In the modern era of wireless communications, there is an ever increasing demand for compact antennas. The antennas that can operate across multiple frequency bands while effectively rejecting potential interfering signals. This need arises from the rapidly growing number of wireless systems and applications coexisting within the limited available spectrum. In this paper, elliptical monopole planar antenna with penta band notched characteristics is designed and fabricated for 5G/6G wireless system. The proposed antenna design incorporates two elliptical split ring resonators on the radiation patch to enable band rejection from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for C band satellite communication along with 5.15–5.35 GHz for the lower WLAN band. A special metamaterial structure consisting of a two via double slot type EBG creates dual notches at 4.5–4.7 GHz for INSAT and 5.725–5.825 GHz for the upper band of WLAN. Additionally, In the vicinity of the feed line, a step impedance resonator suppresses the 7.95–8.55 GHz ITU band. This multi band notched characteristic makes the antenna suitable for applications requiring concurrent operation across multiple bands while mitigating interference from other co existing wireless services.The antenna is made with FR4 substrate and of a compact size of 38 × 38 × 0.8 mm3, making it suitable for integration into modern portable and wireless devices.