In this research work, tin oxide nanoparticles (SnO2 NPs) was developed to assess its photocatalytic performance against degradation of Congo red (CR) azodye under UVA-light illumination. To achieve this objective, SnO2 NPs was designed and synthesized via a sol–gel method using stannous chloride and oxalic acid dihydrate as precursors. The un-calcined sample heated at 80 °C for 4 h (labled as SnO2-80) and calcined catalysts at 450 °C and 650 °C for 4 h (identified as SnO2-450 and 650 °C, respectively) were subsequently characterized by various description techniques such as SEM, TGA-MS, XRD and UV-vi-DRS for their physicochemical properties. Here, numerous methods have been explored to estimate the crystallite size and strain in the SnO2-450 using X-ray peak profile analysis. XRD findings disclosed the formation of crystalized tetragonal-type SnO2 phase with P42/mnm space groupe symmetry. All methods provide crystallite sizes within 20–30 nm for SnO-450 NPs, excluding for LSL model (69.30 nm) which proved to be invalid crystal. Therefore, H-W model is efficient and most accurate for examining microstructural characteristics, since it gave the highest value of R2 (0.9031) and a decreased intrinsic strain (2.2 × 10–3). Rietveld refinement, performed by HighScore plus software, on collected XRD patterns of SnO2-450 was robust and convergence was achieved, yielding to low Rp (9.39%), Rwp (12.19.00%) difference indices. The goodness of fit parameter χ2 was found to be lower χ2 (1.52%). The crystallite size, DXRD = 15.82818(8) nm and strain ε = 55.28 × 10–4 were obtained. The band gap energy with a band gap of 3.35, 3.35 and 3.49 eV were obtained for the direc allowed electronic transitions at 80, 450 and 650 °C, respectively. An important blue shift in band gap from 3.35 eV (SnO2-450) to 3.49 eV (SnO2-650) with increasing the temperature from 450 to 650 °C was accredited to a strong quantum confinement. All the calcined samples exhibited a foamed nanostructural morphology with particles size of 400 nm and 750 nm-3 µm at calcination temperature of 450 and 650 °C, respectively. The impact of the calcination temperature on the particle size, band gap energy and adsorption efficiency showed temperature-dependent behavior while the photocatalytic process is practically not altered by operating temperature. The optimum efficiencies of 76.44, 62.45, 95.02 and 93.34% were achieved within 100 min under UVA-light using prepared SnO2-450 and CeO2-500 NPs and pristine ZnO and TiO2 photocatalysts.Congo red degradation behaviors over different operating condition were in good agreement with the Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic model for pseudo first order reaction with optimal R2 (R2 = 0.0.881–0.97). Subsequently, the exceptional photocatalytic ability and versatile applications of SnO2-450-based photocatalyst, outperforming all other degradation processes, could be can be synergysticaly explained by the the heterogeneous photocatalysis mechanism through ROS (•OH and O2•−), Sn4+/Sn2+ redox system together with copious oxygen vacancies and large intrinsic crystal defects (Sn4+-O defects sites), as primary oxidizing agents and driving forces ultimately implicated in redox processes, by promoting UVA-light harvesting, facilitating charge separation of carriers, reducing recombination rate and thus boosting photocayatlytic effectiveness of SnO2-450 NPs photocatalyst.