The Political and Social Determinants of Football Hooliganism in Central Europe in the Interwar Period

IF 0.8 4区 教育学 Q1 HISTORY International Journal of the History of Sport Pub Date : 2023-11-06 DOI:10.1080/09523367.2023.2277216
Dariusz Wojtaszyn, Lorenzo Venuti
{"title":"The Political and Social Determinants of Football Hooliganism in Central Europe in the Interwar Period","authors":"Dariusz Wojtaszyn, Lorenzo Venuti","doi":"10.1080/09523367.2023.2277216","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractDuring the inter-war period (1918-1939) football in Central Europe developed highly successfully, second only to Great Britain – and it was in Central Europe that the international club competition the Mitropa Cup was established. This became the forerunner of later tournaments played under the auspices of UEFA. The rapid development of football also brought with it negative phenomena associated with football matches, mainly the problem of hooliganism. The consolidation of football through the Mitropa Cup has contributed to the spread of the hooligan phenomenon in the region and gave it additional boost. Central European stadiums became social outlets wherein it was possible express local and national sentiments, resentments, prejudices, and stereotypes.Keywords: FootballfansHooligansCentral EuropeMitropa Cup Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Alessandro Dal Lago, Descrizione di una battaglia. I rituali del calcio [Description of a Battle. The rituals of football] (Bologna: il Mulino, 1990), 166.2 Ibid; Paul Dietschy, Storia del calcio [History of Football] (Vadano al Lambro: Paginauno, 2014), 122–9.3 Some scholars have traced the birth of sports tourism back to the 1934 World Cup in Italy. See Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 156.4 Roman Horak and Wolfgang Maderthaner, Mehr als ein Spiel. Fußball und populare Kulturen im Wien der Moderne [More than just a game. Football and Popular Cultures in Modern Vienna] (Wien: Löcker, 1997).5 See Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning, Quest for Excitement. Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); Eric Dunning, Patrick J. Murphy and John Williams, The Roots of Football Hooliganism: An Historical and Sociological Study (London: Routledge, 1988); Robert W. Lewis, ‘Football Hooliganism in England before 1914: A Critique of the Dunning Thesis’, The International Journal of the History of Sport 13, no. 3 (1996): 310–39; Patrick Murphy, Eric Dunning and Joseph Maguire, ‘Football Spectator Violence and Disorder before the First World War: A Reply to R.W. Lewis’, The International Journal of the History of Sport 15, no. 1 (1998): 141–62; Martin Johnes, ‘Hooligans and barrackers: Crowd disorder and soccer in South Wales, c. 1906-1939’, Soccer & Society 1, no. 2 (2000): 19–35. For a long-term analysis, see John Williams, Eric Dunning, and Patrick Murphy, ‘The rise of the English soccer hooligan’, Youth and Society 17, no. 4 (1986): 362–80.6 Horak and Maderthaner, Mehr als ein Spiel; Matthias Marschik and Doris Sottopietra, Erbfeinde und Haßlieben. Konzept und Realität Mitteleuropas im Sport [Eternal Enemies and Hated Lovers. Concept and reality of Central Europe in sport] (Münster: LIT, 2000), 250–84; Szymon Bieniuk, ‘O piłkarskich trybunach Lwowa lat 30. XX wieku na łamach prasy sportowej: Wybrane kwestie’ [The football stands of 1930s Lviv in the sports press: Selected issues], Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Kultura Fizyczna XVII, no. 1 (2018): 23–56; Rudolf Oswald, „Fußball-Volksgemeinschaft”. Ideologie, Politik und Fanatismus im deutschen Fußball 1919-1964 [Football-People’s Community. Ideology, Politics and Fanaticism in German Football 1919-1964] (Frankfurt/Main–New York: Campus Verlag, 2008); Simon Martin, Calcio e fascismo: lo sport nazionale sotto Mussolini [Football and Fascism. The National Game under Mussolini] (Milano: Mondadori, 2004).7 George L. Mosse, Fallen Soldiers. Reshaping the Memory of the World Wars (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990); George L. Mosse, The Image of Man. The Creation of Modern Masculinity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 47; Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 128–9.8 Elias and Dunning, Quest for Excitement, 43.9 Pierre Lanfranchi, ‘La première guerre mondiale et le développement du football en Europe: l’exemple italien’ [The First World War and the development of football in Europe: the Italian example], in Le football dans nos sociétés. Une culture populaire 1914-1998, ed. Yvan Gastaut and Stéphane Mourlane (Paris: Autrement, 2006), 144; Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 169–72.10 Tony Judt, ‘The Rediscovery of Central Europe’, in Eastern Europe… Central Europe… Europe, ed. Stephen R. Graubard (New York: Routledge, 1991), 23–54.11 György Gyarmati and Zoltán Szasz, ‘Reformpläne für die Umgestaltung der osteuropäischen Region’ [Reform plans for the transformation of the Eastern European region], in Mitteleuropa – Idee, Wissenschaft und Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Richard G. Plaschka, Horst Haselsteiner and Anna M. Drabek (Wien: VÖAW, 1997), 1–5; Karel Bartosek, ‘Probleme einer Definition’ [Problems of a Definition], in Europa und Mitteleuropa? Eine Umschreibung Österreichs, ed. Andreas Pribersky (Wien: Sonderzahl, 1991), 109–12; Chris Cook and John Stevenson, Leksykon historii Europy w XX wieku: 1900-2004 [Lexicon of European History in the 20th Century] (Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza, 2004), 407; Friedrich Naumann, Mitteleuropa [Central Europe] (Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1915); Janusz Pajewski, Mitteleuropa. Studia z dziejów imperializmu niemieckiego w dobie