Jesse D. Billett, The Divine Office in Anglo-Saxon England, 597–c.1000, Henry Bradshaw Society Subsidia 7. London: Boydell Press, for the Henry Bradshaw Society, 2014. xxii + 463 pp. £60. ISBN 978 1 90749 728 5.
Plainsong & Medieval Music is published twice a year in association with the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society and Cantus Planus, study group of the International Musicological Society. It covers the entire spectrum of medieval music: Eastern and Western chant, secular lyric, music theory, palaeography, performance practice, and medieval polyphony, both sacred and secular, as well as the history of musical institutions. The chronological scope of the journal extends from late antiquity to the early Renaissance and to the present day in the case of chant. In addition to book reviews in each issue, a comprehensive bibliography of chant research and a discography of recent and re-issued plainchant recordings appear annually.