns raised in this article need not extend to the legal domain.

Finally, a note on my terminology. In what follows, I shall treat ‘claim rights’, ‘directed duties’ (the violation of which wrongs particular others), and ‘duties owed to others’, as equivalent. This terminological choice is in line with standard use in the literature.6

An evaluation of claim rights presupposes an account of the work we want this notion to do in moral theorizing. If no plausible definition that does that job can be found, we will have reason to doubt the usefulness of the concept, at least with respect to the originally intended purpose.

For an analogy, consider a society with a conceptual scheme different from ours, in which there are only two types of cutlery: forks and spives. Forks are defined in the familiar way, as tools for picking up solid food. The concept of a spife is disjunctive: it points either to tools for scooping liquid food or to tools for cutting solid food. We want these concepts to help us effectively select different ‘tools for eating’. As it happens, two kinds of objects fit into the category ‘spives’: what we (in our world) call spoons and knives. In this parallel society, when asking for a spife, one may have in mind either what we call a spoon or what we call a knife. Without further specification, one may therefore end up getting something one did not want. The category ‘spife’, it seems, is a recipe for confusion: it does not help us select our tools efficiently. Instead of having one concept—‘tools to either scoop liquid food or cut solid food’—it would be much better to have two: ‘spoons’ for liquid food and ‘knives’ for solid food. This would be a reason to abandon the concept of a spife, at least for the purpose of selecting specific pieces of cutlery. If, mutatis mutandis, the concept of claim rights were similarly unable to do the work we want it to do in moral theorizing, we would have reason to abandon it, at least for that purpose.

So, what work do we want claim rights to do in moral theorizing? Claim rights, as I have noted in the Introduction, are meant to designate a distinctive moral position that some (that is, right-holders) hold vis-à-vis others (that is, duty-bearers). Claim-rights relations are ‘bipolar’, in the sense of always involving two relata: a duty-bearer on the one hand, and a claim-right-holder on the other.7 Each pole within the relation is marked by distinctive attributes. One pole bears duties: she is bound by certain oughts. The other pole possesses correlative rights. This, in turn, puts her in a special moral position vis-à-vis the corresponding duties, which are owed to her and the violation of which wrongs her. To be a claim-right-holder, then, is ‘more’ than being the mere beneficiary of someone's duty. A good definition of claim rights must elucidate what this ‘more’ precisely amounts to: what it means to have a claim (or, equivalently, to be owed a duty and be wronged by its violation).

In addition, a good definition of claim rights should account for paradigmatic rights statements. This is a familiar desideratum. As Leif Wenar puts it, rights theorists ‘take extensional fit with ordinary language as a primary standard of success’.8 And as Matthew Kramer confirms, ‘nobody has ever denied that ordinary understandings are an important anchor for one's theorizing about rights and rights-holding’.9 This is not to say that a successful definition of claim rights must fit every conceivable instance of ordinary-language rights statements. Ordinary language is messy, and a good account of claim rights for the purposes of moral theory may well require a more disciplined use of this term than we find in day-to-day discourse.10 But if our definition failed to encompass paradigmatic rights talk, we would have to ask ourselves whether what we are capturing really is the special moral position intuitively associated with the language of claim rights, and not something altogether different.

Emphasis on ordinary language invites the objection that the idea of a claim right is a term of art, introduced by Hohfeld to disambiguate different meanings of ‘right’ in the law. In ordinary language, we talk about rights simpliciter, not about any Hohfeldian incident in particular. So, how are we to isolate ordinary-language instances of the notion of ‘a right’ that pick out claim rights specifically?11

This doesn't pose an insurmountable obstacle to our inquiry, for two reasons. First, while many of our ordinary-language rights statements implicate bundles of Hohfeldian incidents, claim rights often lie at their heart.12 For example, whenever we insist that individuals have rights to a variety of objects—shelter, life, free speech, property, and so on—we typically imply, among other things, that they are owed secure access to them.13 When such access is denied, we can infer that some agents are failing to discharge the corresponding duties, hence that some claim rights are being violated.

Second, to test whether any rights assertion is meant to involve claim rights, we can ask whether violations of the asserted right would wrong the right-holder in particular, as opposed to being wrong simpliciter. If our intuitive answers are affirmative, then we'll know that ‘right’, in the statement under consideration, is intended to mean ‘claim right’.

