Background: Determining the optimum water absorption capacity of gluten-free flours for an improved breadmaking process has been a challenge because there is no standard method. In the present study, large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) tests were performed to explore the impact of different levels of added water on non-linear viscoelastic response of soy flour dough in comparison to wheat flour dough at a consistency of 500 BU.
Results: Among the LAOS parameters, large strain modulus (G'L) and large strain rate viscosity (η'L) were found to better probe the impact of added water amount on non-linear viscoelastic properties of soy flour dough. Although soy flour dough with 160:100 (water: soy flour, v/w) and wheat flour dough had overlapping η*(ω) in the linear viscoelastic region, LAOS sweeps revealed similar tan δ, G'L and η'L values along with similar elastic and viscous Lissajous-Bowditch curves at γ0 = 200% for soy flour dough with 175:100 (water: soy flour, v/w) to those of wheat flour dough.
The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture publishes peer-reviewed original research, reviews, mini-reviews, perspectives and spotlights in these areas, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary studies at the agriculture/ food interface.
Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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