pierwszej wojny światowej [Central Europe. Studies in the history of German imperialism in the era of the First World War] (Poznań: Instytut Zachodni, 1959).12 Sabine Stadler, ‘Der Mitteleuropamythos und seine unterschiedlichen Rezeptionen’ [The Central European Myth and its Different Receptions], in Österreich auf dem Weg zur 3. Republik, ed. Österreichische Assoziation Kritischer Geograph/inn/en (Wien: Promedia, 1992), 99–102; Horst Haselsteiner, ‘Mitteleuropa und das Gestaltungsprinzip Föderalismus’ [Central Europe and the structural principle of Federalism], in Mitteleuropa-Konzeptionen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Richard G. Plaschka et al. (Wien: VÖAW, 1995), 21–5.13 John Bale, ‘Playing at Home. British football and a sense of place’, in: British Football and Social Change: Getting into Europe, ed. John Williams and Stephen Wagg (Leicester: Continuum, 1991), 131.14 See Bruno Maida, La Direzione generale della stampa italiana [The General Directorate of the Italian Press], in La stampa del regime 1932-1943. Le veline del Minculpop, ed. Nicola Tranfaglia (Milano: Bompiani, 2005), 29–55; Ignác Romsics, Hungary in Twentieth Century (Budapest: Osiris, 1999), 181.15 David Rowe, Popular Cultures. Rock Music, Sports and the Politics of Pleasure (London: Sage, 1995), 140.16 Dariusz Wojtaszyn, Kibice w socjalizmie. Trybuny piłkarskie w NRD – studium historyczno-społeczne [Fans in Socialism. Football stands in the GDR – a social-historical study] (Wrocław: ATUT, 2013), 65–83.17 Antonio Roversi, Calcio, tifo e violenza: il teppismo calcistico in Italia [Football, cheering and violence: football hooliganism in Italy] (Bologna: il Mulino, 1992).18 ‘L’inospitale campo di Zagabria. Anche i viennesi percossi dal pubblico’ [The hostile Zagreb pitch. Even the Viennese were attacked by the crowd], Il Corriere della Sera, August 31, 1927, 5.19 ‘Un match di calcio internazionale finito a bastonate e sassate’ [An international match which ended with sticks and stones], La Stampa, August 31, 1927, 6.20 See Stefano Santoro, L’Italia e l’Europa orientale. Diplomazia culturale e propaganda 1918-1943 [Italy and Eastern Europe: Cultural diplomacy and propaganda 1918-1943] (Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2005), 136–7; H. James Burgwyn, Empire on the Adriatic. Mussolini’s Conquest of Yugoslavia 1941-1943 (New York: Enigma, 2005), 6–10.21 ‘Come si svolsero gli incidenti di Zagabria’ [How the Zagreb incidents happened], La Gazzetta dello Sport, May 12, 1926, 3.22 ‘La vittoriosa e disgraziata tournée della Juventus a Zagabria’ [The successful and unfortunate tour of Juventus in Zagreb], La Gazzetta dello Sport, May 14, 1926, 4.23 See ‘La Coppa d’Europa di calcio’ [The European football cup], Il Corriere della Sera, July 7, 1929, 2; ‘Slava b. Juventus: 3 a 0’ [Slavia 3:0 Juventus], Il Littoriale, July 8, 1929, 4.24 ‘Wien kann auf die Admira stolz sein’ [Vienna can be proud of Admira], Sport-Tagblatt, August 22, 1927, 1; ‘Die Prager Slavia und Rapid verbleiben im Cup’ [Prague Slavia and Rapid remain in the Cup], Arbeiter-Zeitung, August 22, 1927, 6.25 Star, August 30, 1927, 14.26 ‘Le prime partite degli squadroni cecoslovacchi’ [The first matches of the Czechoslovakian teams], La Gazzetta dello Sport, September 1, 1927, 6.27 ‘Zwei Niederlagen Österreichs’ [Two Austrian defeats], Sport-Tagblatt, September 10, 1928, 1.28 ‘Locarnogeist im Sport’ [Locarno spirit in sport], Sport-Tagblatt, September 14, 1928, 1.29 ‘Az Ujpest csak két góllal vesztett Prágában a Spártával szemben’ [Ujpest lost to Sparta in Prague by only two goals], Budapesti Hirlap, July 4, 1929: 10; ‘A Sparta kiesése miatt dühöngő tömeg a mérkőzés után összerugdalta a magyar játékosokat és vezetőket’ [After the match the Hungarian players and managers were beaten by the crowd because the Sparta's elimination], Sporthirlap, July 4, 1929, 3.30 ‘Sparta batte Ujpesti: 2 a 0’ [Sparta 2:0 Ujpest], Il Littoriale, July 5, 1929, 2.31 ‘In ambiente ostile, con arbitraggio contrario il Bologna deve cedere al Rapid per 4 a 1’ [In a hostile context, with adverse refereeing, Bologna had to surrender to Rapid 4-1], Il Littoriale, July 9, 1934, 3; ‘Sensationsveranstaltung mit Krawall’ [Sensational event with riot], Sport Tagblatt, July 9, 1934, 1.32 ‘Rapid – Bologna: 4-1’ [Rapid 4:1 Bologna], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 9, 1934, 3.33 ‘Volkssport. Riesenkrawall im Stadion’ [Mass sport. Huge riot in the stadium], Kronen Zeitung, July 9, 1934, 10.34 Report from the Italian Legation in Vienna to the Foreign Ministry, July 9, 1934, Box 908, Cabinet of the Minister and General Secretariat (1923-1943) (G), Italian Foreign Ministry archives (hereafter ASDMAE), Rome, Italy.35 ‘Elfajulak a Középeurópai Kupa mérkőzések’ [The Central European Cup matches are getting out of hand], Budapesti Hírlap, July 10, 1934, 12; ‘Telesna Vychova’, Lidove Noviny, July 8, 1934, 11.36 ‘Admira – Genova 2-2 [Admira 2:2 Genova], Il Lavoro, July 5, 1937, 5.37 Leo Schidrowitz, Geschichte des Fußballsportes in Österreich [History of football in Austria] (Wien: R. Traunau Verlag, 1951), 168.38 Letter, Quaestor of Genova to Chief of police, July 8, 1937, Folder 26/b, 1937, Annual Categories 1879-1945, General Affairs and Confidentiality Division, General Archives (AG), General Directorate of Public Security (1861-1981) (DGPS), Ministry of the Interior (MI), Central archive of State (hereafter ACS), Rome, Italy.39 Letter, Chief of Police to Prefecture of Genoa and Venice, July 10, 1937, b. 26/b, 1937, Annual Categories 1879-1945, AG, DGPS, MI, ACS.40 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 280–1.41 ‘A Sparta lett a meghamisitott középeurópai küzdelmek győztese’ [Sparta is the winner of the rigged Central European cup], Nemzeti