Decarbonisation pathways for UK transport

Q4 Social Sciences IPPR Progressive Review Pub Date : 2024-12-11 DOI:10.1111/newe.12410
Professor Jillian Anable
{"title":"Decarbonisation pathways for UK transport","authors":"Professor Jillian Anable","doi":"10.1111/newe.12410","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>While other sectors of the UK economy have made some progress in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions1 since 1990, the transport sector, taken to include both air and surface modes as well as domestic and international movements from the UK, has yet to do so (figure 1). In 2019, emissions were 11 per cent above 1990 levels compared to the 53 per cent reduction achieved by the rest of the economic sectors.2 Emissions from transport finally fell below the baseline level in 2020, due to the impacts on travel activity posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, only to bounce back again since. The latest figures (2023) show transport, including international movements, standing at 151 MtCO<sub>2</sub>e, essentially still at the 1990 baseline.</p><p>Without some specific policy instruments used over recent decades, the situation would have been even worse. The mandatory CO<sub>2</sub> vehicle emissions performance standards for cars and vans since 20094 and the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation since 20085 brought continuous attention to the carbon intensity of the light duty vehicle fleet in use. However, the benefits achieved by these efforts have been more than negated by the cumulative impact of a combination of trends, many of which still prevail today. These include discrepancies between vehicle test-cycle and real-world performance, the growth in the size and weight of new cars, the slow uptake of pure battery electric vehicles, the increase in light goods vehicles (or ‘van’) traffic, minimal progress in efficiency improvements in heavy goods vehicles, and the immense rise in air passenger demand.</p><p>Thus, any discussion of UK transport decarbonisation pathways must begin with the hard truth that the sector's entire emissions reduction challenge will have to be achieved in less than half the allotted 60-year period set down by the UK Climate Change Act to achieve ‘net zero’ (1990-2050). In this next phase, the easier wins already secured in the rest of the economy will no longer be available to compensate for transport's failure. Any limited carbon sequestration options that may come online to allow the UK to still emit greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 (as defines the ‘net’ aspect of the target) are reserved for aviation in this sector; therefore, all surface transport modes must achieve ‘absolute zero’ emissions.6</p><p>Consequently, accounting for 36 per cent of UK emissions in 2023, if transport decarbonisation fails, net zero will also fail. Moreover, 2030 is the year designated by the UK for its legally-binding nationally determined contribution (NDC) towards meeting the UN goal under the Paris Agreement. This requires at least a 68 per cent fall in territorial emissions7 which translates into a quadrupling of the rate of emissions reductions outside of the power sector.8 A radically different decarbonisation pathway for transport is now an imperative to start to make deep cuts over the next half a decade. But what might this consist of and is it achievable?</p><p>First, we must understand why the official pathway set out by the UK government needs urgent reorientation. UK pathways are set by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) and are responded to in government strategy documents. The response so far to transport's consistent failure to meet its targets has not, however, been to change the approach to achieving them, but to downscale the ambition for the sector.</p><p>In July 2021, the Department for Transport (DfT), published its first Transport Decarbonisation Plan (TDP).9 This presented a set of upper and lower pathways for domestic transport, the most ambitious of which went further than the CCC's ‘Balanced Pathway’. Just a few months later, these ambitions were downscaled in the Net Zero Strategy (NZS)10 and reduced even further just 18 months later in the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (CBDP),11 by which time 72 per cent of the potential ambition set out in the TDP had disappeared.12 In May 2024, the CBDP was subject to a legal challenge. This is perhaps no surprise given it was itself the product of a legal challenge to the NZS, which was deemed unlawful on the grounds of not having a robust set of delivery plans and proposals. Another revised plan must now be produced by May 2025 which quantifies and reduces this delivery risk.</p><p>Transport has been identified as the sector with the largest gap between polices that are firmly in place and the decarbonisation required to meet the CCC's fifth carbon budget (to 2032). One assessment concluded that transport accounts for 70 per cent of all UK emissions not yet covered by any policy at all.13 This equates to 97 MtCO<sub>2</sub>e of cumulative carbon savings between 2024 and 2032, to be achieved through measures not yet in consultation or even suggested as an ambition, whilst also assuming that all of the confirmed policies reach their full potential. In separate analysis, Marsden compared the CBDP and the CCC sixth carbon budget (to 2037) and found a 182MtC cumulative overshoot for the domestic sector alone, even if the ambitious zero-emissions vehicle mandate (ZEV – see below) and some other confirmed small behaviour change initiatives are fully realised.14 Marsden stresses that this is equivalent to 10 years’ worth of road-travel carbon reductions resulting from the activity suppressed during the Covid-19 lockdowns.</p><p>Both analyses add to a substantial body of work that has consistently found confirmed policies to be grossly inadequate compared to a carbon budget apportioned to local, regional, sub-national and national UK contexts. It is striking that, despite adopting different methodologies, carbon budget periods, geographical and temporal scales and system boundaries, these studies still arrive at essentially the same unequivocally consistent conclusions: car use will have to be massively reduced even with ambitious electrification. Hopkinson et al's comparison of a set of distinct modelling analyses prior to 2020 found an average total car mileage reduction of at least 20 per cent below ~2019 levels would be necessary by 2030.15 Given that around half the time has already elapsed since the baseline year used by these studies, but car mileage remains only slightly lower and EV uptake slower than expected,16 we can assume that this would now translate into at least a 50 per cent drop.</p><p>Given this imperative to achieve such dramatic reductions in car CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in the near term, the remainder of this paper considers what a transport decarbonisation pathway would look like if this level of demand reduction was included in the revised UK strategy to be adopted by May 2025.