Does monitoring pests pay off? a bioeconomic assessment of Drosophila suzukii controls
Drosophila suzukii is a significant invasive pest that has caused high management costs and economic losses for blueberry growers in the United States. The status quo control strategy commonly used by growers is to apply pesticides proactively and frequently to reduce infestation. Recent studies have shown that the calendar-based spraying strategy might be unsustainable in the long term, making the reduction of pesticide reliance a top priority for the berry industry. Incorporating pest monitoring into the control strategy could be an option to improve efficiency while reducing pesticide usage. This study assesses the economic implications of monitoring-based control strategies compared to calendar-based spraying control strategies for organic blueberry production in Oregon. We combine a D. suzukii population model into the economic simulation framework, evaluate two monitoring methods (adult trapping and fruit sampling), and identify the profit-maximizing control strategy under different scenarios.
In the baseline scenario, control strategies that incorporate fruit sampling exhibit the highest average profits. Although the status quo control strategy (spraying every 3 days) generates higher average revenue than monitoring-based strategies, the cost from the higher number of pesticide application offsets the returns.
Pest Management Science is the international journal of research and development in crop protection and pest control. Since its launch in 1970, the journal has become the premier forum for papers on the discovery, application, and impact on the environment of products and strategies designed for pest management.
Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.