Intra-conference session

IF 1.4 Q4 MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL Clinical Teacher Pub Date : 2024-11-12 DOI:10.1111/tct.13812
{"title":"Intra-conference session","authors":"","doi":"10.1111/tct.13812","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Linda Miller</p><p><i>Birkbeck/NHS/NHSE/NHSCEP</i></p><p>The ‘health and wellbeing of staff [is] arguably the single most important entity in the sustainable delivery of healthcare’ (Nicol, 2018). A creative, entrepreneurial mindset particularly applied to the wicked problems of inequity can help prevent burnout and maintain engagement. The NHS Clinical Entrepreneurship Programme (NHSCEP) has retained many clinicians who would otherwise have left the NHS. Examples from students, trainees and clinicians on the programme, and teaching examples, that tackle inequity will be shared.</p><p>This workshop engages participants in a creative process to consider their educational role, internal bias, health equity and differential attainment. Fulfilling the new GMC Duties of a Doctor (2024) call to review ‘how your life experience, culture and beliefs influence your interactions with others and may impact on the decisions you make and the care you provide’ and your teaching. It will meet the requirement to contribute ‘to discussions and decisions about improving the quality of services and outcomes … taking steps to address problems and carrying out further training where necessary’.</p><p>The arts and humanities hold the potential to support the GMC changes, to enhance self-awareness of intrinsic bias and to proactively address social determinants of health, equity and patient-centredness. This is important in medical education and leadership roles (e.g., ASME, NHSE [appraisers] or Royal Colleges). Given their pivotal role, medical educators and preceptors must look critically at organisational and personal biases. The legal imperative ‘you must’ take account of ‘… history, including i. symptoms ii. relevant psychological, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural factors iii. the patient's views, needs, and values’. Describes a compassionate ‘mature’ care ethic ‘beyond the strictly medical’. The 10-year Marmot review (Marmot, 2020) identified that ‘Improvements to life expectancy have stalled and declined for women in the most deprived 10% of areas’ and ‘the health gap has grown between wealthy and deprived areas’.</p><p>Russell D'Souza<sup>1</sup>, Mary Mathew<sup>2</sup> and Vedprakash Mishra<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Department of Education, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Kasturba Medical CollegeManipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India</i></p><p>In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the need for a strong foundation in bioethics has become increasingly crucial. The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics presents the ‘3T Paradigm in Bioethics Education: Teach, Train, and Transfer’ workshop, a pioneering initiative designed to fortify the capabilities of educators in the medical and health sectors. This workshop addresses a critical gap in medical education—the effective integration of ethical reasoning with clinical practice. As technological advancements in healthcare pose new ethical challenges, there is a pressing need for professionals who are not only medically proficient but also ethically informed. This programme aims to equip educators with the tools and insights necessary to teach, mentor and instil bioethical principles effectively. It targets educators who are instrumental in shaping ethically aware healthcare professionals, ensuring a future where medical practice is not only advanced but also ethically sound and patient-centred.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>The primary objectives of this conference session are to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach bioethics, develop capabilities for training future bioethics educators and master strategies for the sustainable transfer of bioethics knowledge. Expected outcomes include enhanced competence in ethical education, a deeper understanding of mentorship in bioethics education and an ability to implement innovative teaching methods. Additionally, participants will gain valuable insights from shared best practices and collaborative discussions, enabling them to integrate the 3T paradigm effectively into their respective educational contexts.</p><p>Omolara Stevens and Aishwarya Sharma</p><p><i>Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn</i></p><p>Rhythm, alliteration and humorous stories are present throughout much clinical education especially the preclinical years. This session aims to look at how rhythmic devices can be used to facilitate learning. It also aims to look at the role of humour in medical education and how that can be used in the clinical education setting.</p><p>The workshop will start with an opportunity for participants to share their favourite rhymes, mnemonics and other rhythm-based learnings. Then there will be two short talks. One will be a brief discussion about the use of rhythms in clinical learning. The talk will touch on the educational theory underpinning rhythm-based learning. The next will discuss the use of humour in clinical education including its unique strengths and challenges. There will be an opportunity for participants to create a new rhyme or mnemonic using what they have learned. The grand finale of the workshop will be all those who are comfortable sharing what they have created.</p><p>Sarah Allsop and David Hettle</p><p><i>University of Bristol</i></p><p>‘The ethics process is too long’. ‘I do not have time to get ethics’. ‘I wish I'd got ethics for this!’ Ever had one of these thoughts? Ethics is a hugely valuable and important part of the research integrity process and becoming essential as a gateway to publishing in health sciences education. Yet, all too often innovations start without considering how the evaluation process will work and what outputs might be required and useful to share for maximum reach, value and impact.</p><p>This 90-min workshop will encourage you to rethink how you see the ethics process, encouraging a scholarly approach to practice and showing how the ethics process can not only help your process but can also improve your research and even speed up your route to publication.</p><p>Collaborators from Bristol Medical School's Education Research Group (BMERG) will share their top tips for navigating ethics and support participants developing their research protocols live during the session.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Eliot Rees<sup>1</sup>, Stephanie Bull<sup>2</sup>, Tristan Price<sup>3</sup>, Lynelle Govender<sup>4</sup> and Michal Tombs<sup>5</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Keele University / UCL;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Imperial College London;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>University of Plymouth;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>University of Cape Town;</i> <sup>5</sup><i>Cardiff University</i></p><p>This interactive workshop is designed to empower health professions education scholars with the essential skills and insights needed to successfully apply for grants and awards to support their research and scholarship. With a focus on enhancing participants' ability to navigate the competitive landscape of funding opportunities, the session will cover key strategies for crafting compelling proposals that stand out to grant review committees.</p><p>The workshop will begin with an overview of the current landscape of health professions education research funding, highlighting grant programmes and awards available to researchers, especially those available from ASME. Participants will gain an understanding of the criteria used by review panels to evaluate proposals, enabling them to tailor their applications effectively.</p><p>Through a series of practical exercises and case studies, attendees will learn how to articulate the importance of their question, methodological rigour of their work, communicate its significance and impact and identify relevant stakeholders. We will consider how to craft persuasive narratives and align proposals with the priorities of funding organisations. Additionally, the workshop will provide insights into common pitfalls and challenges faced by applicants, offering strategies to address them effectively.</p><p>By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the grant application process successfully, contributing to the advancement of health professions education through innovative and funded research initiatives. Participants will also leave with a toolkit of resources, tips and best practices to enhance their grant writing skills.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Nicoletta Fossati and Aileen O'Brien</p><p><i>St George's University of London</i></p><p>Systematic academic and professionalism assessment of medical undergraduates is an evidence-based practice adopted by medical schools the world over. However, application of standards where mental health issues (MHIs) are involved may be challenging. Understanding the relationship between MHIs, academic performance and professional behaviour is essential in guiding assessment, informing mitigation decisions and planning support interventions.</p><p>Dr Nicoletta Fossati and Dr Dominic Johnson have long-standing expertise in undergraduate academic and professionalism assessment. Nicoletta, a consultant anesthetist, has been MBBS Final Year Knowledge Test Responsible Examiner at St George's, University of London (2011–2016), and Professionalism Domain Lead since 2016; she has personally mentored students involved in serious professionalism breaches. Having independently presented and led workshops on these topics at national and international conferences, Nicoletta and Aileen will join forces to discuss a complex issue with ASME delegates and propose practical solutions.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Sarah Edwards</p><p><i>University Hospitals of Nottingham NHS Trust</i></p><p>There has been increasing interest in the utility of physical serious tabletop games specifically designed for teaching and learning in medical education for learning. These can take a variety of forms, from the more simple matching card games to the more complex and involved board games. Unlike their digital counterparts, tabletop games involve physical (or analogue) components such as cards and/or boards rather than being based on a purely electronic platform. Tabletop games can include digital elements, but the core game play takes place in the physical world. A game is ultimately meant to be fun and enjoyable. The use of games in medical education has been shown to be enjoyable and lead to possibly improved learning. A game can add an element of fun to learning, with the ultimate intent of improving understanding and learning. Within the educational context, games can offer a safe environment to explore, test and understand new and challenging concepts.</p><p>This session will allow health professions educators to explore gamification and serious games as a creative approach to evolve health professions education. Participants will learn about game mechanics through current serious games and work to design a game to meet their learners' educational needs.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Vidarshi Karunaratne<sup>1</sup> and Michael Atkinson<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>King's College London;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Sunderland</i></p><p>There is evidence that mindfulness and self-compassion can increase equanimity and resilience as well as decrease negative states such as depression, anxiety, secondary trauma and burnout. This workshop will explore some of the evidence base and science behind these practices as well as explore these practices from a practical perspective and discuss how they may aid maximising our potential.</p><p>Christopher Huntley<sup>1</sup> and Ian Cockburn<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Liverpool;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Merseyside Society for Deaf People</i></p><p>The General Medical Council expects graduates to adjust their communication approach depending on patient needs, including using interpreters when English is not the patient's first language. It is important that medical students understand the communication needs of those who are deaf or have hearing loss and explore and practise using strategies to meet their requirements. At the University of Liverpool, we have formed a partnership with Merseyside Society for Deaf People (MSDP) to develop ‘Deaf Awareness’ workshops for our Year 4 students. These 3-h workshops, which receive excellent student feedback, are delivered fully in British Sign Language by experienced trainers from MSDP supported by interpreters and academic staff. The workshops provide information on deaf culture and on the experience of deaf people and people with hearing loss when contacting healthcare.</p><p>Activities designed to help students reflect on the experiences shared and the language we use and to practise role-plays with deaf simulated patients, with and without the support of interpreters, are also a core part of the experience. The aims of this intra-conference session are to showcase a sample of the activities from our Deaf Awareness training and prompt discussion both of the challenges of delivering this learning and of the added value and insights gained from collaborative delivery. We will also share preliminary data from an ongoing study examining the impact of the workshop upon students' knowledge and confidence.</p><p>Sarah McLaughlin and Sarah Allsop</p><p><i>Bristol University</i></p><p>Health professionals engaging in qualitative education research are often required to reflect upon their positionality. Their ontological (the nature of social reality and what is knowable about the world) and epistemological (the nature of knowledge) beliefs can influence various stages of their research project. It is not easy to conceptualise positionality. Novice researchers, especially those more akin to objective, positivist, quantitative approaches, may need support to identify their positionality and its importance.</p><p>This interactive session introduces participants to the concepts of ontology and epistemology and how personal identities may influence research design and outcomes. The notion of positionality and the value of reflexivity will be explored to help participants better understand their positionalities and incorporate a reflexive approach towards their projects.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Cath Fenn<sup>1</sup>, Jane Williams<sup>2</sup> and Tim Vincent<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Warwick Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Bristol Medical School;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Brighton and Sussex Medical School</i></p><p>The physical and digital learning spaces in educational and healthcare institutions have been significantly disrupted over recent years impacting course design and programme delivery (Office for Students, 2022). Further shifts are occurring with predicted growth in student numbers, extracurricular demands on learners, healthcare service capacity limits and rapid technological innovation (NHS LTWP, 2023; Topol, 2019). Course leaders and medical educators are presented with challenges and opportunities in curriculum design and programme delivery. New models are required that maximise the potential of the successful innovations, adaptations, agilit, and digital capability developed during the C19 pandemic. In moving ‘beyond blended’, we can empower staff and students to maximise the potential to overcome the practical and geographic barriers we face in the provision of health professions education (BEME Guide 70, 2022).</p><p>Based on a successful workshop model from Warwick Medical School, this intra-conference session utilises the recent JISC Beyond Blended Report (2023) to equip current and future ‘curriculum shapers’ with research-based frameworks for course design and development. Participants will explore the four modes of participating in learning and six pillars for designing ‘beyond blended’ learning with the opportunity to explore application to their own contexts. These practical tools offer new paradigms for programme design and seek to help shape their application to both healthcare professions courses and educators.</p><p>There is a tendency for us to deep dive into specific tools and technologies and our well-designed developments often end up disconnected. This workshop strives for an alternative more holistic approach which draws on the importance of people, relationships, roles, time, space and place. Through rich dialogue, this framework supports conversations that shift focus beyond short-term ‘blended learning’ interventions towards a space that more fully supports more strategic, agile, creative and integrated planning.</p><p>Krishna Mohan Surapaneni and Jyotsna Needamangalam Balaji</p><p><i>Department of Medical Education, Panimalar Medical College Hospital &amp; Research Institute, Chennai, India</i></p><p>Over recent years, there has been increasing attention to creating engaging and immersive learning environments for promoting active learning in health professions education. Educators have recognised the potential of games and game-based learning in creating a fun-filled as well as meaningful educational experience. Games, particularly those integrated with tales, are powerful tools for enhancing the learning experience in health professions education and have the inherent capacity to captivate, challenge and motivate students. By integrating games and tales into the learning process, educators can create an environment where students are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their own learning journey with long-term retention of knowledge. This 90-min session aims to equip educators with a deep understanding of pedagogical principles essential for effective educational tale-based game design, while also providing practical guidance for developing engaging tales that seamlessly align with health professions education topics.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Annie Noble-Denny<sup>1</sup>, Bee Macpherson<sup>2</sup> and Ben Eckles<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>QMUL;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Leeds University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Leeds Institute of Medical Education</i></p><p>An opportunity for attendees to firstly consider what we mean by Inclusive Pedagogies in our teaching across Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. We will facilitate some small groups in exploring barriers to inclusive teaching, taking various perspectives such as within teaching methods, assessment types and research projects.</p><p>Robert Bain, Heidi Stelling, Muzuki Ueda and James Fisher</p><p><i>Newcastle University</i></p><p>Medical students are key stakeholders in the development of curricular and medical education research, but historically, their unique insights have been underrepresented. Empowering medical students to ‘co-produce’ research projects in collaboration with their teachers elevates them from passive participant to pro-active partners while simultaneously expanding their research experience. Co-production offers an opportunity for students and educators to work, synergistically, as equal partners towards a common goal. The students' experience generates research ideas which the educators' research knowledge develops.</p><p>Our session is designed to share local perspectives and encourage participants to explore how they might implement co-production strategies in their institution.</p><p>Lisa-Jayne Edwards<sup>1</sup>, Nadia Lascar<sup>2</sup> and Jun Jie Lim<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Warwick Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Aston Medical School;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>University of Sheffield</i></p><p>In its most recent ‘The State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK’ report, the GMC found that trainers are under increasing pressure and risk of burnout compared to non-trainer colleagues. With an expected increase in trainee and student numbers, the capacity for educators to train them appears to be diminishing unless there is a prioritised effort to support them and invest in their development.</p><p>At the beginning of the educator pipeline, there are increasing numbers of doctors completing entry-level medical education roles (ELMERs). A recent review of ELMER job adverts conducted by the Academy of Medical Educators revealed over 400 of these roles in the United Kingdom, with the majority undertaken by those taking a Post-Foundation Training Break.</p><p>Despite these roles being cited as ‘the future of medical education’, there is little opportunity for early-career educators to build on their experience as ELMERs until they have completed their own clinical training. Many mid-level educational roles within both NHS and university-based departments require that the applicant holds a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), notwithstanding their level of educational qualification or experience. This serves to exclude educators that may still be in training, Specialty and Specialist (SAS) doctors or those that have decided to leave clinical practice. It is imperative that the enthusiasm and experience fostered by ELMERs is not left to decay in the time it takes to achieve a CCT.</p><p>The Academy of Medical Educators would like to invite key stakeholders to discuss how these educators can be best supported to continue a career in medical education. In this session, we will encourage participants to discuss and inform how this area has developed to provide opportunities at the early-mid career transition, with the aim to support educators to deliver excellent medical education at a time when needed most.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Kate Owen and Nariell Morrison</p><p><i>Warwick Medical School</i></p><p>Our medical school has been on a journey of increasing awareness of the impact of protected characteristics on student learning. In this workshop, we focus on sexism. The recent BMA report on sexism found that 91% of women doctors had experienced sexism within the past 2 years and ‘28% of men respondents said that they have/had more opportunities during training because of their gender, compared to 1% of women respondents’ (1). Sexism affects everyone, but like all behaviour based on stereotypical ways of thinking, it is challenging to address.</p><p>In this session, we will share our institutional practices that have led to us broadening our work on improving our students' experience. We include brief presentations on sexism, our earlier work on anti-racism and our process for managing students' concerns. Our presentations will be interspersed with discussion prompts and a short film to allow participants time to discuss these issues, to share their own work in these areas and to learn from each other.</p><p><b>REFERENCE</b></p><p>1. Sexism in Medicine report. BMA. 2021. sexism-in-medicine-bma-report-august-2021.pdf</p><p>Sruthi Saravanan<sup>1</sup>, Robert Jay<sup>2</sup>, Thiago Martins Santos<sup>3</sup>, Saman Ali<sup>3</sup> and Ephraim Reddy Chappidi<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Nottingham;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Lincoln;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Queen Mary University of London</i></p><p>Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) involves the use of ultrasound technology at the bedside during physical examination. The capability for real-time imaging is highly advantageous for diagnostic and procedural purposes, thus providing healthcare professionals with valuable management guidance to ultimately optimise patient care and safety [1].</p><p>Consequently, medical schools worldwide have commenced integrating POCUS into the undergraduate curriculum across the course or as optional modules, laying the groundwork for future clinical practice. However, there remains a gap in awareness and emphasis of POCUS training within the UK medical school curriculum [2].</p><p>Although near-peer teaching models have been beneficial to undergraduate medical education [3], there is limited knowledge of the effectiveness and methods to incorporate this approach in POCUS teaching. This workshop aims to introduce a peer-teaching strategy of POCUS training for future medical education.</p><p>This student-led workshop will be delivered by peer teachers trained in our student-developed and clinician-supported POCUS module. An expert clinician and medical educator will be supervising this session, and we encourage student and staff participation. This introductory workshop is aimed towards staff wishing to explore and develop peer-teaching approaches of POCUS within their respective institutions.</p><p>This innovative workshop encourages active participation by delegates. Initially, we will outline the workshop's purpose, focusing on the peer teaching of POCUS within medical education. Small group discussions will explore the advantages and challenges of incorporating POCUS training into undergraduate medical education. An interactive presentation will showcase how to use POCUS to visualise the anterior neck anatomy: internal jugular vein, common carotid artery and trachea. The peer trainers will conduct a hands-on POCUS demonstration, enabling delegates to practise and appreciate these structures. Lastly, a reflective activity will encourage participants to share insights and considerations when implementing near-peer teaching of POCUS.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Hsieh A, Baker MB, Phalen JM, Mejias-Garcia J, Hsieh A, Hsieh A, Canelli R Handheld point-of-care ultrasound: safety considerations for creating guidelines. J Intensive Care Med 2022;37(9):1146–1151.</p><p>2. Apenteng PN, Lilford R. UK medical education should include training in point-of-care ultrasound. BMJ. 2023.</p><p>3. Furmedge DS, Iwata K, Gill D. Peer-assisted learning – beyond teaching: how can medical students contribute to the undergraduate curriculum? Med Teach 2014;36(9):812–817,</p><p>Michael Atkinson<sup>1</sup> and Vidarshi Karunaratne<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Sunderland;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>King's College London</i></p><p>In recent years, mindfulness has become increasingly mainstream within medical education and healthcare practice. It is now considered an important and well-evidenced field of study and practice. While its roots go back millennia, it has a relatively brief history within modern Westernised healthcare and healthcare education, emerging in the late 1970s as a secularised practice through the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn.</p><p>Within the fields of healthcare and healthcare education, mindfulness has for the most part been associated with the promotion of wellbeing and resilience but is steadily growing as an academic discipline, becoming integrated into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, and taken seriously as a contributor to compassionate care, leadership and organisational culture.</p><p>However, the potential for mindfulness to contribute to healthcare and healthcare education has yet to be fully realised. This is partly due to the limited expertise and advocacy within the field and its relatively recent emergence as an evidence-based discipline, as well as curriculum and workplace constraints.</p><p>Mindfulness is a highly adaptable practice that can be applied to almost any aspect of personal life, study and working practices providing significant scope for its further application in healthcare and healthcare education.</p><p>In this workshop, we aim to critically discuss the developing role of mindfulness within medical education and healthcare practice as well as begin to conceptualise its untapped potential.</p><p>The workshop will be highly interactive, including opportunity to practise mindfulness as well as discuss and reflect in small groups.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Oliver Mercer<sup>1</sup>, Anna Harvey Bluemel<sup>2</sup>, David Hettle<sup>3</sup> and Neil Thakrar<sup>4</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College London;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Northumbria Healthcare Trust, Newcastle University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>North Bristol Academy, North Bristol NHS Trust, University of Bristol;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>Leicester Medical School</i></p><p>With many doctors and other healthcare professionals undertaking clinical teaching fellowships or similar roles every year, vast numbers of these developing educators then return to the clinical workforce. Research has shown that peer networks and mentorship are important to support ongoing careers in education, yet few exist for early-career educators.</p><p>This workshop, run jointly, by the Trainees in the Association of Medical Education (TASME) and Developing Medical Educators Group (DMEG) is aimed at those looking to take the next step in their career as an educator.</p><p>It will provide facilitated networking and a reflective space to allow peer-to-peer mentoring and support as well as the co-production of practical next steps for attendees. We will do this by inviting participants to reflect on their past, present and future in health professions education.</p><p><b>Workshop outline:</b></p><p>Introduction and icebreaker, set expectations and establish a safe reflective space.</p><p>‘Past’: Participants will be invited to reflect, in small groups, on their motivation for becoming involved in education and their previous experiences.</p><p>‘Present’: Participants will discuss their current position, what they like about it and what they feel could change.</p><p>‘Future’: Participants will discuss their future goals in education and establish actionable next steps.</p><p>Wrap-up: Groups will feed back to the wider group. Brief information giving regarding TASME and DMEG and what the groups can offer early career educators.</p><p>Close: We will ask participants to suggest ways TASME/DMEG can further support early career educators.</p><p>Groups will be asked to move around between each reflective section to allow discussion with a wide range of fellow participants. Each table will have a facilitator provided by TASME/DMEG to guide the conversation, and participants will be provided with guidance in the form of questions to answer through the discussion. Paper and pens will be provided to note thoughts.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Participants will be introduced to TASME/DMEG, our roles, and the principles of mentoring, which will be supported by providing examples from the facilitators.</p><p>Participants will peer-mentor each other through guided reflection on their past, present and potential careers as educators, supported by facilitators.</p><p>For each stage, participants will be able to network with someone new to build connections and learn about a variety of careers.</p><p>Finally, attendees will be encouraged to critically reflect on their immediate next step and establish a SMART objective. These will be shared with the group as a plenary activity.</p><p>Loralie Rodrigues, Nico Ruga and Olanrewaju Sorinola</p><p><i>Warwick Medical School</i></p><p>This workshop will explore where and how social capital are contributing to an awarding gap between white and ethnic minority students in your institution. Underpinned by social capital theory and drawing on recent research and workshops conducted in Warwick Medical School, this workshop will offer insights into where racial disparities and social capital have been historically and intrinsically woven into medical schools/educational institutions curricula and programme development. Benefiting from the insights of medical students, the workshop aims to disperse positive strategies that will empower all students in your institution to have equal opportunities to harness the power of social networks with peers and those in positions of leadership and influence.</p><p>Previous research on social capital demonstrates the networks that medical students form are indicators of their ‘success’—academically and in career progression. Ethnic minority students are often on the periphery of medical student social networks, affording them less opportunities for peer support, which is a key component of academic progress. Responsibility for social networks that students choose to form is informed, usually unconsciously and unintentionally, by institutions as well as students. This workshop will offer time and space to consider how social networks may be influenced by your institution and consideration of where small changes could positively impact ethnic minority students.</p><p>As well as medical student social networks, sponsorship of ethnic minority students in role modelling, faculty and leadership positions are instrumental in the formation of social networks with educators, doctors and mentors who are well positioned to enhance not only academic success but also research/innovation opportunities and career development. Awarding gaps exist beyond medical school into postgraduate training and specifically in the career development of international medical graduates. Making small changes for ethnic minority students in your institution could unlock opportunities for their academic success and career trajectories.</p><p>Beth West</p><p><i>Patricia A. Tietjen MD Teaching Academy, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine</i></p><p>Are you looking for tools you can really use to move your passion project or academic scholarly programme forward? Lace up your sneakers and join us in a 90-min ‘Logical Sprint’; an immersive skill-building session and learn how to use two important project management and theory of change tools; and a logic model and SPRINT planning.</p><p>The ‘Logical Sprint’ can help any health professions educator or researcher to strengthen their educational project/programme design, manage time and other resources needed to succeed, better engage stakeholders and achieve specified project goals. NO PRE-WORK REQUIRED—just show up!</p><p>Participants will leave this session with a completed draft of a logic model as well as SPRINT plan personalised to their specific scholarly goals—two extremely useful tools to add to their scholarly research and development toolkit. In addition, the presenters will share digital resources so attendees may continue building on this knowledge and share with other learners in the medical education spaces.</p><p>Nicola Brennan<sup>1</sup>, Gillian Vance<sup>2</sup> and Gabrielle Finn<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Plymouth;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Newcastle University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>University of Manchester</i></p><p>As an early career clinical education researcher, you will be encouraged to develop your own programme of research that can be sustained over a period of time and that captures your energy and enthusiasm. A programme of research is an area of high interest and passion to the person developing it. It is designed to build knowledge over time that can contribute to improved outcomes in clinical education and ultimately patient care. Theoretically grounded research using rigorous research methodologies with clear pathways to impact are essential features of a successful programme of research. Using a step-by-step approach, this workshop will help you to think about building your own programme of research as well as providing practical advice on leading large-scale programmes of research. The workshop will draw on the organiser's experiences of leading programmes of clinical education research funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Programme.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Jo Hartland<sup>1</sup> and Megan Brown<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Bristol;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Newcastle University</i></p><p>This interactive workshop introduces participants to creative enquiry using reflective and critical thinking through creative expression (Younie et al., 2019) as a tool for critical analysis of medical education policy.</p><p>Policy is increasingly an area of focus within medical education research and scholarship, with growing recognition of policy impact and the need to for critically enquiry to ensure equitable learning (Iwasa, 2010). Policy decisions influence workforce planning, curriculum design, access to education and the overall experiences of both educators and learners. However, policy can perpetuate inequality, acting as a vehicle for power for those who shape it, and as a barrier for those impacted by it (Bhopal et al., 2020). It can be difficult to know how to challenge and advocate for policy change as an individual health educator, researcher or scholar.</p><p>We will offer guidance on the ways creative enquiry can aid the exploration of power and impact of policy within medical education. By engaging in reflective, critical thinking through creative expression, participants can uncover the hidden curriculum or assumptions of policy documents, challenge these assumptions and dominant ideologies and advocate for changes to promote inclusivity within medical education.</p><p>Participants may bring their own ideas of policies they wish to explore and critique or explore example excerpts of widely used policy provided within the workshop (e.g. The General Medical Council's Outcomes for Graduates). Participants will receive an introduction to creative enquiry, specifically critical creative enquiry (Younie et al., 2019) that enables advocacy. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with different types of creative expression (poetry, plasticine sculpture, drawing, collage, photography) to explore power dynamics embedded within the policy they are exploring and their impacts and creatively advocate for change. We hope this practical, creative experience will inspire novel ways of thinking about policy analysis and social justice within medical education.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Thomas Badenoch</p><p><i>NHS England</i></p><p>The aim of the workshop is to help educators understand the differing needs and experience of neurodiverse individuals in healthcare and learn some strategies and techniques to help with training them. It will be a combination of lecture style teaching, mixed with team and pair activities to practise and learn these techniques.</p><p>The number of neurodiverse trainees is on the rise, and it is important our educators are trained to manage the different educational needs of these trainees. The basis of this is training educators in the principles of using the Neurodiverse Toolkit for Trainers, developed with NHS England in the South West due to be published April 2024. It uses educational theory and evidence-based needs adjustments to improve the training environment and experience of neurodiverse trainees, without negatively impacting neurotypical trainees.</p><p>The workshop will start with a short presentation outlining the evidence for increasing need for awareness and using video and multimedia to give participants an insight into the neurodiverse experience. The demographics and effects of being neurodiverse in a typical work environment will also be discussed. An outline of the different neurological and social domains for intervention will be discussed before splitting the participants into groups. Each group will cover a different domain and be tasked with formulating interventions that improve the neurodiverse experience but do not discriminate against neurotypical trainees. These will then be brought together and discussion around their merits and pitfalls with an aim to improve on the idea. Once these have been discussed, participants will be split into groups of two or three and given prepared worksheets with some of the higher effort intervention and will be tasked with roleplaying or critiquing them.</p><p>Anaïs Deere<sup>1</sup>, Sruthi Saravanan<sup>2</sup> and Kate Owen<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University College London Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Nottingham;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Warwick Medical School</i></p><p>Student engagement in health professions education is gaining increasing interest, potentially driven by the educational benefits of students as partners well documented in higher education. A growing number of publications have highlighted the positive impact this can have on students' professional journeys in the context of healthcare, such as greater ownership over their education, exposure to academic medicine and an appreciation of the complexity of medical education (1,2).</p><p>Despite this momentum, significant challenges persist, often rooted in hierarchical structures and traditional educational models that limit students as recipients of education rather than active contributors (3). In navigating these challenges, it does prompt us to consider the delicate balance required to ensure that student engagement remains constructive and does not overwhelm the educational process.</p><p>This workshop aims to initiate a dialogue around meaningful student engagement in health professions education. Participants will be invited to draw connections between their experiences of student engagement, both positive and negative, and the insights highlighted in the literature to foster a collaborative exploration of effective strategies.</p><p>Notable findings from group discussions may contribute to an AMEE special interest group the presenters are developing, the details of which will be shared.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Bergh AM, Bac M, Hugo J, Sandars J. “Making a difference” – medical students' opportunities for transformational change in health care and learning through quality improvement projects. BMC Med Educ 2016;16(1). doi:</p><p>2. Geraghty JR, Young AN, Berkel TDM, Wallbruch E, Mann J, Park YS, Hirshfield LE, Hyderi A Empowering medical students as agents of curricular change: a value-added approach to student engagement in medical education. Perspect Med Educ 2019;9(1):60–65.</p><p>3. Er HM, Nadarajah VD, Ng SH, Wong AN. Quality assurance in education: perception of undergraduate health professions students in a Malaysian university. 'Korean J Med Educ 2020;32(3). doi:</p><p>Gilles De Wildt and colleagues</p><p><i>NHS GP, Institute of Clinical Sciences</i></p><p>Efforts are underway to establish an ASME Special Interest Group on intercalations. Challenges include student inequality—the costs of living crises may militate against spending an additional year without earning potential as a doctor. Also, the loss of priority choice for FY places for intercalators may play a role, although alumnae/alumni may be in a favourable position with the fruits of their intercalation for the Specialised Foundation Programme (formerly known as the Academic Foundation Programme).</p><p>Furthermore, the unique characteristics and opportunities of intercalations will be explored—student choice, in-depth exploration, inspiration and for most medical schools the main, if not only, large-scale optional undergraduate programme that can bring in additional finance. Finally, suggestions will be collated for maintaining intercalations while doing justice to the need to reduce student inequities.</p><p>Andrew Walker, Charlie James, Matthew Abraham and Chloe Anderton</p><p><i>University of Leeds</i></p><p>Educators have noted poor attendance at face-to-face lectures since the COVID-19 pandemic, with resultant concerns about student engagement. Reasons for poor lecture attendance are unclear. What do students think about how medicine is taught in 2024? Is a digital-first approach the answer?</p><p>We will briefly present data on attendance and engagement at the University of Leeds for context alongside insights from student feedback analysed through reflexive thematic analysis.</p><p>The student view will be represented by two of our undergraduates researching student preferences for digital resources.</p><p>We will describe the ‘Lego’ model for the development of digital resources to support student education, which may help address student concerns over more traditional forms of teaching and enable scalability of education to meet the challenges of the NHS Workforce Plan (1).</p><p>We will engage delegates in group discussion and Q + A to explore each of these areas and then pull together consensus from the group for actions they can take to maximise student engagement in their own programmes.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Sonia Bussey<sup>1</sup> and Amy Wai Yee Wong<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Newcastle University;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of East Anglia</i></p><p>This workshop is aimed at early career or aspiring teachers and educationalists from a diverse range of professional backgrounds who would like to explore the challenges of developing an academic or teaching career within medical education. Practical strategies for securing a first educational role will be explored, alongside ideas and tips for continuing to develop a career in education. There will be an opportunity for participants to share experiences and develop action plans for particular dilemmas.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Rasha Mezher-Sikafi, Ruth Gailer and Ana Baptista</p><p><i>Imperial College London</i></p><p>Extensive literature exists detailing moral distress (MD) experienced by healthcare professionals [1]. Recent literature shows that undergraduate medical students are also experiencing MD [2]. However, there is limited focus in the literature about how to address this in an undergraduate medical educational setting.</p><p>Use of the humanities and creativity in medical education can help students process difficult experiences, helping them retain their empathy and sense of moral identity [3]. We have designed an innovative educational series for Year 3 medical students that acknowledges MD and uses creative activities to provide a safe space for students to reflect and respond to MD. This intra-conference session gives delegates an opportunity to experience this as learners and share their experience as educators on the theme of MD.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Jess Gurney<sup>1</sup> and Heather Davis<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Edinburgh;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Torbay Hospital</i></p><p>Fairness is considered a fundamental principle of assessment though it is a principle that is not simple to define. Parallels have been made to social principles of justice; procedural justice, distributive justice and interactional justice. The conversations around assessment are changing with the recent prevalence of artificial intelligence and large language models. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss assessment in relation to fairness with a consideration of the impact of artificial intelligence. This will be considered from multiple perspectives including institutional guidance, student use of artificial intelligence and educator use of artificial intelligence. In a rapidly changing and challenging landscape, there are no neat solutions or easy answers with innovation often out-pacing guidance and regulation. The intention is to open a critical dialogue around this topic area to foster greater consideration of how fairness may be prioritised in our own contexts.</p><p>Zain Mohammed, Hafsah Ba and Linta Nasim</p><p><i>Warwick Medical School</i></p><p>This interactive session is aimed at educators who are keen to understand the unique and specific challenges medical students from diverse backgrounds face in clinical and preclinical environments. This session offers a unique perspective by immersing attendees in the first-year experiences of a Muslim medical student named Maryam, shedding light on the hurdles she encounters as she progresses through medical school.</p><p>The session's structure revolves around an interactive case based on problem-based learning/case-based learning principles. Attendees will collaborate in groups to delineate terms, formulate questions and engage in research as they navigate through the session. Facilitators will guide the discussions, probing attendees to delve into deeper enquiry. The themes explored encompass critical issues related to socialising and induction with peers and tutors, addressing topics such as alcohol, hijab, personal modesty, intergender interaction in clinical skills teaching, daily and Friday congregational prayer, ablution, discrimination, islamophobia and intersectionality. All scenarios presented are based on the real-life accounts of Muslim medical students.</p><p>This session serves as a timely reminder of the national attainment gaps experienced by students from diverse backgrounds and aims to provide recommendations for implementing inclusivity measures. Originally developed to support medical educators at Warwick Medical School, this session has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback, prompting its integration into the ongoing development of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) sessions for staff and students across the Medical School.</p><p>Join us in this illuminating exploration of the challenges faced by Muslim medical students as we collectively work towards fostering a more inclusive and understanding medical education environment.</p><p>Michal Tombs</p><p><i>Cardiff University</i></p><p>In the evolving landscape of health professions education (HPE), the effective teaching and application of various literature review methodologies are crucial. This proficiency is vital not only for academic rigour but also for the practical application of evidence-based practices in education and healthcare. Educators and researchers grapple with complex information, underscoring the need for clear, innovative teaching of literature review methods and the effective communication of these concepts to students.</p><p>Delivered by the ASME Research Methodology Group, this session addresses a significant gap in current teaching practice by translating theoretical research methods into engaging, practical teaching formats. Enhancing educators' ability to teach literature review methodologies directly contributes to the quality of HPE and research. In the broader context of HPE research, this session aligns with the growing emphasis on developing robust research competencies among educators, acknowledging their role in shaping the future of the field through research.</p><p>The session builds on the success of a previous workshop (RME, 2023), offering a dynamic, interactive experience. It begins with a ‘Methodology Carousel’, where participants engage in collaborative brainstorming on different review methodologies. This approach deepens the understanding of each methodology's unique characteristics.</p><p>Participants then practice formulating research questions, enhancing their critical thinking skills. Gamified activities add an enjoyable layer of engagement, reinforcing learning. A significant focus is on critically evaluating teaching methods on literature reviews, exploring challenges and discussing resource requirements. This reflective aspect encourages attendees to adapt and innovate these methods in their teaching contexts.</p><p>Feedback from the previous workshop will be reviewed, providing insights into the effectiveness of these strategies. By the end of the session, educators will be equipped with adaptable, resource-efficient and replicable teaching methods, enhancing their teaching practices and contributing to innovative, effective education in alignment with the conference's overarching theme.</p><p>Sabia Dayala<sup>1</sup> and Jenna Chambers<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>The University of Manchester;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Newcastle University</i></p><p>Sustainable healthcare beyond reduction of carbon footprint is an evolving field, requiring undergraduates and their GP supervisors to be heavily supported in this endeavour (1). We report on two different approaches from Newcastle University and the University of Manchester medical programme, one where sustainability outcomes have been mandated versus optional integration of a broader outlook of sustainable healthcare. We will showcase our results following introduction of these approaches, report on our challenges and provide an opportunity for attendees to share ideas on how they may be able to implement similar initiatives in their institutes.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Helen Vosper</p><p><i>University of Aberdeen</i></p><p>‘Healthcare hurts’ has been the constant message since the Institute of Medicine report ‘To Err is Human’. Healthcare providers articulate safety as an explicit organisational goal, delivery of which requires practical strategies and tools. Healthcare professionals-in-training must therefore engage with the safety and quality agenda. However, global efforts at improving patient safety have largely relied on quality improvement approaches and have not been as successful as we might have hoped. This has increased the focus on human factors as a possible answer. Human factors (HF) is a person-centred safety science exploring how individuals interact with work systems.