Advanced Optical Technologies is a strictly peer-reviewed scientific journal. The major aim of Advanced Optical Technologies is to publish recent progress in the fields of optical design, optical engineering, and optical manufacturing. Advanced Optical Technologies has a main focus on applied research and addresses scientists as well as experts in industrial research and development. Advanced Optical Technologies partners with the European Optical Society (EOS). All its 4.500+ members have free online access to the journal through their EOS member account. Topics: Optical design, Lithography, Opto-mechanical engineering, Illumination and lighting technology, Precision fabrication, Image sensor devices, Optical materials (polymer based, inorganic, crystalline/amorphous), Optical instruments in life science (biology, medicine, laboratories), Optical metrology, Optics in aerospace/defense, Simulation, interdisciplinary, Optics for astronomy, Standards, Consumer optics, Optical coatings.