As will become apparent, meeting both desiderata proves challenging. In fact, if I am right, it is impossible.

Philosophical discussion about claim rights is dominated by the dispute between will and interest theories.15 In what follows, I briefly examine how these theories fare in relation to our two desiderata. Doing so will require going over some familiar ground. Although this exercise may seem a little tedious, it provides necessary background for my argument in later sections.

Let us start with the will theory, prominently defended by H. L. A. Hart and Hillel Steiner among others.16 For the will theorist, to have a moral claim right is to possess the moral power to control another's duty (that is, to demand/enforce its performance, waive it, and seek compensation for its violation). This definition captures an important aspect of the phenomenology of claim-rights possession. After all, if your duty is owed to me, its performance is in some sense ‘mine’, and when something is mine, I have normative control over it. The will theory not only has independent appeal, but also meets desideratum (a). It assigns claim-right-holders a distinctive moral position, namely the power to control others' duties. But what about desideratum (b)? Here, as critics have famously pointed out, the theory encounters some difficulties, in that it under-generates rights.17

On the will theory, a capacity for choice—hence for normative control over others' duties—is a necessary condition for rights possession. Consequently, the theory cannot account for the rights of entities—such as children, people with severe mental disabilities, and non-human animals—who lack such a capacity.18 What is more, the theory has no room for so-called inalienable rights. Since, for the will theorist, to have a right just is to have the power to control a duty, including the power to waive it, inalienable rights—that is, rights that cannot be waived—are a conceptual impossibility.19 In sum, the will theory satisfies desideratum (a), but struggles with desideratum (b). Let me now turn to its main competitor.

According to the interest theory, prominently defended by Joseph Raz among others, to have a right is to possess an interest weighty enough to justify another's duty.20 The interest theory, too, has much intuitive appeal. It is natural to suggest that a duty is owed to me when my interest is key to explaining its existence. Many rights—to life, to bodily integrity, to food, and so on—appear to fit the interest-theory rationale. Furthermore, ‘being the holder of an interest that justifies a duty’ can be aptly described as a distinctive moral position. Whoever possesses it stands in a special normative relation with respect to the duty-bearer. The interest theory thus satisfies desideratum (a). But, like the will theory, it struggles to meet desideratum (b).

First, since there are several duties justified by others' interests that do not appear to give rise to rights, the theory over-generates rights.21 Consider my duty to assist an elderly lady who is struggling to cross the street. If I am uniquely positioned to help her, and can do so at very little personal cost, I ought to do it. Yet, most people would deny that the lady has a claim right to be helped by me in the same way as, say, my baker has a claim right that I pay for the bread rolls I bought from him this morning. My duty looks like a matter of beneficence, and although the beneficiary in this case is clear, this doesn't seem sufficient to generate a right.22

Second, as others before me have also noted, since there are cases where someone's right to X cannot plausibly be justified by appeal to their interest in X, the theory under-generates rights. For illustration, consider my property right over a cheap ornament gifted to me by a cousin. I have very little interest in possessing the ornament. Finding it rather ugly, I put it at the bottom of a closet some years ago and have since forgotten about it. Under any plausible construal of the situation, my interest in possessing the ornament is not weighty enough to place others under strong obligations not to steal it.23

One may respond that the relevant interest is not in possessing the ornament, but in being the one who decides what to do with it: it is a broader interest in freedom. But, as Raz himself admits, there are conceivable cases in which ‘I do not mind and have no reason to mind your taking it without permission’.24 That is, no freedom-interest is involved. In such cases, it seems, an interest theorist must conclude that I have no right.

Raz's way out of this difficulty involves suggesting that, while I may have little interest in owning this particular object, I, together with everyone else in society, have an interest in there being a well-functioning system of property. That system is justified not by appeal to the interests of particular individuals, but by everyone's interests: by the common good. Such common-good cases are ones where the right-holder's interest and the public's interests are ‘harmoniously interwoven’: that is, ‘benefiting him is a way of benefiting them, and … by benefiting them the right-holder's interest is served’.25 In such cases, the weight of my individual interest is ‘augmented’ by that of others, thereby justifying my (property) rights.