</p><p>In the United Kingdom, several national HF-based interventions have been established. These include NHS England's Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and the Academy of Medical Royal College's Patient Safety Syllabus. Despite an enormous national training and education need, few educational providers have the expertise required to deliver genuine HF education. While the authors would argue it is important to ensure that HF educators understand their scope of practice and recognise when input from suitably qualified and experienced professionals is appropriate, there is much that can be ‘given away’. The design-based approach underpinning HF ensures many of the tools and frameworks are straightforward to apply and therefore teachable.</p><p>NHS Education for Scotland has developed the ‘Brilliant Basics’ HF teaching pack. The indicative content includes an introduction to the role and benefits of HF in health and care, resources to support the application of HF tools by ‘novices’ and a series of learning briefs and lesson plans that can be adapted to your own educational environment. During this session, delegates will be introduced to the teaching pack and can engage in an interactive demonstration of its application. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to sign up to additional resources and opportunities for CPD.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Liza Kirtchuk<sup>1</sup> and Ravi Parekh<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>King's College London;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Imperial College London</i></p><p>We recognised the term LIC predominantly used to describe this model within medicine training, but others such as ‘rural immersion’ and ‘longitudinal placement’ are used variously in a variety contexts and disciplines, and we encourage attendees from a diversity of backgrounds and roles. Participants with experience delivering LICs will be encouraged to share experiences, expertise and engagement with our newly established ASME Longitudinal Educational Model Educators (LEME) Special Interest Group.</p><p>This interactive workshop introduces you to the concept of LICs, models of delivery, theories underpinning their pedagogy and the evidence base. We will provide the global/national context of LICs and how they are implemented, with focus on the UK landscape. Through participatory activities, we will consider key drivers for this educational model within health professions education, ask participants to consider benefits, challenges and opportunities they may provide for patients, educators and students. Participants will also consider their own contexts and how they may apply the principles of LICs.</p><p>Amy Wai Yee Wong and Pauline Bryant</p><p><i>University of East Anglia</i></p><p>In health professions education, we rely heavily on clinical assessors to assess our students and trainees to ensure the provision of safe and high-quality healthcare to members of the public. This need increases with the shift to programmatic assessment. Clinical practitioners are specialists in their disciplinary areas but would appreciate the support to further develop their assessment expertise in observing learners and making valid and reliable expert human judgements of workplace-based assessment—all essential to programmatic assessment as suggested by Schuwirth et al. (2017).</p><p>The present challenges are not only time constraints, but often the faculty development offered in assessment may not necessarily address the clinical assessors' relevant professional needs. The lead presenter led a group of 20 assessors across health professions and higher education to co-design an assessor support roadmap which indicates three focused areas for faculty development: ‘Strengthening partnerships with key stakeholders; facilitating knowledge exchange and assessor feedback, and capitalising technology on developing resources’. These areas are pertinent to our current assessment practice.</p><p>Moving forward, there has been wide discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) has and will continue to impact the design and practice of assessment. Thinking forward, there appears to be little focus on how we should prepare and equip our assessors with the knowledge and skills to assess our learners when AI also plays a role in contributing to the delivery of patient care. The key question is how we can ensure learners achieve the required competency to practise safely while also acknowledging their skills in interacting effectively with AI to deliver high-quality patient care.</p><p>This workshop will create an opportunity for us to work together to explore how we could better support our clinical assessors now and for the future.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Russell D'Souza<sup>1</sup>, Mary Mathew<sup>2</sup>, Gaurav Mishra<sup>3</sup>, Krishna Mohan Surapaneni<sup>4</sup> and Princy Palatty<sup>5</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Department of Education, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>Panimalar Medical College Hospital &amp; Research Institute, Chennai, India;</i> <sup>5</sup><i>Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences &amp; Research Center</i></p><p>The workshop session, ‘Unravelling the Ethical Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Training and Research’, addresses a critical need in modern healthcare education and practice. As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in healthcare, there is an urgent necessity for educators, clinicians, researchers and students in health professions to understand and navigate the complex ethical landscape that accompanies these technological advancements.</p><p>This session is designed to bridge the gap between the rapid deployment of AI in healthcare and the current level of awareness and understanding of its ethical implications. Participants will explore key issues such as patient privacy, data integrity, algorithmic bias and the balance between AI-driven innovation and patient-centred care. Through a combination of presentations, case studies and interactive discussions, attendees will gain insights into responsible AI deployment, enhance their decision-making skills in ethical dilemmas and learn to apply ethical frameworks effectively in their respective fields.</p><p>The session is particularly beneficial for those in the health sector who are at the forefront of integrating AI into clinical training and research. It will equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure ethical, transparent and accountable AI use, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and healthcare standards.</p><p><b>Outcomes:</b></p><p>Alex Harker, Sati Heer-Stavert and Katherine Hunt</p><p><i>University of Warwick</i></p><p>Schwartz Rounds involve the coming together of interdisciplinary colleagues to share experiences and reflect on emotional challenges. As opposed to other reflective models, Schwartz Rounds do not delve into the clinical solutions or discussions but rather focus on the emotional impact of working within healthcare.</p><p>During this session, we look to intertwine the purpose of Schwartz Rounds with ongoing research into compassion training, and the role empathetic burnout is playing on medical students and healthcare professionals. Burnout among doctors and healthcare professionals remains at high levels internationally since the pandemic, and there is increasing evidence that this is also affecting medical students before they enter the workforce. This, coupled with functional MRI data showing the link between empathy and pain networks, is another pointer to explore the role that compassion fits within developing better well-being.</p><p>Through conducting a slightly shortened Schwartz Round with trained facilitators and designated storytellers, we seek to trigger reflection and a counter-cultural space around empathy and the negative impacts of empathy, with the aim of ultimately propagating a discussion on how we can change behaviour around empathy and compassion, thus creating a ripple effect across potentially multiple organisations. Schwartz Rounds have been shown to increase compassion and positive changes in practice, and we believe that this method in combination with the potential impact compassion training has will cause the biggest ripple and open up eyes and minds to alternative structures to improve healthcare professionals' well-being.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Anna Harvey Bluemel<sup>1</sup>, Megan Brown<sup>1</sup>, Sarah Mclaughlin<sup>2</sup> and Gabrielle Finn<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Newcastle University;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Bristol;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>University of Manchester</i></p><p>Creative research methods are becoming recognised as credible methods in social science research. However, there has been minimal exploration of them in health professions education (HPE) research. Creative research methods are an innovative approach for those interested in the lived experiences of participants and can elicit rich and meaningful data.</p><p>This workshop, hosted by the ASME Special Interest Group for Arts and Humanities in Health Professions Education, aims to provide an interactive introduction to three examples of creative methods.</p><p>We will introduce the Special Interest Group and give an overview of creative research methods. We will provide examples of work in wider educational contexts. We will discuss potential barriers to use of creative methods.</p><p>Participants will be facilitated to create a piece addressing a ‘mock’ research question relating to ‘their lived experience of education’.</p><p><b>Station 1: Poetry</b></p><p>Participants will create poems using a ‘found poetry’ approach. Participants will be provided with text to cut and stick or black-out words to create poetry. Attendees will be encouraged to reflect on how poetry might be made from the data they collect in their own work, allowing deeper engagement with their participants' lived experiences.</p><p><b>Station 2: Play-Doh</b></p><p>Play-Doh pots will be provided. Participants will be encouraged to think about something significant that comes to mind when reflecting upon the research question and model a representation of their thoughts. They will be encouraged to share and explain their model's depiction with their peers. The facilitator will encourage participants to identify themes to demonstrate how Play-Doh models can be analysed as data.</p><p><b>Station 3: Painting</b></p><p>Participants will create a collage, illustration, painting, or mixed media piece.</p><p>We will provide a reflective space at the end of the session. We will collect feedback and images of the creative pieces.</p><p>Niro Amin<sup>1</sup> and Linda Miller<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>London GP School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Professional Support Unit, London Deanery</i></p><p>This interactive workshop is designed to introduce participants to the ideals of coaching, which are then utilised in the session as a way of stimulating reflective practice. Reflective practice is an integral part of medical education, but the act of reflecting has been reduced to a tick box exercise. Anne de la Croix (2018) believes reflection is a private ‘silent dialogue between me and myself’ which is best taught through stimulation.</p><p>Using coaching skills in supervision creates the opportunity to build a safe environment and provides the learner with a non-judgemental process that builds on their lived experience. Coaching develops resourcefulness and insight through an equitable supervisory relationship. In addition supervision framed on coaching principles enhances a narrative-based professionalism, which is core to establishing bioethical values (Coulehan 2007).</p><p>We will adapt resources from the arts and humanities to demonstrate how coaching can be used in educational supervision to diversify reflective practice, thereby encouraging a shift away from the current tick box culture of medical education.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. de laCroix A, Veen M. The reflective zombie: problematizing the conceptual framework of reflection in medical education. Perspect Med Educ. 2018;7(6):394–400. DOI:</p><p>2. Coulehan J. Written role models in professionalism education. Med Humanit 2007;33(2):106–109.</p><p>Rikki Goddard-Fuller<sup>1</sup>, Peter Yeates<sup>2</sup>, Becky Edwards<sup>2</sup>, Natalie Cope<sup>2</sup> and Matt Homer<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Keele University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>University of Leeds</i></p><p>Examiner variability in OSCEs is well described, may alter outcomes for some candidates and can produce concerns about fairness. Variability occurs between individual examiners examining the same station and between groups of examiners in different parallel circuits or locations. The GMC's CPSA<sup>1</sup> seeks to ensure that candidates meet a common threshold and requires schools to ensure sufficient examiner preparation. With this focus on equivalence, institutions must try to minimise variations between examiners as far as possible. But what methods of addressing examiner variability are there, and what are the pros and cons of each?</p><p>This symposium will consider novel and emerging approaches to addressing OSCE examiner variability: video-based examiner score comparison and adjustment (VESCA)<sup>2</sup> uses video-based methods to compare or even adjust for different groups of examiners across multiple locations. Pilot use suggests geographic variations can sometimes be substantial, potentially justifying score adjustment. Video-based benchmarking (VBB) uses station-specific videos to calibrate examiners to their station prior to an OSCE. While early findings are supportive, research is ongoing to determine its effectiveness. Other innovations use feedback after OSCEs to enable reflection by examiners on their scoring but are not yet supported by evidence. Further research suggests that while examiners vary in their judgements of stations, domains and standard setting, this variability can be managed through assessment design, examiner selection/training and standard setting procedures<sup>3</sup>.</p><p>Drawing on their experience and research, the panel will debate the potential uses and pitfalls of these approaches, presenting participants with a toolkit for addressing examiner variability.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. GMC. Requirements for the MLA Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment [Internet]. [cited 2023 Dec 20]. Available from:</p><p>2. Yeates P, Moult A, Cope N, McCray G, Xilas E, Lovelock T, Vaughan N, Daw D, Fuller R, McKinley RK (B) Measuring the effect of examiner variability in a multiple-circuit objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Acad Med [Internet] 2021;96(8):1189–1196.</p><p>3. Homer M. Pass/fail decisions and standards: the impact of differential examiner stringency on OSCE outcomes. Adv Health Sci Educ 2022;27(2):457–473.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Assessment, OSCEs, psychometrics.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> assessment, CPSA, equivalence, examiner variability, OSCEs.</p><p>Lisa-Jayne Edwards, Anna Ogier, Noreen Ryan and Rasha Mezher-Sikafi</p><p><i>Imperial College London</i></p><p>In the last year, there has been unprecedented industrial action amongst doctors across the NHS. The GMC specifies Professional Values and Behaviours (PVB) as one of its three main outcomes for undergraduate medical training. It encompasses concepts such as professional identity, moral distress and working within competence; it equips medical students with skills to navigate an uncertain environment.</p><p>The practicalities of teaching PVB concepts has been complicated by industrial action. Students and trainees are exposed to a politically charged environment and widespread low morale amongst their colleagues, supervisors and near-peers. Aside from disruption to learning opportunities and supervision on clinical rotations, it is anticipated that industrial action precipitates more existential anxieties than simply missing a clinic.</p><p>Ensuring effective and contextually-sensitive delivery of PVB concepts is challenging and made more so by the injection of industrial unrest and reservations across a range of moral, theoretical and practical domains. It is important to explore these challenges, especially with those designing and delivering curricula in professionalism, medical ethics and quality healthcare.</p><p>Attendees will be asked to participate in an anonymous Mentimeter to explore their ideas, priorities and experiences surrounding how PVB teaching is delivered in the context of doctors' industrial action. Three presenters will introduce discussion surrounding ethical, theoretical and practical challenges before inviting attendees to contribute.</p><p>Presenters will range in seniority, expertise and background to facilitate well-rounded discussion.</p><p>We hope this session serves to make-explicit the challenges and opportunities available in this context, discuss potential solutions and facilitate collaboration between educator-leaders in professionalism.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Professionalism, teaching and learning, curricula.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Educators, industrial action, professionalism, undergraduate, workforce.</p><p>Neil Thakrar and Laura Powell</p><p><i>Awards Leads, Trainees in the Association for the Study of Medical Education (TASME)</i></p><p>Join us for TASME's annual Teaching Innovation &amp; Excellence (TIE) prize session to celebrate talent and ingenuity displayed by early-career educators embarking on a career in health professions education, as they compete for the prestigious national Teaching Innovation &amp; Excellence Prize 2024. Come along to hear about the latest innovations that you could apply to your educational practice, be inspired for your next project, and potentially find future collaborators.</p><p><b>Educational methods</b></p><p>The three shortlisted finalists will each deliver a presentation showcasing their innovation with evidence of excellence, followed by questions from the audience and our esteemed judging panel. Candidates can demonstrate skills or resources in any suitable method. Our judging panel will select a winner based on their demonstration of innovation; evidence of excellent practice; relevance and inspiration for a wider population, particularly other trainees; evidence of sustainability; and presentation style.</p><p><b>2024 finalists</b></p><p>Dr Nathaniel Quail, Clinical Teaching Fellow, NHS Lanarkshire/University of Glasgow</p><p>Dr Aishah Mughal, Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust</p><p>Dr Leah Williams, Trust Grade Doctor/Phase 1 Co-Lead &amp; Simulation Lead, University of Sunderland</p><p><b>2024 winner</b></p><p>Dr Leah Williams, Trust Grade Doctor/Phase 1 Co-Lead &amp; Simulation Lead, University of Sunderland</p><p>Alice Osborne<sup>1</sup>, James Fisher<sup>2</sup> and Karen Kyne<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>EDC and University of Exeter Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Newcastle University, EDC;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>RCSI, EDC</i></p><p>Presenting to a large audience at a national conference can be challenging, particularly for first timers!</p><p>This workshop is an opportunity for those new to, or nervous about, presenting at this year's ASME ASM to rehearse, and a chance for everyone to explore effective presentation skills together. A small number of volunteers will run through their presentations ‘in real time’ and receive feedback from the panel—members of ASME's Educator Development Committee (EDC)—and from the audience in true constructive educational style!</p><p>Effective oral communication is a crucial skill for all health professionals, particularly educators and those interested in research who need to explain their work to others. When developing and rehearing a presentation, it is easy to concentrate on the content and message of the presentation and overlook the personal style and communications skills of the presenter.</p><p>Very few people naturally possess outstanding presentation skills from the outset. Most presenters are anxious about their presentation skills and about handling any questions posed by the ‘expert’ audience. However, practice and receiving specific feedback can improve performance.</p><p>Whether you present or contribute to feedback and the discussion on effective presentation, this session aims to help and support you so that you can develop additional confidence in the delivery of presentations in any situation—conferences, meetings or teaching.</p><p>Please book in advance to secure a presentation slot, although there may also be opportunities to present on the day. If you would like to request a presentation slot, please email the Educator Development Committee (EDC) Chair (<span>[email protected]</span>) prior to the ASM with a copy of your abstract, indicating whether you are a first-time presenter.</p><p><b>Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:</b></p><p>Objectives: Allow new presenters the opportunity to receive feedback on their presentation skills before their ASM presentation slot, and enable all participants to consider what makes an effective conference presentation and contribute to the feedback discussion.</p><p>Lisa Meeks<sup>1</sup>, Lara Varpio<sup>2</sup>, Kevin Eva<sup>3</sup>, Gabrielle Finn<sup>4</sup> and Yoon Soo Park<sup>5</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Michigan Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>UPenn;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>UBC;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>University of Manchester;</i> <sup>5</sup><i>University of Illinois College of Medicine</i></p><p>Join us for a thought-provoking session on the imperative of Disability Equity in Health Professions Scholarship and Publication. This panel discussion will spotlight key voices in the field, inviting them to share insights into how they navigate and champion disability equity and inclusion within their scholarly endeavours and professional practices.</p><p>Attendees will gain valuable insights into fostering equity in scholarly endeavours, with a focus on evaluation criteria for scholarly work that prioritises inclusive practices and equity narratives within manuscripts. Throughout the discussion, we will explore practical approaches to leaning into equitable and inclusive research, amplifying marginalised voices and dismantling barriers that hinder the advancement of disability equity in the health professions scholarship landscape.</p><p>This session is a must-attend for researchers, educators and practitioners committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable scholarly environment within the health professions. Join us as we collectively work towards a future where disability equity is not just a goal, but a tangible reality in health professions scholarship.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), education.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Accessibility, disability, equity, opportunity, scholarship.</p><p>Sabena Jameel<sup>1</sup>, Heather McNeilly<sup>2</sup>, Joy Krishnamoorthy Flourish<sup>2</sup>, Kat Sethi<sup>2</sup> and Emma Wilks<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Birmingham;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Birmingham City University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Nishkam High School, Birmingham</i></p><p>‘The purpose of education is to help people live well and to help develop a world worth living in’ (Kemmis).</p><p>This lofty goal aligns with the concept of flourishing (eudaimonia); it refers not only to our immediate community but also to the broadest interpretation of what we can achieve. We come together in this symposium to share our experience of a series of innovative value-based initiatives within the community, which has benefitted healthcare professional education and school students. This work transcends disciplines and illustrates how we can all learn from each other and elevate others to reach their potential. We believe education should be enjoyable, beneficial and purposeful and these projects can really set the bar.</p><p>We all feel passionate about the continuum of education and the need to strengthen bonds to better understand and appreciate the communities we live and work in. We aim to stimulate discussion amongst symposium delegates, considering the pros and cons of scaling such work and of applying the ideas to the delegates own learning communities.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>Kemmis, S. <i>Understanding education: history, politics and practice</i>. Edited by Edwards-Groves, C.. Springer. 2018.</p><p>Lyrical inspiration from REM's Shiny happy people. 1991.</p><p>Thanks to all the other critical people involved in making these projects possible including Professor Nik Makwana, Anna McKay, Fatima Shaker, Vanessa Parmar, Liz Stevenson and Amy McLean.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), interdisciplinary, professionalism.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Character, community, cultural competence, flourishing, values.</p><p>Aws Almukhtar, Mohit Achanta and Jessica Caterson</p><p><i>Imperial College London</i></p><p>The exponential increase in the integration of alternate reality technologies (mixed, virtual and augmented) in medical education necessitates exploration of the specific challenges associated with their use and application (1). This technology is not only an effective educational tool, but it also can reduce the cost and environmental impact of medical education—a documented, albeit less studied, aspect in the literature (2). Nevertheless, to achieve the intended learning outcomes, module design must mitigate users' potential cognitive overload. Therefore, an increasing body of work is now advocating for aligning instructional designs with cognitive load theory (3).