</p><p>The aggressive favouring of electrification of passenger cars as the central solution is already adopted in UK policy, as in most developed economies. The ZEV, requiring vehicle manufacturers to sell an increasing proportion of electric vehicles (EVs) each year, ratcheting up to 100 per cent by 2035, accounts for 80 per cent (113 MtCO2e) of the domestic transport sector's confirmed policy to 2032.17 In the first year of application, manufacturers are already requesting more support to help reach their targets. Consequently, the size of the aforementioned policy gap is a likely underestimate as it assumes savings from confirmed policies would be delivered in full on a cumulative basis. Planning for underachievement until such times as the sales of EVs are firmly on the required trajectory would be an application of the precautionary principle that has been absent from the governance of transport decarbonisation, despite its track record of delivery failure.</p><p>Given the ZEV already represents the fastest possible rate of EV uptake deemed commercially, practically and politically achievable,18 any remaining technological improvements must be secured from the non-battery-electric-vehicle car fleet. Success depends on the rate of new car efficiency improvements between now and when they are banned from sale,19 as well as the overall scrappage rate. Having reduced slightly year-on-year for over a decade, average tailpipe emissions from petrol, diesel and non-plug-in hybrid vehicles began increasing from around 2017, although petrol variants have recently stabilised.20 In large part this is due to the increasing size and weight of cars. The SUV (‘sports utility vehicle’) is now the most popular passenger vehicle, making up 60 per cent of UK new car registrations in 2023. This is up from ‘just’ 50 per cent in 2021 and, if this trend continues, would mean SUVs could represent 75 per cent of new registrations in 2027.21 More than four-fifths of these are petrol, diesel, hybrids or plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) which, on average, produce 20 per cent more emissions than an average medium-sized car.</p><p>This amounts to significant additional emissions over the next 15 or more years, as these cars remain a high proportion of the fleet, particularly as new cars are being seen to last longer in use.22 EVs are included in the trend towards increased size and weight, and their larger energy demands may prevent the renewable electricity system from expanding at the pace assumed in many models.23 There are also wider material impacts involved in this ‘mobesity’ epidemic, including land use, health, safety and monetary resources.24</p><p>So, one clear option on the ‘supply side’ is to begin restricting the sale of the most carbon-intensive cars immediately. Nowhere has yet to restrict these vehicles from entering a fleet through regulation. However, there are attempts to disincentivise their uptake, such France and Norway's weight-based motoring taxes, or Paris where parking fees for SUVs have recently tripled. The more that the size and weight of cars can be reduced, the less people will have to have their car use constrained through pricing or physical restrictions, although the latter would still be necessary according to modelled scenarios with both of these measures and more.25 When this trade-off was put to members of the Climate Assembly UK (CAUK), ‘quickly stop selling the most polluting cars’ gained the most first preference votes – 86 per cent said they were generally in agreement with it, second only to increased investment in public transport.26</p><p>Unlike the CAUK recommendation to improve public transport, however, a restriction on new car sales has not entered policy discussions. In the first budget of the recently elected Labour government (October 2024), circulation taxes27 were increased in the first year based on tailpipe emissions, especially for the largest luxury variants.28 But most significantly, unlike the devolved regions of Scotland and Wales, there is as yet no explicit target to reduce car distance travelled in accordance with carbon budget constraints. Labour's first budget showed little indication that this is being considered, having prolonged a freeze in fuel duty escalations and maintained a five pence per litre reduction, even at a time when fuel costs are relatively low.</p><p>All of this is not to say that there is no attention at all on modal shift. DfT's transport decarbonisation plan contained nearly 80 ‘commitments’, including reiteration of targets for buses and active travel (to have 50 per cent of trips in towns and cities walked, wheeled, or cycled by 2030). These are already off track, but have nevertheless been adopted by the new administration. There are, however, two major flaws with the dominant approach to mode shift.</p><p>The first is that, on their own, improvements in public transport patronage, walking and cycling will only substitute for car trips at the very margins of what is required. Places with high levels of cycling tend to have low levels of public transport (eg Copenhagen and Amsterdam) and vice versa (eg Vienna, Zurich, Madrid and London).29 Very strong evidence shows that effective reductions in car travel happen only when improvements to alternatives are coupled with restrictions to car use with pricing, road closures and parking restrictions.30 The few examples of places that have successfully reduced car use have implemented some form of charging measure, such as a congestion charge, low emissions zone or workplace parking levy.31 Even where public transport has been made free at the point of use, or fares markedly lowered, car trip substitution has been found to be minimal, with most coming from trips that had been previously walked or cycled.32</p><p>The second major flaw is the focus on the share of car trips rather than car miles that could theoretically be shifted to alternative modes. In an extensive analysis breaking down the source of emissions from personal transport across different distance bands and modes of transport (including air), Wadud et al present the astounding statistic that only 2.7 per cent of UK personal travel journeys are for long distance travel (&gt;50 miles one-way), but they account for 61.3 per cent of the miles and 69.3 per cent of the CO<sub>2</sub>e emissions from passenger travel.33 Yet, virtually all attention on demand management is on the large proportion of short car trips (eg 53 per cent &lt; four miles). Such statistics are repeated often and with vigour to claim huge opportunity for carbon reductions through mode shift. Wadud et al's analysis, however, shows that even if all the 74 per cent of car trips under eight miles were switched to zero-emissions active modes, this would only reduce emissions from the total transport sector by 9.3 per cent. By contrast, if all the car trips over 50 miles were shifted to rail, representing less than 2 per cent of all trips undertaken, the sector's emissions would reduce by 5.2 per cent.</p><p>In addition to a lack of concurrent car restraint measures, the above statistics explain why so called ‘good practice’ largely falls down when examined from a decarbonisation perspective. For instance, ‘Dutch levels of cycling’ – where alternatives to the car for local journeys, particularly cycling, appear to be the default – are often cited as a key aspiration to contribute to climate objectives. 