While this response may allow the interest theory to avoid the under-generation charge, it does so at the cost of making it unable to satisfy desideratum (a).26 For, if what explains others' duties not to steal my property are not my interests, but my interests as well as everyone else's (namely, the common good), from the perspective of the interest theory, I can no longer be said to stand in a distinctive moral position in relation to those duties. When it comes to generating those duties, my interests are no more important than everyone else's. This strikes me as a significant price to pay, greater than just accepting the costs of under-generation.27

In sum, the will and interest theories—in their original formulations—both satisfy desideratum (a), each pointing to a distinctive moral position. They also each have difficulties satisfying desideratum (b). My aim in highlighting these difficulties has not been to induce a change of heart in these theories' advocates. Objections to the will and interest theories have been around for a while, and yet the literature continues to be broadly divided between these two camps, with theorists on each side either ‘biting bullets’ or providing ever more subtle responses to the objections raised.28 But I do hope that a fair-minded reader can grant me this: neither the will nor the interest theory provides a fully convincing account of claim rights, judged by our two desiderata. In fact, as others before me have pointed out, the debate appears to have reached a stand-off.29 Explaining why this is so, and why the difficulties plaguing the will and interest theories are bound to extend to alternative theories as well, will be my task in the next section.

Diagnosing the difficulties with will and interest theories requires us to systematize the conceptual domain of claim-rights talk. A good systematization of this domain must be responsive to the following three considerations. First, there has to be something that unites claim-rights talk, otherwise we would simply be unable to discuss claim rights without always talking past each other. Second, will and interest theories must be ‘on the right track’, otherwise their enduring influence would be inexplicable. Third, the conceptual domain of claim-rights talk must be sufficiently heterogeneous to explain these theories' inability to capture some core rights statements.

My suggestion—which, as I will show, accounts for all three considerations—is that moral claim-rights language, in all its core uses, is linked to the idea of empowerment relative to others' duties. This is the ‘greatest common denominator’ of claim-rights talk. The relevant empowerment may vary depending on the case at hand, and consists in different forms of control over others' duties—such as the power to demand and enforce them, to waive them, and to seek compensation for their violation.

Crucially, our language of claim rights implicates empowerment in two distinct ways. On the one hand, we can talk about claim rights while focusing on the justification for empowerment: the moral reasons (typically, interests) there are to empower individuals. From this justificatory perspective, a statement such as ‘A has a moral claim right to X' is shorthand for ‘A's interests justify certain forms of empowerment—either for A herself or for other agents—relative to others’ duties to X'.30 On the other hand, we can talk about claim rights while focusing on the morally justified forms of empowerment that are present in any given circumstance: an empowered status individuals enjoy. From this status perspective, a statement such as ‘A has a moral claim right to X' is shorthand for ‘A is empowered relative to others' duties to X'.

Many statements about claim rights are equally susceptible to both interpretations. Which one is most appropriate will depend on the speaker and context at hand. For instance, rights advocates may often be understood as making justification statements, pointing to the reasons why certain forms of empowerment ought to be granted to a certain class of individuals: for example, LGBT groups, the differently able, ethnic minorities, and so forth. Others may instead point to existing forms of empowerment, reminding their interlocutors that certain agents already enjoy them.

The fact that, for most statements about claim rights, status and justification interpretations are jointly satisfied allows us to talk meaningfully about claim rights, and gives us the sense that claim-rights language points to a unique phenomenon. This, however, is not so. First, and somewhat trivially, the forms of empowerment associated with claim-rights language need not always co-occur. For instance, there may be cases in which waiver powers are inappropriate (for example, the right not to be tortured) or where powers to request compensation would not be justified (for example, when rights violations are too trivial). While all claim rights involve empowerment, then, they do not all involve the same forms of empowerment.

Second, and more importantly, there are some paradigmatic instances of claim rights which can only be made sense of from either a status or a justification perspective. These are statements where the ‘locus of justification’ and the ‘locus of status (empowerment)’ diverge. In such instances of divergence, ordinary language sometimes locates rights in the individuals whose interests justify empowerment, and other times in the agents who possess an empowered status. The former cases are captured by justification-rights statements, but not by status-rights statements. For the latter, the reverse is the case. Such statements reveal that, in fact, beneath our language of claim rights, lie two distinct—though related—phenomena: the justification of empowerment and empowerment itself.

