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Bryn Evans (bio)
8-26-22, on the Rome Bypass and between the tractor's imprint, roses in hand
in memory of mama julie
crook between your neck / the shoulder / of theroad / a homestead / lean into the space andsign / 'laugh' / caress my arm when words won'tcome / draw out / salted skin / untangle myelbows / choose my hands / peace in your palms /a breeze to ease the tremblin / gossamer lininin the bush / remind me of time and place / asoften as I forget / when we're together / you andme / both know grandmothers' love / theserubies / a reminder of what once was / and stillis / to come / elsewhere / i imaginerunnin inside the mountain's middle part / you onmy tail / light / two shootin stars / in a sky / darkenough to see / joy rides / willingly / talkin aboutforever /hummin hymns we too young to know /intertwined hope / knee babies / on hips / oldenough and still together / memberin / all theways / we carried on / soothin each other /their peppermints on our tongues / love paintinour cheeks with sweet water / your rear-vieweyes meet mine again / at the stop / [End Page 130]
Bryn Evans
BRYN EVANS is a Southern writer born and raised in Decatur, Georgia. She lives in Stanford, California, where she studies Black art. living in Stanford, California, where she studies Black art.