Starch and other carbohydrates are major products of commerce because of their abundant supply and diverse functionalities. They serve as the principal source of dietary energy for humans and animals and perform various functions in many food and nonfood products. Fundamental studies of their composition, structure, and properties led to practical applications and ultimately to their commercial development to serve the food and industrial sectors.
This paper provides a historical account of the US Starch Round Table, a scientific gathering of international scientists and researchers to discuss “cutting-edge” research on starch and other carbohydrates. From its early beginning in 1940 to the present time, the Starch Round Table played a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of starch and other carbohydrates.
The concept of the Starch Round Table facilitated discovery, innovation, and progress in the field of carbohydrates with an emphasis on starch. From its genesis in the United States, its popularity has spread to other regions like Japan and Europe, which have been holding a similar event since 1961 and 2010, respectively.
New knowledge was discovered, practical applications were achieved, and successful collaboration among starch and carbohydrate scientists across the globe was made possible through this biennial round table event. Commercial development of starch and other carbohydrate products has benefited immensely from the extraordinary progress made by brilliant and diligent scientists and researchers, past and present.