To see this, consider the assertion ‘children have moral claim rights to education’. This can be easily interpreted as a justification-right statement, meaning that children's interests in education justify adults' powers to see to it that those who bear duties to provide children with education fulfill them. But this statement lacks an equally natural interpretation from a status perspective. The view that children themselves should be empowered in relation to others' duties is hard to sustain. Children, as we have seen, cannot plausibly have the power to control others' duties. Their interests may justify that power, but the power lies elsewhere—with parents, guardians, or the state. From a status perspective, therefore, we cannot say that children have a right to education.

For another example, return to the assertion ‘I have a moral claim right to the ornament gifted to me by my cousin’. From a status perspective, this can be easily interpreted as meaning that I am empowered to, for example, demand that others not take the ornament, seek compensation in case of theft, and so on. But when we try to read this assertion as a justification-right statement, we encounter difficulties. It is just not true that my interest in possessing and controlling that ornament explains why I am (or should be) empowered in relation to it. Justification-rights statements are ill suited to capturing rights whose existence is justified not by the interests of what ordinary language identifies as the right-holder, but by broader considerations, typically the interests of society as a whole in the existence of certain power-conferring practices: for example, a well-functioning property system.33

To sum up, claim-rights talk is underpinned by a common reference to empowerment relative to others' duties, and our language of rights invokes such empowerment in two ways, captured by the distinction between status- and justification-rights statements. Many statements about claim rights are susceptible to both status and justification interpretations, giving us the impression that a unique phenomenon lies beneath them. But this impression is, in fact, illusory.

My systematization of the language of claim rights is, I believe, clarifying in several respects. Apart from highlighting what assertions of claim rights have in common, it (1) helps us diagnose the failures of the will and interest theories, (2) makes sense of these theories' enduring influence, and (3) explains why it is impossible for any definition of claim rights to satisfy both of our desiderata. In what follows, I elaborate on these points.

While the interest theory accounts for the core concerns behind justification-rights statements, the will theory largely articulates those captured by status-rights statements. This, I believe, explains their lasting popularity: each theory responds to an important dimension of our rights language. At the same time, each theory is deficient in several respects, and my empowerment-based taxonomy helps us see why.

Consider the interest theory first. Its focus on the justification of duties—as opposed to the justification of empowerment relative to those duties—is responsible for its over-generation of rights: for declaring that rights exist even in cases of mere beneficence. Moreover, insofar as it identifies rights with justifications for duties, rather than with empowerment relative to duties, the theory is systematically unable to account for rights statements we can only make sense of from a status perspective (for example, my property right over the ugly ornament).

Turning to the will theory, while this is better placed to make sense of status statements, it runs into difficulties for two reasons. First, as we have seen, the forms of empowerment associated with claim rights are heterogeneous and need not always be co-instantiated (as, for example, in the case of inalienable rights). By assuming that such forms of empowerment always co-occur, the will theory under-generates rights. Second, by not referring to the interest-based justifications for empowerment, the theory is systematically unable to capture those claim-rights statements we can only make sense of from a justification perspective (for example, children's rights).

As anticipated, my analysis not only helps us diagnose the difficulties with prominent theories of rights, but also reveals that such difficulties are bound to extend to any attempt to define claim rights in line with the two desiderata introduced at the start of this article. The point can be made most effectively by recalling that justification- and status-rights statements locate rights, as a moral category, in different places.

Justification statements locate them in the individuals whose interests justify empowerment, and it is an open question as to which form of empowerment is most appropriate in any given case. Status statements, by contrast, locate claim rights in the individuals who possess certain justified forms of empowerment. The fact that the individuals whose interests justify empowerment and the individuals who are empowered need not always coincide (think of children's rights and property rights), coupled with the fact that empowerment can take several different forms that need not always be co-instantiated, makes it impossible to develop a definition of claim rights that both captures all core instances of ordinary-language use and singles out a distinctive moral position.34 If we want to capture all core ordinary-language statements, we need a disjunctive definition of claim rights. Such a disjunctive definition, in turn, does not point to a distinctive moral position, but rather to a family thereof, just as the broader notion of ‘a right’ is disjunctive, and points to four possible normative relations.35

I have argued that, for structural reasons, no extensionally adequate definition of a claim right can enable this notion to do the job we want it to do in moral theorizing. There is no distinct moral position that the notion of a claim right captures, but a family thereof. The idea of a claim right is not much more specific, then, than the broader notion of a right, of which it is meant to be a disambiguation.