Sport, November 14, 1927, 2.42 ‘Il cavalleresco contegno delle folle italiane e le intemperanze dei pubblici d’Oltralpe’ [The chivalrous behaviour of the Italian crowds and the outrageousness of the public the other side of the Alps], Il Corriere della Sera, November 20, 1927, 5; ‘A bécsi közönség kövel dobálta a Sparta játékosait’[Vienna crowd throws stones at Sparta players], Az Est, November 15, 1927, 15; ‘Osztrák-cseh konfliktus fenyeget a Középeurópai Kupa döntőjének botránya miatt’ [Austro-Czech conflict over the scandal of the Central European Cup final], Sporthirlap, November 17, 1927, 5.43 ‘Echi della Coppa dell’Europa Centrale’ [Central European Cup Echoes], La Gazzetta dello Sport, November 21, 1927, 4.44 ‘Der Mitteleuropa-Cup der Professionals – ein Riesenskandal’ [The Central Europe Cup of the Professionals – a huge scandal], Arbeiter-Zeitung, November 14, 1927, 6. The critical account of the social-democratic Arbeiter -Zeitung was to some extent linked to the political nature of the newspaper and their criticism of professional football and its accompanying capitalist mass culture.45 ‘Sparta vitezem Stredoevropeskeho poharu’ [Sparta wins the Central European Cup], Lidove Noviny, November 14, 1927, 4.46 Ibid.47 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 222–4.48 Josef Huber, Die Geschichte des Wiener Fußballs 1923-1998. 75 Jahre Wiener Fußball-Verband [The History of Vienna Football 1923-1998. 75 years of the Vienna Football Association] (Wien: WFB, 1998), 53.49 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 270–1.50 R. Keifu, ed., La Coupe des Nations. Fußball-Europa-Turnier 1930 in Genf [The Nations Cup. 1930 European Football Tournament in Geneva] (Kassel: Agon Sportverlag, 1993), 33.51 ‘Le tournoi international de football de Genève’ [The Geneva International Football Tournament], La Liberté, July 7, 1930, 3; ‘Slavia bat First-Vienna 3 à 1’ [Slavia 3:1 First-Vienna], Feuille d’avis de Neuchâtel, July 7,1930, 5.52 See Miklós Zeidler, Ideas on Territorial Revision in Hungary 1920-1945 (Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 2007).53 ‘Ferencváros – Ripensia 5:4’ [Ferencváros 5:4 Ripensia], Nemzeti Sport, July 11, 1938, 1.54 ‘A második Ferencváros – Ripensia mérkőzés’ [The second Ferencváros – Ripensia match], Nemzeti Sport, July 18, 1938, 3.55 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 213.56 ‘Hungária – Beogradski SK 4:0’ [Hungária 4:0 Beogradski SK], Nemzeti Sport, August 29, 1927, 1.57 Ibid.58 ‘Spielbericht Polonia Warschau – Hakoah Wien’ [Match report Polonia Warsaw – Hakoah Vienna],, (accessed April 21, 2022).59 Adam Tycner, ‘Wojsko, szable i pistolety na boiskach – wojny kiboli w II RP’ [Military, sabres and guns on the playing fields – football fan wars in the Second Republic], Historia. Do, February 21, 2019, (accessed April 21, 2022).60 ‘Spielbericht Polonia Warschau - Hakoah Wienʼ, (accessed April 21, 2022).61 These are the results of a study conducted at the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Archiv der Republik, Auswärtige Angelegenheiten 1918-2005: Österreichische Vertretungsbehörden im Ausland, Neues Politisches Archiv, Bundeskanzleramt) and at Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Ministero dell’Interno), Archivio storico diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Gabinetto del Ministro e segreteria generale), and Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (Külügyminisztériumi levéltár).62 ’La Juventus argina con fatica l’insistente e violenta offensiva dello Sparta ma esce battuta per 1-0 dall’emozionante incontro’ [Juventus only just contains Sparta's insistent and violent attack, but ends up defeated 1-0 in the exciting match], Il Littoriale, July 23, 1931, 1.63 ‘La Juventus cede allo Sparta per 1 a 0 in un durissimo incontro’ [Juventus succumbs to Sparta 1-0 in a hard-fought match], La Stampa, July 23, 1931, 4.64 ‘Slavia – Juventus: 4-0’ [Slavia 4:0 Juventus], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 7, 1932, 3.65 ‘Deplorevoli manifestazioni contro la squadra italiana’ [Deplorable behaviour towards the Italian team], Il Popolo d’Italia, July 7, 1932, 8.66 Report from Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 9, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by categories, General Affairs (AG), Cabinet (G), Prime Minister's Office (hereafter PCM), ACS. On this event see Martin, Calcio e fascismo, 226–8.67 ‘Energico atteggiamento della F.I.G.C. dopo gli incidenti di Praga’ [Vigorous approach of the F.I.G.C. after the incidents in Prague], Il Corriere della Sera, July 8, 1932, 4.68 From Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 9, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by categories, AG, G, PCM, ACS.69 From the Prague’s Legation to Ministry of Foreign Affair, July 14, 1932, fasc. III-6/d, folder 203 (1932), Box 66, Archive of Ministry of Foreign affair, K: Bourgeois years, Hungarian National Archive, Budapest, Hungary; Paul Dietschy, ‘Creating Football Diplomacy in the French Third Republic, 1914-1939’, in Soccer Diplomacy: International Relations and Football Since 1914, ed. Heather L. Dichter (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2020), 39–40.70 Letter from CONI to Prime Minister's Office, September 22, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by Category, AG, G, PCM, ACS.71 ‘Dopo gli incidenti di Praga’ [After the Prague incidents], La Stampa, July 8, 1932, 4.72 ‘A Slavia nem áll ki Torinóban, ha Cesarini játszik’ [Slavia will not play in Turin if Cesarini plays], Nemzeti Sport, July 8, 1932, 4.73 ‘Il ritorno a Torino della «Juventus»’ [The return of ‘Juventus’ to Turin], La Stampa, July 8, 1932, 4.74 ‘Energico atteggiamento della F.I.G.C. dopo gli incidenti di Praga’, Il Corriere della Sera, July 8, 1932, 4.75 ‘La Federazione punisce Cesarini e chiede garanzie ai Cecoslovacchi’ [Federation sanctions Cesarini and demands guarantees from Czechoslovaks], Il Corriere della Sera, July 10, 1932, 4.76 ‘Lo Slavia si ritira dopo due “goals” della Juventus’ [Slavia abandons the match after two Juventus ‘goals'], Il Corriere della Sera, July 11, 1932, 4.77 ‘Juventus – Slavia (primo tempo) 2-0’ [Juventus 2:0 Slavia (first half)], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 11, 1932, 5.78 Ibid.79 Ibid.80 ‘Slavia neprečkala besneni italskeho obecenstva a hraču’ [Slavia did not survive the fury of the Italian public and players], Lidove Noviny, July 11, 1932, 5.81 Ibid.82 ‘Volgarità e menzogne dalla stampa di Praga’ [Vulgarities and lies from the Prague press], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 13, 4. 