Liver abscess is a common clinical condition caused by bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections, usually due to immunosuppression. In contrast, secondary liver abscesses are caused by specific factors such as foreign bodies, tumours, or appendicitis.
We admitted a patient with secondary liver abscess and found an intrahepatic foreign body after interventional drainage. Initially, a foreign body of medical origin was suspected, but after a multidisciplinary consultation, it was determined to be caused by a foodborne foreign body. Laparoscopic surgery was then chosen as the treatment.
The liver abscess was caused by an alimentary foreign body, and the intrahepatic foreign body was identified as a fish bone measuring approximately 2.5 cm in length.
Upon diagnosing either primary or secondary liver abscess, aggressive treatment of the abscess focus is essential. However, in cases of secondary liver abscess, addressing and removing the underlying cause is necessary for complete resolution. For patients with a previously healthy liver, comprehensive history-taking is crucial, and imaging studies play a significant role in diagnosis and treatment. Clinicians and radiologists should be vigilant for the possibility of foreign bodies, tumours, or unexpected intra-abdominal inflammation, regardless of the patient's history. When dealing with food-borne foreign bodies, endoscopic intervention should be considered first, followed by laparoscopy, and as a last resort, open surgery.
The diagnosis and treatment of liver abscess in clinical practice require a complete medical history and thorough imaging examinations. Ultrasound, as the initial imaging modality, allows real-time and dynamic observation of lesions. It is essential for ultrasonologists to consider the possibility of foreign body-induced liver abscess when diagnosing patients with liver abscess.