</p><p>Our case study not only demonstrated improved outcomes, such as clinical knowledge scores, but also challenged the prevailing assumptions about the cognitive challenges, in the form of extraneous load, experienced by users. In our study, cognitive load (CL) remained consistently low, even without prior technology familiarisation. One explanation for the consistently low levels of CL comes from the concept of ‘digital natives’, which suggests that digital natives have distinct cognitive abilities, learning styles and improved resource allocation in relation to technology compared to those who were born before the digital revolution, i.e. digital immigrants.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>Tokuno J, Carver TE, Fried GM. Measurement and management of cognitive load in surgical education: a narrative review.</p><p>Contreras-Taica, A., Alvarez-Risco A., Arias-Meza M., Campos-Dávalos N., Calle-Nole M., Almanza-Cruz C., de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario M., del-Aguila-Arcentales S. (2022). Virtual education: carbon footprint and circularity. In: Alvarez-Risco, A., Muthu, S.S., Del-Aguila-Arcentales, S. (eds) <i>Circular economy</i>. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore.</p><p>İbili E. Effect of augmented reality environments on cognitive load: pedagogical effect, instructional design, motivation and interaction interfaces.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Innovation, TEL, virtual.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Cognitive load, education, innovation, mixed reality, surgical, sustainability.</p><p>Pamela Hagan, Shirley Thomas, Beth Hill and Georgina Shajan</p><p><i>University of Nottingham</i></p><p>Universities in the United Kingdom are expected to provide institutional-wide mental health and wellbeing support provision.<sup>1</sup> However, considering the demands and expectations faced throughout medical school and training, it can be argued that support and wellbeing provision must be tailored specifically for medical students.<sup>2, 3</sup> Knowledge of the two cultures that medical students traverse on a daily basis (University and NHS) is required, as well as the intricacies and nuances of the course and its demands. Effective targeted support has the capacity to maximise potential and requires collaboration between different disciplines.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>Student mental health in England: statistics, policy and guidance. 30 May 2023, number 8593, House of Commons Library.</p><p>A journey to medicine student success duidance. Medical Schools Council | Selecting for Excellence. 2014.</p><p>Clinician of the future report. 2023. Chapter 1, page 16–18.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Wellbeing, pastoral, medical students.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Peer support, psychoeducation, support, undergraduate, wellbeing.</p><p>Lindsey Pope<sup>1</sup>, Peter Johnson<sup>2</sup>, Kim Walker<sup>2</sup> and Anita Laidlaw<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Glasgow;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Aberdeen</i></p><p>Healthcare workforce wellbeing is at an all-time low with the impact and legacy of the pandemic only serving to magnify existing issues and pressures within the NHS. Not only does this have detrimental effects on staff wellbeing, but this also inevitably negatively impacts patient care. Even though this issue is widely recognised, well-intentioned attempts to address this often a lack of an evidence-based approach, risking leaving staff feeling unheard, unvalued and unsupported.</p><p>This symposium will utilise findings from our own research programme (Scottish Doctors Wellbeing Study) and the wider workforce wellbeing literature to prompt the audience to consider how me might use the evidence better to shape our approach to support healthcare worker wellbeing in the short and long term. Furthermore, we shall situate this is in the broader challenge of the frequent disconnect between medical education research, policy and practice.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>Gordon L, Scanlan GM, Tooman TR, Walker KA, Cairns P, Ferguson J, Aitken G, Cecil J, Cunningham KB, Smith KG, Johnston PW, Laidlaw A, Pope LM, Wakeling J Heard, valued, supported? Doctors' wellbeing during transitions triggered by COVID-19. Med Educ 2022; 56(5): 516–526.</p><p>Annan HG, Do V. When medical education and health policy meet: will we find our leaders there? Med Educ 2024; 58(2): 174–176.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Workforce wellbeing, the relationship between educational research, policy and practice, postgraduate, careers.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Policy, postgraduate, wellbeing.</p><p>Anita Laidlaw<sup>1</sup>, Lisi Gordon<sup>2</sup>, Amaya Ellawala<sup>2</sup> and Eliot Rees<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Aberdeen;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Hull York Medical School;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Keele University / UCL</i></p><p>This session gives the shortlisted applicants a chance to present their paper, followed by a chaired question-and answer session. The aim of this event is to showcase high-quality medical education research, to recognise the presenters and to enthuse and inspire delegates: 15-minutes talk and 10-minutes Q&amp;A per paper.</p><p><b>2024 finalists:</b></p><p>Amber Bennett-Weston, Leicester Medical School with their submission:</p><p>Challenging the spectrum of involvement: Are equal partnerships the ultimate goal?</p><p>Shalini Gupta, University of Dundee with their submission:</p><p>Girls in scrubs: An ethnographic exploration of the clinical learning environment.</p><p>Helen Nolan, University of Warwick with their submission:</p><p>Exploring the trauma gap—A national qualitative study of UK medical educators' perspectives regarding trauma and trauma-informed approaches in medical education.</p><p><b>2024 winner:</b></p><p>Helen Nolan, University of Warwick with their submission:</p><p>Exploring the trauma gap—A national qualitative study of UK medical educators' perspectives regarding trauma and trauma-informed approaches in medical education.</p><p>Gill Vance<sup>1</sup>, Megan Brown<sup>1</sup>, Bryan Burford<sup>1</sup> and Gabrielle Finn<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Newcastle University;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Manchester</i></p><p>The Covid-19 pandemic prompted rapid, significant changes in the UK's postgraduate assessment frameworks (1). Understanding the impact of these derogations is crucial for medical educators and policymakers as medical education systems continue to recover from the pandemic. This learning may inform responses to similar exogenous events (2). The symposium aims to foster collaborative discussions and inspire evidence-based strategies to build resilience and adaptability in medical education systems globally.</p><p>This symposium explores the impact, and lessons learned, from national assessment derogations implemented in the United Kingdom. Building on comprehensive, mixed-methods research commissioned by the General Medical Council (Report, in press), the symposium will examine impact across various specialties and stakeholder groups.</p><p>The panel will feature various stakeholder representatives from various stakeholder groups, including educators and researchers. They will share their experiences and learning in relation to different types of assessment derogations and thoughts regarding ongoing impact and research. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the symposium through live polls, an interactive question and answer session with the panel and through engagement on social media.</p><p>Discussions will centre on the ‘3Cs’—compassion, consistency and communication—in assessment processes. The event will highlight the need for further research on the disproportionate impact of these derogations on minoritised groups and recognise the personal challenges faced by trainers, as well as trainees, during the pandemic. This will foster a broader understanding and dialogue on these critical issues in medical education.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Sabzwari S. Rethinking assessment in medical education in the time of COVID-19. MedEdPublish 2020;9(80):80.</p><p>2. Sani I, Hamza Y, Chedid Y, Amalendran J, Hamza N. Understanding the consequence of COVID-19 on undergraduate medical education: medical students' perspective. Ann Med Surg 2020;58:117–119.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Assessment, postgraduate, policy.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> ARCP, assessment, Covid-19, policy.</p><p>Johann Malawana, Derek Gallen, Hiba Khan, Chris Born and Ruth Demeke</p><p><i>Medics.Academy, The Healthcare Leadership Academy, School of Medicine, University of Central Lancashire</i></p><p>The theme of the workshop centres on addressing the critical challenge posed by escalating healthcare service demands amid persistent shortages of healthcare professionals. With healthcare education systems and scholarships being vital components, the workshop emphasises their role in ensuring the future adequacy of health services. Strategic workforce planning, utilising education and training, emerges as the most consequential solution to systemic issues within healthcare delivery.</p><p>Medics.Academy, leveraging partnerships with healthcare organisations and international bodies like the World Health Organisation (WHO), demonstrates a multifaceted approach. Their leadership team's extensive experience in health policy drives initiatives such as the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA), policy development think tanks and innovation hubs. These initiatives aim to empower participants to impact global healthcare contexts effectively.</p><p>Over the years, Medics.Academy has earned acclaim for tailored leadership training programmes and strategic collaborations with NHS organisations and international partners. The workshop features expert panel input and provides participants with toolkits to translate educational research into impactful policy interventions.</p><p>Medics.Academy's success is attributed to proactive strategies, strategic alliances and commitment to addressing healthcare challenges. Through collaboration with various stakeholders and proactive engagement with decision-makers, the organisation aims to tackle global healthcare workforce shortages effectively.</p><p>In conclusion, Medics.Academy's journey underscores the transformative potential of education in addressing healthcare workforce shortages. By fostering collaboration, innovation and leadership development, the organisation aims to make a significant impact on global healthcare workforce challenges.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b>:</p><p>NHS: key facts and figures. 2024. The King's Fund.</p><p>Rocks, S. (2023). The Health Foundation. Health Care Funding – the Health Foundation.,increaseon2023F24</p><p><b>Themes</b> Faculty, continuing education, innovation.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Influence, leadership, policy, translating research.</p><p>Peter De Jong and Arianne Pieterse</p><p><i>International Association of Medical Science Educators</i></p><p>The higher education landscape is changing rapidly, and new developments in didactical and technological areas occur continuously. Educators in healthcare education are increasingly confronted with rapid emerging technologies in the classroom and the clinical learning environment. Examples are simulations, serious games, virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, hybrid classrooms and generative AI. These new technologies have the potential to substitute, augment, modify or redefine the teaching as we know it.</p><p>In this symposium, we will showcase several new developments in the area of virtual and mixed reality in basic science as well as clinical teaching. Virtual and mixed reality techniques enrich the real-life environment with 3D visuals and audio. In basic sciences education, it supports students in their 3D learning experience, while in the clinical setting it offers possibilities to expose medical students to a variety of clinical cases. It provides unique opportunities for active and collaborative learning in an authentic but safe environment. Educational benefits include high levels of interest, engagement, enjoyment and learning perception.</p><p>Educators in health education are not always adequately prepared for using new technologies like this. Some will enthusiastically use it, while others will be more reluctant. After the presentations, we will discuss with the audience how institutions and healthcare education associations like IAMSE, could support educators to better understand, adopt and utilise new and emerging technologies in teaching and learning.</p><p><b>Themes</b> TEL, virtual, research.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Education, faculty development, innovation, mixed reality, teaching.</p><p>Gilles de Wildt<sup>1</sup> and Chloe Moran<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>NHS GP; Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Birmingham Medical School</i></p><p>‘Students as partners in learning and teaching’ is a concept embraced by Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy) but underused. This workshop aims at exploring opportunities and implementation. There are three elements: First, current and former medical students—alumnae /alumni of the University of Birmingham Global Health intercalation—will present experiences of teaching peers and others and leading innovative interactive sessions. This will be followed by small group work, where conference participants explore its potential in their own medical/healthcare education contexts. Finally, in a plenary, suggestion for practical implementation in medical/healthcare education are discussed and collated. This may also cover (former) student involvement in curriculum review, for example, for the MLA. The workshop proceedings will be presented to ASME, medical schools, student organisations and other stakeholders for further discussion.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Healey M, Flint A, Harrington K. Engagement through partnership: students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education. Higher Education Academy July 2014. Accessed 23 January 2024 from</p><p>2. Mercer-Mapstone, L., Dvorakova, S. L., Matthews, K. E., Abbot, S., Cheng, B., Felten, P., Knorr, K., Marquis, E., Shammas, R, Swaim, K. (2017). A systematic literature review of students as partners in higher education. IJSaP, 1(1), 15–37.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Education, medical students, innovation.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Innovation, learning, partners, students, teaching.</p><p>Lisa Meeks<sup>1</sup>, Megan Brown<sup>2</sup> and Jo Hartland<sup>3</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Michigan Medical School;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Newcastle University;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>Bristol Medical School</i></p><p>Join us for a compelling fireside chat. This discussion explores the intricate challenges faced by students, trainees and faculty with non-apparent disabilities, shedding light on the factors influencing accommodation requests and the pervasive issue of non-disclosure grounded in ableism.</p><p>In the United States, only half of medical students and resident physicians identifying as disabled sought accommodations, revealing significantly lower rates among those with cognitive disabilities. Stigma, misinformation and the non-apparent nature of these disabilities contribute to the hesitancy in seeking support.</p><p>The fireside chat will examine global studies underscoring the imperative to address barriers to accommodation requests, especially for students with cognitive disabilities. How do training programmes actively promote accommodations and encourage requests, considering associated risks such as depressive symptoms and self-reported medical errors?</p><p>This recorded chat, slated for a future podcast, aims to unravel the journey of trainees with ‘hidden’ disabilities marked by self-doubt, fear of stigma and questions about disability validity. We'll explore real consequences to career progression and imagine the steps necessary to create equity in medical training for individuals with disabilities.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Meeks LM, Pereira-Lima K, Plegue M, Stergiopoulos E, Jain NR, Addams A, Moreland CJ Assessment of accommodation requests reported by a national sample of US MD students by category of disability. JAMA 2022;328(10):982–984.</p><p>2. Pereira-Lima K, Meeks LM, Ross KET, Marcelin JR, Smeltz L, Frank E, Sen S Barriers to disclosure of disability and request for accommodations among first-year resident physicians in the US. JAMA Netw Open 2023;6(5):e239981.</p><p>3. Meeks LM, Pereira-Lima K, Frank E, Stergiopoulos E, Ross KE, Sen S. Program access, depressive symptoms, and medical errors among resident physicians with disability. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4(12):e2141511.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), wellbeing, medical students.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Accommodation, barriers, DEI, invisible disability, non-disclosure.</p><p>Andy Ward<sup>1</sup>, Andrea Williamson<sup>2</sup>, Sanjiv Ahluwalia<sup>3</sup> and Ray Cottington<sup>4</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare, Leicester Medical School, University of Leicester;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>School of Medicine, Anglia Ruskin University;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>Hepatitis C Trust</i></p><p>Inclusion health includes any population group that is socially excluded. This includes people who experience homelessness. People experiencing homelessness are more likely to suffer poor health and have significantly shorter life expectancy than the UK average and yet learning about inclusion healthcare in medical education is often limited or student driven.<sup>1</sup></p><p>Therapeutic empathy has been defined as understanding the patient's situation, perspective and feelings; communicating that understanding; and acting on that shared understanding in a helpful way.<sup>2</sup> Systematic reviews have demonstrated that there is variation in empathy between healthcare practitioners, that empathy can be taught and that enhanced empathy improves patient outcomes. In inclusion healthcare, practising empathy can be challenging due to the complexity of how patients may present, how behaviours are understood and how clinicians respond. Increases in empathy and positive changes in attitudes have been demonstrated in students given opportunities to engage with people experiencing homelessness.<sup>3</sup> Trauma-informed practice provides a communication framework that can improve interactions between clinicians and patients in homeless healthcare.</p><p>There is significant overlap between the principles of trauma-informed practice and the application of therapeutic empathy.</p><p>This symposium will draw on the expertise of active practitioners working in inclusion health and medical education, furnish attendees with strategies to work more effectively with socially excluded population groups and share ideas of how inclusion healthcare can be better integrated into medical education. An expert-by-experience currently working in inclusion healthcare will also provide his perspective and join the discussions.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Asgary R, Naderi R, Gaughran M, Sckell B. A collaborative clinical and population-based curriculum for medical students to address primary care needs of the homeless in new York City shelters. Perspect Med Educ 2016;5(3):154–162.</p><p>2. Reynolds W, Scott B. Empathy and quality of care. Br J Gen Pract 2002;52:9–13.</p><p>3. Gardner J, Emory J. Changing students' perceptions of the homeless: a community service learning experience. Nurse Educ Pract 2018;29:133–136,</p><p><b>Themes</b> Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), curricula, communication.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Curriculum, education, empathy, homelessness, inclusion.</p><p>John Launer<sup>1</sup> and Sabena Jameel<sup>2</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>Workforce and Training Directorate, NHS England, London;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>University of Birmingham</i></p><p>We are medical educators of different faiths (Jewish and Muslim) who are members of the faculty of the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine. We have experience of teaching in both Israel and Palestine. Recent tragic events in the Middle East have made us more aware than before of the human propensity to form negative attitudes towards all members of an entire national or ethnic group, expressed as hatred in social media or even in personal interactions. We propose that a necessary part of education in professionalism is to help colleagues and learners gain an understanding of this process and help them to overcome it in the interests of treating all human beings as equal. During the symposium, we will share our experiences of working across the boundaries of faith, nationality and other identities and seek an interchange with delegates about approaches to dialogue and promoting mutual acknowledgement and respect even when people are experiencing distress on account of political or other forms of conflict.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Feder G, Khan A, Jewell D, Jameel S. Responding to the war in Israel. BGJP Life. 22 December 2023.</p><p>2. Launer J. Israel and Gaza-recognising shared human values. BMJ 2023;383;2768 doi:</p><p>3. Shahid HJ, Wallace PG. The healthcare community must approach the violence in Israel and Gaza with inclusive compassion. BMJ 2023; 383:2645 doi:</p><p>4.</p><p>5. Launer, J. Jameel, S. Y (2024). A call for education against hatred. Lancet. 403, 2684–2685. doi:</p><p><b>Themes</b> Professionalism, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI), faculty.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Equality and diversity, professionalism.</p><p>Camillo Coccia</p><p><i>Mayo University Hospital</i></p><p>The symposium critically examines the concept of moral injury in clinicians, with a focus on its origins, implications and potential limitations. It begins by tracing the roots of moral injury from its application in explaining the ethical conflicts faced by soldiers to its recent adoption in the context of clinician distress. Acknowledging the strengths of framing clinician distress as moral injury rather than burnout, the essay delves into the concern that the emphasis on individual experiences may obscure underlying social relationships and systemic issues contributing to the challenges faced by healthcare professionals. The primary concern is that the reframing exchanges one individual conflict for another individual conflict rather than establishing this as symptomatic of a larger political problem.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Dean W. Reframing clinician distress: moral injury not burnout. PubMed Central (PMC). Published September 1, 2019.</p><p>2. Litz BT, Stein NR, Delaney E, Lebowitz L, Nash WP, Silva C, Maguen S Moral injury and moral repair in war veterans: a preliminary model and intervention strategy. Clin Psychol Rev, 29, 8, 695, 706</p><p><b>Themes</b> Wellbeing, theory, humanities.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Individual, moral injury, philosophy, politics, trauma.</p><p>Jonny Guckian<sup>1</sup>, Sarah Edwards<sup>2</sup>, Jeeves Wijesuriya<sup>3</sup> and Julia Alsop<sup>4</sup></p><p><sup>1</sup><i>University of Leeds;</i> <sup>2</sup><i>Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust;</i> <sup>3</sup><i>General Medical Council;</i> <sup>4</sup><i>University of Warwick</i></p><p>Social media (SoMe) has drastically evolved since its inception, with platforms rising and falling as trends take hold. Accordingly, medical education behaviours, protagonists and cultures have shifted in that time. At its outset, medical social media rose with online socialisation, as early adopters navigated nascent trends and technologies to form fledgling communities of practice.<sup>1</sup> Subsequently, the Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) movement was born and grew to dominate, with learning activities such as Tweetorials, journal clubs and educational videos becoming commonplace.<sup>2</sup> The principal scholarly debates during these two phases generally related to professionalism concerns.<sup>3</sup></p><p>This symposium proposes that we have entered a new, third, age of medical SoMe. We suggest that the highest quality educational behaviours on SoMe are now manifested through affective learning. Specifically, this relates to modelling and role-modelling of professional identity, social justice advocacy and critique of individual and community values. While this era of SoMe is often derided as extreme, abusive or intimidating, we argue that—while challenging—SoMe represents unlimited potential for transformative learning and disruptive reflection, for individuals, academics and institutions.</p><p>Our panel will draw on both SoMe scholarship and practice to craft a history of UK medical education SoMe. We will highlight core lessons our community must not ignore and use evidence—in addition to audience participation—to predict the next chapter of this complex phenomenon. Furthermore, we will make suggestions for the most important research questions and policy changes in this domain.</p><p><b>REFERENCES</b></p><p>1. Hawn C. Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how twitter, Facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care. Health Aff 2009;28(2):361–368.</p><p>2. D'souza F, Shah S, Oki O, Scrivens L, Guckian J. Social media: medical Education's double-edged sword. Future Healthc J. 2021;8(2). doi:, e307, e310</p><p>3. Ferdig RE, Dawson K, Black EW, Black NM, Thompson LA. Medical students' and residents' use of online social networking tools: Implications for teaching professionalism in medical education. First Monday. Published online 2008.</p><p><b>Themes</b> Social Media, TEL, Professionalism.</p><p><b>Keywords</b> Advocacy, professional identity, professionalism, social media, Twitter.</p>","PeriodicalId":47324,"journal":{"name":"Clinical Teacher","volume":"21 S2","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.4000,"publicationDate":"2024-11-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Clinical Teacher","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q4","JCRName":"MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