29 per cent of all trips in the Netherlands are by bicycle, compared to less than 2 per cent in the UK. Yet, average per capita annual car driver mileage in the Netherlands in 2019 was almost double that of England.34 Consequently, despite the fact that UK residents fly more on average, per capita average carbon emissions from transport are almost equivalent in the two countries (figure 2). Put simply, this is due to a lack of restrictions or disincentives to own and use cars in the Netherlands, coupled with the distances travelled on longer journeys, especially for leisure and business.</p><p>On the face of it, it should be possible to target a small percentage of longer car trips much more rapidly than it would be to reach three quarters of them that are short. This would involve a reorientation of focus away from the relatively short distance commute trips, towards discretionary leisure activities and family visits. These are not only more challenging to provide public transport services for, given their fragmented temporal and spatial patterning, but are more politically sensitive. There is also very little evidence on what works in this domain. During the summer of 2022, unlimited travel on regional rail, trams and buses was offered in Germany for nine euros a month. Almost half the population took up this opportunity and rail patronage was significantly increased, especially in rural areas and at weekends. However, Quinio36 found that the trips were largely additional rather than substitutions for car use. It is unclear, though, what would have happened if the scheme had been sustained over a longer period, or if it had been coupled with an increase in the price of car use.</p><p>The policy focus probably needs to be somewhere between these very short and the longest trips, targeting medium distance trips (between 10 and 30km) that are too long for active travel but are still undertaken on a regular basis.37 These would require investment in rapid transit systems including trams, express buses and rail. E-bikes could be a new and important mode. Philips et al. use spatial micro-simulation to estimate the maximum capability to reduce emissions by substituting private car travel for e-bike in England.38 They estimate this capacity would translate into a reduction of 16 MTCO<sub>2</sub> over and above conventional walking and cycling, greatest in rural areas and the urban fringe. This would require a shift in investment towards long distance cycle networks and bike sharing schemes, away from urban centres where they tend to be focused today. However, once again the real-world evidence is revealing that, in the absence of strong car-restraint policies, e-bikes may tend to substitute for conventional bike use rather than the car for many journeys, particularly leisure.39</p><p>The attempt to alter some of the longer distance trips to become medium or shorter distance trips through destination shifting is also part of the solution, including for leisure trips. As Mitchell et al emphasise: “Long-term development planning cannot solve the carbon problem given the imperative for action before the end of the decade. However, it does have to be ready with projects and proposals which align with the actions which will have been taken to accelerate decarbonisation.”40 Another route to car use reduction, aside from mode switching, is to increase occupancy of cars. Average car occupancy has fallen over the past decade from an average of 1.6 to 1.5 people per vehicle.41 At the same time, the number of cars per capita has increased, meaning that each car is being utilised less and less.42 34 per cent of cars do not go out on any given day and only 14 per cent of all cars in the fleet are on the move during the busiest evening weekday peak hour (pre-Covid-19).43 Transport policy is delivering neither on its economic nor its environmental promise.</p><p>Despite the transport sector's consistent track record of failing to meet its decarbonisation targets, the approach to the problem remains the same as it has always been: to swap out the fossil fuels in the system with electricity or some form of alternative, including synthetic, liquid fuels. Yet, we are left with little doubt that for transport to pull its weight towards the 2030 nationally binding contribution, and beyond, we need a wholescale shift in what is deemed important to focus on.</p><p>On the supply side, the focus on EVs must be rebalanced with a renewed focus on the tailpipe emissions of the approximately eight million new ICE vehicles that will still be sold into the UK market by 2030 and will still be in circulation until well into the 2040s. This requires immediate restrictions on the size and weight of cars that can be sold into the UK car market. Without this, much deeper cuts in car use will be required. The weight of EVs as well as ICEs must also be considered as a target for policy, given the system-wide energy demand implications of the larger battery requirements.</p><p>On the demand side, almost all attention to ‘behaviour change’ and mode shift in policy will result in marginal carbon savings at best. There is an urgent need for the dominant thinking about how to reduce car use needs to be turned on its head. Reductions in car use have and will only materialise if improvements to the alternatives are coupled with restrictions in the form of parking, pricing or road space reallocation. There is no alternative to this. The evidence is clear that even making a public transport system free will not make a dent in car use on its own. Secondly, the conventional focus on short, mainly urban trips, often narrowly focused on the commute and the journey to school, will only serve to maintain the status quo if longer distance car trips are not also meaningfully discouraged and catered for by alternative means, including encouraging shorter trips through destination shifting. There must be a focus on where the carbon is actually generated and what holds car ownership and use in place. Therefore, we cannot decarbonise transport without making changes in these predominantly leisure and family-oriented activities. The reality is, there are no good examples of where these longer-range car trips have been shifted to other modes or reconfigured to become shorter journeys at scale. This is where the new frontier is for transport decarbonisation over the next decade.</p><p>Given the scale of this challenge, planning for failure and exploring the synergies between concurrent adaptation and mitigation options, to create both a flexible, resilient as well as lower carbon system, would seem to be the only true meaningful pathway around which to plan a new delivery strategy.</p>","PeriodicalId":37420,"journal":{"name":"IPPR Progressive Review","volume":"31 3","pages":"187-196"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2024-12-11","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"IPPR Progressive Review","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q4","JCRName":"Social Sciences","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


