Testing dark matter effects on gravity around black holes in the framework of gravity theories through observational data is an essential task of relativistic astrophysical studies. In this work, we first obtain a new spacetime solution for a black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter (PFDM) in modified gravity (MOG). The MOG field is assumed to be a gravitational vector field. We investigate the vector fields with combined effects of PFDM on spacetime properties: event horizon radius, scalar invariants such as the Ricci scalar, the square of the Ricci tensor, and Kretchman scalars. We investigate the circular motion of test particles in the spacetime of the black hole, taking into account the MOG field interaction on the particle geodesics. The energy and angular momentum of the particles corresponding to circular orbits are studied. In addition, we explore how the PFDM and MOG fields change the position of innermost stable circular orbits (ISCOs) and their corresponding energy and angular momentum values. Moreover, we study the energy efficiency rate around the black hole in the Novikov and Thorns thin accretion disc model. We analyze collisional cases of the particles near the black hole and study the effects of the fields on the critical angular momentum in which particles can collide near the black hole and the center-of-mass energy of the colliding particles.