Assuming a scenario of small-scale domain switching, the dimensions and configuration of the domain switching region preceding a clearly defined primarily monoclinic piezoelectric bi-material notch are determined by embracing the energetic switching principle and micromechanical domain switching framework proposed by Hwang et al. (Acta Metall Mater 43(5):2073–2084, 1995. for a given set of materials, structure, and polarization alignment. The piezoelectric bi-material under consideration comprises piezoelectric ceramics PZT-5H and BaTiO3. The analysis of the asymptotic in-plane field around a bi-material sharp notch is conducted utilizing the extended Lekhnitskii–Eshelby–Stroh formalism (Ting in Anisotropic elasticity, Oxford University Press. 1996. Subsequently, the boundary value problem with the prescribed spontaneous strain and polarization within the switching domain is solved and their influence on the in-plane intensity of singularity at the tip of interface crack is computed. The effects of the initial poling direction on the resulting variation of the energy release rates are discussed.