While other sectors of the UK economy have made some progress in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions1 since 1990, the transport sector, taken to include both air and surface modes as well as domestic and international movements from the UK, has yet to do so (figure 1). In 2019, emissions were 11 per cent above 1990 levels compared to the 53 per cent reduction achieved by the rest of the economic sectors.2 Emissions from transport finally fell below the baseline level in 2020, due to the impacts on travel activity posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, only to bounce back again since. The latest figures (2023) show transport, including international movements, standing at 151 MtCO2e, essentially still at the 1990 baseline.

Without some specific policy instruments used over recent decades, the situation would have been even worse. The mandatory CO2 vehicle emissions performance standards for cars and vans since 20094 and the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation since 20085 brought continuous attention to the carbon intensity of the light duty vehicle fleet in use. However, the benefits achieved by these efforts have been more than negated by the cumulative impact of a combination of trends, many of which still prevail today. These include discrepancies between vehicle test-cycle and real-world performance, the growth in the size and weight of new cars, the slow uptake of pure battery electric vehicles, the increase in light goods vehicles (or ‘van’) traffic, minimal progress in efficiency improvements in heavy goods vehicles, and the immense rise in air passenger demand.

Thus, any discussion of UK transport decarbonisation pathways must begin with the hard truth that the sector's entire emissions reduction challenge will have to be achieved in less than half the allotted 60-year period set down by the UK Climate Change Act to achieve ‘net zero’ (1990-2050). In this next phase, the easier wins already secured in the rest of the economy will no longer be available to compensate for transport's failure. Any limited carbon sequestration options that may come online to allow the UK to still emit greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 (as defines the ‘net’ aspect of the target) are reserved for aviation in this sector; therefore, all surface transport modes must achieve ‘absolute zero’ emissions.6

Consequently, accounting for 36 per cent of UK emissions in 2023, if transport decarbonisation fails, net zero will also fail. Moreover, 2030 is the year designated by the UK for its legally-binding nationally determined contribution (NDC) towards meeting the UN goal under the Paris Agreement. This requires at least a 68 per cent fall in territorial emissions7 which translates into a quadrupling of the rate of emissions reductions outside of the power sector.8 A radically different decarbonisation pathway for transport is now an imperative to start to make deep cuts over the next half a decade. But what might this consist of and is it achievable?

First, we must understand why the official pathway set out by the UK government needs urgent reorientation. UK pathways are set by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) and are responded to in government strategy documents. The response so far to transport's consistent failure to meet its targets has not, however, been to change the approach to achieving them, but to downscale the ambition for the sector.

In July 2021, the Department for Transport (DfT), published its first Transport Decarbonisation Plan (TDP).9 This presented a set of upper and lower pathways for domestic transport, the most ambitious of which went further than the CCC's ‘Balanced Pathway’. Just a few months later, these ambitions were downscaled in the Net Zero Strategy (NZS)10 and reduced even further just 18 months later in the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (CBDP),11 by which time 72 per cent of the potential ambition set out in the TDP had disappeared.12 In May 2024, the CBDP was subject to a legal challenge. This is perhaps no surprise given it was itself the product of a legal challenge to the NZS, which was deemed unlawful on the grounds of not having a robust set of delivery plans and proposals. Another revised plan must now be produced by May 2025 which quantifies and reduces this delivery risk.

