
Michael J. Walter, Andrew R. Thomson, Evan M. Smith
{"title":"岩石圈下钻石中硅酸盐和氧化物包裹体的地球化学","authors":"Michael J. Walter, Andrew R. Thomson, Evan M. Smith","doi":"10.2138/rmg.2022.88.07","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"Minerals included in diamonds provide direct information about the petrologic and chemical environment of diamond crystallization. They record information relating to local and regional mantle processes and provide important contextual information for global-scale tectonic interpretations (Stachel et al. 2005; Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019). Most mined inclusion-bearing diamonds originate in sub-continental, cratonic mantle lithosphere but a small percentage host mineral inclusions consistent with an origin beneath the lithosphere (~1%, Stachel and Harris 2008). Key among these inclusions are silicate and oxide minerals that provide either direct (e.g., majoritic garnet, ringwoodite) or circumstantial (e.g., CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich phases; ferropericlase) evidence for a high-pressure origin deep in the convecting mantle; we refer to these diamonds as “sublithospheric” although they are also commonly called “superdeep”. Studies over the past four decades have provided a wealth of information to draw upon to interrogate the origins of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions and to speculate on broader geologic and geodynamic implications.In the 1980s researchers began to recognize that some diamonds carry inclusions indicative of an origin beneath continental lithosphere, extending to depths even into the lower mantle (Scott-Smith et al. 1984; Moore et al. 1986; Wilding et al. 1991; Harte and Harris 1994; Harris et al. 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a; Harte et al. 1999). Paramount among these are inclusions with (Mg,Fe)O and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 stoichiometry, and on the basis of co-occurrence in the same diamond they were interpreted as ferropericlase and retrograde Mg-silicate perovskite (bridgmanite) from the shallow lower mantle. Discoveries of inclusions with CaSiO3 stoichiometry, sometimes also co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases and/or ferropericlase and interpreted as retrograde Ca-silicate perovskite, supported the view of a lower mantle genesis related to mantle peridotite (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005). Garnet inclusions with excess octahedrally coordinated silicon per formula unit (Moore and Gurney 1985, 1989; Moore et al. 1991; Stachel and Harris 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a) provided further evidence for a sublithospheric origin on the basis of experiments that revealed the pressure dependence of elemental substitutions (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977).Over several decades numerous studies have uncovered many new examples of sublithospheric diamonds hosting these key indicator phases while also identifying a wide variety of other mineral inclusions interpreted to have an origin in the deep upper mantle to lower mantle, including but not limited to ringwoodite, stishovite, CF-phase, NAL-phase, K-hollandite, CAS phase, and phase Egg (Wirth et al. 2007; Bulanova et al. 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015). The reader is referred to several recent review papers that provide an inventory of inclusion types in sublithospheric diamonds (Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019).On the basis of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data it has become increasingly apparent that many sublithospheric diamonds record processes that are related to subduction of lithospheric plates (Stachel et al. 2000a,b; Stachel 2001; Walter et al. 2008; Tappert et al. 2009b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015; Shirey et al. 2019). The major and trace element geochemistry of majoritic garnet and Ti-rich CaSiO3-rich phases in particular point to an origin involving subducted basaltic oceanic crust, as does the presence of rare inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF-phase and NAL-phase. The prevalence of light carbon isotopic compositions in diamonds and heavy oxygen isotopes in hosted inclusions provide additional supporting evidence for this hypothesis (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015).Sublithospheric diamonds have distinctly low N with ~70% considered Type II (e.g., < ~20 at.ppm N) and with > 90% having < 100 at.ppm N. When measurable the N is highly aggregated and dominated by B centers (~87% have >50 %B), consistent with storage in the mantle at high temperature. In comparison lithospheric diamonds have higher N, are typically classified as Type I, averaging ~250 at.ppm N but extending to > 1000 at.ppm N, and with < 20% low N Type II. Lithospheric diamonds also commonly exhibit poorly aggregated N (e.g., <50 %B) indicative of storage at cooler cratonic temperatures (Harlow 1998; Stachel et al. 2002; Pearson et al. 2003; Shirey et al. 2013; Smith and Kopylova 2014). Sublithospheric diamonds tend to be irregular in shape, show weak cathodoluminescence, have textures indicating residence in a high-strain environment and sometimes exhibit multiple nucleation sites, resorption and regrowth. Like their lithospheric counterparts, precipitation of sublithospheric diamonds is thought to occur primarily from C-saturated fluids or melts, with carbonatitic, hydrous, methane-rich and metallic liquids all implicated on the basis of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Harte 2010; Harte and Richardson 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018).Here we review the mineralogy, major and trace element geochemistry of key silicate and oxide mineral inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds from global data sets assembled from the literature. The purpose of this synthesis is to focus on inclusions that have compositions of major mineral phases in upper mantle, transition zone and lower mantle assemblages in both meta-peridotite (e.g., peridotite, harzburgite, dunite) and meta-basalt (e.g., basalt, pyroxenite). A further requirement is that inclusions occur commonly enough for substantial geochemical data to be available from locations spanning multiple continents and cratons. Accordingly, we focus on inclusions of majoritic garnet, MgSiO3- and CaSiO3-rich phases, ferropericlase, olivine and clinopyroxene, assembling datasets comprising 659 inclusions. We will not ignore other inclusion types entirely but will rather discuss them in relation to these more abundant inclusions.Depending on when they formed or equilibrated relative to their diamond hosts, inclusions in diamonds are classified as protogenetic (preceding diamond formation), syngenetic (co-crystallizing with diamond) or epigenetic (crystallizing after diamond formation). Typically, a syngenetic origin for inclusions has been inferred if, regardless of their crystal system, the inclusions show a cubo-octahedral morphology that is imposed by their diamond hosts, which is most commonly the case (Harris and Gurney 1979; Meyer 1987; Stachel and Harris 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). On the basis of the commonly observed diamond-imposed morphology the sublithospheric inclusions described herein are all assumed to be syngenetic, or at least have equilibrated synchronous with diamond crystallization and were trapped at the time of diamond growth, recording a geochemical snapshot of this process. These issues are discussed more extensively, from a geochronology perspective, in Smit et al. (2022, this volume).Throughout this review the geochemistry and mineralogy of sublithospheric inclusions will be discussed relative to observations from petrological experiments performed at mantle conditions. Figure 1 shows experimentally derived estimates of the modal mineralogy expected in primitive mantle peridotite (e.g., pyrolite), harzburgite and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) compositions (Ishii et al. 2018, 2019), illustrating how majoritic garnet, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, ferropericlase, olivine polymorphs and clinopyroxene dominate mineral assemblages at the depths of the deep upper mantle, transition zone and shallow lower mantle. Of the inclusions in our global dataset, ~42% are ferropericlase inclusions, 32% are majoritic garnet, MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich inclusions comprise about 8% each, 6% are clinopyroxene and 4% are olivine. We also discuss the occurrence of SiO2 and retrograde CF and NAL phases that have been reported in sublithospheric diamonds, but these make up only a small fraction (< 1%) of the silicate inclusion population with reported chemistry.Thus, the most common phases in sublithospheric diamonds mirror those in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic lithologies at high pressure (Harte 2010) but have been reported in proportions inconsistent with expected modal abundances in natural mantle assemblages (Fig. 1). This observation has been used to suggest the mantle might not accurately reflect a model primitive peridotite composition (Kaminsky 2012, 2017). However, diamond growth and trapping processes combined with sampling and preservation biases make observed inclusion proportions unreliable for assessing the modal mineralogy of the ambient mantle at depth (Liu 2002; Nimis et al. 2019). In this review we provide an analysis of the geochemistry of the common sublithospheric diamond inclusion types and use experimentally and theoretically derived phase relations and element partitioning data to constrain their depth of origin, plausible lithological associations and formation processes.Garnet is the dominant aluminous mineral in mantle assemblages at depths greater than ~30–70 km, eventually becoming the second most abundant mineral in mantle peridotite and the dominant mineral in basaltic compositions throughout the deeper upper mantle and transition zone (Irifune 1987; Irifune and Ringwood 1993; Ishii et al. 2019) (Fig. 1). Garnet is chemically diverse, following the ideal formula A3B2Si3O12, where A cations occupy dodecahedral sites and B cations occupy octahedral sites. It is generally the case that divalent cations occupy the A-site in garnet, while the octahedral B-site is normally filled with trivalent cations. There are many exceptions to this simplified scheme (Grew et al. 2013) but the most significant for understanding mantle garnets is that of titanium and phosphorus cations. Titanium occurs almost exclusively as Ti4+ in natural garnets (Locock 2008; Grew et al. 2013), and at lithospheric conditions can occupy either the tetrahedral Si site or the B-site (Waychunas 1987; Proyer et al. 2013; Ackerson et al. 2017a,b). However, at conditions relevant to sublithospheric inclusions, it is assumed that all Ti occupies the octahedral site in garnet (Ackerson et al. 2017b), charge balanced by monovalent Na+ (or K+) on the A-site (Ono and Yasuda 1996; Locock 2008; Proyer et al. 2013). Phosphorus, which is assumed to be exclusively pentavalent, is believed to occupy the tetrahedral silicon site, predominantly charge balanced by monovalent cations on the A-site (Haggerty et al. 1994).Lithospheric garnets have a maximum of 3 silicon atoms per formula unit (pfu), whereas those that formed at pressures greater than about 6 to 8 GPa (equivalent to ~180–240 km depth) contain additional silicon, which is commonly referred to as the “majorite” component. The additional silicon is a consequence of the increasing solubility of pyroxene into garnet as equilibration pressure increases, and can be described by two principal substitution mechanisms:where VIM2+ is a divalent octahedral cation and VIIIX+ is a monovalent dodecahedral cation. Both substitutions have been shown to increase with pressure, indicating that the octahedral silicon content (majorite component) in garnet is pressure dependent.In the MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, completion of substitution (1) leads to the formation of the majorite (Mj) garnet endmember VIIIMg3VI[MgSi]IVSi3O12 (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977; Irifune 1987), whereas substitution (2) produces the Na-majorite (NaMj) component VIII[Na2Mg]VISi2IVSi3O12 in the Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system (Irifune et al. 1989; Dymshits et al. 2013). The extent to which substitutions (1) and (2) occur is a complex function of pressure, temperature and composition (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018), but substitution (1) tends to dominate in meta-peridotitic assemblages and substitution (2) in meta-basaltic assemblages (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2021).Importantly, any measurable majorite component can be used as a single mineral barometer via several available calibrations (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). Majoritic garnets are classified as those that have a discernible majorite component (e.g., > 3 Si pfu) in their reported chemical analysis. In contrast with many previous studies, we follow the approach of Thomson et al. (2021) and explicitly account for tetrahedral phosphorus and monovalent charge balanced titanium, with the majorite component defined as:Majoritic garnet inclusions provide direct evidence of an origin at depths greater than ~ 200 km on the basis of their pressure sensitive substitutions (Eqns. 1, 2) and are the only inclusions that provide a quantifiable, chemistry-based barometer. Inclusions of majoritic garnet are widespread and have been observed in diamonds collected from a wide range of localities, including cratons in South Africa, Brazil, Western Africa, Canada, Russia and China. We have compiled major element chemical analyses from 214 garnet inclusions that have a majorite component ≥ 0.005. Data and references are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Most of the majoritic garnet inclusions are reported as single or multiple occurrences in a single diamond (> 60%) or co-occurrences with clinopyroxene (~20%), and there are seven co-occurrences with a CaSiO3-rich phase and seven with SiO2. Thus, the co-occurring mineralogy indicates crystallization of majoritic garnet inclusions throughout the deep upper mantle and transition zone (Fig. 1).Many, if not most, majoritic garnet inclusions have undergone retrograde re-equilibration and exsolution (Fig. 2). Exsolution of omphacitic clinopyroxene sometimes with other minor phases has frequently been reported (Harte and Cayzer 2007; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a, 2016; Burnham et al. 2016; Sobolev et al. 2016), often as volumetrically small rinds at the extremities of individual inclusions (Fig. 2). In many studies where majoritic garnet inclusions are reported, exsolution features are not described or analysed. Our experience suggests that exsolution features may have commonly gone unreported, possibly as a consequence of poorer imaging capabilities in early generations of electron microprobes. This may be especially prevalent in studies where inclusions were broken out of diamonds rather than exposed by polishing. Omission of exsolved clinopyroxene affects the bulk inclusion chemistry such that it will always lead to underestimation of pressure using empirical, chemistry-based barometers. Analysis of entire majoritic garnet inclusions is also critical for future attempts to accurately date the inclusions.The major and minor element compositions of 215 majoritic garnet inclusions as determined by electron probe microanalysis are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) along with references describing analytical protocols. We compare these inclusion chemistries to a dataset of synthetic experimental majoritic garnets crystallized in peridotitic, harzburgitic, basaltic, sedimentary and hybrid bulk compositions across a wide range of upper mantle and transition zone pressure and temperature conditions. To our knowledge, the compositional data presented in Table 1 are based on microprobe analysis of the garnet portion of exposed/extracted inclusions without reincorporation of any exsolved material, making their derived pressures minimum estimates.Figure 3a is a plot of CaO vs Cr2O3, a scheme originally constructed for classifying lithospheric garnets, which effectively delineates the majoritic garnet inclusions into two types: Low-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit low Cr2O3 (< ~1 wt.%), a wide range of Ca content (~ 2–18 wt.% CaO) and have Mg#s (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) predominantly lower than 0.7; High-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit high Cr2O3 (1–20 wt.%), low CaO (< 6 wt.%) and have Mg#s > 0.7 and typically > 0.8. In comparison with majoritic garnets from experimental studies, low-Cr inclusions are unlike garnets that crystallize in meta-peridotitic assemblages but overlap extensively with those produced in meta-basaltic assemblages that generally have extremely low Cr2O3 (< 0.1 wt.%) contents (Fig. 3, dark field) and a similarly wide range of CaO contents. We note that Cr2O3 contents in majoritic garnets produced in meta-sediment experiments invariably are not reported but are also expected to yield low-Cr garnet. Several low-Cr inclusions extend towards higher Cr2O3 and somewhat lower CaO contents and appear intermediate between majoritic garnet produced in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages (Thomson et al. 2016a).High-Cr inclusions, with the exception of just a few, have much higher Cr than reported experimental garnets in fertile meta-peridotitic assemblages (Fig. 3, light-grey field) but overlap considerably with garnets produced in meta-harzburgitic assemblages (Fig. 3, red hex-stars), suggesting the high Cr2O3 may originate in highly depleted mantle compositions (Moore and Gurney 1985; Stachel et al. 2000a; Wang et al. 2000b; Schulze et al. 2008; Motsamai et al. 2018).Figure 3b presents an alternative chemography based on CaO and TiO2 contents. Experimental garnets generally occupy separate regions of this diagram depending on bulk composition, with meta-peridotitic garnets having low CaO and TiO2, and meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary garnets having higher CaO and TiO2. Low-Cr inclusions, as distinguished primarily by lower Mg# on Figure 3b, are best represented by meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary experimental garnets. In contrast the high-Cr inclusions have TiO2 contents on the low-side of those observed in meta-peridotitic assemblages but are akin to some experimental meta-harzburgitic garnets. We note also that experimental meta-sediment garnets typically have Mg#s ≪ 0.4, generally inconsistent with the observed compositional range of majoritic garnet inclusions. Overall, low-Cr majorite inclusions are similar to lithospheric garnet inclusions that have been classified as eclogitic (Stachel et al. 2000a) and which we refer to as meta-basaltic, whereas high-Cr inclusions are similar to garnets with depleted, meta-harzburgitic affinity.Substitution mechanisms.Figure 4 is a plot showing majoritic garnet substitutional components (Eqns. 1–3) for inclusion and experimental garnets expressed as variation of monovalent and divalent cations. Majoritic garnets stable in meta-peridotitic assemblages predominantly follow the [maj] substitution vector. These meta-peridotitic garnets possess few, but often not zero, monovalent cations that are not charge balancing titanium (Fig. 4a), and they have an increasing proportion of divalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4b). The scatter around the ideal substitution vectors in Figure 4b may be partially explained by unidentified Fe3+, but the incorporation of “extra” monovalent cations, especially at higher values of (Si + P − 3), demonstrates the occurrence of both substitution mechanisms in the experimental garnet compositions but with the [maj] substitution predominant. In contrast, experimental majoritic garnets from meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary assemblages predominantly follow the ideal [Na-maj] substitution vector. This behavior reflects the higher alkali and lower magnesium contents in these bulk compositions, resulting in increasing monovalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4a), whereas divalent cations decrease (Fig. 4b).Also shown on Figure 4 (as diamonds) are global majoritic garnet inclusion compositions from Table 1. High-Cr inclusions (green diamonds) cluster around the origin and extend solely along the [maj] vector to approximately 0.3. Low-Cr inclusions (blue diamonds) do not exclusively follow either substitution but rather span the range of compositions between both the [maj] and [Na-maj] substitutions. This could indicate lower Na basaltic protoliths, perhaps due to more Mg-rich basalts produced earlier in Earth’s history (Pearson et al. 2003), but has previously been interpreted to indicate an association with hybrid or pyroxenitic compositions (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2016a, 2021). Low-Cr inclusions with larger [maj] components possess higher but variable magnesium contents, 0.6 < Mg# < 0.85, and generally follow the [maj] substitution. However, these inclusion compositions are clearly not tied exclusively to the [maj] vector, and some skew significantly towards the [Na-maj] substitution.The chemical variation expressed by elemental substitutions in experimental majoritic garnet data sets has been used to calibrate empirical barometers for quantifying crystallization pressures, providing important constraints on the depths of diamond formation. The reader is referred to Nimis 2022 (this volume) for additional coverage of mineral barometry.All published majoritic garnet barometers exclude effects of temperature from their experimental calibrations, relying solely on a parametrization of the major element chemistry to predict inclusion formation pressures (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). The accuracy of calculated pressures in each study is based on the ability to reproduce their respective calibration datasets and is estimated to be ± 1−2 GPa. However, uncertainties can be much larger when these barometers are applied to experimental majoritic compositions outside the range of the calibration data. For example, when applied to majoritic garnets in the entire experimental database, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrated much larger uncertainties among extant barometers, and a tendency for pressure underestimation, sometimes by as much as 10 GPa, when applied to the highest-pressure experimental garnets. In contrast to previous studies that used experimental subsets with limited compositional range, Thomson et al. (2021) trained a machine learning algorithm with all available experimental data to produce a barometer calibrated across the entire experimental pressure, temperature and composition space, with a significantly improved accuracy in reproducing the complete experimental dataset, especially at the highest pressures.Shown on Figure 5 are histograms of garnet inclusion pressures calculated using majoritic garnet barometers. Despite differences in absolute pressures, all barometers exhibit a bimodal pressure distribution with distinct pressure modes at ~ 7−10 and ~ 12−15 GPa. The barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) predicts the highest-pressure modes with some inclusions indicating pressures as high as ~ 22 GPa (~ 600 km depth). However, we emphasize that many, if not all, majoritic garnet inclusions contain small amounts of exsolved omphacitic pyroxene, whose omission leads to pressure underestimation. This exsolution is presumably the effect of partial reequilibration at lower pressures, post-entrapment, during diamond exhumation. Based on eight inclusions available from the entire global dataset where adequate data is available to estimate bulk inclusion compositions and correct for exsolution, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrate that inclusion pressures may be underestimated by ~4 ± 2.5 GPa if exsolution features are ignored.Figure 5e shows histograms of majoritic garnet inclusion pressures calculated using the barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) separated according to low-Cr and high-Cr varieties. The distribution demonstrates that nearly all of the high-pressure mode is occupied by low-Cr garnets, which are meta-basaltic in composition. The concentration of the high-Cr majoritic garnets at lower pressures (e.g., < ~10 GPa) suggests that the diamonds hosting these depleted meta-peridotitic inclusions formed in a unique environment compared to high-Cr inclusions, possibly even in deep cratonic lithosphere rather than in the convecting mantle.Measurements of trace element concentrations, mostly made using SIMS analyses at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF), are reported for fifty-eight majoritic garnet inclusions in Table 2 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 6 shows trace element ‘spidergrams’ for majoritic garnet inclusions with element abundances normalized to the silicate Earth model of McDonough and Sun (1995), which we refer to as BSE (bulk silicate Earth). We have opted to maintain the low-Cr (Fig. 6a,c) and high-Cr (Fig. 6b,d) divisions and find that trace element abundance patterns are also generally distinct between these two groups.Low-Cr majorite inclusions are systematically more enriched in trace elements than high-Cr inclusions, generally by about one order of magnitude. Virtually all majoritic garnet inclusions possess a negative Sr anomaly and many have positive Zr and Hf anomalies. Rare earth element (REE) patterns generally show depletions in the light rare earths (LREE), with Lu/La ratios ranging from ~ 0.15–1800 with >80% of inclusions greater than unity. Low-Cr inclusions generally have higher Lu/La than high-Cr inclusions. Where measured, Th, U and Nb are relatively enriched relative to BSE whereas Ba, Li and Rb, with a few exceptions, are variably depleted. Small negative Eu and Y anomalies are present in some low-Cr majoritic garnets, whereas a number of the high-Cr inclusions exhibit large Y anomalies.Also shown on Figure 6 for comparison with observed inclusions are calculated trace element concentrations estimated for majoritic garnet in subsolidus meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic (MORB) mineral assemblages. Subsolidus majoritic garnet compositions were calculated using published mineral/melt partition coefficients for experimentally constrained phase assemblages following the approach of Thomson et al. (2016b).For example, the following mass balance defines the trace element contents of any single phase in a multi-phase assemblage:where XiA,XiB,XiC are the concentrations of trace element i in phase A, B, and C, Di are mineral/melt partition coefficients, and α, β and γ are the proportions of phases A, B and C in the phase assemblage. Bulk trace element contents (⁠Xitotal⁠) for peridotite are taken as BSE (McDonough and Sun 1995), for harzburgite are taken from the average of nine samples formed by melt depletion in a subduction zone environment as reported in Secchiari et al (2020), and mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (ALL-MORB) is used to represent basaltic compositions (Gale et al. 2013). ‘Processed’ MORB is calculated as described in Thomson et al. (2016b) and is used as an estimate of subducted MORB crust post sub-arc dehydration. Table 3 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) provides the source of partition coefficients and the phase proportions used in each phase assemblage to calculate trace element abundances in coexisting phases in mineral assemblages at pressures from the transition zone to the lower mantle.Figure 6a shows that low-Cr inclusions are unlike those expected in meta-peridotitic assemblages at conditions of the transition zone; majoritic garnet in equilibrium with Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotite or meta-harzburgite are significantly more depleted than the low-Cr inclusions. Peridotitic majoritic garnets at shallow transition zone conditions in equilibrium with wadsleyite and clinopyroxene have similar overall levels of enrichment relative to BSE as some low-Cr inclusions but the overall pattern and especially the abundances and slope of the REE and mild Sr anomaly are unlike the majoritic garnet inclusions. Consistent with their Ca and Cr contents, trace elements show that low-Cr majoritic garnets do not have meta-peridotitic affinity.In contrast, Figure 6c demonstrates that low-Cr majoritic inclusions share characteristics of majoritic garnet compositions expected in meta-basaltic assemblages. The calculated trace element abundances of garnet at 14 GPa are generally within the range observed in low-Cr inclusions, while at 20 GPa calculated abundances are at the lower range of the inclusions due to coexistence with Ca-silicate perovskite. We note that the depletions in some large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and Sr are best reproduced in the ‘processed’ MORB composition, consistent with loss during sub-arc slab devolatilization. While some low-Cr inclusions have relatively flat middle to heavy REE similar to meta-basaltic garnet at 14 GPa (e.g., Lu/Sm near unity), many show depletions in LREE and MREE similar to MORB at 20 GPa, although with higher overall abundances by up to an order of magnitude. Thus, while low-Cr inclusions are more like meta-basaltic garnet compositions they generally have trace elements abundances that are elevated relative to expectations for trapped portions of subsolidus materials in processed MORB.Overall abundance levels in high-Cr inclusions are generally similar to those expected in meta-peridotitic lithologies. They tend to possess negative Sr anomalies and generally have relatively flat REE abundance patterns (Fig. 6b), most akin to meta-peridotite at lower pressures where Ca-silicate perovskite is not stable, which is consistent with their lower calculated pressures (Fig. 5e). There are very few measurements of LILE, Th, U, Nb, Ta for high-Cr inclusions; while this may suggest they were very depleted in these components, it is important to note that these elements were not analyzed in all studies. Two additional features of the high-Cr inclusions are that many have negative Y anomalies, whose origin is unclear but are suggested to be associated with Earth surface processes (Thomson et al. 2016b). Additionally, several of the high chromium samples possess sinusoidal REE patterns, features that are common amongst lithospheric xenoliths and are thought to record the influence of metasomatic fluids (Stachel et al. 1998b; Wang et al. 2000b; Stachel et al. 2004), potentially consistent with their origin in the deep lithospheric mantle.Inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds with ABO3 stoichiometry occur in both calcium-rich and magnesium-rich varieties. On the basis of their mineralogy and chemistry these inclusions are commonly interpreted to represent high-pressure phases with a former ‘perovskite’ structure that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs or phase assemblages (Harte and Harris 1994; Stachel et al. 1998a, 2000b, 2005; Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2002, 2005, 2021; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Tappert et al. 2009b; Harte 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015, 2016, 2020; Burnham et al. 2016; Nestola et al. 2018). As such, these inclusions are some of the few known samples thought to originate from the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle and, therefore, can provide insight into the lithologies and processes occurring at these depths.The mineral perovskite sensu stricto has a CaTiO3 composition, is orthorhombic, and crystallizes in the Pnma space group. Perovskite-structured phases with both MgSiO3 (bridgmanite) and CaSiO3 compositions crystallize in high-pressure and temperature experiments in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic assemblages (Liu and Ringwood 1975; Yagi et al. 1978; Ito et al. 1984; Irifune 1987; Kesson et al. 1994; Kesson et al. 1995). MgSiO3-rich inclusions interpreted as former bridgmanite occur as retrograde enstatite. CaSiO3 and Ca(Si,Ti) O3 inclusions in diamond are typically interpreted as products of originally perovskite-structured phases that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs, with CaSiO3 most often occurring as breyite (formerly known as calcium walstromite) but wollastonite has also been observed (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). CaTiO3 perovskite coexisting with CaSiO3 is also observed as part of composite inclusion assemblages.Here we review the chemistry of MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases that occur as inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds. We recognize that the inclusions do not occur as high-pressure perovskite-structured polymorphs but rather as retrograde minerals, and we will review the evidence for their identification as former bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite minerals, respectively.The compilation of CaSiO3-rich inclusion compositions includes fifty-three samples in diamonds from four cratons, forty-one of which are from South America. Mineralogical identification of the observed inclusions is often assumed on the basis of major element stoichiometry, although in some studies crystal structures have been determined by Raman spectroscopy or X-ray diffraction (Joswig et al. 1999; Brenker et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016; Korolev et al. 2018; Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions are either single phase CaSiO3 (breyite or wollastonite) or composite mixtures of CaSiO3 and other phases including CaTiO3 (perovskite), CaSi2O5 (titanite-structured), Ca2SiO4 (larnite) and ZrO2 (Fig. 7). Composite inclusions with overall Ca(Si,Ti)O3 stoichiometry are typically interpreted to represent unmixing of an originally homogeneous phase; the alternative to the unmixing interpretation is that a portion of a ‘rock’ or melt was trapped encapsulating exactly a composition with ABO3 stoichiometry, which is exceedingly improbable.In five instances CaSiO3-rich phases co-occur in the same diamond with MgSiO3-rich phases, in nine cases they co-occur with ferropericlase, and in only three diamonds with both MgSiO3 and ferropericlase. These non-touching, co-occurring assemblages are generally attributed to a lower mantle association (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a) (Fig. 1). In five cases a CaSiO3- rich phase occurs in the same diamond with majoritic garnet (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with CaSiO3-rich phases include SiO2 (likely former stishovite), merwinite (Ca3Mg(SiO4)2), CaSi2O5-titanite, chromite, Fe–Ni-metal and sulphide (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a,b; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b).Reported major and minor element compositions of CaSiO3-rich inclusions are provided in Table 4 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Many workers have noted that CaSiO3-rich inclusions tend to be nearly phase pure, with analyzed compositions showing only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO in nearly all occurrences (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Nestola et al. 2018). Most notably, MgO abundances are < 0.1 wt% in 29 of 40 inclusions where MgO was measured, and in those cases where MgO is not reported inclusions presumably also have exceptionally low abundances of this routinely measured oxide. Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with expectations for Ca-silicate perovskite in a meta-peridotitic assemblage at mantle temperatures (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Armstrong et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014).We divide the CaSiO3-rich inclusions into two groups based on a distinct compositional gap in TiO2 contents, resulting in forty low-Ti inclusions with TiO2 < 0.7 wt% and thirteen high-Ti inclusions with TiO2 > 2 wt%. Figure 8 is a plot of Ti/(Ti + Si) versus (a) Mg/(Mg + Ca) and (b) Al (per formula unit), illustrating the unusual bulk compositions of many of the inclusion relative to the compositions of Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic mineral assemblages synthesized in experiments.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Most of the low-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusions are unlike those synthesized in experiments, having both exceptionally low MgO and TiO2 contents (Fig. 8a), and also typically very low Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO contents. Three of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur in diamonds together with MgSiO3-rich inclusions that have been interpreted to be of lower mantle origin, yet in each case the MgO contents are < 0.1 wt% (Stachel et al. 2000b; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite (MgSiO3) in a lower mantle assemblage at mantle temperatures (Fig. 8), which have much higher MgO contents (Irifune et al. 2000; Walter et al. 2008). Only one inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil, has an MgO content high enough to potentially be consistent with an origin as part of a meta-peridotitic assemblage at lower mantle pressures and temperatures, albeit with much lower Ti (Burnham et al. 2016). Also shown on Figure 8 are experiments where Ca-silicate perovskite is in equilibrium with transition zone phases like majoritic garnet and ringwoodite in metabasaltic compositions. These experiments produce some Ca-silicate perovskites with lower Mg contents but with much higher Ti contents. In any case, the compositions of nearly all low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions are very unlike Ca-silicate perovskites produced in equilibrium with bridgmanite in primitive mantle peridotite at temperatures appropriate for ambient lower mantle (e.g., > 1700 °C).A potential explanation for the low MgO content of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions is that they formed initially as Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite but at low temperatures, considerably lower than in the experiments plotted on Figure 8 (Irifune et al. 2000; Armstrong et al. 2012). Irifune et al. (2000) demonstrated that at temperatures of 1500 °C and above, substantial (~10× higher than inclusions) MgO dissolves into Ca-silicate perovskite and suggested that the low-MgO content in CaSiO3-rich inclusions reported in Harte et al. (1999) might reflect equilibration and inclusion entrapment at <1200 °C where the solvus widens, possibly in cool subducted lithosphere. Currently the solvus at temperatures below ~1400 °C is poorly constrained experimentally but could potentially be used as a thermometer for low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Of the thirteen inclusions identified as having high titanium, ten are described as composite inclusions of CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 (e.g., Fig. 7). Reconstructing the bulk composition of composite inclusions, when attempted, has been done either through broad beam analysis of entire inclusions, or by analyzing phases separately and recombining them based on estimates of their modal abundance; both of these approaches can have considerable uncertainties (Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014). Like low-Ti inclusions, high-Ti inclusions also have very low MgO contents but have higher Al2O3 and FeO (Fig. 8). Armstrong et al. (2012) showed that as the Ti-content in Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite increases so does the solubility of MgO, such that the high-Ti inclusions should have levels of MgO at the several weight percent level if they formed in the lower mantle. On this basis, equilibrium of the high-Ti inclusions with bridgmanite at lower mantle pressures is excluded for all high-Ti inclusions.As shown on Figure 8, some experimental Ca-silicate perovskites produced in meta-basaltic assemblages at transition zone pressures in equilibrium with majoritic garnet have low-Mg contents and high-Ti contents consistent with the high-Ti inclusions. We note that the experiments that best reproduce the inclusions are at relatively low temperatures and were produced in equilibrium with hydrous fluids or carbonatitic melts. Especially noteworthy are two experiments at 1000 °C where Ca-silicate perovskite is equilibrated with majoritic garnet, stishovite and a hydrous fluid, and has very low MgO contents but relatively high Al2O3 contents (Litasov and Ohtani 2005). Walter et al. (2008) reported on experiments in a simplified carbonated basalt system that showed Ca(Si,Ti)O3-perovskite with very low MgO contents in equilibrium with majoritic garnet (red hexagon, Fig. 8). Similarly, Ca-silicate perovskite compositions in equilibrium with majoritic garnet and carbonatitic melt in experiments with basaltic starting compositions, or where carbonated melts were reacted with peridotite, also have high-TiO2, low-MgO and high Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO similar to the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Thomson et al. 2016a).CaSiO3-rich inclusions are often cited as evidence for diamond formation in the lower mantle (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018; Nestola et al. 2018). However, phase relations do not require a lower mantle or even transition zone origin for perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases to occur as inclusions in diamond (Kubo et al. 1997; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Woodland et al. 2020; Brenker et al. 2021). Because the inclusions typically have only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO, phase relations for CaSiO3-rich inclusions are well represented in the system CaO–SiO2–TiO2.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9a shows phase relations in the CaSiO3 system. Ca-silicate perovskite is stable at pressures above about 13 to 14 GPa at temperatures expected in the mantle, in contrast to the higher pressures at which Ca-silicate perovskite stabilizes in meta-basaltic or meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages (~20 GPa, Fig. 1). CaSiO3 decomposes to a mixture of larnite (Ca2SiO4) plus titanite-structured CaSi2O5 between about 10 and 13 GPa, transforming to breyite at pressures below about 9 to 10 GPa and to wollastonite below ~ 3 GPa. Of the low-Ti inclusions where crystal structure was determined by Raman or X-ray diffraction, the majority indicate breyite as the CaSiO3 phase (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). If the inclusions were originally formed as Ca-silicate perovskite, phase relations suggest the diamonds were transported from depths of at least ~ 400 km (~13 GPa) to depths of < 300 km where breyite is stable (~10 GPa) prior to exhumation by kimberlite. Wollastonite has also been observed in one inclusion (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018), which has a stability at less than about 3 GPa (Chatterjee et al. 1984; Sokolova and Dorogokupets 2021), requiring temperatures below ~1000 ºC for both wollastonite and diamond to co-exist in equilibrium (Fig. 9a).Four of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions show evidence of retrograde phase unmixing consistent with decompression. Joswig et al. (1999) reported on a low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusion from Kankan (Guinea) with the composite assemblage breyite + larnite + titanite (Fig. 7g), which would ostensibly place its last equilibration directly on the phase boundary at ~10 GPa (Fig. 9a). Burnham et al. (2016) report clinopyroxene exsolution in two inclusions from Machado River (Brazil), one with a reconstructed bulk composition that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite as described below. Two of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions from Juina (Brazil) co-occur with majoritic garnet (Tables 1 and 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and barometry yields pressures of ~13 and ~8 GPa but no information about possible clinopyroxene exsolution is provided so these are minimum pressures. Nine of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s ranging from 0.75 to 0.9, with three of these co-occurring with an MgSiO3-rich phase, indicating a deep transition zone or lower mantle origin related to a meta-peridotitic assemblage. However, we reiterate, the low MgO contents preclude equilibration with bridgmanite along a mantle geotherm and indicate either that the inclusions did not equilibrate with bridgmanite or did so at a significantly lower temperature, possibly in cold subducted lithosphere.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9b shows phase relations along the CaTiO3-CaSiO3 join. Of the ten composite inclusions exhibiting unmixing of CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 phases (Fig. 7), in five cases CaSiO3 breyite and CaTiO3 perovskite were confirmed through Raman or X-ray diffraction (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 9b shows that the pressure at which a single-phase Ca(Si,Ti)O3 perovskite solid solution stabilizes depends on Ti-content, ranging from ~13 GPa at the CaSiO3-rich end to < 5 GPa at the CaTiO3-rich end. If the high-Ti inclusions originated as perovskite solid solutions then crystallization pressures of greater than ~6 to 13 GPa are indicated, with most > 9 GPa. Five of the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions co-occur with majoritic garnet, and barometry yields pressures of ~11, 12, 13, 14 and 22 GPa with no correction for clinopyroxene exsolution (Thomson et al. 2021). These pressures are consistent with formation of the composite CaSiO3 inclusions originally as perovskite solid solutions but at depths spanning the deep upper mantle and transition zone rather than the lower mantle, consistent with their low MgO contents.Pressures based on co-occurring majoritic garnet for the entire CaSiO3-rich inclusion suite are generally consistent with minimum estimates from elastic barometry (Anzolini et al. 2018) and suggest that pressures of Ca-silicate perovskite entrapment in diamond may be considerably lower than expectations based on phase relations of mantle lithologies (Fig. 1), possibly due to crystallization from Ca-rich fluids or melts (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). The unmixing exhibited in many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions to breyite-bearing assemblages requires transport of the diamond from the perovskite stability field to shallower depths in the mantle, with suggested mechanisms including mantle convection (e.g., transport in a plume) or with a percolating melt (Davies et al. 2004b; Harte and Cayzer 2007; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Sun et al. 2020).While exsolution as well as co-occurring minerals indicate an origin as Ca-silicate perovskite for many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, it is possible that in some cases inclusions crystallized directly as single phase breyite at upper mantle pressures (e.g., ~ 3 to 9 GPa, Fig. 9a) rather than as Ca-silicate perovskite. It has been suggested that this might occur in Ca-rich lithologies like subducted meta-sediment or through reactions of melts derived from such Ca-rich sediments and peridotitic mantle (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Woodland et al. 2020). It is noteworthy that merwinite (Ca3MgSi2O8) has been recognized as an inclusion co-occurring with low-Ti CaSiO3 in two cases, suggestive of a Ca-rich association. We also note a few Ca-rich inclusions have a Ca/Si ratio greater than unity in composite assemblages of breyite + larnite (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Smith et al. 2018), although no bulk compositions have been reported and these are not part of our data compilation. It is currently unclear whether these composite inclusions represent a Ca-rich silicate phase formed in a unique lithology, or they contain a mass-balancing CaSi2O5-titanite phase that has gone undetected, or whether such inclusions might represent a trapped melt phase.Perovskite-structured CaSiO3 inclusions. Two studies present evidence for CaSiO3-rich inclusions retaining a perovskite structure, both concluding petrogenesis within the lower mantle and preservation to the surface. Nestola et al. (2018) combined Raman, X-ray diffraction and EBSD on a composite CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 inclusion from South Africa (Cullinan) and interpreted the CaSiO3 portion of the inclusion to be in an orthorhombic perovskite structure (Fig. 7h). However, this interpretation cannot be reconciled with the phase relations in Figure 9b, as there is no stability field where CaTiO3-perovskite and CaSiO3-perovskite coexist; experiments demonstrate a complete solid solution between these phases and unmixing should yield CaTiO3 perovskite + breyite or wollastonite. Given the proximity of both CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 regions in the inclusions (Fig. 7h) and their very similar Raman spectra, as well as the large uncertainty in unit cell volume from the X-ray diffraction data, this interpretation requires further evaluation.Tschauner et al. (2021) presented evidence from X-ray diffraction coupled with compositional information derived from a bulk LA-ICP-MS analysis (diamond plus inclusions) to argue that the core of a coated diamond from Botswana (GRR-1507) contains inclusions of an unusual alkali and chrome-rich variety of CaSiO3 in the cubic perovskite structure. The data presented for both the diamond and the inclusion are more easily reconciled with an origin in cratonic lithospheric mantle. The high N content and poorly aggregated N of the diamond core are inconsistent with an origin at temperatures of the convecting mantle but are consistent with storage at lithospheric temperatures. X-ray diffraction data are not unique and can be well matched to phases common in micro-inclusion-bearing lithospheric diamonds. The calculated (not directly measured) bulk inclusion composition is too imprecise to confirm a phase with CaSiO3 stoichiometry. Most notably, the remarkably high K, Na and Cr contents of the calculated inclusion are unlike any known CaSiO3-rich inclusions in our data set, greater by factors of the order 10× (Fig. 8, Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), but are similar to micro-inclusions found in the same suite of samples and other coated lithospheric diamonds (Navon et al. 1988; Weiss et al. 2014).Both of these results require further evaluation, but we suggest the geological implausibility of recovering a sample of perovskite-structured CaSiO3 at Earth’s surface that originated in the transition zone or lower mantle. Experiments indicate that lower pressure polymorphs of CaSiO3 (e.g., breyite or wollastonite) equilibrate in experiments in a matter of minutes to hours at 1200 ºC (Kubo et al. 1997; Sueda et al. 2006), and these minerals are commonly observed in our CaSiO3-rich inclusion database both as mono-crystalline phases and as unmixed components of composite inclusions (Fig. 7; Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Further, no experimentally synthesized perovskite-structured CaSiO3 phase has ever been recovered from high pressure to 1 atmosphere conditions to our knowledge, converting instead to an amorphous phase upon decompression (Mao et al. 1989; Wang and Weidner 1994; Thomson et al. 2019). More work is needed to better evaluate potential P–T paths that may permit a stable perovskite-structured phase to be retained to the surface, but currently the data presented in these studies do not, in our view, support the interpretation of stable perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases as inclusions in diamonds.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, eleven from the low-Ti group and nine from the high-Ti group. These data are provided in Table 5 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 10, normalized to BSE. Eighteen of the twenty inclusions were measured by SIMS at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF) and two by LA-ICP-MS. Also shown on these diagrams are the calculated abundance patterns for Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10a shows trace element abundances for the low-Ti inclusions. The inclusions are enriched relative to BSE in most trace elements by up to more than two orders of magnitude. Most trace elements are also enriched by up to an order of magnitude relative to models for the trace element abundances expected for sub-solidus Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages in either the lower mantle or deep transition zone. They are most akin to Ca-silicate perovskite in either MORB or processed MORB, but this is not consistent with their low Ti contents (Fig. 8). Many of the inclusions have relative depletions in Rb, Ba, Sr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Y and enrichments in light REE relative to heavy REE. It is noteworthy that the least enriched inclusion could be consistent with an origin in a meta-peridotitic lower mantle assemblage, and this inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil (Burnham et al. 2016), is also the only inclusion in the entire dataset with an MgO content plausibly consistent with equilibration with bridgmanite at lower mantle temperatures. Thus, the low-Ti inclusions have a meta-peridotitic major element affinity but are generally enriched in incompatible trace elements.