Linda Miller


The ‘health and wellbeing of staff [is] arguably the single most important entity in the sustainable delivery of healthcare’ (Nicol, 2018). A creative, entrepreneurial mindset particularly applied to the wicked problems of inequity can help prevent burnout and maintain engagement. The NHS Clinical Entrepreneurship Programme (NHSCEP) has retained many clinicians who would otherwise have left the NHS. Examples from students, trainees and clinicians on the programme, and teaching examples, that tackle inequity will be shared.

This workshop engages participants in a creative process to consider their educational role, internal bias, health equity and differential attainment. Fulfilling the new GMC Duties of a Doctor (2024) call to review ‘how your life experience, culture and beliefs influence your interactions with others and may impact on the decisions you make and the care you provide’ and your teaching. It will meet the requirement to contribute ‘to discussions and decisions about improving the quality of services and outcomes … taking steps to address problems and carrying out further training where necessary’.

The arts and humanities hold the potential to support the GMC changes, to enhance self-awareness of intrinsic bias and to proactively address social determinants of health, equity and patient-centredness. This is important in medical education and leadership roles (e.g., ASME, NHSE [appraisers] or Royal Colleges). Given their pivotal role, medical educators and preceptors must look critically at organisational and personal biases. The legal imperative ‘you must’ take account of ‘… history, including i. symptoms ii. relevant psychological, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural factors iii. the patient's views, needs, and values’. Describes a compassionate ‘mature’ care ethic ‘beyond the strictly medical’. The 10-year Marmot review (Marmot, 2020) identified that ‘Improvements to life expectancy have stalled and declined for women in the most deprived 10% of areas’ and ‘the health gap has grown between wealthy and deprived areas’.

Russell D'Souza1, Mary Mathew2 and Vedprakash Mishra3

1Department of Education, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia; 2Kasturba Medical CollegeManipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India; 3Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the need for a strong foundation in bioethics has become increasingly crucial. The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics presents the ‘3T Paradigm in Bioethics Education: Teach, Train, and Transfer’ workshop, a pioneering initiative designed to fortify the capabilities of educators in the medical and health sectors. This workshop addresses a critical gap in medical education—the effective integration of ethical reasoning with clinical practice. As technological advancements in healthcare pose new ethical challenges, there is a pressing need for professionals who are not only medically proficient but also ethically informed. This programme aims to equip educators with the tools and insights necessary to teach, mentor and instil bioethical principles effectively. It targets educators who are instrumental in shaping ethically aware healthcare professionals, ensuring a future where medical practice is not only advanced but also ethically sound and patient-centred.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

The primary objectives of this conference session are to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach bioethics, develop capabilities for training future bioethics educators and master strategies for the sustainable transfer of bioethics knowledge. Expected outcomes include enhanced competence in ethical education, a deeper understanding of mentorship in bioethics education and an ability to implement innovative teaching methods. Additionally, participants will gain valuable insights from shared best practices and collaborative discussions, enabling them to integrate the 3T paradigm effectively into their respective educational contexts.

Omolara Stevens and Aishwarya Sharma

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn

Rhythm, alliteration and humorous stories are present throughout much clinical education especially the preclinical years. This session aims to look at how rhythmic devices can be used to facilitate learning. It also aims to look at the role of humour in medical education and how that can be used in the clinical education setting.

The workshop will start with an opportunity for participants to share their favourite rhymes, mnemonics and other rhythm-based learnings. Then there will be two short talks. One will be a brief discussion about the use of rhythms in clinical learning. The talk will touch on the educational theory underpinning rhythm-based learning. The next will discuss the use of humour in clinical education including its unique strengths and challenges. There will be an opportunity for participants to create a new rhyme or mnemonic using what they have learned. The grand finale of the workshop will be all those who are comfortable sharing what they have created.

Sarah Allsop and David Hettle

University of Bristol

‘The ethics process is too long’. ‘I do not have time to get ethics’. ‘I wish I'd got ethics for this!’ Ever had one of these thoughts? Ethics is a hugely valuable and important part of the research integrity process and becoming essential as a gateway to publishing in health sciences education. Yet, all too often innovations start without considering how the evaluation process will work and what outputs might be required and useful to share for maximum reach, value and impact.

This 90-min workshop will encourage you to rethink how you see the ethics process, encouraging a scholarly approach to practice and showing how the ethics process can not only help your process but can also improve your research and even speed up your route to publication.

Collaborators from Bristol Medical School's Education Research Group (BMERG) will share their top tips for navigating ethics and support participants developing their research protocols live during the session.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Eliot Rees1, Stephanie Bull2, Tristan Price3, Lynelle Govender4 and Michal Tombs5

1Keele University / UCL; 2Imperial College London; 3University of Plymouth; 4University of Cape Town; 5Cardiff University

This interactive workshop is designed to empower health professions education scholars with the essential skills and insights needed to successfully apply for grants and awards to support their research and scholarship. With a focus on enhancing participants' ability to navigate the competitive landscape of funding opportunities, the session will cover key strategies for crafting compelling proposals that stand out to grant review committees.

The workshop will begin with an overview of the current landscape of health professions education research funding, highlighting grant programmes and awards available to researchers, especially those available from ASME. Participants will gain an understanding of the criteria used by review panels to evaluate proposals, enabling them to tailor their applications effectively.

Through a series of practical exercises and case studies, attendees will learn how to articulate the importance of their question, methodological rigour of their work, communicate its significance and impact and identify relevant stakeholders. We will consider how to craft persuasive narratives and align proposals with the priorities of funding organisations. Additionally, the workshop will provide insights into common pitfalls and challenges faced by applicants, offering strategies to address them effectively.

By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the grant application process successfully, contributing to the advancement of health professions education through innovative and funded research initiatives. Participants will also leave with a toolkit of resources, tips and best practices to enhance their grant writing skills.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Nicoletta Fossati and Aileen O'Brien

St George's University of London

Systematic academic and professionalism assessment of medical undergraduates is an evidence-based practice adopted by medical schools the world over. However, application of standards where mental health issues (MHIs) are involved may be challenging. Understanding the relationship between MHIs, academic performance and professional behaviour is essential in guiding assessment, informing mitigation decisions and planning support interventions.

Dr Nicoletta Fossati and Dr Dominic Johnson have long-standing expertise in undergraduate academic and professionalism assessment. Nicoletta, a consultant anesthetist, has been MBBS Final Year Knowledge Test Responsible Examiner at St George's, University of London (2011–2016), and Professionalism Domain Lead since 2016; she has personally mentored students involved in serious professionalism breaches. Having independently presented and led workshops on these topics at national and international conferences, Nicoletta and Aileen will join forces to discuss a complex issue with ASME delegates and propose practical solutions.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Sarah Edwards

University Hospitals of Nottingham NHS Trust

There has been increasing interest in the utility of physical serious tabletop games specifically designed for teaching and learning in medical education for learning. These can take a variety of forms, from the more simple matching card games to the more complex and involved board games. Unlike their digital counterparts, tabletop games involve physical (or analogue) components such as cards and/or boards rather than being based on a purely electronic platform. Tabletop games can include digital elements, but the core game play takes place in the physical world. A game is ultimately meant to be fun and enjoyable. The use of games in medical education has been shown to be enjoyable and lead to possibly improved learning. A game can add an element of fun to learning, with the ultimate intent of improving understanding and learning. Within the educational context, games can offer a safe environment to explore, test and understand new and challenging concepts.

This session will allow health professions educators to explore gamification and serious games as a creative approach to evolve health professions education. Participants will learn about game mechanics through current serious games and work to design a game to meet their learners' educational needs.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Vidarshi Karunaratne1 and Michael Atkinson2

1King's College London; 2University of Sunderland

There is evidence that mindfulness and self-compassion can increase equanimity and resilience as well as decrease negative states such as depression, anxiety, secondary trauma and burnout. This workshop will explore some of the evidence base and science behind these practices as well as explore these practices from a practical perspective and discuss how they may aid maximising our potential.

Christopher Huntley1 and Ian Cockburn2

1University of Liverpool; 2Merseyside Society for Deaf People

The General Medical Council expects graduates to adjust their communication approach depending on patient needs, including using interpreters when English is not the patient's first language. It is important that medical students understand the communication needs of those who are deaf or have hearing loss and explore and practise using strategies to meet their requirements. At the University of Liverpool, we have formed a partnership with Merseyside Society for Deaf People (MSDP) to develop ‘Deaf Awareness’ workshops for our Year 4 students. These 3-h workshops, which receive excellent student feedback, are delivered fully in British Sign Language by experienced trainers from MSDP supported by interpreters and academic staff. The workshops provide information on deaf culture and on the experience of deaf people and people with hearing loss when contacting healthcare.

Activities designed to help students reflect on the experiences shared and the language we use and to practise role-plays with deaf simulated patients, with and without the support of interpreters, are also a core part of the experience. The aims of this intra-conference session are to showcase a sample of the activities from our Deaf Awareness training and prompt discussion both of the challenges of delivering this learning and of the added value and insights gained from collaborative delivery. We will also share preliminary data from an ongoing study examining the impact of the workshop upon students' knowledge and confidence.

Sarah McLaughlin and Sarah Allsop

Bristol University

Health professionals engaging in qualitative education research are often required to reflect upon their positionality. Their ontological (the nature of social reality and what is knowable about the world) and epistemological (the nature of knowledge) beliefs can influence various stages of their research project. It is not easy to conceptualise positionality. Novice researchers, especially those more akin to objective, positivist, quantitative approaches, may need support to identify their positionality and its importance.

This interactive session introduces participants to the concepts of ontology and epistemology and how personal identities may influence research design and outcomes. The notion of positionality and the value of reflexivity will be explored to help participants better understand their positionalities and incorporate a reflexive approach towards their projects.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Cath Fenn1, Jane Williams2 and Tim Vincent3

1University of Warwick Medical School; 2Bristol Medical School; 3Brighton and Sussex Medical School

The physical and digital learning spaces in educational and healthcare institutions have been significantly disrupted over recent years impacting course design and programme delivery (Office for Students, 2022). Further shifts are occurring with predicted growth in student numbers, extracurricular demands on learners, healthcare service capacity limits and rapid technological innovation (NHS LTWP, 2023; Topol, 2019). Course leaders and medical educators are presented with challenges and opportunities in curriculum design and programme delivery. New models are required that maximise the potential of the successful innovations, adaptations, agilit, and digital capability developed during the C19 pandemic. In moving ‘beyond blended’, we can empower staff and students to maximise the potential to overcome the practical and geographic barriers we face in the provision of health professions education (BEME Guide 70, 2022).

Based on a successful workshop model from Warwick Medical School, this intra-conference session utilises the recent JISC Beyond Blended Report (2023) to equip current and future ‘curriculum shapers’ with research-based frameworks for course design and development. Participants will explore the four modes of participating in learning and six pillars for designing ‘beyond blended’ learning with the opportunity to explore application to their own contexts. These practical tools offer new paradigms for programme design and seek to help shape their application to both healthcare professions courses and educators.

There is a tendency for us to deep dive into specific tools and technologies and our well-designed developments often end up disconnected. This workshop strives for an alternative more holistic approach which draws on the importance of people, relationships, roles, time, space and place. Through rich dialogue, this framework supports conversations that shift focus beyond short-term ‘blended learning’ interventions towards a space that more fully supports more strategic, agile, creative and integrated planning.

Krishna Mohan Surapaneni and Jyotsna Needamangalam Balaji

Department of Medical Education, Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Chennai, India

Over recent years, there has been increasing attention to creating engaging and immersive learning environments for promoting active learning in health professions education. Educators have recognised the potential of games and game-based learning in creating a fun-filled as well as meaningful educational experience. Games, particularly those integrated with tales, are powerful tools for enhancing the learning experience in health professions education and have the inherent capacity to captivate, challenge and motivate students. By integrating games and tales into the learning process, educators can create an environment where students are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their own learning journey with long-term retention of knowledge. This 90-min session aims to equip educators with a deep understanding of pedagogical principles essential for effective educational tale-based game design, while also providing practical guidance for developing engaging tales that seamlessly align with health professions education topics.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Annie Noble-Denny1, Bee Macpherson2 and Ben Eckles3

1QMUL; 2Leeds University; 3Leeds Institute of Medical Education

An opportunity for attendees to firstly consider what we mean by Inclusive Pedagogies in our teaching across Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. We will facilitate some small groups in exploring barriers to inclusive teaching, taking various perspectives such as within teaching methods, assessment types and research projects.

Robert Bain, Heidi Stelling, Muzuki Ueda and James Fisher

Newcastle University

Medical students are key stakeholders in the development of curricular and medical education research, but historically, their unique insights have been underrepresented. Empowering medical students to ‘co-produce’ research projects in collaboration with their teachers elevates them from passive participant to pro-active partners while simultaneously expanding their research experience. Co-production offers an opportunity for students and educators to work, synergistically, as equal partners towards a common goal. The students' experience generates research ideas which the educators' research knowledge develops.

Our session is designed to share local perspectives and encourage participants to explore how they might implement co-production strategies in their institution.

Lisa-Jayne Edwards1, Nadia Lascar2 and Jun Jie Lim3

1Warwick Medical School; 2Aston Medical School; 3University of Sheffield

In its most recent ‘The State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK’ report, the GMC found that trainers are under increasing pressure and risk of burnout compared to non-trainer colleagues. With an expected increase in trainee and student numbers, the capacity for educators to train them appears to be diminishing unless there is a prioritised effort to support them and invest in their development.

At the beginning of the educator pipeline, there are increasing numbers of doctors completing entry-level medical education roles (ELMERs). A recent review of ELMER job adverts conducted by the Academy of Medical Educators revealed over 400 of these roles in the United Kingdom, with the majority undertaken by those taking a Post-Foundation Training Break.

Despite these roles being cited as ‘the future of medical education’, there is little opportunity for early-career educators to build on their experience as ELMERs until they have completed their own clinical training. Many mid-level educational roles within both NHS and university-based departments require that the applicant holds a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), notwithstanding their level of educational qualification or experience. This serves to exclude educators that may still be in training, Specialty and Specialist (SAS) doctors or those that have decided to leave clinical practice. It is imperative that the enthusiasm and experience fostered by ELMERs is not left to decay in the time it takes to achieve a CCT.

The Academy of Medical Educators would like to invite key stakeholders to discuss how these educators can be best supported to continue a career in medical education. In this session, we will encourage participants to discuss and inform how this area has developed to provide opportunities at the early-mid career transition, with the aim to support educators to deliver excellent medical education at a time when needed most.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Kate Owen and Nariell Morrison

Warwick Medical School

Our medical school has been on a journey of increasing awareness of the impact of protected characteristics on student learning. In this workshop, we focus on sexism. The recent BMA report on sexism found that 91% of women doctors had experienced sexism within the past 2 years and ‘28% of men respondents said that they have/had more opportunities during training because of their gender, compared to 1% of women respondents’ (1). Sexism affects everyone, but like all behaviour based on stereotypical ways of thinking, it is challenging to address.

In this session, we will share our institutional practices that have led to us broadening our work on improving our students' experience. We include brief presentations on sexism, our earlier work on anti-racism and our process for managing students' concerns. Our presentations will be interspersed with discussion prompts and a short film to allow participants time to discuss these issues, to share their own work in these areas and to learn from each other.


1. Sexism in Medicine report. BMA. 2021. sexism-in-medicine-bma-report-august-2021.pdf

Sruthi Saravanan1, Robert Jay2, Thiago Martins Santos3, Saman Ali3 and Ephraim Reddy Chappidi3

1University of Nottingham; 2University of Lincoln; 3Queen Mary University of London

Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) involves the use of ultrasound technology at the bedside during physical examination. The capability for real-time imaging is highly advantageous for diagnostic and procedural purposes, thus providing healthcare professionals with valuable management guidance to ultimately optimise patient care and safety [1].

Consequently, medical schools worldwide have commenced integrating POCUS into the undergraduate curriculum across the course or as optional modules, laying the groundwork for future clinical practice. However, there remains a gap in awareness and emphasis of POCUS training within the UK medical school curriculum [2].

Although near-peer teaching models have been beneficial to undergraduate medical education [3], there is limited knowledge of the effectiveness and methods to incorporate this approach in POCUS teaching. This workshop aims to introduce a peer-teaching strategy of POCUS training for future medical education.

This student-led workshop will be delivered by peer teachers trained in our student-developed and clinician-supported POCUS module. An expert clinician and medical educator will be supervising this session, and we encourage student and staff participation. This introductory workshop is aimed towards staff wishing to explore and develop peer-teaching approaches of POCUS within their respective institutions.

This innovative workshop encourages active participation by delegates. Initially, we will outline the workshop's purpose, focusing on the peer teaching of POCUS within medical education. Small group discussions will explore the advantages and challenges of incorporating POCUS training into undergraduate medical education. An interactive presentation will showcase how to use POCUS to visualise the anterior neck anatomy: internal jugular vein, common carotid artery and trachea. The peer trainers will conduct a hands-on POCUS demonstration, enabling delegates to practise and appreciate these structures. Lastly, a reflective activity will encourage participants to share insights and considerations when implementing near-peer teaching of POCUS.


1. Hsieh A, Baker MB, Phalen JM, Mejias-Garcia J, Hsieh A, Hsieh A, Canelli R Handheld point-of-care ultrasound: safety considerations for creating guidelines. J Intensive Care Med 2022;37(9):1146–1151.

2. Apenteng PN, Lilford R. UK medical education should include training in point-of-care ultrasound. BMJ. 2023.

3. Furmedge DS, Iwata K, Gill D. Peer-assisted learning – beyond teaching: how can medical students contribute to the undergraduate curriculum? Med Teach 2014;36(9):812–817,

Michael Atkinson1 and Vidarshi Karunaratne2

1University of Sunderland; 2King's College London

In recent years, mindfulness has become increasingly mainstream within medical education and healthcare practice. It is now considered an important and well-evidenced field of study and practice. While its roots go back millennia, it has a relatively brief history within modern Westernised healthcare and healthcare education, emerging in the late 1970s as a secularised practice through the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Within the fields of healthcare and healthcare education, mindfulness has for the most part been associated with the promotion of wellbeing and resilience but is steadily growing as an academic discipline, becoming integrated into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, and taken seriously as a contributor to compassionate care, leadership and organisational culture.

However, the potential for mindfulness to contribute to healthcare and healthcare education has yet to be fully realised. This is partly due to the limited expertise and advocacy within the field and its relatively recent emergence as an evidence-based discipline, as well as curriculum and workplace constraints.

Mindfulness is a highly adaptable practice that can be applied to almost any aspect of personal life, study and working practices providing significant scope for its further application in healthcare and healthcare education.

In this workshop, we aim to critically discuss the developing role of mindfulness within medical education and healthcare practice as well as begin to conceptualise its untapped potential.

The workshop will be highly interactive, including opportunity to practise mindfulness as well as discuss and reflect in small groups.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Oliver Mercer1, Anna Harvey Bluemel2, David Hettle3 and Neil Thakrar4

1King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College London; 2Northumbria Healthcare Trust, Newcastle University; 3North Bristol Academy, North Bristol NHS Trust, University of Bristol; 4Leicester Medical School

With many doctors and other healthcare professionals undertaking clinical teaching fellowships or similar roles every year, vast numbers of these developing educators then return to the clinical workforce. Research has shown that peer networks and mentorship are important to support ongoing careers in education, yet few exist for early-career educators.

This workshop, run jointly, by the Trainees in the Association of Medical Education (TASME) and Developing Medical Educators Group (DMEG) is aimed at those looking to take the next step in their career as an educator.

It will provide facilitated networking and a reflective space to allow peer-to-peer mentoring and support as well as the co-production of practical next steps for attendees. We will do this by inviting participants to reflect on their past, present and future in health professions education.

Workshop outline:

Introduction and icebreaker, set expectations and establish a safe reflective space.

‘Past’: Participants will be invited to reflect, in small groups, on their motivation for becoming involved in education and their previous experiences.

‘Present’: Participants will discuss their current position, what they like about it and what they feel could change.

‘Future’: Participants will discuss their future goals in education and establish actionable next steps.

Wrap-up: Groups will feed back to the wider group. Brief information giving regarding TASME and DMEG and what the groups can offer early career educators.

Close: We will ask participants to suggest ways TASME/DMEG can further support early career educators.

Groups will be asked to move around between each reflective section to allow discussion with a wide range of fellow participants. Each table will have a facilitator provided by TASME/DMEG to guide the conversation, and participants will be provided with guidance in the form of questions to answer through the discussion. Paper and pens will be provided to note thoughts.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Participants will be introduced to TASME/DMEG, our roles, and the principles of mentoring, which will be supported by providing examples from the facilitators.

Participants will peer-mentor each other through guided reflection on their past, present and potential careers as educators, supported by facilitators.

