"Applied Psychology: An International Review" is the esteemed official journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), a venerable organization established in 1920 that unites scholars and practitioners in the field of applied psychology. This peer-reviewed journal serves as a global platform for the scholarly exchange of research findings within the diverse domain of applied psychology.
The journal embraces a wide array of topics within applied psychology, including organizational, cross-cultural, educational, health, counseling, environmental, traffic, and sport psychology. It particularly encourages submissions that enhance the understanding of psychological processes in various applied settings and studies that explore the impact of different national and cultural contexts on psychological phenomena.
Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale 自1920年成立以来,一直是将应用心理学领域的学者和从业人员联合起来的历史悠久的组织。该协会出版的《应用心理学》期刊是一份经过同行评审的学术刊物,为全球应用心理学研究成果提供了一个学术交流平台。