Acardiac monochorionic twins lack cardiac function but grow by passive perfusion of the pump twin's deoxygenated arterial blood through placental arterioarterial (AA) and venovenous (VV) anastomoses and by hypoxia-mediated neovascularization. Pump twins therefore must continuously increase their cardiac output which may cause heart failure. Our aims were: to adapt our twin-twin transfusion syndrome model for acardiac twin pregnancies, to simulate pump and acardiac twin development, and to examine the model for early prognostic markers of pump twin survival.
We used an infinite acardiac placental resistance, based on placental dye injection studies and simulations, suggesting the AA-Acardiac-VV series resistance determines the pump twin's excess cardiac output. Pump and acardiac development were expressed by the pump's excess cardiac output versus its normal value, represented by pump/acardiac umbilical venous diameter (UVD) ratios.
UVD ratios distinguish between AA-VV anastomoses that do and do not cause hydropic pump twins. Pump twins can handle relative larger acardiac perfusion at later than earlier gestation. Both VV and acardiac resistances are significantly smaller than the AA resistance, based on respectively clinical data and acardiac blood volumetric growth.