1932; ‘Le belve e la gabbia’ [The beasts and the cage], Il Littoriale, July 12, 1932, 4.83 ‘Non c’è peggior ceco di chi non vuol vedere’ [There is no worse blind Czech than one who does not want to see], Il Littoriale, July 12, 1932, 6.84 ‘Dimostrazioni antifasciste all’arrivo della «Slavia»’ [Anti-fascist demonstrations at the arrival of ‘Slavia'], La Stampa, July 13, 1932, 1.85 Report from Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 13, 1932, folder 6102, years 1931-1933, files by category, AG, G, PCM, ACS.86 ‘Ist der ganze Cup das wert?’ [Is the whole Cup worth it?], Sport-Tagblatt, July 14, 1932, 1.87 Report from the Italian Legation in Budapest to the Foreign Ministry, July 2, 1935: 1, box 808, G, ASDMAE.88 Ibid.89 Ibid.90 F. Werner, ‘Juventus – Hungaria 3-1’ [Juventus 3:1 Hungária], La Stampa, July 1, 1935, 4.91 ‘Mitropa-Cup als Friedensstörer’ [Mitropa Cup as a peace breaker], Neues Wiener Journal, July 10, 1934, 12.92 ‘Minden a sportszerűség’ [It's all about sportsmanship], Nemzeti Sport, September 14, 1939, 1; Letter from CONI to the Ministry of Interior, August 31, 1938, Box 35, Massime, Permanent categories, DGPS, MI, ACS.Additional informationFundingThis study is funded by The Bekker programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.Notes on contributorsDariusz WojtaszynDariusz Wojtaszyn is Professor of Modern History and Head of the Centre for Research on the History of German and European Sport at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies of the University of Wroclaw (Poland). In 2015 and 2021/2022 he was a visiting professor at the University of Vienna. His research areas concern German-Polish relations after World War II, sport history, European history memories, international textbook research.Lorenzo VenutiLorenzo Venuti, PhD, is postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Florence. He is a member of the Inter-University Centre for Hungarian and Central and Eastern European Studies in Italy (CISUECO). His research areas concern sport history, political uses of history, and anticommunism in Italy during Cold War.","PeriodicalId":47491,"journal":{"name":"International Journal of the History of Sport","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.8000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-06","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"International Journal of the History of Sport","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"教育学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"HISTORY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


AbstractDuring the inter-war period (1918-1939) football in Central Europe developed highly successfully, second only to Great Britain – and it was in Central Europe that the international club competition the Mitropa Cup was established. This became the forerunner of later tournaments played under the auspices of UEFA. The rapid development of football also brought with it negative phenomena associated with football matches, mainly the problem of hooliganism. The consolidation of football through the Mitropa Cup has contributed to the spread of the hooligan phenomenon in the region and gave it additional boost. Central European stadiums became social outlets wherein it was possible express local and national sentiments, resentments, prejudices, and stereotypes.Keywords: FootballfansHooligansCentral EuropeMitropa Cup Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Alessandro Dal Lago, Descrizione di una battaglia. I rituali del calcio [Description of a Battle. The rituals of football] (Bologna: il Mulino, 1990), 166.2 Ibid; Paul Dietschy, Storia del calcio [History of Football] (Vadano al Lambro: Paginauno, 2014), 122–9.3 Some scholars have traced the birth of sports tourism back to the 1934 World Cup in Italy. See Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 156.4 Roman Horak and Wolfgang Maderthaner, Mehr als ein Spiel. Fußball und populare Kulturen im Wien der Moderne [More than just a game. Football and Popular Cultures in Modern Vienna] (Wien: Löcker, 1997).5 See Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning, Quest for Excitement. Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); Eric Dunning, Patrick J. Murphy and John Williams, The Roots of Football Hooliganism: An Historical and Sociological Study (London: Routledge, 1988); Robert W. Lewis, ‘Football Hooliganism in England before 1914: A Critique of the Dunning Thesis’, The International Journal of the History of Sport 13, no. 3 (1996): 310–39; Patrick Murphy, Eric Dunning and Joseph Maguire, ‘Football Spectator Violence and Disorder before the First World War: A Reply to R.W. Lewis’, The International Journal of the History of Sport 15, no. 1 (1998): 141–62; Martin Johnes, ‘Hooligans and barrackers: Crowd disorder and soccer in South Wales, c. 1906-1939’, Soccer & Society 1, no. 2 (2000): 19–35. For a long-term analysis, see John Williams, Eric Dunning, and Patrick Murphy, ‘The rise of the English soccer hooligan’, Youth and Society 17, no. 4 (1986): 362–80.6 Horak and Maderthaner, Mehr als ein Spiel; Matthias Marschik and Doris Sottopietra, Erbfeinde und Haßlieben. Konzept und Realität Mitteleuropas im Sport [Eternal Enemies and Hated Lovers. Concept and reality of Central Europe in sport] (Münster: LIT, 2000), 250–84; Szymon Bieniuk, ‘O piłkarskich trybunach Lwowa lat 30. XX wieku na łamach prasy sportowej: Wybrane kwestie’ [The football stands of 1930s Lviv in the sports press: Selected issues], Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Kultura Fizyczna XVII, no. 1 (2018): 23–56; Rudolf Oswald, „Fußball-Volksgemeinschaft”. Ideologie, Politik und Fanatismus im deutschen Fußball 1919-1964 [Football-People’s Community. Ideology, Politics and Fanaticism in German Football 1919-1964] (Frankfurt/Main–New York: Campus Verlag, 2008); Simon Martin, Calcio e fascismo: lo sport nazionale sotto Mussolini [Football and Fascism. The National Game under Mussolini] (Milano: Mondadori, 2004).7 George L. Mosse, Fallen Soldiers. Reshaping the Memory of the World Wars (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990); George L. Mosse, The Image of Man. The Creation of Modern Masculinity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 47; Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 128–9.8 Elias and Dunning, Quest for Excitement, 43.9 Pierre Lanfranchi, ‘La première guerre mondiale et le développement du football en Europe: l’exemple italien’ [The First World War and the development of football in Europe: the Italian example], in Le football dans nos sociétés. Une culture populaire 1914-1998, ed. Yvan Gastaut and Stéphane Mourlane (Paris: Autrement, 2006), 144; Dietschy, Storia del calcio, 169–72.10 Tony Judt, ‘The Rediscovery of Central Europe’, in Eastern Europe… Central Europe… Europe, ed. Stephen R. Graubard (New York: Routledge, 1991), 23–54.11 György Gyarmati and Zoltán Szasz, ‘Reformpläne für die Umgestaltung der osteuropäischen Region’ [Reform plans for the transformation of the Eastern European region], in Mitteleuropa – Idee, Wissenschaft und Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Richard G. Plaschka, Horst Haselsteiner and Anna M. Drabek (Wien: VÖAW, 1997), 1–5; Karel Bartosek, ‘Probleme einer Definition’ [Problems of a Definition], in Europa und Mitteleuropa? Eine Umschreibung Österreichs, ed. Andreas Pribersky (Wien: Sonderzahl, 1991), 109–12; Chris Cook and John Stevenson, Leksykon historii Europy w XX wieku: 1900-2004 [Lexicon of European History in the 20th Century] (Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza, 2004), 407; Friedrich Naumann, Mitteleuropa [Central Europe] (Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1915); Janusz Pajewski, Mitteleuropa. Studia z dziejów imperializmu niemieckiego w dobie pierwszej wojny światowej [Central Europe. Studies in the history of German imperialism in the era of the First World War] (Poznań: Instytut Zachodni, 1959).12 Sabine Stadler, ‘Der Mitteleuropamythos und seine unterschiedlichen Rezeptionen’ [The Central European Myth and its Different Receptions], in Österreich auf dem Weg zur 3. Republik, ed. Österreichische Assoziation Kritischer Geograph/inn/en (Wien: Promedia, 1992), 99–102; Horst Haselsteiner, ‘Mitteleuropa und das Gestaltungsprinzip Föderalismus’ [Central Europe and the structural principle of Federalism], in Mitteleuropa-Konzeptionen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Richard G. Plaschka et al. (Wien: VÖAW, 1995), 21–5.13 John Bale, ‘Playing at Home. British football and a sense of place’, in: British Football and Social Change: Getting into Europe, ed. John Williams and Stephen Wagg (Leicester: Continuum, 1991), 131.14 See Bruno Maida, La Direzione generale della stampa italiana [The General Directorate of the Italian Press], in La stampa del regime 1932-1943. Le veline del Minculpop, ed. Nicola Tranfaglia (Milano: Bompiani, 2005), 29–55; Ignác Romsics, Hungary in Twentieth Century (Budapest: Osiris, 1999), 181.15 David Rowe, Popular Cultures. Rock Music, Sports and the Politics of Pleasure (London: Sage, 1995), 140.16 Dariusz Wojtaszyn, Kibice w socjalizmie. Trybuny piłkarskie w NRD – studium historyczno-społeczne [Fans in Socialism. Football stands in the GDR – a social-historical study] (Wrocław: ATUT, 2013), 65–83.17 Antonio Roversi, Calcio, tifo e violenza: il teppismo calcistico in Italia [Football, cheering and violence: football hooliganism in Italy] (Bologna: il Mulino, 1992).18 ‘L’inospitale campo di Zagabria. Anche i viennesi percossi dal pubblico’ [The hostile Zagreb pitch. Even the Viennese were attacked by the crowd], Il Corriere della Sera, August 31, 1927, 5.19 ‘Un match di calcio internazionale finito a bastonate e sassate’ [An international match which ended with sticks and stones], La Stampa, August 31, 1927, 6.20 See Stefano Santoro, L’Italia e l’Europa orientale. Diplomazia culturale e propaganda 1918-1943 [Italy and Eastern Europe: Cultural diplomacy and propaganda 1918-1943] (Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2005), 136–7; H. James Burgwyn, Empire on the Adriatic. Mussolini’s Conquest of Yugoslavia 1941-1943 (New York: Enigma, 2005), 6–10.21 ‘Come si svolsero gli incidenti di Zagabria’ [How the Zagreb incidents happened], La Gazzetta dello Sport, May 12, 1926, 3.22 ‘La vittoriosa e disgraziata tournée della Juventus a Zagabria’ [The successful and unfortunate tour of Juventus in Zagreb], La Gazzetta dello Sport, May 14, 1926, 4.23 See ‘La Coppa d’Europa di calcio’ [The European football cup], Il Corriere della Sera, July 7, 1929, 2; ‘Slava b. Juventus: 3 a 0’ [Slavia 3:0 Juventus], Il Littoriale, July 8, 1929, 