The aim of this systematic review and preliminary meta-analysis is to summarize the effectiveness of selected models of community psychiatry: community mental health center, flexible assertive community treatment, community mental health team and assertive community treatment.
In order to determine the results of therapeutic interventions, comparison of symptom severity, level of functioning, use of institutional care, quality of life/well-being/recovery and satisfaction at baseline and during follow-up was conducted. Thirty-seven quantitative studies were selected, grouped according to the study model and compared in terms of positive, neutral and negative impact on patients according to efficacy factors. Additionally, a preliminary random-effects meta-analysis was performed on 11 studies to investigate the effectiveness of assertive community treatment.
Review shows the overall positive results of the selected models. The best documented effects were an increase in the level of functioning and a reduction in institutional care. The number of articles collected indicates that community mental health center and assertive community treatment are better researched than community mental health team and flexible assertive community treatment models. Meta-analysis on assertive community treatment studies showed significant pooled effect sizes for domains of functioning, quality of life, hospitalizations and symptom severity.
The community mental health center and assertive community treatment are most likely to indicate efficiency and safety. The community mental health team and flexible assertive community treatment models should be explored in future studies. Results of the preliminary meta-analysis provide further evidence for the effectiveness of assertive community treatment.