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10b shows trace element abundances for the high-Ti inclusions. A distinguishing feature of these inclusions is their extremely elevated trace element abundances relative to BSE. For example, the most enriched inclusions have 1000 to 70,000 × BSE in incompatible elements like Th, U and the light REE. The inclusions also exhibit a large negative Sr anomaly in all but one inclusion and are characterized by relative depletions in Hf, Zr, Nb and Ta, and also Rb and Ba when measured (these elements were below detection levels in several inclusions).The trace element abundances in the inclusions are not consistent with subsolidus Ca-silicate perovskite in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mineral assemblages in the upper to lower mantle. Abundances in the least enriched inclusions overlap with modeled Ca-silicate perovskite in MORB or processed MORB but have much more pronounced Sr and HFSE anomalies. Most inclusions are significantly enriched relative to expectations for MORB, by up to more than two orders of magnitude for many elements (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2016b). Models for the overall enrichments in trace elements and the characteristics of the abundance patterns in CaSiO3 inclusions are generally consistent with equilibration involving low-degree melts, likely derived from meta-basaltic assemblages, as described further in the ‘Discussion’ section.The compilation of MgSiO3-rich phases with ABO3 stoichiometry includes fifty-five inclusions in diamonds from six cratons, forty-two of which are from South America (Table 6— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Both single phase and composite (Fig. 11) inclusions have been reported. Thirty-five of the inclusions occur in diamonds with assemblages that include ferropericlase and four co-occur with CaSiO3-rich phases. There are three co-occurrences with both ferropericlase and CaSiO3 in the same diamond. The co-occurrence of MgSiO3-rich phases with ferropericlase and/or CaSiO3-rich phases has provided the basis for the interpretation of a meta-peridotitic, lower mantle association for these inclusion assemblages (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Burnham et al. 2016). No MgSiO3-rich inclusions have been found with a bridgmanite crystal structure, and it has been commonly assumed that the observed enstatite structured MgSiO3 inclusions, identified on the basis of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Hutchison et al. 2001; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016), represent retrogression from bridgmanite.Minerals observed together with MgSiO3 in composite inclusions and interpreted as exsolved phases during retrogression include olivine, ferropericlase, jeffbenite (formerly known as TAPP, ideally Mg3Al2Si3O12), ilmenite, magnetite, spinel and magnesian ulvöspinel (Fig. 11) (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases in the same diamond include clinopyroxene, olivine, carbonate and Ni-rich metal. We note that eight jeffbenite inclusions have been included in our MgSiO3-rich inclusion compilation.Published major element compositions of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions as determined by electron microprobe are provided in Table 6 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). The inclusions are separated into two distinctive groups on the basis of a gap in their alumina contents: a low-Al group with Al2O3 < 3.5 wt% and a high-Al group with Al2O3 > 7 wt%.The low-Al group comprises thirty-four MgSiO3-rich inclusions, twenty-four of which are reported as single-phase inclusions and a further ten are composite and contain minor exsolved phases that include olivine, ferropericlase and jeffbenite. The EPMA analyses of the composite inclusions, to the best of our knowledge, do not include exsolved phases but represent the MgSiO3-rich portion of the inclusion. The exceptions are two composite inclusions reported by Burnham et al. (2016) where bulk inclusion compositions are reported by recombination of observed phases. Twenty-seven of the low-Al inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and four with ferropericlase and CaSiO3-rich phases.The high-Al group comprises twenty-one inclusions, all from South America. Seven of these are single-phase inclusions and six are composite inclusions (Fig. 11) containing enstatite ± jeffbenite/olivine/spinel-ulvöspinel/magnetite/SiO2. The bulk compositions of four of the six composite inclusions were estimated either through broad beam or multiple analyses of entire inclusions or by combining spot analyses of individual phases on the basis of their mode estimated from image analysis (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014). The remaining eight inclusions in this group are jeffbenite.Armstrong et al (2012) noted the similarity of jeffbenite inclusions to high-Al bridgmanite produced in experiments on basaltic starting compositions and speculated on this basis that jeffbenite could represent retrograde aluminous bridgmanite. These authors also located a low-pressure stability field for jeffbenite at < 10 GPa that is consistent with its formation as a lower-pressure phase. Three high-alumina, single phase inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase inclusions, as does one of the Na-rich inclusions and five of the jeffbenite inclusions.Figure 12 shows MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted in the compositional ternary diagram (Mg+Fe2+) – (Si+Ti) – (Al+Cr+Fe3+). The low-Al inclusions plot in a well-defined region that partially overlaps the field of experimental bridgmanites synthesized in meta-peridotitic assemblages. However, most experimental bridgmanites made using primitive mantle compositions have higher trivalent cations than the inclusions. Many low-Al inclusions have similarity with bridgmanite produced in experiments using harzburgitic bulk compositions, and also overlap with akimotoite synthesized in peridotitic bulk compositions; akimotoite is an ilmenite-structured MgSiO3-rich phase that is stable over a limited pressure-temperature range in meta-peridotite near the base of the transition zone (Fig. 16; Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).In contrast, the high-Al inclusions show considerable compositional variation, with Figure 12 showing that the six composite inclusions (cyan diamonds) and the jeffbenite inclusions (green diamonds) are generally similar to bridgmanite produced in meta-basalt on this projection, whereas the three single phase inclusions (blue diamonds; Type II MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) plot between experimental meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic bridgmanites. The four Na-rich (~4–6 wt% Na2O) inclusions (red diamonds; Type III MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) are unlike any experimental bridgmanite or other MgSiO3-rich inclusions.Figure 13 shows the Mg# of MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted against the Mg# of ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur in the same diamond. Also shown are fields for bridgmanite and ferropericlase equilibrated together in experiments on fertile peridotite bulk compositions and in a harzburgite composition. Ferropericlase with Mg#s less than ~0.8 are inconsistent with equilibration with co-occurring bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages. In diamonds hosting ferropericlase with Mg#s greater than 0.8, it is striking that very few of the inclusion pairs plot within the field of fertile meta-peridotite. Many of the low-Al bridgmanite-ferropericlase inclusion pairs overlap with or plot close to the field of meta-harzburgite, with MgSiO3-rich inclusions tending to have very high Mg#s. Three single-phase high-Al MgSiO3-ferropericalse pairs and two jeffbenite-ferropericlase pairs plot just within or close to the experimental meta-peridotite field.Low-Al inclusions.Figure 14 shows NiO, Al2O3 and CaO versus Mg# for MgSiO3-rich inclusions (diamonds) compared with bridgmanite synthesized in experiments on peridotitic bulk compositions. The low-Al inclusions (white diamonds) occur over a range of Mg# from ~ 0.86 to 0.97, most concentrated between 0.92 and 0.97. Comparatively, bridgmanites observed in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages have bulk compositions with lower Mg#s that concentrate between 0.88 and 0.92, with some extending as high as 0.97. The NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low, generally less than 0.05 wt%; only in a few exceptions do inclusions possess values exceeding 0.1 wt%.NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low relative to enstatite inclusions in lithospheric diamonds (gray crosses in Fig. 14a), which has been used as evidence to support an origin in the lower mantle because Ni is expected to partition strongly into coexisting ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b). However, Figure 14a shows that experimental bridgmanite in equilibrium with ferropericlase in experiments at pressures between 23 and 43 GPa and over a range of high temperatures have NiO contents distinctly higher than the majority of the inclusions, ranging from about 0.05 to 0.25 wt%. This implies that equilibration with ferropericlase in a primitive mantle composition does not account for the low Ni contents of most inclusions.Figures 14b and 14c show that like NiO, the Al2O3 and CaO contents of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are generally lower than in experimental peridotitic bridgmanite compositions. The Al2O3 contents of the inclusions show a negative correlation with Mg#, ranging from about 3 to 0.2 wt% at Mg#s between 0.92 and 0.97. In composite low-Al inclusions the MgSiO3 portions with Mg#s less than 0.92 are higher in Al2O3 (~ 3 wt%) than in single phase low-Al inclusions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a lower mantle assemblage of ferropericlase ± Ca-silicate perovskite range from ~3 to 7 wt% Al2O3 and are unlike the inclusion compositions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a deep transition zone assemblage of majoritic garnet ± Ca-silicate perovskite/ringwoodite/ferropericlase are shown as squares on Figure 14. A few of these experimental bridgmanites trend to very low Al2O3 and high Mg#, and we note that two experimental bridgmanites with ~1 wt% Al2O3 occur in majoritic garnet + ringwoodite-bearing (±Ca-silicate perovskite/ferropericlase) assemblages at ~ 23 GPa.Also intriguing are the compositions of akimotoite in four experiments coexisting with majoritic garnet ± ringwoodite/Ca-silicate perovskite/stishovite (circles on Fig. 14), providing an alternative interpretation for original polymorph of some MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Notably, bridgmanite formed in experiments on depleted harzburgite (hex-stars) can also have similarly low Al2O3 contents and high Mg#s that overlap with many of the low-Al inclusions. We note that while there is overlap with the Al2O3 contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are distinct from lithospheric enstatites.CaO contents in experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with ferropericlase ±Ca-silicate perovskite assemblages (Fig. 14c) are also notably higher than most of the observed inclusions. Bridgmanites in several majorite-bearing experiments at lower temperatures have similarly low CaO contents, and as observed with Al2O3, experimental akimotoites have CaO contents similar to the inclusions as do bridgmanites in meta-harzburgite assemblages. Like Al2O3, there is overlap with the CaO contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s but, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions have lower CaO and are distinct from lithospheric enstatite inclusions. An exception is a low-Al inclusion with high NiO that is akin to lithospheric inclusions from Eurelia (Australia) but co-occurs with ferropericlase (Tappert et al. 2009b).Four of the low-Al inclusions that have high CaO (> 0.5 wt%) are from the Machado River deposit in Brazil as reported in the study of Burnham et al. (2016). Three of these inclusions have low NiO (< 0.05 wt%) and low Al2O3 (<0.5 wt%), while the fourth composite inclusion has ~3.8 wt% Al2O3. All four of these inclusions co-occur with high Mg# ferropericlase that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite. It is noteworthy that a CaSiO3-inclusion from the Machado locality is also the only such inclusion with an MgO content consistent with an origin in primitive mantle peridotite. Burnham also reports a reconstructed MgSiO3-rich inclusion that is shown as a red diamond on Figure 14. This inclusion, like other low-Al composite inclusions, has an exsolved aluminous phase with a jeffbenite composition. Reconstruction of the bulk composition results in slightly lower NiO and CaO but higher Al2O3. We expect that other low-Al composite inclusions may also require such corrections. This would imply that alumina contents in some cases may be underestimated, possibly reflected in the nearly constant alumina content of the low-Al composite inclusions irrespective of Mg#.High-Al inclusions.Figure 15 shows TiO2, Na2O, CaO and Al2O3 versus Mg# for high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions compared with bridgmanites synthesized in experiments on basaltic bulk compositions. The six composite inclusions and one of the jeffbenite inclusions, all from the Juina region of Brazil, have low Mg#s (~0.43–0.65) consistent with experimental bridgmanites formed in meta-basaltic assemblages (Walter et al. 2011; Armstrong and Walter 2012; Pla Cid et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014). The composite inclusions include high-Ti and high-Al contents, although the two inclusions reported by Pla Cid et al. (2014) are notable in their low TiO2. The Ca-contents of all the composite inclusions are lower than observed in experimental high-Al bridgmanite phases.The remaining fourteen high-alumina inclusions have Mg#s that are much higher than experimental bridgmanites in meta-basaltic assemblages and are more akin to those in meta-peridotitic assemblages. The seven high-Mg# jeffbenite inclusions have very high Al2O3, coupled with very low CaO and Na2O, and several of these coexist with iron-rich ferropericlase (Mg#<0.8, Fig. 13). The TiO2 contents of these inclusions vary, with TiO2 present either as a minor component (< 0.1 wt%) or a major element (~ 4–8 wt%). Thus, the high Mg# jeffbenite inclusions, while having some features consistent with bridgmanite, appear to be unique relative to bridgmanite formed in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic assemblages.The three high-Al single phase inclusions (“Type II” inclusions of Hutchison et al, 2001) have alumina contents that are distinctly higher (~10 wt% Al2O3) than produced in experiments on primitive peridotite (<7 wt% Al2O3), but also have low CaO. These inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s of 0.81 to 0.82, nominally consistent with expectations from experiments on peridotite compositions (Fig. 13). The four “Type III” inclusions of Hutchison et al (2001) are unique in their very high Na2O and CaO contents. None of these high Mg#, high-Al, high-Na inclusions are consistent with any experimental bridgmanites in the literature and may represent a unique association. On the basis of experiments on the inclusion bulk compositions, Hutchison et al. (2001) interpreted these to have a unique origin at pressures corresponding to the lower transition zone, albeit at temperatures several hundred degrees higher than the mantle geotherm.Phase relations.Figure 16 shows calculated phase relations in the system MgSiO3–Al2O3 with pressure at 1600 °C (Fig. 16a), and for a pyrolite (fertile peridotite) composition (Fig. 16b) at pressures and temperatures of the deep upper mantle and shallow lower mantle (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).The alumina content in bridgmanite is a potential barometer, and Figure 16a shows the Al2O3 contents (mole fraction) in the low-Al and high-Al inclusions for comparison with phase relations in this simplified system. If the low-Al MgSiO3-inclusions are former bridgmanite then phase relations either indicate a pressure of origin of ~ 22.5 to 26 GPa if the inclusions equilibrated with majoritic garnet, or formation at unconstrained higher pressures if they did not because alumina becomes increasingly soluble in bridgmanite at higher pressures. Because none of the low-Al inclusions are reported to co-occur with majoritic garnet, their low-Al contents likely indicate formation involving a low-alumina protolith (e.g., harzburgite) as suggested by their high Mg#s and depletion in CaO. We note that low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions have Al2O3-contents that are also generally consistent with that expected for akimotoite at ~ 20 to 22.5 GPa.The high-Al single phase inclusions have alumina contents consistent with a pressure of about 27 GPa if they co-existed with corundum, and we note that two of the three inclusions co-occur with ruby (corundum) in addition to relatively Mg-rich ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999), suggesting that these inclusions may have originated in an alumina-rich, peridotitic protolith at the top of the lower mantle. The high-Al composite inclusions indicate pressures of ~27 to 34 GPa if they formed in equilibrium with corundum (none co-occur with ruby) but these are minimum pressure if they did not. If the jeffbenite inclusions were former bridgmanite then their alumina contents indicate minimum pressures of ~32 to 34 GPa but, again, none of these inclusions co-occur with ruby. It is noteworthy that the few low-Al MgSiO3 inclusions and jeffbenite inclusions that have been analyzed for ferric iron have elevated Fe3+/∑Fe that is generally compatible with expectations for bridgmanite in the shallow lower mantle (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004).Phase relations for a pyrolytic composition are shown relative to ambient mantle and slab geotherms in Figure 16b. Along an ambient mantle geotherm, bridgmanite forms at about 24 GPa and coexists with majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase, and there is only a very small akimotoite stability field. The akimotoite field expands at lower temperatures such that along a warm or cold slab Moho geotherm akimotoite is stabilized over an ~2 GPa pressure interval at the base of the transition zone (Ishii et al. 2011). Whether or not the low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions represent bridgmanite or in some cases akimotoite remains an open question. However, we re-iterate that the low CaO contents are not consistent with bridgmanite in fertile mantle peridotite at temperatures of the mantle geotherm but could be produced either at lower temperatures (Irifune et al. 2000) or in a depleted harzburgitic lithology, or both, which is also consistent with their low Al2O3 and high Mg#s and plausibly places their origin in subducted depleted lithospheric mantle along a cool mantle geotherm.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty-two of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions; ten low-Al inclusions, six high-Al inclusions and six jeffbenite inclusions. Data are provided in Table 7 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 17, normalized to BSE. All inclusions were measured by SIMS at EIMF (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Burnham et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016b). Also shown on Figure 17b are the calculated abundance patterns for bridgmanite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.The low-Al inclusions have lithophile trace element abundances that, overall, are depleted or similar to BSE. Patterns exhibit notable depletions in Ba, Sr and Y relative to the generally flat REE (Fig. 17a). The two high-Al, single-phase inclusions have similar patterns to the low-Al inclusions and are among the most depleted of the inclusions. The high-Al composite inclusions are more enriched overall and exhibit conspicuous enrichments, up to three orders of magnitude relative to BSE, in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, while also having depletions in Ba, Sr and Y. The jeffbenite inclusions have generally similar abundance patterns to other MgSiO3-rich inclusions, with some resembling closely the low-Al inclusions and others exhibiting similar enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf as the composite inclusions. These similarities are suggestive that all the MgSiO3-rich inclusions share a common mineralogical pedigree, with an origin as bridgmanite the commonly held interpretation.Figure 17b shows modeled abundance patterns for bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at shallow lower mantle conditions (25 GPa). Abundance levels of the low-Al and high-Al inclusions are similar to those predicted for bridgmanite in peridotitic mantle. However, depletions in Ba, Sr and Y are not predicted in any models and, if these inclusions are former bridgmanite minerals, this likely reflects a distinct feature of the source lithology or the melts and fluids they may have equilibrated with. However, the relative enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf are predicted for bridgmanite in the meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic models, which reflects the presence of Ca-silicate perovskite in the coexisting assemblage. These patterns emerge as Ca-silicate perovskite partitions most trace elements strongly with the exception of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. In contrast, bridgmanite has a predilection for Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, such that strong relative enrichments in these elements occur in assemblages where both phases coexist. Note that bridgmanite in the meta-harzburgitic assemblage has a relatively flat and depleted pattern. Overall, the abundance patterns of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are consistent with expectations for bridgmanite, and many indicate the control of coexisting Ca-silicate perovskite on trace element abundances.Ferropericlase is an oxide mineral with the general formula (Mg,Fe)O, representing a complete solid solution between periclase (MgO) and wüstite (FeO). The term is often used synonymously with magnesiowüstite, but for simplicity we will use ferropericlase in reference to the entire range of solid solution. Ferropericlase has cubic symmetry, crystallizing in the Fm3m space group in the B1, or rock salt structure, and is stable throughout the Earth’s entire pressure range from crust to the core (Duffy et al. 2015). Ferropericlase is the most common inclusion type in sublithospheric diamonds, and here a literature dataset of 269 inclusions in diamonds collected from five continents has been compiled. More than 60% of the ferropericlase inclusions occur as the only mineral observed in their diamond hosts, often occurring in multiples in a single diamond (we note this observation could be biased by unreported co-occurring phases, especially colorless phases that are difficult to detect). About a quarter of the reported inclusions co-occur with silicate minerals and about 15% co-occur with MgSiO3-rich and/or CaSiO3-rich phases.Ferropericlase comprises about 15% by volume of a primitive, peridotitic lower mantle assemblage coexisting with bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite (Fig. 1). In the numerous cases where it occurs as the only inclusion type in a diamond it is commonly used to infer a sublithospheric origin, as ferropericlase is rare as a co-occurring mineral in diamonds that are demonstrably lithospheric (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b, 2005; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In the absence of other phases that can potentially provide barometric constraints, the composition of ferropericlase provides no direct information about the depth of diamond and ferropericlase crystallization, which may occur at upper mantle or transition zone conditions and be directly related to diamond forming redox reactions (Stachel and Harris 1997; Brey et al. 2004; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018; Bulatov et al. 2019; Nimis et al. 2019). Barometric estimates based on elasticity and elastoplasticity theory can help constrain the depth of origin, for example a recent estimate for two ferropericlase inclusions from a single diamond from Brazil indicate minimum depths of entrapment of ~16 GPa (Anzolini et al. 2019), leaving open the possibility of a transition zone or lower mantle origin.Major element compositions based on a literature compilation of electron microprobe analyses of 269 ferropericlase inclusions are provided in Table 8 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), with Figure 18 plotting NiO, Al2O3, Cr2O3 and Na2O versus Mg#. Also shown are compositions of ferropericlase coexisting with bridgmanite ±Ca-silicate perovskite/garnet/ringwoodite/melt in experiments on primitive peridotitic and harzburgitic bulk compositions at pressures of the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle.Ferropericlase inclusions span a wide range of Mg# from about 0.15 to 0.95 (Fig. 18). In comparison, ferropericlase coexisting with lower mantle phases in experiments show a limited range of Mg# from about 0.83 to 0.95, and with NiO contents between about 0.25 and 1.5 wt%. The NiO contents of the ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 18a) range from near zero at the lowest Mg#s to about 2 wt%, with an apparent positive correlation between NiO and Mg# (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2016a). Ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur together with both low-Al and high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions are highlighted on Figure 18. These and other ferropericlase inclusions with high Mg#s (> 0.8) have NiO contents that are generally higher or at the extreme high end of the experimental distribution. In contrast, co-occurring MgSiO3-rich inclusions generally have low NiO contents relative to experiments (Fig. 14). The average measured NiO partition coefficient between bridgmanite and ferropericlase (Dfp/brg = XNi,fp/XNi,brg) in experiments where NiO is reported is 16 ± 9, whereas in the co-occurring inclusions it is 86 ± 56. Thus, as with Mg# (Fig. 13), co-occurring bridgmanite-ferropericlase pairs are not consistent with those produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite. As discussed above, the Mg#s of these bridgmanite–ferropericlase pairs do not match those from primitive mantle peridotite but are more akin to those expected in depleted meta-harzburgite assemblages.Figure 18b–d show that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents of most ferropericlase inclusions are on the low side or lower than ferropericlase compositions produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite and these elements exhibit no apparent correlation with Mg#. The ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur with MgSiO3-rich inclusions are also depleted in these elements. However, we note that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents in high Mg# ferropericlase inclusions overlap with ferropericlase from experiments on harzburgite composition. This depletion in high Mg# ferropericlase is consistent with the MgSiO3-rich inclusions they co-occur with, which also have low Al2O3 (and CaO) contents relative to bridgmanite in meta-peridotite assemblages (Fig. 14). Thus, while more than half of the population of ferropericlase inclusions have Mg#s generally consistent with an origin related to meta-peridotite at lower mantle conditions, most of these have minor element abundances suggesting a relationship to a depleted composition such as harzburgite rather than primitive mantle. The low MgO contents of CaSiO3-rich inclusions and low CaO and Al2O3 of MgSiO3-rich inclusions that co-occur with ferropericlase together indicate a low temperature equilibration in depleted peridotite, implicating an association with the harzburgitic portion of cold subducted slab lithosphere.The ferropericlase inclusions that have Mg#s below ~0.85 trend to low-NiO and Cr2O3 contents and have uniformly low Al2O3 but highly variable Na2O contents. These low Mg# ferropericlase inclusions are too iron-rich to have equilibrated as part of an assemblage associated with primitive mantle peridotite or harzburgite. Several possible modes of origin have been postulated for these ferropericlase inclusions with lower Mg#s, including:The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:2 MgxFe1−xCO3 (ferromagnesite) =MgyFe1−yCO3 (ferromagnesite) +MgzFe1−zO (ferropericlase) +C (diamond) +O2(6)In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.Iron redox state in ferropericlase. The redox state of iron in a small population of ferropericlase inclusions from both Kankan (high Mg#) and Juina (low Mg#) has been measured by Mossbauer spectroscopy (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004) and compared to experimentally determined Fe3+ solubility in ferropericlase applicable to depths at the top of the lower mantle (Otsuka et al. 2013). The oxygen fugacities calculated from measured Fe3+/∑Fe are close to the upper stability limit of diamond and higher than expected in ambient mantle peridotite in the shallow lower mantle (Frost and McCammon 2008; Otsuka et al. 2013). Thus, if these ferropericlase inclusions are formed in the shallow lower mantle, especially those co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases that also have high ferric iron content, their high Fe3+ concentrations may record diamond formation in a region of redox gradients. Such regions in the upper mantle or shallow lower mantle may arise from subduction of oxidized material into reducing mantle, and the inclusions may have precipitated from oxidized, carbonate-bearing melts or fluids (McCammon et al. 2004; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Otsuka et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a).Trace elements have been analyzed in thirty-eight of the ferropericlase inclusions and data are provided in Table 9 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 19, normalized to BSE. Twenty-one of the inclusions were measured by SIMS at the EIMF (Hutchison 1997; Harte et al. 1999; Burnham et al. 2016) and seventeen by LA-ICP-MS (Kaminsky et al. 2001). Also shown on this diagram are the calculated abundance patterns for ferropericlase in meta-peridotitic and meta-harzburgitic assemblages at lower mantle conditions.Ferropericlase inclusions are generally depleted in lithophile trace elements relative to BSE but show a wide variation, with many elements spanning several orders of magnitude. Relative depletions are apparent in Ba and Y, as are enrichments in Rb and Li, and in some samples, Th, U, Nb and Ta. Overall, the REE appear to be relatively unfractionated, although data are sparse for many elements. Abundances are generally in the range predicted in models for peridotitic ferropericlase in the lower mantle but with notable differences. The REE generally fall between ferropericlase in primitive meta-peridotite and meta-harzburgite assemblages, whereas Th, U, Nb and Ta are notably enriched relative to the predicted depletions for these elements in lower mantle ferropericlase. The depletions in Ba and Y are also not predicted in these lithologies and likely are inherited from a distinct source.Olivine (orthorhombic, Pbnm) and its higher-pressure polymorphs, wadsleyite (orthorhombic, I2/m) and ringwoodite (cubic, Fd3m), comprise approximately 60 vol% of primitive mantle lithologies in the upper mantle and transition zone as shown on Figure 1. Inclusions with (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 stoichiometry are one of the most common inclusions in lithospheric diamonds and are typically interpreted as representative of a peridotitic association (Stachel et al. 2022, this volume) but appear to be notably rare in diamonds that are demonstrably sublithospheric in origin. We compiled a global dataset consisting of twenty eight (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions observed in diamond suites that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 10). Fifteen (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase of which six also co-occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase, and one co-occurs with both MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases. Two (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase and one with a CaSiO3-rich phase. The remainder are reported to occur either in isolation or with other rare inclusion phases.To our knowledge, all of the inclusions included in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) occur in the olivine structure. There is a single occurrence of a reported inclusion with the ringwoodite structure on the basis of Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements taken while the inclusion remained within the diamond (i.e., unexposed at the surface) with the data indicating an Mg# of ~0.75 ± 0.2 and containing about 1.5 wt% water (Pearson et al. 2014); geochemical data is not available from this inclusion so it is not part of our dataset.The major element compositions of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 20 along with 1478 olivine inclusion from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Also shown are olivine, wadsleyite and ringwoodite compositions produced in experiments using primitive peridotite compositions at pressures >10 GPa.Figure 20 shows that, overall, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions are unlike the bulk of olivine inclusions in lithospheric diamonds. Lithospheric inclusions commonly have Mg#s between ~0.91–0.95, whereas the majority of sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have Mg#s < 0.91, with the remainder greater than 0.94. Many sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have low NiO, high CaO, high Al2O3 and high Cr2O3. The low NiO contents of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions coexisting with an MgSiO3-rich phase is consistent with the low-NiO contents of those inclusions as well. In comparison to experimentally produced (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 phases, many of the inclusions are most akin to ringwoodite and least like olivine. Like many of the inclusions, ringwoodite in experiments are notably lower in Mg# than wadsleyite and olivine. While sharing some features with higher pressure (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 polymorphs, many of the inclusions have unique compositions making it difficult to assign them to a certain polymorph, yet it is clear that they are different from the bulk of lithospheric olivine inclusions.Clinopyroxene (monoclinic) with XY(Si,Al)2O6 stoichiometry is a major constituent of meta-peridotitic (~20 vol%) and meta-basaltic assemblages (~60 vol%) at depths of ~ 300 km (Fig. 1) but disappears in these assemblages by ~400 to 500 km as it dissolves into majoritic garnet. Clinopyroxene inclusions, ranging from diopside to jadeite, are common in lithospheric diamonds but are much less common in sublithospheric diamonds. We compiled a global dataset consisting of forty clinopyroxene inclusions from four cratons in diamonds that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 11—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).Clinopyroxene inclusions can be separated into two groups based on their Na2O contents. High-Na clinopyroxene includes thirty inclusions with Na2O ranging from 1.4 to 13.1 wt%, with bulk compositions that are generally augitic to omphacitic, but with one jadeite. The high-Na clinopyroxenes co-occur with garnet in twenty-six of the inclusions with compositions reported for twenty of these, all of which are majoritic and yield pressures ranging from ~9 to 18 GPa, providing direct evidence for their sublithospheric origin. Low-Na clinopyroxene includes ten inclusions with extremely low Na2O of < 0.13 wt% and have compositions that are augitic to diopsidic. Five of these inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and two of these with both ferropericlase and MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Three clinopyroxene inclusions occur with a CaSiO3-rich phase, and two of these also contain merwinite.The major element compositions of clinopyroxene inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 11 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 21 along with 1321 clinopyroxene inclusions from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Figure 21a shows a clear distinction between the low-Na and high-Na groups. High-Na pyroxene are generally much more aluminous and overlap extensively with ‘eclogitic’ lithospheric garnets in terms of Na2O, CaO and Mg#. In contrast, the low-Na clinopyroxenes are relatively distinct, with extremely low Na2O which does not increase with Al2O3 content, high CaO contents that are not seen in lithospheric inclusions and high Mg#s.Also shown on Figure 21 are experimental clinopyroxene compositions from meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at pressures of 8 to 19 GPa. The high-Na inclusions are generally consistent with clinopyroxenes expected in meta-basaltic or meta-pyroxenitic assemblages, although we note that they generally do not overlap with clinopyroxenes produced in experiments on hydrous or carbonated eclogitic that are typically more alumina and sodium-rich and calcium poor relative to the inclusions. The low-Na group are generally unlike compositions produced in experiments on peridotitic compositions, especially in their very high CaO contents and low-Na2O for a given alumina content.An SiO2 phase is reported to co-occur in fifteen diamonds hosting sublithospheric inclusions in our data sets. While coesite (monoclinic, C2/c) has been identified, the assumption is that the original inclusions were formed in the stishovite structure (tetragonal rutile-type, P42/mnm), which is the stable SiO2 phase from ~ 9 to 75 GPa (Zhang et al. 1996; Fischer et al. 2018). SiO2 occurs with majoritic garnet in seven diamonds in our dataset and the co-occurring majoritic garnets yield pressures of ~ 10 to 22 GPa (Table 1—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Two of the SiO2 inclusions also exhibit exsolved kyanite indicating unmixing of alumina during retrogression. Two diamonds containing CaSiO3-rich inclusions, both low-Ti CaSiO3 from Brazil, also contain SiO2 inclusions (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), whereas there are no reported co-occurrences of SiO2 with MgSiO3-rich, olivine or clinopyroxene inclusions in our data sets. SiO2 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase in five diamonds, with examples from three cratons (Table 8— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).In addition to diamonds included in our data sets, nine coesite inclusions were reported in diamonds from the Juina-5 and Collier-4 kimberlites, Brazil (Burnham et al. 2015), and as isolated inclusions in diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil (Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). With the exception of inclusions containing evidence for exsolved kyanite, SiO2 inclusions are reported to be nearly phase pure with only trace amounts of other elements including TiO2 and Al2O3 (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015).The occurrence of stishovite associated in diamonds with other inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity (e.g., Ti-rich CaSiO3, low-Cr majoritic garnet) is expected based on phase relations (Fig. 1). Burnham et al. (2015) measured the carbon isotopic compositions of host diamonds and the oxygen isotopic composition of coesite inclusions from the Collier-4 and Juina-5 kimberlites, Brazil, two localities that have produced a variety of inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity and found a range of negative carbon isotopic compositions and positive oxygen isotopic compositions consistent with an origin related to subducted oceanic crust.However, the co-occurrence of SiO2 with ferropericlase, which is generally attributed to a peridotitic association, requires a different explanation. At lower mantle conditions in the MgO–FeO–SiO2 system, ferropericlase and stishovite occur together once the FeO solubility in bridgmanite is exceeded, and at ambient lower mantle temperatures (e.g., ~1600 °C) this occurs at ~12 mol% FeO (Fei et al. 1996). However, at < ~1100 °C, bridgmanite breaks down to ferropericlase plus stishovite at < ~5 mol% FeO, and in a fertile mantle composition a field of ferropericlase coexisting with stishovite and Ca-silicate perovskite occurs at ~25 GPa at temperatures < ~900 °C (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011). Thus, the association of stishovite and ferropericlase may represent bridgmanite breakdown associated with either iron-rich lithologies or low temperatures. The Mg#s of ferropericlase co-occurring with stishovite in our data set range from 0.78 to 0.86, with most 0.84 and above. For a fertile mantle these are far too magnesian to be in equilibrium with stishovite at mantle temperatures, and thus are either not in equilibrium with co-occurring stishovite (Stachel et al. 2000b), or were equilibrated at much lower temperatures.Composite inclusions with bulk stoichiometries consistent with the calcium ferrite (CF) structured phase and new aluminous (NAL) phase that occur in meta-basaltic assemblages at conditions of the lower mantle (Fig. 1) have been described in diamonds from Brazil (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Within their stability fields the CF phase is orthorhombic (Pbnm) and has the general formula XY2O4 (X = K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+; Y = Al3+ and Si4+), whereas the NAL phase is hexagonal (P63/m) and has the general formula AX2Y6O12 (A = Na+, K+, Ca2+; X = Mg2+, Fe2+; Y = Al3+, Si4+ (Miyajima et al. 2001; Wicks and Duffy 2016). Inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF phase are found as composite mixtures of spinel (Mg,Fe)Al2O4 and nepheline NaAlSiO4, whereas NAL phases as composite mixtures of spinel and a nepheline–kalsilite phase, (Na,K)AlSiO4. Bulk inclusion compositions as determined by wide beam EPMA analysis or reconstruction from phase modes (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014) yield stoichiometries close to the ideal CF and NAL phases produced in experiments on basaltic compositions (Ono et al. 2001; Ricolleau et al. 2010; Ishii et al. 2019), providing strong evidence for the role of subducted oceanic crust in their origin. Trace elements have been reported for six NAL phases and two CF phases (Thomson et al. 2016b) and abundance patterns generally display depletion in REE and large negative Y anomalies and relative enrichments in Th, U, Nb, Ta and Rb relative to BSE.We assembled comprehensive datasets of silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds that ostensibly represent major rock forming minerals in the mantle (majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite, bridgmanite, ferropericlase, olivine and clinpyroxene). The major and trace element compositions of the inclusions combined with experimental phase equilibrium and element partitioning data provide a basis for conceptual models of their origin and reveal information about mantle geodynamic processes leading to diamond formation.The geochemical features of the sublithospheric inclusions generally permit a distinction between a meta-basaltic association (low-Cr majoritic garnet; high-Ti CaSiO3; low Mg#, high-Al MgSiO3; CF and NAL phases) and a meta-peridotitic association (high-Cr majoritic garnet; low-Ti CaSiO3; low-Al, high Mg# MgSiO3; ferropericlase) (Stachel et al. 2005; Harte 2010). However, it is also apparent from experimental major element systematics and trace element modeling that inclusion compositions generally do not conform, with very few exceptions, to expectations for primary subsolidus minerals in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages (e.g., pyrolite) or meta-basaltic (e.g., MORB) assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions.The geochemistry of syngenetic sublithospheric inclusions cannot be separated from models for how the host diamonds form, and like their lithospheric counterparts, sublithospheric diamonds exhibit abundant evidence for crystallization from fluids or melts. Therefore, to provide context for general models of inclusion genesis we first discuss observations regarding diamond crystallization.It is well-established that diamonds originating in cratonic lithospheric mantle precipitate primarily from carbon-bearing fluids (Deines 1980; Sunagawa 1984; Haggerty 1986; Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013) and they provide a baseline for comparison with sublithospheric diamonds. On the basis of fluid inclusions trapped in fibrous diamonds from the lithosphere the parental fluids exhibit a range in composition, including high- and low-Mg carbonatitic, chlorine-rich and silica-rich aqueous fluids (Klein-BenDavid et al. 2007, 2009; Weiss et al. 2013, 2014). Cathodoluminescence imaging of lithospheric diamonds reveals internal growth textures with intricate, concentric zoning, as well as evidence of resorption and recrystallization, textures indicative of precipitation from carbon-saturated fluids as opposed to solid-state transformation from graphite (Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013). Further evidence for fluid-mediated diamond precipitation includes fracture infillings (Czas et al. 2018) and systematic changes in carbon and nitrogen abundance and isotopic composition, features that are consistent with crystallization from a fractionating fluid phase (Boyd et al. 1987; Smart et al. 2011).Sublithospheric diamonds can potentially form through subsolidus decarbonation reactions in the mantle, for example, through reaction with silica in oceanic crust (Maeda et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018; Drewitt et al. 2019) or through reaction of carbonate with reduced phases such as iron or iron carbide (Liu 2002; Zhu et al. 2019). However, sublithospheric diamonds typically have internal textural features that are similar to lithospheric diamonds, displaying intricate, complex growth layering, and in some cases multiple nucleation centers, indicative of crystallization from fluids or melts, examples of which are provided in Figure 22 (Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). An exception may be CLIPPIR and Type IIb diamonds, which typically have no discernible growth structure but show abundant dislocation networks indicative of plastic deformation and annealing (Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Sublithospheric diamonds commonly exhibit deformation textures indicative of residence in a high-strain environment at high temperature (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Smith et al. 2016a, 2018; Shirey et al. 2019). Sublithospheric diamonds also preserve both small-scale and large-scale intra-diamond carbon isotope variations among growth zones (Fig. 22), consistent with growth from fractionating fluids/melts or multiple episodes of growth from fluids/melts of variable composition (Stachel et al. 2002; Bulanova et al. 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In contrast to lithospheric diamonds, which are often regular crystal forms and can exhibit fluid-inclusion-rich fibrous diamond growth, sublithospheric diamonds tend to have more irregular morphologies and fibrous diamond growth has not been observed.Diamonds precipitate from fluids or melts when carbon species, such as CO2, CH4, CO32-, or HCO3-, become reduced or oxidized as a consequence of changes in temperature (Luth and Stachel 2014; Stachel and Luth 2015), pH (Sverjensky and Huang 2015) and redox conditions (Haggerty 1986; Frost and McCammon 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Shirey et al. 2013; Stagno et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). Gradients in these variables exist, for example, when carbon-bearing fluids and melts permeate and migrate through rocks. On the basis of tomographic imaging of eclogitic mantle xenoliths from cratonic lithosphere, diamonds precipitate at silicate grain boundaries, exhibiting growth along intergranular planes that likely served as pathways for fluid flow (Anand et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2009b; Czas et al. 2018). There are no such examples of diamondiferous sublithospheric mantle xenoliths, but the diamond textural similarities described above are suggestive of a similar fluid-mediated crystallization. By inference, crystalline silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds likely equilibrated with or crystallized directly from dissolved components in fluids or melts migrating through rocks in subducted lithosphere or the mantle.Because sublithospheric diamonds are believed to grow at much greater depths than lithospheric diamonds, the fluids and melts will also possess a different chemical character. For example, H2O-rich fluids are expected to be well beyond their second critical endpoints in both peridotitic and basaltic systems, transitioning into hydrous melts with a large fraction of dissolved silicate component (Kessel et al. 2005; Mibe et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2009a; Mibe et al. 2011; Kawamoto et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2020). Before considering the types of fluids and melts that sublithospheric inclusions may crystallize from, we consider evidence from stable isotopes, particularly carbon, that provide further context for potential source lithologies and for understating different populations of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The stable isotope compositions of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions have been used extensively to inform interpretations of their origin (Deines 1980; Deines et al. 1991; Hutchison et al. 1999; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015) (see also Stachel et al. 2022b, this volume). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of the diamonds and oxygen isotopes of inclusions can provide evidence for potential source lithologies of carbon-bearing fluids and melts.Carbon isotopes have been measured most extensively using SIMS, often at a spatial scale of individual growth layers, revealing distinct populations among sublithospheric diamonds. Figure 23 shows frequency histograms of the carbon isotopic composition for diamonds hosting inclusions in our database, separated by inclusion type. The primitive mantle is assumed to have a carbon isotopic composition of about δ13C = –5 ± 2‰ (relative to a PDB carbonate standard), whereas carbon in subducted lithosphere lithologies varies from about δ13C = 0‰ (e.g., seawater carbonate) to values lower than δ13C = –25‰ that plausibly represent a source of either biogenic or abiogenic organic carbon (Cartigny 2005). A remarkable distinction is apparent between diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions consistent with a meta-peridotitic association relative to those with a meta-basaltic association.Both major element and trace element characteristics of low-Cr majoritic garnet inclusions indicate a meta-basaltic or mixed basaltic-peridotitic (meta-pyroxenitic) association. The carbon isotopic composition of diamonds hosting low-Cr garnet inclusions (Fig. 23a) show a wide range of values between about δ13C = –3 to –25‰, with the majority being substantially isotopically lighter than mantle carbon, suggestive of a source of carbon in subducted slab lithologies, in particular basaltic oceanic crust (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Stachel et al. 2002; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012, 2017; Cartigny et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Supporting this interpretation are measurements of isotopically heavy oxygen exhibited by garnet and SiO2 inclusions hosted by diamonds with isotopically light carbon, with heavy oxygen attributed to interaction of oceanic crust with seawater (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015). Further support for this interpretation comes from nitrogen isotopes. Although sublithospheric diamonds generally have very low N contents (~70% are Type II and >90% have N < 100 at.ppm), where it has been analyzed in diamonds that contain low-Cr majoritic garnet, N isotopes are heavy relative to primitive mantle, consistent with an oceanic crustal source (Palot et al. 2012; Regier et al. 2020). Very few of the diamonds hosting high-Cr majoritic garnets have been measured for C isotopes. Four of the five have generally low mantle-like values with one much lighter, but the data is too sparse to draw any firm conclusions.Diamonds hosting CaSiO3-rich inclusions (Fig. 23b) show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰. Although the measurements are relatively few, there is an apparent distinction between diamonds hosting low-Ti and high-Ti inclusions. Diamonds containing low-Ti inclusions, with chemical features most consistent with a meta-peridotitic association, generally have heavier C, with isotope compositions exhibiting a peak overlapping with mantle carbon; exceptions include one diamond with very light carbon (~ –23‰) and one with anomalously heavy carbon (~ –1‰). In contrast, high-Ti inclusions, with chemical features consistent with a meta-basaltic association, generally occur in diamonds with lighter carbon, with a range similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet.Diamonds hosting MgSiO3-rich inclusions also show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰ (Fig. 23c). Low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions with chemical features indicating a meta-peridotitic association predominantly occur in diamonds with heavy C, δ13C from about 0 to –4‰, with two exceptions at δ13C of ~ –15‰. Indeed, carbon isotope signatures among this group tend to show heavier C than in normal mantle. Although measurements are sparse, high-Al inclusions that are more consistent with a meta-basaltic association occur in diamonds that have d13C from about –5 to –25‰, similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusion-bearing diamonds. Similarly, diamonds with clinopyroxene inclusions (Fig. 23d) with high Na that are compositionally akin to a meta-basaltic association show a wide range of δ13C from ~ 0 to –18 ‰, whereas diamonds with low Na clinopyroxene are isotopically heavy, generally intermediate between mantle and carbonate.Ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 23e) occur in diamonds with a relatively narrow distribution of carbon isotopes with a peak at δ13C ~ –4‰, generally consistent with mantle carbon but with a distribution toward both heavier and lighter carbon. Diamonds hosting olivine (Fig. 23f) inclusions exhibit a similar distribution to ferropericlase but with a few notable outliers to much lighter C. Both ferropericlase and olivine are minerals typically associated with a meta-peridotitic association, which is generally consistent with their carbon isotope compositions.Variations in carbon isotopes within diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions indicating a meta-basaltic association (e.g., low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3) can be large across growth zones (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such large variations can be attributed to changes in the source of carbon in fluids or melts contributing to diamond growth rather than fractionation of carbon during diamond precipitation. In cases where measurements have been made in diamonds from core to rim, examples are found for both large core to rim increases and decreases in carbon isotopic compositions, although there is an apparent tendency that when diamond cores are isotopically light the rims tend to be heavier (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). For example, in ten cases where cores had isotopic compositions lower than δ13C = –20‰, the compositions of rims were notably heavier extending in some cases to near mantle values (Thomson et al. 2014). Such variations might represent mixing of carbon sources as melts and fluids derived from oceanic crust mix with carbon derived from the mantle as they migrate and evolve (Burnham et al. 2015).On the basis of the major, trace and isotopic composition of sublithospheric diamonds and their mineral inclusions both carbonated melts and carbon-bearing hydrous fluids or melts have been postulated as potential diamond-forming media (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Harte 2010; Stachel and Luth 2015; Palot et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016a,b; Smith et al. 2018; Timmerman et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2019) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). We note these kinds of fluids/melts are not mutually exclusive and any melt or fluid in the mantle will likely contain carbon, hydrogen and other volatile incompatible elements. Also implicated as a potential fluid growth medium are Fe–Ni–S–C metallic alloy or sulfide melts (Smith et al. 2016b). Subducting lithospheric slabs are most commonly suggested as the source of volatile-rich fluid components, and here we assess these model diamond-forming fluids.Low-degree carbon-rich melts and the origin of meta-basaltic inclusions. Inclusions indicating a genetic relationship with meta-basaltic assemblages have been most closely linked to an origin involving low-degree melts of subducted oceanic crust. Lithophile trace element abundances observed in low-Cr majorite and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases (Fig. 6 and 9), coupled with considerations of melting phase relations, have been interpreted to reflect equilibration with a low-degree melt of subducted oceanic crust, generally in the range of 300 to 600 km (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Thomson et al. 2016a,b). In this model, diamond co-crystallizes from carbon-bearing low-degree melts through redox reactions as melts migrate away from the oceanic crust and into peridotite, either within the slab or outside the slab in ambient mantle (Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Walter et al. 2011; Sun et al. 2020). Modeling indicates that melts can migrate through channelized porous flow and depending on the flux from the slab, remain molten for millions of years, reacting and differentiating as they move (Sun and Dasgupta 2019; Sun et al. 2020, 2021).Figure 24 shows calculated trace element abundances (normalized to MORB) in melts that could coexist with low-Cr majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-silicate perovskite and low Mg#/high-Al bridgmanite on the basis of experimental mineral–melt partition coefficients (Table 3—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Also shown for comparison are calculated low-degree melts (F = 0.01) of model MORB and processed MORB at 20 GPa as well as the compositions of a suite of oceanic carbonatites (Hoernle et al. 2002). Overall, there is a good correspondence among the calculated coexisting melts from the three meta-basaltic inclusion types, suggesting a similar parental melt compositions, including enrichments in highly incompatible elements (e.g., Th, U, Nb, Ta, La, Ce) and common relative depletions in Sr, Zr, Hf and Pb (not shown, typically unmeasured or below detection limit). Bulanova et al. (2010) and Thomson et al. (2016a) presented trace element models that included Ca-silicate perovskite and majoritic garnet fractionation that can plausibly explain much of the observed trace element abundance variations in inclusion sample suites from individual pipes in the Juina region (e.g., Collier-4, Juina-5). In particular the trace element abundances of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions are strikingly similar to low-degree melts of oceanic crust and with carbonatites from oceanic settings. The expected high U/Pb and relatively unfractionated Rb/Sr and Lu/Hf makes these melts putative candidates for imposing a chemical character to the mantle they interact with that could grow a HIMU like isotopic character over time (Sun et al. 2021).Figure 25 shows the solidus of carbonated oceanic crust (Kiseeva et al. 2013a; Thomson et al. 2016a; Zhang et al. 2020) relative to calculated pressure-temperature profiles for subducting lithosphere at the slab top and Moho in modern subduction zone settings (Shirey et al. 2021). Differences in the solidi among the experimental studies can generally be attributed to variations in the Ca/Mg of the source basalt and should reflect expected variations in subducted, altered MORB. The “slab-therms” indicate that carbonated oceanic crust will melt at pressures of about 13 GPa or greater, with only the coldest slabs potentially avoiding melting. Addition of water to the carbon-bearing system will reduce the solidus further, making melting of oceanic crust an inevitable consequence of subduction to deep upper mantle and transition zone depths.Subducting slabs are believed to often stagnate in the transition zone due to a combination of buoyancy forces related to phase transitions (Bina 1997; Billen 2008), such that most or all slab crust may be expected to undergo carbonated melting in the transition zone at ~ 1100–1200 °C. We note that majoritic garnet inclusions indicate two pressure modes at about 9 and 14 GPa (Fig. 4), or with a plausible exsolution correction, at about 13 and 18 GPa (Thomson et al. 2021). The high pressure mode in particular, which is dominated by low-Cr garnets of the meta-basaltic association (Fig. 5b), occurs at pressures generally consistent with a model for melting of carbonated oceanic crust. The experiments of Thomson et al. (2016b) also showed that the products of reaction between carbonated melt from oceanic crust and mantle peridotite include low-Cr, high Ca majorite garnet with compositions intermediate to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-perovskite with low MgO, and ferropericlase with variable but low Mg#s, all features that are consistent with observations from meta-basaltic inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds.Hydrous fluids/melts and the origin of meta-peridotitic inclusions. The discovery of a hydrous ringwoodite (~1.5 wt% H2O) inclusion in a diamond from Juina, Brazil, provides primary evidence for the involvement of H2O-rich fluids in sublithospheric diamond genesis (Pearson et al. 2014), although only one such inclusion has been identified to date. Crystallographic data indicate an Mg# of 0.75 ± 0.2, and the inclusion co-occurs with a CaSiO3-rich inclusion with a breyite structure, presumably of the low-Ti variety due to a lack of evidence for an exsolved CaTiO3 phase. Thus, the association appears nominally meta-peridotitic. Further evidence for the role of an H2O-rich peridotitic association comes from exsolved brucite and magnesioferrite in a composite ferropericlase (Mg# = 0.84) inclusion from Juina (Brazil).Relatively high levels of boron (reaching up to a few ppm) in blue (Type IIb) diamonds that host MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2 and ferropericlase inclusions, are postulated to result from dehydration of post-serpentine minerals on the basis of the high-partition coefficient for boron in serpentine during seawater alteration (Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions of ferropericlase, MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2, and CF- or NAL-phase in Type IIb diamonds have been found to have a thin layer of methane ± hydrogen fluid coexisting alongside the solid phases within the inclusion cavity, tentatively suggesting the involvement of a hydrous component in diamond growth (Smith et al. 2018). The co-occurring phases reported in Type IIb diamonds also appear to be part of a meta-peridotitic association although chemical analyses were not reported. Evidence for the role of an H2O-rich basaltic association comes from reports of micro- or nano-inclusions of phase Egg and δ-AlOOH (Wirth et al. 2007; Kaminsky 2017).Figure 25 shows a representative phase diagram for hydrous peridotite that, together with modeled pressure–temperature paths at the slab Moho for modern subduction zones, can be used to assess the fate of water in the oceanic lithospheric mantle as it subducts into the transition zone. As pointed out by previous workers, retaining water in subducted lithosphere requires that temperatures in the slab mantle remain below the temperature minimum (~ 7 GPa and 700°C) along the dehydration curve where antigorite and 10 Å phase (±Mg-sursassite) remain stable (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi et al. 2004; Shirey et al. 2021), which has been referred to as a “choke point” (Iwamori 2004). Estimates for the water storage capacity in antigorite-bearing slab mantle is about 4–5 wt% (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi and Omori 2006), whereas 10 Å phase-bearing (±Mg-sursassite) mantle assemblages have storage capacity of ~1–2 wt% H2O (Iwamori 2004; Fumagalli and Poli 2005). Warm slabs have temperatures higher than the choke point leading to dehydration of slab mantle at depths shallower than ~250 km, and such slabs are unlikely to transport significant amounts of water deeper into the mantle either in basaltic crust or peridotitic lithosphere (Okamoto and Maruyama 2004; van Keken et al. 2011; Shirey et al. 2021). However, cooler slabs have P–T paths at the Moho and in the even cooler interior portions of the lithosphere that can remain well below the choke point. Depending on the efficiency of hydration of mantle lithosphere near the surface, cooler slabs can potentially transport as much 4–5 wt% water deeper into the mantle, at least locally, in serpentinized regions formed in deep fractures related to slab bending near the Earth’s surface (Faccenda 2014). In colder slabs antigorite transforms at ~250 km and deeper to a series of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases (DHMS) that in mantle peridotite compositions have the capacity to store at least 5 wt% water and potentially more than 10 wt% (Iwamori 2004).Water retention in DHMS phases in subducting mantle lithosphere has been postulated in a number of previous studies (Thompson 1992; Frost 1999; Poli and Schmidt 2002; Iwamori 2004; Ohtani et al. 2004; Omori et al. 2004; Harte 2010; van Keken et al. 2011; Ohtani 2015; Maurice et al. 2018). As described above, most slabs are expected to slow down and deform in the transition zone (Bina 1997; Billen 2008). During this stagnation H2O-bearing slabs will heat by conduction before descending into the lower mantle. Figure 25 illustrates that heating by only a few hundred degrees in the transition zone, which can occur in an ~10 m.y. timeframe (Shirey et al. 2021), would result in breakdown of DHMS phases in the slab mantle at ~1200–1300 °C to wadsleyite or ringwoodite-bearing assemblages and a hydrous fluid.Wadselyite- and ringwoodite-bearing mantle can accommodate ~1–2 wt% water but a free fluid phase is expected for more water rich-regions of slab mantle. If slabs do not heat sufficiently in the transition zone to dehydrate DHMS phases, dehydration is unavoidable at ~ 700–800 km due to another deep trough, or second ‘choke point’, as they penetrate into the lower mantle. Depending on temperature, phase D, superhydrous phase B or ringwoodite will transform into a nominally anhydrous assemblage of bridgmanite, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase with a much lower bulk water storage capacity (< ~0.1 wt%) (Fu et al. 2019), possibly resulting in a hydrous melt at the top of the lower mantle (Schmandt et al. 2014; Ohtani 2015, 2020; Walter et al. 2015).The composition of H2O-rich, supercritical fluids or melts released at transition zone and lower mantle depths are poorly known but should have a considerable dissolved silicate component derived from either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mantle sources, being well beyond their second critical endpoints (Mibe et al. 2007, 2011; Wang et al. 2020). Such fluids may also have a dissolved carbon component acquired from mantle peridotite or oceanic crust. Precipitation of diamond and inclusions may occur through subsequent reaction as fluids migrate within the slab and potentially out of the slab (Harte 2010). The meta-peridotitic association of low-Al MgSiO3-rich phases, low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and ferropericlase may possibly be best explained by crystallization involving such H2O-rich fluids/melts at low-temperature in subducted lithospheric mantle and especially in a depleted peridotite composition (e.g., harzburgite) (Harte 2010; Smith et al. 2018; Shirey et al. 2021).Figure 16 illustrates that at ~1200 °C, where dehydration and fluid release is expected to occur, assemblages are dominated by ringwoodite, akimotoite, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, garnet and ferropericlase. The generally low Mg content of low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and the generally low-Al and low-Ca contents of MgSiO3 inclusions may indicate equilibrium and crystallization from cool, hydrous fluids or melts carrying dissolved peridotitic components. This may either reflect equilibrium assemblages of Ca-silicate perovskite and akimotoite at the base of the transition zone or relatively low-temperature equilibration between Ca-perovskite and bridgmanite where the solvus results in low levels of solid solution (Irifune et al. 2000). Such low temperatures may also explain the co-occurrence of ferropericlase and stishovite.The role of Fe–Ni–S–C metallic melts. Iron-rich metal and sulfide inclusions have been reported in diamonds containing sublithospheric inclusions (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky and Wirth 2011; Smith and Kopylova 2014; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Bulanova et al. (2010) reported a metallic iron phase co-occurring in a diamond containing a majoritic garnet, and composite inclusions interpreted as retrograde CAS-phase and K-hollandite, and also observed low-Ni (<3 wt%) pyrrhotite inclusions co-occurring with Ti-rich CaSiO3, majoritic garnet and SiO2 inclusions in seven diamonds from the Collier-4 kimberlite, Juina (Brazil). Kaminsky and Wirth (2011) reported iron carbides (Fe3C, Fe2C and Fe23C6) associated with native iron, also in a diamond from the Juina area, and although not occurring with other sublithospheric inclusions, they concluded a sublithospheric origin based on phase relations in the Fe–C system.Smith et al. (2016b) reported that many high-quality, Type IIa, gem diamonds, exemplified by the Cullinan, Constellation, and Koh-i-Noor, commonly contain iron-nickel-carbon-sulfur inclusions. Metallic inclusions have been found in 67 out of 83 diamonds in the so-called CLIPPIR suite (Cullinan-like, inclusion-poor, relatively pure, irregularly shaped, and resorbed), and some of these diamonds also contain majoritic garnet or CaSiO3-rich (including Ti-rich CaSiO3) phases which, based on the arguments discussed above, indicate a sublithospheric origin (Smith et al. 2016b, 2017, 2021). A thin fluid layer of methane ± hydrogen was also found associated with the metallic inclusions likely dissolved in the original iron melt under reducing conditions. Smith et al. (2018) also report on rare metallic phases similar to those common in the CLIPPIR suite in the boron-bearing (Type IIb) suite of sublithospheric diamonds. These diamonds contain a wide range of inclusion types with CaSiO3-phases being the most common, but also including majoritic garnet, SiO2, and possibly CF or NAL phase in a diamond containing a metallic phase. Smith et al. (2016b) interpret the metallic inclusions as the solidified products of a metallic liquid phase in the deep mantle and suggested strong N partitioning into the melt phase, which may explain the characteristically low nitrogen content in CLIPPIR diamonds and perhaps in sublithospheric diamonds more generally (Smith and Kopylova 2014).Sublithospheric diamonds containing Fe-rich metal alloy and sulfide inclusions are also generally characterized by isotopically variable and often extremely light carbon (δ13C from −26.9 to −3.8 ‰ in CLIPPIR diamonds; δ13C −26 to −8‰ in Collier-4 diamonds). Although the number of metal/sulfide-bearing diamonds co-occurring with sublithospheric silicate inclusions is small, the suite observed to date contains phases suggestive of basaltic. A recent study of the Fe isotopic composition of the metallic inclusions reveals a strikingly heavy isotopic signature (δ56Fe = 0.79 to 0.90‰) thought to be inherited from magnetite and/or Fe–Ni alloys precipitated during serpentinization of oceanic peridotite (Smith et al. 2021). This heavy iron signature is suggestive that the metallic liquid trapped in CLIPPIR diamonds has a lithological connection to subducted, serpentinized peridotite.On the basis of an analysis of published geochemical data of predominant silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds and building upon observations and ideas that have been discussed in the literature for over three decades, a framework emerges for understanding processes occurring in the deep mantle related to the subduction of lithospheric plates. Few inclusions have major and trace element chemistry consistent with expectations for primitive meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle pressures and temperatures, and we conclude that sublithospheric diamonds do not typically incorporate minerals representative of ambient mantle.Generally speaking, the inclusions define two populations that appear to reflect different source lithologies, or more specifically, the fluids and melts derived from and/or that interact with those lithologies. Consistent with previous interpretations we assign the two populations of inclusions to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic varieties, with the former broadly representative of peridotitic, harzburgitic and dunitic lithologies and the latter including basaltic or pyroxenitic ones. The host diamonds themselves have carbon isotopic compositions that also reveal a distinction among these groups, with meta-peridotitic inclusions hosted by diamonds with a restricted range of predominantly isotopically heavier, mantle-like carbon, whereas the meta-basaltic group exhibits a wider range that extends to isotopically light carbon associated with subducted oceanic crust.The meta-peridotite group includes low-Al MgSiO3, low-Ti CaSiO3, ferropericlase, high-Cr majoritic garnet, olivine and low-Na clinopyroxene inclusions. Low-Al MgSiO3 (former bridgmanite and/or akimotoite), low-Ti CaSiO3 (former Ca-silicate perovskite) and high Mg# ferropericlase are generally consistent with diamond formation in the shallow lower mantle or deep transition zone, and the observed inclusion suite provides evidence for equilibration at low temperatures (e.g., low Mg in Ca-perovskite; low Ca in MgSiO3; the ferropericlase plus stishovite association) perhaps in the range of 1000–1200 °C. Many inclusions also indicate a depleted source lithology (e.g., low Al, low Ca, high Mg# in some MgSiO3; low Cr, Al and Na in ferropericlase), which when combined with low equilibration temperatures suggests an origin related to depleted slab mantle lithosphere.Harte (2010) summarized many of these features and suggested an origin related to dehydration of subducted lithospheric mantle near the base of the transition zone, and phase relations for dehydration in subducted mantle support this hypothesis. The heavy iron isotopes in iron-alloy inclusions that may be related to magnetite formation during serpentinization and the generally mantle-like carbon isotopic compositions of the diamonds hosting the meta-peridotitic inclusions all support this hypothesis. This may indicate that slab-derived hydrous fluids acquire their carbon from the mantle portion of the down-going slab or from the ambient mantle, with little or no interaction with subducted oceanic crust.The presence of methane in some inclusions is suggestive of reduced fluids possibly equilibrated with metal alloy phases. The high-Cr majoritic garnets also have a meta-peridotite chemistry but their apparent formation pressures indicate a predominantly upper mantle origin unrelated to the deeper inclusion assemblage, suggesting these garnet inclusions may have formed in the deepest portions of the lithospheric mantle. Low-Na clinopyroxene, with their unusual co-occurrences with ferropericlase and Ca-rich phases, also remain enigmatic but seemingly reflect an upper mantle and transition zone origin.The meta-basaltic group is characterized by low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3, high-Al MgSiO3, high-Na clinopyroxene as well as rare CF and NAL inclusions (Fig. 1). These inclusions have major element compositions akin to high pressure phases in meta-basaltic to meta-pyroxenitic lithologies. Majoritic garnet barometry places their origin throughout the deep upper mantle to the transition zone, which is consistent with phase equilibrium constraints on the origin of high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. In contrast, high-Al MgSiO3, CF and NAL inclusions provide evidence of a shallow lower mantle assemblage. Thus, the meta-basaltic group apparently forms over a wide depth range.Meta-basaltic inclusions have trace element concentrations that are generally enriched over levels expected in MORB, sometimes by many orders of magnitude, with elemental abundance patterns linking them to deeply subducted oceanic crust. Low-degree melts from oceanic crust, possibly carbonatitic, are implicated in their origin and diamond formation may occur through reduction within slab mantle or ambient mantle through redox freezing. Low temperatures of equilibration are indicated by the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions (low-Mg content) consistent with melting of carbonated/hydrated oceanic crust at ~1200 °C as constrained by melting phase relations. Many majoritic garnet and clinopyroxene compositions indicate an origin related to meta-pyroxenite and these may represent hybrid reaction products when melts from subducted oceanic crust infiltrate and react with the slab mantle or ambient mantle. The carbon isotopic compositions of the diamond hosts are consistent with this scenario and may reflect mixing of carbon sourced from subducted oceanic crust and peridotitic mantle sources.The common theme among models for sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation is the key role of subducted lithosphere, and particularly the fluids and melts that are derived from lithologies in the slab that infiltrate and react with their surroundings both within and external to the slab, precipitating diamonds and their inclusions. The overall narrative presented here for the generation of sublithospheric diamonds related to subducted slab lithosphere stagnating in the transition zone and shallow lower mantle is reminiscent of the megalith model of Ringwood (1991), an observation echoed in many studies over the intervening years. Yet many questions remain as we continue to develop our understanding of sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation and what these samples reveal in detail about deep mantle processes.In this review we have taken a global perspective, highlighting the clear similarities within inclusion groups that span across all sampled cratons. However, processes related to diamond and inclusion formation will also likely be dependent on the specific tectonic and geodynamic setting of subduction, and regional differences can be expected that can only become readily apparent with larger, more diverse data sets. Some outstanding questions that can be addressed in future studies might include:What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The tables associated with this chapter can be found at https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K (Walter et al. 2022). We would like to thank Galina Bulanova, Antony Burnham, Rick Carlson, Ben Harte, Dan Howell, Simon Kohn, Nico Kueter, Sami Mikhail, Fabrizio Nestola, Peng Ni, Graham Pearson, Anat Shahar, Steve Shirey, Chris Smith, Lara Speich, Thomas Stachel, Peter van Keken and Lara Wagner for the many conversations and insights that helped shaped this review. Special thanks to Thomas Stachel for access to his incredible inclusion database. We thank Ben Harte, Thomas Stachel, Karen Smit and Graham Pearson for constructive reviews that improved the clarity of ideas and presentation in this chapter.","PeriodicalId":501196,"journal":{"name":"Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry","volume":"62 51","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2022-07-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Geochemistry of Silicate and Oxide Inclusions in Sublithospheric Diamonds\",\"authors\":\"Michael J. Walter, Andrew R. Thomson, Evan M. Smith\",\"doi\":\"10.2138/rmg.2022.88.07\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"Minerals included in diamonds provide direct information about the petrologic and chemical environment of diamond crystallization. They record information relating to local and regional mantle processes and provide important contextual information for global-scale tectonic interpretations (Stachel et al. 2005; Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019). Most mined inclusion-bearing diamonds originate in sub-continental, cratonic mantle lithosphere but a small percentage host mineral inclusions consistent with an origin beneath the lithosphere (~1%, Stachel and Harris 2008). Key among these inclusions are silicate and oxide minerals that provide either direct (e.g., majoritic garnet, ringwoodite) or circumstantial (e.g., CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich phases; ferropericlase) evidence for a high-pressure origin deep in the convecting mantle; we refer to these diamonds as “sublithospheric” although they are also commonly called “superdeep”. Studies over the past four decades have provided a wealth of information to draw upon to interrogate the origins of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions and to speculate on broader geologic and geodynamic implications.In the 1980s researchers began to recognize that some diamonds carry inclusions indicative of an origin beneath continental lithosphere, extending to depths even into the lower mantle (Scott-Smith et al. 1984; Moore et al. 1986; Wilding et al. 1991; Harte and Harris 1994; Harris et al. 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a; Harte et al. 1999). Paramount among these are inclusions with (Mg,Fe)O and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 stoichiometry, and on the basis of co-occurrence in the same diamond they were interpreted as ferropericlase and retrograde Mg-silicate perovskite (bridgmanite) from the shallow lower mantle. Discoveries of inclusions with CaSiO3 stoichiometry, sometimes also co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases and/or ferropericlase and interpreted as retrograde Ca-silicate perovskite, supported the view of a lower mantle genesis related to mantle peridotite (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005). Garnet inclusions with excess octahedrally coordinated silicon per formula unit (Moore and Gurney 1985, 1989; Moore et al. 1991; Stachel and Harris 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a) provided further evidence for a sublithospheric origin on the basis of experiments that revealed the pressure dependence of elemental substitutions (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977).Over several decades numerous studies have uncovered many new examples of sublithospheric diamonds hosting these key indicator phases while also identifying a wide variety of other mineral inclusions interpreted to have an origin in the deep upper mantle to lower mantle, including but not limited to ringwoodite, stishovite, CF-phase, NAL-phase, K-hollandite, CAS phase, and phase Egg (Wirth et al. 2007; Bulanova et al. 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015). The reader is referred to several recent review papers that provide an inventory of inclusion types in sublithospheric diamonds (Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019).On the basis of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data it has become increasingly apparent that many sublithospheric diamonds record processes that are related to subduction of lithospheric plates (Stachel et al. 2000a,b; Stachel 2001; Walter et al. 2008; Tappert et al. 2009b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015; Shirey et al. 2019). The major and trace element geochemistry of majoritic garnet and Ti-rich CaSiO3-rich phases in particular point to an origin involving subducted basaltic oceanic crust, as does the presence of rare inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF-phase and NAL-phase. The prevalence of light carbon isotopic compositions in diamonds and heavy oxygen isotopes in hosted inclusions provide additional supporting evidence for this hypothesis (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015).Sublithospheric diamonds have distinctly low N with ~70% considered Type II (e.g., < ~20 at.ppm N) and with > 90% having < 100 at.ppm N. When measurable the N is highly aggregated and dominated by B centers (~87% have >50 %B), consistent with storage in the mantle at high temperature. In comparison lithospheric diamonds have higher N, are typically classified as Type I, averaging ~250 at.ppm N but extending to > 1000 at.ppm N, and with < 20% low N Type II. Lithospheric diamonds also commonly exhibit poorly aggregated N (e.g., <50 %B) indicative of storage at cooler cratonic temperatures (Harlow 1998; Stachel et al. 2002; Pearson et al. 2003; Shirey et al. 2013; Smith and Kopylova 2014). Sublithospheric diamonds tend to be irregular in shape, show weak cathodoluminescence, have textures indicating residence in a high-strain environment and sometimes exhibit multiple nucleation sites, resorption and regrowth. Like their lithospheric counterparts, precipitation of sublithospheric diamonds is thought to occur primarily from C-saturated fluids or melts, with carbonatitic, hydrous, methane-rich and metallic liquids all implicated on the basis of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Harte 2010; Harte and Richardson 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018).Here we review the mineralogy, major and trace element geochemistry of key silicate and oxide mineral inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds from global data sets assembled from the literature. The purpose of this synthesis is to focus on inclusions that have compositions of major mineral phases in upper mantle, transition zone and lower mantle assemblages in both meta-peridotite (e.g., peridotite, harzburgite, dunite) and meta-basalt (e.g., basalt, pyroxenite). A further requirement is that inclusions occur commonly enough for substantial geochemical data to be available from locations spanning multiple continents and cratons. Accordingly, we focus on inclusions of majoritic garnet, MgSiO3- and CaSiO3-rich phases, ferropericlase, olivine and clinopyroxene, assembling datasets comprising 659 inclusions. We will not ignore other inclusion types entirely but will rather discuss them in relation to these more abundant inclusions.Depending on when they formed or equilibrated relative to their diamond hosts, inclusions in diamonds are classified as protogenetic (preceding diamond formation), syngenetic (co-crystallizing with diamond) or epigenetic (crystallizing after diamond formation). Typically, a syngenetic origin for inclusions has been inferred if, regardless of their crystal system, the inclusions show a cubo-octahedral morphology that is imposed by their diamond hosts, which is most commonly the case (Harris and Gurney 1979; Meyer 1987; Stachel and Harris 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). On the basis of the commonly observed diamond-imposed morphology the sublithospheric inclusions described herein are all assumed to be syngenetic, or at least have equilibrated synchronous with diamond crystallization and were trapped at the time of diamond growth, recording a geochemical snapshot of this process. These issues are discussed more extensively, from a geochronology perspective, in Smit et al. (2022, this volume).Throughout this review the geochemistry and mineralogy of sublithospheric inclusions will be discussed relative to observations from petrological experiments performed at mantle conditions. Figure 1 shows experimentally derived estimates of the modal mineralogy expected in primitive mantle peridotite (e.g., pyrolite), harzburgite and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) compositions (Ishii et al. 2018, 2019), illustrating how majoritic garnet, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, ferropericlase, olivine polymorphs and clinopyroxene dominate mineral assemblages at the depths of the deep upper mantle, transition zone and shallow lower mantle. Of the inclusions in our global dataset, ~42% are ferropericlase inclusions, 32% are majoritic garnet, MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich inclusions comprise about 8% each, 6% are clinopyroxene and 4% are olivine. We also discuss the occurrence of SiO2 and retrograde CF and NAL phases that have been reported in sublithospheric diamonds, but these make up only a small fraction (< 1%) of the silicate inclusion population with reported chemistry.Thus, the most common phases in sublithospheric diamonds mirror those in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic lithologies at high pressure (Harte 2010) but have been reported in proportions inconsistent with expected modal abundances in natural mantle assemblages (Fig. 1). This observation has been used to suggest the mantle might not accurately reflect a model primitive peridotite composition (Kaminsky 2012, 2017). However, diamond growth and trapping processes combined with sampling and preservation biases make observed inclusion proportions unreliable for assessing the modal mineralogy of the ambient mantle at depth (Liu 2002; Nimis et al. 2019). In this review we provide an analysis of the geochemistry of the common sublithospheric diamond inclusion types and use experimentally and theoretically derived phase relations and element partitioning data to constrain their depth of origin, plausible lithological associations and formation processes.Garnet is the dominant aluminous mineral in mantle assemblages at depths greater than ~30–70 km, eventually becoming the second most abundant mineral in mantle peridotite and the dominant mineral in basaltic compositions throughout the deeper upper mantle and transition zone (Irifune 1987; Irifune and Ringwood 1993; Ishii et al. 2019) (Fig. 1). Garnet is chemically diverse, following the ideal formula A3B2Si3O12, where A cations occupy dodecahedral sites and B cations occupy octahedral sites. It is generally the case that divalent cations occupy the A-site in garnet, while the octahedral B-site is normally filled with trivalent cations. There are many exceptions to this simplified scheme (Grew et al. 2013) but the most significant for understanding mantle garnets is that of titanium and phosphorus cations. Titanium occurs almost exclusively as Ti4+ in natural garnets (Locock 2008; Grew et al. 2013), and at lithospheric conditions can occupy either the tetrahedral Si site or the B-site (Waychunas 1987; Proyer et al. 2013; Ackerson et al. 2017a,b). However, at conditions relevant to sublithospheric inclusions, it is assumed that all Ti occupies the octahedral site in garnet (Ackerson et al. 2017b), charge balanced by monovalent Na+ (or K+) on the A-site (Ono and Yasuda 1996; Locock 2008; Proyer et al. 2013). Phosphorus, which is assumed to be exclusively pentavalent, is believed to occupy the tetrahedral silicon site, predominantly charge balanced by monovalent cations on the A-site (Haggerty et al. 1994).Lithospheric garnets have a maximum of 3 silicon atoms per formula unit (pfu), whereas those that formed at pressures greater than about 6 to 8 GPa (equivalent to ~180–240 km depth) contain additional silicon, which is commonly referred to as the “majorite” component. The additional silicon is a consequence of the increasing solubility of pyroxene into garnet as equilibration pressure increases, and can be described by two principal substitution mechanisms:where VIM2+ is a divalent octahedral cation and VIIIX+ is a monovalent dodecahedral cation. Both substitutions have been shown to increase with pressure, indicating that the octahedral silicon content (majorite component) in garnet is pressure dependent.In the MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, completion of substitution (1) leads to the formation of the majorite (Mj) garnet endmember VIIIMg3VI[MgSi]IVSi3O12 (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977; Irifune 1987), whereas substitution (2) produces the Na-majorite (NaMj) component VIII[Na2Mg]VISi2IVSi3O12 in the Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system (Irifune et al. 1989; Dymshits et al. 2013). The extent to which substitutions (1) and (2) occur is a complex function of pressure, temperature and composition (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018), but substitution (1) tends to dominate in meta-peridotitic assemblages and substitution (2) in meta-basaltic assemblages (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2021).Importantly, any measurable majorite component can be used as a single mineral barometer via several available calibrations (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). Majoritic garnets are classified as those that have a discernible majorite component (e.g., > 3 Si pfu) in their reported chemical analysis. In contrast with many previous studies, we follow the approach of Thomson et al. (2021) and explicitly account for tetrahedral phosphorus and monovalent charge balanced titanium, with the majorite component defined as:Majoritic garnet inclusions provide direct evidence of an origin at depths greater than ~ 200 km on the basis of their pressure sensitive substitutions (Eqns. 1, 2) and are the only inclusions that provide a quantifiable, chemistry-based barometer. Inclusions of majoritic garnet are widespread and have been observed in diamonds collected from a wide range of localities, including cratons in South Africa, Brazil, Western Africa, Canada, Russia and China. We have compiled major element chemical analyses from 214 garnet inclusions that have a majorite component ≥ 0.005. Data and references are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Most of the majoritic garnet inclusions are reported as single or multiple occurrences in a single diamond (> 60%) or co-occurrences with clinopyroxene (~20%), and there are seven co-occurrences with a CaSiO3-rich phase and seven with SiO2. Thus, the co-occurring mineralogy indicates crystallization of majoritic garnet inclusions throughout the deep upper mantle and transition zone (Fig. 1).Many, if not most, majoritic garnet inclusions have undergone retrograde re-equilibration and exsolution (Fig. 2). Exsolution of omphacitic clinopyroxene sometimes with other minor phases has frequently been reported (Harte and Cayzer 2007; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a, 2016; Burnham et al. 2016; Sobolev et al. 2016), often as volumetrically small rinds at the extremities of individual inclusions (Fig. 2). In many studies where majoritic garnet inclusions are reported, exsolution features are not described or analysed. Our experience suggests that exsolution features may have commonly gone unreported, possibly as a consequence of poorer imaging capabilities in early generations of electron microprobes. This may be especially prevalent in studies where inclusions were broken out of diamonds rather than exposed by polishing. Omission of exsolved clinopyroxene affects the bulk inclusion chemistry such that it will always lead to underestimation of pressure using empirical, chemistry-based barometers. Analysis of entire majoritic garnet inclusions is also critical for future attempts to accurately date the inclusions.The major and minor element compositions of 215 majoritic garnet inclusions as determined by electron probe microanalysis are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) along with references describing analytical protocols. We compare these inclusion chemistries to a dataset of synthetic experimental majoritic garnets crystallized in peridotitic, harzburgitic, basaltic, sedimentary and hybrid bulk compositions across a wide range of upper mantle and transition zone pressure and temperature conditions. To our knowledge, the compositional data presented in Table 1 are based on microprobe analysis of the garnet portion of exposed/extracted inclusions without reincorporation of any exsolved material, making their derived pressures minimum estimates.Figure 3a is a plot of CaO vs Cr2O3, a scheme originally constructed for classifying lithospheric garnets, which effectively delineates the majoritic garnet inclusions into two types: Low-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit low Cr2O3 (< ~1 wt.%), a wide range of Ca content (~ 2–18 wt.% CaO) and have Mg#s (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) predominantly lower than 0.7; High-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit high Cr2O3 (1–20 wt.%), low CaO (< 6 wt.%) and have Mg#s > 0.7 and typically > 0.8. In comparison with majoritic garnets from experimental studies, low-Cr inclusions are unlike garnets that crystallize in meta-peridotitic assemblages but overlap extensively with those produced in meta-basaltic assemblages that generally have extremely low Cr2O3 (< 0.1 wt.%) contents (Fig. 3, dark field) and a similarly wide range of CaO contents. We note that Cr2O3 contents in majoritic garnets produced in meta-sediment experiments invariably are not reported but are also expected to yield low-Cr garnet. Several low-Cr inclusions extend towards higher Cr2O3 and somewhat lower CaO contents and appear intermediate between majoritic garnet produced in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages (Thomson et al. 2016a).High-Cr inclusions, with the exception of just a few, have much higher Cr than reported experimental garnets in fertile meta-peridotitic assemblages (Fig. 3, light-grey field) but overlap considerably with garnets produced in meta-harzburgitic assemblages (Fig. 3, red hex-stars), suggesting the high Cr2O3 may originate in highly depleted mantle compositions (Moore and Gurney 1985; Stachel et al. 2000a; Wang et al. 2000b; Schulze et al. 2008; Motsamai et al. 2018).Figure 3b presents an alternative chemography based on CaO and TiO2 contents. Experimental garnets generally occupy separate regions of this diagram depending on bulk composition, with meta-peridotitic garnets having low CaO and TiO2, and meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary garnets having higher CaO and TiO2. Low-Cr inclusions, as distinguished primarily by lower Mg# on Figure 3b, are best represented by meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary experimental garnets. In contrast the high-Cr inclusions have TiO2 contents on the low-side of those observed in meta-peridotitic assemblages but are akin to some experimental meta-harzburgitic garnets. We note also that experimental meta-sediment garnets typically have Mg#s ≪ 0.4, generally inconsistent with the observed compositional range of majoritic garnet inclusions. Overall, low-Cr majorite inclusions are similar to lithospheric garnet inclusions that have been classified as eclogitic (Stachel et al. 2000a) and which we refer to as meta-basaltic, whereas high-Cr inclusions are similar to garnets with depleted, meta-harzburgitic affinity.Substitution mechanisms.Figure 4 is a plot showing majoritic garnet substitutional components (Eqns. 1–3) for inclusion and experimental garnets expressed as variation of monovalent and divalent cations. Majoritic garnets stable in meta-peridotitic assemblages predominantly follow the [maj] substitution vector. These meta-peridotitic garnets possess few, but often not zero, monovalent cations that are not charge balancing titanium (Fig. 4a), and they have an increasing proportion of divalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4b). The scatter around the ideal substitution vectors in Figure 4b may be partially explained by unidentified Fe3+, but the incorporation of “extra” monovalent cations, especially at higher values of (Si + P − 3), demonstrates the occurrence of both substitution mechanisms in the experimental garnet compositions but with the [maj] substitution predominant. In contrast, experimental majoritic garnets from meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary assemblages predominantly follow the ideal [Na-maj] substitution vector. This behavior reflects the higher alkali and lower magnesium contents in these bulk compositions, resulting in increasing monovalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4a), whereas divalent cations decrease (Fig. 4b).Also shown on Figure 4 (as diamonds) are global majoritic garnet inclusion compositions from Table 1. High-Cr inclusions (green diamonds) cluster around the origin and extend solely along the [maj] vector to approximately 0.3. Low-Cr inclusions (blue diamonds) do not exclusively follow either substitution but rather span the range of compositions between both the [maj] and [Na-maj] substitutions. This could indicate lower Na basaltic protoliths, perhaps due to more Mg-rich basalts produced earlier in Earth’s history (Pearson et al. 2003), but has previously been interpreted to indicate an association with hybrid or pyroxenitic compositions (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2016a, 2021). Low-Cr inclusions with larger [maj] components possess higher but variable magnesium contents, 0.6 < Mg# < 0.85, and generally follow the [maj] substitution. However, these inclusion compositions are clearly not tied exclusively to the [maj] vector, and some skew significantly towards the [Na-maj] substitution.The chemical variation expressed by elemental substitutions in experimental majoritic garnet data sets has been used to calibrate empirical barometers for quantifying crystallization pressures, providing important constraints on the depths of diamond formation. The reader is referred to Nimis 2022 (this volume) for additional coverage of mineral barometry.All published majoritic garnet barometers exclude effects of temperature from their experimental calibrations, relying solely on a parametrization of the major element chemistry to predict inclusion formation pressures (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). The accuracy of calculated pressures in each study is based on the ability to reproduce their respective calibration datasets and is estimated to be ± 1−2 GPa. However, uncertainties can be much larger when these barometers are applied to experimental majoritic compositions outside the range of the calibration data. For example, when applied to majoritic garnets in the entire experimental database, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrated much larger uncertainties among extant barometers, and a tendency for pressure underestimation, sometimes by as much as 10 GPa, when applied to the highest-pressure experimental garnets. In contrast to previous studies that used experimental subsets with limited compositional range, Thomson et al. (2021) trained a machine learning algorithm with all available experimental data to produce a barometer calibrated across the entire experimental pressure, temperature and composition space, with a significantly improved accuracy in reproducing the complete experimental dataset, especially at the highest pressures.Shown on Figure 5 are histograms of garnet inclusion pressures calculated using majoritic garnet barometers. Despite differences in absolute pressures, all barometers exhibit a bimodal pressure distribution with distinct pressure modes at ~ 7−10 and ~ 12−15 GPa. The barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) predicts the highest-pressure modes with some inclusions indicating pressures as high as ~ 22 GPa (~ 600 km depth). However, we emphasize that many, if not all, majoritic garnet inclusions contain small amounts of exsolved omphacitic pyroxene, whose omission leads to pressure underestimation. This exsolution is presumably the effect of partial reequilibration at lower pressures, post-entrapment, during diamond exhumation. Based on eight inclusions available from the entire global dataset where adequate data is available to estimate bulk inclusion compositions and correct for exsolution, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrate that inclusion pressures may be underestimated by ~4 ± 2.5 GPa if exsolution features are ignored.Figure 5e shows histograms of majoritic garnet inclusion pressures calculated using the barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) separated according to low-Cr and high-Cr varieties. The distribution demonstrates that nearly all of the high-pressure mode is occupied by low-Cr garnets, which are meta-basaltic in composition. The concentration of the high-Cr majoritic garnets at lower pressures (e.g., < ~10 GPa) suggests that the diamonds hosting these depleted meta-peridotitic inclusions formed in a unique environment compared to high-Cr inclusions, possibly even in deep cratonic lithosphere rather than in the convecting mantle.Measurements of trace element concentrations, mostly made using SIMS analyses at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF), are reported for fifty-eight majoritic garnet inclusions in Table 2 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 6 shows trace element ‘spidergrams’ for majoritic garnet inclusions with element abundances normalized to the silicate Earth model of McDonough and Sun (1995), which we refer to as BSE (bulk silicate Earth). We have opted to maintain the low-Cr (Fig. 6a,c) and high-Cr (Fig. 6b,d) divisions and find that trace element abundance patterns are also generally distinct between these two groups.Low-Cr majorite inclusions are systematically more enriched in trace elements than high-Cr inclusions, generally by about one order of magnitude. Virtually all majoritic garnet inclusions possess a negative Sr anomaly and many have positive Zr and Hf anomalies. Rare earth element (REE) patterns generally show depletions in the light rare earths (LREE), with Lu/La ratios ranging from ~ 0.15–1800 with >80% of inclusions greater than unity. Low-Cr inclusions generally have higher Lu/La than high-Cr inclusions. Where measured, Th, U and Nb are relatively enriched relative to BSE whereas Ba, Li and Rb, with a few exceptions, are variably depleted. Small negative Eu and Y anomalies are present in some low-Cr majoritic garnets, whereas a number of the high-Cr inclusions exhibit large Y anomalies.Also shown on Figure 6 for comparison with observed inclusions are calculated trace element concentrations estimated for majoritic garnet in subsolidus meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic (MORB) mineral assemblages. Subsolidus majoritic garnet compositions were calculated using published mineral/melt partition coefficients for experimentally constrained phase assemblages following the approach of Thomson et al. (2016b).For example, the following mass balance defines the trace element contents of any single phase in a multi-phase assemblage:where XiA,XiB,XiC are the concentrations of trace element i in phase A, B, and C, Di are mineral/melt partition coefficients, and α, β and γ are the proportions of phases A, B and C in the phase assemblage. Bulk trace element contents (⁠Xitotal⁠) for peridotite are taken as BSE (McDonough and Sun 1995), for harzburgite are taken from the average of nine samples formed by melt depletion in a subduction zone environment as reported in Secchiari et al (2020), and mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (ALL-MORB) is used to represent basaltic compositions (Gale et al. 2013). ‘Processed’ MORB is calculated as described in Thomson et al. (2016b) and is used as an estimate of subducted MORB crust post sub-arc dehydration. Table 3 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) provides the source of partition coefficients and the phase proportions used in each phase assemblage to calculate trace element abundances in coexisting phases in mineral assemblages at pressures from the transition zone to the lower mantle.Figure 6a shows that low-Cr inclusions are unlike those expected in meta-peridotitic assemblages at conditions of the transition zone; majoritic garnet in equilibrium with Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotite or meta-harzburgite are significantly more depleted than the low-Cr inclusions. Peridotitic majoritic garnets at shallow transition zone conditions in equilibrium with wadsleyite and clinopyroxene have similar overall levels of enrichment relative to BSE as some low-Cr inclusions but the overall pattern and especially the abundances and slope of the REE and mild Sr anomaly are unlike the majoritic garnet inclusions. Consistent with their Ca and Cr contents, trace elements show that low-Cr majoritic garnets do not have meta-peridotitic affinity.In contrast, Figure 6c demonstrates that low-Cr majoritic inclusions share characteristics of majoritic garnet compositions expected in meta-basaltic assemblages. The calculated trace element abundances of garnet at 14 GPa are generally within the range observed in low-Cr inclusions, while at 20 GPa calculated abundances are at the lower range of the inclusions due to coexistence with Ca-silicate perovskite. We note that the depletions in some large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and Sr are best reproduced in the ‘processed’ MORB composition, consistent with loss during sub-arc slab devolatilization. While some low-Cr inclusions have relatively flat middle to heavy REE similar to meta-basaltic garnet at 14 GPa (e.g., Lu/Sm near unity), many show depletions in LREE and MREE similar to MORB at 20 GPa, although with higher overall abundances by up to an order of magnitude. Thus, while low-Cr inclusions are more like meta-basaltic garnet compositions they generally have trace elements abundances that are elevated relative to expectations for trapped portions of subsolidus materials in processed MORB.Overall abundance levels in high-Cr inclusions are generally similar to those expected in meta-peridotitic lithologies. They tend to possess negative Sr anomalies and generally have relatively flat REE abundance patterns (Fig. 6b), most akin to meta-peridotite at lower pressures where Ca-silicate perovskite is not stable, which is consistent with their lower calculated pressures (Fig. 5e). There are very few measurements of LILE, Th, U, Nb, Ta for high-Cr inclusions; while this may suggest they were very depleted in these components, it is important to note that these elements were not analyzed in all studies. Two additional features of the high-Cr inclusions are that many have negative Y anomalies, whose origin is unclear but are suggested to be associated with Earth surface processes (Thomson et al. 2016b). Additionally, several of the high chromium samples possess sinusoidal REE patterns, features that are common amongst lithospheric xenoliths and are thought to record the influence of metasomatic fluids (Stachel et al. 1998b; Wang et al. 2000b; Stachel et al. 2004), potentially consistent with their origin in the deep lithospheric mantle.Inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds with ABO3 stoichiometry occur in both calcium-rich and magnesium-rich varieties. On the basis of their mineralogy and chemistry these inclusions are commonly interpreted to represent high-pressure phases with a former ‘perovskite’ structure that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs or phase assemblages (Harte and Harris 1994; Stachel et al. 1998a, 2000b, 2005; Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2002, 2005, 2021; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Tappert et al. 2009b; Harte 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015, 2016, 2020; Burnham et al. 2016; Nestola et al. 2018). As such, these inclusions are some of the few known samples thought to originate from the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle and, therefore, can provide insight into the lithologies and processes occurring at these depths.The mineral perovskite sensu stricto has a CaTiO3 composition, is orthorhombic, and crystallizes in the Pnma space group. Perovskite-structured phases with both MgSiO3 (bridgmanite) and CaSiO3 compositions crystallize in high-pressure and temperature experiments in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic assemblages (Liu and Ringwood 1975; Yagi et al. 1978; Ito et al. 1984; Irifune 1987; Kesson et al. 1994; Kesson et al. 1995). MgSiO3-rich inclusions interpreted as former bridgmanite occur as retrograde enstatite. CaSiO3 and Ca(Si,Ti) O3 inclusions in diamond are typically interpreted as products of originally perovskite-structured phases that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs, with CaSiO3 most often occurring as breyite (formerly known as calcium walstromite) but wollastonite has also been observed (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). CaTiO3 perovskite coexisting with CaSiO3 is also observed as part of composite inclusion assemblages.Here we review the chemistry of MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases that occur as inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds. We recognize that the inclusions do not occur as high-pressure perovskite-structured polymorphs but rather as retrograde minerals, and we will review the evidence for their identification as former bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite minerals, respectively.The compilation of CaSiO3-rich inclusion compositions includes fifty-three samples in diamonds from four cratons, forty-one of which are from South America. Mineralogical identification of the observed inclusions is often assumed on the basis of major element stoichiometry, although in some studies crystal structures have been determined by Raman spectroscopy or X-ray diffraction (Joswig et al. 1999; Brenker et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016; Korolev et al. 2018; Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions are either single phase CaSiO3 (breyite or wollastonite) or composite mixtures of CaSiO3 and other phases including CaTiO3 (perovskite), CaSi2O5 (titanite-structured), Ca2SiO4 (larnite) and ZrO2 (Fig. 7). Composite inclusions with overall Ca(Si,Ti)O3 stoichiometry are typically interpreted to represent unmixing of an originally homogeneous phase; the alternative to the unmixing interpretation is that a portion of a ‘rock’ or melt was trapped encapsulating exactly a composition with ABO3 stoichiometry, which is exceedingly improbable.In five instances CaSiO3-rich phases co-occur in the same diamond with MgSiO3-rich phases, in nine cases they co-occur with ferropericlase, and in only three diamonds with both MgSiO3 and ferropericlase. These non-touching, co-occurring assemblages are generally attributed to a lower mantle association (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a) (Fig. 1). In five cases a CaSiO3- rich phase occurs in the same diamond with majoritic garnet (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with CaSiO3-rich phases include SiO2 (likely former stishovite), merwinite (Ca3Mg(SiO4)2), CaSi2O5-titanite, chromite, Fe–Ni-metal and sulphide (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a,b; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b).Reported major and minor element compositions of CaSiO3-rich inclusions are provided in Table 4 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Many workers have noted that CaSiO3-rich inclusions tend to be nearly phase pure, with analyzed compositions showing only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO in nearly all occurrences (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Nestola et al. 2018). Most notably, MgO abundances are < 0.1 wt% in 29 of 40 inclusions where MgO was measured, and in those cases where MgO is not reported inclusions presumably also have exceptionally low abundances of this routinely measured oxide. Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with expectations for Ca-silicate perovskite in a meta-peridotitic assemblage at mantle temperatures (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Armstrong et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014).We divide the CaSiO3-rich inclusions into two groups based on a distinct compositional gap in TiO2 contents, resulting in forty low-Ti inclusions with TiO2 < 0.7 wt% and thirteen high-Ti inclusions with TiO2 > 2 wt%. Figure 8 is a plot of Ti/(Ti + Si) versus (a) Mg/(Mg + Ca) and (b) Al (per formula unit), illustrating the unusual bulk compositions of many of the inclusion relative to the compositions of Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic mineral assemblages synthesized in experiments.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Most of the low-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusions are unlike those synthesized in experiments, having both exceptionally low MgO and TiO2 contents (Fig. 8a), and also typically very low Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO contents. Three of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur in diamonds together with MgSiO3-rich inclusions that have been interpreted to be of lower mantle origin, yet in each case the MgO contents are < 0.1 wt% (Stachel et al. 2000b; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite (MgSiO3) in a lower mantle assemblage at mantle temperatures (Fig. 8), which have much higher MgO contents (Irifune et al. 2000; Walter et al. 2008). Only one inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil, has an MgO content high enough to potentially be consistent with an origin as part of a meta-peridotitic assemblage at lower mantle pressures and temperatures, albeit with much lower Ti (Burnham et al. 2016). Also shown on Figure 8 are experiments where Ca-silicate perovskite is in equilibrium with transition zone phases like majoritic garnet and ringwoodite in metabasaltic compositions. These experiments produce some Ca-silicate perovskites with lower Mg contents but with much higher Ti contents. In any case, the compositions of nearly all low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions are very unlike Ca-silicate perovskites produced in equilibrium with bridgmanite in primitive mantle peridotite at temperatures appropriate for ambient lower mantle (e.g., > 1700 °C).A potential explanation for the low MgO content of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions is that they formed initially as Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite but at low temperatures, considerably lower than in the experiments plotted on Figure 8 (Irifune et al. 2000; Armstrong et al. 2012). Irifune et al. (2000) demonstrated that at temperatures of 1500 °C and above, substantial (~10× higher than inclusions) MgO dissolves into Ca-silicate perovskite and suggested that the low-MgO content in CaSiO3-rich inclusions reported in Harte et al. (1999) might reflect equilibration and inclusion entrapment at <1200 °C where the solvus widens, possibly in cool subducted lithosphere. Currently the solvus at temperatures below ~1400 °C is poorly constrained experimentally but could potentially be used as a thermometer for low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Of the thirteen inclusions identified as having high titanium, ten are described as composite inclusions of CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 (e.g., Fig. 7). Reconstructing the bulk composition of composite inclusions, when attempted, has been done either through broad beam analysis of entire inclusions, or by analyzing phases separately and recombining them based on estimates of their modal abundance; both of these approaches can have considerable uncertainties (Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014). Like low-Ti inclusions, high-Ti inclusions also have very low MgO contents but have higher Al2O3 and FeO (Fig. 8). Armstrong et al. (2012) showed that as the Ti-content in Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite increases so does the solubility of MgO, such that the high-Ti inclusions should have levels of MgO at the several weight percent level if they formed in the lower mantle. On this basis, equilibrium of the high-Ti inclusions with bridgmanite at lower mantle pressures is excluded for all high-Ti inclusions.As shown on Figure 8, some experimental Ca-silicate perovskites produced in meta-basaltic assemblages at transition zone pressures in equilibrium with majoritic garnet have low-Mg contents and high-Ti contents consistent with the high-Ti inclusions. We note that the experiments that best reproduce the inclusions are at relatively low temperatures and were produced in equilibrium with hydrous fluids or carbonatitic melts. Especially noteworthy are two experiments at 1000 °C where Ca-silicate perovskite is equilibrated with majoritic garnet, stishovite and a hydrous fluid, and has very low MgO contents but relatively high Al2O3 contents (Litasov and Ohtani 2005). Walter et al. (2008) reported on experiments in a simplified carbonated basalt system that showed Ca(Si,Ti)O3-perovskite with very low MgO contents in equilibrium with majoritic garnet (red hexagon, Fig. 8). Similarly, Ca-silicate perovskite compositions in equilibrium with majoritic garnet and carbonatitic melt in experiments with basaltic starting compositions, or where carbonated melts were reacted with peridotite, also have high-TiO2, low-MgO and high Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO similar to the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Thomson et al. 2016a).CaSiO3-rich inclusions are often cited as evidence for diamond formation in the lower mantle (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018; Nestola et al. 2018). However, phase relations do not require a lower mantle or even transition zone origin for perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases to occur as inclusions in diamond (Kubo et al. 1997; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Woodland et al. 2020; Brenker et al. 2021). Because the inclusions typically have only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO, phase relations for CaSiO3-rich inclusions are well represented in the system CaO–SiO2–TiO2.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9a shows phase relations in the CaSiO3 system. Ca-silicate perovskite is stable at pressures above about 13 to 14 GPa at temperatures expected in the mantle, in contrast to the higher pressures at which Ca-silicate perovskite stabilizes in meta-basaltic or meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages (~20 GPa, Fig. 1). CaSiO3 decomposes to a mixture of larnite (Ca2SiO4) plus titanite-structured CaSi2O5 between about 10 and 13 GPa, transforming to breyite at pressures below about 9 to 10 GPa and to wollastonite below ~ 3 GPa. Of the low-Ti inclusions where crystal structure was determined by Raman or X-ray diffraction, the majority indicate breyite as the CaSiO3 phase (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). If the inclusions were originally formed as Ca-silicate perovskite, phase relations suggest the diamonds were transported from depths of at least ~ 400 km (~13 GPa) to depths of < 300 km where breyite is stable (~10 GPa) prior to exhumation by kimberlite. Wollastonite has also been observed in one inclusion (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018), which has a stability at less than about 3 GPa (Chatterjee et al. 1984; Sokolova and Dorogokupets 2021), requiring temperatures below ~1000 ºC for both wollastonite and diamond to co-exist in equilibrium (Fig. 9a).Four of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions show evidence of retrograde phase unmixing consistent with decompression. Joswig et al. (1999) reported on a low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusion from Kankan (Guinea) with the composite assemblage breyite + larnite + titanite (Fig. 7g), which would ostensibly place its last equilibration directly on the phase boundary at ~10 GPa (Fig. 9a). Burnham et al. (2016) report clinopyroxene exsolution in two inclusions from Machado River (Brazil), one with a reconstructed bulk composition that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite as described below. Two of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions from Juina (Brazil) co-occur with majoritic garnet (Tables 1 and 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and barometry yields pressures of ~13 and ~8 GPa but no information about possible clinopyroxene exsolution is provided so these are minimum pressures. Nine of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s ranging from 0.75 to 0.9, with three of these co-occurring with an MgSiO3-rich phase, indicating a deep transition zone or lower mantle origin related to a meta-peridotitic assemblage. However, we reiterate, the low MgO contents preclude equilibration with bridgmanite along a mantle geotherm and indicate either that the inclusions did not equilibrate with bridgmanite or did so at a significantly lower temperature, possibly in cold subducted lithosphere.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9b shows phase relations along the CaTiO3-CaSiO3 join. Of the ten composite inclusions exhibiting unmixing of CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 phases (Fig. 7), in five cases CaSiO3 breyite and CaTiO3 perovskite were confirmed through Raman or X-ray diffraction (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 9b shows that the pressure at which a single-phase Ca(Si,Ti)O3 perovskite solid solution stabilizes depends on Ti-content, ranging from ~13 GPa at the CaSiO3-rich end to < 5 GPa at the CaTiO3-rich end. If the high-Ti inclusions originated as perovskite solid solutions then crystallization pressures of greater than ~6 to 13 GPa are indicated, with most > 9 GPa. Five of the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions co-occur with majoritic garnet, and barometry yields pressures of ~11, 12, 13, 14 and 22 GPa with no correction for clinopyroxene exsolution (Thomson et al. 2021). These pressures are consistent with formation of the composite CaSiO3 inclusions originally as perovskite solid solutions but at depths spanning the deep upper mantle and transition zone rather than the lower mantle, consistent with their low MgO contents.Pressures based on co-occurring majoritic garnet for the entire CaSiO3-rich inclusion suite are generally consistent with minimum estimates from elastic barometry (Anzolini et al. 2018) and suggest that pressures of Ca-silicate perovskite entrapment in diamond may be considerably lower than expectations based on phase relations of mantle lithologies (Fig. 1), possibly due to crystallization from Ca-rich fluids or melts (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). The unmixing exhibited in many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions to breyite-bearing assemblages requires transport of the diamond from the perovskite stability field to shallower depths in the mantle, with suggested mechanisms including mantle convection (e.g., transport in a plume) or with a percolating melt (Davies et al. 2004b; Harte and Cayzer 2007; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Sun et al. 2020).While exsolution as well as co-occurring minerals indicate an origin as Ca-silicate perovskite for many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, it is possible that in some cases inclusions crystallized directly as single phase breyite at upper mantle pressures (e.g., ~ 3 to 9 GPa, Fig. 9a) rather than as Ca-silicate perovskite. It has been suggested that this might occur in Ca-rich lithologies like subducted meta-sediment or through reactions of melts derived from such Ca-rich sediments and peridotitic mantle (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Woodland et al. 2020). It is noteworthy that merwinite (Ca3MgSi2O8) has been recognized as an inclusion co-occurring with low-Ti CaSiO3 in two cases, suggestive of a Ca-rich association. We also note a few Ca-rich inclusions have a Ca/Si ratio greater than unity in composite assemblages of breyite + larnite (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Smith et al. 2018), although no bulk compositions have been reported and these are not part of our data compilation. It is currently unclear whether these composite inclusions represent a Ca-rich silicate phase formed in a unique lithology, or they contain a mass-balancing CaSi2O5-titanite phase that has gone undetected, or whether such inclusions might represent a trapped melt phase.Perovskite-structured CaSiO3 inclusions. Two studies present evidence for CaSiO3-rich inclusions retaining a perovskite structure, both concluding petrogenesis within the lower mantle and preservation to the surface. Nestola et al. (2018) combined Raman, X-ray diffraction and EBSD on a composite CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 inclusion from South Africa (Cullinan) and interpreted the CaSiO3 portion of the inclusion to be in an orthorhombic perovskite structure (Fig. 7h). However, this interpretation cannot be reconciled with the phase relations in Figure 9b, as there is no stability field where CaTiO3-perovskite and CaSiO3-perovskite coexist; experiments demonstrate a complete solid solution between these phases and unmixing should yield CaTiO3 perovskite + breyite or wollastonite. Given the proximity of both CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 regions in the inclusions (Fig. 7h) and their very similar Raman spectra, as well as the large uncertainty in unit cell volume from the X-ray diffraction data, this interpretation requires further evaluation.Tschauner et al. (2021) presented evidence from X-ray diffraction coupled with compositional information derived from a bulk LA-ICP-MS analysis (diamond plus inclusions) to argue that the core of a coated diamond from Botswana (GRR-1507) contains inclusions of an unusual alkali and chrome-rich variety of CaSiO3 in the cubic perovskite structure. The data presented for both the diamond and the inclusion are more easily reconciled with an origin in cratonic lithospheric mantle. The high N content and poorly aggregated N of the diamond core are inconsistent with an origin at temperatures of the convecting mantle but are consistent with storage at lithospheric temperatures. X-ray diffraction data are not unique and can be well matched to phases common in micro-inclusion-bearing lithospheric diamonds. The calculated (not directly measured) bulk inclusion composition is too imprecise to confirm a phase with CaSiO3 stoichiometry. Most notably, the remarkably high K, Na and Cr contents of the calculated inclusion are unlike any known CaSiO3-rich inclusions in our data set, greater by factors of the order 10× (Fig. 8, Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), but are similar to micro-inclusions found in the same suite of samples and other coated lithospheric diamonds (Navon et al. 1988; Weiss et al. 2014).Both of these results require further evaluation, but we suggest the geological implausibility of recovering a sample of perovskite-structured CaSiO3 at Earth’s surface that originated in the transition zone or lower mantle. Experiments indicate that lower pressure polymorphs of CaSiO3 (e.g., breyite or wollastonite) equilibrate in experiments in a matter of minutes to hours at 1200 ºC (Kubo et al. 1997; Sueda et al. 2006), and these minerals are commonly observed in our CaSiO3-rich inclusion database both as mono-crystalline phases and as unmixed components of composite inclusions (Fig. 7; Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Further, no experimentally synthesized perovskite-structured CaSiO3 phase has ever been recovered from high pressure to 1 atmosphere conditions to our knowledge, converting instead to an amorphous phase upon decompression (Mao et al. 1989; Wang and Weidner 1994; Thomson et al. 2019). More work is needed to better evaluate potential P–T paths that may permit a stable perovskite-structured phase to be retained to the surface, but currently the data presented in these studies do not, in our view, support the interpretation of stable perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases as inclusions in diamonds.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, eleven from the low-Ti group and nine from the high-Ti group. These data are provided in Table 5 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 10, normalized to BSE. Eighteen of the twenty inclusions were measured by SIMS at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF) and two by LA-ICP-MS. Also shown on these diagrams are the calculated abundance patterns for Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10a shows trace element abundances for the low-Ti inclusions. The inclusions are enriched relative to BSE in most trace elements by up to more than two orders of magnitude. Most trace elements are also enriched by up to an order of magnitude relative to models for the trace element abundances expected for sub-solidus Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages in either the lower mantle or deep transition zone. They are most akin to Ca-silicate perovskite in either MORB or processed MORB, but this is not consistent with their low Ti contents (Fig. 8). Many of the inclusions have relative depletions in Rb, Ba, Sr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Y and enrichments in light REE relative to heavy REE. It is noteworthy that the least enriched inclusion could be consistent with an origin in a meta-peridotitic lower mantle assemblage, and this inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil (Burnham et al. 2016), is also the only inclusion in the entire dataset with an MgO content plausibly consistent with equilibration with bridgmanite at lower mantle temperatures. Thus, the low-Ti inclusions have a meta-peridotitic major element affinity but are generally enriched in incompatible trace elements.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10b shows trace element abundances for the high-Ti inclusions. A distinguishing feature of these inclusions is their extremely elevated trace element abundances relative to BSE. For example, the most enriched inclusions have 1000 to 70,000 × BSE in incompatible elements like Th, U and the light REE. The inclusions also exhibit a large negative Sr anomaly in all but one inclusion and are characterized by relative depletions in Hf, Zr, Nb and Ta, and also Rb and Ba when measured (these elements were below detection levels in several inclusions).The trace element abundances in the inclusions are not consistent with subsolidus Ca-silicate perovskite in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mineral assemblages in the upper to lower mantle. Abundances in the least enriched inclusions overlap with modeled Ca-silicate perovskite in MORB or processed MORB but have much more pronounced Sr and HFSE anomalies. Most inclusions are significantly enriched relative to expectations for MORB, by up to more than two orders of magnitude for many elements (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2016b). Models for the overall enrichments in trace elements and the characteristics of the abundance patterns in CaSiO3 inclusions are generally consistent with equilibration involving low-degree melts, likely derived from meta-basaltic assemblages, as described further in the ‘Discussion’ section.The compilation of MgSiO3-rich phases with ABO3 stoichiometry includes fifty-five inclusions in diamonds from six cratons, forty-two of which are from South America (Table 6— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Both single phase and composite (Fig. 11) inclusions have been reported. Thirty-five of the inclusions occur in diamonds with assemblages that include ferropericlase and four co-occur with CaSiO3-rich phases. There are three co-occurrences with both ferropericlase and CaSiO3 in the same diamond. The co-occurrence of MgSiO3-rich phases with ferropericlase and/or CaSiO3-rich phases has provided the basis for the interpretation of a meta-peridotitic, lower mantle association for these inclusion assemblages (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Burnham et al. 2016). No MgSiO3-rich inclusions have been found with a bridgmanite crystal structure, and it has been commonly assumed that the observed enstatite structured MgSiO3 inclusions, identified on the basis of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Hutchison et al. 2001; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016), represent retrogression from bridgmanite.Minerals observed together with MgSiO3 in composite inclusions and interpreted as exsolved phases during retrogression include olivine, ferropericlase, jeffbenite (formerly known as TAPP, ideally Mg3Al2Si3O12), ilmenite, magnetite, spinel and magnesian ulvöspinel (Fig. 11) (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases in the same diamond include clinopyroxene, olivine, carbonate and Ni-rich metal. We note that eight jeffbenite inclusions have been included in our MgSiO3-rich inclusion compilation.Published major element compositions of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions as determined by electron microprobe are provided in Table 6 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). The inclusions are separated into two distinctive groups on the basis of a gap in their alumina contents: a low-Al group with Al2O3 < 3.5 wt% and a high-Al group with Al2O3 > 7 wt%.The low-Al group comprises thirty-four MgSiO3-rich inclusions, twenty-four of which are reported as single-phase inclusions and a further ten are composite and contain minor exsolved phases that include olivine, ferropericlase and jeffbenite. The EPMA analyses of the composite inclusions, to the best of our knowledge, do not include exsolved phases but represent the MgSiO3-rich portion of the inclusion. The exceptions are two composite inclusions reported by Burnham et al. (2016) where bulk inclusion compositions are reported by recombination of observed phases. Twenty-seven of the low-Al inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and four with ferropericlase and CaSiO3-rich phases.The high-Al group comprises twenty-one inclusions, all from South America. Seven of these are single-phase inclusions and six are composite inclusions (Fig. 11) containing enstatite ± jeffbenite/olivine/spinel-ulvöspinel/magnetite/SiO2. The bulk compositions of four of the six composite inclusions were estimated either through broad beam or multiple analyses of entire inclusions or by combining spot analyses of individual phases on the basis of their mode estimated from image analysis (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014). The remaining eight inclusions in this group are jeffbenite.Armstrong et al (2012) noted the similarity of jeffbenite inclusions to high-Al bridgmanite produced in experiments on basaltic starting compositions and speculated on this basis that jeffbenite could represent retrograde aluminous bridgmanite. These authors also located a low-pressure stability field for jeffbenite at < 10 GPa that is consistent with its formation as a lower-pressure phase. Three high-alumina, single phase inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase inclusions, as does one of the Na-rich inclusions and five of the jeffbenite inclusions.Figure 12 shows MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted in the compositional ternary diagram (Mg+Fe2+) – (Si+Ti) – (Al+Cr+Fe3+). The low-Al inclusions plot in a well-defined region that partially overlaps the field of experimental bridgmanites synthesized in meta-peridotitic assemblages. However, most experimental bridgmanites made using primitive mantle compositions have higher trivalent cations than the inclusions. Many low-Al inclusions have similarity with bridgmanite produced in experiments using harzburgitic bulk compositions, and also overlap with akimotoite synthesized in peridotitic bulk compositions; akimotoite is an ilmenite-structured MgSiO3-rich phase that is stable over a limited pressure-temperature range in meta-peridotite near the base of the transition zone (Fig. 16; Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).In contrast, the high-Al inclusions show considerable compositional variation, with Figure 12 showing that the six composite inclusions (cyan diamonds) and the jeffbenite inclusions (green diamonds) are generally similar to bridgmanite produced in meta-basalt on this projection, whereas the three single phase inclusions (blue diamonds; Type II MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) plot between experimental meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic bridgmanites. The four Na-rich (~4–6 wt% Na2O) inclusions (red diamonds; Type III MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) are unlike any experimental bridgmanite or other MgSiO3-rich inclusions.Figure 13 shows the Mg# of MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted against the Mg# of ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur in the same diamond. Also shown are fields for bridgmanite and ferropericlase equilibrated together in experiments on fertile peridotite bulk compositions and in a harzburgite composition. Ferropericlase with Mg#s less than ~0.8 are inconsistent with equilibration with co-occurring bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages. In diamonds hosting ferropericlase with Mg#s greater than 0.8, it is striking that very few of the inclusion pairs plot within the field of fertile meta-peridotite. Many of the low-Al bridgmanite-ferropericlase inclusion pairs overlap with or plot close to the field of meta-harzburgite, with MgSiO3-rich inclusions tending to have very high Mg#s. Three single-phase high-Al MgSiO3-ferropericalse pairs and two jeffbenite-ferropericlase pairs plot just within or close to the experimental meta-peridotite field.Low-Al inclusions.Figure 14 shows NiO, Al2O3 and CaO versus Mg# for MgSiO3-rich inclusions (diamonds) compared with bridgmanite synthesized in experiments on peridotitic bulk compositions. The low-Al inclusions (white diamonds) occur over a range of Mg# from ~ 0.86 to 0.97, most concentrated between 0.92 and 0.97. Comparatively, bridgmanites observed in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages have bulk compositions with lower Mg#s that concentrate between 0.88 and 0.92, with some extending as high as 0.97. The NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low, generally less than 0.05 wt%; only in a few exceptions do inclusions possess values exceeding 0.1 wt%.NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low relative to enstatite inclusions in lithospheric diamonds (gray crosses in Fig. 14a), which has been used as evidence to support an origin in the lower mantle because Ni is expected to partition strongly into coexisting ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b). However, Figure 14a shows that experimental bridgmanite in equilibrium with ferropericlase in experiments at pressures between 23 and 43 GPa and over a range of high temperatures have NiO contents distinctly higher than the majority of the inclusions, ranging from about 0.05 to 0.25 wt%. This implies that equilibration with ferropericlase in a primitive mantle composition does not account for the low Ni contents of most inclusions.Figures 14b and 14c show that like NiO, the Al2O3 and CaO contents of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are generally lower than in experimental peridotitic bridgmanite compositions. The Al2O3 contents of the inclusions show a negative correlation with Mg#, ranging from about 3 to 0.2 wt% at Mg#s between 0.92 and 0.97. In composite low-Al inclusions the MgSiO3 portions with Mg#s less than 0.92 are higher in Al2O3 (~ 3 wt%) than in single phase low-Al inclusions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a lower mantle assemblage of ferropericlase ± Ca-silicate perovskite range from ~3 to 7 wt% Al2O3 and are unlike the inclusion compositions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a deep transition zone assemblage of majoritic garnet ± Ca-silicate perovskite/ringwoodite/ferropericlase are shown as squares on Figure 14. A few of these experimental bridgmanites trend to very low Al2O3 and high Mg#, and we note that two experimental bridgmanites with ~1 wt% Al2O3 occur in majoritic garnet + ringwoodite-bearing (±Ca-silicate perovskite/ferropericlase) assemblages at ~ 23 GPa.Also intriguing are the compositions of akimotoite in four experiments coexisting with majoritic garnet ± ringwoodite/Ca-silicate perovskite/stishovite (circles on Fig. 14), providing an alternative interpretation for original polymorph of some MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Notably, bridgmanite formed in experiments on depleted harzburgite (hex-stars) can also have similarly low Al2O3 contents and high Mg#s that overlap with many of the low-Al inclusions. We note that while there is overlap with the Al2O3 contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are distinct from lithospheric enstatites.CaO contents in experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with ferropericlase ±Ca-silicate perovskite assemblages (Fig. 14c) are also notably higher than most of the observed inclusions. Bridgmanites in several majorite-bearing experiments at lower temperatures have similarly low CaO contents, and as observed with Al2O3, experimental akimotoites have CaO contents similar to the inclusions as do bridgmanites in meta-harzburgite assemblages. Like Al2O3, there is overlap with the CaO contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s but, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions have lower CaO and are distinct from lithospheric enstatite inclusions. An exception is a low-Al inclusion with high NiO that is akin to lithospheric inclusions from Eurelia (Australia) but co-occurs with ferropericlase (Tappert et al. 2009b).Four of the low-Al inclusions that have high CaO (> 0.5 wt%) are from the Machado River deposit in Brazil as reported in the study of Burnham et al. (2016). Three of these inclusions have low NiO (< 0.05 wt%) and low Al2O3 (<0.5 wt%), while the fourth composite inclusion has ~3.8 wt% Al2O3. All four of these inclusions co-occur with high Mg# ferropericlase that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite. It is noteworthy that a CaSiO3-inclusion from the Machado locality is also the only such inclusion with an MgO content consistent with an origin in primitive mantle peridotite. Burnham also reports a reconstructed MgSiO3-rich inclusion that is shown as a red diamond on Figure 14. This inclusion, like other low-Al composite inclusions, has an exsolved aluminous phase with a jeffbenite composition. Reconstruction of the bulk composition results in slightly lower NiO and CaO but higher Al2O3. We expect that other low-Al composite inclusions may also require such corrections. This would imply that alumina contents in some cases may be underestimated, possibly reflected in the nearly constant alumina content of the low-Al composite inclusions irrespective of Mg#.High-Al inclusions.Figure 15 shows TiO2, Na2O, CaO and Al2O3 versus Mg# for high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions compared with bridgmanites synthesized in experiments on basaltic bulk compositions. The six composite inclusions and one of the jeffbenite inclusions, all from the Juina region of Brazil, have low Mg#s (~0.43–0.65) consistent with experimental bridgmanites formed in meta-basaltic assemblages (Walter et al. 2011; Armstrong and Walter 2012; Pla Cid et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014). The composite inclusions include high-Ti and high-Al contents, although the two inclusions reported by Pla Cid et al. (2014) are notable in their low TiO2. The Ca-contents of all the composite inclusions are lower than observed in experimental high-Al bridgmanite phases.The remaining fourteen high-alumina inclusions have Mg#s that are much higher than experimental bridgmanites in meta-basaltic assemblages and are more akin to those in meta-peridotitic assemblages. The seven high-Mg# jeffbenite inclusions have very high Al2O3, coupled with very low CaO and Na2O, and several of these coexist with iron-rich ferropericlase (Mg#<0.8, Fig. 13). The TiO2 contents of these inclusions vary, with TiO2 present either as a minor component (< 0.1 wt%) or a major element (~ 4–8 wt%). Thus, the high Mg# jeffbenite inclusions, while having some features consistent with bridgmanite, appear to be unique relative to bridgmanite formed in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic assemblages.The three high-Al single phase inclusions (“Type II” inclusions of Hutchison et al, 2001) have alumina contents that are distinctly higher (~10 wt% Al2O3) than produced in experiments on primitive peridotite (<7 wt% Al2O3), but also have low CaO. These inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s of 0.81 to 0.82, nominally consistent with expectations from experiments on peridotite compositions (Fig. 13). The four “Type III” inclusions of Hutchison et al (2001) are unique in their very high Na2O and CaO contents. None of these high Mg#, high-Al, high-Na inclusions are consistent with any experimental bridgmanites in the literature and may represent a unique association. On the basis of experiments on the inclusion bulk compositions, Hutchison et al. (2001) interpreted these to have a unique origin at pressures corresponding to the lower transition zone, albeit at temperatures several hundred degrees higher than the mantle geotherm.Phase relations.Figure 16 shows calculated phase relations in the system MgSiO3–Al2O3 with pressure at 1600 °C (Fig. 16a), and for a pyrolite (fertile peridotite) composition (Fig. 16b) at pressures and temperatures of the deep upper mantle and shallow lower mantle (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).The alumina content in bridgmanite is a potential barometer, and Figure 16a shows the Al2O3 contents (mole fraction) in the low-Al and high-Al inclusions for comparison with phase relations in this simplified system. If the low-Al MgSiO3-inclusions are former bridgmanite then phase relations either indicate a pressure of origin of ~ 22.5 to 26 GPa if the inclusions equilibrated with majoritic garnet, or formation at unconstrained higher pressures if they did not because alumina becomes increasingly soluble in bridgmanite at higher pressures. Because none of the low-Al inclusions are reported to co-occur with majoritic garnet, their low-Al contents likely indicate formation involving a low-alumina protolith (e.g., harzburgite) as suggested by their high Mg#s and depletion in CaO. We note that low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions have Al2O3-contents that are also generally consistent with that expected for akimotoite at ~ 20 to 22.5 GPa.The high-Al single phase inclusions have alumina contents consistent with a pressure of about 27 GPa if they co-existed with corundum, and we note that two of the three inclusions co-occur with ruby (corundum) in addition to relatively Mg-rich ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999), suggesting that these inclusions may have originated in an alumina-rich, peridotitic protolith at the top of the lower mantle. The high-Al composite inclusions indicate pressures of ~27 to 34 GPa if they formed in equilibrium with corundum (none co-occur with ruby) but these are minimum pressure if they did not. If the jeffbenite inclusions were former bridgmanite then their alumina contents indicate minimum pressures of ~32 to 34 GPa but, again, none of these inclusions co-occur with ruby. It is noteworthy that the few low-Al MgSiO3 inclusions and jeffbenite inclusions that have been analyzed for ferric iron have elevated Fe3+/∑Fe that is generally compatible with expectations for bridgmanite in the shallow lower mantle (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004).Phase relations for a pyrolytic composition are shown relative to ambient mantle and slab geotherms in Figure 16b. Along an ambient mantle geotherm, bridgmanite forms at about 24 GPa and coexists with majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase, and there is only a very small akimotoite stability field. The akimotoite field expands at lower temperatures such that along a warm or cold slab Moho geotherm akimotoite is stabilized over an ~2 GPa pressure interval at the base of the transition zone (Ishii et al. 2011). Whether or not the low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions represent bridgmanite or in some cases akimotoite remains an open question. However, we re-iterate that the low CaO contents are not consistent with bridgmanite in fertile mantle peridotite at temperatures of the mantle geotherm but could be produced either at lower temperatures (Irifune et al. 2000) or in a depleted harzburgitic lithology, or both, which is also consistent with their low Al2O3 and high Mg#s and plausibly places their origin in subducted depleted lithospheric mantle along a cool mantle geotherm.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty-two of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions; ten low-Al inclusions, six high-Al inclusions and six jeffbenite inclusions. Data are provided in Table 7 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 17, normalized to BSE. All inclusions were measured by SIMS at EIMF (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Burnham et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016b). Also shown on Figure 17b are the calculated abundance patterns for bridgmanite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.The low-Al inclusions have lithophile trace element abundances that, overall, are depleted or similar to BSE. Patterns exhibit notable depletions in Ba, Sr and Y relative to the generally flat REE (Fig. 17a). The two high-Al, single-phase inclusions have similar patterns to the low-Al inclusions and are among the most depleted of the inclusions. The high-Al composite inclusions are more enriched overall and exhibit conspicuous enrichments, up to three orders of magnitude relative to BSE, in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, while also having depletions in Ba, Sr and Y. The jeffbenite inclusions have generally similar abundance patterns to other MgSiO3-rich inclusions, with some resembling closely the low-Al inclusions and others exhibiting similar enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf as the composite inclusions. These similarities are suggestive that all the MgSiO3-rich inclusions share a common mineralogical pedigree, with an origin as bridgmanite the commonly held interpretation.Figure 17b shows modeled abundance patterns for bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at shallow lower mantle conditions (25 GPa). Abundance levels of the low-Al and high-Al inclusions are similar to those predicted for bridgmanite in peridotitic mantle. However, depletions in Ba, Sr and Y are not predicted in any models and, if these inclusions are former bridgmanite minerals, this likely reflects a distinct feature of the source lithology or the melts and fluids they may have equilibrated with. However, the relative enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf are predicted for bridgmanite in the meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic models, which reflects the presence of Ca-silicate perovskite in the coexisting assemblage. These patterns emerge as Ca-silicate perovskite partitions most trace elements strongly with the exception of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. In contrast, bridgmanite has a predilection for Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, such that strong relative enrichments in these elements occur in assemblages where both phases coexist. Note that bridgmanite in the meta-harzburgitic assemblage has a relatively flat and depleted pattern. Overall, the abundance patterns of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are consistent with expectations for bridgmanite, and many indicate the control of coexisting Ca-silicate perovskite on trace element abundances.Ferropericlase is an oxide mineral with the general formula (Mg,Fe)O, representing a complete solid solution between periclase (MgO) and wüstite (FeO). The term is often used synonymously with magnesiowüstite, but for simplicity we will use ferropericlase in reference to the entire range of solid solution. Ferropericlase has cubic symmetry, crystallizing in the Fm3m space group in the B1, or rock salt structure, and is stable throughout the Earth’s entire pressure range from crust to the core (Duffy et al. 2015). Ferropericlase is the most common inclusion type in sublithospheric diamonds, and here a literature dataset of 269 inclusions in diamonds collected from five continents has been compiled. More than 60% of the ferropericlase inclusions occur as the only mineral observed in their diamond hosts, often occurring in multiples in a single diamond (we note this observation could be biased by unreported co-occurring phases, especially colorless phases that are difficult to detect). About a quarter of the reported inclusions co-occur with silicate minerals and about 15% co-occur with MgSiO3-rich and/or CaSiO3-rich phases.Ferropericlase comprises about 15% by volume of a primitive, peridotitic lower mantle assemblage coexisting with bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite (Fig. 1). In the numerous cases where it occurs as the only inclusion type in a diamond it is commonly used to infer a sublithospheric origin, as ferropericlase is rare as a co-occurring mineral in diamonds that are demonstrably lithospheric (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b, 2005; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In the absence of other phases that can potentially provide barometric constraints, the composition of ferropericlase provides no direct information about the depth of diamond and ferropericlase crystallization, which may occur at upper mantle or transition zone conditions and be directly related to diamond forming redox reactions (Stachel and Harris 1997; Brey et al. 2004; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018; Bulatov et al. 2019; Nimis et al. 2019). Barometric estimates based on elasticity and elastoplasticity theory can help constrain the depth of origin, for example a recent estimate for two ferropericlase inclusions from a single diamond from Brazil indicate minimum depths of entrapment of ~16 GPa (Anzolini et al. 2019), leaving open the possibility of a transition zone or lower mantle origin.Major element compositions based on a literature compilation of electron microprobe analyses of 269 ferropericlase inclusions are provided in Table 8 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), with Figure 18 plotting NiO, Al2O3, Cr2O3 and Na2O versus Mg#. Also shown are compositions of ferropericlase coexisting with bridgmanite ±Ca-silicate perovskite/garnet/ringwoodite/melt in experiments on primitive peridotitic and harzburgitic bulk compositions at pressures of the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle.Ferropericlase inclusions span a wide range of Mg# from about 0.15 to 0.95 (Fig. 18). In comparison, ferropericlase coexisting with lower mantle phases in experiments show a limited range of Mg# from about 0.83 to 0.95, and with NiO contents between about 0.25 and 1.5 wt%. The NiO contents of the ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 18a) range from near zero at the lowest Mg#s to about 2 wt%, with an apparent positive correlation between NiO and Mg# (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2016a). Ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur together with both low-Al and high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions are highlighted on Figure 18. These and other ferropericlase inclusions with high Mg#s (> 0.8) have NiO contents that are generally higher or at the extreme high end of the experimental distribution. In contrast, co-occurring MgSiO3-rich inclusions generally have low NiO contents relative to experiments (Fig. 14). The average measured NiO partition coefficient between bridgmanite and ferropericlase (Dfp/brg = XNi,fp/XNi,brg) in experiments where NiO is reported is 16 ± 9, whereas in the co-occurring inclusions it is 86 ± 56. Thus, as with Mg# (Fig. 13), co-occurring bridgmanite-ferropericlase pairs are not consistent with those produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite. As discussed above, the Mg#s of these bridgmanite–ferropericlase pairs do not match those from primitive mantle peridotite but are more akin to those expected in depleted meta-harzburgite assemblages.Figure 18b–d show that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents of most ferropericlase inclusions are on the low side or lower than ferropericlase compositions produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite and these elements exhibit no apparent correlation with Mg#. The ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur with MgSiO3-rich inclusions are also depleted in these elements. However, we note that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents in high Mg# ferropericlase inclusions overlap with ferropericlase from experiments on harzburgite composition. This depletion in high Mg# ferropericlase is consistent with the MgSiO3-rich inclusions they co-occur with, which also have low Al2O3 (and CaO) contents relative to bridgmanite in meta-peridotite assemblages (Fig. 14). Thus, while more than half of the population of ferropericlase inclusions have Mg#s generally consistent with an origin related to meta-peridotite at lower mantle conditions, most of these have minor element abundances suggesting a relationship to a depleted composition such as harzburgite rather than primitive mantle. The low MgO contents of CaSiO3-rich inclusions and low CaO and Al2O3 of MgSiO3-rich inclusions that co-occur with ferropericlase together indicate a low temperature equilibration in depleted peridotite, implicating an association with the harzburgitic portion of cold subducted slab lithosphere.The ferropericlase inclusions that have Mg#s below ~0.85 trend to low-NiO and Cr2O3 contents and have uniformly low Al2O3 but highly variable Na2O contents. These low Mg# ferropericlase inclusions are too iron-rich to have equilibrated as part of an assemblage associated with primitive mantle peridotite or harzburgite. Several possible modes of origin have been postulated for these ferropericlase inclusions with lower Mg#s, including:The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:2 MgxFe1−xCO3 (ferromagnesite) =MgyFe1−yCO3 (ferromagnesite) +MgzFe1−zO (ferropericlase) +C (diamond) +O2(6)In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.Iron redox state in ferropericlase. The redox state of iron in a small population of ferropericlase inclusions from both Kankan (high Mg#) and Juina (low Mg#) has been measured by Mossbauer spectroscopy (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004) and compared to experimentally determined Fe3+ solubility in ferropericlase applicable to depths at the top of the lower mantle (Otsuka et al. 2013). The oxygen fugacities calculated from measured Fe3+/∑Fe are close to the upper stability limit of diamond and higher than expected in ambient mantle peridotite in the shallow lower mantle (Frost and McCammon 2008; Otsuka et al. 2013). Thus, if these ferropericlase inclusions are formed in the shallow lower mantle, especially those co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases that also have high ferric iron content, their high Fe3+ concentrations may record diamond formation in a region of redox gradients. Such regions in the upper mantle or shallow lower mantle may arise from subduction of oxidized material into reducing mantle, and the inclusions may have precipitated from oxidized, carbonate-bearing melts or fluids (McCammon et al. 2004; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Otsuka et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a).Trace elements have been analyzed in thirty-eight of the ferropericlase inclusions and data are provided in Table 9 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 19, normalized to BSE. Twenty-one of the inclusions were measured by SIMS at the EIMF (Hutchison 1997; Harte et al. 1999; Burnham et al. 2016) and seventeen by LA-ICP-MS (Kaminsky et al. 2001). Also shown on this diagram are the calculated abundance patterns for ferropericlase in meta-peridotitic and meta-harzburgitic assemblages at lower mantle conditions.Ferropericlase inclusions are generally depleted in lithophile trace elements relative to BSE but show a wide variation, with many elements spanning several orders of magnitude. Relative depletions are apparent in Ba and Y, as are enrichments in Rb and Li, and in some samples, Th, U, Nb and Ta. Overall, the REE appear to be relatively unfractionated, although data are sparse for many elements. Abundances are generally in the range predicted in models for peridotitic ferropericlase in the lower mantle but with notable differences. The REE generally fall between ferropericlase in primitive meta-peridotite and meta-harzburgite assemblages, whereas Th, U, Nb and Ta are notably enriched relative to the predicted depletions for these elements in lower mantle ferropericlase. The depletions in Ba and Y are also not predicted in these lithologies and likely are inherited from a distinct source.Olivine (orthorhombic, Pbnm) and its higher-pressure polymorphs, wadsleyite (orthorhombic, I2/m) and ringwoodite (cubic, Fd3m), comprise approximately 60 vol% of primitive mantle lithologies in the upper mantle and transition zone as shown on Figure 1. Inclusions with (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 stoichiometry are one of the most common inclusions in lithospheric diamonds and are typically interpreted as representative of a peridotitic association (Stachel et al. 2022, this volume) but appear to be notably rare in diamonds that are demonstrably sublithospheric in origin. We compiled a global dataset consisting of twenty eight (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions observed in diamond suites that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 10). Fifteen (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase of which six also co-occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase, and one co-occurs with both MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases. Two (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase and one with a CaSiO3-rich phase. The remainder are reported to occur either in isolation or with other rare inclusion phases.To our knowledge, all of the inclusions included in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) occur in the olivine structure. There is a single occurrence of a reported inclusion with the ringwoodite structure on the basis of Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements taken while the inclusion remained within the diamond (i.e., unexposed at the surface) with the data indicating an Mg# of ~0.75 ± 0.2 and containing about 1.5 wt% water (Pearson et al. 2014); geochemical data is not available from this inclusion so it is not part of our dataset.The major element compositions of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 20 along with 1478 olivine inclusion from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Also shown are olivine, wadsleyite and ringwoodite compositions produced in experiments using primitive peridotite compositions at pressures >10 GPa.Figure 20 shows that, overall, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions are unlike the bulk of olivine inclusions in lithospheric diamonds. Lithospheric inclusions commonly have Mg#s between ~0.91–0.95, whereas the majority of sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have Mg#s < 0.91, with the remainder greater than 0.94. Many sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have low NiO, high CaO, high Al2O3 and high Cr2O3. The low NiO contents of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions coexisting with an MgSiO3-rich phase is consistent with the low-NiO contents of those inclusions as well. In comparison to experimentally produced (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 phases, many of the inclusions are most akin to ringwoodite and least like olivine. Like many of the inclusions, ringwoodite in experiments are notably lower in Mg# than wadsleyite and olivine. While sharing some features with higher pressure (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 polymorphs, many of the inclusions have unique compositions making it difficult to assign them to a certain polymorph, yet it is clear that they are different from the bulk of lithospheric olivine inclusions.Clinopyroxene (monoclinic) with XY(Si,Al)2O6 stoichiometry is a major constituent of meta-peridotitic (~20 vol%) and meta-basaltic assemblages (~60 vol%) at depths of ~ 300 km (Fig. 1) but disappears in these assemblages by ~400 to 500 km as it dissolves into majoritic garnet. Clinopyroxene inclusions, ranging from diopside to jadeite, are common in lithospheric diamonds but are much less common in sublithospheric diamonds. We compiled a global dataset consisting of forty clinopyroxene inclusions from four cratons in diamonds that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 11—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).Clinopyroxene inclusions can be separated into two groups based on their Na2O contents. High-Na clinopyroxene includes thirty inclusions with Na2O ranging from 1.4 to 13.1 wt%, with bulk compositions that are generally augitic to omphacitic, but with one jadeite. The high-Na clinopyroxenes co-occur with garnet in twenty-six of the inclusions with compositions reported for twenty of these, all of which are majoritic and yield pressures ranging from ~9 to 18 GPa, providing direct evidence for their sublithospheric origin. Low-Na clinopyroxene includes ten inclusions with extremely low Na2O of < 0.13 wt% and have compositions that are augitic to diopsidic. Five of these inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and two of these with both ferropericlase and MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Three clinopyroxene inclusions occur with a CaSiO3-rich phase, and two of these also contain merwinite.The major element compositions of clinopyroxene inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 11 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 21 along with 1321 clinopyroxene inclusions from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Figure 21a shows a clear distinction between the low-Na and high-Na groups. High-Na pyroxene are generally much more aluminous and overlap extensively with ‘eclogitic’ lithospheric garnets in terms of Na2O, CaO and Mg#. In contrast, the low-Na clinopyroxenes are relatively distinct, with extremely low Na2O which does not increase with Al2O3 content, high CaO contents that are not seen in