For each stage, participants will be able to network with someone new to build connections and learn about a variety of careers.

Finally, attendees will be encouraged to critically reflect on their immediate next step and establish a SMART objective. These will be shared with the group as a plenary activity.

Loralie Rodrigues, Nico Ruga and Olanrewaju Sorinola

Warwick Medical School

This workshop will explore where and how social capital are contributing to an awarding gap between white and ethnic minority students in your institution. Underpinned by social capital theory and drawing on recent research and workshops conducted in Warwick Medical School, this workshop will offer insights into where racial disparities and social capital have been historically and intrinsically woven into medical schools/educational institutions curricula and programme development. Benefiting from the insights of medical students, the workshop aims to disperse positive strategies that will empower all students in your institution to have equal opportunities to harness the power of social networks with peers and those in positions of leadership and influence.

Previous research on social capital demonstrates the networks that medical students form are indicators of their ‘success’—academically and in career progression. Ethnic minority students are often on the periphery of medical student social networks, affording them less opportunities for peer support, which is a key component of academic progress. Responsibility for social networks that students choose to form is informed, usually unconsciously and unintentionally, by institutions as well as students. This workshop will offer time and space to consider how social networks may be influenced by your institution and consideration of where small changes could positively impact ethnic minority students.

As well as medical student social networks, sponsorship of ethnic minority students in role modelling, faculty and leadership positions are instrumental in the formation of social networks with educators, doctors and mentors who are well positioned to enhance not only academic success but also research/innovation opportunities and career development. Awarding gaps exist beyond medical school into postgraduate training and specifically in the career development of international medical graduates. Making small changes for ethnic minority students in your institution could unlock opportunities for their academic success and career trajectories.

Beth West

Patricia A. Tietjen MD Teaching Academy, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine

Are you looking for tools you can really use to move your passion project or academic scholarly programme forward? Lace up your sneakers and join us in a 90-min ‘Logical Sprint’; an immersive skill-building session and learn how to use two important project management and theory of change tools; and a logic model and SPRINT planning.

The ‘Logical Sprint’ can help any health professions educator or researcher to strengthen their educational project/programme design, manage time and other resources needed to succeed, better engage stakeholders and achieve specified project goals. NO PRE-WORK REQUIRED—just show up!

Participants will leave this session with a completed draft of a logic model as well as SPRINT plan personalised to their specific scholarly goals—two extremely useful tools to add to their scholarly research and development toolkit. In addition, the presenters will share digital resources so attendees may continue building on this knowledge and share with other learners in the medical education spaces.

Nicola Brennan1, Gillian Vance2 and Gabrielle Finn3

1University of Plymouth; 2Newcastle University; 3University of Manchester

As an early career clinical education researcher, you will be encouraged to develop your own programme of research that can be sustained over a period of time and that captures your energy and enthusiasm. A programme of research is an area of high interest and passion to the person developing it. It is designed to build knowledge over time that can contribute to improved outcomes in clinical education and ultimately patient care. Theoretically grounded research using rigorous research methodologies with clear pathways to impact are essential features of a successful programme of research. Using a step-by-step approach, this workshop will help you to think about building your own programme of research as well as providing practical advice on leading large-scale programmes of research. The workshop will draw on the organiser's experiences of leading programmes of clinical education research funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Programme.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Jo Hartland1 and Megan Brown2

1University of Bristol; 2Newcastle University

This interactive workshop introduces participants to creative enquiry using reflective and critical thinking through creative expression (Younie et al., 2019) as a tool for critical analysis of medical education policy.

Policy is increasingly an area of focus within medical education research and scholarship, with growing recognition of policy impact and the need to for critically enquiry to ensure equitable learning (Iwasa, 2010). Policy decisions influence workforce planning, curriculum design, access to education and the overall experiences of both educators and learners. However, policy can perpetuate inequality, acting as a vehicle for power for those who shape it, and as a barrier for those impacted by it (Bhopal et al., 2020). It can be difficult to know how to challenge and advocate for policy change as an individual health educator, researcher or scholar.

We will offer guidance on the ways creative enquiry can aid the exploration of power and impact of policy within medical education. By engaging in reflective, critical thinking through creative expression, participants can uncover the hidden curriculum or assumptions of policy documents, challenge these assumptions and dominant ideologies and advocate for changes to promote inclusivity within medical education.

Participants may bring their own ideas of policies they wish to explore and critique or explore example excerpts of widely used policy provided within the workshop (e.g. The General Medical Council's Outcomes for Graduates). Participants will receive an introduction to creative enquiry, specifically critical creative enquiry (Younie et al., 2019) that enables advocacy. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with different types of creative expression (poetry, plasticine sculpture, drawing, collage, photography) to explore power dynamics embedded within the policy they are exploring and their impacts and creatively advocate for change. We hope this practical, creative experience will inspire novel ways of thinking about policy analysis and social justice within medical education.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Thomas Badenoch

NHS England

The aim of the workshop is to help educators understand the differing needs and experience of neurodiverse individuals in healthcare and learn some strategies and techniques to help with training them. It will be a combination of lecture style teaching, mixed with team and pair activities to practise and learn these techniques.

The number of neurodiverse trainees is on the rise, and it is important our educators are trained to manage the different educational needs of these trainees. The basis of this is training educators in the principles of using the Neurodiverse Toolkit for Trainers, developed with NHS England in the South West due to be published April 2024. It uses educational theory and evidence-based needs adjustments to improve the training environment and experience of neurodiverse trainees, without negatively impacting neurotypical trainees.

The workshop will start with a short presentation outlining the evidence for increasing need for awareness and using video and multimedia to give participants an insight into the neurodiverse experience. The demographics and effects of being neurodiverse in a typical work environment will also be discussed. An outline of the different neurological and social domains for intervention will be discussed before splitting the participants into groups. Each group will cover a different domain and be tasked with formulating interventions that improve the neurodiverse experience but do not discriminate against neurotypical trainees. These will then be brought together and discussion around their merits and pitfalls with an aim to improve on the idea. Once these have been discussed, participants will be split into groups of two or three and given prepared worksheets with some of the higher effort intervention and will be tasked with roleplaying or critiquing them.

Anaïs Deere1, Sruthi Saravanan2 and Kate Owen3

1University College London Medical School; 2University of Nottingham; 3Warwick Medical School

Student engagement in health professions education is gaining increasing interest, potentially driven by the educational benefits of students as partners well documented in higher education. A growing number of publications have highlighted the positive impact this can have on students' professional journeys in the context of healthcare, such as greater ownership over their education, exposure to academic medicine and an appreciation of the complexity of medical education (1,2).

Despite this momentum, significant challenges persist, often rooted in hierarchical structures and traditional educational models that limit students as recipients of education rather than active contributors (3). In navigating these challenges, it does prompt us to consider the delicate balance required to ensure that student engagement remains constructive and does not overwhelm the educational process.

This workshop aims to initiate a dialogue around meaningful student engagement in health professions education. Participants will be invited to draw connections between their experiences of student engagement, both positive and negative, and the insights highlighted in the literature to foster a collaborative exploration of effective strategies.

Notable findings from group discussions may contribute to an AMEE special interest group the presenters are developing, the details of which will be shared.


1. Bergh AM, Bac M, Hugo J, Sandars J. “Making a difference” – medical students' opportunities for transformational change in health care and learning through quality improvement projects. BMC Med Educ 2016;16(1). doi:

2. Geraghty JR, Young AN, Berkel TDM, Wallbruch E, Mann J, Park YS, Hirshfield LE, Hyderi A Empowering medical students as agents of curricular change: a value-added approach to student engagement in medical education. Perspect Med Educ 2019;9(1):60–65.

3. Er HM, Nadarajah VD, Ng SH, Wong AN. Quality assurance in education: perception of undergraduate health professions students in a Malaysian university. 'Korean J Med Educ 2020;32(3). doi:

Gilles De Wildt and colleagues

NHS GP, Institute of Clinical Sciences

Efforts are underway to establish an ASME Special Interest Group on intercalations. Challenges include student inequality—the costs of living crises may militate against spending an additional year without earning potential as a doctor. Also, the loss of priority choice for FY places for intercalators may play a role, although alumnae/alumni may be in a favourable position with the fruits of their intercalation for the Specialised Foundation Programme (formerly known as the Academic Foundation Programme).

Furthermore, the unique characteristics and opportunities of intercalations will be explored—student choice, in-depth exploration, inspiration and for most medical schools the main, if not only, large-scale optional undergraduate programme that can bring in additional finance. Finally, suggestions will be collated for maintaining intercalations while doing justice to the need to reduce student inequities.

Andrew Walker, Charlie James, Matthew Abraham and Chloe Anderton

University of Leeds

Educators have noted poor attendance at face-to-face lectures since the COVID-19 pandemic, with resultant concerns about student engagement. Reasons for poor lecture attendance are unclear. What do students think about how medicine is taught in 2024? Is a digital-first approach the answer?

We will briefly present data on attendance and engagement at the University of Leeds for context alongside insights from student feedback analysed through reflexive thematic analysis.

The student view will be represented by two of our undergraduates researching student preferences for digital resources.

We will describe the ‘Lego’ model for the development of digital resources to support student education, which may help address student concerns over more traditional forms of teaching and enable scalability of education to meet the challenges of the NHS Workforce Plan (1).

We will engage delegates in group discussion and Q + A to explore each of these areas and then pull together consensus from the group for actions they can take to maximise student engagement in their own programmes.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Sonia Bussey1 and Amy Wai Yee Wong2

1Newcastle University; 2University of East Anglia

This workshop is aimed at early career or aspiring teachers and educationalists from a diverse range of professional backgrounds who would like to explore the challenges of developing an academic or teaching career within medical education. Practical strategies for securing a first educational role will be explored, alongside ideas and tips for continuing to develop a career in education. There will be an opportunity for participants to share experiences and develop action plans for particular dilemmas.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Rasha Mezher-Sikafi, Ruth Gailer and Ana Baptista

Imperial College London

Extensive literature exists detailing moral distress (MD) experienced by healthcare professionals [1]. Recent literature shows that undergraduate medical students are also experiencing MD [2]. However, there is limited focus in the literature about how to address this in an undergraduate medical educational setting.

Use of the humanities and creativity in medical education can help students process difficult experiences, helping them retain their empathy and sense of moral identity [3]. We have designed an innovative educational series for Year 3 medical students that acknowledges MD and uses creative activities to provide a safe space for students to reflect and respond to MD. This intra-conference session gives delegates an opportunity to experience this as learners and share their experience as educators on the theme of MD.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Jess Gurney1 and Heather Davis2

1University of Edinburgh; 2Torbay Hospital

Fairness is considered a fundamental principle of assessment though it is a principle that is not simple to define. Parallels have been made to social principles of justice; procedural justice, distributive justice and interactional justice. The conversations around assessment are changing with the recent prevalence of artificial intelligence and large language models. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss assessment in relation to fairness with a consideration of the impact of artificial intelligence. This will be considered from multiple perspectives including institutional guidance, student use of artificial intelligence and educator use of artificial intelligence. In a rapidly changing and challenging landscape, there are no neat solutions or easy answers with innovation often out-pacing guidance and regulation. The intention is to open a critical dialogue around this topic area to foster greater consideration of how fairness may be prioritised in our own contexts.

Zain Mohammed, Hafsah Ba and Linta Nasim

Warwick Medical School

This interactive session is aimed at educators who are keen to understand the unique and specific challenges medical students from diverse backgrounds face in clinical and preclinical environments. This session offers a unique perspective by immersing attendees in the first-year experiences of a Muslim medical student named Maryam, shedding light on the hurdles she encounters as she progresses through medical school.

The session's structure revolves around an interactive case based on problem-based learning/case-based learning principles. Attendees will collaborate in groups to delineate terms, formulate questions and engage in research as they navigate through the session. Facilitators will guide the discussions, probing attendees to delve into deeper enquiry. The themes explored encompass critical issues related to socialising and induction with peers and tutors, addressing topics such as alcohol, hijab, personal modesty, intergender interaction in clinical skills teaching, daily and Friday congregational prayer, ablution, discrimination, islamophobia and intersectionality. All scenarios presented are based on the real-life accounts of Muslim medical students.

This session serves as a timely reminder of the national attainment gaps experienced by students from diverse backgrounds and aims to provide recommendations for implementing inclusivity measures. Originally developed to support medical educators at Warwick Medical School, this session has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback, prompting its integration into the ongoing development of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) sessions for staff and students across the Medical School.

Join us in this illuminating exploration of the challenges faced by Muslim medical students as we collectively work towards fostering a more inclusive and understanding medical education environment.

Michal Tombs

Cardiff University

In the evolving landscape of health professions education (HPE), the effective teaching and application of various literature review methodologies are crucial. This proficiency is vital not only for academic rigour but also for the practical application of evidence-based practices in education and healthcare. Educators and researchers grapple with complex information, underscoring the need for clear, innovative teaching of literature review methods and the effective communication of these concepts to students.

Delivered by the ASME Research Methodology Group, this session addresses a significant gap in current teaching practice by translating theoretical research methods into engaging, practical teaching formats. Enhancing educators' ability to teach literature review methodologies directly contributes to the quality of HPE and research. In the broader context of HPE research, this session aligns with the growing emphasis on developing robust research competencies among educators, acknowledging their role in shaping the future of the field through research.

The session builds on the success of a previous workshop (RME, 2023), offering a dynamic, interactive experience. It begins with a ‘Methodology Carousel’, where participants engage in collaborative brainstorming on different review methodologies. This approach deepens the understanding of each methodology's unique characteristics.

Participants then practice formulating research questions, enhancing their critical thinking skills. Gamified activities add an enjoyable layer of engagement, reinforcing learning. A significant focus is on critically evaluating teaching methods on literature reviews, exploring challenges and discussing resource requirements. This reflective aspect encourages attendees to adapt and innovate these methods in their teaching contexts.

Feedback from the previous workshop will be reviewed, providing insights into the effectiveness of these strategies. By the end of the session, educators will be equipped with adaptable, resource-efficient and replicable teaching methods, enhancing their teaching practices and contributing to innovative, effective education in alignment with the conference's overarching theme.

Sabia Dayala1 and Jenna Chambers2

1The University of Manchester; 2Newcastle University

Sustainable healthcare beyond reduction of carbon footprint is an evolving field, requiring undergraduates and their GP supervisors to be heavily supported in this endeavour (1). We report on two different approaches from Newcastle University and the University of Manchester medical programme, one where sustainability outcomes have been mandated versus optional integration of a broader outlook of sustainable healthcare. We will showcase our results following introduction of these approaches, report on our challenges and provide an opportunity for attendees to share ideas on how they may be able to implement similar initiatives in their institutes.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Helen Vosper

University of Aberdeen

‘Healthcare hurts’ has been the constant message since the Institute of Medicine report ‘To Err is Human’. Healthcare providers articulate safety as an explicit organisational goal, delivery of which requires practical strategies and tools. Healthcare professionals-in-training must therefore engage with the safety and quality agenda. However, global efforts at improving patient safety have largely relied on quality improvement approaches and have not been as successful as we might have hoped. This has increased the focus on human factors as a possible answer. Human factors (HF) is a person-centred safety science exploring how individuals interact with work systems.

In the United Kingdom, several national HF-based interventions have been established. These include NHS England's Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and the Academy of Medical Royal College's Patient Safety Syllabus. Despite an enormous national training and education need, few educational providers have the expertise required to deliver genuine HF education. While the authors would argue it is important to ensure that HF educators understand their scope of practice and recognise when input from suitably qualified and experienced professionals is appropriate, there is much that can be ‘given away’. The design-based approach underpinning HF ensures many of the tools and frameworks are straightforward to apply and therefore teachable.

NHS Education for Scotland has developed the ‘Brilliant Basics’ HF teaching pack. The indicative content includes an introduction to the role and benefits of HF in health and care, resources to support the application of HF tools by ‘novices’ and a series of learning briefs and lesson plans that can be adapted to your own educational environment. During this session, delegates will be introduced to the teaching pack and can engage in an interactive demonstration of its application. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to sign up to additional resources and opportunities for CPD.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Liza Kirtchuk1 and Ravi Parekh2

1King's College London; 2Imperial College London

We recognised the term LIC predominantly used to describe this model within medicine training, but others such as ‘rural immersion’ and ‘longitudinal placement’ are used variously in a variety contexts and disciplines, and we encourage attendees from a diversity of backgrounds and roles. Participants with experience delivering LICs will be encouraged to share experiences, expertise and engagement with our newly established ASME Longitudinal Educational Model Educators (LEME) Special Interest Group.

This interactive workshop introduces you to the concept of LICs, models of delivery, theories underpinning their pedagogy and the evidence base. We will provide the global/national context of LICs and how they are implemented, with focus on the UK landscape. Through participatory activities, we will consider key drivers for this educational model within health professions education, ask participants to consider benefits, challenges and opportunities they may provide for patients, educators and students. Participants will also consider their own contexts and how they may apply the principles of LICs.

Amy Wai Yee Wong and Pauline Bryant

University of East Anglia

In health professions education, we rely heavily on clinical assessors to assess our students and trainees to ensure the provision of safe and high-quality healthcare to members of the public. This need increases with the shift to programmatic assessment. Clinical practitioners are specialists in their disciplinary areas but would appreciate the support to further develop their assessment expertise in observing learners and making valid and reliable expert human judgements of workplace-based assessment—all essential to programmatic assessment as suggested by Schuwirth et al. (2017).

The present challenges are not only time constraints, but often the faculty development offered in assessment may not necessarily address the clinical assessors' relevant professional needs. The lead presenter led a group of 20 assessors across health professions and higher education to co-design an assessor support roadmap which indicates three focused areas for faculty development: ‘Strengthening partnerships with key stakeholders; facilitating knowledge exchange and assessor feedback, and capitalising technology on developing resources’. These areas are pertinent to our current assessment practice.

Moving forward, there has been wide discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) has and will continue to impact the design and practice of assessment. Thinking forward, there appears to be little focus on how we should prepare and equip our assessors with the knowledge and skills to assess our learners when AI also plays a role in contributing to the delivery of patient care. The key question is how we can ensure learners achieve the required competency to practise safely while also acknowledging their skills in interacting effectively with AI to deliver high-quality patient care.

This workshop will create an opportunity for us to work together to explore how we could better support our clinical assessors now and for the future.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Russell D'Souza1, Mary Mathew2, Gaurav Mishra3, Krishna Mohan Surapaneni4 and Princy Palatty5

1Department of Education, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia; 2Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India; 3Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India; 4Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Chennai, India; 5Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center

The workshop session, ‘Unravelling the Ethical Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Training and Research’, addresses a critical need in modern healthcare education and practice. As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in healthcare, there is an urgent necessity for educators, clinicians, researchers and students in health professions to understand and navigate the complex ethical landscape that accompanies these technological advancements.

This session is designed to bridge the gap between the rapid deployment of AI in healthcare and the current level of awareness and understanding of its ethical implications. Participants will explore key issues such as patient privacy, data integrity, algorithmic bias and the balance between AI-driven innovation and patient-centred care. Through a combination of presentations, case studies and interactive discussions, attendees will gain insights into responsible AI deployment, enhance their decision-making skills in ethical dilemmas and learn to apply ethical frameworks effectively in their respective fields.

The session is particularly beneficial for those in the health sector who are at the forefront of integrating AI into clinical training and research. It will equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure ethical, transparent and accountable AI use, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and healthcare standards.


Alex Harker, Sati Heer-Stavert and Katherine Hunt

University of Warwick

Schwartz Rounds involve the coming together of interdisciplinary colleagues to share experiences and reflect on emotional challenges. As opposed to other reflective models, Schwartz Rounds do not delve into the clinical solutions or discussions but rather focus on the emotional impact of working within healthcare.