Transport has been identified as the sector with the largest gap between polices that are firmly in place and the decarbonisation required to meet the CCC's fifth carbon budget (to 2032). One assessment concluded that transport accounts for 70 per cent of all UK emissions not yet covered by any policy at all.13 This equates to 97 MtCO2e of cumulative carbon savings between 2024 and 2032, to be achieved through measures not yet in consultation or even suggested as an ambition, whilst also assuming that all of the confirmed policies reach their full potential. In separate analysis, Marsden compared the CBDP and the CCC sixth carbon budget (to 2037) and found a 182MtC cumulative overshoot for the domestic sector alone, even if the ambitious zero-emissions vehicle mandate (ZEV – see below) and some other confirmed small behaviour change initiatives are fully realised.14 Marsden stresses that this is equivalent to 10 years’ worth of road-travel carbon reductions resulting from the activity suppressed during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Both analyses add to a substantial body of work that has consistently found confirmed policies to be grossly inadequate compared to a carbon budget apportioned to local, regional, sub-national and national UK contexts. It is striking that, despite adopting different methodologies, carbon budget periods, geographical and temporal scales and system boundaries, these studies still arrive at essentially the same unequivocally consistent conclusions: car use will have to be massively reduced even with ambitious electrification. Hopkinson et al's comparison of a set of distinct modelling analyses prior to 2020 found an average total car mileage reduction of at least 20 per cent below ~2019 levels would be necessary by 2030.15 Given that around half the time has already elapsed since the baseline year used by these studies, but car mileage remains only slightly lower and EV uptake slower than expected,16 we can assume that this would now translate into at least a 50 per cent drop.

Given this imperative to achieve such dramatic reductions in car CO2 emissions in the near term, the remainder of this paper considers what a transport decarbonisation pathway would look like if this level of demand reduction was included in the revised UK strategy to be adopted by May 2025.

The aggressive favouring of electrification of passenger cars as the central solution is already adopted in UK policy, as in most developed economies. The ZEV, requiring vehicle manufacturers to sell an increasing proportion of electric vehicles (EVs) each year, ratcheting up to 100 per cent by 2035, accounts for 80 per cent (113 MtCO2e) of the domestic transport sector's confirmed policy to 2032.17 In the first year of application, manufacturers are already requesting more support to help reach their targets. Consequently, the size of the aforementioned policy gap is a likely underestimate as it assumes savings from confirmed policies would be delivered in full on a cumulative basis. Planning for underachievement until such times as the sales of EVs are firmly on the required trajectory would be an application of the precautionary principle that has been absent from the governance of transport decarbonisation, despite its track record of delivery failure.

Given the ZEV already represents the fastest possible rate of EV uptake deemed commercially, practically and politically achievable,18 any remaining technological improvements must be secured from the non-battery-electric-vehicle car fleet. Success depends on the rate of new car efficiency improvements between now and when they are banned from sale,19 as well as the overall scrappage rate. Having reduced slightly year-on-year for over a decade, average tailpipe emissions from petrol, diesel and non-plug-in hybrid vehicles began increasing from around 2017, although petrol variants have recently stabilised.20 In large part this is due to the increasing size and weight of cars. The SUV (‘sports utility vehicle’) is now the most popular passenger vehicle, making up 60 per cent of UK new car registrations in 2023. This is up from ‘just’ 50 per cent in 2021 and, if this trend continues, would mean SUVs could represent 75 per cent of new registrations in 2027.21 More than four-fifths of these are petrol, diesel, hybrids or plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) which, on average, produce 20 per cent more emissions than an average medium-sized car.

This amounts to significant additional emissions over the next 15 or more years, as these cars remain a high proportion of the fleet, particularly as new cars are being seen to last longer in use.22 EVs are included in the trend towards increased size and weight, and their larger energy demands may prevent the renewable electricity system from expanding at the pace assumed in many models.23 There are also wider material impacts involved in this ‘mobesity’ epidemic, including land use, health, safety and monetary resources.24

So, one clear option on the ‘supply side’ is to begin restricting the sale of the most carbon-intensive cars immediately. Nowhere has yet to restrict these vehicles from entering a fleet through regulation. However, there are attempts to disincentivise their uptake, such France and Norway's weight-based motoring taxes, or Paris where parking fees for SUVs have recently tripled. The more that the size and weight of cars can be reduced, the less people will have to have their car use constrained through pricing or physical restrictions, although the latter would still be necessary according to modelled scenarios with both of these measures and more.25 When this trade-off was put to members of the Climate Assembly UK (CAUK), ‘quickly stop selling the most polluting cars’ gained the most first preference votes – 86 per cent said they were generally in agreement with it, second only to increased investment in public transport.26

Unlike the CAUK recommendation to improve public transport, however, a restriction on new car sales has not entered policy discussions. In the first budget of the recently elected Labour government (October 2024), circulation taxes27 were increased in the first year based on tailpipe emissions, especially for the largest luxury variants.28 But most significantly, unlike the devolved regions of Scotland and Wales, there is as yet no explicit target to reduce car distance travelled in accordance with carbon budget constraints. Labour's first budget showed little indication that this is being considered, having prolonged a freeze in fuel duty escalations and maintained a five pence per litre reduction, even at a time when fuel costs are relatively low.

