Mircea Babeș, Vasile Iarmulschi, Așezarea și necropola de tip Poienești-Lucașeuca de la Borosești. Biblioteca Tyragetia XXXII (Chișinău 2020). Hardcover, 230 pages, 54 Plates, ISBN 978-9975-87-747-3
The Praehistorische Zeitschrift is regarded as one of the most renowned German publications in the area of Prehistory and Ancient History. In keeping with its traditional mission, it presents detailed accounts of the most recent research conducted in Europe. The geographical emphasis is placed on Eastern, South-Eastern and Northern Central Europe. A comprehensive review section deals with recent German and international monographs from the field of prehistoric archaeology. Contributions are published in German, English or French, with a brief abstract in the other two languages; if necessary, a summary is provided in the author"s native language.