During this session, we look to intertwine the purpose of Schwartz Rounds with ongoing research into compassion training, and the role empathetic burnout is playing on medical students and healthcare professionals. Burnout among doctors and healthcare professionals remains at high levels internationally since the pandemic, and there is increasing evidence that this is also affecting medical students before they enter the workforce. This, coupled with functional MRI data showing the link between empathy and pain networks, is another pointer to explore the role that compassion fits within developing better well-being.

Through conducting a slightly shortened Schwartz Round with trained facilitators and designated storytellers, we seek to trigger reflection and a counter-cultural space around empathy and the negative impacts of empathy, with the aim of ultimately propagating a discussion on how we can change behaviour around empathy and compassion, thus creating a ripple effect across potentially multiple organisations. Schwartz Rounds have been shown to increase compassion and positive changes in practice, and we believe that this method in combination with the potential impact compassion training has will cause the biggest ripple and open up eyes and minds to alternative structures to improve healthcare professionals' well-being.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Anna Harvey Bluemel1, Megan Brown1, Sarah Mclaughlin2 and Gabrielle Finn3

1Newcastle University; 2University of Bristol; 3University of Manchester

Creative research methods are becoming recognised as credible methods in social science research. However, there has been minimal exploration of them in health professions education (HPE) research. Creative research methods are an innovative approach for those interested in the lived experiences of participants and can elicit rich and meaningful data.

This workshop, hosted by the ASME Special Interest Group for Arts and Humanities in Health Professions Education, aims to provide an interactive introduction to three examples of creative methods.

We will introduce the Special Interest Group and give an overview of creative research methods. We will provide examples of work in wider educational contexts. We will discuss potential barriers to use of creative methods.

Participants will be facilitated to create a piece addressing a ‘mock’ research question relating to ‘their lived experience of education’.

Station 1: Poetry

Participants will create poems using a ‘found poetry’ approach. Participants will be provided with text to cut and stick or black-out words to create poetry. Attendees will be encouraged to reflect on how poetry might be made from the data they collect in their own work, allowing deeper engagement with their participants' lived experiences.

Station 2: Play-Doh

Play-Doh pots will be provided. Participants will be encouraged to think about something significant that comes to mind when reflecting upon the research question and model a representation of their thoughts. They will be encouraged to share and explain their model's depiction with their peers. The facilitator will encourage participants to identify themes to demonstrate how Play-Doh models can be analysed as data.

Station 3: Painting

Participants will create a collage, illustration, painting, or mixed media piece.

We will provide a reflective space at the end of the session. We will collect feedback and images of the creative pieces.

Niro Amin1 and Linda Miller2

1London GP School; 2Professional Support Unit, London Deanery

This interactive workshop is designed to introduce participants to the ideals of coaching, which are then utilised in the session as a way of stimulating reflective practice. Reflective practice is an integral part of medical education, but the act of reflecting has been reduced to a tick box exercise. Anne de la Croix (2018) believes reflection is a private ‘silent dialogue between me and myself’ which is best taught through stimulation.

Using coaching skills in supervision creates the opportunity to build a safe environment and provides the learner with a non-judgemental process that builds on their lived experience. Coaching develops resourcefulness and insight through an equitable supervisory relationship. In addition supervision framed on coaching principles enhances a narrative-based professionalism, which is core to establishing bioethical values (Coulehan 2007).

We will adapt resources from the arts and humanities to demonstrate how coaching can be used in educational supervision to diversify reflective practice, thereby encouraging a shift away from the current tick box culture of medical education.


1. de laCroix A, Veen M. The reflective zombie: problematizing the conceptual framework of reflection in medical education. Perspect Med Educ. 2018;7(6):394–400. DOI:

2. Coulehan J. Written role models in professionalism education. Med Humanit 2007;33(2):106–109.

Rikki Goddard-Fuller1, Peter Yeates2, Becky Edwards2, Natalie Cope2 and Matt Homer3

1Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; 2Keele University; 3University of Leeds

Examiner variability in OSCEs is well described, may alter outcomes for some candidates and can produce concerns about fairness. Variability occurs between individual examiners examining the same station and between groups of examiners in different parallel circuits or locations. The GMC's CPSA1 seeks to ensure that candidates meet a common threshold and requires schools to ensure sufficient examiner preparation. With this focus on equivalence, institutions must try to minimise variations between examiners as far as possible. But what methods of addressing examiner variability are there, and what are the pros and cons of each?

This symposium will consider novel and emerging approaches to addressing OSCE examiner variability: video-based examiner score comparison and adjustment (VESCA)2 uses video-based methods to compare or even adjust for different groups of examiners across multiple locations. Pilot use suggests geographic variations can sometimes be substantial, potentially justifying score adjustment. Video-based benchmarking (VBB) uses station-specific videos to calibrate examiners to their station prior to an OSCE. While early findings are supportive, research is ongoing to determine its effectiveness. Other innovations use feedback after OSCEs to enable reflection by examiners on their scoring but are not yet supported by evidence. Further research suggests that while examiners vary in their judgements of stations, domains and standard setting, this variability can be managed through assessment design, examiner selection/training and standard setting procedures3.

Drawing on their experience and research, the panel will debate the potential uses and pitfalls of these approaches, presenting participants with a toolkit for addressing examiner variability.


1. GMC. Requirements for the MLA Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment [Internet]. [cited 2023 Dec 20]. Available from:

2. Yeates P, Moult A, Cope N, McCray G, Xilas E, Lovelock T, Vaughan N, Daw D, Fuller R, McKinley RK (B) Measuring the effect of examiner variability in a multiple-circuit objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Acad Med [Internet] 2021;96(8):1189–1196.

3. Homer M. Pass/fail decisions and standards: the impact of differential examiner stringency on OSCE outcomes. Adv Health Sci Educ 2022;27(2):457–473.

Themes Assessment, OSCEs, psychometrics.

Keywords assessment, CPSA, equivalence, examiner variability, OSCEs.

Lisa-Jayne Edwards, Anna Ogier, Noreen Ryan and Rasha Mezher-Sikafi

Imperial College London

In the last year, there has been unprecedented industrial action amongst doctors across the NHS. The GMC specifies Professional Values and Behaviours (PVB) as one of its three main outcomes for undergraduate medical training. It encompasses concepts such as professional identity, moral distress and working within competence; it equips medical students with skills to navigate an uncertain environment.

The practicalities of teaching PVB concepts has been complicated by industrial action. Students and trainees are exposed to a politically charged environment and widespread low morale amongst their colleagues, supervisors and near-peers. Aside from disruption to learning opportunities and supervision on clinical rotations, it is anticipated that industrial action precipitates more existential anxieties than simply missing a clinic.

Ensuring effective and contextually-sensitive delivery of PVB concepts is challenging and made more so by the injection of industrial unrest and reservations across a range of moral, theoretical and practical domains. It is important to explore these challenges, especially with those designing and delivering curricula in professionalism, medical ethics and quality healthcare.

Attendees will be asked to participate in an anonymous Mentimeter to explore their ideas, priorities and experiences surrounding how PVB teaching is delivered in the context of doctors' industrial action. Three presenters will introduce discussion surrounding ethical, theoretical and practical challenges before inviting attendees to contribute.

Presenters will range in seniority, expertise and background to facilitate well-rounded discussion.

We hope this session serves to make-explicit the challenges and opportunities available in this context, discuss potential solutions and facilitate collaboration between educator-leaders in professionalism.

Themes Professionalism, teaching and learning, curricula.

Keywords Educators, industrial action, professionalism, undergraduate, workforce.

Neil Thakrar and Laura Powell

Awards Leads, Trainees in the Association for the Study of Medical Education (TASME)

Join us for TASME's annual Teaching Innovation & Excellence (TIE) prize session to celebrate talent and ingenuity displayed by early-career educators embarking on a career in health professions education, as they compete for the prestigious national Teaching Innovation & Excellence Prize 2024. Come along to hear about the latest innovations that you could apply to your educational practice, be inspired for your next project, and potentially find future collaborators.

Educational methods

The three shortlisted finalists will each deliver a presentation showcasing their innovation with evidence of excellence, followed by questions from the audience and our esteemed judging panel. Candidates can demonstrate skills or resources in any suitable method. Our judging panel will select a winner based on their demonstration of innovation; evidence of excellent practice; relevance and inspiration for a wider population, particularly other trainees; evidence of sustainability; and presentation style.

2024 finalists

Dr Nathaniel Quail, Clinical Teaching Fellow, NHS Lanarkshire/University of Glasgow

Dr Aishah Mughal, Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

Dr Leah Williams, Trust Grade Doctor/Phase 1 Co-Lead & Simulation Lead, University of Sunderland

2024 winner

Dr Leah Williams, Trust Grade Doctor/Phase 1 Co-Lead & Simulation Lead, University of Sunderland

Alice Osborne1, James Fisher2 and Karen Kyne3

1EDC and University of Exeter Medical School; 2Newcastle University, EDC; 3RCSI, EDC

Presenting to a large audience at a national conference can be challenging, particularly for first timers!

This workshop is an opportunity for those new to, or nervous about, presenting at this year's ASME ASM to rehearse, and a chance for everyone to explore effective presentation skills together. A small number of volunteers will run through their presentations ‘in real time’ and receive feedback from the panel—members of ASME's Educator Development Committee (EDC)—and from the audience in true constructive educational style!

Effective oral communication is a crucial skill for all health professionals, particularly educators and those interested in research who need to explain their work to others. When developing and rehearing a presentation, it is easy to concentrate on the content and message of the presentation and overlook the personal style and communications skills of the presenter.

Very few people naturally possess outstanding presentation skills from the outset. Most presenters are anxious about their presentation skills and about handling any questions posed by the ‘expert’ audience. However, practice and receiving specific feedback can improve performance.

Whether you present or contribute to feedback and the discussion on effective presentation, this session aims to help and support you so that you can develop additional confidence in the delivery of presentations in any situation—conferences, meetings or teaching.

Please book in advance to secure a presentation slot, although there may also be opportunities to present on the day. If you would like to request a presentation slot, please email the Educator Development Committee (EDC) Chair ([email protected]) prior to the ASM with a copy of your abstract, indicating whether you are a first-time presenter.

Objectives and outcomes of the workshop:

Objectives: Allow new presenters the opportunity to receive feedback on their presentation skills before their ASM presentation slot, and enable all participants to consider what makes an effective conference presentation and contribute to the feedback discussion.

Lisa Meeks1, Lara Varpio2, Kevin Eva3, Gabrielle Finn4 and Yoon Soo Park5

1University of Michigan Medical School; 2UPenn; 3UBC; 4University of Manchester; 5University of Illinois College of Medicine

Join us for a thought-provoking session on the imperative of Disability Equity in Health Professions Scholarship and Publication. This panel discussion will spotlight key voices in the field, inviting them to share insights into how they navigate and champion disability equity and inclusion within their scholarly endeavours and professional practices.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into fostering equity in scholarly endeavours, with a focus on evaluation criteria for scholarly work that prioritises inclusive practices and equity narratives within manuscripts. Throughout the discussion, we will explore practical approaches to leaning into equitable and inclusive research, amplifying marginalised voices and dismantling barriers that hinder the advancement of disability equity in the health professions scholarship landscape.

This session is a must-attend for researchers, educators and practitioners committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable scholarly environment within the health professions. Join us as we collectively work towards a future where disability equity is not just a goal, but a tangible reality in health professions scholarship.

Themes Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), education.

Keywords Accessibility, disability, equity, opportunity, scholarship.

Sabena Jameel1, Heather McNeilly2, Joy Krishnamoorthy Flourish2, Kat Sethi2 and Emma Wilks3

1University of Birmingham; 2Birmingham City University; 3Nishkam High School, Birmingham

‘The purpose of education is to help people live well and to help develop a world worth living in’ (Kemmis).

This lofty goal aligns with the concept of flourishing (eudaimonia); it refers not only to our immediate community but also to the broadest interpretation of what we can achieve. We come together in this symposium to share our experience of a series of innovative value-based initiatives within the community, which has benefitted healthcare professional education and school students. This work transcends disciplines and illustrates how we can all learn from each other and elevate others to reach their potential. We believe education should be enjoyable, beneficial and purposeful and these projects can really set the bar.

We all feel passionate about the continuum of education and the need to strengthen bonds to better understand and appreciate the communities we live and work in. We aim to stimulate discussion amongst symposium delegates, considering the pros and cons of scaling such work and of applying the ideas to the delegates own learning communities.


Kemmis, S. Understanding education: history, politics and practice. Edited by Edwards-Groves, C.. Springer. 2018.

Lyrical inspiration from REM's Shiny happy people. 1991.

Thanks to all the other critical people involved in making these projects possible including Professor Nik Makwana, Anna McKay, Fatima Shaker, Vanessa Parmar, Liz Stevenson and Amy McLean.

Themes Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), interdisciplinary, professionalism.

Keywords Character, community, cultural competence, flourishing, values.

Aws Almukhtar, Mohit Achanta and Jessica Caterson

Imperial College London

The exponential increase in the integration of alternate reality technologies (mixed, virtual and augmented) in medical education necessitates exploration of the specific challenges associated with their use and application (1). This technology is not only an effective educational tool, but it also can reduce the cost and environmental impact of medical education—a documented, albeit less studied, aspect in the literature (2). Nevertheless, to achieve the intended learning outcomes, module design must mitigate users' potential cognitive overload. Therefore, an increasing body of work is now advocating for aligning instructional designs with cognitive load theory (3).

Our case study not only demonstrated improved outcomes, such as clinical knowledge scores, but also challenged the prevailing assumptions about the cognitive challenges, in the form of extraneous load, experienced by users. In our study, cognitive load (CL) remained consistently low, even without prior technology familiarisation. One explanation for the consistently low levels of CL comes from the concept of ‘digital natives’, which suggests that digital natives have distinct cognitive abilities, learning styles and improved resource allocation in relation to technology compared to those who were born before the digital revolution, i.e. digital immigrants.


Tokuno J, Carver TE, Fried GM. Measurement and management of cognitive load in surgical education: a narrative review.

Contreras-Taica, A., Alvarez-Risco A., Arias-Meza M., Campos-Dávalos N., Calle-Nole M., Almanza-Cruz C., de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario M., del-Aguila-Arcentales S. (2022). Virtual education: carbon footprint and circularity. In: Alvarez-Risco, A., Muthu, S.S., Del-Aguila-Arcentales, S. (eds) Circular economy. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore.

İbili E. Effect of augmented reality environments on cognitive load: pedagogical effect, instructional design, motivation and interaction interfaces.

Themes Innovation, TEL, virtual.

Keywords Cognitive load, education, innovation, mixed reality, surgical, sustainability.

Pamela Hagan, Shirley Thomas, Beth Hill and Georgina Shajan

University of Nottingham

Universities in the United Kingdom are expected to provide institutional-wide mental health and wellbeing support provision.1 However, considering the demands and expectations faced throughout medical school and training, it can be argued that support and wellbeing provision must be tailored specifically for medical students.2, 3 Knowledge of the two cultures that medical students traverse on a daily basis (University and NHS) is required, as well as the intricacies and nuances of the course and its demands. Effective targeted support has the capacity to maximise potential and requires collaboration between different disciplines.


Student mental health in England: statistics, policy and guidance. 30 May 2023, number 8593, House of Commons Library.

A journey to medicine student success duidance. Medical Schools Council | Selecting for Excellence. 2014.

Clinician of the future report. 2023. Chapter 1, page 16–18.

Themes Wellbeing, pastoral, medical students.

Keywords Peer support, psychoeducation, support, undergraduate, wellbeing.

Lindsey Pope1, Peter Johnson2, Kim Walker2 and Anita Laidlaw2

1University of Glasgow; 2University of Aberdeen

Healthcare workforce wellbeing is at an all-time low with the impact and legacy of the pandemic only serving to magnify existing issues and pressures within the NHS. Not only does this have detrimental effects on staff wellbeing, but this also inevitably negatively impacts patient care. Even though this issue is widely recognised, well-intentioned attempts to address this often a lack of an evidence-based approach, risking leaving staff feeling unheard, unvalued and unsupported.

This symposium will utilise findings from our own research programme (Scottish Doctors Wellbeing Study) and the wider workforce wellbeing literature to prompt the audience to consider how me might use the evidence better to shape our approach to support healthcare worker wellbeing in the short and long term. Furthermore, we shall situate this is in the broader challenge of the frequent disconnect between medical education research, policy and practice.


Gordon L, Scanlan GM, Tooman TR, Walker KA, Cairns P, Ferguson J, Aitken G, Cecil J, Cunningham KB, Smith KG, Johnston PW, Laidlaw A, Pope LM, Wakeling J Heard, valued, supported? Doctors' wellbeing during transitions triggered by COVID-19. Med Educ 2022; 56(5): 516–526.

Annan HG, Do V. When medical education and health policy meet: will we find our leaders there? Med Educ 2024; 58(2): 174–176.

Themes Workforce wellbeing, the relationship between educational research, policy and practice, postgraduate, careers.

Keywords Policy, postgraduate, wellbeing.

Anita Laidlaw1, Lisi Gordon2, Amaya Ellawala2 and Eliot Rees3

1University of Aberdeen; 2Hull York Medical School; 3Keele University / UCL

This session gives the shortlisted applicants a chance to present their paper, followed by a chaired question-and answer session. The aim of this event is to showcase high-quality medical education research, to recognise the presenters and to enthuse and inspire delegates: 15-minutes talk and 10-minutes Q&A per paper.

2024 finalists:

Amber Bennett-Weston, Leicester Medical School with their submission:

Challenging the spectrum of involvement: Are equal partnerships the ultimate goal?

Shalini Gupta, University of Dundee with their submission:

Girls in scrubs: An ethnographic exploration of the clinical learning environment.

Helen Nolan, University of Warwick with their submission:

Exploring the trauma gap—A national qualitative study of UK medical educators' perspectives regarding trauma and trauma-informed approaches in medical education.

2024 winner:

Helen Nolan, University of Warwick with their submission:

Exploring the trauma gap—A national qualitative study of UK medical educators' perspectives regarding trauma and trauma-informed approaches in medical education.

Gill Vance1, Megan Brown1, Bryan Burford1 and Gabrielle Finn2

1Newcastle University; 2University of Manchester

The Covid-19 pandemic prompted rapid, significant changes in the UK's postgraduate assessment frameworks (1). Understanding the impact of these derogations is crucial for medical educators and policymakers as medical education systems continue to recover from the pandemic. This learning may inform responses to similar exogenous events (2). The symposium aims to foster collaborative discussions and inspire evidence-based strategies to build resilience and adaptability in medical education systems globally.

This symposium explores the impact, and lessons learned, from national assessment derogations implemented in the United Kingdom. Building on comprehensive, mixed-methods research commissioned by the General Medical Council (Report, in press), the symposium will examine impact across various specialties and stakeholder groups.

The panel will feature various stakeholder representatives from various stakeholder groups, including educators and researchers. They will share their experiences and learning in relation to different types of assessment derogations and thoughts regarding ongoing impact and research. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the symposium through live polls, an interactive question and answer session with the panel and through engagement on social media.

Discussions will centre on the ‘3Cs’—compassion, consistency and communication—in assessment processes. The event will highlight the need for further research on the disproportionate impact of these derogations on minoritised groups and recognise the personal challenges faced by trainers, as well as trainees, during the pandemic. This will foster a broader understanding and dialogue on these critical issues in medical education.


1. Sabzwari S. Rethinking assessment in medical education in the time of COVID-19. MedEdPublish 2020;9(80):80.

2. Sani I, Hamza Y, Chedid Y, Amalendran J, Hamza N. Understanding the consequence of COVID-19 on undergraduate medical education: medical students' perspective. Ann Med Surg 2020;58:117–119.

Themes Assessment, postgraduate, policy.

Keywords ARCP, assessment, Covid-19, policy.