What follows from this? I consider three possibilities and offer some arguments in relation to each. My aim is not to defend one in particular, but to show that, regardless of one's instincts, the present discussion should prompt us to rethink the direction taken by much of the contemporary conceptual debate about claim rights.

The language of rights, and especially of claim rights, is pervasive in moral theorizing. If there is one thing non-utilitarian moral philosophers seem to agree on, at least in the western world, it is that human beings have a certain set of rights. Reference to their status as claim-right holders is meant to signal something special about their humanity and position vis-à-vis one another. I have argued, however, that when we inquire more deeply into what exactly this position might amount to, the idea that the notion of a claim right aptly captures it evaporates. The greatest common denominator of claim-rights talk is empowerment. Moral claim rights are ill suited to capture a distinctive moral position. So long as this is what we want them to do in moral theorizing, we should conclude that they are not fit for purpose. Whether this means that the language of claim rights should be abandoned or repurposed is a matter I have left open. I hope, however, to have offered reasons for rethinking the nature of claim rights as a moral concept.

I acknowledge the support of the Leverhulme Trust (Philip Leverhulme Prize), the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften (Bad Homburg), and the Justitia Amplificata Programme.

There are no potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article.

The author declares human ethics approval was not needed for this study.

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权利的概念在哲学话语中无处不在。正如Allen Buchanan在30多年前所说,“未来的道德和政治哲学历史学家很可能会把我们的时代称为权利时代”。1这个概念不仅流行,而且复杂。正如法律学者W.N.Hohfeld著名的建议,权利容易受到多种解释的影响:它们可以是主张、自由、权力或豁免。2尽管有这种变化,但一致的观点是,权利的核心实例是主张权。3在道德领域,主张权指定了权利持有人和义务持有人之间的二元关系,与后者相比,前者处于独特的道德地位。4虽然这种独特的道德立场究竟意味着什么存在争议,但主张权利涵盖这一点的想法很少受到质疑。在这篇文章中,我对这种思维方式提出了挑战。我认为,索赔权的语言不适合选择一个独特的道德立场。5我表明,索赔权概念容易受到几个歧义的影响,就像权利本身的概念一样。由此,我得出结论,我们要么在道德理论中不再诉诸索赔权概念,要么重新思考其目的。本条内容如下。在第二节中,我提出了道德请求权的合理定义应该满足的两个需求。该定义应:(a)体现一种独特的道德立场,(b)在我们的普通语言中解释索赔权的典型例子。在第三节中,我指出,关于索赔权的两个最突出的描述都不符合要求(b)。当然,突出账户不令人满意并不意味着无法开发出令人满意的账户。为了支持这一更有力的主张,在第四节中,我对我们的主张权利语言进行了系统化。我认为,这种语言的最大公约数是赋权的概念,并表明关于索赔权的范式陈述要么跟踪某些形式的赋权的正当性(正当性权利陈述),要么跟踪赋权本身及其赋予个人的特定地位(地位权利陈述)。