The choice of the name of the journal represents a farewell from the identification of aesthetics with hermeneutics and speculative philosophy of art. It also shows our strong commitment to the irreducibility of aesthetics to a mere psychological fact. The subtitle of the journal “practices, languages and knowledge concerning aesthetics” indicates the present, fertile pluralism of aesthetics. This is a pluralism of views and methods, often connected with the different ways in which contemporary arts and aesthetic abilities present and structure themselves. Also, it is a pluralism of thoughts and formulas, which induces to relativize the western tradition within which the discipline of aesthetics was born. Finally, it is a pluralism of epistemic landscapes, which also trespasses into the sphere of sensibility and art. These various, epistemic landscapes have recently experienced a revolutionary enlargement through the rise of some new or radically renewed disciplines (from neurosciences to anthropology, from cognitive sciences to psychobiology). Indeed, we conceive Aisthesis as a public space where those different approaches and disciplines can interact.