lithospheric inclusions and high Mg#s.Also shown on Figure 21 are experimental clinopyroxene compositions from meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at pressures of 8 to 19 GPa. The high-Na inclusions are generally consistent with clinopyroxenes expected in meta-basaltic or meta-pyroxenitic assemblages, although we note that they generally do not overlap with clinopyroxenes produced in experiments on hydrous or carbonated eclogitic that are typically more alumina and sodium-rich and calcium poor relative to the inclusions. The low-Na group are generally unlike compositions produced in experiments on peridotitic compositions, especially in their very high CaO contents and low-Na2O for a given alumina content.An SiO2 phase is reported to co-occur in fifteen diamonds hosting sublithospheric inclusions in our data sets. While coesite (monoclinic, C2/c) has been identified, the assumption is that the original inclusions were formed in the stishovite structure (tetragonal rutile-type, P42/mnm), which is the stable SiO2 phase from ~ 9 to 75 GPa (Zhang et al. 1996; Fischer et al. 2018). SiO2 occurs with majoritic garnet in seven diamonds in our dataset and the co-occurring majoritic garnets yield pressures of ~ 10 to 22 GPa (Table 1—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Two of the SiO2 inclusions also exhibit exsolved kyanite indicating unmixing of alumina during retrogression. Two diamonds containing CaSiO3-rich inclusions, both low-Ti CaSiO3 from Brazil, also contain SiO2 inclusions (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), whereas there are no reported co-occurrences of SiO2 with MgSiO3-rich, olivine or clinopyroxene inclusions in our data sets. SiO2 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase in five diamonds, with examples from three cratons (Table 8— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).In addition to diamonds included in our data sets, nine coesite inclusions were reported in diamonds from the Juina-5 and Collier-4 kimberlites, Brazil (Burnham et al. 2015), and as isolated inclusions in diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil (Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). With the exception of inclusions containing evidence for exsolved kyanite, SiO2 inclusions are reported to be nearly phase pure with only trace amounts of other elements including TiO2 and Al2O3 (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015).The occurrence of stishovite associated in diamonds with other inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity (e.g., Ti-rich CaSiO3, low-Cr majoritic garnet) is expected based on phase relations (Fig. 1). Burnham et al. (2015) measured the carbon isotopic compositions of host diamonds and the oxygen isotopic composition of coesite inclusions from the Collier-4 and Juina-5 kimberlites, Brazil, two localities that have produced a variety of inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity and found a range of negative carbon isotopic compositions and positive oxygen isotopic compositions consistent with an origin related to subducted oceanic crust.However, the co-occurrence of SiO2 with ferropericlase, which is generally attributed to a peridotitic association, requires a different explanation. At lower mantle conditions in the MgO–FeO–SiO2 system, ferropericlase and stishovite occur together once the FeO solubility in bridgmanite is exceeded, and at ambient lower mantle temperatures (e.g., ~1600 °C) this occurs at ~12 mol% FeO (Fei et al. 1996). However, at < ~1100 °C, bridgmanite breaks down to ferropericlase plus stishovite at < ~5 mol% FeO, and in a fertile mantle composition a field of ferropericlase coexisting with stishovite and Ca-silicate perovskite occurs at ~25 GPa at temperatures < ~900 °C (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011). Thus, the association of stishovite and ferropericlase may represent bridgmanite breakdown associated with either iron-rich lithologies or low temperatures. The Mg#s of ferropericlase co-occurring with stishovite in our data set range from 0.78 to 0.86, with most 0.84 and above. For a fertile mantle these are far too magnesian to be in equilibrium with stishovite at mantle temperatures, and thus are either not in equilibrium with co-occurring stishovite (Stachel et al. 2000b), or were equilibrated at much lower temperatures.Composite inclusions with bulk stoichiometries consistent with the calcium ferrite (CF) structured phase and new aluminous (NAL) phase that occur in meta-basaltic assemblages at conditions of the lower mantle (Fig. 1) have been described in diamonds from Brazil (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Within their stability fields the CF phase is orthorhombic (Pbnm) and has the general formula XY2O4 (X = K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+; Y = Al3+ and Si4+), whereas the NAL phase is hexagonal (P63/m) and has the general formula AX2Y6O12 (A = Na+, K+, Ca2+; X = Mg2+, Fe2+; Y = Al3+, Si4+ (Miyajima et al. 2001; Wicks and Duffy 2016). Inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF phase are found as composite mixtures of spinel (Mg,Fe)Al2O4 and nepheline NaAlSiO4, whereas NAL phases as composite mixtures of spinel and a nepheline–kalsilite phase, (Na,K)AlSiO4. Bulk inclusion compositions as determined by wide beam EPMA analysis or reconstruction from phase modes (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014) yield stoichiometries close to the ideal CF and NAL phases produced in experiments on basaltic compositions (Ono et al. 2001; Ricolleau et al. 2010; Ishii et al. 2019), providing strong evidence for the role of subducted oceanic crust in their origin. Trace elements have been reported for six NAL phases and two CF phases (Thomson et al. 2016b) and abundance patterns generally display depletion in REE and large negative Y anomalies and relative enrichments in Th, U, Nb, Ta and Rb relative to BSE.We assembled comprehensive datasets of silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds that ostensibly represent major rock forming minerals in the mantle (majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite, bridgmanite, ferropericlase, olivine and clinpyroxene). The major and trace element compositions of the inclusions combined with experimental phase equilibrium and element partitioning data provide a basis for conceptual models of their origin and reveal information about mantle geodynamic processes leading to diamond formation.The geochemical features of the sublithospheric inclusions generally permit a distinction between a meta-basaltic association (low-Cr majoritic garnet; high-Ti CaSiO3; low Mg#, high-Al MgSiO3; CF and NAL phases) and a meta-peridotitic association (high-Cr majoritic garnet; low-Ti CaSiO3; low-Al, high Mg# MgSiO3; ferropericlase) (Stachel et al. 2005; Harte 2010). However, it is also apparent from experimental major element systematics and trace element modeling that inclusion compositions generally do not conform, with very few exceptions, to expectations for primary subsolidus minerals in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages (e.g., pyrolite) or meta-basaltic (e.g., MORB) assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions.The geochemistry of syngenetic sublithospheric inclusions cannot be separated from models for how the host diamonds form, and like their lithospheric counterparts, sublithospheric diamonds exhibit abundant evidence for crystallization from fluids or melts. Therefore, to provide context for general models of inclusion genesis we first discuss observations regarding diamond crystallization.It is well-established that diamonds originating in cratonic lithospheric mantle precipitate primarily from carbon-bearing fluids (Deines 1980; Sunagawa 1984; Haggerty 1986; Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013) and they provide a baseline for comparison with sublithospheric diamonds. On the basis of fluid inclusions trapped in fibrous diamonds from the lithosphere the parental fluids exhibit a range in composition, including high- and low-Mg carbonatitic, chlorine-rich and silica-rich aqueous fluids (Klein-BenDavid et al. 2007, 2009; Weiss et al. 2013, 2014). Cathodoluminescence imaging of lithospheric diamonds reveals internal growth textures with intricate, concentric zoning, as well as evidence of resorption and recrystallization, textures indicative of precipitation from carbon-saturated fluids as opposed to solid-state transformation from graphite (Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013). Further evidence for fluid-mediated diamond precipitation includes fracture infillings (Czas et al. 2018) and systematic changes in carbon and nitrogen abundance and isotopic composition, features that are consistent with crystallization from a fractionating fluid phase (Boyd et al. 1987; Smart et al. 2011).Sublithospheric diamonds can potentially form through subsolidus decarbonation reactions in the mantle, for example, through reaction with silica in oceanic crust (Maeda et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018; Drewitt et al. 2019) or through reaction of carbonate with reduced phases such as iron or iron carbide (Liu 2002; Zhu et al. 2019). However, sublithospheric diamonds typically have internal textural features that are similar to lithospheric diamonds, displaying intricate, complex growth layering, and in some cases multiple nucleation centers, indicative of crystallization from fluids or melts, examples of which are provided in Figure 22 (Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). An exception may be CLIPPIR and Type IIb diamonds, which typically have no discernible growth structure but show abundant dislocation networks indicative of plastic deformation and annealing (Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Sublithospheric diamonds commonly exhibit deformation textures indicative of residence in a high-strain environment at high temperature (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Smith et al. 2016a, 2018; Shirey et al. 2019). Sublithospheric diamonds also preserve both small-scale and large-scale intra-diamond carbon isotope variations among growth zones (Fig. 22), consistent with growth from fractionating fluids/melts or multiple episodes of growth from fluids/melts of variable composition (Stachel et al. 2002; Bulanova et al. 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In contrast to lithospheric diamonds, which are often regular crystal forms and can exhibit fluid-inclusion-rich fibrous diamond growth, sublithospheric diamonds tend to have more irregular morphologies and fibrous diamond growth has not been observed.Diamonds precipitate from fluids or melts when carbon species, such as CO2, CH4, CO32-, or HCO3-, become reduced or oxidized as a consequence of changes in temperature (Luth and Stachel 2014; Stachel and Luth 2015), pH (Sverjensky and Huang 2015) and redox conditions (Haggerty 1986; Frost and McCammon 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Shirey et al. 2013; Stagno et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). Gradients in these variables exist, for example, when carbon-bearing fluids and melts permeate and migrate through rocks. On the basis of tomographic imaging of eclogitic mantle xenoliths from cratonic lithosphere, diamonds precipitate at silicate grain boundaries, exhibiting growth along intergranular planes that likely served as pathways for fluid flow (Anand et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2009b; Czas et al. 2018). There are no such examples of diamondiferous sublithospheric mantle xenoliths, but the diamond textural similarities described above are suggestive of a similar fluid-mediated crystallization. By inference, crystalline silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds likely equilibrated with or crystallized directly from dissolved components in fluids or melts migrating through rocks in subducted lithosphere or the mantle.Because sublithospheric diamonds are believed to grow at much greater depths than lithospheric diamonds, the fluids and melts will also possess a different chemical character. For example, H2O-rich fluids are expected to be well beyond their second critical endpoints in both peridotitic and basaltic systems, transitioning into hydrous melts with a large fraction of dissolved silicate component (Kessel et al. 2005; Mibe et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2009a; Mibe et al. 2011; Kawamoto et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2020). Before considering the types of fluids and melts that sublithospheric inclusions may crystallize from, we consider evidence from stable isotopes, particularly carbon, that provide further context for potential source lithologies and for understating different populations of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The stable isotope compositions of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions have been used extensively to inform interpretations of their origin (Deines 1980; Deines et al. 1991; Hutchison et al. 1999; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015) (see also Stachel et al. 2022b, this volume). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of the diamonds and oxygen isotopes of inclusions can provide evidence for potential source lithologies of carbon-bearing fluids and melts.Carbon isotopes have been measured most extensively using SIMS, often at a spatial scale of individual growth layers, revealing distinct populations among sublithospheric diamonds. Figure 23 shows frequency histograms of the carbon isotopic composition for diamonds hosting inclusions in our database, separated by inclusion type. The primitive mantle is assumed to have a carbon isotopic composition of about δ13C = –5 ± 2‰ (relative to a PDB carbonate standard), whereas carbon in subducted lithosphere lithologies varies from about δ13C = 0‰ (e.g., seawater carbonate) to values lower than δ13C = –25‰ that plausibly represent a source of either biogenic or abiogenic organic carbon (Cartigny 2005). A remarkable distinction is apparent between diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions consistent with a meta-peridotitic association relative to those with a meta-basaltic association.Both major element and trace element characteristics of low-Cr majoritic garnet inclusions indicate a meta-basaltic or mixed basaltic-peridotitic (meta-pyroxenitic) association. The carbon isotopic composition of diamonds hosting low-Cr garnet inclusions (Fig. 23a) show a wide range of values between about δ13C = –3 to –25‰, with the majority being substantially isotopically lighter than mantle carbon, suggestive of a source of carbon in subducted slab lithologies, in particular basaltic oceanic crust (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Stachel et al. 2002; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012, 2017; Cartigny et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Supporting this interpretation are measurements of isotopically heavy oxygen exhibited by garnet and SiO2 inclusions hosted by diamonds with isotopically light carbon, with heavy oxygen attributed to interaction of oceanic crust with seawater (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015). Further support for this interpretation comes from nitrogen isotopes. Although sublithospheric diamonds generally have very low N contents (~70% are Type II and >90% have N < 100 at.ppm), where it has been analyzed in diamonds that contain low-Cr majoritic garnet, N isotopes are heavy relative to primitive mantle, consistent with an oceanic crustal source (Palot et al. 2012; Regier et al. 2020). Very few of the diamonds hosting high-Cr majoritic garnets have been measured for C isotopes. Four of the five have generally low mantle-like values with one much lighter, but the data is too sparse to draw any firm conclusions.Diamonds hosting CaSiO3-rich inclusions (Fig. 23b) show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰. Although the measurements are relatively few, there is an apparent distinction between diamonds hosting low-Ti and high-Ti inclusions. Diamonds containing low-Ti inclusions, with chemical features most consistent with a meta-peridotitic association, generally have heavier C, with isotope compositions exhibiting a peak overlapping with mantle carbon; exceptions include one diamond with very light carbon (~ –23‰) and one with anomalously heavy carbon (~ –1‰). In contrast, high-Ti inclusions, with chemical features consistent with a meta-basaltic association, generally occur in diamonds with lighter carbon, with a range similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet.Diamonds hosting MgSiO3-rich inclusions also show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰ (Fig. 23c). Low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions with chemical features indicating a meta-peridotitic association predominantly occur in diamonds with heavy C, δ13C from about 0 to –4‰, with two exceptions at δ13C of ~ –15‰. Indeed, carbon isotope signatures among this group tend to show heavier C than in normal mantle. Although measurements are sparse, high-Al inclusions that are more consistent with a meta-basaltic association occur in diamonds that have d13C from about –5 to –25‰, similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusion-bearing diamonds. Similarly, diamonds with clinopyroxene inclusions (Fig. 23d) with high Na that are compositionally akin to a meta-basaltic association show a wide range of δ13C from ~ 0 to –18 ‰, whereas diamonds with low Na clinopyroxene are isotopically heavy, generally intermediate between mantle and carbonate.Ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 23e) occur in diamonds with a relatively narrow distribution of carbon isotopes with a peak at δ13C ~ –4‰, generally consistent with mantle carbon but with a distribution toward both heavier and lighter carbon. Diamonds hosting olivine (Fig. 23f) inclusions exhibit a similar distribution to ferropericlase but with a few notable outliers to much lighter C. Both ferropericlase and olivine are minerals typically associated with a meta-peridotitic association, which is generally consistent with their carbon isotope compositions.Variations in carbon isotopes within diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions indicating a meta-basaltic association (e.g., low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3) can be large across growth zones (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such large variations can be attributed to changes in the source of carbon in fluids or melts contributing to diamond growth rather than fractionation of carbon during diamond precipitation. In cases where measurements have been made in diamonds from core to rim, examples are found for both large core to rim increases and decreases in carbon isotopic compositions, although there is an apparent tendency that when diamond cores are isotopically light the rims tend to be heavier (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). For example, in ten cases where cores had isotopic compositions lower than δ13C = –20‰, the compositions of rims were notably heavier extending in some cases to near mantle values (Thomson et al. 2014). Such variations might represent mixing of carbon sources as melts and fluids derived from oceanic crust mix with carbon derived from the mantle as they migrate and evolve (Burnham et al. 2015).On the basis of the major, trace and isotopic composition of sublithospheric diamonds and their mineral inclusions both carbonated melts and carbon-bearing hydrous fluids or melts have been postulated as potential diamond-forming media (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Harte 2010; Stachel and Luth 2015; Palot et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016a,b; Smith et al. 2018; Timmerman et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2019) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). We note these kinds of fluids/melts are not mutually exclusive and any melt or fluid in the mantle will likely contain carbon, hydrogen and other volatile incompatible elements. Also implicated as a potential fluid growth medium are Fe–Ni–S–C metallic alloy or sulfide melts (Smith et al. 2016b). Subducting lithospheric slabs are most commonly suggested as the source of volatile-rich fluid components, and here we assess these model diamond-forming fluids.Low-degree carbon-rich melts and the origin of meta-basaltic inclusions. Inclusions indicating a genetic relationship with meta-basaltic assemblages have been most closely linked to an origin involving low-degree melts of subducted oceanic crust. Lithophile trace element abundances observed in low-Cr majorite and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases (Fig. 6 and 9), coupled with considerations of melting phase relations, have been interpreted to reflect equilibration with a low-degree melt of subducted oceanic crust, generally in the range of 300 to 600 km (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Thomson et al. 2016a,b). In this model, diamond co-crystallizes from carbon-bearing low-degree melts through redox reactions as melts migrate away from the oceanic crust and into peridotite, either within the slab or outside the slab in ambient mantle (Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Walter et al. 2011; Sun et al. 2020). Modeling indicates that melts can migrate through channelized porous flow and depending on the flux from the slab, remain molten for millions of years, reacting and differentiating as they move (Sun and Dasgupta 2019; Sun et al. 2020, 2021).Figure 24 shows calculated trace element abundances (normalized to MORB) in melts that could coexist with low-Cr majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-silicate perovskite and low Mg#/high-Al bridgmanite on the basis of experimental mineral–melt partition coefficients (Table 3—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Also shown for comparison are calculated low-degree melts (F = 0.01) of model MORB and processed MORB at 20 GPa as well as the compositions of a suite of oceanic carbonatites (Hoernle et al. 2002). Overall, there is a good correspondence among the calculated coexisting melts from the three meta-basaltic inclusion types, suggesting a similar parental melt compositions, including enrichments in highly incompatible elements (e.g., Th, U, Nb, Ta, La, Ce) and common relative depletions in Sr, Zr, Hf and Pb (not shown, typically unmeasured or below detection limit). Bulanova et al. (2010) and Thomson et al. (2016a) presented trace element models that included Ca-silicate perovskite and majoritic garnet fractionation that can plausibly explain much of the observed trace element abundance variations in inclusion sample suites from individual pipes in the Juina region (e.g., Collier-4, Juina-5). In particular the trace element abundances of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions are strikingly similar to low-degree melts of oceanic crust and with carbonatites from oceanic settings. The expected high U/Pb and relatively unfractionated Rb/Sr and Lu/Hf makes these melts putative candidates for imposing a chemical character to the mantle they interact with that could grow a HIMU like isotopic character over time (Sun et al. 2021).Figure 25 shows the solidus of carbonated oceanic crust (Kiseeva et al. 2013a; Thomson et al. 2016a; Zhang et al. 2020) relative to calculated pressure-temperature profiles for subducting lithosphere at the slab top and Moho in modern subduction zone settings (Shirey et al. 2021). Differences in the solidi among the experimental studies can generally be attributed to variations in the Ca/Mg of the source basalt and should reflect expected variations in subducted, altered MORB. The “slab-therms” indicate that carbonated oceanic crust will melt at pressures of about 13 GPa or greater, with only the coldest slabs potentially avoiding melting. Addition of water to the carbon-bearing system will reduce the solidus further, making melting of oceanic crust an inevitable consequence of subduction to deep upper mantle and transition zone depths.Subducting slabs are believed to often stagnate in the transition zone due to a combination of buoyancy forces related to phase transitions (Bina 1997; Billen 2008), such that most or all slab crust may be expected to undergo carbonated melting in the transition zone at ~ 1100–1200 °C. We note that majoritic garnet inclusions indicate two pressure modes at about 9 and 14 GPa (Fig. 4), or with a plausible exsolution correction, at about 13 and 18 GPa (Thomson et al. 2021). The high pressure mode in particular, which is dominated by low-Cr garnets of the meta-basaltic association (Fig. 5b), occurs at pressures generally consistent with a model for melting of carbonated oceanic crust. The experiments of Thomson et al. (2016b) also showed that the products of reaction between carbonated melt from oceanic crust and mantle peridotite include low-Cr, high Ca majorite garnet with compositions intermediate to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-perovskite with low MgO, and ferropericlase with variable but low Mg#s, all features that are consistent with observations from meta-basaltic inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds.Hydrous fluids/melts and the origin of meta-peridotitic inclusions. The discovery of a hydrous ringwoodite (~1.5 wt% H2O) inclusion in a diamond from Juina, Brazil, provides primary evidence for the involvement of H2O-rich fluids in sublithospheric diamond genesis (Pearson et al. 2014), although only one such inclusion has been identified to date. Crystallographic data indicate an Mg# of 0.75 ± 0.2, and the inclusion co-occurs with a CaSiO3-rich inclusion with a breyite structure, presumably of the low-Ti variety due to a lack of evidence for an exsolved CaTiO3 phase. Thus, the association appears nominally meta-peridotitic. Further evidence for the role of an H2O-rich peridotitic association comes from exsolved brucite and magnesioferrite in a composite ferropericlase (Mg# = 0.84) inclusion from Juina (Brazil).Relatively high levels of boron (reaching up to a few ppm) in blue (Type IIb) diamonds that host MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2 and ferropericlase inclusions, are postulated to result from dehydration of post-serpentine minerals on the basis of the high-partition coefficient for boron in serpentine during seawater alteration (Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions of ferropericlase, MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2, and CF- or NAL-phase in Type IIb diamonds have been found to have a thin layer of methane ± hydrogen fluid coexisting alongside the solid phases within the inclusion cavity, tentatively suggesting the involvement of a hydrous component in diamond growth (Smith et al. 2018). The co-occurring phases reported in Type IIb diamonds also appear to be part of a meta-peridotitic association although chemical analyses were not reported. Evidence for the role of an H2O-rich basaltic association comes from reports of micro- or nano-inclusions of phase Egg and δ-AlOOH (Wirth et al. 2007; Kaminsky 2017).Figure 25 shows a representative phase diagram for hydrous peridotite that, together with modeled pressure–temperature paths at the slab Moho for modern subduction zones, can be used to assess the fate of water in the oceanic lithospheric mantle as it subducts into the transition zone. As pointed out by previous workers, retaining water in subducted lithosphere requires that temperatures in the slab mantle remain below the temperature minimum (~ 7 GPa and 700°C) along the dehydration curve where antigorite and 10 Å phase (±Mg-sursassite) remain stable (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi et al. 2004; Shirey et al. 2021), which has been referred to as a “choke point” (Iwamori 2004). Estimates for the water storage capacity in antigorite-bearing slab mantle is about 4–5 wt% (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi and Omori 2006), whereas 10 Å phase-bearing (±Mg-sursassite) mantle assemblages have storage capacity of ~1–2 wt% H2O (Iwamori 2004; Fumagalli and Poli 2005). Warm slabs have temperatures higher than the choke point leading to dehydration of slab mantle at depths shallower than ~250 km, and such slabs are unlikely to transport significant amounts of water deeper into the mantle either in basaltic crust or peridotitic lithosphere (Okamoto and Maruyama 2004; van Keken et al. 2011; Shirey et al. 2021). However, cooler slabs have P–T paths at the Moho and in the even cooler interior portions of the lithosphere that can remain well below the choke point. Depending on the efficiency of hydration of mantle lithosphere near the surface, cooler slabs can potentially transport as much 4–5 wt% water deeper into the mantle, at least locally, in serpentinized regions formed in deep fractures related to slab bending near the Earth’s surface (Faccenda 2014). In colder slabs antigorite transforms at ~250 km and deeper to a series of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases (DHMS) that in mantle peridotite compositions have the capacity to store at least 5 wt% water and potentially more than 10 wt% (Iwamori 2004).Water retention in DHMS phases in subducting mantle lithosphere has been postulated in a number of previous studies (Thompson 1992; Frost 1999; Poli and Schmidt 2002; Iwamori 2004; Ohtani et al. 2004; Omori et al. 2004; Harte 2010; van Keken et al. 2011; Ohtani 2015; Maurice et al. 2018). As described above, most slabs are expected to slow down and deform in the transition zone (Bina 1997; Billen 2008). During this stagnation H2O-bearing slabs will heat by conduction before descending into the lower mantle. Figure 25 illustrates that heating by only a few hundred degrees in the transition zone, which can occur in an ~10 m.y. timeframe (Shirey et al. 2021), would result in breakdown of DHMS phases in the slab mantle at ~1200–1300 °C to wadsleyite or ringwoodite-bearing assemblages and a hydrous fluid.Wadselyite- and ringwoodite-bearing mantle can accommodate ~1–2 wt% water but a free fluid phase is expected for more water rich-regions of slab mantle. If slabs do not heat sufficiently in the transition zone to dehydrate DHMS phases, dehydration is unavoidable at ~ 700–800 km due to another deep trough, or second ‘choke point’, as they penetrate into the lower mantle. Depending on temperature, phase D, superhydrous phase B or ringwoodite will transform into a nominally anhydrous assemblage of bridgmanite, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase with a much lower bulk water storage capacity (< ~0.1 wt%) (Fu et al. 2019), possibly resulting in a hydrous melt at the top of the lower mantle (Schmandt et al. 2014; Ohtani 2015, 2020; Walter et al. 2015).The composition of H2O-rich, supercritical fluids or melts released at transition zone and lower mantle depths are poorly known but should have a considerable dissolved silicate component derived from either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mantle sources, being well beyond their second critical endpoints (Mibe et al. 2007, 2011; Wang et al. 2020). Such fluids may also have a dissolved carbon component acquired from mantle peridotite or oceanic crust. Precipitation of diamond and inclusions may occur through subsequent reaction as fluids migrate within the slab and potentially out of the slab (Harte 2010). The meta-peridotitic association of low-Al MgSiO3-rich phases, low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and ferropericlase may possibly be best explained by crystallization involving such H2O-rich fluids/melts at low-temperature in subducted lithospheric mantle and especially in a depleted peridotite composition (e.g., harzburgite) (Harte 2010; Smith et al. 2018; Shirey et al. 2021).Figure 16 illustrates that at ~1200 °C, where dehydration and fluid release is expected to occur, assemblages are dominated by ringwoodite, akimotoite, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, garnet and ferropericlase. The generally low Mg content of low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and the generally low-Al and low-Ca contents of MgSiO3 inclusions may indicate equilibrium and crystallization from cool, hydrous fluids or melts carrying dissolved peridotitic components. This may either reflect equilibrium assemblages of Ca-silicate perovskite and akimotoite at the base of the transition zone or relatively low-temperature equilibration between Ca-perovskite and bridgmanite where the solvus results in low levels of solid solution (Irifune et al. 2000). Such low temperatures may also explain the co-occurrence of ferropericlase and stishovite.The role of Fe–Ni–S–C metallic melts. Iron-rich metal and sulfide inclusions have been reported in diamonds containing sublithospheric inclusions (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky and Wirth 2011; Smith and Kopylova 2014; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Bulanova et al. (2010) reported a metallic iron phase co-occurring in a diamond containing a majoritic garnet, and composite inclusions interpreted as retrograde CAS-phase and K-hollandite, and also observed low-Ni (<3 wt%) pyrrhotite inclusions co-occurring with Ti-rich CaSiO3, majoritic garnet and SiO2 inclusions in seven diamonds from the Collier-4 kimberlite, Juina (Brazil). Kaminsky and Wirth (2011) reported iron carbides (Fe3C, Fe2C and Fe23C6) associated with native iron, also in a diamond from the Juina area, and although not occurring with other sublithospheric inclusions, they concluded a sublithospheric origin based on phase relations in the Fe–C system.Smith et al. (2016b) reported that many high-quality, Type IIa, gem diamonds, exemplified by the Cullinan, Constellation, and Koh-i-Noor, commonly contain iron-nickel-carbon-sulfur inclusions. Metallic inclusions have been found in 67 out of 83 diamonds in the so-called CLIPPIR suite (Cullinan-like, inclusion-poor, relatively pure, irregularly shaped, and resorbed), and some of these diamonds also contain majoritic garnet or CaSiO3-rich (including Ti-rich CaSiO3) phases which, based on the arguments discussed above, indicate a sublithospheric origin (Smith et al. 2016b, 2017, 2021). A thin fluid layer of methane ± hydrogen was also found associated with the metallic inclusions likely dissolved in the original iron melt under reducing conditions. Smith et al. (2018) also report on rare metallic phases similar to those common in the CLIPPIR suite in the boron-bearing (Type IIb) suite of sublithospheric diamonds. These diamonds contain a wide range of inclusion types with CaSiO3-phases being the most common, but also including majoritic garnet, SiO2, and possibly CF or NAL phase in a diamond containing a metallic phase. Smith et al. (2016b) interpret the metallic inclusions as the solidified products of a metallic liquid phase in the deep mantle and suggested strong N partitioning into the melt phase, which may explain the characteristically low nitrogen content in CLIPPIR diamonds and perhaps in sublithospheric diamonds more generally (Smith and Kopylova 2014).Sublithospheric diamonds containing Fe-rich metal alloy and sulfide inclusions are also generally characterized by isotopically variable and often extremely light carbon (δ13C from −26.9 to −3.8 ‰ in CLIPPIR diamonds; δ13C −26 to −8‰ in Collier-4 diamonds). Although the number of metal/sulfide-bearing diamonds co-occurring with sublithospheric silicate inclusions is small, the suite observed to date contains phases suggestive of basaltic. A recent study of the Fe isotopic composition of the metallic inclusions reveals a strikingly heavy isotopic signature (δ56Fe = 0.79 to 0.90‰) thought to be inherited from magnetite and/or Fe–Ni alloys precipitated during serpentinization of oceanic peridotite (Smith et al. 2021). This heavy iron signature is suggestive that the metallic liquid trapped in CLIPPIR diamonds has a lithological connection to subducted, serpentinized peridotite.On the basis of an analysis of published geochemical data of predominant silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds and building upon observations and ideas that have been discussed in the literature for over three decades, a framework emerges for understanding processes occurring in the deep mantle related to the subduction of lithospheric plates. Few inclusions have major and trace element chemistry consistent with expectations for primitive meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle pressures and temperatures, and we conclude that sublithospheric diamonds do not typically incorporate minerals representative of ambient mantle.Generally speaking, the inclusions define two populations that appear to reflect different source lithologies, or more specifically, the fluids and melts derived from and/or that interact with those lithologies. Consistent with previous interpretations we assign the two populations of inclusions to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic varieties, with the former broadly representative of peridotitic, harzburgitic and dunitic lithologies and the latter including basaltic or pyroxenitic ones. The host diamonds themselves have carbon isotopic compositions that also reveal a distinction among these groups, with meta-peridotitic inclusions hosted by diamonds with a restricted range of predominantly isotopically heavier, mantle-like carbon, whereas the meta-basaltic group exhibits a wider range that extends to isotopically light carbon associated with subducted oceanic crust.The meta-peridotite group includes low-Al MgSiO3, low-Ti CaSiO3, ferropericlase, high-Cr majoritic garnet, olivine and low-Na clinopyroxene inclusions. Low-Al MgSiO3 (former bridgmanite and/or akimotoite), low-Ti CaSiO3 (former Ca-silicate perovskite) and high Mg# ferropericlase are generally consistent with diamond formation in the shallow lower mantle or deep transition zone, and the observed inclusion suite provides evidence for equilibration at low temperatures (e.g., low Mg in Ca-perovskite; low Ca in MgSiO3; the ferropericlase plus stishovite association) perhaps in the range of 1000–1200 °C. Many inclusions also indicate a depleted source lithology (e.g., low Al, low Ca, high Mg# in some MgSiO3; low Cr, Al and Na in ferropericlase), which when combined with low equilibration temperatures suggests an origin related to depleted slab mantle lithosphere.Harte (2010) summarized many of these features and suggested an origin related to dehydration of subducted lithospheric mantle near the base of the transition zone, and phase relations for dehydration in subducted mantle support this hypothesis. The heavy iron isotopes in iron-alloy inclusions that may be related to magnetite formation during serpentinization and the generally mantle-like carbon isotopic compositions of the diamonds hosting the meta-peridotitic inclusions all support this hypothesis. This may indicate that slab-derived hydrous fluids acquire their carbon from the mantle portion of the down-going slab or from the ambient mantle, with little or no interaction with subducted oceanic crust.The presence of methane in some inclusions is suggestive of reduced fluids possibly equilibrated with metal alloy phases. The high-Cr majoritic garnets also have a meta-peridotite chemistry but their apparent formation pressures indicate a predominantly upper mantle origin unrelated to the deeper inclusion assemblage, suggesting these garnet inclusions may have formed in the deepest portions of the lithospheric mantle. Low-Na clinopyroxene, with their unusual co-occurrences with ferropericlase and Ca-rich phases, also remain enigmatic but seemingly reflect an upper mantle and transition zone origin.The meta-basaltic group is characterized by low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3, high-Al MgSiO3, high-Na clinopyroxene as well as rare CF and NAL inclusions (Fig. 1). These inclusions have major element compositions akin to high pressure phases in meta-basaltic to meta-pyroxenitic lithologies. Majoritic garnet barometry places their origin throughout the deep upper mantle to the transition zone, which is consistent with phase equilibrium constraints on the origin of high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. In contrast, high-Al MgSiO3, CF and NAL inclusions provide evidence of a shallow lower mantle assemblage. Thus, the meta-basaltic group apparently forms over a wide depth range.Meta-basaltic inclusions have trace element concentrations that are generally enriched over levels expected in MORB, sometimes by many orders of magnitude, with elemental abundance patterns linking them to deeply subducted oceanic crust. Low-degree melts from oceanic crust, possibly carbonatitic, are implicated in their origin and diamond formation may occur through reduction within slab mantle or ambient mantle through redox freezing. Low temperatures of equilibration are indicated by the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions (low-Mg content) consistent with melting of carbonated/hydrated oceanic crust at ~1200 °C as constrained by melting phase relations. Many majoritic garnet and clinopyroxene compositions indicate an origin related to meta-pyroxenite and these may represent hybrid reaction products when melts from subducted oceanic crust infiltrate and react with the slab mantle or ambient mantle. The carbon isotopic compositions of the diamond hosts are consistent with this scenario and may reflect mixing of carbon sourced from subducted oceanic crust and peridotitic mantle sources.The common theme among models for sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation is the key role of subducted lithosphere, and particularly the fluids and melts that are derived from lithologies in the slab that infiltrate and react with their surroundings both within and external to the slab, precipitating diamonds and their inclusions. The overall narrative presented here for the generation of sublithospheric diamonds related to subducted slab lithosphere stagnating in the transition zone and shallow lower mantle is reminiscent of the megalith model of Ringwood (1991), an observation echoed in many studies over the intervening years. Yet many questions remain as we continue to develop our understanding of sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation and what these samples reveal in detail about deep mantle processes.In this review we have taken a global perspective, highlighting the clear similarities within inclusion groups that span across all sampled cratons. However, processes related to diamond and inclusion formation will also likely be dependent on the specific tectonic and geodynamic setting of subduction, and regional differences can be expected that can only become readily apparent with larger, more diverse data sets. Some outstanding questions that can be addressed in future studies might include:What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The tables associated with this chapter can be found at https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K (Walter et al. 2022). We would like to thank Galina Bulanova, Antony Burnham, Rick Carlson, Ben Harte, Dan Howell, Simon Kohn, Nico Kueter, Sami Mikhail, Fabrizio Nestola, Peng Ni, Graham Pearson, Anat Shahar, Steve Shirey, Chris Smith, Lara Speich, Thomas Stachel, Peter van Keken and Lara Wagner for the many conversations and insights that helped shaped this review. Special thanks to Thomas Stachel for access to his incredible inclusion database. We thank Ben Harte, Thomas Stachel, Karen Smit and Graham Pearson for constructive reviews that improved the clarity of ideas and presentation in this chapter.\",\"PeriodicalId\":501196,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry\",\"volume\":\"62 51\",\"pages\":\"\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":0.0000,\"publicationDate\":\"2022-07-01\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2022.88.07\",\"RegionNum\":0,\"RegionCategory\":null,\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"\",\"JCRName\":\"\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2022.88.07","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"","JCRName":"","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


金刚石中所含的矿物为金刚石结晶的岩石学和化学环境提供了直接的信息。它们记录了有关局部和区域地幔过程的信息,并为全球尺度的构造解释提供了重要的背景信息(Stachel et al. 2005;Stachel and Harris 2008;哈特2010;Shirey et al. 2013, 2019)。大多数开采的含包裹体钻石起源于次大陆、克拉通地幔岩石圈,但一小部分含有与岩石圈下起源一致的矿物包裹体(~1%,Stachel和Harris 2008)。这些包裹体中的关键是硅酸盐和氧化物矿物,它们提供直接(如多数石榴石、环woodite)或间接(如富casio3和富mgsio3)相;铁长石)在对流地幔深部高压成因的证据;我们称这些钻石为“地下岩石圈”,尽管它们通常也被称为“超深”。过去四十年的研究提供了丰富的信息,可以用来询问岩石圈下钻石及其内含物的起源,并推测更广泛的地质和地球动力学含义。在20世纪80年代,研究人员开始认识到一些钻石携带的内含物表明其起源在大陆岩石圈之下,甚至延伸到下地幔深处(Scott-Smith et al. 1984;Moore et al. 1986;Wilding et al. 1991;Harte and Harris 1994;Harris et al. 1997;Stachel et al. 1998a;Harte et al. 1999)。其中最重要的包裹体具有(Mg,Fe)O和(Mg,Fe)SiO3的化学计量,根据它们在同一颗金刚石中的共现,它们被解释为铁长石和来自下地幔浅层的逆行镁硅酸盐钙钛矿(桥菱铁矿)。含有CaSiO3化学计量的包裹体的发现,有时也与富mgsio3相和/或铁镁长石共存,并被解释为逆行钙硅酸盐钙钛矿,支持了与地幔橄榄岩有关的下地幔成因的观点(Harte et al. 1999;Joswig et al. 1999;Stachel et al. 2000b;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Hayman et al. 2005)。每个分子式单位含有过量八面体配位硅的石榴石内含物(Moore和Gurney 1985, 1989;Moore et al. 1991;Stachel and Harris 1997;Stachel et al. 1998a)在揭示元素置换对压力依赖的实验基础上,为岩石圈下起源提供了进一步的证据(Akaogi and Akimoto 1977)。几十年来,大量的研究发现了岩石圈下钻石具有这些关键指示阶段的许多新例子,同时也发现了各种各样的其他矿物包裹体,这些包裹体被解释为起源于深部上地幔到下地幔,包括但不限于ringwoodite, stishovite, CF-phase, NAL-phase, K-hollandite, CAS phase和phase Egg (Wirth et al. 2007;Bulanova et al. 2010;Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2015)。读者可以参考最近的几篇综述论文,这些论文提供了岩石圈下钻石包裹体类型的清单(Stachel and Harris 2008;哈特2010;Kaminsky 2012;Shirey et al. 2013, 2019)。根据矿物学、岩石学和地球化学资料,越来越明显地发现许多岩石圈下钻石记录过程与岩石圈板块俯冲有关(Stachel et al. 2000a,b;Stachel 2001;Walter et al. 2008;Tappert et al. 2009;Bulanova et al. 2010;Kiseeva et al. 2013;Thomson et al. 2014;Burnham et al. 2015;Ickert et al. 2015;Shirey et al. 2019)。多数石榴石相和富钛casio3相的主要元素和微量元素地球化学特征表明其成因涉及俯冲玄武岩洋壳,稀有包裹体的存在解释为逆行的cf相和nal相。钻石中普遍存在的轻碳同位素和寄主包裹体中的重氧同位素为这一假设提供了额外的支持证据(Burnham et al. 2015;Ickert et al. 2015)。岩石圈下钻石的氮含量明显较低,约70%为ⅱ型(如< ~ 20at)。ppm N)和< 100 at的> 90%。测得的N高度聚集,以B中心为主(~87% > 50% B),与高温下地幔的储存一致。岩石圈钻石的N值较高,一般为I型,平均为~250 at。ppm N,但扩展到> 1000 at。ppm N,并与< 20%低氮II型。岩石圈钻石在其报告的化学分析中也通常表现出聚集不良的N(例如,3si pfu)。与之前的许多研究不同,我们采用了Thomson等人的方法。 这些作者还发现了一个低压稳定场,其温度低于10 GPa,与其低压相相一致。3个高铝单相包裹体与铁方长石包裹体共生,还有1个富钠包裹体和5个长辉锌矿包裹体共生。图12显示了富mgsio3包体的三元组份图(Mg+Fe2+) - (Si+Ti) - (Al+Cr+Fe3+)。低铝包裹体分布在一个明确的区域,部分重叠在变质橄榄岩组合中合成的实验桥辉石场。然而,大多数实验用原始地幔成分制成的桥菱石具有比包裹体更高的三价阳离子。许多低铝包裹体与用碳素质体组成合成的桥辉石有相似之处,也与橄榄岩体组成合成的橄榄辉石有重叠;阿基莫托石是一种钛铁矿结构的富mgsio3相,在过渡带底部附近的变橄榄岩中稳定存在于有限的压力-温度范围内(图16;Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011)。相比之下,高铝包裹体表现出相当大的成分变化,图12显示,6个复合包裹体(青色钻石)和杰弗长包裹体(绿色钻石)在该投影上与变质玄武岩中产生的桥辉石大致相似,而3个单相包裹体(蓝色钻石;II型MgSiO3包裹体(Hutchison et al. 2021)介于实验变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩桥辉岩之间。四种富na (~ 4-6 wt% Na2O)包裹体(红钻;Hutchison等人(2021)的III型MgSiO3包裹体不同于任何实验菱镁石或其他富MgSiO3包裹体。图13显示了富mgsio3包裹体的mg#与在同一颗钻石中共存的铁方长石包裹体的mg#。还显示了在可育橄榄岩的大块组成和黑铅矿组成的实验中,桥辉石和铁方长石平衡在一起的区域。镁镁长石小于~0.8的铁镁长石在变质橄榄岩或变质黑锰矿组合中不符合与共生桥锰矿的平衡。在含有Mg#s大于0.8的铁方长石的钻石中,很少有包裹体对位于肥沃的变质橄榄岩中。许多低铝桥辉石-铁方长石包裹体对与元辉石区域重叠或靠近,富mgsio3包裹体趋向于具有很高的mg# s。三个单相高铝mgsio3 -铁周长石对和两个长辉石-铁周长石对恰好位于或靠近实验变质橄榄岩场。Low-Al夹杂物。图14显示了富mgsio3包裹体(钻石)中NiO、Al2O3和CaO与Mg#的对比,以及在橄榄岩体组成实验中合成的桥菱石。低铝包裹体(白色钻石)出现在~ 0.86 ~ 0.97 Mg#范围内,大部分集中在0.92 ~ 0.97 Mg#之间。而在原始变质橄榄岩组合中观察到的桥辉石,其体积成分Mg#s较低,集中在0.88 ~ 0.92之间,有的甚至高达0.97。富mgsio3包裹体中NiO含量较低,一般小于0.05 wt%;只有在少数例外情况下,夹杂物的值超过0.1 wt%。相对于岩石圈钻石中的辉长辉石包裹体(图14a中的灰色交叉),富mgsio3包裹体的NiO含量较低,这已被用作支持下地幔起源的证据,因为预计Ni会强烈地分裂成共存的铁长石(Harte et al. 1999;Stachel et al. 2000)。然而,从图14a中可以看出,在23 - 43 GPa的压力范围和高温范围内,处于平衡状态的桥方石与铁方石的NiO含量明显高于大多数包裹体,约为0.05 - 0.25 wt%。这意味着在原始地幔成分中与铁方长石的平衡不能解释大多数包裹体的低镍含量。从图14b和图14c可以看出,与NiO一样,富mgsio3包裹体中Al2O3和CaO的含量普遍低于实验橄榄岩型桥辉石组成。包裹体中Al2O3含量与Mg#呈负相关,在Mg# = 0.92 ~ 0.97时,Al2O3含量在3 ~ 0.2 wt%之间。在复合低al夹杂物中,Mg#s < 0.92的MgSiO3部分Al2O3含量比单相低al夹杂物高(~ 3 wt%)。实验桥菱石与铁方石±钙硅酸盐钙钛矿的下地幔平衡组合在~3 ~ 7 wt%的Al2O3范围内,与包裹体组成不同。 铁方长石结晶于下地幔深处,在那里,铁的自旋转变(> ~1700 km)导致了更富铁的方长石,或者在下地幔底部的D”层,由于铁的富组成或相对于钙钛矿,铁优先分配到铁方长石中(Harte et al. 1999;Hayman et al. 2005;Wirth et al. 2014;Palot et al. 2016)。在铁长石中观察到镁铁氧体(Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4溶出气泡,有时伴有亚微米级的Fe-Ni金属气泡,已被用作支持深下地幔起源的证据(Wirth etal . 2014;Palot et al. 2016)。然而,最近实验确定的相关系表明,镁铁素体的稳定场发生在~8至10 GPa(1000-1600°C),并且没有迹象表明高压镁铁素体稳定场高达~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele等,2017),尽管在更高的压力下可能存在(Andrault和Bolfan-Casanova 2001)。我们认为,对镁铁长石包裹体中观察到的氧化镁铁素体气泡的最简单解释是,它们代表了在上地幔条件下从原始的铁长石中析出过量的Fe2O3,或者是由共存的碳化流体氧化,如下所述(Thomson 2017;Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017)。这种析出与上述富casio3和富mgsio3包裹体的低压解混一致。虽然包裹体可能起源于较高的压力,但无论是镁铁长石中镁铁素体的存在,还是它们富含铁的成分,都不能证明它们是下地幔起源的。在上地幔、过渡带或下地幔条件下,氧化碳酸盐或碳酸化熔体与还原橄榄岩发生氧化还原反应时,铁方长石结晶(McCammon et al. 1997,2004;刘2002;Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019;Thomson et al. 2016a;Seitz et al. 2018)。Liu(2002)提出富铁方镁铁矿组成的范围可以根据反应反映出菱镁铁矿的连续亚固脱碳:在该反应中,产物方镁铁矿固溶体以菱镁铁矿固溶体为代价逐渐富铁。正如下文所讨论的,有充分的证据表明,流体或熔体在岩石圈下钻石形成中的作用,而不是亚固相脱碳,然而,Liu(2002)提出的脱碳反应的本质可能同样适用于液相脱碳。Thomson等(2016b)在20gpa下进行了玄武质海洋地壳碳酸化熔融模型与还原性橄榄岩反应的实验,在反应产物中观察到金刚石和富铁方长石。同样,Bulatov等人(2019)通过实验证明,在上地幔条件下,碳酸盐-硅酸盐熔体与橄榄石平衡还原过程中,富铁方长石铁和金刚石可以同时结晶。Seitz等人(2018)测量了来自Juina的富铁方长石包裹体中的Li同位素,并观察到一个范围,包括蛇纹石化的海底橄榄岩、新鲜和蚀变的MORB、海底沉积物和榴辉岩。他们认为,在俯冲到过渡带和下地幔浅层的蚀变板块中,脱水和氧化还原反应导致了金刚石和富铁方长石包裹体的形成。铁长石中铁的氧化还原状态。通过穆斯堡尔光谱测量了Kankan(高Mg#)和Juina(低Mg#)的一小群铁镁长石包裹体中的铁的氧化还原状态(McCammon et al. 1997,2004),并与实验测定的适用于下地幔顶部深度的铁镁长石中的铁3+溶解度进行了比较(Otsuka et al. 2013)。根据实测Fe3+/∑Fe计算出的氧逸度接近金刚石的稳定上限,并高于下地幔浅层橄榄岩的预期值(Frost and McCammon 2008;Otsuka et al. 2013)。因此,如果这些铁方长石包裹体形成于下地幔浅层,特别是与富mgsio3相共生的包裹体,其高Fe3+浓度可能在氧化还原梯度区域记录了金刚石的形成。上地幔或下地幔浅层的这些区域可能是由于氧化物质俯冲到还原性地幔中而形成的,包裹体可能是由氧化的含碳酸盐熔体或流体沉淀而成的(McCammon et al. 2004;Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011;Otsuka et al. 2013;Thomson et al. 2016a)。对38个铁方长石包裹体中的微量元素进行了分析,数据见表9(可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获取),并在图19中绘制为蜘蛛图,归一化为BSE。其中21个包裹体是在EIMF用SIMS测量的(Hutchison 1997;Harte et al. 1999;Burnham等人。 2016)和LA-ICP-MS的17个(Kaminsky et al. 2001)。图中还显示了下地幔条件下变质橄榄岩和变质黑曜岩组合中铁方长石的计算丰度模式。相对于疯牛病,铁方长石包裹体中亲石微量元素的含量通常较低,但差异很大,许多元素的含量跨越几个数量级。Ba和Y的相对耗尽是明显的,Rb和Li的富集也是明显的,在一些样品中,Th, U, Nb和Ta的富集也是明显的。总体而言,稀土元素似乎相对未分馏,尽管许多元素的数据稀疏。丰度一般在下地幔橄榄岩铁方长石模型预测的范围内,但存在显著差异。稀土元素一般落在原始变质橄榄岩和变质辉石组合中铁方长石之间,而Th、U、Nb和Ta相对于下地幔铁方长石中这些元素的预测消耗明显富集。在这些岩性中也没有预测到Ba和Y的消耗,可能是从一个不同的来源继承的。如图1所示,橄榄石(正晶型,pnm)及其高压多晶型,瓦德利岩(正晶型,I2/m)和环伍德岩(立方型,Fd3m)约占上地幔和过渡带原始地幔岩性的60 vol%。具有(Mg,Fe)2SiO4化学计量的包裹体是岩石圈钻石中最常见的包裹体之一,通常被解释为橄榄岩组合的代表(Stachel et al. 2022,本卷),但在明显起源于岩石圈以下的钻石中似乎特别罕见。我们编制了一个由28个(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包裹体组成的全球数据集,这些包裹体在已确定为岩石圈下的钻石套件中观察到(表10)。15个(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包体与铁镁长石共发生,其中6个包体与富mgsio3相共发生,1个包体与富mgsio3相和富casio3相共发生。2个(Mg,Fe)2SiO4夹杂体分别为富mgsio3相和富casio3相。据报道,其余的要么单独发生,要么与其他罕见的夹杂物相结合。据我们所知,表10中包含的所有包裹体(可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K上获得)都出现在橄榄石结构中。根据拉曼和x射线衍射测量,当包裹体仍在钻石内(即未暴露在表面)时,有一个报告的环状woodite结构的包裹体出现,数据表明Mg#为~0.75±0.2,含有约1.5 wt%的水(Pearson et al. 2014);地球化学数据无法从这个包裹体中获得,因此它不是我们数据集的一部分。通过电子探针分析确定的(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包裹体的主要元素组成见表10(可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获得),并与岩石圈钻石中的1478橄榄石包裹体一起绘制在图20中进行比较。在压力>10 GPa的条件下,用原始橄榄岩组成进行实验,得到橄榄石、瓦德利石和环橄榄石组成。图20显示,总体而言,(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包裹体与岩石圈钻石中的大部分橄榄石包裹体不同。岩石圈包裹体的Mg#s一般在~0.91 ~ 0.95之间,而岩石圈下(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包裹体的Mg#s多数< 0.91,其余大于0.94。许多岩石圈下(Mg,Fe)2SiO4包裹体具有低NiO、高CaO、高Al2O3和高Cr2O3的特征。与富mgsio3相共存的(Mg,Fe)2SiO4夹杂物的低NiO含量也与这些夹杂物的低NiO含量一致。与实验生成的(Mg,Fe)2SiO4相相比,许多包裹体最类似于环橄榄石,最不像橄榄石。与许多包裹体一样,实验中菱辉石的Mg#含量明显低于沃德斯莱石和橄榄石。虽然与高压(Mg,Fe)2SiO4多晶有一些共同的特征,但许多包裹体具有独特的成分,很难将它们归为某种多晶,但很明显它们与岩石圈橄榄石包裹体的大部分不同。具有XY(Si,Al)2O6化学计量的斜辉石(单斜)是~ 300 km深度的变质橄榄岩(~20 vol%)和变质玄武岩组合(~60 vol%)的主要成分(图1),但在~400 ~ 500 km深度的这些组合中消失,因为它溶解成多数石榴石。斜辉石包裹体,从透辉石到硬玉,在岩石圈钻石中很常见,但在岩石圈下的钻石中却不常见。我们编制了一个全球数据集,由来自四个克拉通的40个斜辉石包裹体组成,这些包裹体已被确定为岩石圈下的钻石(表11 -可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K)。 斜辉石包裹体根据其Na2O含量可分为两类。高钠斜辉石包含30个包裹体,其Na2O含量在1.4 ~ 13.1%之间,体成分一般为自晶至辉石,但含有一块硬玉。高钠斜辉石与石榴石共赋存于26个包裹体中,其中20个包裹体成分均为多数,屈服压力在~9 ~ 18 GPa之间,为其岩石圈下成因提供了直接证据。低钠斜辉石包括10个极低Na2O (< 0.13 wt%)的包裹体,其组成为孤石。其中5个包裹体与铁方石酶共存,2个包裹体与铁方石酶和富mgsio3包裹体共存。3个斜辉石包裹体赋有一个富casio3相,其中2个包裹体还含有汞辉石。通过电子探针分析确定的斜辉石包裹体的主要元素组成见表11(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获得),并与岩石圈钻石中的1321个斜辉石包裹体一起绘制在图21中进行比较。图21a显示了低钠和高钠基团之间的明显区别。高钠辉石通常具有更多的铝质,在Na2O、CaO和mg#方面与岩石圈榴石有广泛的重叠。低钠斜辉石相对明显,具有极低的Na2O(不随Al2O3含量的增加而增加)、高的CaO(岩石圈包裹体中没有见过)和高的Mg#s。图21还显示了在8至19 GPa压力下来自变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩组合的实验斜辉石组成。高钠包裹体通常与变质玄武岩或变质辉石岩组合中的斜辉石相一致,尽管我们注意到它们通常与在含水或碳酸化榴辉岩中实验中产生的斜辉石不重叠,相对于包裹体而言,这些斜辉石通常更具氧化铝和钠含量,而钙含量较低。低钠组通常不同于在橄榄岩成分实验中产生的成分,特别是在给定氧化铝含量的情况下,它们的CaO含量非常高,na2o含量很低。据报道,在我们的数据集中,含有岩石圈下包裹体的15颗钻石中共同出现了SiO2相。虽然已鉴定出共晶岩(单斜晶,C2/c),但假设原始包裹体形成于共晶岩结构(四方金红石型,P42/mnm),为~ 9 ~ 75 GPa的稳定SiO2相(Zhang et al. 1996;Fischer et al. 2018)。在我们的数据集中,在7颗钻石中SiO2与多数石榴石一起出现,并且共同出现的多数石榴石的屈服压力为~ 10至22 GPa(表1 -可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获取)。其中2个SiO2包裹体还表现出蓝晶石的溶出,表明在退变过程中氧化铝未混合。两颗含有富含CaSiO3包裹体的钻石,都是来自巴西的低钛CaSiO3,也含有SiO2包裹体(表4 -可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K),而在我们的数据集中,没有报道SiO2与富含mgsio3、橄榄石或斜辉石包裹体共现。在5颗钻石中,SiO2包裹体与铁长石共生,其中有来自3个克拉通的例子(表8 -可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).In)。除了我们数据集中的钻石外,在巴西Juina-5和Collier-4金伯利岩的钻石中报告了9个钴矿包裹体(Burnham et al. 2015),以及在巴西Sao Luiz的钻石中发现的孤立包裹体(Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。据报道,除了含有蓝晶石溶解证据的包裹体外,SiO2包裹体几乎是纯相的,只有微量的其他元素,包括TiO2和Al2O3 (Bulanova et al. 2010;Kaminsky 2012;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Burnham et al. 2015)。根据相关系(图1),预计钻石中会出现与其他变质玄武岩亲和体(如富钛CaSiO3、低铬多数石榴石)相关的辉石矿。Burnham等人(2015)测量了巴西Collier-4和Juina-5金伯利岩中伴生钻石的碳同位素组成和辉石矿包裹体的氧同位素组成。两个地方产生了各种变质玄武岩亲和包裹体,并发现了一系列与俯冲洋壳有关的负碳同位素组成和正氧同位素组成。然而,SiO2与铁方长石的共生,通常被归因于橄榄岩组合,需要不同的解释。在MgO-FeO-SiO2体系的下地幔条件下,一旦超过了铁镁长石在桥辉石中的溶解度,铁镁长石和辉辉石就会一起出现。 在~12 mol%的FeO条件下(Fei et al. 1996)。然而,在< ~1100°C时,桥方石分解为铁长石和铁长石,FeO含量< ~5 mol%,在肥沃的地幔成分中,铁长石与铁长石和钙硅酸盐钙钛矿共存,温度< ~900°C,温度为~25 GPa (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011)。因此,辉长石和铁方长石的结合可能代表了与富铁岩性或低温有关的桥长石分解。与辉石共生的铁方长石的mg# s在0.78 ~ 0.86之间,多数在0.84以上。对于一个肥沃的地幔来说,它们的镁含量太高,无法在地幔温度下与针云石平衡,因此要么与共生的针云石不平衡(Stachel et al. 2000b),要么在更低的温度下平衡。在巴西的钻石(Walter et al. 2011)中描述了具有与下地幔条件下的变质玄武岩组合中出现的铁酸钙(CF)结构相和新铝(NAL)相一致的复合包裹体(总体化学计量学)(图1)。Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。在它们的稳定场内,CF相是正交的(Pbnm),其通式为XY2O4 (X = K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+;Y = Al3+和Si4+), NAL相为六边形(P63/m),通式为AX2Y6O12 (A = Na+, K+, Ca2+;X = Mg2+, Fe2+;Y = Al3+, Si4+ (Miyajima et al. 2001;威克斯和达菲2016)。被解释为逆行CF相的包裹体是尖晶石(Mg,Fe)Al2O4和霞石NaAlSiO4的复合混合物,而NAL相是尖晶石和霞石-千硅石相(Na,K)AlSiO4的复合混合物。通过宽束EPMA分析或相位模式重构确定的体包体成分(Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014)在玄武岩成分实验中,产率化学计量学接近理想的CF和NAL相(Ono et al. 2001;Ricolleau et al. 2010;Ishii et al. 2019),为俯冲洋壳在其起源中的作用提供了强有力的证据。据报道,6个NAL相和2个CF相中存在微量元素(Thomson et al. 2016b),丰度模式通常显示REE枯竭,Y大幅负异常,相对于BSE, Th、U、Nb、Ta和Rb相对富集。我们收集了岩石圈下钻石中硅酸盐和氧化物包裹体的综合数据集,这些包裹体表面上代表了地幔中主要的造岩矿物(多数石榴石、钙硅酸盐钙钛矿、桥菱铁矿、铁长石、橄榄石和斜辉石)。包裹体的主微量元素组成结合实验相平衡和元素分配数据,为其起源的概念模型提供了基础,揭示了导致钻石形成的地幔地球动力学过程的信息。岩石圈下包裹体的地球化学特征通常允许区分变质玄武岩组合(低铬多数石榴石;high-Ti CaSiO3;低Mg#,高al MgSiO3;CF和NAL相)和一个变质橄榄岩组合(高铬多数石榴石;低钛CaSiO3;低al,高MgSiO3;铁长石)(Stachel et al. 2005;哈特2010)。然而,从实验主元素系统和微量元素模拟中也可以明显看出,除了极少数例外,包裹体组成通常不符合对上地幔、过渡带或下地幔条件下原始变质橄榄岩组合(如软锰矿)或变质玄武岩(如MORB)组合中原生亚固体矿物的预期。同生岩石圈下包裹体的地球化学不能与寄主钻石如何形成的模型分开,并且与岩石圈中的对应物一样,岩石圈下钻石显示出大量的流体或熔体结晶的证据。因此,为了提供包裹体成因的一般模型的背景,我们首先讨论关于金刚石结晶的观察。已经证实,起源于克拉通岩石圈地幔的钻石主要由含碳流体沉淀(Deines 1980;Sunagawa 1984;自己1986;Bulanova 1995;Shirey et al. 2013),它们提供了与岩石圈下钻石进行比较的基线。根据岩石圈纤维状钻石中的流体包裹体,母流体的组成范围不同,包括高镁和低镁碳酸盐、富氯和富硅水流体(Klein-BenDavid等人,2007年、2009年;Weiss et al. 2013, 2014)。岩石圈钻石的阴极发光成像显示内部生长结构具有复杂的同心带,以及吸收和再结晶的证据,这些结构表明来自碳饱和流体的沉淀,而不是石墨的固态转化(Bulanova 1995;Shirey et al. 2013)。 流体介导的钻石沉淀的进一步证据包括裂缝充填(Czas et al. 2018)以及碳氮丰度和同位素组成的系统性变化,这些特征与分析流体相的结晶相一致(Boyd et al. 1987;Smart et al. 2011)。岩石圈下钻石可能通过地幔中的亚固体脱碳反应形成,例如,通过与海洋地壳中的二氧化硅反应形成(Maeda et al. 2017;Li et al. 2018;Drewitt et al. 2019)或通过碳酸盐与铁或碳化铁等还原相的反应(Liu 2002;Zhu et al. 2019)。然而,岩石圈下钻石通常具有与岩石圈钻石相似的内部结构特征,显示出错综复杂的生长分层,在某些情况下还显示出多个成核中心,表明来自流体或熔体的结晶,图22提供了这些例子(Hayman et al. 2005;Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Palot et al. 2017)。一个例外可能是CLIPPIR和IIb型钻石,它们通常没有明显的生长结构,但显示出大量的位错网络,表明塑性变形和退火(Smith et al. 2016b, 2018)。岩石圈下钻石通常表现出形变结构,表明其处于高温下的高应变环境中(Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Smith等人2016a, 2018;Shirey et al. 2019)。岩石圈下的钻石在生长带之间也保留了小尺度和大尺度的钻石内部碳同位素变化(图22),这与分析流体/熔体的生长或可变成分流体/熔体的多次生长相一致(Stachel等人,2002;Bulanova et al. 2010;Shirey et al. 2013, 2019;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。