Topsy-Turvy Heart: Exceedingly Rare Congenital Rotational Heart Disease With Large Aorticopulmonary Window and Severe Tracheobroncial Malacia
Left images: Top: (A) Echocardiography shows a dilated pulmonary artery, large aortopulmonary window (dotted line), and abnormally positioned aortic arch. (B) MIP image reveals superior RV, inferior LV, and elongated arch vessels (arrows). Bottom: MinIP shows a thin left main bronchus and non-aerated RML (asterisk). Right images: VRT highlights superior RV, inferior LV, elongated arch vessels (arrows), and APW.
Echocardiography: A Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques is the official publication of the International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound. Widely recognized for its comprehensive peer-reviewed articles, case studies, original research, and reviews by international authors. Echocardiography keeps its readership of echocardiographers, ultrasound specialists, and cardiologists well informed of the latest developments in the field.