正如我在第五节中解释的那样,索赔权和授权之间的这种双重联系表明,由于结构性原因,我们的需求无法得到共同满足。索赔权利的概念既不能反映正当性,也不能反映地位权利的陈述,也不能体现独特的道德立场。在第六节中,我考虑了这一结论可能产生的三个影响。一是我们应该在道德理论化中摒弃权利主张的概念。另一种不那么激烈的可能性是,鉴于其分离结构,索赔权的概念应该有不同的目的。对于那些不被我的论点说服的人来说,第三种可能性是,将我的讨论视为提出了一个挑战,任何令人满意的道德主张权利的描述都应该遇到这个挑战。第七节结束。在我开始发言之前,请允许我作一些澄清。我的讨论重点是道德理论中的权利主张,特别是在道德理论中,这个概念被认为占据了独特的道德地位。正如我将在文章末尾解释的那样,模糊性使索赔权的概念不适合道德理论中的这一目的,也使其成为政治宣传的有力工具。我对索赔权是否适用于法律推理的技术目的保持沉默。由于这些似乎与道德哲学的目的不同,本文提出的担忧不必延伸到法律领域。最后,请注意我的术语。在以下内容中,我将把“索赔权利”、“定向义务”(侵犯特定他人的行为)和“对他人的义务”视为同等义务。这一术语选择符合文献中的标准用法。6对索赔权的评估以我们希望这一概念在道德理论中所做的工作为前提。如果找不到可行的定义来完成这项工作,我们将有理由怀疑这个概念的有用性,至少就最初的预期目的而言。作为一个类比,考虑一个与我们不同的概念体系的社会,在这个社会中只有两种类型的餐具:叉子和尖嘴。叉子以人们熟悉的方式被定义为拾取固体食物的工具。spife的概念是不连贯的:它要么指向舀液体食物的工具,要么指向切割固体食物的工具。我们希望这些概念能帮助我们有效地选择不同的“吃饭工具”。碰巧,有两种物体属于“spives”类别:我们(在我们的世界里)称之为勺子和刀。在这个平行的社会里,当人们要求喝水时,可能会想到我们称之为勺子或刀的东西。 毕竟,如果你的义务是对我的,那么它的履行在某种意义上是“我的”,当某件事是我的时,我对它有规范的控制。意志理论不仅具有独立的吸引力,而且符合需求。它赋予索赔权利人一个独特的道德地位,即控制他人义务的权力。但是desideratum(b)呢?正如评论家们著名地指出的那样,在这里,该理论遇到了一些困难,因为它没有充分产生权利。17在意志理论中,选择的能力——因此是对他人义务的规范控制——是拥有权利的必要条件。因此,该理论无法解释缺乏这种能力的实体的权利,如儿童、严重精神残疾者和非人类动物。18此外,该理论没有所谓不可剥夺的权利的空间。由于对意志理论家来说,拥有权利就是拥有控制义务的权力,包括放弃义务的权力。因此,不可剥夺的权利——即不能放弃的权利——在概念上是不可能的。19总之,意志理论满足欲望(a),但与欲望(b)作斗争。现在让我谈谈它的主要竞争对手。根据Joseph Raz等人突出捍卫的利益理论,拥有权利就是拥有足以证明他人义务正当的利益。20利益理论也有很多直观的吸引力。当我的利益是解释其存在的关键时,很自然地会认为我有义务。许多权利——生命权、身体完整权、食物权等等——似乎都符合利益理论的基本原理。此外,“作为证明义务正当的利益持有人”可以恰当地描述为一种独特的道德立场。无论谁拥有它,都与责任人有着特殊的规范关系。因此,利益理论满足需求(a)。但是,就像意志理论一样,它也很难满足需求。如果我有独特的能力帮助她,并且可以以很少的个人成本来帮助她,我就应该这样做。然而,大多数人都会否认这位女士有权得到我的帮助,就像我的面包师有权要求我为今天早上从他那里买的面包卷买单一样。我的义务看起来像是一个受益人的问题,尽管本案中的受益人是明确的,但这似乎不足以产生权利。22其次,正如我之前的其他人也指出的那样,由于在某些情况下,某人对X的权利不能通过上诉来证明其对X的利益是合理的,因此该理论低估了权利的产生。举个例子,考虑一下我对一个堂兄送给我的廉价装饰品的产权。我对拥有这个装饰品没有什么兴趣。几年前,我发现它很难看,就把它放在壁橱的底部,从此就忘记了它。根据任何合理的解释,我对拥有这件装饰品的兴趣都不足以让其他人承担不偷它的强烈义务,但作为一个决定如何处理它的人:这是对自由的更广泛兴趣。但是,正如拉兹自己承认的那样,在一些可以想象的情况下,“我不介意,也没有理由介意你未经允许服用”。24也就是说,这与自由利益无关。在这种情况下,利益理论家似乎必须得出结论,认为我没有权利。拉兹摆脱这一困境的方法包括暗示,虽然我可能对拥有这个特定的物体没有什么兴趣,但我和社会上的其他人一样,对建立一个运转良好的财产体系感兴趣。这一制度的理由不是为了迎合特定个人的利益,而是为了每个人的利益:为了共同利益。这种常见的好案例是权利持有人的利益和公众利益“和谐交织”的案例:也就是说,“使他受益是使他们受益的一种方式,并且……通过使他们受益,权利持有人的权益得到了服务”。25在这种情况下,我的个人利益的权重被其他人的利益“增加”,从而证明我的(财产)权利是合理的。虽然这种回应可能会使利益理论避免产生不足的费用,但它这样做的代价是使其无法满足需求(a)。26因为,如果从利益理论的角度来看,解释他人不盗窃我的财产的义务不是我的利益,而是我和其他人的利益(即共同利益),再也不能说我在这些职责方面处于独特的道德地位了。当涉及到履行这些职责时,我的利益并不比其他人的利益更重要。 这一点可以通过回顾正当性和地位权利声明将权利作为一个道德类别定位在不同的地方来最有效地表达。正当性陈述将其定位于利益证明授权正当性的个人,在任何特定情况下,哪种形式的授权最合适是一个悬而未决的问题。