All of this is not to say that there is no attention at all on modal shift. DfT's transport decarbonisation plan contained nearly 80 ‘commitments’, including reiteration of targets for buses and active travel (to have 50 per cent of trips in towns and cities walked, wheeled, or cycled by 2030). These are already off track, but have nevertheless been adopted by the new administration. There are, however, two major flaws with the dominant approach to mode shift.

The first is that, on their own, improvements in public transport patronage, walking and cycling will only substitute for car trips at the very margins of what is required. Places with high levels of cycling tend to have low levels of public transport (eg Copenhagen and Amsterdam) and vice versa (eg Vienna, Zurich, Madrid and London).29 Very strong evidence shows that effective reductions in car travel happen only when improvements to alternatives are coupled with restrictions to car use with pricing, road closures and parking restrictions.30 The few examples of places that have successfully reduced car use have implemented some form of charging measure, such as a congestion charge, low emissions zone or workplace parking levy.31 Even where public transport has been made free at the point of use, or fares markedly lowered, car trip substitution has been found to be minimal, with most coming from trips that had been previously walked or cycled.32

The second major flaw is the focus on the share of car trips rather than car miles that could theoretically be shifted to alternative modes. In an extensive analysis breaking down the source of emissions from personal transport across different distance bands and modes of transport (including air), Wadud et al present the astounding statistic that only 2.7 per cent of UK personal travel journeys are for long distance travel (>50 miles one-way), but they account for 61.3 per cent of the miles and 69.3 per cent of the CO2e emissions from passenger travel.33 Yet, virtually all attention on demand management is on the large proportion of short car trips (eg 53 per cent < four miles). Such statistics are repeated often and with vigour to claim huge opportunity for carbon reductions through mode shift. Wadud et al's analysis, however, shows that even if all the 74 per cent of car trips under eight miles were switched to zero-emissions active modes, this would only reduce emissions from the total transport sector by 9.3 per cent. By contrast, if all the car trips over 50 miles were shifted to rail, representing less than 2 per cent of all trips undertaken, the sector's emissions would reduce by 5.2 per cent.

In addition to a lack of concurrent car restraint measures, the above statistics explain why so called ‘good practice’ largely falls down when examined from a decarbonisation perspective. For instance, ‘Dutch levels of cycling’ – where alternatives to the car for local journeys, particularly cycling, appear to be the default – are often cited as a key aspiration to contribute to climate objectives. 29 per cent of all trips in the Netherlands are by bicycle, compared to less than 2 per cent in the UK. Yet, average per capita annual car driver mileage in the Netherlands in 2019 was almost double that of England.34 Consequently, despite the fact that UK residents fly more on average, per capita average carbon emissions from transport are almost equivalent in the two countries (figure 2). Put simply, this is due to a lack of restrictions or disincentives to own and use cars in the Netherlands, coupled with the distances travelled on longer journeys, especially for leisure and business.

On the face of it, it should be possible to target a small percentage of longer car trips much more rapidly than it would be to reach three quarters of them that are short. This would involve a reorientation of focus away from the relatively short distance commute trips, towards discretionary leisure activities and family visits. These are not only more challenging to provide public transport services for, given their fragmented temporal and spatial patterning, but are more politically sensitive. There is also very little evidence on what works in this domain. During the summer of 2022, unlimited travel on regional rail, trams and buses was offered in Germany for nine euros a month. Almost half the population took up this opportunity and rail patronage was significantly increased, especially in rural areas and at weekends. However, Quinio36 found that the trips were largely additional rather than substitutions for car use. It is unclear, though, what would have happened if the scheme had been sustained over a longer period, or if it had been coupled with an increase in the price of car use.

The policy focus probably needs to be somewhere between these very short and the longest trips, targeting medium distance trips (between 10 and 30km) that are too long for active travel but are still undertaken on a regular basis.37 These would require investment in rapid transit systems including trams, express buses and rail. E-bikes could be a new and important mode. Philips et al. use spatial micro-simulation to estimate the maximum capability to reduce emissions by substituting private car travel for e-bike in England.38 They estimate this capacity would translate into a reduction of 16 MTCO2 over and above conventional walking and cycling, greatest in rural areas and the urban fringe. This would require a shift in investment towards long distance cycle networks and bike sharing schemes, away from urban centres where they tend to be focused today. However, once again the real-world evidence is revealing that, in the absence of strong car-restraint policies, e-bikes may tend to substitute for conventional bike use rather than the car for many journeys, particularly leisure.39

The attempt to alter some of the longer distance trips to become medium or shorter distance trips through destination shifting is also part of the solution, including for leisure trips. As Mitchell et al emphasise: “Long-term development planning cannot solve the carbon problem given the imperative for action before the end of the decade. However, it does have to be ready with projects and proposals which align with the actions which will have been taken to accelerate decarbonisation.”40 Another route to car use reduction, aside from mode switching, is to increase occupancy of cars. Average car occupancy has fallen over the past decade from an average of 1.6 to 1.5 people per vehicle.41 At the same time, the number of cars per capita has increased, meaning that each car is being utilised less and less.42 34 per cent of cars do not go out on any given day and only 14 per cent of all cars in the fleet are on the move during the busiest evening weekday peak hour (pre-Covid-19).43 Transport policy is delivering neither on its economic nor its environmental promise.

