本文提供了收集到的关于位于Cô´科特迪瓦西南部Sassandra的海洋手工渔业的事实,讨论了该渔业所针对的商业物种,解决了所产生的工作类型,并说明了妇女,特别是fishers´´妻子在捕捞后任务和相关活动中的突出作用。因此,我们于2021年2月、3月和7月在fishersÂ社区、码头和市场进行了访谈。结果表明,渔业部门培养了大量的专业人员(250名答复者,其中76名男子和174名妇女),他们从事政府任命的管理人员和私人雇用的专业人员所列的15种工作。此外,重点关注的社会经济特征表明,35-45岁年龄组的活跃人口比例最高(38.4%)。超过一半的受访者没有上过学。金枪鱼和其他鱼类的上岸,取决于捕鱼季节,占鱼类消费的很大一部分。每日鱼类食用量因住户人数而异,最常见的食用量为每日1.0至1.5公斤或每日2.0至2.5公斤。这项研究确实表明,当地渔业对整个社区至关重要。  Â
Performance in tuna and other fishery resources use in southwestern Côte d’Ivoire: a case study stating implications for fishers´ settlement and employment generated by the marine artisanal fishing sector
Gathered facts about the marine artisanal fishery located at Sassandra, southwestern Côte d’Ivoire are provided, talking about commercial species that are targeted by that fishery, addressing the types of jobs generated and stating the prominent role of women, especially that of fishers´ wives, in post-harvesting tasks and related activities. Therefore, interviews were carried out in February, March and July 2021, within the fishers´ community, at dockside and marketplaces. The results indicated that the fishing sector generated a large number of professionals (250 respondents, of whom 76 men and 174 women) who were associated with fifteen types of jobs listed among managers appointed by the Government and privately employed professionals. In addition, socio-economic characteristics that were focused on indicated that the highest percentage of active persons (38.4%) was recorded within the age bracket of 35-45. More than half of respondents had no schooling. Tunas and other species landed, depending on fishing seasons, made up a large part of the fish consumed. Daily fish-consumption varied depending on household numbers, with consumption between 1.0 and 1.5 Kg/d or 2.0 and 2.5 Kg/d being the commonest. This study really shows that the local fishery is of vital importance to the whole community.  Â