相比之下,地位声明将索赔权利定位于拥有某些正当授权形式的个人。事实上,利益证明赋权是正当的个人和被赋权的个人并不总是一致的(想想儿童权利和财产权),再加上赋权可以采取几种不同的形式,而这些形式并不总是需要共同体现的,34如果我们想获取所有核心的普通语言陈述,我们需要一个分离的索赔权利定义。反过来,这种脱节的定义并没有指向一个独特的道德立场,而是指向一个道德立场家族,就像更广泛的“权利”概念是脱节的一样,并指向四种可能的规范关系。35我认为,出于结构原因,索赔权的任何外延上的充分定义都无法使这一概念在道德理论中发挥我们希望它发挥的作用。索赔权的概念没有明确的道德立场,而是一个家庭。因此,索赔权的概念并不比更广泛的权利概念具体得多,因为它旨在消除权利的歧义。接下来会发生什么?我考虑了三种可能性,并就每种可能性提出了一些论点。我的目的不是特别为一个人辩护,而是表明,无论一个人的直觉如何,目前的讨论都应该促使我们重新思考当代关于索赔权的许多概念辩论所采取的方向。权利的语言,尤其是权利主张的语言,在道德理论中无处不在。如果有一件事非功利主义的道德哲学家似乎同意,至少在西方世界是这样,那就是人类拥有某种权利。提及他们作为索赔权持有人的地位,意在表明他们的人性和相对于彼此的地位有一些特殊之处。然而,我认为,当我们更深入地探究这一立场究竟意味着什么时,主张权的概念恰当地抓住了这一点的想法就消失了。主张权利谈话最大的共同点是授权。道德要求权不适合占据独特的道德地位。只要这是我们希望他们在道德理论中所做的,我们就应该得出结论,他们不符合目的。这是否意味着索赔权的语言应该被放弃或重新调整用途,这是我留下的问题。然而,我希望能够提供理由,重新思考索赔权作为一个道德概念的性质。我感谢勒沃胡姆信托基金(Philip Leverhulme Prize)、Forschungskollleg Humanwissenschaften(Bad Homburg)和Justitia Amplificata计划的支持。本条不存在潜在的利益冲突。作者宣称这项研究不需要人类伦理的批准。
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期刊介绍: The Journal of Political Philosophy is an international journal devoted to the study of theoretical issues arising out of moral, legal and political life. It welcomes, and hopes to foster, work cutting across a variety of disciplinary concerns, among them philosophy, sociology, history, economics and political science. The journal encourages new approaches, including (but not limited to): feminism; environmentalism; critical theory, post-modernism and analytical Marxism; social and public choice theory; law and economics, critical legal studies and critical race studies; and game theoretic, socio-biological and anthropological approaches to politics. It also welcomes work in the history of political thought which builds to a larger philosophical point and work in the philosophy of the social sciences and applied ethics with broader political implications. Featuring a distinguished editorial board from major centres of thought from around the globe, the journal draws equally upon the work of non-philosophers and philosophers and provides a forum of debate between disparate factions who usually keep to their own separate journals.
Evaluating International Agreements: The Voluntarist Reply and Its Limits Issue Information The Journal of Political Philosophy Index, Volume 31 (2023) The challenge of policing minorities in a liberal society Noncompliance and the Demands of Public Reason
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