岩石圈钻石通常是规则的晶体形式,可以表现出富含流体包裹体的纤维状金刚石生长,与之相反,岩石圈下的钻石往往具有更不规则的形态,纤维状金刚石的生长尚未被观察到。当二氧化碳、CH4、CO32-或HCO3-等碳种由于温度变化而被还原或氧化时,钻石就会从液体中析出或熔化(Luth和Stachel 2014;Stachel and Luth 2015), pH值(Sverjensky and Huang 2015)和氧化还原条件(Haggerty 1986;Frost and McCammon 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011;Shirey et al. 2013;Stagno et al. 2013;Thomson et al. 2016a)(另见Luth et al. 2022,本卷)。例如,当含碳流体和熔体渗透和迁移穿过岩石时,这些变量存在梯度。根据来自克拉通岩石圈的榴晶幔捕虏体的层析成像,钻石在硅酸盐晶界沉淀,沿晶间平面生长,可能是流体流动的途径(Anand et al. 2004;Liu et al. 2009b;Czas et al. 2018)。岩石圈下地幔捕虏体中没有钻石的例子,但上面描述的钻石结构相似性表明了类似的流体介导结晶。由此推断,岩石圈下钻石中的结晶硅酸盐和氧化物包裹体可能与俯冲岩石圈或地幔中通过岩石迁移的流体或熔体中的溶解成分平衡或直接结晶。由于人们认为岩石圈下的钻石比岩石圈下的钻石生长在更深的地方,因此液体和熔体也将具有不同的化学性质。例如,在橄榄岩和玄武岩系统中,富水流体预计将远远超过其第二个临界终点,转变为含大量溶解硅酸盐成分的含水熔体(Kessel等人,2005;Mibe等人,2007;Liu et al. 2009a;Mibe et al. 2011;Kawamoto et al. 2012;Wang et al. 2020)。在考虑岩石圈下包裹体可能结晶的流体和熔体类型之前,我们考虑了稳定同位素,特别是碳同位素的证据,这些证据为潜在的来源岩性和低估岩石圈下钻石及其包裹体的不同种群提供了进一步的背景。岩石圈下钻石及其包裹体的稳定同位素组成已被广泛用于解释它们的起源(Deines 1980;Deines等,1991;Hutchison et al. 1999;Cartigny 2005;Bulanova et al. 2010;Palot et al. 2012;Shirey et al. 2013, 2019;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Burnham et al. 2015;Ickert et al. 2015)(另见Stachel et al. 2022b,本卷)。金刚石的碳、氮同位素和包裹体的氧同位素可以为含碳流体和熔体的潜在来源岩性提供证据。 碳同位素的测量最广泛使用SIMS,通常在单个生长层的空间尺度上,揭示岩石圈下钻石的不同种群。图23显示了我们数据库中含有包裹体的钻石碳同位素组成的频率直方图,按包裹体类型分开。假设原始地幔的碳同位素组成约为δ13C = -5±2‰(相对于PDB碳酸盐岩标准),而俯冲岩石圈岩性中的碳变化范围从δ13C = 0‰(例如海水碳酸盐岩)到δ13C = -25‰(可能代表生物源或非生物源有机碳的来源)。与含有变质橄榄岩组合的金刚石包裹体相比,含有变质玄武岩组合的金刚石包裹体有着明显的区别。低铬多数石榴石包裹体的主量元素和微量元素特征表明其为变质玄武岩或玄武岩-橄榄岩混合(变质辉石岩)组合。含低铬石榴石包裹体的钻石(图23a)的碳同位素组成在δ13C = -3 ~ -25‰之间变化范围很广,且大部分碳同位素明显轻于地幔碳,表明其碳源来自俯冲板块岩性,特别是玄武海洋地壳(Kaminsky et al. 2001;Stachel et al. 2002;Cartigny 2005;Bulanova et al. 2010;Palot et al. 2012, 2017;Cartigny et al. 2014;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。支持这一解释的是由钻石承载的石榴石和SiO2包裹体所显示的同位素重氧测量结果,这些包裹体具有同位素轻碳,重氧归因于海洋地壳与海水的相互作用(Burnham et al. 2015;Ickert et al. 2015)。氮同位素进一步支持了这一解释。虽然岩石圈下钻石的N含量通常很低(~70%为II型,>90%为N < 100 at.ppm),但在含有低铬多数石榴石的钻石中进行了分析,相对于原始地幔,N同位素较重,与海洋地壳来源一致(Palot et al. 2012;Regier et al. 2020)。很少有含有高铬多数石榴石的钻石进行了C同位素测量。五个中有四个具有较低的地幔样值,其中一个更轻,但数据太稀疏,无法得出任何确定的结论。含casio3丰富包裹体的金刚石(图23b) δ13C范围约为0 ~ -25‰。虽然测量相对较少,但在含有低钛和高钛夹杂物的钻石之间存在明显的区别。含低钛包裹体的金刚石,其化学特征与变质橄榄岩组合最为一致,通常具有较重的碳,其同位素组成与地幔碳峰重叠;例外情况包括一颗含有非常轻的碳(~ -23‰)和一颗含有异常重的碳(~ -1‰)。相比之下,高钛包裹体的化学特征与变质玄武岩组合一致,通常出现在碳含量较轻的钻石中,其范围与低铬多数石榴石相似。含有富mgsio3包裹体的金刚石δ13C的变化范围约为0 ~ -25‰(图23c)。富mgsio3的低铝包裹体具有变质橄榄岩组合的化学特征,主要出现在δ13C为0 ~ -4‰的重C钻石中,δ13C为~ -15‰的有两个例外。事实上,这组地幔的碳同位素特征显示出比正常地幔更重的碳。虽然测量数据稀疏,但d13C在-5 ~ -25‰之间的钻石中出现的高铝包裹体更符合变质玄武岩组合,类似于低铬多数石榴石和高钛富casio3包裹体钻石。同样,具有高Na斜辉石包裹体(图23d)的金刚石(成分类似于变质玄武岩组合)的δ13C范围从~ 0 ~ -18‰,而具有低Na斜辉石包裹体的金刚石同位素重,一般介于地幔和碳酸盐之间。铁方长石包裹体(图23e)在金刚石中的碳同位素分布相对较窄,δ13C ~ -4‰为峰值,与地幔碳基本一致,但向重碳和轻碳方向分布。含有橄榄石(图23f)包裹体的钻石与铁长石的分布相似,但有几个明显的异常值与更轻的c。铁长石和橄榄石都是典型的与变质橄榄岩组合相关的矿物,这与它们的碳同位素组成基本一致。钻石内含物中碳同位素的变化,其组成表明其为变质玄武岩(例如,低铬石榴石,高钛CaSiO3),在生长带中可能会有很大的变化(图22)(Bulanova et al. 2010;Palot等人。 2012;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。如此大的变化可归因于促进钻石生长的流体或熔体中碳源的变化,而不是钻石沉淀过程中碳的分馏。在对钻石从岩心到边缘进行测量的情况下,发现了碳同位素组成从岩心到边缘增加和减少的例子,尽管有一种明显的趋势,即当钻石岩心同位素较轻时,边缘往往较重(图22)(Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Palot et al. 2017)。例如,在10个岩心同位素组成低于δ13C = -20‰的案例中,边缘的组成明显更重,在某些情况下延伸到接近地幔值(Thomson et al. 2014)。这种变化可能代表了碳源的混合,因为来自海洋地壳的熔体和流体在迁移和演化过程中与来自地幔的碳混合在一起(Burnham et al. 2015)。根据岩石圈下钻石及其矿物包裹体的主要、微量和同位素组成,碳酸化熔体和含碳的含水流体或熔体被假定为潜在的钻石形成介质(Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;哈特2010;Stachel and Luth 2015;Palot et al. 2016;Thomson et al. 2016a,b;Smith et al. 2018;Timmerman et al. 2019;Zhu et al. 2019)(另见Luth et al. 2022,本卷)。我们注意到这些类型的流体/熔体并不相互排斥,地幔中的任何熔体或流体都可能含有碳、氢和其他挥发性不相容元素。Fe-Ni-S-C金属合金或硫化物熔体也被认为是潜在的流体生长介质(Smith etal . 2016b)。俯冲岩石圈板块通常被认为是富含挥发物的流体成分的来源,在这里我们评估了这些模型钻石形成流体。低度富碳熔体与变质玄武岩包裹体的成因。表明与变质玄武岩组合有成因关系的包裹体与俯冲洋壳低程度熔体的起源联系最为密切。在低cr镁铁岩和高ti casio3富相中观测到的亲石微量元素丰度(图6和9),加上熔融相关系的考虑,已经被解释为反映了与俯冲海洋地壳低程度熔融的平衡,通常在300至600 km范围内(Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Thomson et al. 2016a,b)。在这个模型中,钻石通过氧化还原反应从含碳低度熔体中共结晶,熔体从海洋地壳迁移到橄榄岩中,要么在板块内,要么在板块外的环境地幔中(Bulanova et al. 2010;Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011;Walter et al. 2011;Sun et al. 2020)。建模表明,熔体可以通过通道化的多孔流动迁移,并根据来自平板的通量,在数百万年的时间里保持熔融状态,在移动过程中发生反应和分化(Sun和Dasgupta 2019;Sun et al. 2020, 2021)。图24显示了根据实验矿物-熔体分配系数计算出的可与低cr多数石榴石、高ti钙硅酸盐钙钛矿和低Mg#/高al桥菱矿共存的熔体中微量元素丰度(归一化为MORB)(表3 -可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获取)。为了进行比较,还显示了在20gpa下计算的模式MORB和处理的MORB的低度熔体(F = 0.01)以及一套海洋碳酸盐的组成(Hoernle et al. 2002)。总体而言,计算出的三种元玄武岩包裹体共存熔体之间存在良好的对应关系,表明母熔体成分相似,包括高度不相容元素(如Th、U、Nb、Ta、La、Ce)的富集,以及Sr、Zr、Hf和Pb的共同相对缺失(未显示,通常未测量或低于检测限)。Bulanova等人(2010)和Thomson等人(2016a)提出了微量元素模型,其中包括钙硅酸盐钙钛矿和多数石榴石分选,可以合理地解释来自Juina地区各个管道(例如Collier-4, Juina-5)的包裹体样品组中观察到的微量元素丰度变化。特别是,富casio3包裹体的微量元素丰度与海洋地壳的低度熔体和来自海洋环境的碳酸盐惊人地相似。预期的高U/Pb和相对未分选的Rb/Sr和Lu/Hf使这些熔体成为假定的候选者,它们与地幔相互作用,可能随着时间的推移产生类似HIMU的同位素特征(Sun et al. 2021)。图25为碳酸化洋壳固相(Kiseeva et al. 2013a;Thomson et al. 2016a;Zhang等。 (2021),并明确说明了四面体磷和单价电荷平衡钛,主要成分定义为:大多数石榴石包裹体根据其压敏取代(表1,2)提供了深度大于~ 200 km的起源的直接证据,并且是唯一提供可量化的基于化学的晴雨表的包裹体。多数石榴石的内含物很普遍,在许多地方收集的钻石中都有发现,包括南非、巴西、西非、加拿大、俄罗斯和中国的克拉通。我们编制了214个石榴石包裹体的主元素化学分析,这些包裹体的主元素成分≥0.005。数据和参考资料如表1所示(可从https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获取)。多数石榴石包裹体为单颗或多颗金刚石(> 60%)或与斜辉共生(~20%),与富casio3相和SiO2共共生7个。因此,共生矿物学表明,在整个深部上地幔和过渡带中,多数石榴石包裹体结晶(图1)。许多(如果不是大多数的话)多数石榴石包裹体经历了逆行的再平衡和析出(图2)。据报道,辉长石斜辉石有时与其他小相析出(Harte and Cayzer 2007;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a, 2016;Burnham et al. 2016;Sobolev et al. 2016),通常是在单个包裹体的末端体积较小的外壳(图2)。在许多报告了大多数石榴石包裹体的研究中,没有描述或分析出溶特征。我们的经验表明,脱溶特征可能通常未被报道,这可能是早期电子显微探针成像能力较差的结果。这可能在研究中特别普遍,其中包含物从钻石中分离出来,而不是通过抛光暴露出来。漏出的斜辉石会影响包裹体的化学性质,因此它总是会导致使用经验的、基于化学的气压计对压力的低估。整个多数石榴石包裹体的分析对于未来尝试准确确定包裹体的年代也至关重要。表1提供了215个多数石榴石包裹体的主要元素和次要元素组成,通过电子探针微量分析确定(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K)以及描述分析方案的参考文献。我们将这些包裹体化学与合成实验多数石榴石的数据集进行了比较,这些石榴石在广泛的上地幔和过渡带压力和温度条件下结晶于橄榄岩、黑兹伯尔岩、玄武岩、沉积和混合体成分中。据我们所知,表1所示的成分数据是基于对暴露/提取包裹体中石榴石部分的微探针分析,没有再加入任何溶解的物质,因此得出的压力最小估计值。图3a为最初构建的岩石圈石榴石分类方案——CaO / Cr2O3图,有效地将多数石榴石包裹体划分为两种类型:低cr石榴石包裹体表现为Cr2O3低(< ~1 wt.%), Ca含量范围宽(~ 2 ~ 18 wt.% CaO), Mg#s (Mg/(Mg+Fe))以低于0.7为主;高铬石榴石包裹体表现为高Cr2O3 (1 ~ 20wt .%),低CaO (< 6wt .%), mg# s > 0.7,一般> 0.8。与实验研究中的大多数石榴石相比,低铬包裹体不像在变质橄榄岩组合中结晶的石榴石,而是与变质玄武岩组合中产生的石榴石广泛重叠,后者通常具有极低的Cr2O3 (< 0.1 wt.%)含量(图3,暗场)和同样广泛的CaO含量。我们注意到,在变质沉积物实验中产生的大多数石榴石中的Cr2O3含量总是没有报道,但也预计会产生低铬石榴石。一些低铬包裹体向较高的Cr2O3和较低的CaO含量延伸,出现在变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩组合中产生的多数石榴石之间(Thomson et al. 2016a)。除少数外,高铬包裹体的铬含量远高于实验中报道的变质橄榄岩组合中的石榴石(图3,浅灰色场),但与变质黑榴岩组合中产生的石榴石(图3,红色六角星)有相当大的重叠,表明高Cr2O3可能源于高度枯竭的地幔成分(Moore和Gurney 1985;Stachel et al. 2000;Wang et al. 2000b;Schulze et al. 2008;Motsamai et al. 2018)。图3b给出了另一种基于CaO和TiO2含量的化学图。 2020),相对于现代俯冲带背景下板块顶部和莫霍岛俯冲岩石圈的计算压力-温度剖面(Shirey et al. 2021)。实验研究中固形物的差异通常可归因于源玄武岩的Ca/Mg的变化,并应反映出俯冲改变的MORB的预期变化。“板块热”表明,碳酸化的海洋地壳将在大约13 GPa或更高的压力下融化,只有最冷的板块可能避免融化。在含碳体系中加入水将进一步减少固相,使洋壳熔融成为俯冲至深部上地幔和过渡带深度的必然结果。由于与相变有关的浮力的组合,俯冲板块被认为经常在过渡带停滞不前(Bina 1997;Billen 2008),因此大部分或所有的板壳可能会在~ 1100-1200°C的过渡区经历碳酸化融化。我们注意到,大多数石榴石包裹体在大约9和14 GPa时显示出两种压力模式(图4),或者在大约13和18 GPa时显示出一种合理的解溶修正(Thomson et al. 2021)。特别是高压模式,由变质玄武岩组合的低铬石榴石主导(图5b),发生在与碳酸化海洋地壳熔融模式基本一致的压力下。Thomson等(2016b)的实验也表明,洋壳和地幔橄榄岩的碳酸化熔体反应产物包括低cr、高Ca的镁铁石石榴石,其成分介于变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩之间;高ti钙钛矿,其成分低MgO;铁方长石,其Mg#s变化但较低,这些特征与岩石圈下钻石中变质玄武岩包裹体的观察结果一致。含水流体/熔体与变质橄榄岩包裹体的成因。在巴西Juina的一颗钻石中发现了含水环伍德石(~1.5 wt% H2O)包裹体,这为岩石圈下钻石成因中涉及富水流体提供了主要证据(Pearson et al. 2014),尽管迄今为止只发现了一个这样的包裹体。晶体学数据表明,Mg#为0.75±0.2,包裹体与富含casio3的包裹体共发生,具有白晶石结构,由于缺乏证据表明存在游离的CaTiO3相,可能属于低钛品种。因此,这种组合在名义上似乎是变质橄榄岩。来自巴西Juina的铁镁长石复合包裹体(Mg# = 0.84)中的水镁石和镁铁素体的溶解进一步证明了富水橄榄岩组合的作用。根据海水蚀变过程中蛇纹石中硼的高分配系数,蓝色(IIb型)钻石中硼含量相对较高(高达几ppm),这些钻石含有富mgsio3相、富casio3相、SiO2和铁长石包裹体,假设这是由于蛇纹石后矿物脱水造成的(Smith et al. 2018)。在IIb型钻石中,铁长石、富mgsio3相、富casio3相、SiO2和CF-或nal相的包裹体在包裹体腔内与固相共存的同时,还发现了一层薄薄的甲烷±氢流体,初步表明含水成分参与了钻石的生长(Smith et al. 2018)。在IIb型钻石中报道的共发生相也似乎是变质橄榄岩组合的一部分,尽管没有报道化学分析。富水玄武岩结合作用的证据来自于Egg相和δ-AlOOH的微或纳米包裹体(Wirth et al. 2007;2017年Kaminsky)。图25显示了含水橄榄岩的代表性相图,与现代俯冲带莫霍板块的模拟压力-温度路径一起,可以用来评估海洋岩石圈地幔中水俯冲到过渡带时的命运。正如前人所指出的,在俯冲岩石圈中保持水分需要在脱水曲线上的板块地幔温度保持在最低温度(~ 7 GPa和700℃)以下,其中反长岩和10 Å相(±Mg-sursassite)保持稳定(Iwamori 2004;Komabayashi et al. 2004;Shirey et al. 2021),这被称为“瓶颈”(Iwamori 2004)。估计含反长花岗岩的板状地幔的蓄水能力约为4 - 5% (Iwamori 2004;Komabayashi和Omori 2006),而10个Å含相(±Mg-sursassite)地幔组合的储水量为~ 1-2 wt% H2O (Iwamori 2004;Fumagalli and Poli, 2005)。 温暖板块的温度高于阻塞点,导致深度小于~250公里的板块地幔脱水,这样的板块不太可能将大量的水输送到玄武岩地壳或橄榄岩岩石圈的地幔深处(Okamoto和Maruyama 2004;van Keken et al. 2011;Shirey et al. 2021)。然而,温度较低的板块在莫霍和更冷的岩石圈内部有P-T路径,可以保持在远低于阻塞点的位置。根据地表附近地幔岩石圈水化作用的效率,较冷的板块可以将高达4 - 5%的水输送到地幔深处,至少在局部,在与地表附近板块弯曲相关的深裂缝中形成的蛇纹岩化区域(Faccenda 2014)。在较冷的板块中,反长岩在约250公里及更深的地方转变为一系列致密的含水硅酸镁相(DHMS),在地幔橄榄岩成分中,这些相具有储存至少5 wt%水的能力,可能超过10 wt% (Iwamori 2004)。以前的一些研究已经假定俯冲地幔岩石圈中DHMS阶段的水潴留(Thompson 1992;霜1999;Poli and Schmidt 2002;Iwamori 2004;Ohtani et al. 2004;Omori et al. 2004;哈特2010;van Keken et al. 2011;Ohtani 2015;Maurice et al. 2018)。如上所述,大多数板块预计将在过渡区减速和变形(Bina 1997;Billen 2008)。在此停滞期间,含氢板块在下降到下地幔之前将通过传导加热。图25显示,在过渡带加热几百度,这可能在大约10毫秒的时间内发生(Shirey et al. 2021),将导致在约1200-1300°C的板幔中DHMS相分解为含瓦德斯莱岩或环木岩组合和含水流体。含硅长石和菱长石的地幔可容纳1 ~ 2 wt%的水,但在更富水的板块地幔区,预计存在自由流体相。如果板块在过渡区没有足够的热量使DHMS相脱水,那么在~ 700-800公里处,由于另一个深槽或第二个“阻塞点”,当它们渗透到下地幔时,脱水是不可避免的。根据温度的不同,D相、超水B相或环木石将转变为名义上无水的桥菱铁矿、钙硅酸盐钙钛矿和铁方长石的组合,其体积储水量要低得多(< ~0.1 wt%) (Fu et al. 2019),可能导致下地幔顶部的含水熔融(Schmandt et al. 2014;Ohtani 2015, 2020;Walter et al. 2015)。在过渡带和下地幔深度释放的富水超临界流体或熔体的成分知之甚少,但应该有相当多的溶解硅酸盐成分,它们来自变质橄榄岩或变质玄武岩地幔源,远远超过它们的第二个临界端点(Mibe等人,2007年,2011年;Wang et al. 2020)。这种流体也可能含有从地幔橄榄岩或海洋地壳中获得的溶解碳成分。随着流体在板坯内部和可能从板坯外迁移,随后的反应可能会析出金刚石和内含物(Harte 2010)。低al - mgsio3富相、低ti - casio3富相和铁方长石的变质橄榄岩组合可能最好的解释是,在俯冲的岩石圈地幔中,特别是在耗尽的橄榄岩组成(如辉石)中,在低温下涉及这种富水流体/熔体的结晶(Harte 2010;Smith et al. 2018;Shirey et al. 2021)。图16显示,在~1200°C,脱水和流体释放预计会发生,组合主要由菱辉石、铁镁石、桥辉石、钙钛矿、石榴石和铁方长石组成。低钛富casio3相的Mg含量普遍较低,MgSiO3包裹体的al和ca含量普遍较低,这可能表明低温、含水流体或熔体携带溶解的橄榄岩成分形成平衡和结晶。这可能反映了钙硅钙钛矿和铁镁石在过渡带底部的平衡组合,或者钙钛矿和桥锰矿之间相对低温的平衡,其中溶剂导致低水平的固溶体(Irifune et al. 2000)。这样的低温也可以解释铁长石和辉长石的共生。Fe-Ni-S-C金属熔体的作用。据报道,在含有岩石圈下包裹体的钻石中发现了富铁金属和硫化物包裹体(Bulanova etal . 2010;Kaminsky and Wirth 2011;Smith and Kopylova 2014;Smith et al. 2016b, 2018)。Bulanova等。 低铝MgSiO3(原桥锰矿和/或铁镁长石)、低钛CaSiO3(原钙硅酸盐钙钛矿)和高镁铁方长石通常与下地幔浅层或深部过渡带的金刚石形成一致,并且观察到的包裹体组提供了低温(如钙钛矿中低Mg)平衡的证据;MgSiO3中钙含量低;铁方长石加铁长石组合)可能在1000-1200°C范围内。许多包裹体也表明了贫源岩性(例如,在一些MgSiO3中,低Al,低Ca,高Mg#;铁长石中Cr、Al和Na含量低),结合较低的平衡温度,表明其起源与衰竭的板幔岩石圈有关。Harte(2010)总结了其中的许多特征,并提出了一个与过渡带底部附近俯冲岩石圈地幔脱水有关的起源,而俯冲地幔脱水的相关系支持了这一假设。铁合金包裹体中的重铁同位素(可能与蛇纹石化过程中磁铁矿的形成有关)和含有变质橄榄岩包裹体的钻石的总体地幔状碳同位素组成都支持这一假设。这可能表明,板块衍生含水流体的碳来自下行板块的地幔部分或周围地幔,与俯冲洋壳的相互作用很少或根本没有相互作用。一些包裹体中甲烷的存在表明可能存在与金属合金相平衡的还原流体。高铬多数石榴石也具有变质橄榄岩的化学性质,但其表观形成压力表明其主要来源于上地幔,与深部包裹体组合无关,表明这些石榴石包裹体可能形成于岩石圈地幔的最深处。低钠斜辉石与铁方长石和富钙相的罕见共生也仍然是一个谜,但似乎反映了上地幔和过渡带的起源。变质玄武岩组的特征是低cr石榴石、高ti CaSiO3、高al MgSiO3、高na斜辉石以及罕见的CF和NAL包裹体(图1)。这些包裹体的主要元素组成类似于变质玄武岩和变质辉石岩岩性中的高压相。多数石榴石气压测量将其起源置于上地幔深部的过渡带,这与高ti CaSiO3包裹体起源的相平衡约束一致。相反,高al MgSiO3、CF和NAL包裹体提供了浅下地幔组合的证据。由此可见,变质玄武岩群的形成深度明显较广。变质玄武岩包裹体的微量元素浓度通常比MORB中预期的水平富集,有时富集很多个数量级,元素丰度模式将它们与深俯冲的海洋地壳联系起来。来自海洋地壳(可能是碳酸盐岩)的低度熔体与钻石的起源有关,钻石的形成可能是通过在板块地幔或周围地幔中氧化还原冻结的还原而发生的。低平衡温度表现为高钛CaSiO3包裹体(低mg含量),与在~1200℃时碳酸化/水化海洋地壳的熔融相关系一致。多数石榴石和斜辉石组成表明其起源与变质辉石岩有关,它们可能是俯冲洋壳熔体渗透并与板块地幔或周围地幔反应的混合反应产物。金刚石寄主的碳同位素组成与这种情况一致,可能反映了俯冲洋壳和橄榄岩地幔碳源的混合。岩石圈下钻石和包裹体形成模型的共同主题是俯冲岩石圈的关键作用,特别是来自板块岩性的流体和熔体,它们渗透并与板块内外的周围环境发生反应,沉淀钻石及其包裹体。本文提出的岩石圈下钻石的生成与俯冲板岩石圈停滞在过渡带和下地幔浅层有关,这让人想起Ringwood(1991)的巨石模型,这一观察结果在随后几年的许多研究中得到了回应。然而,随着我们对岩石圈下钻石和包裹体形成的理解不断加深,以及这些样本揭示了深部地幔过程的细节,许多问题仍然存在。在这篇综述中,我们采取了全球视角,强调了在所有样本克拉通的包含群中明显的相似性。 然而,与钻石和包裹体形成相关的过程也可能取决于特定的构造和俯冲的地球动力学背景,并且只有通过更大、更多样化的数据集才能很容易地看出区域差异。在未来的研究中可以解决的一些突出问题可能包括:岩石圈下钻石中共发生相的实际分布是什么?在许多情况下,特别是在开创性的研究中,通过切割钻石来获取内含物是一种常见的做法,单个钻石中共同发生的相是未知的或未报告的,这会导致数据偏差。今后的研究应集中于确定在单个钻石中同时出现的所有主要内含物。这需要结合包括x射线衍射和断层扫描在内的技术,特别是在同步加速器设施中(Wenz et al. 2019)。钻石应通过切割和抛光来充分表征,以揭示内含物,最好对内含物进行全面的主微量元素化学分析和对宿主钻石进行同位素分析。富铁方长石包裹体是如何形成的?在什么深度?这些是下地幔相还是上地幔相?它们是否代表了钻石结晶过程中熔体/流体与地幔相互作用时氧化还原过程的残留物?明显的Ba和Y异常的来源是什么?需要更多的富铁包裹体的氧化还原状态、微量元素数据和包裹体的铁同位素组成数据来了解这些重要而丰富的包裹体。什么是真正的多数石榴石压力分布?虽然有可靠的多数石榴石气压计可用,并且有大量数据集揭示了从软流圈到过渡带的一系列压力,但大多数石榴石包裹体只有在准确了解其整体化学成分的情况下才能提供准确的起源深度。目前岩石圈下石榴石包裹体中常见的斜辉石分离掩盖了这一信息。未来对大多数石榴石包裹体的研究应集中于通过x射线断层扫描、顺序切片和所有未混合成分分析等方法重建整体成分。复合包裹体的上升流历史是怎样的?在岩石圈下包裹体中,相分离是常见的,但在大多数情况下,隆升历史仍然是一个谜。它们的最终停留深度是什么?隆升机制是什么(即地幔柱中的固态上升流;渗透熔体中的运输)仍然是重要的未解决的问题。钻石和包裹体形成的年代是什么?它们能否在空间和时间上与古俯冲联系起来?它们与上升的时间和地表火山就位有什么关系?关于岩石圈下钻石形成年龄的信息很少,但这对于在地球动力学和构造背景下放置模型至关重要。使用Re-Os和casio3富相使用U-Pb对小硫化物颗粒进行定年,尽管具有极大的挑战性,但可能是提供关键年龄限制的最佳机会。俯冲板块岩石圈产生的流体和熔体可能是金刚石形成和包裹体平衡的介质,但对这些熔体的相平衡或成分知之甚少。钻石沉淀的深层熔体和流体的成分是什么?包裹体可能是平衡的吗?发生什么反应形成钻石及其内含物?为了对形成岩石圈下钻石及其内含物的流体、熔体和反应有更深入的了解,需要对具有混合挥发相的一系列组成物进行实验。岩石圈下钻石共现相的实际分布是什么?在许多情况下,特别是在开创性的研究中,通过切割钻石来获取内含物是一种常见的做法,单个钻石中共同发生的相是未知的或未报告的,这会导致数据偏差。今后的研究应集中于确定在单个钻石中同时出现的所有主要内含物。这需要结合包括x射线衍射和断层扫描在内的技术,特别是在同步加速器设施中(Wenz et al. 2019)。钻石应通过切割和抛光来充分表征,以揭示内含物,最好对内含物进行全面的主微量元素化学分析和对宿主钻石进行同位素分析。富铁方长石包裹体是如何形成的?在什么深度?这些是下地幔相还是上地幔相?它们是否代表了钻石结晶过程中熔体/流体与地幔相互作用时氧化还原过程的残留物?明显的Ba和Y异常的来源是什么?需要更多的富铁包裹体的氧化还原状态、微量元素数据和包裹体的铁同位素组成数据来了解这些重要而丰富的包裹体。 什么是真正的多数石榴石压力分布?虽然有可靠的多数石榴石气压计可用,并且有大量数据集揭示了从软流圈到过渡带的一系列压力,但大多数石榴石包裹体只有在准确了解其整体化学成分的情况下才能提供准确的起源深度。目前岩石圈下石榴石包裹体中常见的斜辉石分离掩盖了这一信息。未来对大多数石榴石包裹体的研究应集中于通过x射线断层扫描、顺序切片和所有未混合成分分析等方法重建整体成分。复合包裹体的上升流历史是怎样的?在岩石圈下包裹体中,相分离是常见的,但在大多数情况下,隆升历史仍然是一个谜。它们的最终停留深度是什么?隆升机制是什么(即地幔柱中的固态上升流;渗透熔体中的运输)仍然是重要的未解决的问题。钻石和包裹体形成的年代是什么?它们能否在空间和时间上与古俯冲联系起来?它们与上升的时间和地表火山就位有什么关系?关于岩石圈下钻石形成年龄的信息很少,但这对于在地球动力学和构造背景下放置模型至关重要。使用Re-Os和casio3富相使用U-Pb对小硫化物颗粒进行定年,尽管具有极大的挑战性,但可能是提供关键年龄限制的最佳机会。俯冲板块岩石圈产生的流体和熔体可能是金刚石形成和包裹体平衡的介质,但对这些熔体的相平衡或成分知之甚少。钻石沉淀的深层熔体和流体的成分是什么?包裹体可能是平衡的吗?发生什么反应形成钻石及其内含物?为了对形成岩石圈下钻石及其内含物的流体、熔体和反应有更深入的了解,需要对具有混合挥发相的一系列组成物进行实验。与本章相关的表格可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K (Walter et al. 2022)上找到。我们要感谢Galina Bulanova、Antony Burnham、Rick Carlson、Ben Harte、Dan Howell、Simon Kohn、Nico Kueter、Sami Mikhail、Fabrizio Nestola、Peng Ni、Graham Pearson、Anat Shahar、Steve Shirey、Chris Smith、Lara Speich、Thomas Stachel、Peter van Keken和Lara Wagner,感谢他们的多次对话和深刻见解,帮助形成了这份报告。特别感谢Thomas Stachel提供了他令人难以置信的包容性数据库。我们感谢Ben Harte, Thomas Stachel, Karen Smit和Graham Pearson的建设性评论,这些评论使本章的思想和表达更加清晰。 实验石榴石根据其整体组成,通常在图中占据单独的区域,变质橄榄岩石榴石的CaO和TiO2含量较低,变质玄武岩和变质沉积石榴石的CaO和TiO2含量较高。低铬包裹体主要以图3b中较低的Mg#为特征,以变质玄武岩和变质沉积实验石榴石为代表。相比之下,高铬包裹体的TiO2含量比在变质橄榄岩组合中观察到的要低,但与一些实验中的变质黑榴石石榴石相似。我们还注意到,试验性变质沉积石榴石的Mg#s≪0.4,与观察到的大多数石榴石包裹体的成分范围普遍不一致。总体而言,低铬多数石包裹体类似于岩石圈石榴石包裹体,被归类为榴辉岩(Stachel et al. 2000a),我们称之为变质玄武岩,而高铬包裹体类似于石榴石,具有贫的变质玄武岩亲和力。替换机制。图4显示了包裹体和实验石榴石的大部分石榴石取代成分(图1-3),以一价和二价阳离子的变化表示。变质橄榄岩组合中稳定的大多数石榴石主要遵循[maj]替代向量。这些变橄榄岩石榴石具有很少的,但通常不是零的,非电荷平衡钛的一价阳离子(图4a),并且随着多数石成分的增加,它们具有越来越多的二价阳离子(图4b)。图4b中理想取代载体周围的分散可以部分解释为未识别的Fe3+,但“额外”单价阳离子的掺入,特别是在较高的(Si + P−3)值下,表明在实验石榴石成分中存在两种取代机制,但以[maj]取代为主。相比之下,来自变质玄武岩和变质沉积组合的实验多数石榴石主要遵循理想的[Na-maj]替代向量。这种行为反映了这些大块成分中较高的碱含量和较低的镁含量,导致单价阳离子随着镁石成分的增加而增加(图4a),而二价阳离子则减少(图4b)。图4(作为钻石)也显示了来自表1的全球多数石榴石包裹体成分。高铬包裹体(绿色钻石)聚集在原点周围,并仅沿着[maj]矢量延伸至约0.3。低铬包裹体(蓝钻石)并不完全遵循任何一种取代,而是跨越了[maj]和[Na-maj]取代之间的组成范围。这可能表明钠玄武岩原岩较低,可能是由于地球历史早期产生了更多富镁玄武岩(Pearson et al. 2003),但以前被解释为与混合或辉石岩成分有关(Kiseeva et al. 2013);Thomson et al. 2016a, 2021)。[maj]组分较大的低铬包裹体镁含量较高,但变化不大,为0.6 < mg# < 0.85,一般遵循[maj]取代。然而,这些内含物组成显然不完全与[maj]向量相关,有些明显倾向于[Na-maj]替代。实验多数石榴石数据集中元素取代所表达的化学变化已被用于校准量化结晶压力的经验气压计,为钻石地层深度提供了重要的约束条件。读者可参考Nimis 2022(本卷)了解矿物气压测量的额外内容。所有已发表的大多数石榴石气压计在其实验校准中都排除了温度的影响,仅依靠主要元素化学的参数化来预测包裹体形成压力(Collerson et al. 2010;Wijbrans et al. 2016;Beyer and Frost 2017;Tao et al. 2018;Thomson et al. 2021)。在每项研究中,计算压力的准确性基于重现各自校准数据集的能力,估计为±1 - 2 GPa。然而,当这些气压计应用于校准数据范围之外的实验大部分成分时,不确定度可能会大得多。例如,当应用于整个实验数据库中的大多数石榴石时,Thomson等人(2021)表明,在现有的气压计中存在更大的不确定性,并且在应用于最高压力的实验石榴石时,存在压力低估的趋势,有时高达10 GPa。与之前使用有限成分范围的实验子集的研究相反,Thomson等人。 (2021)利用所有可用的实验数据训练了一种机器学习算法,生成了一个跨整个实验压力、温度和成分空间校准的气压计,显著提高了再现完整实验数据集的准确性,特别是在最高压力下。图5显示的是使用多数石榴石气压计计算的石榴石包裹体压力直方图。在~ 7 ~ 10和~ 12 ~ 15 GPa时,所有的气压计都表现出具有不同压力模式的双峰压力分布。Thomson等人(2021)的气压计预测了最高压力模式,其中一些包裹体表明压力高达~ 22 GPa (~ 600 km深度)。然而,我们强调,许多,如果不是全部,大多数石榴石包裹体含有少量的外露辉石辉石,其遗漏导致压力低估。这种溶解可能是在金刚石挖掘过程中,在包裹后较低压力下部分再平衡的结果。Thomson等人(2021)基于来自整个全球数据集中的8个包裹体,其中有足够的数据可用于估计包裹体成分并校正出溶性,他们证明,如果忽略出溶性特征,包裹体压力可能被低估了~4±2.5 GPa。图5e显示了使用Thomson等人(2021)的气压计计算的大多数石榴石包体压力直方图,根据低铬和高铬品种进行分离。分布表明,高压模式几乎全部被低铬石榴石占据,其成分为变质玄武岩。高铬多数石榴石在较低压力下(如< ~10 GPa)的浓度表明,与高铬包裹体相比,含有这些贫变质橄榄岩包裹体的钻石形成于独特的环境,甚至可能是在深克拉通岩石圈而不是对流地幔中形成的。表2中报告了58个主要石榴石内含物的微量元素浓度测量,这些测量主要是使用爱丁堡离子探针设施(EIMF)的SIMS分析进行的(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K)。图6显示了大多数石榴石包裹体的微量元素“蜘蛛图”,元素丰度归一化到McDonough和Sun(1995)的硅酸盐地球模型,我们称之为BSE(散装硅酸盐地球)。我们选择维持低铬(图6a,c)和高铬(图6b,d)的划分,并发现微量元素丰度模式在这两组之间也普遍不同。低铬多数石包裹体系统地比高铬包裹体更富集微量元素,通常富集约一个数量级。大多数石榴石包裹体几乎都具有负Sr异常,许多包裹体具有正Zr和Hf异常。稀土元素(REE)模式普遍表现为轻稀土(LREE)的贫化,Lu/La比值在~ 0.15 ~ 1800之间,>80%的包裹体大于1。低铬包裹体通常比高铬包裹体具有更高的Lu/La。在测量中,Th, U和Nb相对于BSE相对富集,而Ba, Li和Rb,除了少数例外,都是不同的贫化。在一些低铬多数石榴石中存在少量的负Eu和Y异常,而在一些高铬包裹体中则表现出较大的Y异常。图6还显示了与观察到的包裹体进行比较的计算结果,其中估计了亚固体变质橄榄岩、变质黑曜岩和变质玄武岩(MORB)矿物组合中多数石榴石的微量元素浓度。根据Thomson等人(2016b)的方法,利用已发表的实验约束相组合的矿物/熔体分配系数计算了多数石榴石的亚固态成分。例如,下面的质量平衡定义了多相组合中任何单相的微量元素含量:其中XiA,XiB,XiC是微量元素i在a, B和C相中的浓度,Di是矿物/熔体分配系数,α, β和γ是相组合中a, B和C相的比例。橄榄岩的总体微量元素含量(Xitotal)为BSE (McDonough and Sun 1995),而辉锌矿取自Secchiari et al(2020)报道的俯冲带环境中熔体消耗形成的9个样品的平均值,而平均洋中脊玄武岩(ALL-MORB)用于表示玄武岩成分(Gale et al. 2013)。“处理后”MORB的计算方法如Thomson等人(2016b)所述,并用于估计亚弧后俯冲的MORB地壳脱水。表3(可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K上找到)提供了分配系数的来源和每个相组合中用于计算从过渡带到下地幔压力下矿物组合中共存相中微量元素丰度的相比例。 图6a显示,在过渡带条件下,低铬包裹体与变质橄榄岩组合中的包裹体不同;变质橄榄岩或变质辉锌矿中与钙硅酸盐钙钛矿平衡的多数石榴石比低铬包裹体贫得多。浅过渡带条件下的橄榄岩多数石榴石与瓦德利石和斜辉石平衡,相对于BSE的总体富集水平与一些低cr包裹体相似,但总体模式,特别是REE和轻度Sr异常的丰度和斜率与多数石榴石包裹体不同。微量元素与Ca和Cr含量一致,表明低Cr多数石榴石不具有变质橄榄岩亲和力。相反,图6c表明,低铬多数包裹体具有变质玄武岩组合中多数石榴石成分的特征。石榴石在14 GPa处的计算丰度一般在低铬包裹体中观察到的范围内,而在20 GPa处由于与钙硅酸钙钛矿共存,计算丰度在包裹体中较低的范围内。我们注意到,一些大离子亲石元素(LILE)和Sr的消耗在“处理”的MORB组成中得到了最好的再现,与亚弧板脱挥发过程中的损失一致。虽然一些低铬包裹体具有相对扁平的中重稀土元素,类似于14 GPa的变质玄武岩石榴石(例如,Lu/Sm接近统一),但许多包裹体在20 GPa时显示出与MORB相似的LREE和MREE耗尽,尽管总体丰度高出一个数量级。因此,虽然低铬包裹体更像是变质玄武岩石榴石成分,但它们通常具有微量元素丰度,相对于加工后的MORB中被捕获的亚固体物质部分的预期,这些元素丰度较高。高铬包裹体的总体丰度水平通常与变质橄榄岩岩性中预期的丰度水平相似。它们往往具有负Sr异常,通常具有相对平坦的REE丰度模式(图6b),最类似于低压力下的变橄榄岩,其中钙硅酸盐钙钛矿不稳定,这与它们较低的计算压力一致(图5e)。对于高铬包裹体,LILE、Th、U、Nb、Ta的测量很少;虽然这可能表明它们在这些成分中非常耗尽,但重要的是要注意,这些元素并没有在所有研究中进行分析。高铬包裹体的另外两个特征是,许多包裹体具有负Y异常,其起源尚不清楚,但被认为与地球表面过程有关(Thomson et al. 2016b)。此外,一些高铬样品具有正弦REE模式,这是岩石圈包体中常见的特征,被认为记录了交代流体的影响(Stachel et al. 1998b;Wang et al. 2000b;Stachel et al. 2004),可能与它们起源于岩石圈深部地幔相一致。具有ABO3化学计量的岩石圈下钻石包裹体在富钙和富镁品种中均有出现。根据它们的矿物学和化学性质,这些包裹体通常被解释为具有前“钙钛矿”结构的高压相,这些结构已经退化为低压多晶态或相组合(Harte和Harris 1994;Stachel et al. 1998a, 2000b, 2005;Harte et al. 1999;Joswig et al. 1999;Hutchison等,2001;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Brenker et al. 2002, 2005, 2021;Davies et al. 2004b;Hayman et al. 2005;Walter et al. 2008, 2011;Tappert et al. 2009;哈特2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2015, 2016, 2020;Burnham et al. 2016;Nestola et al. 2018)。因此,这些包裹体是少数被认为起源于深部过渡带和下地幔浅层的已知样品,因此可以提供对这些深度发生的岩性和过程的深入了解。矿物钙钛矿具有CaTiO3组成,是正交的,并在Pnma空间群中结晶。在高压和温度实验中,在变质玄武岩和变质橄榄岩组合中,具有MgSiO3(桥辉石)和CaSiO3成分的钙钛矿结构相结晶(Liu and Ringwood 1975;Yagi et al. 1978;伊藤等人,1984;入船1987;Kesson et al. 1994;Kesson et al. 1995)。富mgsio3包裹体被解释为原桥辉石,以逆行顽辉石的形式出现。金刚石中的CaSiO3和Ca(Si,Ti) O3包裹体通常被解释为最初钙钛矿结构相的产物,这些相已经退回到低压多晶态,CaSiO3最常以白晶石(以前称为钙硅石)的形式出现,但也观察到硅灰石(Nestola等人,2018;Smith et al. 2018)。CaTiO3钙钛矿也与CaSiO3共存,是复合包裹体组合的一部分。 本文综述了岩石圈下钻石包裹体中富mgsio3相和富casio3相的化学性质。我们认识到包裹体不是作为高压钙钛矿结构的多晶体出现的,而是作为逆行矿物出现的,我们将审查它们分别为前桥菱铁矿和钙硅酸盐钙钛矿矿物的证据。富casio3包裹体组成包括来自4个克拉通的53个钻石样品,其中41个来自南美洲。观察到的包裹体的矿物学鉴定通常是基于主要元素的化学计量学,尽管在一些研究中,晶体结构是通过拉曼光谱或x射线衍射确定的(Joswig et al. 1999;Brenker et al. 2005;Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014;Burnham et al. 2016;Korolev et al. 2018;Nestola et al. 2018;Smith et al. 2018)。包裹体要么是单相的CaSiO3 (breyite或硅灰石),要么是CaSiO3与其他相的复合混合物,包括CaTiO3(钙钛矿)、CaSi2O5(钛矿结构)、Ca2SiO4 (larnite)和ZrO2(图7)。具有整体Ca(Si,Ti)O3化学计量的复合包裹体通常被解释为原始均一相的分离;不混合解释的另一种解释是,“岩石”或熔体的一部分被困住了,包裹着具有ABO3化学计量的成分,这是极不可能的。在五种情况下,富casio3相与富MgSiO3相共存于同一颗钻石中,在九种情况下,它们与铁长石共存,只有三种钻石同时存在MgSiO3和铁长石。这些非接触的共生组合通常归因于下地幔组合(Stachel et al. 2000b;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Davies et al. 2004a;Hayman et al. 2005;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)(图1)。在五种情况下,与多数石榴石在同一颗钻石中出现了富含CaSiO3的相(Kaminsky et al. 2001;Hayman et al. 2005;Bulanova et al. 2010;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。与富含casio3的相共生的其他相包括SiO2(可能是原辉石)、merwinite (Ca3Mg(SiO4)2)、casi2o5 -钛矿、铬铁矿、fe - ni金属和硫化物(Stachel etal . 2000b;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Brenker et al. 2005,2021;Hayman et al. 2005;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov等,2014a,b;Burnham et al. 2016;Smith et al. 2016b)。表4提供了富含casio3的包裹体的主要和次要元素组成(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K)。许多工作人员注意到,富含casio3的包裹体往往是接近纯相的,分析的成分显示,几乎所有的矿中都只有少量的MgO、Al2O3和FeO (Harte et al. 1999;Joswig et al. 1999;Stachel et al. 2000b;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Davies et al. 2004b;Hayman et al. 2005;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a;Nestola et al. 2018)。最值得注意的是,在测量了MgO的40个包裹体中,有29个包裹体的MgO丰度< 0.1 wt%,而在未报告MgO的情况下,包裹体可能也具有异常低的这种常规测量氧化物丰度。如此低的MgO含量与对地幔温度下变质橄榄岩组合中钙硅酸盐钙钛矿的预期不一致(Wang et al. 2000;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Armstrong et al. 2012;Thomson et al. 2014)。根据TiO2含量的差异,我们将富含casio3的包裹体分为两组,其中40个低钛包裹体(TiO2 < 0.7 wt%)和13个高钛包裹体(TiO2 > 2 wt%)。图8是Ti/(Ti + Si)与(a) Mg/(Mg + Ca)和(b) Al(每个分子式单位)的对比图,说明了在实验中合成的变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩矿物组合中,与钙硅酸盐钙钛矿的组成相比,许多包裹体的不同寻常的体积组成。低钛CaSiO3包裹体。大多数低钛casio3富包裹体与实验中合成的包裹体不同,它们的MgO和TiO2含量极低(图8a), Al2O3(图8b)和FeO含量也非常低。三种低钛包裹体与富mgsio3包裹体共存于钻石中,这些包裹体被解释为下地幔起源,但在每种情况下,MgO含量都< 0.1 wt% (Stachel et al. 2000b;Davies et al. 2004b;Hayman et al. 2005;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。如此低的MgO含量与在地幔温度下的下地幔组合中与桥锰矿(MgSiO3)平衡的钙硅酸盐钙钛矿不一致(图8),后者的MgO含量要高得多(Irifune et al. 2000;Walter et al. 2008)。 只有一个来自巴西Machado河的包裹体,其MgO含量高到足以潜在地与低地幔压力和温度下的变质橄榄岩组合的起源相一致,尽管其Ti含量要低得多(Burnham et al. 2016)。图8还显示了钙硅酸盐钙钛矿与偏玄武质成分中多数石榴石和环木石等过渡带相处于平衡状态的实验。这些实验产生了一些镁含量较低但钛含量较高的钙硅酸盐钙钛矿。在任何情况下,几乎所有低钛CaSiO3包裹体的组成都与原始地幔橄榄岩中的桥锰矿在适合环境下地幔温度(例如> 1700℃)的平衡状态下产生的钙硅酸盐钙钛矿非常不同。低钛CaSiO3包裹体MgO含量低的一个可能解释是,它们最初是钙硅酸盐钙钛矿与桥菱铁矿平衡形成的,但温度较低,远低于图8所示的实验(Irifune et al. 2000;Armstrong et al. 2012)。Irifune等人(2000)证明,在1500°C及以上的温度下,大量(比包裹体高~10倍)MgO溶解到钙硅酸盐钙钛矿中,并表明Harte等人(1999)报道的富casio3包裹体中低MgO含量可能反映了9gpa时的平衡和包裹体夹持。其中5种高钛CaSiO3包裹体与多数石榴石共生,气压测量产生的压力为~11、12、13、14和22 GPa,没有对斜辉石析出进行校正(Thomson et al. 2021)。这些压力与复合CaSiO3包裹体最初作为钙钛矿固溶体形成一致,但其形成深度跨越深部上地幔和过渡带,而不是下地幔,与它们的低MgO含量一致。整个富casio3包裹体组中共同出现的多数榴石的压力总体上与弹性测压法的最小估计一致(Anzolini等人,2018),并表明钻石中钙硅酸盐钙钛矿包裹的压力可能远低于基于地幔岩性相关系的预期(图1),可能是由于富钙流体或熔体的结晶(Brenker等人,2005,2021;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010)。在许多富含casio3的包裹体中显示出的向含白晶石组合的分解需要将金刚石从钙钛矿稳定场输送到地幔的较浅深度,其机制可能包括地幔对流(例如,在羽流中输送)或渗透熔融(Davies et al. 2004b;Harte and Cayzer 2007;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Sun et al. 2020)。虽然溶出和共生矿物表明,许多富含casio3的包裹体的起源是钙硅酸钙钛矿,但在某些情况下,包裹体可能在上地幔压力下(例如,~ 3至9 GPa,图9a)直接结晶为单相白晶石,而不是钙硅酸钙钛矿。有人认为,这可能发生在俯冲变质沉积物等富钙岩性中,也可能发生在这种富钙沉积物和橄榄岩地幔产生的熔体的反应中(Brenker et al. 2005,2021;Woodland et al. 2020)。值得注意的是,在两种情况下,汞辉石(Ca3MgSi2O8)被认为是与低钛CaSiO3共存的包裹体,这表明两者之间存在富钙关联。我们还注意到,一些富钙包裹体的Ca/Si比在白晶石+菱辉石的复合组合中大于单体(Brenker et al. 2005, 2021;Smith et al. 2018),尽管没有大量成分的报道,这些也不是我们数据汇编的一部分。目前尚不清楚这些复合包裹体是否代表在独特岩性中形成的富钙硅酸盐相,或者它们包含未被发现的质量平衡casi2o5 -钛矿相,或者这些包裹体是否可能代表被困的熔融相。钙钛矿结构CaSiO3包裹体。两项研究提供了富含casio3的包裹体保留钙钛矿结构的证据,既得出了岩石在下地幔内形成的结论,也得出了保存到地表的证据。Nestola等人(2018)结合拉曼、x射线衍射和EBSD对来自南非(Cullinan)的复合CaSiO3 + CaTiO3包裹体进行了分析,并将包裹体的CaSiO3部分解释为正交钙钛矿结构(图7h)。然而,这种解释与图9b中的相关系不一致,因为不存在catio3 -钙钛矿和casio3 -钙钛矿共存的稳定场;实验表明,这两相之间存在完全的固溶体,解混后将得到CaTiO3钙钛矿+ breyite或硅灰石。考虑到包裹体中CaSiO3和CaTiO3区域的邻近性(图2)。 7h)和它们非常相似的拉曼光谱,以及x射线衍射数据在单位胞体积上的很大不确定性,这种解释需要进一步评估。Tschauner等人(2021)从x射线衍射和从体LA-ICP-MS分析(金刚石加内含物)中获得的成分信息中提出证据,认为博茨瓦纳(GRR-1507)涂层金刚石的核心在立方钙钛矿结构中含有一种不寻常的碱和富含铬的CaSiO3的内含物。金刚石和包裹体的数据更容易与克拉通岩石圈地幔的起源相一致。金刚石核的高N含量和低聚集N与对流地幔温度下的起源不一致,而与岩石圈温度下的储存一致。x射线衍射数据不是唯一的,可以很好地与含有微包裹体的岩石圈钻石中常见的相匹配。计算的(不是直接测量的)体包裹体组成太不精确,无法用CaSiO3化学计量学来确认相。最值得注意的是,计算出的包裹体中K、Na和Cr的含量非常高,与我们数据集中已知的任何富含casio3的包裹体不同,其含量要高出10倍(图8,表4 -可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K),但与在同一套样品和其他岩石圈包裹钻石中发现的微包裹体相似(Navon et al. 1988;Weiss et al. 2014)。这两个结果都需要进一步的评估,但我们认为在地球表面回收一个钙钛矿结构的CaSiO3样品在地质上是不可能的,它起源于过渡带或下地幔。实验表明,CaSiO3的低压晶型(例如,白晶石或硅灰石)在实验中在1200℃下在几分钟到几小时内达到平衡(Kubo et al. 1997;Sueda et al. 2006),这些矿物通常在我们的casio3丰富的包裹体数据库中作为单晶相和复合包裹体的未混合组分观察到(图7;表4(可从https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获取)。Wang and Weidner 1994;Thomson et al. 2019)。需要更多的工作来更好地评估可能允许稳定的钙钛矿结构相保留到表面的潜在P-T路径,但目前这些研究中提供的数据在我们看来,并不支持稳定的钙钛矿结构casio3相作为钻石包裹体的解释。对20个富含casio3的包裹体进行了微量元素分析,其中11个来自低钛组,9个来自高钛组。表5提供了这些数据(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获得),并在图10中绘制为蜘蛛图,归一化为疯牛病。20个内含物中有18个用爱丁堡离子探针设备(EIMF)的SIMS测量,2个用LA-ICP-MS测量。图中还显示了平衡钙硅酸盐钙钛矿的丰度计算模式,并预测了过渡带和下地幔条件下变质橄榄岩和变质玄武岩(MORB)的组合。低钛CaSiO3包裹体。图10a显示了低钛包裹体的微量元素丰度。包裹体相对于疯牛病在大多数微量元素富集高达两个数量级以上。相对于下地幔或深部过渡带中变质橄榄岩或变质黑榴岩组合中亚固体钙硅酸盐钙钛矿的微量元素丰度模型,大多数微量元素也富集了一个数量级。在MORB或加工的MORB中,它们与钙硅酸盐钙钛矿最相似,但这与它们的低钛含量不一致(图8)。许多包裹体Rb、Ba、Sr、Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta和Y相对缺乏,轻稀土相对于重稀土富集。值得注意的是,最不富集的包裹体可能与变质橄榄岩下地幔组合的起源相一致,而这个来自巴西Machado河的包裹体(Burnham et al. 2016)也是整个数据集中唯一一个MgO含量似乎与低地幔温度下的桥辉石平衡相一致的包裹体。因此,低钛包裹体具有变质橄榄岩的主元素亲和力,但通常富含不相容的微量元素。高钛CaSiO3包裹体。图10b显示了高钛包裹体的微量元素丰度。这些包裹体的一个显著特征是它们相对于疯牛病的微量元素丰度极高。例如,最富集的包裹体在Th、U和轻REE等不相容元素中具有1000 ~ 70000 × BSE。 除了一个包裹体外,所有包裹体都表现出较大的负Sr异常,其特征是测量时Hf, Zr, Nb和Ta以及Rb和Ba的相对耗尽(这些元素在几个包裹体中低于检测水平)。包裹体中微量元素丰度与上-下地幔变质橄榄岩或变质玄武岩矿物组合中的钙硅酸钙钛矿不一致。最不富集包裹体的丰度与MORB或加工MORB中模拟的钙硅酸盐钙钛矿重叠,但Sr和HFSE异常更为明显。相对于MORB的预期,大多数包裹体显著富集,对许多元素而言,富集程度超过两个数量级(Wang et al. 2000;Walter et al. 2008;Bulanova et al. 2010;Thomson et al. 2016b)。CaSiO3包裹体中微量元素总体富集模式和丰度模式特征总体上与涉及低程度熔体的平衡相一致,可能来源于变质玄武岩组合,如“讨论”部分所述。富mgsio3相与ABO3化学计量学的汇编包括来自6个克拉通的55个钻石包裹体,其中42个来自南美洲(表6 -可在https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K获得)。单相夹杂物和复合夹杂物(图11)均有报道。其中35个包裹体与含铁方长石的组合共存,4个包裹体与富casio3相共存。在同一颗金刚石中,铁方长石和CaSiO3有三种共现。富mgsio3相与铁镁长石和/或富casio3相的共存为解释这些包裹体组合的变质橄榄岩和下地幔关联提供了基础(Harte等,1999;Stachel et al. 2000b;Hutchison等,2001;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Davies et al. 2004b;Hayman et al. 2005;哈特2010;Burnham et al. 2016)。没有发现富MgSiO3的包裹体具有桥菱铁矿的晶体结构,通常认为观察到的长辉石结构的MgSiO3包裹体,根据x射线衍射和拉曼光谱(Hutchison et al. 2001;Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014;Burnham et al. 2016),代表了bridgmanite的倒退。在复合包裹体中与MgSiO3一起观察到的矿物,以及在后退过程中被解释为溶出相的矿物包括橄榄石、铁长石、长辉锌矿(以前称为TAPP,理想情况下为Mg3Al2Si3O12)、钛铁矿、磁铁矿、尖晶石和镁砂ulvöspinel(图11)(Harte et al. 1999;Stachel et al. 2000b;Hutchison等,2001;Kaminsky et al. 2001;Hayman et al. 2005;Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014;Zedgenizov et al. 2014a)。在同一颗金刚石中,与富mgsio3相共存的其他相包括斜辉石、橄榄石、碳酸盐和富镍金属。我们注意到在我们的富mgsio3包裹体编译中包含了8个jeffenite包裹体。已公布的富mgsio3包体的主要元素组成由电子探针测定,见表6(可在:https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K)。根据其氧化铝含量的差异,将夹杂物分为两组:Al2O3 < 3.5 wt%的低al组和Al2O3 > 7 wt%的高al组。低铝组由34个富mgsio3的包裹体组成,其中24个为单相包裹体,另外10个为复合包裹体,包含少量的溶出相,包括橄榄石、铁方长石和长叶辉石。据我们所知,复合包裹体的EPMA分析不包括溶出相,而是代表包裹体中富含mgsio3的部分。Burnham等人(2016)报道的两个复合包裹体是例外,其中包裹体成分是通过观察相的重组来报告的。27个低铝包裹体与铁方石相共存,4个与铁方石相和富casio3相共存。高铝组包括21个夹杂物,全部来自南美洲。其中7个为单相包裹体,6个为复合包裹体(图11),含顽辉石±长辉石/橄榄石/spinel-ulvöspinel/磁铁矿/SiO2。通过对整个包裹体进行宽光束或多次分析,或根据图像分析估计的模式,结合对单个相位的斑点分析,估计了六个复合包裹体中的四个的总体成分(Walter et al. 2011;Thomson et al. 2014)。该组中其余8个包裹体为杰贝尼特。Armstrong等人(2012)注意到,在玄武岩起始成分实验中,杰富辉石包裹体与高铝桥辉石相似,并据此推测,杰富辉石可能代表逆行铝桥辉石。
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Geochemistry of Silicate and Oxide Inclusions in Sublithospheric Diamonds
Minerals included in diamonds provide direct information about the petrologic and chemical environment of diamond crystallization. They record information relating to local and regional mantle processes and provide important contextual information for global-scale tectonic interpretations (Stachel et al. 2005; Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019). Most mined inclusion-bearing diamonds originate in sub-continental, cratonic mantle lithosphere but a small percentage host mineral inclusions consistent with an origin beneath the lithosphere (~1%, Stachel and Harris 2008). Key among these inclusions are silicate and oxide minerals that provide either direct (e.g., majoritic garnet, ringwoodite) or circumstantial (e.g., CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich phases; ferropericlase) evidence for a high-pressure origin deep in the convecting mantle; we refer to these diamonds as “sublithospheric” although they are also commonly called “superdeep”. Studies over the past four decades have provided a wealth of information to draw upon to interrogate the origins of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions and to speculate on broader geologic and geodynamic implications.In the 1980s researchers began to recognize that some diamonds carry inclusions indicative of an origin beneath continental lithosphere, extending to depths even into the lower mantle (Scott-Smith et al. 1984; Moore et al. 1986; Wilding et al. 1991; Harte and Harris 1994; Harris et al. 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a; Harte et al. 1999). Paramount among these are inclusions with (Mg,Fe)O and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 stoichiometry, and on the basis of co-occurrence in the same diamond they were interpreted as ferropericlase and retrograde Mg-silicate perovskite (bridgmanite) from the shallow lower mantle. Discoveries of inclusions with CaSiO3 stoichiometry, sometimes also co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases and/or ferropericlase and interpreted as retrograde Ca-silicate perovskite, supported the view of a lower mantle genesis related to mantle peridotite (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005). Garnet inclusions with excess octahedrally coordinated silicon per formula unit (Moore and Gurney 1985, 1989; Moore et al. 1991; Stachel and Harris 1997; Stachel et al. 1998a) provided further evidence for a sublithospheric origin on the basis of experiments that revealed the pressure dependence of elemental substitutions (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977).Over several decades numerous studies have uncovered many new examples of sublithospheric diamonds hosting these key indicator phases while also identifying a wide variety of other mineral inclusions interpreted to have an origin in the deep upper mantle to lower mantle, including but not limited to ringwoodite, stishovite, CF-phase, NAL-phase, K-hollandite, CAS phase, and phase Egg (Wirth et al. 2007; Bulanova et al. 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015). The reader is referred to several recent review papers that provide an inventory of inclusion types in sublithospheric diamonds (Stachel and Harris 2008; Harte 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019).On the basis of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data it has become increasingly apparent that many sublithospheric diamonds record processes that are related to subduction of lithospheric plates (Stachel et al. 2000a,b; Stachel 2001; Walter et al. 2008; Tappert et al. 2009b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015; Shirey et al. 2019). The major and trace element geochemistry of majoritic garnet and Ti-rich CaSiO3-rich phases in particular point to an origin involving subducted basaltic oceanic crust, as does the presence of rare inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF-phase and NAL-phase. The prevalence of light carbon isotopic compositions in diamonds and heavy oxygen isotopes in hosted inclusions provide additional supporting evidence for this hypothesis (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015).Sublithospheric diamonds have distinctly low N with ~70% considered Type II (e.g., < ~20 at.ppm N) and with > 90% having < 100 at.ppm N. When measurable the N is highly aggregated and dominated by B centers (~87% have >50 %B), consistent with storage in the mantle at high temperature. In comparison lithospheric diamonds have higher N, are typically classified as Type I, averaging ~250 at.ppm N but extending to > 1000 at.ppm N, and with < 20% low N Type II. Lithospheric diamonds also commonly exhibit poorly aggregated N (e.g., <50 %B) indicative of storage at cooler cratonic temperatures (Harlow 1998; Stachel et al. 2002; Pearson et al. 2003; Shirey et al. 2013; Smith and Kopylova 2014). Sublithospheric diamonds tend to be irregular in shape, show weak cathodoluminescence, have textures indicating residence in a high-strain environment and sometimes exhibit multiple nucleation sites, resorption and regrowth. Like their lithospheric counterparts, precipitation of sublithospheric diamonds is thought to occur primarily from C-saturated fluids or melts, with carbonatitic, hydrous, methane-rich and metallic liquids all implicated on the basis of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Harte 2010; Harte and Richardson 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018).Here we review the mineralogy, major and trace element geochemistry of key silicate and oxide mineral inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds from global data sets assembled from the literature. The purpose of this synthesis is to focus on inclusions that have compositions of major mineral phases in upper mantle, transition zone and lower mantle assemblages in both meta-peridotite (e.g., peridotite, harzburgite, dunite) and meta-basalt (e.g., basalt, pyroxenite). A further requirement is that inclusions occur commonly enough for substantial geochemical data to be available from locations spanning multiple continents and cratons. Accordingly, we focus on inclusions of majoritic garnet, MgSiO3- and CaSiO3-rich phases, ferropericlase, olivine and clinopyroxene, assembling datasets comprising 659 inclusions. We will not ignore other inclusion types entirely but will rather discuss them in relation to these more abundant inclusions.Depending on when they formed or equilibrated relative to their diamond hosts, inclusions in diamonds are classified as protogenetic (preceding diamond formation), syngenetic (co-crystallizing with diamond) or epigenetic (crystallizing after diamond formation). Typically, a syngenetic origin for inclusions has been inferred if, regardless of their crystal system, the inclusions show a cubo-octahedral morphology that is imposed by their diamond hosts, which is most commonly the case (Harris and Gurney 1979; Meyer 1987; Stachel and Harris 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). On the basis of the commonly observed diamond-imposed morphology the sublithospheric inclusions described herein are all assumed to be syngenetic, or at least have equilibrated synchronous with diamond crystallization and were trapped at the time of diamond growth, recording a geochemical snapshot of this process. These issues are discussed more extensively, from a geochronology perspective, in Smit et al. (2022, this volume).Throughout this review the geochemistry and mineralogy of sublithospheric inclusions will be discussed relative to observations from petrological experiments performed at mantle conditions. Figure 1 shows experimentally derived estimates of the modal mineralogy expected in primitive mantle peridotite (e.g., pyrolite), harzburgite and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) compositions (Ishii et al. 2018, 2019), illustrating how majoritic garnet, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, ferropericlase, olivine polymorphs and clinopyroxene dominate mineral assemblages at the depths of the deep upper mantle, transition zone and shallow lower mantle. Of the inclusions in our global dataset, ~42% are ferropericlase inclusions, 32% are majoritic garnet, MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich inclusions comprise about 8% each, 6% are clinopyroxene and 4% are olivine. We also discuss the occurrence of SiO2 and retrograde CF and NAL phases that have been reported in sublithospheric diamonds, but these make up only a small fraction (< 1%) of the silicate inclusion population with reported chemistry.Thus, the most common phases in sublithospheric diamonds mirror those in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic lithologies at high pressure (Harte 2010) but have been reported in proportions inconsistent with expected modal abundances in natural mantle assemblages (Fig. 1). This observation has been used to suggest the mantle might not accurately reflect a model primitive peridotite composition (Kaminsky 2012, 2017). However, diamond growth and trapping processes combined with sampling and preservation biases make observed inclusion proportions unreliable for assessing the modal mineralogy of the ambient mantle at depth (Liu 2002; Nimis et al. 2019). In this review we provide an analysis of the geochemistry of the common sublithospheric diamond inclusion types and use experimentally and theoretically derived phase relations and element partitioning data to constrain their depth of origin, plausible lithological associations and formation processes.Garnet is the dominant aluminous mineral in mantle assemblages at depths greater than ~30–70 km, eventually becoming the second most abundant mineral in mantle peridotite and the dominant mineral in basaltic compositions throughout the deeper upper mantle and transition zone (Irifune 1987; Irifune and Ringwood 1993; Ishii et al. 2019) (Fig. 1). Garnet is chemically diverse, following the ideal formula A3B2Si3O12, where A cations occupy dodecahedral sites and B cations occupy octahedral sites. It is generally the case that divalent cations occupy the A-site in garnet, while the octahedral B-site is normally filled with trivalent cations. There are many exceptions to this simplified scheme (Grew et al. 2013) but the most significant for understanding mantle garnets is that of titanium and phosphorus cations. Titanium occurs almost exclusively as Ti4+ in natural garnets (Locock 2008; Grew et al. 2013), and at lithospheric conditions can occupy either the tetrahedral Si site or the B-site (Waychunas 1987; Proyer et al. 2013; Ackerson et al. 2017a,b). However, at conditions relevant to sublithospheric inclusions, it is assumed that all Ti occupies the octahedral site in garnet (Ackerson et al. 2017b), charge balanced by monovalent Na+ (or K+) on the A-site (Ono and Yasuda 1996; Locock 2008; Proyer et al. 2013). Phosphorus, which is assumed to be exclusively pentavalent, is believed to occupy the tetrahedral silicon site, predominantly charge balanced by monovalent cations on the A-site (Haggerty et al. 1994).Lithospheric garnets have a maximum of 3 silicon atoms per formula unit (pfu), whereas those that formed at pressures greater than about 6 to 8 GPa (equivalent to ~180–240 km depth) contain additional silicon, which is commonly referred to as the “majorite” component. The additional silicon is a consequence of the increasing solubility of pyroxene into garnet as equilibration pressure increases, and can be described by two principal substitution mechanisms:where VIM2+ is a divalent octahedral cation and VIIIX+ is a monovalent dodecahedral cation. Both substitutions have been shown to increase with pressure, indicating that the octahedral silicon content (majorite component) in garnet is pressure dependent.In the MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, completion of substitution (1) leads to the formation of the majorite (Mj) garnet endmember VIIIMg3VI[MgSi]IVSi3O12 (Akaogi and Akimoto 1977; Irifune 1987), whereas substitution (2) produces the Na-majorite (NaMj) component VIII[Na2Mg]VISi2IVSi3O12 in the Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system (Irifune et al. 1989; Dymshits et al. 2013). The extent to which substitutions (1) and (2) occur is a complex function of pressure, temperature and composition (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018), but substitution (1) tends to dominate in meta-peridotitic assemblages and substitution (2) in meta-basaltic assemblages (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2021).Importantly, any measurable majorite component can be used as a single mineral barometer via several available calibrations (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). Majoritic garnets are classified as those that have a discernible majorite component (e.g., > 3 Si pfu) in their reported chemical analysis. In contrast with many previous studies, we follow the approach of Thomson et al. (2021) and explicitly account for tetrahedral phosphorus and monovalent charge balanced titanium, with the majorite component defined as:Majoritic garnet inclusions provide direct evidence of an origin at depths greater than ~ 200 km on the basis of their pressure sensitive substitutions (Eqns. 1, 2) and are the only inclusions that provide a quantifiable, chemistry-based barometer. Inclusions of majoritic garnet are widespread and have been observed in diamonds collected from a wide range of localities, including cratons in South Africa, Brazil, Western Africa, Canada, Russia and China. We have compiled major element chemical analyses from 214 garnet inclusions that have a majorite component ≥ 0.005. Data and references are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Most of the majoritic garnet inclusions are reported as single or multiple occurrences in a single diamond (> 60%) or co-occurrences with clinopyroxene (~20%), and there are seven co-occurrences with a CaSiO3-rich phase and seven with SiO2. Thus, the co-occurring mineralogy indicates crystallization of majoritic garnet inclusions throughout the deep upper mantle and transition zone (Fig. 1).Many, if not most, majoritic garnet inclusions have undergone retrograde re-equilibration and exsolution (Fig. 2). Exsolution of omphacitic clinopyroxene sometimes with other minor phases has frequently been reported (Harte and Cayzer 2007; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a, 2016; Burnham et al. 2016; Sobolev et al. 2016), often as volumetrically small rinds at the extremities of individual inclusions (Fig. 2). In many studies where majoritic garnet inclusions are reported, exsolution features are not described or analysed. Our experience suggests that exsolution features may have commonly gone unreported, possibly as a consequence of poorer imaging capabilities in early generations of electron microprobes. This may be especially prevalent in studies where inclusions were broken out of diamonds rather than exposed by polishing. Omission of exsolved clinopyroxene affects the bulk inclusion chemistry such that it will always lead to underestimation of pressure using empirical, chemistry-based barometers. Analysis of entire majoritic garnet inclusions is also critical for future attempts to accurately date the inclusions.The major and minor element compositions of 215 majoritic garnet inclusions as determined by electron probe microanalysis are provided in Table 1 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) along with references describing analytical protocols. We compare these inclusion chemistries to a dataset of synthetic experimental majoritic garnets crystallized in peridotitic, harzburgitic, basaltic, sedimentary and hybrid bulk compositions across a wide range of upper mantle and transition zone pressure and temperature conditions. To our knowledge, the compositional data presented in Table 1 are based on microprobe analysis of the garnet portion of exposed/extracted inclusions without reincorporation of any exsolved material, making their derived pressures minimum estimates.Figure 3a is a plot of CaO vs Cr2O3, a scheme originally constructed for classifying lithospheric garnets, which effectively delineates the majoritic garnet inclusions into two types: Low-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit low Cr2O3 (< ~1 wt.%), a wide range of Ca content (~ 2–18 wt.% CaO) and have Mg#s (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) predominantly lower than 0.7; High-Cr garnet inclusions exhibit high Cr2O3 (1–20 wt.%), low CaO (< 6 wt.%) and have Mg#s > 0.7 and typically > 0.8. In comparison with majoritic garnets from experimental studies, low-Cr inclusions are unlike garnets that crystallize in meta-peridotitic assemblages but overlap extensively with those produced in meta-basaltic assemblages that generally have extremely low Cr2O3 (< 0.1 wt.%) contents (Fig. 3, dark field) and a similarly wide range of CaO contents. We note that Cr2O3 contents in majoritic garnets produced in meta-sediment experiments invariably are not reported but are also expected to yield low-Cr garnet. Several low-Cr inclusions extend towards higher Cr2O3 and somewhat lower CaO contents and appear intermediate between majoritic garnet produced in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages (Thomson et al. 2016a).High-Cr inclusions, with the exception of just a few, have much higher Cr than reported experimental garnets in fertile meta-peridotitic assemblages (Fig. 3, light-grey field) but overlap considerably with garnets produced in meta-harzburgitic assemblages (Fig. 3, red hex-stars), suggesting the high Cr2O3 may originate in highly depleted mantle compositions (Moore and Gurney 1985; Stachel et al. 2000a; Wang et al. 2000b; Schulze et al. 2008; Motsamai et al. 2018).Figure 3b presents an alternative chemography based on CaO and TiO2 contents. Experimental garnets generally occupy separate regions of this diagram depending on bulk composition, with meta-peridotitic garnets having low CaO and TiO2, and meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary garnets having higher CaO and TiO2. Low-Cr inclusions, as distinguished primarily by lower Mg# on Figure 3b, are best represented by meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary experimental garnets. In contrast the high-Cr inclusions have TiO2 contents on the low-side of those observed in meta-peridotitic assemblages but are akin to some experimental meta-harzburgitic garnets. We note also that experimental meta-sediment garnets typically have Mg#s ≪ 0.4, generally inconsistent with the observed compositional range of majoritic garnet inclusions. Overall, low-Cr majorite inclusions are similar to lithospheric garnet inclusions that have been classified as eclogitic (Stachel et al. 2000a) and which we refer to as meta-basaltic, whereas high-Cr inclusions are similar to garnets with depleted, meta-harzburgitic affinity.Substitution mechanisms.Figure 4 is a plot showing majoritic garnet substitutional components (Eqns. 1–3) for inclusion and experimental garnets expressed as variation of monovalent and divalent cations. Majoritic garnets stable in meta-peridotitic assemblages predominantly follow the [maj] substitution vector. These meta-peridotitic garnets possess few, but often not zero, monovalent cations that are not charge balancing titanium (Fig. 4a), and they have an increasing proportion of divalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4b). The scatter around the ideal substitution vectors in Figure 4b may be partially explained by unidentified Fe3+, but the incorporation of “extra” monovalent cations, especially at higher values of (Si + P − 3), demonstrates the occurrence of both substitution mechanisms in the experimental garnet compositions but with the [maj] substitution predominant. In contrast, experimental majoritic garnets from meta-basaltic and meta-sedimentary assemblages predominantly follow the ideal [Na-maj] substitution vector. This behavior reflects the higher alkali and lower magnesium contents in these bulk compositions, resulting in increasing monovalent cations with increasing majorite component (Fig. 4a), whereas divalent cations decrease (Fig. 4b).Also shown on Figure 4 (as diamonds) are global majoritic garnet inclusion compositions from Table 1. High-Cr inclusions (green diamonds) cluster around the origin and extend solely along the [maj] vector to approximately 0.3. Low-Cr inclusions (blue diamonds) do not exclusively follow either substitution but rather span the range of compositions between both the [maj] and [Na-maj] substitutions. This could indicate lower Na basaltic protoliths, perhaps due to more Mg-rich basalts produced earlier in Earth’s history (Pearson et al. 2003), but has previously been interpreted to indicate an association with hybrid or pyroxenitic compositions (Kiseeva et al. 2013b; Thomson et al. 2016a, 2021). Low-Cr inclusions with larger [maj] components possess higher but variable magnesium contents, 0.6 < Mg# < 0.85, and generally follow the [maj] substitution. However, these inclusion compositions are clearly not tied exclusively to the [maj] vector, and some skew significantly towards the [Na-maj] substitution.The chemical variation expressed by elemental substitutions in experimental majoritic garnet data sets has been used to calibrate empirical barometers for quantifying crystallization pressures, providing important constraints on the depths of diamond formation. The reader is referred to Nimis 2022 (this volume) for additional coverage of mineral barometry.All published majoritic garnet barometers exclude effects of temperature from their experimental calibrations, relying solely on a parametrization of the major element chemistry to predict inclusion formation pressures (Collerson et al. 2010; Wijbrans et al. 2016; Beyer and Frost 2017; Tao et al. 2018; Thomson et al. 2021). The accuracy of calculated pressures in each study is based on the ability to reproduce their respective calibration datasets and is estimated to be ± 1−2 GPa. However, uncertainties can be much larger when these barometers are applied to experimental majoritic compositions outside the range of the calibration data. For example, when applied to majoritic garnets in the entire experimental database, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrated much larger uncertainties among extant barometers, and a tendency for pressure underestimation, sometimes by as much as 10 GPa, when applied to the highest-pressure experimental garnets. In contrast to previous studies that used experimental subsets with limited compositional range, Thomson et al. (2021) trained a machine learning algorithm with all available experimental data to produce a barometer calibrated across the entire experimental pressure, temperature and composition space, with a significantly improved accuracy in reproducing the complete experimental dataset, especially at the highest pressures.Shown on Figure 5 are histograms of garnet inclusion pressures calculated using majoritic garnet barometers. Despite differences in absolute pressures, all barometers exhibit a bimodal pressure distribution with distinct pressure modes at ~ 7−10 and ~ 12−15 GPa. The barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) predicts the highest-pressure modes with some inclusions indicating pressures as high as ~ 22 GPa (~ 600 km depth). However, we emphasize that many, if not all, majoritic garnet inclusions contain small amounts of exsolved omphacitic pyroxene, whose omission leads to pressure underestimation. This exsolution is presumably the effect of partial reequilibration at lower pressures, post-entrapment, during diamond exhumation. Based on eight inclusions available from the entire global dataset where adequate data is available to estimate bulk inclusion compositions and correct for exsolution, Thomson et al. (2021) demonstrate that inclusion pressures may be underestimated by ~4 ± 2.5 GPa if exsolution features are ignored.Figure 5e shows histograms of majoritic garnet inclusion pressures calculated using the barometer of Thomson et al. (2021) separated according to low-Cr and high-Cr varieties. The distribution demonstrates that nearly all of the high-pressure mode is occupied by low-Cr garnets, which are meta-basaltic in composition. The concentration of the high-Cr majoritic garnets at lower pressures (e.g., < ~10 GPa) suggests that the diamonds hosting these depleted meta-peridotitic inclusions formed in a unique environment compared to high-Cr inclusions, possibly even in deep cratonic lithosphere rather than in the convecting mantle.Measurements of trace element concentrations, mostly made using SIMS analyses at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF), are reported for fifty-eight majoritic garnet inclusions in Table 2 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 6 shows trace element ‘spidergrams’ for majoritic garnet inclusions with element abundances normalized to the silicate Earth model of McDonough and Sun (1995), which we refer to as BSE (bulk silicate Earth). We have opted to maintain the low-Cr (Fig. 6a,c) and high-Cr (Fig. 6b,d) divisions and find that trace element abundance patterns are also generally distinct between these two groups.Low-Cr majorite inclusions are systematically more enriched in trace elements than high-Cr inclusions, generally by about one order of magnitude. Virtually all majoritic garnet inclusions possess a negative Sr anomaly and many have positive Zr and Hf anomalies. Rare earth element (REE) patterns generally show depletions in the light rare earths (LREE), with Lu/La ratios ranging from ~ 0.15–1800 with >80% of inclusions greater than unity. Low-Cr inclusions generally have higher Lu/La than high-Cr inclusions. Where measured, Th, U and Nb are relatively enriched relative to BSE whereas Ba, Li and Rb, with a few exceptions, are variably depleted. Small negative Eu and Y anomalies are present in some low-Cr majoritic garnets, whereas a number of the high-Cr inclusions exhibit large Y anomalies.Also shown on Figure 6 for comparison with observed inclusions are calculated trace element concentrations estimated for majoritic garnet in subsolidus meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic (MORB) mineral assemblages. Subsolidus majoritic garnet compositions were calculated using published mineral/melt partition coefficients for experimentally constrained phase assemblages following the approach of Thomson et al. (2016b).For example, the following mass balance defines the trace element contents of any single phase in a multi-phase assemblage:where XiA,XiB,XiC are the concentrations of trace element i in phase A, B, and C, Di are mineral/melt partition coefficients, and α, β and γ are the proportions of phases A, B and C in the phase assemblage. Bulk trace element contents (⁠Xitotal⁠) for peridotite are taken as BSE (McDonough and Sun 1995), for harzburgite are taken from the average of nine samples formed by melt depletion in a subduction zone environment as reported in Secchiari et al (2020), and mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (ALL-MORB) is used to represent basaltic compositions (Gale et al. 2013). ‘Processed’ MORB is calculated as described in Thomson et al. (2016b) and is used as an estimate of subducted MORB crust post sub-arc dehydration. Table 3 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) provides the source of partition coefficients and the phase proportions used in each phase assemblage to calculate trace element abundances in coexisting phases in mineral assemblages at pressures from the transition zone to the lower mantle.Figure 6a shows that low-Cr inclusions are unlike those expected in meta-peridotitic assemblages at conditions of the transition zone; majoritic garnet in equilibrium with Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotite or meta-harzburgite are significantly more depleted than the low-Cr inclusions. Peridotitic majoritic garnets at shallow transition zone conditions in equilibrium with wadsleyite and clinopyroxene have similar overall levels of enrichment relative to BSE as some low-Cr inclusions but the overall pattern and especially the abundances and slope of the REE and mild Sr anomaly are unlike the majoritic garnet inclusions. Consistent with their Ca and Cr contents, trace elements show that low-Cr majoritic garnets do not have meta-peridotitic affinity.In contrast, Figure 6c demonstrates that low-Cr majoritic inclusions share characteristics of majoritic garnet compositions expected in meta-basaltic assemblages. The calculated trace element abundances of garnet at 14 GPa are generally within the range observed in low-Cr inclusions, while at 20 GPa calculated abundances are at the lower range of the inclusions due to coexistence with Ca-silicate perovskite. We note that the depletions in some large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and Sr are best reproduced in the ‘processed’ MORB composition, consistent with loss during sub-arc slab devolatilization. While some low-Cr inclusions have relatively flat middle to heavy REE similar to meta-basaltic garnet at 14 GPa (e.g., Lu/Sm near unity), many show depletions in LREE and MREE similar to MORB at 20 GPa, although with higher overall abundances by up to an order of magnitude. Thus, while low-Cr inclusions are more like meta-basaltic garnet compositions they generally have trace elements abundances that are elevated relative to expectations for trapped portions of subsolidus materials in processed MORB.Overall abundance levels in high-Cr inclusions are generally similar to those expected in meta-peridotitic lithologies. They tend to possess negative Sr anomalies and generally have relatively flat REE abundance patterns (Fig. 6b), most akin to meta-peridotite at lower pressures where Ca-silicate perovskite is not stable, which is consistent with their lower calculated pressures (Fig. 5e). There are very few measurements of LILE, Th, U, Nb, Ta for high-Cr inclusions; while this may suggest they were very depleted in these components, it is important to note that these elements were not analyzed in all studies. Two additional features of the high-Cr inclusions are that many have negative Y anomalies, whose origin is unclear but are suggested to be associated with Earth surface processes (Thomson et al. 2016b). Additionally, several of the high chromium samples possess sinusoidal REE patterns, features that are common amongst lithospheric xenoliths and are thought to record the influence of metasomatic fluids (Stachel et al. 1998b; Wang et al. 2000b; Stachel et al. 2004), potentially consistent with their origin in the deep lithospheric mantle.Inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds with ABO3 stoichiometry occur in both calcium-rich and magnesium-rich varieties. On the basis of their mineralogy and chemistry these inclusions are commonly interpreted to represent high-pressure phases with a former ‘perovskite’ structure that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs or phase assemblages (Harte and Harris 1994; Stachel et al. 1998a, 2000b, 2005; Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2002, 2005, 2021; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Tappert et al. 2009b; Harte 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2015, 2016, 2020; Burnham et al. 2016; Nestola et al. 2018). As such, these inclusions are some of the few known samples thought to originate from the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle and, therefore, can provide insight into the lithologies and processes occurring at these depths.The mineral perovskite sensu stricto has a CaTiO3 composition, is orthorhombic, and crystallizes in the Pnma space group. Perovskite-structured phases with both MgSiO3 (bridgmanite) and CaSiO3 compositions crystallize in high-pressure and temperature experiments in meta-basaltic and meta-peridotitic assemblages (Liu and Ringwood 1975; Yagi et al. 1978; Ito et al. 1984; Irifune 1987; Kesson et al. 1994; Kesson et al. 1995). MgSiO3-rich inclusions interpreted as former bridgmanite occur as retrograde enstatite. CaSiO3 and Ca(Si,Ti) O3 inclusions in diamond are typically interpreted as products of originally perovskite-structured phases that have retrogressed to lower-pressure polymorphs, with CaSiO3 most often occurring as breyite (formerly known as calcium walstromite) but wollastonite has also been observed (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). CaTiO3 perovskite coexisting with CaSiO3 is also observed as part of composite inclusion assemblages.Here we review the chemistry of MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases that occur as inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds. We recognize that the inclusions do not occur as high-pressure perovskite-structured polymorphs but rather as retrograde minerals, and we will review the evidence for their identification as former bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite minerals, respectively.The compilation of CaSiO3-rich inclusion compositions includes fifty-three samples in diamonds from four cratons, forty-one of which are from South America. Mineralogical identification of the observed inclusions is often assumed on the basis of major element stoichiometry, although in some studies crystal structures have been determined by Raman spectroscopy or X-ray diffraction (Joswig et al. 1999; Brenker et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016; Korolev et al. 2018; Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions are either single phase CaSiO3 (breyite or wollastonite) or composite mixtures of CaSiO3 and other phases including CaTiO3 (perovskite), CaSi2O5 (titanite-structured), Ca2SiO4 (larnite) and ZrO2 (Fig. 7). Composite inclusions with overall Ca(Si,Ti)O3 stoichiometry are typically interpreted to represent unmixing of an originally homogeneous phase; the alternative to the unmixing interpretation is that a portion of a ‘rock’ or melt was trapped encapsulating exactly a composition with ABO3 stoichiometry, which is exceedingly improbable.In five instances CaSiO3-rich phases co-occur in the same diamond with MgSiO3-rich phases, in nine cases they co-occur with ferropericlase, and in only three diamonds with both MgSiO3 and ferropericlase. These non-touching, co-occurring assemblages are generally attributed to a lower mantle association (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a) (Fig. 1). In five cases a CaSiO3- rich phase occurs in the same diamond with majoritic garnet (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with CaSiO3-rich phases include SiO2 (likely former stishovite), merwinite (Ca3Mg(SiO4)2), CaSi2O5-titanite, chromite, Fe–Ni-metal and sulphide (Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a,b; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b).Reported major and minor element compositions of CaSiO3-rich inclusions are provided in Table 4 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Many workers have noted that CaSiO3-rich inclusions tend to be nearly phase pure, with analyzed compositions showing only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO in nearly all occurrences (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Nestola et al. 2018). Most notably, MgO abundances are < 0.1 wt% in 29 of 40 inclusions where MgO was measured, and in those cases where MgO is not reported inclusions presumably also have exceptionally low abundances of this routinely measured oxide. Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with expectations for Ca-silicate perovskite in a meta-peridotitic assemblage at mantle temperatures (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Armstrong et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014).We divide the CaSiO3-rich inclusions into two groups based on a distinct compositional gap in TiO2 contents, resulting in forty low-Ti inclusions with TiO2 < 0.7 wt% and thirteen high-Ti inclusions with TiO2 > 2 wt%. Figure 8 is a plot of Ti/(Ti + Si) versus (a) Mg/(Mg + Ca) and (b) Al (per formula unit), illustrating the unusual bulk compositions of many of the inclusion relative to the compositions of Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic mineral assemblages synthesized in experiments.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Most of the low-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusions are unlike those synthesized in experiments, having both exceptionally low MgO and TiO2 contents (Fig. 8a), and also typically very low Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO contents. Three of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur in diamonds together with MgSiO3-rich inclusions that have been interpreted to be of lower mantle origin, yet in each case the MgO contents are < 0.1 wt% (Stachel et al. 2000b; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such low MgO contents are inconsistent with Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite (MgSiO3) in a lower mantle assemblage at mantle temperatures (Fig. 8), which have much higher MgO contents (Irifune et al. 2000; Walter et al. 2008). Only one inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil, has an MgO content high enough to potentially be consistent with an origin as part of a meta-peridotitic assemblage at lower mantle pressures and temperatures, albeit with much lower Ti (Burnham et al. 2016). Also shown on Figure 8 are experiments where Ca-silicate perovskite is in equilibrium with transition zone phases like majoritic garnet and ringwoodite in metabasaltic compositions. These experiments produce some Ca-silicate perovskites with lower Mg contents but with much higher Ti contents. In any case, the compositions of nearly all low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions are very unlike Ca-silicate perovskites produced in equilibrium with bridgmanite in primitive mantle peridotite at temperatures appropriate for ambient lower mantle (e.g., > 1700 °C).A potential explanation for the low MgO content of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions is that they formed initially as Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite but at low temperatures, considerably lower than in the experiments plotted on Figure 8 (Irifune et al. 2000; Armstrong et al. 2012). Irifune et al. (2000) demonstrated that at temperatures of 1500 °C and above, substantial (~10× higher than inclusions) MgO dissolves into Ca-silicate perovskite and suggested that the low-MgO content in CaSiO3-rich inclusions reported in Harte et al. (1999) might reflect equilibration and inclusion entrapment at <1200 °C where the solvus widens, possibly in cool subducted lithosphere. Currently the solvus at temperatures below ~1400 °C is poorly constrained experimentally but could potentially be used as a thermometer for low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. Of the thirteen inclusions identified as having high titanium, ten are described as composite inclusions of CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 (e.g., Fig. 7). Reconstructing the bulk composition of composite inclusions, when attempted, has been done either through broad beam analysis of entire inclusions, or by analyzing phases separately and recombining them based on estimates of their modal abundance; both of these approaches can have considerable uncertainties (Walter et al. 2008, 2011; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014). Like low-Ti inclusions, high-Ti inclusions also have very low MgO contents but have higher Al2O3 and FeO (Fig. 8). Armstrong et al. (2012) showed that as the Ti-content in Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with bridgmanite increases so does the solubility of MgO, such that the high-Ti inclusions should have levels of MgO at the several weight percent level if they formed in the lower mantle. On this basis, equilibrium of the high-Ti inclusions with bridgmanite at lower mantle pressures is excluded for all high-Ti inclusions.As shown on Figure 8, some experimental Ca-silicate perovskites produced in meta-basaltic assemblages at transition zone pressures in equilibrium with majoritic garnet have low-Mg contents and high-Ti contents consistent with the high-Ti inclusions. We note that the experiments that best reproduce the inclusions are at relatively low temperatures and were produced in equilibrium with hydrous fluids or carbonatitic melts. Especially noteworthy are two experiments at 1000 °C where Ca-silicate perovskite is equilibrated with majoritic garnet, stishovite and a hydrous fluid, and has very low MgO contents but relatively high Al2O3 contents (Litasov and Ohtani 2005). Walter et al. (2008) reported on experiments in a simplified carbonated basalt system that showed Ca(Si,Ti)O3-perovskite with very low MgO contents in equilibrium with majoritic garnet (red hexagon, Fig. 8). Similarly, Ca-silicate perovskite compositions in equilibrium with majoritic garnet and carbonatitic melt in experiments with basaltic starting compositions, or where carbonated melts were reacted with peridotite, also have high-TiO2, low-MgO and high Al2O3 (Fig. 8b) and FeO similar to the inclusions (Walter et al. 2008; Thomson et al. 2016a).CaSiO3-rich inclusions are often cited as evidence for diamond formation in the lower mantle (Harte et al. 1999; Joswig et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Walter et al. 2011; Burnham et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018; Nestola et al. 2018). However, phase relations do not require a lower mantle or even transition zone origin for perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases to occur as inclusions in diamond (Kubo et al. 1997; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Woodland et al. 2020; Brenker et al. 2021). Because the inclusions typically have only minor amounts of MgO, Al2O3 and FeO, phase relations for CaSiO3-rich inclusions are well represented in the system CaO–SiO2–TiO2.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9a shows phase relations in the CaSiO3 system. Ca-silicate perovskite is stable at pressures above about 13 to 14 GPa at temperatures expected in the mantle, in contrast to the higher pressures at which Ca-silicate perovskite stabilizes in meta-basaltic or meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages (~20 GPa, Fig. 1). CaSiO3 decomposes to a mixture of larnite (Ca2SiO4) plus titanite-structured CaSi2O5 between about 10 and 13 GPa, transforming to breyite at pressures below about 9 to 10 GPa and to wollastonite below ~ 3 GPa. Of the low-Ti inclusions where crystal structure was determined by Raman or X-ray diffraction, the majority indicate breyite as the CaSiO3 phase (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). If the inclusions were originally formed as Ca-silicate perovskite, phase relations suggest the diamonds were transported from depths of at least ~ 400 km (~13 GPa) to depths of < 300 km where breyite is stable (~10 GPa) prior to exhumation by kimberlite. Wollastonite has also been observed in one inclusion (Nestola et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2018), which has a stability at less than about 3 GPa (Chatterjee et al. 1984; Sokolova and Dorogokupets 2021), requiring temperatures below ~1000 ºC for both wollastonite and diamond to co-exist in equilibrium (Fig. 9a).Four of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions show evidence of retrograde phase unmixing consistent with decompression. Joswig et al. (1999) reported on a low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusion from Kankan (Guinea) with the composite assemblage breyite + larnite + titanite (Fig. 7g), which would ostensibly place its last equilibration directly on the phase boundary at ~10 GPa (Fig. 9a). Burnham et al. (2016) report clinopyroxene exsolution in two inclusions from Machado River (Brazil), one with a reconstructed bulk composition that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite as described below. Two of the low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions from Juina (Brazil) co-occur with majoritic garnet (Tables 1 and 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and barometry yields pressures of ~13 and ~8 GPa but no information about possible clinopyroxene exsolution is provided so these are minimum pressures. Nine of the low-Ti inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s ranging from 0.75 to 0.9, with three of these co-occurring with an MgSiO3-rich phase, indicating a deep transition zone or lower mantle origin related to a meta-peridotitic assemblage. However, we reiterate, the low MgO contents preclude equilibration with bridgmanite along a mantle geotherm and indicate either that the inclusions did not equilibrate with bridgmanite or did so at a significantly lower temperature, possibly in cold subducted lithosphere.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 9b shows phase relations along the CaTiO3-CaSiO3 join. Of the ten composite inclusions exhibiting unmixing of CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 phases (Fig. 7), in five cases CaSiO3 breyite and CaTiO3 perovskite were confirmed through Raman or X-ray diffraction (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Figure 9b shows that the pressure at which a single-phase Ca(Si,Ti)O3 perovskite solid solution stabilizes depends on Ti-content, ranging from ~13 GPa at the CaSiO3-rich end to < 5 GPa at the CaTiO3-rich end. If the high-Ti inclusions originated as perovskite solid solutions then crystallization pressures of greater than ~6 to 13 GPa are indicated, with most > 9 GPa. Five of the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions co-occur with majoritic garnet, and barometry yields pressures of ~11, 12, 13, 14 and 22 GPa with no correction for clinopyroxene exsolution (Thomson et al. 2021). These pressures are consistent with formation of the composite CaSiO3 inclusions originally as perovskite solid solutions but at depths spanning the deep upper mantle and transition zone rather than the lower mantle, consistent with their low MgO contents.Pressures based on co-occurring majoritic garnet for the entire CaSiO3-rich inclusion suite are generally consistent with minimum estimates from elastic barometry (Anzolini et al. 2018) and suggest that pressures of Ca-silicate perovskite entrapment in diamond may be considerably lower than expectations based on phase relations of mantle lithologies (Fig. 1), possibly due to crystallization from Ca-rich fluids or melts (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010). The unmixing exhibited in many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions to breyite-bearing assemblages requires transport of the diamond from the perovskite stability field to shallower depths in the mantle, with suggested mechanisms including mantle convection (e.g., transport in a plume) or with a percolating melt (Davies et al. 2004b; Harte and Cayzer 2007; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Sun et al. 2020).While exsolution as well as co-occurring minerals indicate an origin as Ca-silicate perovskite for many of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, it is possible that in some cases inclusions crystallized directly as single phase breyite at upper mantle pressures (e.g., ~ 3 to 9 GPa, Fig. 9a) rather than as Ca-silicate perovskite. It has been suggested that this might occur in Ca-rich lithologies like subducted meta-sediment or through reactions of melts derived from such Ca-rich sediments and peridotitic mantle (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Woodland et al. 2020). It is noteworthy that merwinite (Ca3MgSi2O8) has been recognized as an inclusion co-occurring with low-Ti CaSiO3 in two cases, suggestive of a Ca-rich association. We also note a few Ca-rich inclusions have a Ca/Si ratio greater than unity in composite assemblages of breyite + larnite (Brenker et al. 2005, 2021; Smith et al. 2018), although no bulk compositions have been reported and these are not part of our data compilation. It is currently unclear whether these composite inclusions represent a Ca-rich silicate phase formed in a unique lithology, or they contain a mass-balancing CaSi2O5-titanite phase that has gone undetected, or whether such inclusions might represent a trapped melt phase.Perovskite-structured CaSiO3 inclusions. Two studies present evidence for CaSiO3-rich inclusions retaining a perovskite structure, both concluding petrogenesis within the lower mantle and preservation to the surface. Nestola et al. (2018) combined Raman, X-ray diffraction and EBSD on a composite CaSiO3 + CaTiO3 inclusion from South Africa (Cullinan) and interpreted the CaSiO3 portion of the inclusion to be in an orthorhombic perovskite structure (Fig. 7h). However, this interpretation cannot be reconciled with the phase relations in Figure 9b, as there is no stability field where CaTiO3-perovskite and CaSiO3-perovskite coexist; experiments demonstrate a complete solid solution between these phases and unmixing should yield CaTiO3 perovskite + breyite or wollastonite. Given the proximity of both CaSiO3 and CaTiO3 regions in the inclusions (Fig. 7h) and their very similar Raman spectra, as well as the large uncertainty in unit cell volume from the X-ray diffraction data, this interpretation requires further evaluation.Tschauner et al. (2021) presented evidence from X-ray diffraction coupled with compositional information derived from a bulk LA-ICP-MS analysis (diamond plus inclusions) to argue that the core of a coated diamond from Botswana (GRR-1507) contains inclusions of an unusual alkali and chrome-rich variety of CaSiO3 in the cubic perovskite structure. The data presented for both the diamond and the inclusion are more easily reconciled with an origin in cratonic lithospheric mantle. The high N content and poorly aggregated N of the diamond core are inconsistent with an origin at temperatures of the convecting mantle but are consistent with storage at lithospheric temperatures. X-ray diffraction data are not unique and can be well matched to phases common in micro-inclusion-bearing lithospheric diamonds. The calculated (not directly measured) bulk inclusion composition is too imprecise to confirm a phase with CaSiO3 stoichiometry. Most notably, the remarkably high K, Na and Cr contents of the calculated inclusion are unlike any known CaSiO3-rich inclusions in our data set, greater by factors of the order 10× (Fig. 8, Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), but are similar to micro-inclusions found in the same suite of samples and other coated lithospheric diamonds (Navon et al. 1988; Weiss et al. 2014).Both of these results require further evaluation, but we suggest the geological implausibility of recovering a sample of perovskite-structured CaSiO3 at Earth’s surface that originated in the transition zone or lower mantle. Experiments indicate that lower pressure polymorphs of CaSiO3 (e.g., breyite or wollastonite) equilibrate in experiments in a matter of minutes to hours at 1200 ºC (Kubo et al. 1997; Sueda et al. 2006), and these minerals are commonly observed in our CaSiO3-rich inclusion database both as mono-crystalline phases and as unmixed components of composite inclusions (Fig. 7; Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Further, no experimentally synthesized perovskite-structured CaSiO3 phase has ever been recovered from high pressure to 1 atmosphere conditions to our knowledge, converting instead to an amorphous phase upon decompression (Mao et al. 1989; Wang and Weidner 1994; Thomson et al. 2019). More work is needed to better evaluate potential P–T paths that may permit a stable perovskite-structured phase to be retained to the surface, but currently the data presented in these studies do not, in our view, support the interpretation of stable perovskite-structured CaSiO3-rich phases as inclusions in diamonds.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions, eleven from the low-Ti group and nine from the high-Ti group. These data are provided in Table 5 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 10, normalized to BSE. Eighteen of the twenty inclusions were measured by SIMS at the Edinburgh Ion Probe Facility (EIMF) and two by LA-ICP-MS. Also shown on these diagrams are the calculated abundance patterns for Ca-silicate perovskite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.Low-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10a shows trace element abundances for the low-Ti inclusions. The inclusions are enriched relative to BSE in most trace elements by up to more than two orders of magnitude. Most trace elements are also enriched by up to an order of magnitude relative to models for the trace element abundances expected for sub-solidus Ca-silicate perovskite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages in either the lower mantle or deep transition zone. They are most akin to Ca-silicate perovskite in either MORB or processed MORB, but this is not consistent with their low Ti contents (Fig. 8). Many of the inclusions have relative depletions in Rb, Ba, Sr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Y and enrichments in light REE relative to heavy REE. It is noteworthy that the least enriched inclusion could be consistent with an origin in a meta-peridotitic lower mantle assemblage, and this inclusion, from Machado River in Brazil (Burnham et al. 2016), is also the only inclusion in the entire dataset with an MgO content plausibly consistent with equilibration with bridgmanite at lower mantle temperatures. Thus, the low-Ti inclusions have a meta-peridotitic major element affinity but are generally enriched in incompatible trace elements.High-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions.Figure 10b shows trace element abundances for the high-Ti inclusions. A distinguishing feature of these inclusions is their extremely elevated trace element abundances relative to BSE. For example, the most enriched inclusions have 1000 to 70,000 × BSE in incompatible elements like Th, U and the light REE. The inclusions also exhibit a large negative Sr anomaly in all but one inclusion and are characterized by relative depletions in Hf, Zr, Nb and Ta, and also Rb and Ba when measured (these elements were below detection levels in several inclusions).The trace element abundances in the inclusions are not consistent with subsolidus Ca-silicate perovskite in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mineral assemblages in the upper to lower mantle. Abundances in the least enriched inclusions overlap with modeled Ca-silicate perovskite in MORB or processed MORB but have much more pronounced Sr and HFSE anomalies. Most inclusions are significantly enriched relative to expectations for MORB, by up to more than two orders of magnitude for many elements (Wang et al. 2000a; Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2016b). Models for the overall enrichments in trace elements and the characteristics of the abundance patterns in CaSiO3 inclusions are generally consistent with equilibration involving low-degree melts, likely derived from meta-basaltic assemblages, as described further in the ‘Discussion’ section.The compilation of MgSiO3-rich phases with ABO3 stoichiometry includes fifty-five inclusions in diamonds from six cratons, forty-two of which are from South America (Table 6— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Both single phase and composite (Fig. 11) inclusions have been reported. Thirty-five of the inclusions occur in diamonds with assemblages that include ferropericlase and four co-occur with CaSiO3-rich phases. There are three co-occurrences with both ferropericlase and CaSiO3 in the same diamond. The co-occurrence of MgSiO3-rich phases with ferropericlase and/or CaSiO3-rich phases has provided the basis for the interpretation of a meta-peridotitic, lower mantle association for these inclusion assemblages (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004b; Hayman et al. 2005; Harte 2010; Burnham et al. 2016). No MgSiO3-rich inclusions have been found with a bridgmanite crystal structure, and it has been commonly assumed that the observed enstatite structured MgSiO3 inclusions, identified on the basis of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Hutchison et al. 2001; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016), represent retrogression from bridgmanite.Minerals observed together with MgSiO3 in composite inclusions and interpreted as exsolved phases during retrogression include olivine, ferropericlase, jeffbenite (formerly known as TAPP, ideally Mg3Al2Si3O12), ilmenite, magnetite, spinel and magnesian ulvöspinel (Fig. 11) (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Hutchison et al. 2001; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Hayman et al. 2005; Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Other phases co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases in the same diamond include clinopyroxene, olivine, carbonate and Ni-rich metal. We note that eight jeffbenite inclusions have been included in our MgSiO3-rich inclusion compilation.Published major element compositions of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions as determined by electron microprobe are provided in Table 6 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). The inclusions are separated into two distinctive groups on the basis of a gap in their alumina contents: a low-Al group with Al2O3 < 3.5 wt% and a high-Al group with Al2O3 > 7 wt%.The low-Al group comprises thirty-four MgSiO3-rich inclusions, twenty-four of which are reported as single-phase inclusions and a further ten are composite and contain minor exsolved phases that include olivine, ferropericlase and jeffbenite. The EPMA analyses of the composite inclusions, to the best of our knowledge, do not include exsolved phases but represent the MgSiO3-rich portion of the inclusion. The exceptions are two composite inclusions reported by Burnham et al. (2016) where bulk inclusion compositions are reported by recombination of observed phases. Twenty-seven of the low-Al inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and four with ferropericlase and CaSiO3-rich phases.The high-Al group comprises twenty-one inclusions, all from South America. Seven of these are single-phase inclusions and six are composite inclusions (Fig. 11) containing enstatite ± jeffbenite/olivine/spinel-ulvöspinel/magnetite/SiO2. The bulk compositions of four of the six composite inclusions were estimated either through broad beam or multiple analyses of entire inclusions or by combining spot analyses of individual phases on the basis of their mode estimated from image analysis (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014). The remaining eight inclusions in this group are jeffbenite.Armstrong et al (2012) noted the similarity of jeffbenite inclusions to high-Al bridgmanite produced in experiments on basaltic starting compositions and speculated on this basis that jeffbenite could represent retrograde aluminous bridgmanite. These authors also located a low-pressure stability field for jeffbenite at < 10 GPa that is consistent with its formation as a lower-pressure phase. Three high-alumina, single phase inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase inclusions, as does one of the Na-rich inclusions and five of the jeffbenite inclusions.Figure 12 shows MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted in the compositional ternary diagram (Mg+Fe2+) – (Si+Ti) – (Al+Cr+Fe3+). The low-Al inclusions plot in a well-defined region that partially overlaps the field of experimental bridgmanites synthesized in meta-peridotitic assemblages. However, most experimental bridgmanites made using primitive mantle compositions have higher trivalent cations than the inclusions. Many low-Al inclusions have similarity with bridgmanite produced in experiments using harzburgitic bulk compositions, and also overlap with akimotoite synthesized in peridotitic bulk compositions; akimotoite is an ilmenite-structured MgSiO3-rich phase that is stable over a limited pressure-temperature range in meta-peridotite near the base of the transition zone (Fig. 16; Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).In contrast, the high-Al inclusions show considerable compositional variation, with Figure 12 showing that the six composite inclusions (cyan diamonds) and the jeffbenite inclusions (green diamonds) are generally similar to bridgmanite produced in meta-basalt on this projection, whereas the three single phase inclusions (blue diamonds; Type II MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) plot between experimental meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic bridgmanites. The four Na-rich (~4–6 wt% Na2O) inclusions (red diamonds; Type III MgSiO3 inclusions of Hutchison et al. 2021) are unlike any experimental bridgmanite or other MgSiO3-rich inclusions.Figure 13 shows the Mg# of MgSiO3-rich inclusions plotted against the Mg# of ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur in the same diamond. Also shown are fields for bridgmanite and ferropericlase equilibrated together in experiments on fertile peridotite bulk compositions and in a harzburgite composition. Ferropericlase with Mg#s less than ~0.8 are inconsistent with equilibration with co-occurring bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic or meta-harzburgitic assemblages. In diamonds hosting ferropericlase with Mg#s greater than 0.8, it is striking that very few of the inclusion pairs plot within the field of fertile meta-peridotite. Many of the low-Al bridgmanite-ferropericlase inclusion pairs overlap with or plot close to the field of meta-harzburgite, with MgSiO3-rich inclusions tending to have very high Mg#s. Three single-phase high-Al MgSiO3-ferropericalse pairs and two jeffbenite-ferropericlase pairs plot just within or close to the experimental meta-peridotite field.Low-Al inclusions.Figure 14 shows NiO, Al2O3 and CaO versus Mg# for MgSiO3-rich inclusions (diamonds) compared with bridgmanite synthesized in experiments on peridotitic bulk compositions. The low-Al inclusions (white diamonds) occur over a range of Mg# from ~ 0.86 to 0.97, most concentrated between 0.92 and 0.97. Comparatively, bridgmanites observed in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages have bulk compositions with lower Mg#s that concentrate between 0.88 and 0.92, with some extending as high as 0.97. The NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low, generally less than 0.05 wt%; only in a few exceptions do inclusions possess values exceeding 0.1 wt%.NiO contents of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are low relative to enstatite inclusions in lithospheric diamonds (gray crosses in Fig. 14a), which has been used as evidence to support an origin in the lower mantle because Ni is expected to partition strongly into coexisting ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b). However, Figure 14a shows that experimental bridgmanite in equilibrium with ferropericlase in experiments at pressures between 23 and 43 GPa and over a range of high temperatures have NiO contents distinctly higher than the majority of the inclusions, ranging from about 0.05 to 0.25 wt%. This implies that equilibration with ferropericlase in a primitive mantle composition does not account for the low Ni contents of most inclusions.Figures 14b and 14c show that like NiO, the Al2O3 and CaO contents of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are generally lower than in experimental peridotitic bridgmanite compositions. The Al2O3 contents of the inclusions show a negative correlation with Mg#, ranging from about 3 to 0.2 wt% at Mg#s between 0.92 and 0.97. In composite low-Al inclusions the MgSiO3 portions with Mg#s less than 0.92 are higher in Al2O3 (~ 3 wt%) than in single phase low-Al inclusions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a lower mantle assemblage of ferropericlase ± Ca-silicate perovskite range from ~3 to 7 wt% Al2O3 and are unlike the inclusion compositions. Experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with a deep transition zone assemblage of majoritic garnet ± Ca-silicate perovskite/ringwoodite/ferropericlase are shown as squares on Figure 14. A few of these experimental bridgmanites trend to very low Al2O3 and high Mg#, and we note that two experimental bridgmanites with ~1 wt% Al2O3 occur in majoritic garnet + ringwoodite-bearing (±Ca-silicate perovskite/ferropericlase) assemblages at ~ 23 GPa.Also intriguing are the compositions of akimotoite in four experiments coexisting with majoritic garnet ± ringwoodite/Ca-silicate perovskite/stishovite (circles on Fig. 14), providing an alternative interpretation for original polymorph of some MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Notably, bridgmanite formed in experiments on depleted harzburgite (hex-stars) can also have similarly low Al2O3 contents and high Mg#s that overlap with many of the low-Al inclusions. We note that while there is overlap with the Al2O3 contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions are distinct from lithospheric enstatites.CaO contents in experimental bridgmanites in equilibrium with ferropericlase ±Ca-silicate perovskite assemblages (Fig. 14c) are also notably higher than most of the observed inclusions. Bridgmanites in several majorite-bearing experiments at lower temperatures have similarly low CaO contents, and as observed with Al2O3, experimental akimotoites have CaO contents similar to the inclusions as do bridgmanites in meta-harzburgite assemblages. Like Al2O3, there is overlap with the CaO contents of enstatite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds at high Mg#s but, overall, the MgSiO3-rich inclusions have lower CaO and are distinct from lithospheric enstatite inclusions. An exception is a low-Al inclusion with high NiO that is akin to lithospheric inclusions from Eurelia (Australia) but co-occurs with ferropericlase (Tappert et al. 2009b).Four of the low-Al inclusions that have high CaO (> 0.5 wt%) are from the Machado River deposit in Brazil as reported in the study of Burnham et al. (2016). Three of these inclusions have low NiO (< 0.05 wt%) and low Al2O3 (<0.5 wt%), while the fourth composite inclusion has ~3.8 wt% Al2O3. All four of these inclusions co-occur with high Mg# ferropericlase that could be in equilibrium with bridgmanite. It is noteworthy that a CaSiO3-inclusion from the Machado locality is also the only such inclusion with an MgO content consistent with an origin in primitive mantle peridotite. Burnham also reports a reconstructed MgSiO3-rich inclusion that is shown as a red diamond on Figure 14. This inclusion, like other low-Al composite inclusions, has an exsolved aluminous phase with a jeffbenite composition. Reconstruction of the bulk composition results in slightly lower NiO and CaO but higher Al2O3. We expect that other low-Al composite inclusions may also require such corrections. This would imply that alumina contents in some cases may be underestimated, possibly reflected in the nearly constant alumina content of the low-Al composite inclusions irrespective of Mg#.High-Al inclusions.Figure 15 shows TiO2, Na2O, CaO and Al2O3 versus Mg# for high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions compared with bridgmanites synthesized in experiments on basaltic bulk compositions. The six composite inclusions and one of the jeffbenite inclusions, all from the Juina region of Brazil, have low Mg#s (~0.43–0.65) consistent with experimental bridgmanites formed in meta-basaltic assemblages (Walter et al. 2011; Armstrong and Walter 2012; Pla Cid et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014). The composite inclusions include high-Ti and high-Al contents, although the two inclusions reported by Pla Cid et al. (2014) are notable in their low TiO2. The Ca-contents of all the composite inclusions are lower than observed in experimental high-Al bridgmanite phases.The remaining fourteen high-alumina inclusions have Mg#s that are much higher than experimental bridgmanites in meta-basaltic assemblages and are more akin to those in meta-peridotitic assemblages. The seven high-Mg# jeffbenite inclusions have very high Al2O3, coupled with very low CaO and Na2O, and several of these coexist with iron-rich ferropericlase (Mg#<0.8, Fig. 13). The TiO2 contents of these inclusions vary, with TiO2 present either as a minor component (< 0.1 wt%) or a major element (~ 4–8 wt%). Thus, the high Mg# jeffbenite inclusions, while having some features consistent with bridgmanite, appear to be unique relative to bridgmanite formed in either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic assemblages.The three high-Al single phase inclusions (“Type II” inclusions of Hutchison et al, 2001) have alumina contents that are distinctly higher (~10 wt% Al2O3) than produced in experiments on primitive peridotite (<7 wt% Al2O3), but also have low CaO. These inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase with Mg#s of 0.81 to 0.82, nominally consistent with expectations from experiments on peridotite compositions (Fig. 13). The four “Type III” inclusions of Hutchison et al (2001) are unique in their very high Na2O and CaO contents. None of these high Mg#, high-Al, high-Na inclusions are consistent with any experimental bridgmanites in the literature and may represent a unique association. On the basis of experiments on the inclusion bulk compositions, Hutchison et al. (2001) interpreted these to have a unique origin at pressures corresponding to the lower transition zone, albeit at temperatures several hundred degrees higher than the mantle geotherm.Phase relations.Figure 16 shows calculated phase relations in the system MgSiO3–Al2O3 with pressure at 1600 °C (Fig. 16a), and for a pyrolite (fertile peridotite) composition (Fig. 16b) at pressures and temperatures of the deep upper mantle and shallow lower mantle (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011).The alumina content in bridgmanite is a potential barometer, and Figure 16a shows the Al2O3 contents (mole fraction) in the low-Al and high-Al inclusions for comparison with phase relations in this simplified system. If the low-Al MgSiO3-inclusions are former bridgmanite then phase relations either indicate a pressure of origin of ~ 22.5 to 26 GPa if the inclusions equilibrated with majoritic garnet, or formation at unconstrained higher pressures if they did not because alumina becomes increasingly soluble in bridgmanite at higher pressures. Because none of the low-Al inclusions are reported to co-occur with majoritic garnet, their low-Al contents likely indicate formation involving a low-alumina protolith (e.g., harzburgite) as suggested by their high Mg#s and depletion in CaO. We note that low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions have Al2O3-contents that are also generally consistent with that expected for akimotoite at ~ 20 to 22.5 GPa.The high-Al single phase inclusions have alumina contents consistent with a pressure of about 27 GPa if they co-existed with corundum, and we note that two of the three inclusions co-occur with ruby (corundum) in addition to relatively Mg-rich ferropericlase (Harte et al. 1999), suggesting that these inclusions may have originated in an alumina-rich, peridotitic protolith at the top of the lower mantle. The high-Al composite inclusions indicate pressures of ~27 to 34 GPa if they formed in equilibrium with corundum (none co-occur with ruby) but these are minimum pressure if they did not. If the jeffbenite inclusions were former bridgmanite then their alumina contents indicate minimum pressures of ~32 to 34 GPa but, again, none of these inclusions co-occur with ruby. It is noteworthy that the few low-Al MgSiO3 inclusions and jeffbenite inclusions that have been analyzed for ferric iron have elevated Fe3+/∑Fe that is generally compatible with expectations for bridgmanite in the shallow lower mantle (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004).Phase relations for a pyrolytic composition are shown relative to ambient mantle and slab geotherms in Figure 16b. Along an ambient mantle geotherm, bridgmanite forms at about 24 GPa and coexists with majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase, and there is only a very small akimotoite stability field. The akimotoite field expands at lower temperatures such that along a warm or cold slab Moho geotherm akimotoite is stabilized over an ~2 GPa pressure interval at the base of the transition zone (Ishii et al. 2011). Whether or not the low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions represent bridgmanite or in some cases akimotoite remains an open question. However, we re-iterate that the low CaO contents are not consistent with bridgmanite in fertile mantle peridotite at temperatures of the mantle geotherm but could be produced either at lower temperatures (Irifune et al. 2000) or in a depleted harzburgitic lithology, or both, which is also consistent with their low Al2O3 and high Mg#s and plausibly places their origin in subducted depleted lithospheric mantle along a cool mantle geotherm.Trace elements have been analyzed in twenty-two of the MgSiO3-rich inclusions; ten low-Al inclusions, six high-Al inclusions and six jeffbenite inclusions. Data are provided in Table 7 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 17, normalized to BSE. All inclusions were measured by SIMS at EIMF (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b; Bulanova et al. 2010; Burnham et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016b). Also shown on Figure 17b are the calculated abundance patterns for bridgmanite in equilibrium with assemblages predicted for meta-peridotite and meta-basalt (MORB) at transition zone and lower mantle conditions.The low-Al inclusions have lithophile trace element abundances that, overall, are depleted or similar to BSE. Patterns exhibit notable depletions in Ba, Sr and Y relative to the generally flat REE (Fig. 17a). The two high-Al, single-phase inclusions have similar patterns to the low-Al inclusions and are among the most depleted of the inclusions. The high-Al composite inclusions are more enriched overall and exhibit conspicuous enrichments, up to three orders of magnitude relative to BSE, in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, while also having depletions in Ba, Sr and Y. The jeffbenite inclusions have generally similar abundance patterns to other MgSiO3-rich inclusions, with some resembling closely the low-Al inclusions and others exhibiting similar enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf as the composite inclusions. These similarities are suggestive that all the MgSiO3-rich inclusions share a common mineralogical pedigree, with an origin as bridgmanite the commonly held interpretation.Figure 17b shows modeled abundance patterns for bridgmanite in meta-peridotitic, meta-harzburgitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at shallow lower mantle conditions (25 GPa). Abundance levels of the low-Al and high-Al inclusions are similar to those predicted for bridgmanite in peridotitic mantle. However, depletions in Ba, Sr and Y are not predicted in any models and, if these inclusions are former bridgmanite minerals, this likely reflects a distinct feature of the source lithology or the melts and fluids they may have equilibrated with. However, the relative enrichments in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf are predicted for bridgmanite in the meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic models, which reflects the presence of Ca-silicate perovskite in the coexisting assemblage. These patterns emerge as Ca-silicate perovskite partitions most trace elements strongly with the exception of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. In contrast, bridgmanite has a predilection for Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, such that strong relative enrichments in these elements occur in assemblages where both phases coexist. Note that bridgmanite in the meta-harzburgitic assemblage has a relatively flat and depleted pattern. Overall, the abundance patterns of MgSiO3-rich inclusions are consistent with expectations for bridgmanite, and many indicate the control of coexisting Ca-silicate perovskite on trace element abundances.Ferropericlase is an oxide mineral with the general formula (Mg,Fe)O, representing a complete solid solution between periclase (MgO) and wüstite (FeO). The term is often used synonymously with magnesiowüstite, but for simplicity we will use ferropericlase in reference to the entire range of solid solution. Ferropericlase has cubic symmetry, crystallizing in the Fm3m space group in the B1, or rock salt structure, and is stable throughout the Earth’s entire pressure range from crust to the core (Duffy et al. 2015). Ferropericlase is the most common inclusion type in sublithospheric diamonds, and here a literature dataset of 269 inclusions in diamonds collected from five continents has been compiled. More than 60% of the ferropericlase inclusions occur as the only mineral observed in their diamond hosts, often occurring in multiples in a single diamond (we note this observation could be biased by unreported co-occurring phases, especially colorless phases that are difficult to detect). About a quarter of the reported inclusions co-occur with silicate minerals and about 15% co-occur with MgSiO3-rich and/or CaSiO3-rich phases.Ferropericlase comprises about 15% by volume of a primitive, peridotitic lower mantle assemblage coexisting with bridgmanite and Ca-silicate perovskite (Fig. 1). In the numerous cases where it occurs as the only inclusion type in a diamond it is commonly used to infer a sublithospheric origin, as ferropericlase is rare as a co-occurring mineral in diamonds that are demonstrably lithospheric (Harte et al. 1999; Stachel et al. 2000b, 2005; Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Hayman et al. 2005; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In the absence of other phases that can potentially provide barometric constraints, the composition of ferropericlase provides no direct information about the depth of diamond and ferropericlase crystallization, which may occur at upper mantle or transition zone conditions and be directly related to diamond forming redox reactions (Stachel and Harris 1997; Brey et al. 2004; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018; Bulatov et al. 2019; Nimis et al. 2019). Barometric estimates based on elasticity and elastoplasticity theory can help constrain the depth of origin, for example a recent estimate for two ferropericlase inclusions from a single diamond from Brazil indicate minimum depths of entrapment of ~16 GPa (Anzolini et al. 2019), leaving open the possibility of a transition zone or lower mantle origin.Major element compositions based on a literature compilation of electron microprobe analyses of 269 ferropericlase inclusions are provided in Table 8 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), with Figure 18 plotting NiO, Al2O3, Cr2O3 and Na2O versus Mg#. Also shown are compositions of ferropericlase coexisting with bridgmanite ±Ca-silicate perovskite/garnet/ringwoodite/melt in experiments on primitive peridotitic and harzburgitic bulk compositions at pressures of the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle.Ferropericlase inclusions span a wide range of Mg# from about 0.15 to 0.95 (Fig. 18). In comparison, ferropericlase coexisting with lower mantle phases in experiments show a limited range of Mg# from about 0.83 to 0.95, and with NiO contents between about 0.25 and 1.5 wt%. The NiO contents of the ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 18a) range from near zero at the lowest Mg#s to about 2 wt%, with an apparent positive correlation between NiO and Mg# (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Davies et al. 2004a; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2016a). Ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur together with both low-Al and high-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions are highlighted on Figure 18. These and other ferropericlase inclusions with high Mg#s (> 0.8) have NiO contents that are generally higher or at the extreme high end of the experimental distribution. In contrast, co-occurring MgSiO3-rich inclusions generally have low NiO contents relative to experiments (Fig. 14). The average measured NiO partition coefficient between bridgmanite and ferropericlase (Dfp/brg = XNi,fp/XNi,brg) in experiments where NiO is reported is 16 ± 9, whereas in the co-occurring inclusions it is 86 ± 56. Thus, as with Mg# (Fig. 13), co-occurring bridgmanite-ferropericlase pairs are not consistent with those produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite. As discussed above, the Mg#s of these bridgmanite–ferropericlase pairs do not match those from primitive mantle peridotite but are more akin to those expected in depleted meta-harzburgite assemblages.Figure 18b–d show that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents of most ferropericlase inclusions are on the low side or lower than ferropericlase compositions produced in experiments on primitive mantle peridotite and these elements exhibit no apparent correlation with Mg#. The ferropericlase inclusions that co-occur with MgSiO3-rich inclusions are also depleted in these elements. However, we note that the Cr2O3, Al2O3 and Na2O contents in high Mg# ferropericlase inclusions overlap with ferropericlase from experiments on harzburgite composition. This depletion in high Mg# ferropericlase is consistent with the MgSiO3-rich inclusions they co-occur with, which also have low Al2O3 (and CaO) contents relative to bridgmanite in meta-peridotite assemblages (Fig. 14). Thus, while more than half of the population of ferropericlase inclusions have Mg#s generally consistent with an origin related to meta-peridotite at lower mantle conditions, most of these have minor element abundances suggesting a relationship to a depleted composition such as harzburgite rather than primitive mantle. The low MgO contents of CaSiO3-rich inclusions and low CaO and Al2O3 of MgSiO3-rich inclusions that co-occur with ferropericlase together indicate a low temperature equilibration in depleted peridotite, implicating an association with the harzburgitic portion of cold subducted slab lithosphere.The ferropericlase inclusions that have Mg#s below ~0.85 trend to low-NiO and Cr2O3 contents and have uniformly low Al2O3 but highly variable Na2O contents. These low Mg# ferropericlase inclusions are too iron-rich to have equilibrated as part of an assemblage associated with primitive mantle peridotite or harzburgite. Several possible modes of origin have been postulated for these ferropericlase inclusions with lower Mg#s, including:The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:2 MgxFe1−xCO3 (ferromagnesite) =MgyFe1−yCO3 (ferromagnesite) +MgzFe1−zO (ferropericlase) +C (diamond) +O2(6)In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.The composition of the lower mantle is vastly different than primitive upper mantle (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Kaminsky 2012). We consider this explanation improbable because the proportion and compositional range of syngenetic ferropericlase inclusions are expected to record diamond forming reactions (syngenesis) rather than entrapment of ambient mantle phases (protogenesis) in proportions or with compositions reflecting its bulk composition. For example, in the study by Nimis et al. (2019) nine iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions in two diamonds from Juina (Brazil) displayed a clear crystallographic orientation relationship between the diamond host and the inclusions indicative of co-crystallization during the diamond forming process.Ferropericlase crystallized in the deep lower mantle where a spin-transition in iron (> ~1700 km) results in more iron-rich ferropericlase, or in the D” layer at base of the lower mantle due to an iron-rich composition or preferential partitioning of iron into ferropericlase relative to post-perovskite (Harte et al. 1999; Hayman et al. 2005; Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). Magnesioferrite (Mg,Fe3+)Fe2O4 exsolution blebs observed in ferropericlase, sometimes accompanied by sub-micron blebs of Fe-Ni metal, have been used as evidence in support of a deep lower mantle origin (Wirth et al. 2014; Palot et al. 2016). However, recent experimentally determined phase relations show that a stability field of magnesioferrite occurs at ~8 to 10 GPa (1000–1600 °C) and there is no indication of a high-pressure magnesioferrite stability field up to ~ 20 GPa (Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017), although one may exist at higher pressures (Andrault and Bolfan-Casanova 2001). We suggest that the simplest explanation for magnesioferrite blebs observed in ferropericlase inclusions is that they represent either exsolution from original ferropericlase with excess Fe2O3 under upper mantle conditions or oxidation by coexisting, carbonated fluids as described below (Thomson 2017; Uenver-Thiele et al. 2017). This exsolution is consistent with the low-pressure unmixing exhibited in both CaSiO3-rich and MgSiO3-rich inclusions described above. While the inclusions may have originated at higher pressures, neither the presence of magnesioferrite in ferropericlase nor their iron-rich compositions necessitate a lower mantle origin.Ferropericlase crystallized as a product of redox reactions involving oxidized carbonate or carbonated melt and reducing peridotite at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004; Liu 2002; Bulatov et al. 2014, 2019; Thomson et al. 2016a; Seitz et al. 2018). Liu (2002) proposed that the range of iron-rich ferropericlase compositions may reflect the continuous subsolidus decarbonation of ferromagnesite according to the reaction:In this reaction, the product ferropericlase solid solution becomes progressively iron enriched at the expense of ferromagnesite solid solution. As discussed below, there is ample evidence for the role of fluids or melts in sublithospheric diamond formation rather than subsolidus decarbonation, however, the essence of the decarbonation reaction suggested by Liu (2002) may equally apply to decarbonation in the liquid phase. Thomson et al. (2016b) performed experiments at 20 GPa in which a model carbonated melt of basaltic oceanic crust was reacted with reducing peridotite and both diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase were observed among reaction products. Similarly, Bulatov et al. (2019) showed experimentally that iron-rich ferropericlase and diamond can crystallize simultaneously during the reduction of carbonate-silicate melt in equilibrium with olivine at upper mantle conditions. Seitz et al. (2018) measured Li isotopes in iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions from Juina and observed a range that encompasses that of serpentinized ocean floor peridotites, fresh and altered MORB, seafloor sediments and of eclogites. They suggest that dehydration and redox reactions in altered portions of slabs subducted into the transition zone and shallow lower mantle led to the formation of diamond and iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions.Iron redox state in ferropericlase. The redox state of iron in a small population of ferropericlase inclusions from both Kankan (high Mg#) and Juina (low Mg#) has been measured by Mossbauer spectroscopy (McCammon et al. 1997, 2004) and compared to experimentally determined Fe3+ solubility in ferropericlase applicable to depths at the top of the lower mantle (Otsuka et al. 2013). The oxygen fugacities calculated from measured Fe3+/∑Fe are close to the upper stability limit of diamond and higher than expected in ambient mantle peridotite in the shallow lower mantle (Frost and McCammon 2008; Otsuka et al. 2013). Thus, if these ferropericlase inclusions are formed in the shallow lower mantle, especially those co-occurring with MgSiO3-rich phases that also have high ferric iron content, their high Fe3+ concentrations may record diamond formation in a region of redox gradients. Such regions in the upper mantle or shallow lower mantle may arise from subduction of oxidized material into reducing mantle, and the inclusions may have precipitated from oxidized, carbonate-bearing melts or fluids (McCammon et al. 2004; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Otsuka et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a).Trace elements have been analyzed in thirty-eight of the ferropericlase inclusions and data are provided in Table 9 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted as spidergrams on Figure 19, normalized to BSE. Twenty-one of the inclusions were measured by SIMS at the EIMF (Hutchison 1997; Harte et al. 1999; Burnham et al. 2016) and seventeen by LA-ICP-MS (Kaminsky et al. 2001). Also shown on this diagram are the calculated abundance patterns for ferropericlase in meta-peridotitic and meta-harzburgitic assemblages at lower mantle conditions.Ferropericlase inclusions are generally depleted in lithophile trace elements relative to BSE but show a wide variation, with many elements spanning several orders of magnitude. Relative depletions are apparent in Ba and Y, as are enrichments in Rb and Li, and in some samples, Th, U, Nb and Ta. Overall, the REE appear to be relatively unfractionated, although data are sparse for many elements. Abundances are generally in the range predicted in models for peridotitic ferropericlase in the lower mantle but with notable differences. The REE generally fall between ferropericlase in primitive meta-peridotite and meta-harzburgite assemblages, whereas Th, U, Nb and Ta are notably enriched relative to the predicted depletions for these elements in lower mantle ferropericlase. The depletions in Ba and Y are also not predicted in these lithologies and likely are inherited from a distinct source.Olivine (orthorhombic, Pbnm) and its higher-pressure polymorphs, wadsleyite (orthorhombic, I2/m) and ringwoodite (cubic, Fd3m), comprise approximately 60 vol% of primitive mantle lithologies in the upper mantle and transition zone as shown on Figure 1. Inclusions with (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 stoichiometry are one of the most common inclusions in lithospheric diamonds and are typically interpreted as representative of a peridotitic association (Stachel et al. 2022, this volume) but appear to be notably rare in diamonds that are demonstrably sublithospheric in origin. We compiled a global dataset consisting of twenty eight (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions observed in diamond suites that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 10). Fifteen (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase of which six also co-occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase, and one co-occurs with both MgSiO3-rich and CaSiO3-rich phases. Two (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions occur with an MgSiO3-rich phase and one with a CaSiO3-rich phase. The remainder are reported to occur either in isolation or with other rare inclusion phases.To our knowledge, all of the inclusions included in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) occur in the olivine structure. There is a single occurrence of a reported inclusion with the ringwoodite structure on the basis of Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements taken while the inclusion remained within the diamond (i.e., unexposed at the surface) with the data indicating an Mg# of ~0.75 ± 0.2 and containing about 1.5 wt% water (Pearson et al. 2014); geochemical data is not available from this inclusion so it is not part of our dataset.The major element compositions of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 10 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 20 along with 1478 olivine inclusion from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Also shown are olivine, wadsleyite and ringwoodite compositions produced in experiments using primitive peridotite compositions at pressures >10 GPa.Figure 20 shows that, overall, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions are unlike the bulk of olivine inclusions in lithospheric diamonds. Lithospheric inclusions commonly have Mg#s between ~0.91–0.95, whereas the majority of sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have Mg#s < 0.91, with the remainder greater than 0.94. Many sublithospheric (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions have low NiO, high CaO, high Al2O3 and high Cr2O3. The low NiO contents of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 inclusions coexisting with an MgSiO3-rich phase is consistent with the low-NiO contents of those inclusions as well. In comparison to experimentally produced (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 phases, many of the inclusions are most akin to ringwoodite and least like olivine. Like many of the inclusions, ringwoodite in experiments are notably lower in Mg# than wadsleyite and olivine. While sharing some features with higher pressure (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 polymorphs, many of the inclusions have unique compositions making it difficult to assign them to a certain polymorph, yet it is clear that they are different from the bulk of lithospheric olivine inclusions.Clinopyroxene (monoclinic) with XY(Si,Al)2O6 stoichiometry is a major constituent of meta-peridotitic (~20 vol%) and meta-basaltic assemblages (~60 vol%) at depths of ~ 300 km (Fig. 1) but disappears in these assemblages by ~400 to 500 km as it dissolves into majoritic garnet. Clinopyroxene inclusions, ranging from diopside to jadeite, are common in lithospheric diamonds but are much less common in sublithospheric diamonds. We compiled a global dataset consisting of forty clinopyroxene inclusions from four cratons in diamonds that have been identified as sublithospheric (Table 11—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).Clinopyroxene inclusions can be separated into two groups based on their Na2O contents. High-Na clinopyroxene includes thirty inclusions with Na2O ranging from 1.4 to 13.1 wt%, with bulk compositions that are generally augitic to omphacitic, but with one jadeite. The high-Na clinopyroxenes co-occur with garnet in twenty-six of the inclusions with compositions reported for twenty of these, all of which are majoritic and yield pressures ranging from ~9 to 18 GPa, providing direct evidence for their sublithospheric origin. Low-Na clinopyroxene includes ten inclusions with extremely low Na2O of < 0.13 wt% and have compositions that are augitic to diopsidic. Five of these inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase and two of these with both ferropericlase and MgSiO3-rich inclusions. Three clinopyroxene inclusions occur with a CaSiO3-rich phase, and two of these also contain merwinite.The major element compositions of clinopyroxene inclusions, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, are provided in Table 11 (Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K) and plotted in Figure 21 along with 1321 clinopyroxene inclusions from lithospheric diamonds for comparison. Figure 21a shows a clear distinction between the low-Na and high-Na groups. High-Na pyroxene are generally much more aluminous and overlap extensively with ‘eclogitic’ lithospheric garnets in terms of Na2O, CaO and Mg#. In contrast, the low-Na clinopyroxenes are relatively distinct, with extremely low Na2O which does not increase with Al2O3 content, high CaO contents that are not seen in lithospheric inclusions and high Mg#s.Also shown on Figure 21 are experimental clinopyroxene compositions from meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic assemblages at pressures of 8 to 19 GPa. The high-Na inclusions are generally consistent with clinopyroxenes expected in meta-basaltic or meta-pyroxenitic assemblages, although we note that they generally do not overlap with clinopyroxenes produced in experiments on hydrous or carbonated eclogitic that are typically more alumina and sodium-rich and calcium poor relative to the inclusions. The low-Na group are generally unlike compositions produced in experiments on peridotitic compositions, especially in their very high CaO contents and low-Na2O for a given alumina content.An SiO2 phase is reported to co-occur in fifteen diamonds hosting sublithospheric inclusions in our data sets. While coesite (monoclinic, C2/c) has been identified, the assumption is that the original inclusions were formed in the stishovite structure (tetragonal rutile-type, P42/mnm), which is the stable SiO2 phase from ~ 9 to 75 GPa (Zhang et al. 1996; Fischer et al. 2018). SiO2 occurs with majoritic garnet in seven diamonds in our dataset and the co-occurring majoritic garnets yield pressures of ~ 10 to 22 GPa (Table 1—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Two of the SiO2 inclusions also exhibit exsolved kyanite indicating unmixing of alumina during retrogression. Two diamonds containing CaSiO3-rich inclusions, both low-Ti CaSiO3 from Brazil, also contain SiO2 inclusions (Table 4—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K), whereas there are no reported co-occurrences of SiO2 with MgSiO3-rich, olivine or clinopyroxene inclusions in our data sets. SiO2 inclusions co-occur with ferropericlase in five diamonds, with examples from three cratons (Table 8— Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K).In addition to diamonds included in our data sets, nine coesite inclusions were reported in diamonds from the Juina-5 and Collier-4 kimberlites, Brazil (Burnham et al. 2015), and as isolated inclusions in diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil (Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). With the exception of inclusions containing evidence for exsolved kyanite, SiO2 inclusions are reported to be nearly phase pure with only trace amounts of other elements including TiO2 and Al2O3 (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015).The occurrence of stishovite associated in diamonds with other inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity (e.g., Ti-rich CaSiO3, low-Cr majoritic garnet) is expected based on phase relations (Fig. 1). Burnham et al. (2015) measured the carbon isotopic compositions of host diamonds and the oxygen isotopic composition of coesite inclusions from the Collier-4 and Juina-5 kimberlites, Brazil, two localities that have produced a variety of inclusions of meta-basaltic affinity and found a range of negative carbon isotopic compositions and positive oxygen isotopic compositions consistent with an origin related to subducted oceanic crust.However, the co-occurrence of SiO2 with ferropericlase, which is generally attributed to a peridotitic association, requires a different explanation. At lower mantle conditions in the MgO–FeO–SiO2 system, ferropericlase and stishovite occur together once the FeO solubility in bridgmanite is exceeded, and at ambient lower mantle temperatures (e.g., ~1600 °C) this occurs at ~12 mol% FeO (Fei et al. 1996). However, at < ~1100 °C, bridgmanite breaks down to ferropericlase plus stishovite at < ~5 mol% FeO, and in a fertile mantle composition a field of ferropericlase coexisting with stishovite and Ca-silicate perovskite occurs at ~25 GPa at temperatures < ~900 °C (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011). Thus, the association of stishovite and ferropericlase may represent bridgmanite breakdown associated with either iron-rich lithologies or low temperatures. The Mg#s of ferropericlase co-occurring with stishovite in our data set range from 0.78 to 0.86, with most 0.84 and above. For a fertile mantle these are far too magnesian to be in equilibrium with stishovite at mantle temperatures, and thus are either not in equilibrium with co-occurring stishovite (Stachel et al. 2000b), or were equilibrated at much lower temperatures.Composite inclusions with bulk stoichiometries consistent with the calcium ferrite (CF) structured phase and new aluminous (NAL) phase that occur in meta-basaltic assemblages at conditions of the lower mantle (Fig. 1) have been described in diamonds from Brazil (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Within their stability fields the CF phase is orthorhombic (Pbnm) and has the general formula XY2O4 (X = K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+; Y = Al3+ and Si4+), whereas the NAL phase is hexagonal (P63/m) and has the general formula AX2Y6O12 (A = Na+, K+, Ca2+; X = Mg2+, Fe2+; Y = Al3+, Si4+ (Miyajima et al. 2001; Wicks and Duffy 2016). Inclusions interpreted as retrograde CF phase are found as composite mixtures of spinel (Mg,Fe)Al2O4 and nepheline NaAlSiO4, whereas NAL phases as composite mixtures of spinel and a nepheline–kalsilite phase, (Na,K)AlSiO4. Bulk inclusion compositions as determined by wide beam EPMA analysis or reconstruction from phase modes (Walter et al. 2011; Thomson et al. 2014) yield stoichiometries close to the ideal CF and NAL phases produced in experiments on basaltic compositions (Ono et al. 2001; Ricolleau et al. 2010; Ishii et al. 2019), providing strong evidence for the role of subducted oceanic crust in their origin. Trace elements have been reported for six NAL phases and two CF phases (Thomson et al. 2016b) and abundance patterns generally display depletion in REE and large negative Y anomalies and relative enrichments in Th, U, Nb, Ta and Rb relative to BSE.We assembled comprehensive datasets of silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds that ostensibly represent major rock forming minerals in the mantle (majoritic garnet, Ca-silicate perovskite, bridgmanite, ferropericlase, olivine and clinpyroxene). The major and trace element compositions of the inclusions combined with experimental phase equilibrium and element partitioning data provide a basis for conceptual models of their origin and reveal information about mantle geodynamic processes leading to diamond formation.The geochemical features of the sublithospheric inclusions generally permit a distinction between a meta-basaltic association (low-Cr majoritic garnet; high-Ti CaSiO3; low Mg#, high-Al MgSiO3; CF and NAL phases) and a meta-peridotitic association (high-Cr majoritic garnet; low-Ti CaSiO3; low-Al, high Mg# MgSiO3; ferropericlase) (Stachel et al. 2005; Harte 2010). However, it is also apparent from experimental major element systematics and trace element modeling that inclusion compositions generally do not conform, with very few exceptions, to expectations for primary subsolidus minerals in primitive meta-peridotitic assemblages (e.g., pyrolite) or meta-basaltic (e.g., MORB) assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle conditions.The geochemistry of syngenetic sublithospheric inclusions cannot be separated from models for how the host diamonds form, and like their lithospheric counterparts, sublithospheric diamonds exhibit abundant evidence for crystallization from fluids or melts. Therefore, to provide context for general models of inclusion genesis we first discuss observations regarding diamond crystallization.It is well-established that diamonds originating in cratonic lithospheric mantle precipitate primarily from carbon-bearing fluids (Deines 1980; Sunagawa 1984; Haggerty 1986; Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013) and they provide a baseline for comparison with sublithospheric diamonds. On the basis of fluid inclusions trapped in fibrous diamonds from the lithosphere the parental fluids exhibit a range in composition, including high- and low-Mg carbonatitic, chlorine-rich and silica-rich aqueous fluids (Klein-BenDavid et al. 2007, 2009; Weiss et al. 2013, 2014). Cathodoluminescence imaging of lithospheric diamonds reveals internal growth textures with intricate, concentric zoning, as well as evidence of resorption and recrystallization, textures indicative of precipitation from carbon-saturated fluids as opposed to solid-state transformation from graphite (Bulanova 1995; Shirey et al. 2013). Further evidence for fluid-mediated diamond precipitation includes fracture infillings (Czas et al. 2018) and systematic changes in carbon and nitrogen abundance and isotopic composition, features that are consistent with crystallization from a fractionating fluid phase (Boyd et al. 1987; Smart et al. 2011).Sublithospheric diamonds can potentially form through subsolidus decarbonation reactions in the mantle, for example, through reaction with silica in oceanic crust (Maeda et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018; Drewitt et al. 2019) or through reaction of carbonate with reduced phases such as iron or iron carbide (Liu 2002; Zhu et al. 2019). However, sublithospheric diamonds typically have internal textural features that are similar to lithospheric diamonds, displaying intricate, complex growth layering, and in some cases multiple nucleation centers, indicative of crystallization from fluids or melts, examples of which are provided in Figure 22 (Hayman et al. 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). An exception may be CLIPPIR and Type IIb diamonds, which typically have no discernible growth structure but show abundant dislocation networks indicative of plastic deformation and annealing (Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Sublithospheric diamonds commonly exhibit deformation textures indicative of residence in a high-strain environment at high temperature (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Smith et al. 2016a, 2018; Shirey et al. 2019). Sublithospheric diamonds also preserve both small-scale and large-scale intra-diamond carbon isotope variations among growth zones (Fig. 22), consistent with growth from fractionating fluids/melts or multiple episodes of growth from fluids/melts of variable composition (Stachel et al. 2002; Bulanova et al. 2010; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). In contrast to lithospheric diamonds, which are often regular crystal forms and can exhibit fluid-inclusion-rich fibrous diamond growth, sublithospheric diamonds tend to have more irregular morphologies and fibrous diamond growth has not been observed.Diamonds precipitate from fluids or melts when carbon species, such as CO2, CH4, CO32-, or HCO3-, become reduced or oxidized as a consequence of changes in temperature (Luth and Stachel 2014; Stachel and Luth 2015), pH (Sverjensky and Huang 2015) and redox conditions (Haggerty 1986; Frost and McCammon 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Shirey et al. 2013; Stagno et al. 2013; Thomson et al. 2016a) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). Gradients in these variables exist, for example, when carbon-bearing fluids and melts permeate and migrate through rocks. On the basis of tomographic imaging of eclogitic mantle xenoliths from cratonic lithosphere, diamonds precipitate at silicate grain boundaries, exhibiting growth along intergranular planes that likely served as pathways for fluid flow (Anand et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2009b; Czas et al. 2018). There are no such examples of diamondiferous sublithospheric mantle xenoliths, but the diamond textural similarities described above are suggestive of a similar fluid-mediated crystallization. By inference, crystalline silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds likely equilibrated with or crystallized directly from dissolved components in fluids or melts migrating through rocks in subducted lithosphere or the mantle.Because sublithospheric diamonds are believed to grow at much greater depths than lithospheric diamonds, the fluids and melts will also possess a different chemical character. For example, H2O-rich fluids are expected to be well beyond their second critical endpoints in both peridotitic and basaltic systems, transitioning into hydrous melts with a large fraction of dissolved silicate component (Kessel et al. 2005; Mibe et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2009a; Mibe et al. 2011; Kawamoto et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2020). Before considering the types of fluids and melts that sublithospheric inclusions may crystallize from, we consider evidence from stable isotopes, particularly carbon, that provide further context for potential source lithologies and for understating different populations of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The stable isotope compositions of sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions have been used extensively to inform interpretations of their origin (Deines 1980; Deines et al. 1991; Hutchison et al. 1999; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Shirey et al. 2013, 2019; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015) (see also Stachel et al. 2022b, this volume). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of the diamonds and oxygen isotopes of inclusions can provide evidence for potential source lithologies of carbon-bearing fluids and melts.Carbon isotopes have been measured most extensively using SIMS, often at a spatial scale of individual growth layers, revealing distinct populations among sublithospheric diamonds. Figure 23 shows frequency histograms of the carbon isotopic composition for diamonds hosting inclusions in our database, separated by inclusion type. The primitive mantle is assumed to have a carbon isotopic composition of about δ13C = –5 ± 2‰ (relative to a PDB carbonate standard), whereas carbon in subducted lithosphere lithologies varies from about δ13C = 0‰ (e.g., seawater carbonate) to values lower than δ13C = –25‰ that plausibly represent a source of either biogenic or abiogenic organic carbon (Cartigny 2005). A remarkable distinction is apparent between diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions consistent with a meta-peridotitic association relative to those with a meta-basaltic association.Both major element and trace element characteristics of low-Cr majoritic garnet inclusions indicate a meta-basaltic or mixed basaltic-peridotitic (meta-pyroxenitic) association. The carbon isotopic composition of diamonds hosting low-Cr garnet inclusions (Fig. 23a) show a wide range of values between about δ13C = –3 to –25‰, with the majority being substantially isotopically lighter than mantle carbon, suggestive of a source of carbon in subducted slab lithologies, in particular basaltic oceanic crust (Kaminsky et al. 2001; Stachel et al. 2002; Cartigny 2005; Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012, 2017; Cartigny et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Supporting this interpretation are measurements of isotopically heavy oxygen exhibited by garnet and SiO2 inclusions hosted by diamonds with isotopically light carbon, with heavy oxygen attributed to interaction of oceanic crust with seawater (Burnham et al. 2015; Ickert et al. 2015). Further support for this interpretation comes from nitrogen isotopes. Although sublithospheric diamonds generally have very low N contents (~70% are Type II and >90% have N < 100 at.ppm), where it has been analyzed in diamonds that contain low-Cr majoritic garnet, N isotopes are heavy relative to primitive mantle, consistent with an oceanic crustal source (Palot et al. 2012; Regier et al. 2020). Very few of the diamonds hosting high-Cr majoritic garnets have been measured for C isotopes. Four of the five have generally low mantle-like values with one much lighter, but the data is too sparse to draw any firm conclusions.Diamonds hosting CaSiO3-rich inclusions (Fig. 23b) show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰. Although the measurements are relatively few, there is an apparent distinction between diamonds hosting low-Ti and high-Ti inclusions. Diamonds containing low-Ti inclusions, with chemical features most consistent with a meta-peridotitic association, generally have heavier C, with isotope compositions exhibiting a peak overlapping with mantle carbon; exceptions include one diamond with very light carbon (~ –23‰) and one with anomalously heavy carbon (~ –1‰). In contrast, high-Ti inclusions, with chemical features consistent with a meta-basaltic association, generally occur in diamonds with lighter carbon, with a range similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet.Diamonds hosting MgSiO3-rich inclusions also show a range of δ13C from about 0 to –25‰ (Fig. 23c). Low-Al MgSiO3-rich inclusions with chemical features indicating a meta-peridotitic association predominantly occur in diamonds with heavy C, δ13C from about 0 to –4‰, with two exceptions at δ13C of ~ –15‰. Indeed, carbon isotope signatures among this group tend to show heavier C than in normal mantle. Although measurements are sparse, high-Al inclusions that are more consistent with a meta-basaltic association occur in diamonds that have d13C from about –5 to –25‰, similar to low-Cr majoritic garnet and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich inclusion-bearing diamonds. Similarly, diamonds with clinopyroxene inclusions (Fig. 23d) with high Na that are compositionally akin to a meta-basaltic association show a wide range of δ13C from ~ 0 to –18 ‰, whereas diamonds with low Na clinopyroxene are isotopically heavy, generally intermediate between mantle and carbonate.Ferropericlase inclusions (Fig. 23e) occur in diamonds with a relatively narrow distribution of carbon isotopes with a peak at δ13C ~ –4‰, generally consistent with mantle carbon but with a distribution toward both heavier and lighter carbon. Diamonds hosting olivine (Fig. 23f) inclusions exhibit a similar distribution to ferropericlase but with a few notable outliers to much lighter C. Both ferropericlase and olivine are minerals typically associated with a meta-peridotitic association, which is generally consistent with their carbon isotope compositions.Variations in carbon isotopes within diamonds hosting inclusions with compositions indicating a meta-basaltic association (e.g., low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3) can be large across growth zones (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Palot et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a). Such large variations can be attributed to changes in the source of carbon in fluids or melts contributing to diamond growth rather than fractionation of carbon during diamond precipitation. In cases where measurements have been made in diamonds from core to rim, examples are found for both large core to rim increases and decreases in carbon isotopic compositions, although there is an apparent tendency that when diamond cores are isotopically light the rims tend to be heavier (Fig. 22) (Bulanova et al. 2010; Thomson et al. 2014; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Palot et al. 2017). For example, in ten cases where cores had isotopic compositions lower than δ13C = –20‰, the compositions of rims were notably heavier extending in some cases to near mantle values (Thomson et al. 2014). Such variations might represent mixing of carbon sources as melts and fluids derived from oceanic crust mix with carbon derived from the mantle as they migrate and evolve (Burnham et al. 2015).On the basis of the major, trace and isotopic composition of sublithospheric diamonds and their mineral inclusions both carbonated melts and carbon-bearing hydrous fluids or melts have been postulated as potential diamond-forming media (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Harte 2010; Stachel and Luth 2015; Palot et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2016a,b; Smith et al. 2018; Timmerman et al. 2019; Zhu et al. 2019) (see also Luth et al. 2022, this volume). We note these kinds of fluids/melts are not mutually exclusive and any melt or fluid in the mantle will likely contain carbon, hydrogen and other volatile incompatible elements. Also implicated as a potential fluid growth medium are Fe–Ni–S–C metallic alloy or sulfide melts (Smith et al. 2016b). Subducting lithospheric slabs are most commonly suggested as the source of volatile-rich fluid components, and here we assess these model diamond-forming fluids.Low-degree carbon-rich melts and the origin of meta-basaltic inclusions. Inclusions indicating a genetic relationship with meta-basaltic assemblages have been most closely linked to an origin involving low-degree melts of subducted oceanic crust. Lithophile trace element abundances observed in low-Cr majorite and high-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases (Fig. 6 and 9), coupled with considerations of melting phase relations, have been interpreted to reflect equilibration with a low-degree melt of subducted oceanic crust, generally in the range of 300 to 600 km (Walter et al. 2008; Bulanova et al. 2010; Zedgenizov et al. 2014a; Thomson et al. 2016a,b). In this model, diamond co-crystallizes from carbon-bearing low-degree melts through redox reactions as melts migrate away from the oceanic crust and into peridotite, either within the slab or outside the slab in ambient mantle (Bulanova et al. 2010; Rohrbach and Schmidt 2011; Walter et al. 2011; Sun et al. 2020). Modeling indicates that melts can migrate through channelized porous flow and depending on the flux from the slab, remain molten for millions of years, reacting and differentiating as they move (Sun and Dasgupta 2019; Sun et al. 2020, 2021).Figure 24 shows calculated trace element abundances (normalized to MORB) in melts that could coexist with low-Cr majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-silicate perovskite and low Mg#/high-Al bridgmanite on the basis of experimental mineral–melt partition coefficients (Table 3—Available at: https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K). Also shown for comparison are calculated low-degree melts (F = 0.01) of model MORB and processed MORB at 20 GPa as well as the compositions of a suite of oceanic carbonatites (Hoernle et al. 2002). Overall, there is a good correspondence among the calculated coexisting melts from the three meta-basaltic inclusion types, suggesting a similar parental melt compositions, including enrichments in highly incompatible elements (e.g., Th, U, Nb, Ta, La, Ce) and common relative depletions in Sr, Zr, Hf and Pb (not shown, typically unmeasured or below detection limit). Bulanova et al. (2010) and Thomson et al. (2016a) presented trace element models that included Ca-silicate perovskite and majoritic garnet fractionation that can plausibly explain much of the observed trace element abundance variations in inclusion sample suites from individual pipes in the Juina region (e.g., Collier-4, Juina-5). In particular the trace element abundances of the CaSiO3-rich inclusions are strikingly similar to low-degree melts of oceanic crust and with carbonatites from oceanic settings. The expected high U/Pb and relatively unfractionated Rb/Sr and Lu/Hf makes these melts putative candidates for imposing a chemical character to the mantle they interact with that could grow a HIMU like isotopic character over time (Sun et al. 2021).Figure 25 shows the solidus of carbonated oceanic crust (Kiseeva et al. 2013a; Thomson et al. 2016a; Zhang et al. 2020) relative to calculated pressure-temperature profiles for subducting lithosphere at the slab top and Moho in modern subduction zone settings (Shirey et al. 2021). Differences in the solidi among the experimental studies can generally be attributed to variations in the Ca/Mg of the source basalt and should reflect expected variations in subducted, altered MORB. The “slab-therms” indicate that carbonated oceanic crust will melt at pressures of about 13 GPa or greater, with only the coldest slabs potentially avoiding melting. Addition of water to the carbon-bearing system will reduce the solidus further, making melting of oceanic crust an inevitable consequence of subduction to deep upper mantle and transition zone depths.Subducting slabs are believed to often stagnate in the transition zone due to a combination of buoyancy forces related to phase transitions (Bina 1997; Billen 2008), such that most or all slab crust may be expected to undergo carbonated melting in the transition zone at ~ 1100–1200 °C. We note that majoritic garnet inclusions indicate two pressure modes at about 9 and 14 GPa (Fig. 4), or with a plausible exsolution correction, at about 13 and 18 GPa (Thomson et al. 2021). The high pressure mode in particular, which is dominated by low-Cr garnets of the meta-basaltic association (Fig. 5b), occurs at pressures generally consistent with a model for melting of carbonated oceanic crust. The experiments of Thomson et al. (2016b) also showed that the products of reaction between carbonated melt from oceanic crust and mantle peridotite include low-Cr, high Ca majorite garnet with compositions intermediate to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic majoritic garnet, high-Ti Ca-perovskite with low MgO, and ferropericlase with variable but low Mg#s, all features that are consistent with observations from meta-basaltic inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds.Hydrous fluids/melts and the origin of meta-peridotitic inclusions. The discovery of a hydrous ringwoodite (~1.5 wt% H2O) inclusion in a diamond from Juina, Brazil, provides primary evidence for the involvement of H2O-rich fluids in sublithospheric diamond genesis (Pearson et al. 2014), although only one such inclusion has been identified to date. Crystallographic data indicate an Mg# of 0.75 ± 0.2, and the inclusion co-occurs with a CaSiO3-rich inclusion with a breyite structure, presumably of the low-Ti variety due to a lack of evidence for an exsolved CaTiO3 phase. Thus, the association appears nominally meta-peridotitic. Further evidence for the role of an H2O-rich peridotitic association comes from exsolved brucite and magnesioferrite in a composite ferropericlase (Mg# = 0.84) inclusion from Juina (Brazil).Relatively high levels of boron (reaching up to a few ppm) in blue (Type IIb) diamonds that host MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2 and ferropericlase inclusions, are postulated to result from dehydration of post-serpentine minerals on the basis of the high-partition coefficient for boron in serpentine during seawater alteration (Smith et al. 2018). Inclusions of ferropericlase, MgSiO3-rich phases, CaSiO3-rich phases, SiO2, and CF- or NAL-phase in Type IIb diamonds have been found to have a thin layer of methane ± hydrogen fluid coexisting alongside the solid phases within the inclusion cavity, tentatively suggesting the involvement of a hydrous component in diamond growth (Smith et al. 2018). The co-occurring phases reported in Type IIb diamonds also appear to be part of a meta-peridotitic association although chemical analyses were not reported. Evidence for the role of an H2O-rich basaltic association comes from reports of micro- or nano-inclusions of phase Egg and δ-AlOOH (Wirth et al. 2007; Kaminsky 2017).Figure 25 shows a representative phase diagram for hydrous peridotite that, together with modeled pressure–temperature paths at the slab Moho for modern subduction zones, can be used to assess the fate of water in the oceanic lithospheric mantle as it subducts into the transition zone. As pointed out by previous workers, retaining water in subducted lithosphere requires that temperatures in the slab mantle remain below the temperature minimum (~ 7 GPa and 700°C) along the dehydration curve where antigorite and 10 Å phase (±Mg-sursassite) remain stable (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi et al. 2004; Shirey et al. 2021), which has been referred to as a “choke point” (Iwamori 2004). Estimates for the water storage capacity in antigorite-bearing slab mantle is about 4–5 wt% (Iwamori 2004; Komabayashi and Omori 2006), whereas 10 Å phase-bearing (±Mg-sursassite) mantle assemblages have storage capacity of ~1–2 wt% H2O (Iwamori 2004; Fumagalli and Poli 2005). Warm slabs have temperatures higher than the choke point leading to dehydration of slab mantle at depths shallower than ~250 km, and such slabs are unlikely to transport significant amounts of water deeper into the mantle either in basaltic crust or peridotitic lithosphere (Okamoto and Maruyama 2004; van Keken et al. 2011; Shirey et al. 2021). However, cooler slabs have P–T paths at the Moho and in the even cooler interior portions of the lithosphere that can remain well below the choke point. Depending on the efficiency of hydration of mantle lithosphere near the surface, cooler slabs can potentially transport as much 4–5 wt% water deeper into the mantle, at least locally, in serpentinized regions formed in deep fractures related to slab bending near the Earth’s surface (Faccenda 2014). In colder slabs antigorite transforms at ~250 km and deeper to a series of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases (DHMS) that in mantle peridotite compositions have the capacity to store at least 5 wt% water and potentially more than 10 wt% (Iwamori 2004).Water retention in DHMS phases in subducting mantle lithosphere has been postulated in a number of previous studies (Thompson 1992; Frost 1999; Poli and Schmidt 2002; Iwamori 2004; Ohtani et al. 2004; Omori et al. 2004; Harte 2010; van Keken et al. 2011; Ohtani 2015; Maurice et al. 2018). As described above, most slabs are expected to slow down and deform in the transition zone (Bina 1997; Billen 2008). During this stagnation H2O-bearing slabs will heat by conduction before descending into the lower mantle. Figure 25 illustrates that heating by only a few hundred degrees in the transition zone, which can occur in an ~10 m.y. timeframe (Shirey et al. 2021), would result in breakdown of DHMS phases in the slab mantle at ~1200–1300 °C to wadsleyite or ringwoodite-bearing assemblages and a hydrous fluid.Wadselyite- and ringwoodite-bearing mantle can accommodate ~1–2 wt% water but a free fluid phase is expected for more water rich-regions of slab mantle. If slabs do not heat sufficiently in the transition zone to dehydrate DHMS phases, dehydration is unavoidable at ~ 700–800 km due to another deep trough, or second ‘choke point’, as they penetrate into the lower mantle. Depending on temperature, phase D, superhydrous phase B or ringwoodite will transform into a nominally anhydrous assemblage of bridgmanite, Ca-silicate perovskite and ferropericlase with a much lower bulk water storage capacity (< ~0.1 wt%) (Fu et al. 2019), possibly resulting in a hydrous melt at the top of the lower mantle (Schmandt et al. 2014; Ohtani 2015, 2020; Walter et al. 2015).The composition of H2O-rich, supercritical fluids or melts released at transition zone and lower mantle depths are poorly known but should have a considerable dissolved silicate component derived from either meta-peridotitic or meta-basaltic mantle sources, being well beyond their second critical endpoints (Mibe et al. 2007, 2011; Wang et al. 2020). Such fluids may also have a dissolved carbon component acquired from mantle peridotite or oceanic crust. Precipitation of diamond and inclusions may occur through subsequent reaction as fluids migrate within the slab and potentially out of the slab (Harte 2010). The meta-peridotitic association of low-Al MgSiO3-rich phases, low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and ferropericlase may possibly be best explained by crystallization involving such H2O-rich fluids/melts at low-temperature in subducted lithospheric mantle and especially in a depleted peridotite composition (e.g., harzburgite) (Harte 2010; Smith et al. 2018; Shirey et al. 2021).Figure 16 illustrates that at ~1200 °C, where dehydration and fluid release is expected to occur, assemblages are dominated by ringwoodite, akimotoite, bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, garnet and ferropericlase. The generally low Mg content of low-Ti CaSiO3-rich phases and the generally low-Al and low-Ca contents of MgSiO3 inclusions may indicate equilibrium and crystallization from cool, hydrous fluids or melts carrying dissolved peridotitic components. This may either reflect equilibrium assemblages of Ca-silicate perovskite and akimotoite at the base of the transition zone or relatively low-temperature equilibration between Ca-perovskite and bridgmanite where the solvus results in low levels of solid solution (Irifune et al. 2000). Such low temperatures may also explain the co-occurrence of ferropericlase and stishovite.The role of Fe–Ni–S–C metallic melts. Iron-rich metal and sulfide inclusions have been reported in diamonds containing sublithospheric inclusions (Bulanova et al. 2010; Kaminsky and Wirth 2011; Smith and Kopylova 2014; Smith et al. 2016b, 2018). Bulanova et al. (2010) reported a metallic iron phase co-occurring in a diamond containing a majoritic garnet, and composite inclusions interpreted as retrograde CAS-phase and K-hollandite, and also observed low-Ni (<3 wt%) pyrrhotite inclusions co-occurring with Ti-rich CaSiO3, majoritic garnet and SiO2 inclusions in seven diamonds from the Collier-4 kimberlite, Juina (Brazil). Kaminsky and Wirth (2011) reported iron carbides (Fe3C, Fe2C and Fe23C6) associated with native iron, also in a diamond from the Juina area, and although not occurring with other sublithospheric inclusions, they concluded a sublithospheric origin based on phase relations in the Fe–C system.Smith et al. (2016b) reported that many high-quality, Type IIa, gem diamonds, exemplified by the Cullinan, Constellation, and Koh-i-Noor, commonly contain iron-nickel-carbon-sulfur inclusions. Metallic inclusions have been found in 67 out of 83 diamonds in the so-called CLIPPIR suite (Cullinan-like, inclusion-poor, relatively pure, irregularly shaped, and resorbed), and some of these diamonds also contain majoritic garnet or CaSiO3-rich (including Ti-rich CaSiO3) phases which, based on the arguments discussed above, indicate a sublithospheric origin (Smith et al. 2016b, 2017, 2021). A thin fluid layer of methane ± hydrogen was also found associated with the metallic inclusions likely dissolved in the original iron melt under reducing conditions. Smith et al. (2018) also report on rare metallic phases similar to those common in the CLIPPIR suite in the boron-bearing (Type IIb) suite of sublithospheric diamonds. These diamonds contain a wide range of inclusion types with CaSiO3-phases being the most common, but also including majoritic garnet, SiO2, and possibly CF or NAL phase in a diamond containing a metallic phase. Smith et al. (2016b) interpret the metallic inclusions as the solidified products of a metallic liquid phase in the deep mantle and suggested strong N partitioning into the melt phase, which may explain the characteristically low nitrogen content in CLIPPIR diamonds and perhaps in sublithospheric diamonds more generally (Smith and Kopylova 2014).Sublithospheric diamonds containing Fe-rich metal alloy and sulfide inclusions are also generally characterized by isotopically variable and often extremely light carbon (δ13C from −26.9 to −3.8 ‰ in CLIPPIR diamonds; δ13C −26 to −8‰ in Collier-4 diamonds). Although the number of metal/sulfide-bearing diamonds co-occurring with sublithospheric silicate inclusions is small, the suite observed to date contains phases suggestive of basaltic. A recent study of the Fe isotopic composition of the metallic inclusions reveals a strikingly heavy isotopic signature (δ56Fe = 0.79 to 0.90‰) thought to be inherited from magnetite and/or Fe–Ni alloys precipitated during serpentinization of oceanic peridotite (Smith et al. 2021). This heavy iron signature is suggestive that the metallic liquid trapped in CLIPPIR diamonds has a lithological connection to subducted, serpentinized peridotite.On the basis of an analysis of published geochemical data of predominant silicate and oxide inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds and building upon observations and ideas that have been discussed in the literature for over three decades, a framework emerges for understanding processes occurring in the deep mantle related to the subduction of lithospheric plates. Few inclusions have major and trace element chemistry consistent with expectations for primitive meta-peridotitic mantle assemblages at upper mantle, transition zone or lower mantle pressures and temperatures, and we conclude that sublithospheric diamonds do not typically incorporate minerals representative of ambient mantle.Generally speaking, the inclusions define two populations that appear to reflect different source lithologies, or more specifically, the fluids and melts derived from and/or that interact with those lithologies. Consistent with previous interpretations we assign the two populations of inclusions to meta-peridotitic and meta-basaltic varieties, with the former broadly representative of peridotitic, harzburgitic and dunitic lithologies and the latter including basaltic or pyroxenitic ones. The host diamonds themselves have carbon isotopic compositions that also reveal a distinction among these groups, with meta-peridotitic inclusions hosted by diamonds with a restricted range of predominantly isotopically heavier, mantle-like carbon, whereas the meta-basaltic group exhibits a wider range that extends to isotopically light carbon associated with subducted oceanic crust.The meta-peridotite group includes low-Al MgSiO3, low-Ti CaSiO3, ferropericlase, high-Cr majoritic garnet, olivine and low-Na clinopyroxene inclusions. Low-Al MgSiO3 (former bridgmanite and/or akimotoite), low-Ti CaSiO3 (former Ca-silicate perovskite) and high Mg# ferropericlase are generally consistent with diamond formation in the shallow lower mantle or deep transition zone, and the observed inclusion suite provides evidence for equilibration at low temperatures (e.g., low Mg in Ca-perovskite; low Ca in MgSiO3; the ferropericlase plus stishovite association) perhaps in the range of 1000–1200 °C. Many inclusions also indicate a depleted source lithology (e.g., low Al, low Ca, high Mg# in some MgSiO3; low Cr, Al and Na in ferropericlase), which when combined with low equilibration temperatures suggests an origin related to depleted slab mantle lithosphere.Harte (2010) summarized many of these features and suggested an origin related to dehydration of subducted lithospheric mantle near the base of the transition zone, and phase relations for dehydration in subducted mantle support this hypothesis. The heavy iron isotopes in iron-alloy inclusions that may be related to magnetite formation during serpentinization and the generally mantle-like carbon isotopic compositions of the diamonds hosting the meta-peridotitic inclusions all support this hypothesis. This may indicate that slab-derived hydrous fluids acquire their carbon from the mantle portion of the down-going slab or from the ambient mantle, with little or no interaction with subducted oceanic crust.The presence of methane in some inclusions is suggestive of reduced fluids possibly equilibrated with metal alloy phases. The high-Cr majoritic garnets also have a meta-peridotite chemistry but their apparent formation pressures indicate a predominantly upper mantle origin unrelated to the deeper inclusion assemblage, suggesting these garnet inclusions may have formed in the deepest portions of the lithospheric mantle. Low-Na clinopyroxene, with their unusual co-occurrences with ferropericlase and Ca-rich phases, also remain enigmatic but seemingly reflect an upper mantle and transition zone origin.The meta-basaltic group is characterized by low-Cr garnet, high-Ti CaSiO3, high-Al MgSiO3, high-Na clinopyroxene as well as rare CF and NAL inclusions (Fig. 1). These inclusions have major element compositions akin to high pressure phases in meta-basaltic to meta-pyroxenitic lithologies. Majoritic garnet barometry places their origin throughout the deep upper mantle to the transition zone, which is consistent with phase equilibrium constraints on the origin of high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions. In contrast, high-Al MgSiO3, CF and NAL inclusions provide evidence of a shallow lower mantle assemblage. Thus, the meta-basaltic group apparently forms over a wide depth range.Meta-basaltic inclusions have trace element concentrations that are generally enriched over levels expected in MORB, sometimes by many orders of magnitude, with elemental abundance patterns linking them to deeply subducted oceanic crust. Low-degree melts from oceanic crust, possibly carbonatitic, are implicated in their origin and diamond formation may occur through reduction within slab mantle or ambient mantle through redox freezing. Low temperatures of equilibration are indicated by the high-Ti CaSiO3 inclusions (low-Mg content) consistent with melting of carbonated/hydrated oceanic crust at ~1200 °C as constrained by melting phase relations. Many majoritic garnet and clinopyroxene compositions indicate an origin related to meta-pyroxenite and these may represent hybrid reaction products when melts from subducted oceanic crust infiltrate and react with the slab mantle or ambient mantle. The carbon isotopic compositions of the diamond hosts are consistent with this scenario and may reflect mixing of carbon sourced from subducted oceanic crust and peridotitic mantle sources.The common theme among models for sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation is the key role of subducted lithosphere, and particularly the fluids and melts that are derived from lithologies in the slab that infiltrate and react with their surroundings both within and external to the slab, precipitating diamonds and their inclusions. The overall narrative presented here for the generation of sublithospheric diamonds related to subducted slab lithosphere stagnating in the transition zone and shallow lower mantle is reminiscent of the megalith model of Ringwood (1991), an observation echoed in many studies over the intervening years. Yet many questions remain as we continue to develop our understanding of sublithospheric diamond and inclusion formation and what these samples reveal in detail about deep mantle processes.In this review we have taken a global perspective, highlighting the clear similarities within inclusion groups that span across all sampled cratons. However, processes related to diamond and inclusion formation will also likely be dependent on the specific tectonic and geodynamic setting of subduction, and regional differences can be expected that can only become readily apparent with larger, more diverse data sets. Some outstanding questions that can be addressed in future studies might include:What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.What is the actual distribution of co-occurring phases in sublithospheric diamonds? In many cases, especially in pioneering studies where cracking diamonds to retrieve inclusions was a common practice, the co-occurring phases within individual diamonds are unknown or unreported creating data biases. Future studies should concentrate on identifying all major inclusions co-occurring in single diamonds. This requires a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction and tomography, especially at synchrotron facilities (Wenz et al. 2019). Diamonds should be fully characterized by cutting and polishing to reveal inclusions, ideally with full major and trace element chemical analysis of inclusions and isotopic analysis of the host diamonds.How are iron-rich ferropericlase inclusions formed and at what depth? Are these lower mantle or upper mantle phases? Do they represent remnants of the redox process during interaction of melts/fluids with the mantle during diamond crystallization? What is the source of the pronounced Ba and Y anomalies? More data on the redox state of the iron-rich inclusions, trace element data and iron isotopic compositions of inclusions are needed to understand these important and abundant inclusions.What is the true majoritic garnet pressure distribution? Although reliable majorite barometers are available and a large dataset reveals a range of pressures from the asthenosphere to the transition zone, majoritic garnet inclusions can only provide accurate depths of origin if their bulk chemistry is accurately known. The common unmixing of clinopyroxene in sublithospheric garnet inclusions currently masks this information. Future studies of majoritic garnet inclusions should concentrate on reconstructing bulk compositions through approaches such as X-ray tomography, sequential sectioning and analysis of all unmixed components.What is the upwelling history of composite inclusions? Unmixing of phases is common in sublithospheric inclusions but the uplift history remains a mystery in most cases. What is their final residence depth and what is the uplift mechanism (i.e., solid-state upwelling in a mantle plume; transport in a percolating melt) remain important unresolved questions.What are the ages of diamond and inclusion formation and can they be linked in space and time to paleo-subduction? How do they relate to the timing of ascent and volcanic emplacement at surface? There is scarce information about the age of sublithospheric diamond formation, yet this is critical for placing models within a geodynamic and tectonic context. Dating of small sulfide grains using Re–Os and CaSiO3-rich phases using U–Pb, although tremendously challenging, likely represent the best opportunity to provide key age constraints.Fluids and melts generated by subducting slab lithosphere are the likely media of diamond formation and inclusion equilibration, yet little is known about the phase equilibria or composition of such melts. What are the compositions of the deep melts and fluids from which the diamonds precipitate and the inclusions likely equilibrate? What reactions occur to form diamonds and their inclusions? Experiments on a range of compositions with mixed volatile phases are required to develop a firmer understanding of the fluids, melts and reactions that form sublithospheric diamonds and their inclusions.The tables associated with this chapter can be found at https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/LIVK1K (Walter et al. 2022). We would like to thank Galina Bulanova, Antony Burnham, Rick Carlson, Ben Harte, Dan Howell, Simon Kohn, Nico Kueter, Sami Mikhail, Fabrizio Nestola, Peng Ni, Graham Pearson, Anat Shahar, Steve Shirey, Chris Smith, Lara Speich, Thomas Stachel, Peter van Keken and Lara Wagner for the many conversations and insights that helped shaped this review. Special thanks to Thomas Stachel for access to his incredible inclusion database. We thank Ben Harte, Thomas Stachel, Karen Smit and Graham Pearson for constructive reviews that improved the clarity of ideas and presentation in this chapter.
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