Despite the transport sector's consistent track record of failing to meet its decarbonisation targets, the approach to the problem remains the same as it has always been: to swap out the fossil fuels in the system with electricity or some form of alternative, including synthetic, liquid fuels. Yet, we are left with little doubt that for transport to pull its weight towards the 2030 nationally binding contribution, and beyond, we need a wholescale shift in what is deemed important to focus on.

On the supply side, the focus on EVs must be rebalanced with a renewed focus on the tailpipe emissions of the approximately eight million new ICE vehicles that will still be sold into the UK market by 2030 and will still be in circulation until well into the 2040s. This requires immediate restrictions on the size and weight of cars that can be sold into the UK car market. Without this, much deeper cuts in car use will be required. The weight of EVs as well as ICEs must also be considered as a target for policy, given the system-wide energy demand implications of the larger battery requirements.

On the demand side, almost all attention to ‘behaviour change’ and mode shift in policy will result in marginal carbon savings at best. There is an urgent need for the dominant thinking about how to reduce car use needs to be turned on its head. Reductions in car use have and will only materialise if improvements to the alternatives are coupled with restrictions in the form of parking, pricing or road space reallocation. There is no alternative to this. The evidence is clear that even making a public transport system free will not make a dent in car use on its own. Secondly, the conventional focus on short, mainly urban trips, often narrowly focused on the commute and the journey to school, will only serve to maintain the status quo if longer distance car trips are not also meaningfully discouraged and catered for by alternative means, including encouraging shorter trips through destination shifting. There must be a focus on where the carbon is actually generated and what holds car ownership and use in place. Therefore, we cannot decarbonise transport without making changes in these predominantly leisure and family-oriented activities. The reality is, there are no good examples of where these longer-range car trips have been shifted to other modes or reconfigured to become shorter journeys at scale. This is where the new frontier is for transport decarbonisation over the next decade.

Given the scale of this challenge, planning for failure and exploring the synergies between concurrent adaptation and mitigation options, to create both a flexible, resilient as well as lower carbon system, would seem to be the only true meaningful pathway around which to plan a new delivery strategy.

