Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) is a widely used technique for characterizing the structure and measuring lattice parameters of materials. An autonomous analytic method has become an urgent demand for the large-scale SAED data produced from in-situ experiments. In this work, we realize the automatic processing for center identification with a proposed deep segmentation model named the multi-scale Transformer (MS-Trans) network. This algorithm enables robust segmentation of the central spots by combining a novel gated axial-attention module and multi-scale feature fusion. The proposed MS-Trans model shows high precision and robustness, enabling autonomous processing of SAED patterns without any prior knowledge. The application on in-situ SAED data of the oxidation process of FeNi alloy demonstrates its capability of implementing autonomous quantitative processing.
Ultramicroscopy is an established journal that provides a forum for the publication of original research papers, invited reviews and rapid communications. The scope of Ultramicroscopy is to describe advances in instrumentation, methods and theory related to all modes of microscopical imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy in the life and physical sciences.