4.24 ‘Wien kann auf die Admira stolz sein’ [Vienna can be proud of Admira], Sport-Tagblatt, August 22, 1927, 1; ‘Die Prager Slavia und Rapid verbleiben im Cup’ [Prague Slavia and Rapid remain in the Cup], Arbeiter-Zeitung, August 22, 1927, 6.25 Star, August 30, 1927, 14.26 ‘Le prime partite degli squadroni cecoslovacchi’ [The first matches of the Czechoslovakian teams], La Gazzetta dello Sport, September 1, 1927, 6.27 ‘Zwei Niederlagen Österreichs’ [Two Austrian defeats], Sport-Tagblatt, September 10, 1928, 1.28 ‘Locarnogeist im Sport’ [Locarno spirit in sport], Sport-Tagblatt, September 14, 1928, 1.29 ‘Az Ujpest csak két góllal vesztett Prágában a Spártával szemben’ [Ujpest lost to Sparta in Prague by only two goals], Budapesti Hirlap, July 4, 1929: 10; ‘A Sparta kiesése miatt dühöngő tömeg a mérkőzés után összerugdalta a magyar játékosokat és vezetőket’ [After the match the Hungarian players and managers were beaten by the crowd because the Sparta's elimination], Sporthirlap, July 4, 1929, 3.30 ‘Sparta batte Ujpesti: 2 a 0’ [Sparta 2:0 Ujpest], Il Littoriale, July 5, 1929, 2.31 ‘In ambiente ostile, con arbitraggio contrario il Bologna deve cedere al Rapid per 4 a 1’ [In a hostile context, with adverse refereeing, Bologna had to surrender to Rapid 4-1], Il Littoriale, July 9, 1934, 3; ‘Sensationsveranstaltung mit Krawall’ [Sensational event with riot], Sport Tagblatt, July 9, 1934, 1.32 ‘Rapid – Bologna: 4-1’ [Rapid 4:1 Bologna], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 9, 1934, 3.33 ‘Volkssport. Riesenkrawall im Stadion’ [Mass sport. Huge riot in the stadium], Kronen Zeitung, July 9, 1934, 10.34 Report from the Italian Legation in Vienna to the Foreign Ministry, July 9, 1934, Box 908, Cabinet of the Minister and General Secretariat (1923-1943) (G), Italian Foreign Ministry archives (hereafter ASDMAE), Rome, Italy.35 ‘Elfajulak a Középeurópai Kupa mérkőzések’ [The Central European Cup matches are getting out of hand], Budapesti Hírlap, July 10, 1934, 12; ‘Telesna Vychova’, Lidove Noviny, July 8, 1934, 11.36 ‘Admira – Genova 2-2 [Admira 2:2 Genova], Il Lavoro, July 5, 1937, 5.37 Leo Schidrowitz, Geschichte des Fußballsportes in Österreich [History of football in Austria] (Wien: R. Traunau Verlag, 1951), 168.38 Letter, Quaestor of Genova to Chief of police, July 8, 1937, Folder 26/b, 1937, Annual Categories 1879-1945, General Affairs and Confidentiality Division, General Archives (AG), General Directorate of Public Security (1861-1981) (DGPS), Ministry of the Interior (MI), Central archive of State (hereafter ACS), Rome, Italy.39 Letter, Chief of Police to Prefecture of Genoa and Venice, July 10, 1937, b. 26/b, 1937, Annual Categories 1879-1945, AG, DGPS, MI, ACS.40 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 280–1.41 ‘A Sparta lett a meghamisitott középeurópai küzdelmek győztese’ [Sparta is the winner of the rigged Central European cup], Nemzeti Sport, November 14, 1927, 2.42 ‘Il cavalleresco contegno delle folle italiane e le intemperanze dei pubblici d’Oltralpe’ [The chivalrous behaviour of the Italian crowds and the outrageousness of the public the other side of the Alps], Il Corriere della Sera, November 20, 1927, 5; ‘A bécsi közönség kövel dobálta a Sparta játékosait’[Vienna crowd throws stones at Sparta players], Az Est, November 15, 1927, 15; ‘Osztrák-cseh konfliktus fenyeget a Középeurópai Kupa döntőjének botránya miatt’ [Austro-Czech conflict over the scandal of the Central European Cup final], Sporthirlap, November 17, 1927, 5.43 ‘Echi della Coppa dell’Europa Centrale’ [Central European Cup Echoes], La Gazzetta dello Sport, November 21, 1927, 4.44 ‘Der Mitteleuropa-Cup der Professionals – ein Riesenskandal’ [The Central Europe Cup of the Professionals – a huge scandal], Arbeiter-Zeitung, November 14, 1927, 6. The critical account of the social-democratic Arbeiter -Zeitung was to some extent linked to the political nature of the newspaper and their criticism of professional football and its accompanying capitalist mass culture.45 ‘Sparta vitezem Stredoevropeskeho poharu’ [Sparta wins the Central European Cup], Lidove Noviny, November 14, 1927, 4.46 Ibid.47 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 222–4.48 Josef Huber, Die Geschichte des Wiener Fußballs 1923-1998. 75 Jahre Wiener Fußball-Verband [The History of Vienna Football 1923-1998. 75 years of the Vienna Football Association] (Wien: WFB, 1998), 53.49 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 270–1.50 R. Keifu, ed., La Coupe des Nations. Fußball-Europa-Turnier 1930 in Genf [The Nations Cup. 1930 European Football Tournament in Geneva] (Kassel: Agon Sportverlag, 1993), 33.51 ‘Le tournoi international de football de Genève’ [The Geneva International Football Tournament], La Liberté, July 7, 1930, 3; ‘Slavia bat First-Vienna 3 à 1’ [Slavia 3:1 First-Vienna], Feuille d’avis de Neuchâtel, July 7,1930, 5.52 See Miklós Zeidler, Ideas on Territorial Revision in Hungary 1920-1945 (Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 2007).53 ‘Ferencváros – Ripensia 5:4’ [Ferencváros 5:4 Ripensia], Nemzeti Sport, July 11, 1938, 1.54 ‘A második Ferencváros – Ripensia mérkőzés’ [The second Ferencváros – Ripensia match], Nemzeti Sport, July 18, 1938, 3.55 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 213.56 ‘Hungária – Beogradski SK 4:0’ [Hungária 4:0 Beogradski SK], Nemzeti Sport, August 29, 1927, 1.57 Ibid.58 ‘Spielbericht Polonia Warschau – Hakoah Wien’ [Match report Polonia Warsaw – Hakoah Vienna],, (accessed April 21, 2022).59 Adam Tycner, ‘Wojsko, szable i pistolety na boiskach – wojny kiboli w II RP’ [Military, sabres and guns on the playing fields – football fan wars in the Second Republic], Historia. Do, February 21, 2019, (accessed April 21, 2022).60 ‘Spielbericht Polonia