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在另一项分析中,Marsden 比较了 CBDP 和 CCC 第六次碳预算(至 2037 年),发现即使雄心勃勃的零排放汽车授权(ZEV--见下文)和其他一些已确认的小规模行为改变措施得到充分实现,仅国内部门就有 1.82 亿吨碳的累计超额排放14。马斯登强调,这相当于 10 年的道路交通碳减排量,而这些减排量来自于 Covid-19 封锁期间被压制的活动。这两项分析都是对大量工作的补充,这些工作一致发现,与英国地方、区域、次国家和国家范围内的碳预算相比,已确认的政策严重不足。值得注意的是,尽管采用了不同的方法、碳预算期、地理和时间尺度以及系统边界,这些研究仍然得出了基本一致的明确结论:即使实现了雄心勃勃的电气化,也必须大幅减少汽车的使用。霍普金森等人对 2020 年前的一系列不同建模分析进行比较后发现,到 2030 年,平均汽车总里程数必须比约 2019 年的水平至少减少 20%。15 鉴于自这些研究使用的基准年以来,时间已经过去了一半左右,但汽车里程数仍然只是略有下降,电动汽车的普及速度也比预期的要慢,16 我们可以假设,现在至少要下降 50%。鉴于在短期内实现汽车二氧化碳排放量的大幅减少势在必行,本文的其余部分将探讨如果在 2025 年 5 月之前通过的英国修订战略中包括这种需求减少水平,那么交通脱碳的途径将会是怎样的。ZEV 要求汽车制造商每年销售越来越多的电动汽车 (EV),到 2035 年达到 100%,占到 2032 年国内交通部门确认政策的 80%(1.13 亿吨 CO2e)。因此,上述政策缺口的规模很可能被低估了,因为它假定已确认政策的减排量将在累积的基础上全部实现。在电动汽车的销售稳固步入所需的轨道之前,对未实现目标进行规划将是对预防原则的应用,尽管该原则在交通去碳化的治理中一直缺乏失败的记录。鉴于 ZEV 已代表了商业、实践和政治上可实现的最快电动汽车普及率,18 任何剩余的技术改进都必须从非电池电动汽车车队中获得。成功与否取决于从现在到禁止销售期间新车效率的提高速度19 以及整体报废率。汽油车、柴油车和非插电式混合动力车的平均尾气排放量在十多年间逐年略有减少,但从 2017 年左右开始增加,尽管汽油车的尾气排放量最近趋于稳定20 。SUV ("运动型多用途车")目前是最受欢迎的乘用车,2023 年将占英国新车注册量的 60%。21 其中五分之四以上是汽油车、柴油车、混合动力车或插电式混合动力车 (PHEV),它们的平均排放量比普通中型车高 20%。这意味着在未来 15 年或更长时间内,由于这些汽车在车队中所占比例仍然很高,特别是新车的使用时间更长,排放量将大幅增加。电动汽车的尺寸和重量都有增加的趋势,其较大的能源需求可能会阻碍可再生电力系统以许多模型中假设的速度扩展。23 这种 "流动性 "流行病还涉及更广泛的物质影响,包括土地使用、健康、安全和货币资源。24 因此,"供应方 "的一个明确选择是立即开始限制销售碳密集度最高的汽车。目前还没有任何地方通过法规限制这些车辆进入车队。不过,也有人试图抑制这些车辆的使用,如法国和挪威基于重量征收汽车税,巴黎最近也将 SUV 的停车费提高了三倍。 汽车的尺寸和重量减小得越多,人们就越少需要通过价格或物理限制来限制汽车的使用,尽管根据模型情景,后者仍然是必要的,但这两种措施都有。英国气候大会 (CAUK) 成员在权衡利弊时,"尽快停止销售污染最严重的汽车 "获得了最多的第一选票--86% 的人表示基本同意,仅次于增加公共交通投资26。在新近当选的工党政府的第一份预算(2024 年 10 月)中,第一年就根据尾气排放增加了汽车流通税27 ,尤其是针对最大的豪华车型。28 但最重要的是,与苏格兰和威尔士的分权地区不同,目前还没有根据碳预算限制减少汽车行驶距离的明确目标。工党的第一份预算几乎没有迹象表明工党正在考虑这个问题,工党延长了燃油税的冻结期,并维持了每升 5 便士的降幅,即使在燃油成本相对较低的情况下也是如此。英国交通部的交通脱碳计划包含近 80 项 "承诺",其中包括重申公共汽车和积极出行的目标(到 2030 年,城镇中 50% 的出行将通过步行、轮椅或自行车完成)。这些目标已经偏离了轨道,但还是被新政府采纳了。首先,公共交通乘客量、步行和骑自行车的改善本身只能在所需范围的边缘替代汽车出行。29 非常有力的证据表明,只有在通过定价、道路封闭和停车限制等措施限制汽车使用的同时,改善替代出行方式,才能有效减少汽车出行。31 即使在公共交通免费或票价明显降低的地方,汽车出行的替代作用也微乎其微,大部分都来自于以前步行或骑自行车的出行。32 第二个主要缺陷是只关注汽车出行的比例,而不是理论上可以转移到替代模式的汽车里程数。瓦杜德 (Wadud) 等人对不同距离段和不同交通方式(包括航空)的个人交通排放源进行了广泛分析,提出了一个令人震惊的统计数据:在英国个人旅行中,只有 2.7% 是长途旅行(单程 50 英里),但却占了 61.3% 的里程数和 69.3% 的乘客旅行二氧化碳排放量。人们经常大力重复这些统计数据,声称通过模式转换可以带来巨大的碳减排机会。然而,瓦杜德等人的分析表明,即使所有 8 英里以下的 74% 汽车出行都转为零排放的主动模式,也只能使整个交通部门的排放量减少 9.3%。相比之下,如果所有 50 英里以上的汽车出行都转为铁路出行(占所有出行的比例不到 2%),那么交通部门的排放量将减少 5.2%。除了缺乏同步的汽车限制措施外,上述统计数据还解释了为什么从脱碳的角度来看,所谓的 "良好实践 "在很大程度上是失败的。例如,"荷兰的自行车出行水平"--即在当地出行时不使用汽车,特别是骑自行车--经常被作为实现气候目标的一个重要愿望。在荷兰,29% 的出行是骑自行车,而在英国,这一比例还不到 2%。34 因此,尽管英国居民平均乘坐飞机更多,但两国人均交通碳排放量几乎相当(图 2)。简单地说,这是由于荷兰缺乏对拥有和使用汽车的限制或抑制,再加上长途旅行的距离,尤其是休闲和商务旅行。 其次,如果不通过其他方式,包括通过目的地转移来鼓励短途旅行,有意义地阻止和满足较长距离的汽车旅行,那么传统上对短途旅行,主要是城市旅行的关注,往往狭隘地集中在通勤和上学途中,只能维持现状。我们必须关注实际产生碳的地方,以及是什么在支撑着汽车的拥有和使用。因此,如果不改变这些以休闲和家庭为主的活动,我们就无法实现交通脱碳。现实情况是,目前还没有很好的例子表明,这些较长距离的汽车出行已被转移到其他方式,或被重新配置为大规模的短途出行。考虑到这一挑战的规模,规划失败并探索同时适应和减缓方案之间的协同作用,以创建一个灵活、有弹性和低碳的系统,似乎是规划新交付战略的唯一真正有意义的途径。
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IPPR Progressive Review
IPPR Progressive Review Social Sciences-Political Science and International Relations
期刊介绍: The permafrost of no alternatives has cracked; the horizon of political possibilities is expanding. IPPR Progressive Review is a pluralistic space to debate where next for progressives, examine the opportunities and challenges confronting us and ask the big questions facing our politics: transforming a failed economic model, renewing a frayed social contract, building a new relationship with Europe. Publishing the best writing in economics, politics and culture, IPPR Progressive Review explores how we can best build a more equal, humane and prosperous society.
Issue Information Decarbonisation pathways for UK transport Disabled people's access needs in transport decarbonisation Transport's role in creating a fairer, healthier country Editorial
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