Johann Malawana, Derek Gallen, Hiba Khan, Chris Born and Ruth Demeke

Medics.Academy, The Healthcare Leadership Academy, School of Medicine, University of Central Lancashire

The theme of the workshop centres on addressing the critical challenge posed by escalating healthcare service demands amid persistent shortages of healthcare professionals. With healthcare education systems and scholarships being vital components, the workshop emphasises their role in ensuring the future adequacy of health services. Strategic workforce planning, utilising education and training, emerges as the most consequential solution to systemic issues within healthcare delivery.

Medics.Academy, leveraging partnerships with healthcare organisations and international bodies like the World Health Organisation (WHO), demonstrates a multifaceted approach. Their leadership team's extensive experience in health policy drives initiatives such as the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA), policy development think tanks and innovation hubs. These initiatives aim to empower participants to impact global healthcare contexts effectively.

Over the years, Medics.Academy has earned acclaim for tailored leadership training programmes and strategic collaborations with NHS organisations and international partners. The workshop features expert panel input and provides participants with toolkits to translate educational research into impactful policy interventions.

Medics.Academy's success is attributed to proactive strategies, strategic alliances and commitment to addressing healthcare challenges. Through collaboration with various stakeholders and proactive engagement with decision-makers, the organisation aims to tackle global healthcare workforce shortages effectively.

In conclusion, Medics.Academy's journey underscores the transformative potential of education in addressing healthcare workforce shortages. By fostering collaboration, innovation and leadership development, the organisation aims to make a significant impact on global healthcare workforce challenges.


NHS: key facts and figures. 2024. The King's Fund.

Rocks, S. (2023). The Health Foundation. Health Care Funding – the Health Foundation.,increaseon2023F24

Themes Faculty, continuing education, innovation.

Keywords Influence, leadership, policy, translating research.

Peter De Jong and Arianne Pieterse

International Association of Medical Science Educators

The higher education landscape is changing rapidly, and new developments in didactical and technological areas occur continuously. Educators in healthcare education are increasingly confronted with rapid emerging technologies in the classroom and the clinical learning environment. Examples are simulations, serious games, virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, hybrid classrooms and generative AI. These new technologies have the potential to substitute, augment, modify or redefine the teaching as we know it.

In this symposium, we will showcase several new developments in the area of virtual and mixed reality in basic science as well as clinical teaching. Virtual and mixed reality techniques enrich the real-life environment with 3D visuals and audio. In basic sciences education, it supports students in their 3D learning experience, while in the clinical setting it offers possibilities to expose medical students to a variety of clinical cases. It provides unique opportunities for active and collaborative learning in an authentic but safe environment. Educational benefits include high levels of interest, engagement, enjoyment and learning perception.

Educators in health education are not always adequately prepared for using new technologies like this. Some will enthusiastically use it, while others will be more reluctant. After the presentations, we will discuss with the audience how institutions and healthcare education associations like IAMSE, could support educators to better understand, adopt and utilise new and emerging technologies in teaching and learning.

Themes TEL, virtual, research.

Keywords Education, faculty development, innovation, mixed reality, teaching.

Gilles de Wildt1 and Chloe Moran2

1NHS GP; Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham; 2University of Birmingham Medical School

‘Students as partners in learning and teaching’ is a concept embraced by Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy) but underused. This workshop aims at exploring opportunities and implementation. There are three elements: First, current and former medical students—alumnae /alumni of the University of Birmingham Global Health intercalation—will present experiences of teaching peers and others and leading innovative interactive sessions. This will be followed by small group work, where conference participants explore its potential in their own medical/healthcare education contexts. Finally, in a plenary, suggestion for practical implementation in medical/healthcare education are discussed and collated. This may also cover (former) student involvement in curriculum review, for example, for the MLA. The workshop proceedings will be presented to ASME, medical schools, student organisations and other stakeholders for further discussion.


1. Healey M, Flint A, Harrington K. Engagement through partnership: students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education. Higher Education Academy July 2014. Accessed 23 January 2024 from

2. Mercer-Mapstone, L., Dvorakova, S. L., Matthews, K. E., Abbot, S., Cheng, B., Felten, P., Knorr, K., Marquis, E., Shammas, R, Swaim, K. (2017). A systematic literature review of students as partners in higher education. IJSaP, 1(1), 15–37.

Themes Education, medical students, innovation.

Keywords Innovation, learning, partners, students, teaching.

Lisa Meeks1, Megan Brown2 and Jo Hartland3

1University of Michigan Medical School; 2Newcastle University; 3Bristol Medical School

Join us for a compelling fireside chat. This discussion explores the intricate challenges faced by students, trainees and faculty with non-apparent disabilities, shedding light on the factors influencing accommodation requests and the pervasive issue of non-disclosure grounded in ableism.

In the United States, only half of medical students and resident physicians identifying as disabled sought accommodations, revealing significantly lower rates among those with cognitive disabilities. Stigma, misinformation and the non-apparent nature of these disabilities contribute to the hesitancy in seeking support.

The fireside chat will examine global studies underscoring the imperative to address barriers to accommodation requests, especially for students with cognitive disabilities. How do training programmes actively promote accommodations and encourage requests, considering associated risks such as depressive symptoms and self-reported medical errors?

This recorded chat, slated for a future podcast, aims to unravel the journey of trainees with ‘hidden’ disabilities marked by self-doubt, fear of stigma and questions about disability validity. We'll explore real consequences to career progression and imagine the steps necessary to create equity in medical training for individuals with disabilities.


1. Meeks LM, Pereira-Lima K, Plegue M, Stergiopoulos E, Jain NR, Addams A, Moreland CJ Assessment of accommodation requests reported by a national sample of US MD students by category of disability. JAMA 2022;328(10):982–984.

2. Pereira-Lima K, Meeks LM, Ross KET, Marcelin JR, Smeltz L, Frank E, Sen S Barriers to disclosure of disability and request for accommodations among first-year resident physicians in the US. JAMA Netw Open 2023;6(5):e239981.

3. Meeks LM, Pereira-Lima K, Frank E, Stergiopoulos E, Ross KE, Sen S. Program access, depressive symptoms, and medical errors among resident physicians with disability. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4(12):e2141511.

Themes Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), wellbeing, medical students.

Keywords Accommodation, barriers, DEI, invisible disability, non-disclosure.

Andy Ward1, Andrea Williamson2, Sanjiv Ahluwalia3 and Ray Cottington4

1Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare, Leicester Medical School, University of Leicester; 2Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow; 3School of Medicine, Anglia Ruskin University; 4Hepatitis C Trust

Inclusion health includes any population group that is socially excluded. This includes people who experience homelessness. People experiencing homelessness are more likely to suffer poor health and have significantly shorter life expectancy than the UK average and yet learning about inclusion healthcare in medical education is often limited or student driven.1

Therapeutic empathy has been defined as understanding the patient's situation, perspective and feelings; communicating that understanding; and acting on that shared understanding in a helpful way.2 Systematic reviews have demonstrated that there is variation in empathy between healthcare practitioners, that empathy can be taught and that enhanced empathy improves patient outcomes. In inclusion healthcare, practising empathy can be challenging due to the complexity of how patients may present, how behaviours are understood and how clinicians respond. Increases in empathy and positive changes in attitudes have been demonstrated in students given opportunities to engage with people experiencing homelessness.3 Trauma-informed practice provides a communication framework that can improve interactions between clinicians and patients in homeless healthcare.

There is significant overlap between the principles of trauma-informed practice and the application of therapeutic empathy.

This symposium will draw on the expertise of active practitioners working in inclusion health and medical education, furnish attendees with strategies to work more effectively with socially excluded population groups and share ideas of how inclusion healthcare can be better integrated into medical education. An expert-by-experience currently working in inclusion healthcare will also provide his perspective and join the discussions.


1. Asgary R, Naderi R, Gaughran M, Sckell B. A collaborative clinical and population-based curriculum for medical students to address primary care needs of the homeless in new York City shelters. Perspect Med Educ 2016;5(3):154–162.

2. Reynolds W, Scott B. Empathy and quality of care. Br J Gen Pract 2002;52:9–13.

3. Gardner J, Emory J. Changing students' perceptions of the homeless: a community service learning experience. Nurse Educ Pract 2018;29:133–136,

Themes Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), curricula, communication.

Keywords Curriculum, education, empathy, homelessness, inclusion.

John Launer1 and Sabena Jameel2

1Workforce and Training Directorate, NHS England, London; 2University of Birmingham

We are medical educators of different faiths (Jewish and Muslim) who are members of the faculty of the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine. We have experience of teaching in both Israel and Palestine. Recent tragic events in the Middle East have made us more aware than before of the human propensity to form negative attitudes towards all members of an entire national or ethnic group, expressed as hatred in social media or even in personal interactions. We propose that a necessary part of education in professionalism is to help colleagues and learners gain an understanding of this process and help them to overcome it in the interests of treating all human beings as equal. During the symposium, we will share our experiences of working across the boundaries of faith, nationality and other identities and seek an interchange with delegates about approaches to dialogue and promoting mutual acknowledgement and respect even when people are experiencing distress on account of political or other forms of conflict.


1. Feder G, Khan A, Jewell D, Jameel S. Responding to the war in Israel. BGJP Life. 22 December 2023.

2. Launer J. Israel and Gaza-recognising shared human values. BMJ 2023;383;2768 doi:

3. Shahid HJ, Wallace PG. The healthcare community must approach the violence in Israel and Gaza with inclusive compassion. BMJ 2023; 383:2645 doi:


5. Launer, J. Jameel, S. Y (2024). A call for education against hatred. Lancet. 403, 2684–2685. doi:

Themes Professionalism, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI), faculty.

Keywords Equality and diversity, professionalism.

Camillo Coccia

Mayo University Hospital

The symposium critically examines the concept of moral injury in clinicians, with a focus on its origins, implications and potential limitations. It begins by tracing the roots of moral injury from its application in explaining the ethical conflicts faced by soldiers to its recent adoption in the context of clinician distress. Acknowledging the strengths of framing clinician distress as moral injury rather than burnout, the essay delves into the concern that the emphasis on individual experiences may obscure underlying social relationships and systemic issues contributing to the challenges faced by healthcare professionals. The primary concern is that the reframing exchanges one individual conflict for another individual conflict rather than establishing this as symptomatic of a larger political problem.


1. Dean W. Reframing clinician distress: moral injury not burnout. PubMed Central (PMC). Published September 1, 2019.

2. Litz BT, Stein NR, Delaney E, Lebowitz L, Nash WP, Silva C, Maguen S Moral injury and moral repair in war veterans: a preliminary model and intervention strategy. Clin Psychol Rev, 29, 8, 695, 706

Themes Wellbeing, theory, humanities.

Keywords Individual, moral injury, philosophy, politics, trauma.

Jonny Guckian1, Sarah Edwards2, Jeeves Wijesuriya3 and Julia Alsop4

1University of Leeds; 2Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust; 3General Medical Council; 4University of Warwick

Social media (SoMe) has drastically evolved since its inception, with platforms rising and falling as trends take hold. Accordingly, medical education behaviours, protagonists and cultures have shifted in that time. At its outset, medical social media rose with online socialisation, as early adopters navigated nascent trends and technologies to form fledgling communities of practice.1 Subsequently, the Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) movement was born and grew to dominate, with learning activities such as Tweetorials, journal clubs and educational videos becoming commonplace.2 The principal scholarly debates during these two phases generally related to professionalism concerns.3

This symposium proposes that we have entered a new, third, age of medical SoMe. We suggest that the highest quality educational behaviours on SoMe are now manifested through affective learning. Specifically, this relates to modelling and role-modelling of professional identity, social justice advocacy and critique of individual and community values. While this era of SoMe is often derided as extreme, abusive or intimidating, we argue that—while challenging—SoMe represents unlimited potential for transformative learning and disruptive reflection, for individuals, academics and institutions.

Our panel will draw on both SoMe scholarship and practice to craft a history of UK medical education SoMe. We will highlight core lessons our community must not ignore and use evidence—in addition to audience participation—to predict the next chapter of this complex phenomenon. Furthermore, we will make suggestions for the most important research questions and policy changes in this domain.


1. Hawn C. Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how twitter, Facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care. Health Aff 2009;28(2):361–368.

2. D'souza F, Shah S, Oki O, Scrivens L, Guckian J. Social media: medical Education's double-edged sword. Future Healthc J. 2021;8(2). doi:, e307, e310

3. Ferdig RE, Dawson K, Black EW, Black NM, Thompson LA. Medical students' and residents' use of online social networking tools: Implications for teaching professionalism in medical education. First Monday. Published online 2008.

Themes Social Media, TEL, Professionalism.

Keywords Advocacy, professional identity, professionalism, social media, Twitter.

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ASM 2024 年度奖学金会议:最大限度地发挥卫生专业教育的潜力。
Linda MillerBirkbeck/NHS/NHSE/NHSCEP "员工的健康和福祉可以说是可持续提供医疗服务的最重要因素"(Nicol,2018 年)。创造性的创业思维尤其适用于解决不公平的棘手问题,有助于防止倦怠并保持参与度。英国国家医疗服务系统临床创业计划(NHSCEP)留住了许多原本会离开英国国家医疗服务系统的临床医生。本研讨会将分享来自该计划的学生、受训人员和临床医生的案例,以及解决不公平问题的教学案例。与会者将参与到一个创造性的过程中,思考他们的教育角色、内部偏见、健康公平和不同成就。履行新的 GMC 医生职责(2024 年)要求,回顾 "你的生活经历、文化和信仰如何影响你与他人的互动,并可能影响你做出的决定和提供的护理 "以及你的教学。艺术和人文学科有可能支持 GMC 的变革,提高对内在偏见的自我意识,积极主动地解决健康、公平和以患者为中心等社会决定因素。这对医学教育和领导角色(如 ASME、NHSE [评估员] 或皇家学院)非常重要。鉴于他们的关键作用,医学教育者和指导者必须批判性地看待组织和个人偏见。你必须 "考虑"......病史,包括 i. 症状 ii. 相关的心理、精神、社会、经济和文化因素 iii. 病人的观点、需求和价值观 "的法律要求。描述了 "超越严格医疗 "的富有同情心的 "成熟 "护理伦理。马默特 10 年回顾(Marmot,2020 年)指出,"对于 10%最贫困地区的妇女而言,预期寿命的改善停滞不前并有所下降","富裕地区与贫困地区之间的健康差距有所扩大"。Russell D'Souza1、Mary Mathew2 和 Vedprakash Mishra31 教育系,联合国教科文组织生物伦理学教席,澳大利亚墨尔本;2Kasturba Medical CollegeManipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE),印度卡纳塔克邦马尼帕尔;3Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University),印度马哈拉施特拉邦那格浦尔。在当今快速发展的医疗保健领域,打下坚实的生物伦理学基础变得越来越重要。联合国教科文组织生物伦理学教席提出了 "生物伦理学教育的 3T 范式":教学、培训和传授 "讲习班,这是一项开创性举措,旨在加强医疗和卫生部门教育工作者的能力。该研讨会旨在解决医学教育中的一个关键缺口--将伦理推理与临床实践有效结合。随着医疗保健领域的技术进步带来了新的伦理挑战,我们迫切需要不仅精通医学而且了解伦理的专业人员。本课程旨在为教育工作者提供必要的工具和见解,以便有效地传授、指导和灌输生物伦理原则。研讨会的目标和成果:本次会议的主要目标是让与会者掌握必要的技能和知识,以有效地教授生物伦理,培养未来生物伦理教育者的能力,并掌握生物伦理知识可持续传播的策略。预期成果包括提高伦理教育的能力,加深对生物伦理教育中的导师制的理解,以及实施创新教学方法的能力。此外,与会者还将从分享最佳实践和合作讨论中获得宝贵的见解,使他们能够将 3T 范式有效地整合到各自的教育环境中。本节课旨在探讨如何利用节奏装置促进学习。研讨会一开始,与会者将有机会分享他们最喜欢的韵律、记忆法和其他基于韵律的学习方法。然后是两个简短的讲座。一个是关于在临床学习中使用节奏的简短讨论。讲座将涉及基于节奏学习的教育理论。 理解COVID-19对本科医学教育的影响:医学生的视角。Johann Malawana、Derek Gallen、Hiba Khan、Chris Born 和 Ruth DemekeMedics.Academy、The Healthcare Leadership Academy、School of Medicine、University of Central Lancashire此次研讨会的主题是应对医疗保健专业人员持续短缺、医疗保健服务需求不断攀升所带来的严峻挑战。医疗保健教育系统和奖学金是至关重要的组成部分,研讨会强调它们在确保未来医疗保健服务充足方面的作用。利用教育和培训进行战略性劳动力规划,是解决医疗保健服务系统性问题的最有效方法。Medics.Academy 与医疗保健组织和世界卫生组织(WHO)等国际机构建立了合作伙伴关系,展示了一种多层面的方法。其领导团队在医疗政策方面的丰富经验推动了医疗保健领导力学院(HLA)、政策制定智囊团和创新中心等举措。多年来,Medics.Academy 因其量身定制的领导力培训计划以及与 NHS 组织和国际合作伙伴的战略合作而广受赞誉。多年来,Medics.Academy 凭借量身定制的领导力培训课程以及与英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)组织和国际合作伙伴的战略合作赢得了广泛赞誉。研讨会以专家小组的意见为特色,并为参与者提供工具包,以便将教育研究转化为有影响力的政策干预措施。总之,Medics.Academy 的历程凸显了教育在解决医疗保健劳动力短缺问题方面的变革潜力。通过促进合作、创新和领导力发展,该组织旨在对全球医疗保健劳动力的挑战产生重大影响。2024., S. (2023).The Health Foundation.,increaseon2023F24Themes Faculty, continuing education, innovation.Keywords Influence, leadership, policy, translating research.Peter De Jong and Arianne PieterseInternational Association of Medical Science Educators高等教育的形势瞬息万变,教学和技术领域的新发展层出不穷。医疗保健教育领域的教育工作者在课堂和临床学习环境中面临着越来越多的快速新兴技术。例如,模拟、严肃游戏、虚拟现实、增强现实和混合现实、混合课堂和生成式人工智能。在本次研讨会上,我们将展示虚拟和混合现实技术在基础科学和临床教学领域的一些新发展。虚拟和混合现实技术通过三维视觉和音频丰富了现实生活环境。在基础科学教育中,它为学生的三维学习体验提供支持,而在临床环境中,它为医学生接触各种临床病例提供了可能性。它为学生在真实而安全的环境中主动学习和协作学习提供了独特的机会。健康教育领域的教育者并不总能为使用这样的新技术做好充分准备。有些人会热衷于使用它,而有些人则不太愿意。演讲结束后,我们将与听众讨论机构和医疗保健教育协会(如国际医疗保健教育协会)如何支持教育工作者在教学中更好地理解、采用和使用新兴技术。Gilles de Wildt1 和 Chloe Moran21NHS GP;伯明翰大学临床科学研究所;2伯明翰大学医学院 "学生是学习和教学中的合作伙伴 "是推进高等教育(前身为高等教育学院)的一个概念,但未得到充分利用。本研讨会旨在探索机会和实施方法。
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Clinical Teacher
期刊介绍: The Clinical Teacher has been designed with the active, practising clinician in mind. It aims to provide a digest of current research, practice and thinking in medical education presented in a readable, stimulating and practical style. The journal includes sections for reviews of the literature relating to clinical teaching bringing authoritative views on the latest thinking about modern teaching. There are also sections on specific teaching approaches, a digest of the latest research published in Medical Education and other teaching journals, reports of initiatives and advances in thinking and practical teaching from around the world, and expert community and discussion on challenging and controversial issues in today"s clinical education.
Comparison of Online Peer-Assisted Learning and Faculty-Led Teaching for Short Answer Questions Issue Information Urgent Need for Entrepreneurship in the Health Professional Education Curriculum: A Path to Sustainable Healthcare Systems Patient Safety: A Curriculum Taught or a Culture Lived? SIMBA: Online Simulation for Teaching Medical Cases to Preclinical Students—A Pilot Study
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