Warschau - Hakoah Wienʼ, (accessed April 21, 2022).61 These are the results of a study conducted at the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Archiv der Republik, Auswärtige Angelegenheiten 1918-2005: Österreichische Vertretungsbehörden im Ausland, Neues Politisches Archiv, Bundeskanzleramt) and at Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Ministero dell’Interno), Archivio storico diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Gabinetto del Ministro e segreteria generale), and Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (Külügyminisztériumi levéltár).62 ’La Juventus argina con fatica l’insistente e violenta offensiva dello Sparta ma esce battuta per 1-0 dall’emozionante incontro’ [Juventus only just contains Sparta's insistent and violent attack, but ends up defeated 1-0 in the exciting match], Il Littoriale, July 23, 1931, 1.63 ‘La Juventus cede allo Sparta per 1 a 0 in un durissimo incontro’ [Juventus succumbs to Sparta 1-0 in a hard-fought match], La Stampa, July 23, 1931, 4.64 ‘Slavia – Juventus: 4-0’ [Slavia 4:0 Juventus], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 7, 1932, 3.65 ‘Deplorevoli manifestazioni contro la squadra italiana’ [Deplorable behaviour towards the Italian team], Il Popolo d’Italia, July 7, 1932, 8.66 Report from Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 9, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by categories, General Affairs (AG), Cabinet (G), Prime Minister's Office (hereafter PCM), ACS. On this event see Martin, Calcio e fascismo, 226–8.67 ‘Energico atteggiamento della F.I.G.C. dopo gli incidenti di Praga’ [Vigorous approach of the F.I.G.C. after the incidents in Prague], Il Corriere della Sera, July 8, 1932, 4.68 From Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 9, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by categories, AG, G, PCM, ACS.69 From the Prague’s Legation to Ministry of Foreign Affair, July 14, 1932, fasc. III-6/d, folder 203 (1932), Box 66, Archive of Ministry of Foreign affair, K: Bourgeois years, Hungarian National Archive, Budapest, Hungary; Paul Dietschy, ‘Creating Football Diplomacy in the French Third Republic, 1914-1939’, in Soccer Diplomacy: International Relations and Football Since 1914, ed. Heather L. Dichter (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2020), 39–40.70 Letter from CONI to Prime Minister's Office, September 22, 1932, folder 6102, Years 1931-1933, Files by Category, AG, G, PCM, ACS.71 ‘Dopo gli incidenti di Praga’ [After the Prague incidents], La Stampa, July 8, 1932, 4.72 ‘A Slavia nem áll ki Torinóban, ha Cesarini játszik’ [Slavia will not play in Turin if Cesarini plays], Nemzeti Sport, July 8, 1932, 4.73 ‘Il ritorno a Torino della «Juventus»’ [The return of ‘Juventus’ to Turin], La Stampa, July 8, 1932, 4.74 ‘Energico atteggiamento della F.I.G.C. dopo gli incidenti di Praga’, Il Corriere della Sera, July 8, 1932, 4.75 ‘La Federazione punisce Cesarini e chiede garanzie ai Cecoslovacchi’ [Federation sanctions Cesarini and demands guarantees from Czechoslovaks], Il Corriere della Sera, July 10, 1932, 4.76 ‘Lo Slavia si ritira dopo due “goals” della Juventus’ [Slavia abandons the match after two Juventus ‘goals'], Il Corriere della Sera, July 11, 1932, 4.77 ‘Juventus – Slavia (primo tempo) 2-0’ [Juventus 2:0 Slavia (first half)], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 11, 1932, 5.78 Ibid.79 Ibid.80 ‘Slavia neprečkala besneni italskeho obecenstva a hraču’ [Slavia did not survive the fury of the Italian public and players], Lidove Noviny, July 11, 1932, 5.81 Ibid.82 ‘Volgarità e menzogne dalla stampa di Praga’ [Vulgarities and lies from the Prague press], La Gazzetta dello Sport, July 13, 4. 1932; ‘Le belve e la gabbia’ [The beasts and the cage], Il Littoriale, July 12, 1932, 4.83 ‘Non c’è peggior ceco di chi non vuol vedere’ [There is no worse blind Czech than one who does not want to see], Il Littoriale, July 12, 1932, 6.84 ‘Dimostrazioni antifasciste all’arrivo della «Slavia»’ [Anti-fascist demonstrations at the arrival of ‘Slavia'], La Stampa, July 13, 1932, 1.85 Report from Ministry of Foreign Affair to Prime Minister's Office, July 13, 1932, folder 6102, years 1931-1933, files by category, AG, G, PCM, ACS.86 ‘Ist der ganze Cup das wert?’ [Is the whole Cup worth it?], Sport-Tagblatt, July 14, 1932, 1.87 Report from the Italian Legation in Budapest to the Foreign Ministry, July 2, 1935: 1, box 808, G, ASDMAE.88 Ibid.89 Ibid.90 F. Werner, ‘Juventus – Hungaria 3-1’ [Juventus 3:1 Hungária], La Stampa, July 1, 1935, 4.91 ‘Mitropa-Cup als Friedensstörer’ [Mitropa Cup as a peace breaker], Neues Wiener Journal, July 10, 1934, 12.92 ‘Minden a sportszerűség’ [It's all about sportsmanship], Nemzeti Sport, September 14, 1939, 1; Letter from CONI to the Ministry of Interior, August 31, 1938, Box 35, Massime, Permanent categories, DGPS, MI, ACS.Additional informationFundingThis study is funded by The Bekker programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.Notes on contributorsDariusz WojtaszynDariusz Wojtaszyn is Professor of Modern History and Head of the Centre for Research on the History of German and European Sport at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies of the University of Wroclaw (Poland). In 2015 and 2021/2022 he was a visiting professor at the University of Vienna. His research areas concern German-Polish relations after World War II, sport history, European history memories, international textbook research.Lorenzo VenutiLorenzo Venuti, PhD, is postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Florence. He is a member of the Inter-University Centre for Hungarian and Central and Eastern European Studies in Italy (CISUECO). His research areas concern sport history, political uses of history, and anticommunism in Italy during Cold War.
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34《意大利驻维也纳公使馆给外交部的报告》,1934年7月9日,罗马,908号箱,部长内阁和总秘书处(1923-1943)(G),意大利外交部档案(以下简称ASDMAE)。35《Elfajulak a Középeurópai Kupa mérkőzések》[中欧杯赛比赛失控],布达佩斯Hírlap, 1934年7月10日,12;' Telesna Vychova ', Lidove Noviny, 1934年7月8日,11.36 ' Admira -热那亚2-2 [Admira 2:2热那亚],Il Lavoro, 1937年7月5日,5.37 Leo Schidrowitz, Geschichte des Fußballsportes in Österreich[奥地利足球历史](维也纳:38 .热那亚财务主管致意大利罗马国家中央档案馆(以下简称ACS)总档案馆(AG)总务和保密性处(1861-1981)总务和保密性处(DGPS)内务部(MI)国家中央档案馆(以下简称ACS) 1937年7月10日致热那亚和威尼斯州警察局局长的信,1937年7月10日b. 26/b, 1879-1945年年度分类,AG, DGPS, MI,ac .40 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 280-1.41《A Sparta lea meghamisitott középeurópai k<s:1> zdelmek győztese》,Nemzeti Sport, 1927年11月14日,2.42《Il cavalleresco contegno delle folle italiane e le intemperanze dei publiici d ' oltralpe》,《意大利民众的侠义行为和阿尔卑斯山另一边民众的愤怒》,Il Corriere della Sera, 1927年11月20日,第5页;“A bassaci közönség kövel dobálta A Sparta játékosait”(维也纳人群向斯巴达球员投掷石块),阿斯特,1927年11月15日,15;“Osztrák-cseh konfliktus fenyeget a Középeurópai Kupa döntőjének botránya miatt”[奥捷在中欧杯决赛丑闻上的冲突],Sporthirlap, 1927年11月17日;5.43“Echi della Coppa dell ' europa Centrale”[中欧杯的回声],La Gazzetta dello Sport, 1927年11月21日;4.44“Der Mitteleuropa-Cup Der Professionals - ein Riesenskandal”[中欧职业杯的巨大丑闻],arbeter - zeitung, 1927年11月14日,第6期。对社会民主主义的《劳动报》的批评在某种程度上与报纸的政治性质以及他们对职业足球及其伴随的资本主义大众文化的批评有关。45 ' Sparta vitezem Stredoevropeskeho poharu '[斯巴达赢得中欧杯赛],Lidove Noviny, 1927年11月14日,4.46同上。47 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 222-4.48 Josef Huber, Die Geschichte des Wiener Fußballs 1923-1998。《维也纳足球1923-1998的历史》。[维也纳足球协会75年](Wien: WFB, 1998), 53.49 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 270-1.50 R. Keifu主编,La Coupe des Nations。fuß ßball- europa - turnier 1930 in Genf[1930年在日内瓦举行的国家杯欧洲足球锦标赛](卡塞尔:Agon Sportverlag, 1993), 33.51 ' Le tournoi international de Football de gen<e:1> '[日内瓦国际足球锦标赛],La libert<s:1>, 1930年7月7日,第3页;“斯拉维亚蝙蝠第一维也纳3 <e:1> 1”[斯拉维亚3:1第一维也纳],Feuille d ' avis de neuchtel,1930年7月7日,5.52见Miklós Zeidler,关于匈牙利1920-1945年领土修订的想法(博尔德:社会科学专著,2007年)。53 ' Ferencváros -里彭西亚5:4 ' [Ferencváros 5:4里彭西亚],涅姆泽蒂体育,1938年7月11日,1.54 ' A második Ferencváros -里彭西亚mérkőzés '[第二场Ferencváros -里彭西亚比赛],涅姆泽蒂体育,1938年7月18日,3.55 Marschik and Sottopietra, Erbfeinde, 213.56 ' Hungária -别奥格拉斯基SK 4:0 ' [Hungária 4:0别奥格拉斯基SK],涅姆泽蒂体育,1927年8月29日,1.57同上,58 ' Spielbericht Polonia Warschau - Hakoah Wien '[波兰华沙-维也纳哈科亚的比赛报道],奥地利足球。网址:访问日期:2022年4月21日)Adam Tycner, ' Wojsko, szable i pistolety na boiskach - wojny kiboli w II RP '[球场上的军队,军刀和枪支-第二共和国的球迷战争],history。Do, 2019年2月21日,访问于2022年4月21日)。《波兰战争》-奥地利足球。网址:访问日期:2022年4月21日)以下是Österreichisches国家档案馆(档案馆,Auswärtige Angelegenheiten 1918-2005)进行的一项研究的结果:Österreichische Vertretungsbehörden在澳大利亚,新政治档案馆,联邦kanzleramt),国家中央档案馆(部长会议主席,国际部长),西班牙外交部长档案馆(总务部长),和Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (k<s:1> gyminisztsamriumi levéltár)。 62“控制员疲劳和尤文图斯限制大规模进攻斯巴达但1:0 dall’emozionante奋斗,走出incontro’[冷遇只just贴上Sparta’s insistent和暴力攻击,但终端up defeated 1:0 the exciting match]、Littoriale月63‘,1931年1月23日,尤文图斯将一个巨大的1 - 0斯巴达incontro’[冷遇succumbs斯巴达1:0在hard-fought match]、新闻界、月64‘,1931年4月23日—斯拉维亚足球俱乐部尤文图斯:4-0’[4:0斯拉维亚足球俱乐部尤文图斯],《体育期刊》(,1932年7月,3 . 65‘遗憾抗议行政团队italiana’[Deplorable迈向the意大利团队],意大利人民,1932年7月,8。66 Report from Affair外交部和教育部第一批Minister’s办公室,1932年9月,folder 6102、1931-1933长达两年,文件由categories通用事务(AG)、内阁(G)、第一批Minister’s办公室(hereafter PCM), ACS。欧洲经济区On this event马丁、足球和法西斯主义、226—8 . 67‘积极态度的F . I . G . C . Praga’[关于发生事故后approach of the F . I . G . C .之后the incidents 1120], Corriere della Sera), 1932年8月,4 . 68 From of Foreign Affair)部,第一批Minister’s办公室,1932年9月,folder 6102、1931-1933长达两年,文件由categories AG, G, PCM, ACS。69 From the Prague’s Legation of Foreign Affair,月14部,1932年,rt。III-6/d, folder 203(1932),外交部外交部档案66号箱,K:匈牙利国家档案馆,匈牙利加里;Paul Dietschy,《法国第三共和国创造足球外交》,《足球外交:国际关系与足球自1914年以来》,ed. Heather L. Dichter(列克星敦:肯塔基大学出版社,到2020年)39、40—70。书从锥到第一批Minister’s办事处,22,1932年9月,folder 6102、1931-1933长达两年,Files by Category、AG、G、PCM, ACS。71 Praga’[之后事件后‘the 1120 incidents], 1932年8月,媒体报道,4 . 72‘斯拉维亚nemáll ki Torinóban Cesarini了játszik’[维亚will not play在气味if Cesarini plays] Nemzeti体育,1932年8月,4 . 73‘«回到都灵的尤文图斯»' [the return of‘Juventus’to气味]、新闻界、1932年8月,4 . 74‘积极态度的F . I . G . C . Praga’,发生事故后的晚上,1932年8月,快递4。75,‘惩罚Cesarini联邦,并呼吁Cecoslovacchi’[制裁Cesarini联合会和担保的出色from Czechoslovaks]的快递,晚上,1932年10月,4 . 76‘两个“goals”出来之后,南斯拉夫退出Juventus’[南斯拉夫abandons the match之后的二号尤文图斯‘goals’],Corriere della Sera) 1932年11月,,,4 . 77‘尤文图斯—维亚(第一阶段)2-0’[冷遇2:0斯拉维亚(first half)],《体育期刊》(1932年11月,5 . 78同上同上。第79 80‘南斯拉夫neprečkala besneni italskeho obecenstva在初始č直接税[维亚did not survive the fury of the意大利public and disc], Lidove Noviny, 1932年11月,5 .同上。82‘粗俗和谎言Praga’的报刊[Vulgarities and lies from the 1120 press]体育期刊、月13、4。1932年;‘的和gabbia’[cage》(beasts and The], Littoriale, 1932年12月,捷克最糟糕,4 . 83‘没有谁不希望vedere’[没有worse丹丹blind捷克one who doc not want to see], Littoriale, 1932年12月,«到达6 . 84‘示威续会的南斯拉夫»' [Anti-fascist demonstrations at The arrival of‘Slavia’]、新闻界、月13、1932年,1。85 from Affair外交部和教育部报告前Minister’s办公室,1932年13月,folder 6102 1931-1933长达两年,类别文件,AG, G, PCM, ACS。整个杯子值得吗?[, sporttagblatt, 7月14日,1932年,1.87份报告,布达佩斯意大利军团到外交部,7月2日,1935:1,808 G, ASDMAE.88同上,89同上,90 F。维尔纳,‘尤文图斯—Hungaria 3-1’[尤文图斯á3:1 Hung ria]、新闻界、1935年1月,4 . 91‘Mitropa-Cup als Friedensstörer’(Mitropa杯as a和平breaker], Neues Wiener杂志》,1934年10月,12 . 92‘Minden a sportszerűség’[sportsmanship的是all]、Nemzeti体育,14,1939年9月,1;1938年8月31日给内政部的信,第35号盒子,摘要,永久类别,DGPS, MI, ACS。这项研究是由波兰国家学术交流机构的职业培训项目资助的。波兰Wroclaw大学德国和欧洲研究中心(Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies of Wroclaw)的现代历史和欧洲体育研究中心的负责人。2015年和2021/2022年,他是维也纳大学的客座教授。他的研究领域涉及德国-波兰第二次世界大战后的关系,体育历史,欧洲历史记忆,国际文本书籍研究。他是佛罗伦萨大学的博士后研究员。
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